Rebels feel they are within reach of surrounding a contingent of hundreds of Ukrainian troops dug into Debaltseve, a crucial rail hub.

On Front Lines in Ukraine, Rebels Are Upbeat and Eager to Advance 

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Rebels feel they are within reach of surrounding a contingent of hundreds of Ukrainian troops dug into Debaltseve, a crucial rail hub.

Под Дебальцевым погиб командир "чеченского батальона" - BBC Russian

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Под Дебальцевым погиб командир "чеченского батальона"
BBC Russian
Под Дебальцево 1 февраля погиб Иса Мунаев, командир воюющего на стороне украинских властей "батальона имени Джохара Дудаева". О его смерти сообщила пресс-офицер батальона. В заявлении пресс-офицера говорится, что Иса Мунаев погиб от артиллерийского огня ...
В Дебальцеве убит «бригадный генерал Ичкерии» МунаевНТВ.ru
Батальон имени Джохара Дудаева просит Киев наградить Ису МунаеваLife News
Погиб комбат чеченских террористов, воевавший в Донбассе на стороне украинских бандформированийНакануне.RU
Грани.Ру -Версии.сом -Ридус
Все похожие статьи: 81 »

Украина-РФ: о сложностях дипломатических переговоров

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Комментарий Вадима Пристайко, заместителя министра иностранных дел Украины Originally published at -
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Time: 02:27More in News & Politics

Russia Update: Chechen Brig. Gen. Isa Munayev Killed in Battle Fighting for Ukraine 

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Welcome to our column, Russia Update, where we will be closely following day-to-day developments in Russia, including the Russian government’s foreign and domestic policies.
Please help The Interpreter to continue providing this valuable information service by making a donation towards our costs‏.
Chechen Brig. Gen. Isa Munayev, 50, was killed in battle fighting for Ukraine at Debaltsevo.

Rebels Pound Ukrainian Troops After Peace Talks Fail

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Separatist rockets streaked across hills in eastern Ukraine as rebels pounded the positions of Ukrainian government troops holding a strategic rail town while both sides pressed ahead with mobilizing more forces.

Ukraine: US considers military help for Kiev as separatists plan to mobilise army

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John Kerry, US secretary of state, will use visit to Ukrainian capital to consider options amid frustration in the west at failure to find diplomatic solution
The high-stakes poker game over east Ukraine continued on Monday, with US officials floating the idea of sending lethal military assistance to the government in Kiev, while Russia-backed separatists announced a plan to mobilise a 100,000-strong army.
The US secretary of state, John Kerry, is due in Kiev on Thursday, and while no major announcements are expected this week he will use the visit to take the temperature in the Ukrainian capital as the US administration weighs up the move.
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Russian Women Lock Lips in Photo With Anti-Gay Lawmaker | News | The Moscow Times

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Ireland drawn into 'new Cold War' as Vladimir Putin flexes muscles after ... - Belfast Telegraph

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Belfast Telegraph

Ireland drawn into 'new Cold War' as Vladimir Putin flexes muscles after ...
Belfast Telegraph
By Paul Melia, Ralph Riegel, Philip Ryan and Tom Brady – 31 January 2015. The Republic found itself at the centre of the latest muscle-flexing exercise by Vladimir Putin after Russian bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons flew past the west coast.
Ireland drawn into New Cold War as Putin flexes musclesIrish Independent

all 3 news articles »

Ъ - Нефть поднялась выше $50

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Стоимость европейских сортов нефти Brent и Urals закрепилась выше уровня $50 за баррель. Росту котировок способствовали сообщения о том, что в США наблюдается остановка буровых установок, что приведет к снижению объемов добычи нефти в стране. Участники валютного рынка слабо отреагировали на рост нефтяных цен: курс доллара снизился до 68,50 руб./$, евро — до 78 руб./€.
В результате роста, произошедшего в пятницу, цены на европейские сорта нефти после четырехнедельного перерыва поднялись выше уровня $50 за баррель. В понедельник стоимость североморской Brent на спот-рынке, по данным Bloomberg, закрепилась на уровне $53,55 за баррель. Это почти на 5,5% выше закрытия пятницы. Стоимость российской Urals поднялась до $53,2 за баррель. За два дня цены на европейские сорта нефти выросли на 12–14%.
Росту цен на нефть способствовали сообщения о снижении числа работающих буровых установок в США, означающее сокращение добычи в будущем. Американские нефтяные компании остановили 94 буровые установки на прошлой неделе, что стало рекордным снижением числа работающих установок, сообщила нефтесервисная компания Baker Hughes. Теперь работающих установок на 24% меньше по сравнению с рекордным количеством в октябре.
«Добыча нефти в сланцевых бассейнах непременно снизится, так как более слабые производители с повышенной себестоимостью останавливают работу. Это дает нам основание прогнозировать, что цены в этом году поднимутся, и Brent будет стоить в среднем $60 за баррель»,— говорится в отчете банка Nomura.
Повышение цен на нефть умеренно позитивно сказалось на российском валютном рынке. К 14:10 курс доллара на торгах Московской биржи опустился до отметки 68,50 руб./$, что на 1,9 руб. ниже закрытия пятницы. К 17:30 курс стабилизировался возле отметки 68,80 руб./$. Курс евро к этому времени опустился на 1,5 руб., до 78 руб./€.
Виталий Гайдаев

Почему в США падает количество работающих буровых установок
31 января энергетическая компания Chevron объявила о прекращении разведки сланцевого газа в Польше. Ранее разведку сланцевого газа в Польше также прекратили такие компании, как Exxon Mobil и Total. Тем временем в США была прекращена работа на 94 буровых установках, а за последние два месяца — на 352. При нынешних ценах на нефть добыча на некоторых американских скважинах уже перестала приносить прибыль. Читайте подробнее
Кому в России стало невыгодно добывать углеводороды
Утверждение «все экспортеры — счастливчики» верно не для всех российских компаний. Если говорить о нефтяном бизнесе, его положение лучше описывает «эффект Матфея»: когда богатые богатеют, бедные беднеют. Читайте подробнее
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Обама: Путин - плохой стратег и наносит вред России - BBC Russian

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BBC Russian

Обама: Путин - плохой стратег и наносит вред России
BBC Russian
"Путин принял это решение по поводу Крыма и Украины не в силу какого-то грандиозного стратегического плана, а потому что он был застигнут врасплох протестами на Майдане и последующим бегством Януковича после того, как при нашем посредничестве было заключено ... 
Барак Обама: Путин решил присоединить Крым, потому что его застали врасплох...Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ
Обама: Путин не готов к переговорам по украинской проблемеГрани.Ру
Обама уверен, что Путин наносит вред РоссииПодробности

Все похожие статьи: 387 »

Current Ukraine tactics can't defeat Putin - Stars and Stripes

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Kyiv Post

Current Ukraine tactics can't defeat Putin
Stars and Stripes
Russian President Vladimir Putin has in recent weeks rekindled the war in eastern Ukraine, and it's important to understand the role that Ukrainian actions have played in this. It's equally important to recognize that sanctions can't defeat Putin; they ...
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty: Protester сrashes performances of ...Kyiv Post

all 1,154 news articles »

Mr. Putin Resumes His War in Ukraine - New York Times

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New York Times

Mr. Putin Resumes His War in Ukraine
New York Times
Though the Russian economy is staggering under the twinned onslaught of low oil prices and sanctions — or, conceivably, as a result of that onslaught — President Vladimir Putin has sharply cranked up his direct support for the rebels in the provinces ...
Putin must be stopped. And sometimes only guns can stop gunsThe Guardian
Vladimir Putin's daughter identified by opponentNew York Daily News 
The forgotten link between Vladimir Putin, Ukraine and the Super BowlForbes
Boing Boing
 -The Japan Times -Washington Post (blog)
all 350 
news articles »
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Владимир Путин стал объектом восхищения в России и Египте - Московский комсомолец

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Московский комсомолец

Владимир Путин стал объектом восхищения в России и Египте
Московский комсомолец
Президент России Владимир Путин, год назад занявший третью строчку, в этом году довольствовался 11 местом. На 12 месте – миллиардер Уоррен Баффет, на 13 – актер Брэд Питт. Далее следуют Билл Клинтон, Криштиану Роналду, британский принц Уильям, Джордж Клуни, ...
Путин занял 11-е место в рейтинге обожаемых людей мираУтро.Ru
выбыл из первой десятки людей, которыми восхищается мир, пропустив вперед лидеров США, Китая, Индии и Ватикана
Министр встал на лыжи. «Зачем Австрия, когда есть Тагил?»
 Федеральное агентство новостей No.1 - Медийно-новостной портал 

Все похожие статьи: 56 »

Путин пообещал поддержку ЛУКОЙЛу в освоении новых провинций - Взгляд

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Путин пообещал поддержку ЛУКОЙЛу в освоении новых провинций
Путин обратил внимание на то, что несмотря на сложную конъюнктуру, ЛУКОЙЛ практически не остановил ни одного проекта. «За 2014 год нам удалось стабилизировать добычу нефти в Западной Сибири, идет развитие. Считаем, что в 2014 году мы заложили уникальную основу ...
Путин узнал о планах ЛУКОЙЛа и пообещал компании поддержкуНТВ.ru
пообещал поддержку новым проектам ЛУКОЙЛаРБК

Путин пообещал «Лукойлу» поддержку новых проектовВедомости 
 Вести Экономика

Все похожие статьи: 69 »

Russian roulette: Anti-corruption author dares Putin to stop him - Toronto Star

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Toronto Star

Russian roulette: Anti-corruption author dares Putin to stop him
Toronto Star
Putin maintained that Magnitsky had died of natural causes, and none of those linked to his death were punished. Outraged, Browder began a worldwide campaign against those responsible — winning a landmark set of sanctions from the U.S. Congress, ...
Red Notice: How I became Putin's No1 Enemy by Bill Browder, book review ...The Independent

all 7 news articles »

Путин узнал о планах ЛУКОЙЛа и пообещал компании поддержку - НТВ.ru

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Путин узнал о планах ЛУКОЙЛа и пообещал компании поддержку
Об этом сегодня Владимиру Путину сообщил глава компании Вагит Алекперов. На встрече в Ново-Огарёве обсуждали развитие проектов по нефтепереработке в Западной Сибири и на Каспии, а также добычу алмазов. Вагит Алекперов, глава ЛУКОЙЛа: «У нас в этом году на территории ...
Путин пообещал поддержку ЛУКОЙЛу в освоении новых провинцийВзгляд
Путин пообещал поддержку новым проектам ЛУКОЙЛаРБК
Путин пообещал «Лукойлу» поддержку новых проектовВедомости
ТАСС -Вести Экономика
Все похожие статьи: 72 »

Alexander Litvinenko inquiry hears poisoned spy saw Putin as corrupt - The Guardian

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The Guardian

Alexander Litvinenko inquiry hears poisoned spy saw Putin as corrupt
The Guardian
The poisoned spy Alexander Litvinenko met Vladimir Putin to alert him to corruption in the Russian secret service but expected nothing to come from the meeting because he believedPutin himself was corrupt, the inquiry into his murder has heard.
Putin had criminal connections says Litvinenko widowYorkshire Post
Putin 'had criminal connections'Yahoo News UK
Litvinenko believed Putin linked to organised crime - ex-KGB spy's widowDaily Mail

all 117 news articles »

Litvinenko believed Putin linked to organized crime: ex-KGB spy's widow - Reuters

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Litvinenko believed Putin linked to organized crime: ex-KGB spy's widow
Giving evidence to a public inquiry at London's High Court into the former spy's death, Marina Litvinenko said her husband had taken his concerns in 1998 to Putin, who then headed the Federal Security Service (FSB), the main successor to the Soviet-era ...
Alexander Litvinenko inquiry hears poisoned spy saw Putin as corruptThe Guardian
Litvinenko believed Putin linked to organized crimeThe Sudbury Star
Putin had criminal connections says Litvinenko widowYorkshire Post
Yahoo News UK
all 128 news articles »
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Путин призвал прекратить кровопролитие в Донбассе - Life News

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Life News

Путин призвал прекратить кровопролитие в Донбассе
Life News
Напомним, что российский лидер является последовательным сторонником мирного урегулирования конфликта на Украине. Так, 15 января президент России Владимир Путиннаправил письмо президенту Украины Петру Порошенко, в котором содержалось предложение отвести ...
Песков: Путин призывает прекратить кровопролитие на УкраинеРИА Новости
Путин обеспокоен ситуацией в ДонбассеТВ Центр - Официальный сайт телеканала
Путин призвал стороны конфликта в Донбассе прекратить боевые действияРБК
НТВ.ru -Информационное агентство России ТАСС
Все похожие статьи: 42 »

На пепелище российской науки... 

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Недальновидное реформирование фундаментальных областей знаний в связи с пожаром в Институте научной инфо...
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Time: 00:00More in News & Politics

US increasingly concerned that Russia is intent on partitioning Ukraine 

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With rebels having seized extra 200 square miles of territory, US’s leaking of talks about sending weapons to Kiev may be Obama’s way of warning Putin to back off
The public disclosure that the US is considering supplying lethal weaponry to Ukraine in its battle with Russian-backed separatists reflects heightened American concern that Moscow is intent on carving out an expanded, economically viable enclave in eastern Ukraine that could in time declare itself an independent state.
Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, pursued this policy in Georgia after the 2008 war, when he encouraged separatists in the breakaway republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia to proclaim their independence from Tbilisi. Pro-Moscow forces in Transnistria, legally part of Moldova, have taken a similar path.
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US increasingly concerned that Russia is intent on partitioning Ukraine - The Guardian

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The Guardian

US increasingly concerned that Russia is intent on partitioning Ukraine
The Guardian
A guard tries to arrest a fighter of the Ayda Ukrainian volunteer battalion, who entered the Ukrainian Defence Ministry compound in Kiev during a protest to prevent the possible disbandment of the battalion. Photograph: Sergei Supinsky/AFP/Getty.
Six Ways to Help Ukraine Resist Russia's Latest InvasionWall Street Journal
West must be ready for long standoff with Russia: NATO officialYahoo News
Russia's Anti-Crisis Plan: Old Solutions To New Problems?Forbes
CNBC -Press TV
all 91 news articles »

Northeast US Braces for Second Major Snowstorm

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A huge storm headed on Monday for the northeastern United States, the region's second wintry blast in less than a week, after dumping more than a foot (30 cm) of snow in the Chicago area. Forecasts ranged from 3 to 6 inches (8 to 15 cm) of snow in New York City, where millions of commuters faced freezing rain during the morning rush hour, to a foot (30 cm) for Boston. Winter will be sticking around for at least six more weeks, according to Monday's forecast provided by groundhog Punxsutawney Phil who emerged from his burrow in Pennsylvania and saw his shadow. According to legend, seeing his shadow means six more weeks of winter, while not seeing his shadow means cold weather is on its way out. Official forecasters said snow was expected to fall on Monday at a rate of 1 to 2 inches (3 to 5 cm) per hour in southern New England at its peak, making for extremely hazardous driving conditions. Significant accumulations from Albany, New York, to Maine will be exacerbated by winds of up to 40 miles per hour (65 kph), the National Weather Service said. Bitter cold weather was predicted to follow the snow on its eastward path across the country. Last week, Boston was buried under 2 feet (60 cm) of snow on Tuesday in a blizzard that pummeled New England. New York City had prepared for a major storm but was spared the brunt. Monday's snow forced the closing of schools from the Midwest to New England. Chicago Public Schools, the country's third-largest public school system, along with districts in Detroit, Boston and Providence, Rhode Island, canceled classes as the National Weather Service issued storm warnings and watches from western Iowa into upper New England. The storm figured in cancelations of about 2,000 flights and 2,100 delays, largely in Chicago, according to the Flight Stats website. Nearly 20,000 customers in Illinois lost power, and hazardous road conditions were reported in the Midwest.

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Лицом к событию. Как покончить с антиамериканизмом - 02 февраля, 2015 

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Композитор Александр Журбин, кинорежиссер Карен Шахназаров и писатель Александр Генис о том, коснулась ли "холодная война" отношений между людьми и культурами двух стран, и если да, возможно ли это поправить. Ведущая Елена Рыковцева.

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How Putin Managed to Dodge the Blame for Russia's Recession

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The economy may be in serious trouble, but Russians continue to trust and support President Vladimir Putin, and analysts say this is because he represents the focal point of the "symbolic unity" of the Russian nation.

Anti-IS Chechen Militants Accuse Group Of Treating Recruits As 'Cannon Fodder'

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A social media account linked to the Chechen-led faction Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar (JMA), which considers itself to be the Syrian affiliate of the North Caucasus militant group the Caucasus Emirate, has accused the Islamic State (IS) group of using inexperienced young recruits as "cannon fodder."

Moscow Suspends Russian-Ukrainian Nuclear Missile Conversion Program 

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Russia's federal Space Agency has suspended a Russian-Ukrainian joint venture tasked with converting Soviet-era nuclear missiles into peaceful rockets for commercial satellite launches, the TASS news agency reported on Monday.

Ukraine rebel orders military draft

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Alexander Zakharchenko calls for draft to defend his separatist enclave

Three BBC journalists questioned for using drone in Davos no-fly zone 

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Corporation faces possible fine for journalists’ breach of security with launch of unmanned aircraft at World Economic Forum last month
Three BBC journalists have been questioned by Swiss police for breaching high-level security protocols by using a drone at the World Economic Forum in Davos last month.
The journalists, who are understood to have worked with the BBC’s chief business correspondent Linda Yueh, were briefly detained by Swiss authorities after they launched the unmanned aircraft in a strict no-fly zone.
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Laurence Olivier’s steamy love letters to Vivien Leigh see light of day 

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Hundreds of previously unpublished letters reveal passionate exchanges from one of Hollywood’s greatest affairs
It was one of the greatest Hollywood love affairs, beginning in a whirlwind of passion and secrecy and ending in breakdown and divorce.
Now a cache of 200 previously unpublished letters between Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh is to be made public, revealing the intimate thoughts and ardent declarations of love between the pair.
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Page 6

Litvinenko believed Putin linked to organized crime: ex-KGB spy's widow

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LONDON (Reuters) - Alexander Litvinenko, a former Russian agent killed with polonium in London, believed Vladimir Putin lacked the mettle to stamp out corruption inside Russia's security agency and that he had links to organized crime, his widow said on Monday.

Jordan Says Ambassador to Return to Israel

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A spokesman for Jordan’s government says its ambassador will return to Israel after he was pulled over growing confrontations at a hilltop site in Jerusalem holy to both Jews and Muslims.

Jordan to Send Envoy Back to Israel as Tensions Ease

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Jordan will return its ambassador to Israel, the government said on Monday, three months after withdrawing the envoy in protest at Israeli restrictions on access to Jerusalem's Al Aqsa mosque. For the first time since making peace with its neighbor in 1994, Jordan announced in November it was pulling its envoy out of Israel following growing tensions over the sacred compound housing Al Aqsa mosque -- the third holiest site in Islam. Government spokesman Mohammad al-Momani said that...

Letter From America: Obama Has Little to Say to the Poor

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The president's State of the Union address focused on "middle-class economics" and the "working family," neglecting those with little financial hope.

Ukrainian rebels' call to arms 'shows they are weak' – video

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Plans by pro-Russian rebels to expand their army to 100,000 people shows they are struggling, says the Ukrainian military. Rebel leaders announce a call to arms on Monday, after recent losses to Ukrainian forces. Alexander Zakharchenko, the self-proclaimed leader of the 'Donetsk People's Republic', says the expansion will be a 'general mobilisation' on the ground Continue reading...

Iraqi Kurds Find Mass Grave of Yazidis

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Iraqi Kurdish forces say they have found a mass grave of about 25 members of the Yazidi minority believed killed by Islamic State militants as they swept through northwest Iraq in recent months. Officials said Peshmerga Kurdish forces found the gravesite Sunday, with the bodies of men, women and children. Islamic State insurgents are believed to have killed hundreds of the Yazidi ethnic minority, and buried alive some of their victims. About 300 women have been kidnapped as...

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Page 7

In feisty Israeli campaign, even Netanyahu's wife's recycling is a target

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JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Forget the deadlocked Palestinian peace process or the Iranian nuclear program. The latest political fracas in Israel is over whether the prime minister's wife kept the deposit when she recycled bottles from state functions.


The Good Thing About the Disney Measles Outbreak - Huffington Post

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The Good Thing About the Disney Measles Outbreak
Huffington Post
Cases of measles linked to an exposure at Disneyland continue to spread, not just in California, but in several other states and in Mexico. The numbers of cases are climbing -- and so are the number of exposed people who might get sick -- and expose more ...
Arizona tracking measles as Super Bowl fans arriveEl Paso Inc.

all 1,910 news articles »

Obama Admits to Being Shaken, Emboldened by ISIS Beheading Videos 

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U.S. President Barack Obama said Sunday he has personally watched the graphic videos of Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) hostages being executed, saying they have helped catalyze the global community’s revulsion to the militant jihadist organization.
In an interview with NBC’s Savannah Guthrie airing Monday on Today Show, Obama said watching the videos has affected him personally. On Saturday, the U.S. government confirmed the authenticity of a video showing the beheading of Japanese journalist Kenji Goto.
“I think it’s fair to say that, anything related to these terrorist actions, I take a look at,” Obama said. “I think it would affect anybody who has an ounce of humanity. And it’s part of the reason why I think we’ve been so successful in organizing such a broad-based coalition.”
Referencing an American woman still being held by ISIS, Obama said the U.S. is doing anything possible to secure her release.
“Well, what we can say is that, as has been true of all the hostages, that we are deploying all the assets that we can, working with all the coalition allies that we can, to identify her location,” he said. “And we are in very close contact with the family trying to keep them updated.”
Hours after Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Tom Frieden warned of the potential of a “large outbreak” of measles following increasing reports of the disease, Obama called on all parents to vaccinate their children.
“Measles is preventable,” Obama told Guthrie. “And I understand that there are families that, in some cases, are concerned about the effect of vaccinations. The science is, you know, pretty indisputable. We’ve looked at this again and again. There is every reason to get vaccinated, but there aren’t reasons to not.”
“You should get your kids vaccinated,” Obama continued. “It’s good for them and the challenge you have is if you have a certain group of kids who don’t get vaccinated, and if it grows large enough that a percentage of the population doesn’t get vaccinated and they’re the folks who can’t get vaccinated, small infants, for example, or people with certain vulnerabilities that can’t vaccinated, they suddenly become much more vulnerable.”

Ukraine Fighting Continues as Peace Talks Fail Again - Voice of America

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Voice of America

Ukraine Fighting Continues as Peace Talks Fail Again
Voice of America
Ukraine authorities say at least 13 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed and 20 others wounded since peace talks with pro-Russian rebels collapsed on Saturday. Ten civilians also died as a result of fighting in Ukraine's Donetsk and Luhansk regions, partly ...
23 dead in 24 hours in fresh attacks on eastern Ukraineeuronews
Framing ties with Russia in a 'post' post-Cold War eraThe Nation
Six Ways to Help Ukraine Resist Russia's Latest InvasionWall Street Journal -The Guardian -Reuters Canada
all 1,129 news articles »

ISIS Tactics Questioned as Hostages Dwindle

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Jordanian Christians prayed for the return of First Lt. Moaz al-Kasasbeh, an air force pilot captured by the Islamic State.

Law Favoring Cuban Arrivals Is Challenged

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The U.S. law giving Cubans broader protections than other immigrants is unfair and unnecessary with the restoration of diplomatic relations, critics say.
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At least 10 killed in attacks led by Yemen's Ansar al-Sharia

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SANAA (Reuters) - At least 10 people have been killed in Yemen over the past four days in attacks led by an al Qaeda's affiliate against Shi'ite Houthi fighters and the Yemeni army, local officials and the group said.

The world's problems enter Japan's psyche, again - Northwest Herald

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U.S. News & World Report

The world's problems enter Japan's psyche, again
Northwest Herald
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, in a bid to restore Japan's position in the world, has been driving his country to play a larger international role, most controversially seeking to loosen constitutional restraints put on its military after World War II. And ...
Analysis: The world's problems enter Japan's psyche, againU.S. News & World Report
Isis video purports to show beheading of Japanese hostage Kenji GotoThe Guardian
Jordan renews prisoner swap offer after ISIL beheadingUSA TODAY 
Hindustan Times-Deutsche Welle
all 6,476 news articles »

Hackers Use Old Web Lure to Aid Assad

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A rebel fighter chatting with an alluring young woman on Skype had fallen for the oldest scam on the Internet, and helped those who have been helping the Assad regime fight a digital war alongside the one that has made use of barrel bombs, snipers and chemical weapons.

Abe Confronts Wider Islamic State Threat After Hostage Murders - Bloomberg

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Abe Confronts Wider Islamic State Threat After Hostage Murders
(Bloomberg) -- Islamic State's warning to Japan after beheading two of its citizens met with tough words from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is moving to bolster his country's ability to defend itself. As Japanese people took to social media to mourn the ...

and more »

Contrite Australian Prime Minister Won't Appoint Knights - New York Times

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The New Daily

Contrite Australian Prime Minister Won't Appoint Knights
New York Times
CANBERRA, Australia — Prime Minister Tony Abbott, facing down a revolt from within his own government ranks, promised Monday he would never again choose who gets an Australian knighthood and officially ditched his unpopular parental leave policy.
Australia's Abbott Vows to Fight OnWall Street Journal
Tony Abbott pitches for his political life, but will it be enough?Sydney Morning Herald
Australian PM Abbott 'has not considered resigning'BBC News
The Australian -Bloomberg -Mashable
all 673 news articles »

Mongolia jails American, two Philippine citizens in tax evasion case

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ULAN BATOR (Reuters) - (This story was refiled to fix location in dateline)
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Twenty-Two Kyrgyz Nationals Killed In Syria

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The head of the investigative department in Kyrgyzstan's Interior Ministry has said that 22 citizens of Kyrgyzstan have been killed in fighting in Syria.

Free speech? Not at four in five UK universities 

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According to research by online magazine Spiked 80% of universities have restrictions on free speech – from banning sombreros to excluding the Sun
When Professor Thomas Scotto, of Essex University’s department of government, invited Israel’s deputy ambassador to give a talk to political science students, he hoped for “lots of disagreement: that the speaker would express his views and that the students would challenge him”.
Instead, a noisy protest outside the venue ramped up into an attempt to storm the building, students in the lecture theatre heckled the Israeli diplomat, and it became impossible for him to begin. With feelings running high, university security said they could no longer guarantee the speaker’s safety. The event had to be abandoned.
A commercial decision was made to boycott the Sun and the Star from sale in our shop based on their sexist attitudes
Real freedom of expression can hurt. That’s the price we pay
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Obama proposes tax on US firms' foreign profits - Albuquerque Journal

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Albuquerque Journal

Obama proposes tax on US firms' foreign profits
Albuquerque Journal
WASHINGTON – The $4 trillion budget that President Barack Obama sends Congress on Monday proposes higher taxes on wealthier Americans and corporations, and an ambitious $478 billion public works program for highway, bridge and transit upgrades.
In new budget, Obama proposing 14 percent tax on overseas profits to fund ...Fox News
Exclusive: Obama 2016 budget urges US states to cut emissions fasterReuters
Analysis: Obama's budget plan dead on arrival?Detroit Free Press
The Hindu -New York Post
all 236 news articles »

Ukraine says five more soldiers killed overnight in fighting in the east

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KIEV (Reuters) - Five Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 29 wounded in fighting against Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine in the past 24 hours, a Ukraine military spokesman said on Monday morning.

Drone wars: the gamers recruited to kill – video

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In tiny bunkers in the United States, young pilots are operating unmanned drones targeting 'bad people' in Pakistan. Recruited at video game fairs by military leaders who know the value of games that glamourise 'militainment', drone pilots are left traumatised by the civilian casualties – or 'collateral damage' – their strikes cause. Psychologically distanced from the enemy, are drones the future of warfare?

• This is an extract from the film Drone by Flimmer Film Continue reading...

Pakistan Tests Nuclear-Capable Cruise Missile

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Pakistan says it has tested a short-range missile with capability to carry nuclear or conventional warheads.


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