Залпы из тяжелых орудий слышны в нескольких районах Донецка

Залпы из тяжелых орудий слышны в нескольких районах Донецка

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Мужчина у горящего дома в Петровском районе Донецка. Архивное фото
© AP Photo/ Mstislav Chernov
КИЕВ, 31 авг — РИА Новости. Жители украинского Донецка сообщают, что в четырех районах города слышны залпы из тяжелых орудий, сообщает в воскресенье городской совет.
Ополченец ДНР на рынке в Донецке после обстрела. Архивное фото
© AP Photo/ Mstislav Chernov
"По состоянию на 13:00 (14:00 мск), по сообщениям горожан, в Буденновском, Ворошиловском, Ленинском и Кировском районах Донецка слышны залпы из тяжелых орудий", — говорится в сообщении.
В Киевском и некоторых частях Ворошиловского района отсутствует водоснабжение — обесточен Северный водопроводный узел коммунального предприятия "Донецкгорводоканал".
"В первой половине дня аварийными бригадами восстановлено энергоснабжение 11 из 56 трансформаторных подстанций в Киевском районе, которые были обесточены после артобстрела в ночь с 30 на 31 августа. В Петровском районе к электроснабжению подключены поселок шахты 29 и 1 350 домов частного сектора микрорайона Базарный", — сообщают местные власти. Ремонтные работы на сетях электроснабжения продолжаются.
Армия Донецкой народной республики 24 августа начала наступление в южном направлении и планирует взять под контроль Мариуполь на юге Донецкой области. Премьер ДНР Александр Захарченко заявлял, что Мариуполь находится в частичной блокаде, ополчение взяло город в полукольцо. В настоящий момент ДНР планирует новое масштабное наступление.
Киевские власти с апреля проводят на востоке Украины силовую операцию, направленную против недовольных февральским госпереворотом жителей Донбасса. По информации ООН, жертвами конфликта на Украине за период с середины апреля по 27 августа стали почти 2,6 тысячи человек, порядка 6 тысяч ранены.

Что происходит на Украине и в Новороссии

Киевские власти с апреля проводят на востоке Украины силовую операцию, направленную против недовольных февральским госпереворотом жителей Донбасса. По последней информации ООН, с середины апреля на Украине убиты более двух с половиной тысяч мирных жителей, около шести тысяч ранены. О развитии конфликта на юго-востоке Украины читайте в хронике РИА Новости >>
Развитие событий на Украине и в Новороссии: последняя информация, фото и видео с места, реакция и комментарии — в онлайн-репортаже РИА Новости >>
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Залпы из тяжелых орудий слышны в нескольких районах Донецка

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О залпах сообщают местные жители. В Киевском и некоторых частях Ворошиловского районаотсутствует водоснабжение - обесточен Северный водопроводный узел коммунального предприятия "Донецкгорводоканал".

Латвия заявила, что не является активным сторонником санкций против РФ

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В санкциях не заинтересован никто, но ЕС хочет показать Москве свою позицию в связи с ситуацией на Украине, заявила премьер-министр республики Лаймдота Страуюма.

Виртуальная война: ВВС опровергает окружение Мариуполя и реляции украинского командования

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Украинский Мариуполь стал ареной "интернет-войны" между сепаратистами и украинскими военными: российские агентства растиражировали сообщения об окружении прибрежного города, а украинский Совет нацбезопасности (СНБО) объявил, что атака российских военных, захвативших приграничный Новоазовск, "захлебнулась".

Путин едет на Урал, Дальний Восток и в Сибирь

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В ходе рабочей поездки президент посетит церемонию закрытия чемпионата мира по дзюдо, затем встретится со студентами в Якутске и проведет совещание о мерах поддержки Дальнего Востока. Там же он соединит первое звено газопровода "Сила Сибири", который должен обеспечить поставки российского газа в Китай. В Амурской области он проверит дорогу Чита-Хабаровск, по которой ездил на желтой "Калине".

Песков разъяснил: Путин призывает к внутриукраинскому диалогу, о государстве "Новороссия" речи не идет

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Отвечая на вопрос, должна ли "Новороссия" остаться в составе Украины, и должна ли Украина решать вопрос о ее статусе, Песков сказал: "Конечно, только Украина может договориться с Новороссией". И именно это имел в виду президент. 

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Путин рассказал о договоренности с Порошенко по мирному разрешению конфликта

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Президент России Владимир Путин рассказал о договоренности с украинским лидером Петром Порошенко по мирному разрешению ситуации на востоке страны. По его словам, «это очень хороший урок для нас всех, для того, чтобы эту трагедию закончить как можно быстрее, причем мирным путем и путем переговоров».

Путин договорился с Порошенко о мирном разрешении конфликта

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Президент РФ Владимир Путин заявил, что договорился с Петром Порошенко о том, что ситуация на Украине будет разрешена мирно, путем переговоров.

EU leaders try to defuse Ukraine crisis as fears over war grow

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Warnings that Putin decision to send troops and armour risks spiralling into all-out conflict
European leaders gathered in Brussels on Saturday night to wrestle with how to get a failing policy on Ukraine back on track, amid fears that Vladimir Putin's campaign in the east of the country could spiral into full-scale war.
The summit was formally called to wrangle over who should get the top jobs in the EU for the next five years, but emergency meetings between Ukraine's president, Petro Poroshenko, and European leaders underlined how the gathering was hijacked by fears of war on the EU's eastern flank.
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Ukraine Says Russian Escalation Could Lead to 'Full-Scale War' - Newsweek

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Ukraine Says Russian Escalation Could Lead to 'Full-Scale War'
The European Union has threatened to launch a fresh round of sanctions against Russia in response to ongoing aggressive military action in eastern Ukraine. The Russian invasion of eastern Ukraine marks a "point of no return" and risks a "state of war ...

EU gives Russia new sanctions ultimatum 

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European Union tells Vladimir Putin - one week to scale back intervention in Ukraine or face further sanctions

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EU set to tighten Russia sanctions 'within a week' - BBC News

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BBC News

EU set to tighten Russia sanctions 'within a week'
BBC News
The European Union has given Russia one week to reverse course in Ukraine or face new sanctions. European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said the EU was working urgently on further restrictive measures. Earlier, Ukrainian President Petro ...

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ЕС взял неделю на подготовку новых санкций против России - BBC Russian

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РИА Новости

ЕС взял неделю на подготовку новых санкций против России
BBC Russian
Новые экономические санкции в отношении России в связи с ситуацией вокруг Украины будут подготовлены в течение недели, объявило руководство Евросоюза по завершении саммита в Брюсселе. На саммите было заявлено, что конфликт на Украине "подошел к точке невозврата".
Евросоюз в течение недели подготовит проект новых санкций против РоссииРадиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ
Премьер: Словакия может заблокировать новые санкции ЕС против РоссииВзгляд
Еврокомиссия предложит новые санкции против России в течение неделиНТВ.ru
Lenta.ru -Подробности -РБК
Все похожие статьи: 320 »

Fears of massacre after accusations Russians reneged on safe passage for rebels 

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Ukrainian forces said pro-Putin forces went back on a promise to allow them to leave encircled town

Moscow Views Donetsk and Luhansk as Surety Against Ukraine Joining NATO, Lukin Says 

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Staunton, August 31 – Vladimir Lukin, former Russian ambassador to the United States and human rights ombudsman, says that Vladimir Putin will use the amount of force necessary in eastern Ukraine to convince Kyiv that it cannot win and use the ensuing federalization of Ukraine as a means of blocking that country’s joining NATO.

Lukin told Marat Gelman
, a Russian commentator, that Moscow will then insist on the federalization so that in any referendum on joining the Western alliance, each region would have the chance to vote separately, that Donetsk and Luhansk would vote against, and that they could thus end Ukraine’s existence in its current borders if Kyiv went ahead.
“No one in the Kremlin needs Donetsk, Luhansk or Novorossiya” for itself, Lukin says. “To get the Donbass and lose Ukraine would be a defeat for the Kremlin.” Indeed, in that event, “it would have been better not to have begun” all this. And consequently, Moscow will introduce just enough force to force Kyiv to negotiate on Russia’s terms.
Asked how anyone in Moscow could think that Russia has not lost Ukraine given the current level of hatred, Lukin responded by asking a series of rhetorical questions: “And how did the French come to terms with the English after the 100 Years War? And how did the Russians with the Germans?”
People in Moscow, he insists, are “thinking in large blocks of time.” What seems impossible now may seem natural in 50 years. Moreover, he continues, no one in Moscow is worried about the constitution. “What constitution? No one intends to look at a piece of paper when history is being made.”
Asked why Moscow has dispatched its own forces into Ukraine, Lukin says that people need to “forget about” Donetsk and Luhansk. “The task is to explain to Poroshenko that he cannot win. Ever.” And Russia will introduce forces sufficient to force him or his successors whom Moscow may be able to install to recognize that reality.
Moscow will leave Donetsk and Luhansk inside Ukraine as sureties against Ukraine’s joining NATO. Under the federalization Moscow will insist on, each region will be able to vote on any decision to join a bloc, and thus Kyiv will face the Hobson’s choice of joining NATO with a smaller country or remaining outside of it with its current borders intact.
Lukin says that he doesn’t see EU membership for Ukraine as a problem as long as it takes place in a “synchronous” fashion with Russia’s relationship with Europe. “Putin,” he insists, “is the first European here.” The Kremlin leader doesn’t want to integrate with any other group besides Europe.
With regard to the United States, Lukin continues, Putin is “ignoring Obama,” but he doesn’t want to push things so far that the Republicans will win in the coming elections. “He needs Hillary [Clinton]. But in Europe we will not get into an argument with anyone.”
Asked how long this conflict will last, Lukin says there is no reason to think it will end soon. But Russia isn’t going anywhere. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has reason to hurry but Putin doesn’t. “In general,” he adds, Moscow would like “as an ideal” outcome “to return everything to where it was “under Yanukovych but without Yanukovych.”
Any fighting will reflect “the false certainty of the Ukrainians that they can win.” When it becomes obvious that they can’t, Lukin says, then a settlement will be reached on Moscow’s terms. He suggests that that end point is not so far off and that “the most active in a military sense stage has already passed.”
In presenting this interview, Gelman offers his own bitter observations: The Kremlin is violating the Russian constitution in Ukraine and consequently “any succeeding group of authorities [in Russia] can begin a judicial process against all those who are involved in this.” There will be plenty of evidence for them to use.
“This means,” Gelman says, “that Putin will seek to remain in power forever” or that if he does pass power on to a successor, it will be someone like Sergei Shoigu who has also “violated the constitution” and thus is implicated as well. That means that “no electoral activity has any sense, nor do legal parties” and that those in power will never give up power peacefully.
And that in turn means, whatever happens in Ukraine that Russia faces a horrific choice in the future: “either Putin eternally or blood in the streets.”
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Russia and economic warfare: RIP the free market new world order | Larry Elliott 

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Russia faces damaging economic sanctions, but this also brings down the final curtain on capitalism's apparent victory in 1989
It is a quarter of a century since the Berlin Wall came down. The cold war was eventually won by superior western economic power and a new era began once the communist regime collapsed in the Soviet Union and the two halves of Germany were reunited.
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Ukraine says Russian tanks flatten town; EU to threaten more sanctions

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KIEV/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Ukraine said Russian tanks had flattened a small border town and pro-Russian rebels had made fresh gains in its east, as EU leaders signaled on Saturday they would threaten more sanctions against Moscow over the crisis.


EU Vows More Russia Sanctions If War in Ukraine Worsens - Businessweek

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EU Vows More Russia Sanctions If War in Ukraine Worsens
Residents of Mariupol dig trenches and make fortifications with sandbags as they assist Ukrainian troops in organising their defence on the outskirts of the southern Ukrainian city on Aug. 29, 2014. Photographer: Alexander Khudoteply/AFP via Getty Images.
Ukraine and Russia exchange captured troopsBBC News
West rules out military action against Russia despite 'war dance' on behalf of ...Sydney Morning Herald
EU ready to impose new sanctions on Russia within one weekXinhua
Reuters -Zee News -Reuters UK
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EU leaders deliver sanctions ultimatum to Russia over Ukraine

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Brussels agrees to take 'further significant steps' and impose fresh sanctions if Moscow does not back down in conflict
European Union leaders have given Russia a week to reverse course in Ukraine or face a new round of sanctions as Kiev warned it was on the brink of full-scale war with Moscow.
Fears are growing that the confrontation on the EU's eastern borders could engulf the whole continent after Russia sent troops to back a new offensive by pro-Kremlin rebels in south-east Ukraine.
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Ukraine’s soldiers defend city of Mariupol amid fears of pro-Russian rebels 

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MARIUPOL, Ukraine — Soldiers fortified trenches and protesters formed a human chain Saturday to try to defend this strategic port city in southeastern Ukraine as fear spread that Russia would expand its incursion into its neighbor.
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With war under way in Ukraine, Russians don't like what little they learn - The Seattle Times

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National Post

With war under way in Ukraine, Russians don't like what little they learn
The Seattle Times
Evidence of the extent of Russian military involvement in Ukraine has been dribbling out for months. But recently it also has been leaking into Russia itself, despite an official government policy that what's happening in Ukraine is all about Ukraine. By Matthew ...
Ukraine crisis: Russian mothers of killed and captured soldiers ask 'why are our ...The Independent
Russian Politician Attacked After Investigating If Soldiers Killed In UkraineHuffington Post
Russian politician attacked in northwestern Pskov cityDaily Times
Russia Beyond the Headlines -gulfnews.com
all 107 news articles »

ISIS beheads terror chief who once guarded U.S. journalist James Foley's prison after accusing him of spying for M6

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Abu Ubaida Almaghribi (pictured), head of IS security in Aleppo, northern Syria, has been executed after fellow extremists accused him of being an MI6 agent, according to reports.

EU To Prepare Fresh Russian Sanctions

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European Council President Herman Van Rompuy says EU officials will draw up proposals for new sanctions on Russia over its action in Ukraine within a week.

US welcomes EU decision on Russia - SFGate

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US welcomes EU decision on Russia
WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States is welcoming a decision by European Union leaders to prepare tougher economic sanctions against Russia over its apparent invasion of Ukraine. National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden says the U.S. ...

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