US Calls for Investigation of Boris Nemtsov Murder | Nemtsov Feared Revolutions But What He Sought is Revolutionary by Paul Goble | Supporters of Slain Putin Critic Hold Memorial March in Moscow | Thousands Join Nemtsov Memorial March In Moscow | Theories about Possible Perpetrators of the Murder of Boris Nemtsov

Nemtsov's Shaken Girlfriend Says She Didn't See Killer

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Boris Nemtsov's girlfriend has broken her public silence on the murder of the Russian opposition activist, saying she did not see the killer who gunned him down as they strolled across a bridge near the Kremlin. Speaking largely without emotion in deadened monosyllables, Ukrainian fashion model Anna Duritskaya said she had little recollection of what happened in the moments after Nemtsov was shot dead on Friday night. She told online news channel Dozhd that she had not noticed anything suspicious as the couple dined at a restaurant overlooking Red Square. It had not occurred to her that someone might be following them as they headed across the river towards Nemtsov's apartment. “I don't want to answer questions about what happened on the bridge. I don't want to talk about this,” she said. “I am in a very difficult psychological condition and I cannot talk about this any more now. I feel bad ... I saw no one. I don't know where he came from, he was behind my back,” she said of the killer or killers. Nemtsov, 55, was shot several times and killed instantly, becoming the most prominent opposition figure to be murdered during President Vladimir Putin's 15-year rule. Tens of thousands of Russians marched through Moscow on Sunday to honour the former deputy prime minister and anti-corruption fighter. Duritskaya, who is 23 or 24, said she had been under constant guard since the murder and would probably be unable to attend Nemtsov's funeral on Tuesday. All she wanted to do was to go home to her mother in Ukraine. “I have every right to leave the territory of the Russian Federation. I am not a suspect. I am a witness who gave full testimony and did everything possible to assist the investigation,” she said. “They are physically not allowing me to go anywhere without them,” Duritskaya said, referring to law enforcement officials. “They have explained to me that this is for security reasons.” Questioned without lawyer Nemtsov, an opposition politician whose murder has deepened a divide between liberals and Putin supporters, will be buried on Tuesday at the Troekurovskoye cemetery in western Moscow, far from where Russia's top politicians are usually buried. “I cannot go out. Most likely I will not go,” Duritskaya said when asked if she would attend. She said she was now staying at a friend's apartment in Moscow. Investigators had questioned her several times, gone through her belongings and taken data from her mobile phones. She said she was initially questioned for several hours without a lawyer or representative from the Ukrainian embassy. Nemtsov had criticized Putin's annexation of Crimea and his support for pro-Russian separatists in the east of Ukraine. He and Duritskaya had been dating for three years, she said. The investigators say they are following several lines of inquiry and have come up with a number of possible motives. One is that Nemtsov may have been the victim of a jealous former lover, a version Duritskaya ruled out. “I don't think anything. I cannot think at the moment. I don't know who did it,” she said.

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Putin’s survival plan is lies and violence

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Russian president stirs nationalist paranoia that makes Nemtsov’s killing permissible

В Вашингтоне прошел митинг памяти Бориса Немцова

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Акция солидарности в Вашингтоне прошла под лозунгом «Не забудем, не простим». Originally published at -
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Time: 01:31More in News & Politics

Убийцы следили за Немцовым на украинском автомобиле

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Машину убийц Бориса Немцова наконец удалось обнаружить. Как стало известно РЕН ТВ, автомобиль был зарегистрирован в Подмосковье, а произведен на Украине. Хозяйку авто уже допросили.
Как стало известно РЕН ТВ, машину, на которой скрылись киллеры, обнаружили еще накануне. С ней долго время работали специалисты и чуть ли не разобрали до винтика.
Как уже сообщалось ранее, по показаниям главной свидетельницы убийства - 23-летней модели Анны Дурицкой - определить марку автомобиля не удалось. Посмотрев записи камер наблюдения, следователи искали "Форды" ,"КИА". А нашли украинскую копию "Шевроле Ланос" - ЗАЗ Chance.
Хозяйка автомобиля, как выяснилось, живет в Московской области. Женщину разыскали и вызвали на допрос. То, что она не имеет никакого отношения к убийству было понятно сразу - она давно продала этот автомобиль.
"Удалось установить определенный круг лиц, их сейчас разыскивают", - сообщил источник РЕН ТВ, добавив, что оперативные данные подтверждают версию о том, что убийство Немцова подготовили выходцы из кавказских регионов России.
В автомобиле после тщательнейшего осмотра обнаружили биологические частицы, - волосы, которые могли оставить только киллеры. Этот материал поможет следователям доказать причастность преступников к самому громкому убийству 2010-х годов. Причем, генетическую экспертизу можно будет првести, даже если бандиты будут уничтожены при задержании.
Также специалисты будут изучать чуть ли не каждый механизм и винтик машины. Возможно, таким образом им удастся выяснить, где в последнее время ремонтировался автомобиль, что тоже поможет выйти на след киллеров.
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Камеры наблюдения засекли машину убийц (архив РЕН ТВ)

СМИ: убийцами Немцова являются выходцы с Кавказа - Газета.Ru

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Согласно информации источника в правоохранительных органах РЕН-ТВ, стрелявшие в Бориса Немцова являются выходцами из кавказских регионов России.
«Удалось установить определенный круг лиц, их сейчас разыскивают», — добавил источник.
Кроме того, следователям удалось найти автомобиль, предположительно, принадлежавший убийцам, в котором обнаружены биологические частицы (волосы).
Ранее сообщалось, что убийца мог преследовать политика Бориса Немцова и его спутницу от Васильевского спуска.
  • Livejournal

ДНИ.РУ ИНТЕРНЕТ-ГАЗЕТА ВЕРСИЯ 5.0 / За Немцовым следил ЗАЗ Украины

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18:01 / 02.03.2015 НемцовУбийствоСотрудники полиции и следователи установили, как убийцы охотились на известного политика. Наружное наблюдение за Борисом Немцовым, которого застрелили 27 февраля в центре Москвы, велось целый месяц. Этот факт подтверждают записи, сделанные системой "Поток".
Светлый ЗАЗ Chance украинского производства на протяжении четырех недель появлялся именно в тех местах, где находился Немцов. Хозяйка автомобиля, как выяснилось, живет в Московской области. Женщину разыскали и вызвали на допрос. Однако там она сообщила, что давно продала автомобиль.
В обнаруженной оперативниками машине после тщательнейшего осмотра были обнаружены биологические частицы – волосы, которые могли оставить только киллеры. Это поможет следователям доказать причастность преступников к самому громкому убийству последнего десятилетия. Также специалисты изучат чуть ли не каждый механизм и винтик автомобиля.
Возможно, таким образом им удастся выяснить, где в последнее время ремонтировалась машина, что тоже поможет выйти на след киллеров. По информации РЕН ТВ, оперативникам удалось сузить круг подозреваемых в убийстве политика.
Также появились данные, что за резонансное преступление разыскивают уроженцев южных регионов. "Там бородачи. Круг установлен, поиски продолжаются", – сказал источник телеканала.
Как писали Дни.Ру, Борис Немцов, ранее занимавший ряд постов в российском правительстве, а затем перешедший в оппозицию, был застрелен в центре Москвы в ночь на 28 февраля. Преступление было совершено на Большом Москворецком мосту. Его спутницу – украинскую модель Анну Дурицкую – убийца (или убийцы) оставил в живых. Следствие рассматривает несколько версий преступления, включая заказное убийство. Похороны Немцова состоятся в Москве 3 марта.
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За Немцовым следил ЗАЗ Украины - Дни.Ру

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За Немцовым следил ЗАЗ Украины
18:01 / 02.03.2015 Немцов, УбийствоСотрудники полиции и следователи установили, как убийцы охотились на известного политика. Наружное наблюдение за Борисом Немцовым, которого застрелили 27 февраля в центре Москвы, велось целый месяц. Этот факт подтверждают записи, ...
СМИ: убийцами Немцова являются выходцы с КавказаГазета.Ru
РЕН-ТВ: найден автомобиль, в котором убийцы около месяца следили за Немцовым
СМИ: Обнаружена машина убийц НемцоваВзгляд -ЛІГА.net
Все похожие статьи: 51 »

Спикера cената Польши не пустили на похороны Немцова - BBC Russian

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BBC Russian

Спикера cената Польши не пустили на похороны Немцова
BBC Russian
Спикер cената Польши Богдан Борусевич заявил журналистам, что российские власти на дали ему разрешения на въезд в Россию для участия в похоронах Бориса Немцова. Борусевич должен был возглавлять делегацию польских политиков и депутатов парламента на церемонии ...
Спикер сената Польши не сможет проститься с Немцовым — ему отказали в российской визеРосбалт.RU
Посольство РФ: спикер сената Польши не приедет на похороны НемцоваРИА Новости
Спикер сената Польши заявил, что его не пускают в Россию на похороны Бориса НемцоваМосковский комсомолец
Полит.ру -Подробности -УКРАИНСКАЯ ПРАВДА
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Новости России сегодня 2 марта: Путин отправил на похороны Немцова полпреда Минха - Актуальные новости - периодическое издание о событиях в мире

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Новости России сегодня 2 марта: Путин отправил на похороны Немцова полпреда Минха
Актуальные новости - периодическое издание о событиях в мире
Новости России сегодня 2 марта: Путин отправил на похороны Немцова полпреда Минха, который будет присутствовать на церемонии прощании с российским оппозиционером. Последние новости России: Путин отправил Минха на похороны Немцова Президент России Владимир ...
Путин отправил Минха на похороны Немцова
На церемонии прощания с Борисом Немцовым от администрации президента будет присутствовать Гарри МинхРадиостанция <<Серебряный Дождь>>
На похоронах Бориса Немцова от администрации президента будет присутствовать Гарри МинхКоммерсантъ
Блокнот Воронеж -Говорит Москва -Газета.Ru
Все похожие статьи: 131 »

Boris Nemtsov's girlfriend recalls night of murder - video

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The girlfriend of Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, who was gunned down outside the Kremlin on Friday, recalls the night of the murder. Anna Duritskaya, a 23-year-old model from Ukraine, was with Nemtsov when he was shot, but tells TV Rain her back was turned at the fatal moment. Duritskaya says Russian investigators will not let her leave Moscow, despite having given evidence Continue reading...

Analysts: Nemtsov Murder Won't Consolidate Russian Opposition 

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Boris Nemtsov's murder is unlikely to unite Russia's opposition factions, whose ideologies have consistently prevented their consolidation into a coherent political force to be reckoned with, analysts said Monday.

Kerry, Lavrov Meet Amid Tension Over Ukraine, Nemtsov Killing 

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U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov amid tension over Kremlin critic Boris Nemtsov's murder and the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

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Следствие считает убийцу Немцова непрофессионалом - ИА REGNUM

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Следствие считает убийцу Немцова непрофессионалом
Следствие считает, что убийство оппозиционного политика Бориса Немцова совершили непрофессионалы, пишет газета «Коммерсант» со ссылкой на собственные источники. Киллеры могли даже не знать, кто является их жертвой. По данным издания, у стрелявших были проблемы с ...
СМИ: Следователи склоняются к версии убийства Немцова непрофессионаламиВзгляд
СМИ: Немцова убили непрофессионалыГазета Труд
СМИ: убийц Немцова посчитали непрофессионаламиАргументы и факты
Новостной проект -Дни.Ру
Все похожие статьи: 51 »

Hopes for peaceful Russian transition fade with Nemtsov: Kasparov - Reuters

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Hopes for peaceful Russian transition fade with Nemtsov: Kasparov
Kasparov, a former world chess champion who lives in self-imposed exile in the United States, offered a gloomy outlook for Russia's political opposition after Nemtsov was shot dead meters from the Kremlin late on Friday. "Boris hoped, in vain as we ...
Boris Nemtsov's Career Traces Arc of Russia's Dimmed Hopes for DemocracyWall Street Journal
Moscow Prepares for March Commemorating Russian Opposition LeaderVoice of America
Air of hatred grips Russia as theories abound over Nemtsov's murderThe Globe and Mail
The Guardian -Reuters Blogs (blog) -Forbes
all 3,785 news articles »

US Calls for Investigation of Boris Nemtsov Murder

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U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has called for a thorough and transparent investigation into the murder of Russian opposition politician and activist Boris Nemtsov. Former Russian chess champion and rights activist Garry Kasparov says he is shattered by the news and says it comes amid an atmosphere of propaganda and hatred aimed at opponents of President Vladimir Putin. Appearing on the ABC network program “This Week” Sunday, Secretary Kerry said the United States has no intelligence on who might be responsible for the late Friday murder of Nemtsov, who was gunned down on a Moscow street near the Kremlin. "We hope there will be a thorough, transparent, real investigation not just of actually who fired the shots, but whom, if anyone may have ordered or instructed this or been behind this," said Kerry. Kerry described Nemtsov as deeply committed to a better relationship between Russia and the rest of the world. "As deputy prime minister, he worked hard to improve the relationship with the United States. He was known as an activist as engaged and engaging, and we are enormously saddened to hear of his murder, and we hope the authorities will join the world in producing the credible, transparent investigation necessary to find out who was behind this and who did it," said Kerry. President Barack Obama in a statement Friday called Nemtsov a “tireless advocate for his country, seeking for his fellow Russian citizens the rights to which all people are entitled.” Obama expressed admiration for Nemtsov’s “courageous dedication to the struggle against corruption in Russia.” Appearing on the NBC program “Meet the Press” Sunday, former world chess champion and chairman of the New York-based Human Rights Foundation Garry Kasparov called the murder of Nemtsov, a man he knew for more than 20 years and collaborated with since 2004 to oppose Putin, “another crime in Putin’s Russia.” Putin has vowed to pursue those who killed Nemtsov. Kasparov said he is unsure if Putin was behind the murder, but said the atmosphere created by Putin’s rule may have played a part. "Whether he gave a direct order, I don’t know. We’ll probably never know. But, definitely, in the country [there is] the atmosphere, with 24/7 propaganda, of hatred, where people who disagree with Putin are being portrayed as national traitors, fifth columnists, enemies of the state, and Boris was one of the most formidable critics of Putin’s regime," said Kasparov. Kasparov, writing Sunday in The Wall Street Journal, said the question of whether Putin gave the order to kill Nemtsov “rings as hollow today as when journalist Anna Politkovskaya was gunned down in 2006, the same year that Putin critic Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned in London, or when a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet was shot down over eastern Ukraine last year,” wrote Kasparov. Kasparov said many Russian opposition leaders are either behind bars or out of the country. "And now, with Boris, probably one of the bravest of us, and the man was standing tall, criticizing Putin. By the way, he was preparing his new report on Russian troops in Ukraine just to prove another Kremlin lie. Him being killed, and not just killed in a dark corner of the city, but in front of the Kremlin, it sends a chilling signal to everybody. It spreads fear and terror and that’s why I expect the regime will benefit from this murder," said Kasparov. Kasparov added that no one in Moscow who opposes the Putin government feels safe. As for U.S. reaction, he urged the U.S. not to treat Putin as if he were another democratic leader. "Stop making deals and stop trying to bring Putin to the negotiating table because his agenda is totally opposite the agenda of the United States or Europe. Putin wants to destroy Ukrainian statehood. Putin wants crisis, because crisis, wars, and the lack of international security, those are elements that are absolutely vital for his survival in Russia," said Kasparov. Kasparov said the best way to remember Boris Nemtsov is to arm Ukraine in its fight against Russian-backed separatists. Former Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov said he believes the murder will make change in Russia unavoidable, but Russia analyst Jonathan Adelman of the University of Denver disagrees. "Putin is over 80-percent popularity in Russia today. The opposition, which several years ago seemed to have some chance to overthrow him, kind of fizzled away. Putin is also doing very well in Ukraine. Unfortunately, the strength of the opposition is mainly limited to Moscow and St. Petersburg, but in the other 85-percent of the country Putin is still very popular. Boris Nemtsov was an important leader, he was deputy prime minister, he was supposed to be the one likely to replace [former President] Boris Yeltsin at the end of the 1990s but, sadly, the cause which we believe in and he believed in still has a long way to go, I’m afraid, in Russia," said Adelman. Adelman said the Russian opposition is receiving very little support from the West, further evidence the world has left the post-Cold War period and entered a new, more authoritarian period.

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Authorities Deny Kremlin Cameras Were Off During Nemtsov's Murder 

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A spokesperson for Moscow's information technology department has denied media reports that some of the surveillance cameras around the Kremlin had been switched off at the time of Boris Nemtsov's murder.

«Искали мозоль от курка на пальце» - Газета.Ru

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«Искали мозоль от курка на пальце»
Во время акции памяти Бориса Немцова в воскресенье был задержан депутат Верховной рады Алексей Гончаренко. Он провел пять часов в ОВД «Китай-город», где ему вменялось «неисполнение законных требований сотрудников полиции». По словам депутата, его побили и несколько ...

и другие »

Саакашвили утверждает, что США почти готовы начать поставки оружия на Украину - НТВ.ru

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Саакашвили утверждает, что США почти готовы начать поставки оружия на Украину
Решение Вашингтона о поставках оружия Киеву готово на 99%. Об этом заявил экс-президент Грузии Михаил Саакашвили, с недавнего времени работающий в аппарате президента Украины. 622. Поделиться ссылкой на выделенное. Twitter · Facebook · Вконтакте · Google+. Прямая ...
Саакашвили заявил о готовности Вашингтона вооружить КиевУтро.Ru
Саакашвили: Решение США предоставить Украине оружие готово на 99%ЛІГА.net
Саакашвили сообщил о готовности США передать оружие УкраинеВзгляд
Полит.ру -Диалог.UA - Всегда два мнения
Все похожие статьи: 110 »
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Kerry and Lavrov meet in Geneva for Ukraine talks

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US secretary of state expected to warn Russia that US and EU are already working on fresh sanctions if ceasefire deal fails to hold firm
The US secretary of state, John Kerry, and Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, have met in Geneva to try to shore-up a shaky two-week old ceasefire in Ukraine.
Monday’s talks in a Geneva hotel came less than a week after Kerry accused Moscow of lying about its involvement in the conflict, which has claimed 6,000 lives.
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Власти Москвы: Камеры городского видеонаблюдения на месте убийства Немцова работали исправно - Московский комсомолец

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Московский комсомолец

Власти Москвы: Камеры городского видеонаблюдения на месте убийства Немцова работали исправно
Московский комсомолец
В то же время в мэрии добавили, что камеры непосредственно у Кремля, так как это спецобъект, устанавливались федеральными структурами и "доступ к картинке есть только у них". Власти Москвы: Камеры городского видеонаблюдения на месте убийства Немцова работали исправно.
Убийство Немцова: камеры наблюдения на Большом Москворецком работали исправноВести.Ru
Данные с городских камер видеонаблюдения около места убийства Бориса Немцова переданы полицииКоммерсантъ
Камеры наблюдения засняли убийство и последние минуты жизни НемцоваГазета Труд -Российская Газета -Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ
Все похожие статьи: 301 »

U.N. Report Faults Russia for Escalating Conflict in Ukraine

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An influx of troops and heavy weapons were cited as undermining prospects for peace and causing a significant rise in casualties.

UN Report Faults Russia for Escalating Conflict in Ukraine - New York Times

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UN Report Faults Russia for Escalating Conflict in Ukraine
New York Times
GENEVA — The United Nations said on Monday that an influx of troops and heavy weapons from Russia had intensified the conflict in eastern Ukraine, undermining prospects for peace and causing a significant rise in casualties. The United Nations  ...

and more »

Nemtsov Feared Revolutions But What He Sought is Revolutionary 

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Paul Goble


            Staunton, March 2 – Boris Nemtsov “was afraid of becoming a victim of a revolution” whose results he feared could lead to an even more horrific situation in Russia but as a result, Moscow commentator Boris Sokolov argues, he “became a victim of the dictatorship because a revolution didn’t happen.”


            Four years ago, Sokolov recalls, Nemtsov told an interviewer that “there are three possible scenarios of a revolution in Russia.” The most probable would be a nationalist one, involving pogroms of ethnic minorities. The next most probable would be a socialist or communist one, the result of declines in the standard of living and increase in corruption.


            And “finally, in third place, in terms of probability,” the opposition leader who was murdered in the shadow of the Kremlin said, there could be “a liberal revolution, called from by the absence of freedom and democracy.” But regardless of the one that will occur, Nemtsov suggested, there will be bloodshed (


            But regardless of which one occurs, the late opposition figure said, “Putin bears 100 percent responsibility” for the likelihood that a revolution will happen.  As a result, Nemtsov continued, he personally is no supporter of revolutions because “there will be many victims,” adding “I could be one of them.”


            Such views – Nemtsov wanted a revolutionary transformation of Russia without a revolution – simultaneously explains why he had so much support among many liberal Russians and non-Russians and why he was such a threat to the Kremlin leader.  Indeed, Sokolov says, it helps to explain why Putin wanted him out of the way.


             The pro-Kremlin media have been working overtime to come up with various suggested versions to “distract attention” from the fact that Putin and his regime are “the most likely” to have ordered this murder, the Moscow commentator says, noting that each new invention is “more absurd” than the one before it.


            In fact, Sokolov says, there are only two “real versions of the murder.” The first is that “the murder of Boris Nemtsov was exactly the same kind of state crime as the murder of Aleksandr Litvinenko and the order for it could be given only by the first person of the state” – that is by Putin.


            And the second is that “the opposition leader was killed by some radical supporters of the ‘Anti-Maidan’” organization Putin and his regime itself set up to block public protests in Russia and thus to ensure Putin’s continued rule. But this is highly improbable because of where the murder was carried out, right under the Kremlin walls.


            Thus everything we know points to Putin as the man responsible, Sokolov says. The Kremlin leader had two obvious reasons for wanting Nemtsov dead. On the one hand, “of all the politicians on the liberal wing of the non-systemic opposition, only [he] could gather mass demonstrations,” something Putin clearly fears.


            And on the other, the Kremlin leader knew that Nemtsov was getting ready to publish a report proving that the Russian military is fighting in the Donbas, something that calls into question Putin’s line.  “Either of these causes would have been sufficient” for Putin decide to have Nemtsov killed.


            Both the skills of the Kremlin’s propaganda machine and the propensity of many journalists east and west to confuse balance with objectivity and to refuse to draw any conclusion about Putin’s involvement in the absence of “a smoking gun” likely means that no one will be able to prove this to everyone’s satisfaction. Putin is certainly counting on that.


            But having killed Nemtsov, Putin has not killed his message, as the demonstrations in Moscow, St. Petersburg, throughout Russia and the world yesterday show.  And if one can overlook the media debates about how many or how few people marched, it is worth noting what they were marching for.


            As another commentator pointed out, Nemtsov’s ideas were truly revolutionary even if he did not want a revolution. What he did want was the elimination of the all-powerful presidency in Russia and the introduction of a government responsible to the parliament, an end to imperial unitarism and aggression and the rise of real federalism in its place, and an end to government control of the media (


            Obviously, each person will take from Nemtsov’s statements what he or she wants. But two trends are already obvious. The first is that outside of ethnic Russian areas, democrats and nationalists have found a reason to march together just as they did in 1989-1991 (


And the second is that the Russian people themselves care coming up with their own slogans on the basis of his legacy.  The march in Moscow yesterday featured not the manufactured slogans of pro-Kremlin demonstrations but the expressions of the people themselves (


Among the most striking and resonant were the following:


    • Nemtsov is Love; Putin is War.
    • We Will Not Forget; we will not forgive.
    • Russism kills.
    • Heroes do not die.
    • I am Boris. I am Nemtsov.
    • Fear for one’s children and grandchildren is stronger than the fear of one’s own death.
    • Struggle.
    • I am not afraid.
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Порошенко предлагает увеличить численность армии - BBC Russian

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Forbes Ukraine

Порошенко предлагает увеличить численность армии
BBC Russian
Президент Украины Петр Порошенко внес в Верховную раду проект закона о численности вооруженных сил, в соответствии с которым их предельная численность увеличивается до 250 тысяч человек. Премьер-министр Арсений Яценюк также ранее выступал за увеличение числа ...
Петр Порошенко предложил увеличить численность украинской армии до 250 тысяч человекКоммерсантъ
Порошенко намерен увеличить численность армии до 250 тысячКомсомольская правда
Порошенко предложил Раде увеличить численность украинской армии до 250 тыс. человекГазета.Ru
Вести.Ru -Взгляд -УНИАН
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США в шаге от окончательного решения предоставить Украине оружие - Саакашвили - МВ

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США в шаге от окончательного решения предоставить Украине оружие - Саакашвили
Внештатный советник президента Украины, экс-президент Грузии Михаил Саакашвили заявляет, что США практически подготовили решение о предоставлении Украине оборонительных вооружений. «Когда президент Порошенко сказал об этом в Конгрессе в своём триумфальном ...

и другие »

Скандальный батальон "Айдар" официально стал частью Вооруженных сил Украины - Московский комсомолец

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Московский комсомолец

Скандальный батальон "Айдар" официально стал частью Вооруженных сил Украины
Московский комсомолец
"В связи с необходимостью законодательного урегулирования существования добровольческих батальонов, а также предотвращения противоправных действий некоторых представителей добровольческих формирований, Генштабом было принято решение о формировании на базе ...
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No smiles from Kerry, Russian FM as Ukraine festers - CBS News

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CBS News

No smiles from Kerry, Russian FM as Ukraine festers
CBS News
GENEVA -- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met Monday with his Russian counterpart in what appeared to be less than amicable talks amid continuing tensions over Ukraine and American calls for a full probe into the murder of a prominent opposition ...
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Ukrainian Lawmaker To Leave Russia After Police Drop Claims

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A lawyer for Oleksiy Honcharenko, a Ukrainian lawmaker who was detained in Moscow on March 1, says that a court hearing for his client has been canceled and he will return to Ukraine as soon as possible.

Kiev Says Ukrainian Soldier Killed in Separatist-Controlled East

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Ukraine's military said on Monday one Ukrainian serviceman was killed and four wounded in separatist eastern territories in the past 24 hours, underscoring the fragility of a two-week-old cease-fire deal.

Main Witness In Nemtsov Slaying Case: 'I Didn't See Killer'

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The woman who was with Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov when he was gunned down says she did not see the killer because he came from behind.
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Russia expels Western 'double agent' - Press TV

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Press TV

Russia expels Western 'double agent'
Press TV
Russia has expelled an alleged Western double agent whom it accused of working for Latvian and American intelligence agencies for over two decades gathering military information for them. The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) declared as a 'double ...

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Kerry Criticizes UN Council's 'Obsession' With Israel

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U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry criticized the United Nations Human Rights Council for what he calls its “obsession with Israel.” In a Monday speech in Geneva before the U.N. intergovernmental body, Kerry said the group’s heavy focus of Israel’s human rights records “risks undermining the credibility of the entire organization.” “We will oppose any effort by any group or participant in the U.N. system to arbitrarily and regularly delegitimize or isolate, Israel,” Kerry said. He said no country should be free from scrutiny on human rights, but no country should be subjected to “unfair or unfounded bias.” Kerry commented a day before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is to make a controversial speech to a joint meeting of the U.S. Congress in Washington. Netanyahu is expected to denounce a potential agreement between world powers and Iran on Tehran’s nuclear program, saying the deal would give Iran too many concessions and leave it with the ability to make a nuclear weapon. Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif are holding a series of meetings in Switzerland to discuss the potential plan, which is being negotiated by the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany. Invitation causes rift In a break of U.S. protocol, Netanyahu was invited by U.S. Republican House Speaker John Boehner to address Congress, instead of an invitation issued by the White House. In spite of the tensions between the White House and Israel over Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, the U.S. is continuing its efforts to back Israel in the Human Rights Council. A senior State Department official said a “constant preoccupation and concern” for the U.S. is the “undue and biased focus on Israel” in the Human Rights Council. Israel is the only country that “has a standing agenda item at the Human Rights Council,” the official said. “Our position is always very much in defense of Israel, in protection of Israel’s interests at the Human Rights Council." The official also said that the biggest U.S. concern in the current UNHRC session is its upcoming release of the Commission of Inquiry on Gaza. The report, which is due to be released before March 23, will focus on Israel’s 50-day war against Gaza militants in July and August of 2014. About 2,200 Palestinians and 72 Israelis died during the conflict. Most of the Palestinians killed were civilians, while nearly all of the Israelis were military personnel. Earlier this month, the man appointed by the Human Rights Council to lead the inquiry into potential war crimes committed during the Israel-Gaza conflict resigned. William Schabas submitted his resignation after Israel accused him of bias because he has performed consultant work for the Palestine Liberation Organization. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu also called for the entire Human Rights Council probe into the conflict to be scrapped. He said the three-member commission that was charged with investigating whether Israel had committed war crimes during the conflict, was an “anti-Israel body.” Kerry denounces North Korea During his speech, Kerry also cited North Korea’s human rights record, saying tens of thousands of people in the country live as “virtual slaves” in 2015, with no freedom of expression. He also said the government “routinely” tortured and starved citizens. Kerry also highlighted atrocities committed by Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria. Earlier in the session, Iranian Foreign MinisterZarif addressed the group. He said “Islamophobia” is “tolerated” in some countries as freedom of expression. He also said some defenders of human rights were overly driven by political considerations. Zarif noted that some of those Islamic State militants who have beheaded “innocent civilians” spoke “European languages with native accents.”

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Supporters of Slain Putin Critic Hold Memorial March in Moscow 

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In Moscow, tens of thousands of supporters held a memorial march Sunday for Boris Nemtsov, the Russian opposition leader who was assassinated late Friday while walking on a bridge in view of the Kremlin. Many blamed President Vladimir Putin for the killing, saying his policies have created an atmosphere of intolerance and hate in Russia. VOA's Daniel Schearf reports from Moscow

Russia protests: What they could mean for Putin - CNBC

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Russia protests: What they could mean for Putin
Conspiracy theories as to who ordered the shooting already abound. The 70,000 who marched in Nemtsov's memory on Sunday seemed to believe that the Russian government is responsible – while state media pointed the finger at the West, or other forces ...
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Boris Nemtsov: Russia's protesters supported by Canada, says
Thousands in Moscow chant 'Russia without Putin'EurActiv
Bloomberg -Seeking Alpha (registration)
all 496 news articles »

Boris Nemtsov murder: chief witness 'prevented' from leaving Russia 

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Ukrainian model Anna Duritskaya, who was with opposition politician when he was shot dead, complains of being kept under guard in Moscow
The chief witness to the murder of Russian protest leader Boris Nemtsov, a Ukrainian model who was with him when he was shot dead, has complained of being kept under guard in Moscow.
Anna Duritskaya, 23, said she had given all the information she could to investigators but that they were preventing her from leaving Russia “for her security”.
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Boris Nemtsov murder: security cameras 'turned off for maintenance' 

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Security cameras that could have recorded Kremlin critic's death were reportedly turned off for maintenance, as Russian foreign minister calls murder a "heinous crime"

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Thousands Join Nemtsov Memorial March In Moscow

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Tens of thousands of people joined a march in the heart of Moscow organized by Russia's opposition in memory of slain Kremlin critic Boris Nemtsov. 

Марш памяти Бориса Немцова 

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Десятки тысяч людей пришли в воскресенье 1 марта в центр Москвы на траурный марш памяти убитого в ночь на...
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Russians Rally for Slain Opposition Leader

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Thousands converged Sunday in central Moscow to mourn veteran liberal politician Boris Nemtsov, whose killing on the streets of the capital Friday has shaken Russia’s beleaguered opposition. They carried flowers, portraits and white signs that said “I am not afraid.”

Theories about Possible Perpetrators of the Murder of Boris Nemtsov 

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As can be expected, there is a wide range of theories now being published and discussed about the possible forces behind the assassination of opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, who was gunned down February 27, two days before he was to lead a protest march against the Russian government’s war on Ukraine and its anti-crisis measures.
These range from official hypotheses made by law-enforcement officials in state media, to semi-official theories publicized in state or pro-government media from anonymous sources, to theories made by unofficial pro-government and anti-government voices in social media.
Here’s a list of some we have found which we will update:
- Islamists angry at Nemtsov’s support for the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists; this theory was indicated by Vladimir Markin, spokesman for the Investigative Committee)
- Other opposition leaders within Russia or dark outside forces interested in “destabilizing Russia” and willing to make a “sacrificial victim” (Vladimir Markin); these include “right-wing Ukrainian field commanders like Dmitro Yarosh and Dmitro Korchinsky, ex-leader of UNA-UNSO,” who recently spoke of “the need to commit terrorist attacks in Russia (TV Zvezda)
- Russian ultranationalists; Nemtsov’s case has been reportedly assigned to a group at the Investigative Committee headed by Maj. Gen. Igor Krasnov, a senior special cases investigator known for his past work on the cases of ultranationalists, reported, citing Prokhorov, lawyer for Anna Duritskaya, Nemtsov’s companion who was with him on the night he was murdered.
Krasnov’s cases include that of Ivan Mironov, the nationalist accused of attacking Anatoly Chubais, head of Unified Energy System (RAO UES) in 2006, who was later acquitted in 2010, and also the ultranationalist group BORN [Battle Organization of Russian Nationalists] some of whose members have been convicted of murdering a number of people associated with opposing hate crimes including anti-fascist activists and a judge, and some of whom are still awaiting a verdict.
That suggests that the Kremlin is moving in the direction of fingering extremists in the ultranationalist movements, which at first were encouraged during patriotic campaigns unleashed with Russia’s forcible annexation of the Crimea, then later reined in by Putin in some cases when intellectuals began to complain about their incitement of violent against Ukrainians.
- Exposure of corruption in purchase of medical equipment in Yaroslavl (Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin spokesman).
- Other opposition leaders who have scores to settle.
- Ukrainian paymasters disappointed that Nemtsov didn’t sufficiently destabilize Russian society;LifeNews claimed an investigator told them this hypothesis:
“Boris Nemtsov traveled to Ukraine a number of times and actively contacted the representatives of the so-called party of war, whose purpose was to overthrow the government in Russia. They could have sent cash to him to destabilize the situation in Russia. For this cash, Nemtsov’s Ukrainian partners may have quite likely expected from him work in splitting Russian society. But not only did the split not happen, on the contrary, a consolidation of Russian society occurred. Understanding that they would not obtain any result, Nemtsov’s sponsors could have removed the politician, unable to realize their plans, said a source in the investigative group.”
- Third party in love triangle jealous of his relationship with model; LifeNews claimed a high-ranking law-enforcement official told them this theory
“The girl with whom Boris Nemtsov was with at the moment of his murder is a citizen of Ukraine. As we have already determined, she recently flew from Moscow to Switzerland to have an abortion from the politician. We can’t rule out that an ordinary conflict over her could have taken place.”
- Political activity related to position as deputy in Yaroslavl legislature (Interfax source)
- Business activity (Interfax source)
Unofficial – Pro-government
- The CIA; says “There are folks in Langley tonight who get a promotion.”
Ramzan Kadryov says, “Western intelligence striving by any means to provoke internal conflict” was responsible
Mikhail Khodorkovsky,in order to discredit Putin
-Other opposition figures, to create a martyr and undermine the government
- Dmitro Yarosh and Aslan Alkhanov; Two unverified articles publishedhere and here by an obscure online news site (which means “There is No Justice”) claim that Ukrainian ultranationalist Yarosh, head of Right Sector and now a member of parliament and deputy head of the Verkhovna Rada’s Commitee for Defense and Security, together with an unknown man, Aslan Alkhanov, were behind Nemtsov’s murder. The story makes a neat package tying together the most notorious Ukrainian ultranationalist, frequently the subject of Kremlin conspiracy theories with a man with a Chechen name, and also claims the involvement of CANVAS, the NGO supported by the US-funded National Endowment for Democracy. According to this site, Alkhanov, who was “the main thread to the contractors of Nemtsov’s killing,” was himself found dead February 28 of self-inflicted gunshot wounds in Klyonovskoye Troitskogo, a suburb of Moscow. None of these stories could be confirmed at all, and the motive is hazy; presumably the claim is like the “Ukrainian paymasters” or “destabilization” stories indicating a falling out between various opponents of the Kremlin.
Unofficial – Anti-government
- “Novorossiya” fighters in the Donbass or their Russian ultranationalist supporters in Russia
- Anti-Maidan movement (bikers, Afghan vets, Cossacks)
- Anyone motivated by “climate of hatred” incited by Anti-Maidan marchers, Dmitry Kiselyev, state TV, billboards, print media against “fifth columnists”. This reason for Nemtsov’s death was cited most often by participants in the March 1 memorial procession for Nemtsov who were interviewed by Hromadske TV.
- Putin government through FSB or through cut-outs; opposition Duma deputy said in a speech this weekend at Tufts University Ilya Ponomarev says, “I think it’s pretty obvious that it’s this regime, this system that is to blame.”
Significance of Date
- Russians are very familiar with history, and many memorized in school the story of the Reichstag fire on February 27, 1933, which enabled the Nazis to come to power by claiming the Communists were plotting against them and burned down the parliament. Hitler was able to get the Reichstaf Fire Decree suspending civil liberties in Germany as a result of the fire To this day historicans debate whether a Communist was indeed to blame or whether the Nazis themselve set the fire, but it is invoked as a classic example of a false-flag operation that could then be used to justify a crackdown.
- The date is the anniversary of theforcible take-over of the parliament in Crimea, and the takeover of airports and airfields the following day, which led to the forcible annexation of the Crimea;
- Many have noted that this is also Special Forces Day, which wasjust established this year, to celebrate theSpecial Operations Forces founded in March 2013 and empowered to fight in Russia’s interests abroad; these are the “polite people” or “little green men”. Putin himself served in foreign intelligence in the KGB, not the special forces, and as he signed the decree on the very day of Nemtsov’s murder, it’s not likely the murderers chose this date in advance. On the other hand, the preparation of the decree for his signature would have been known in advance inside the government, the combination of all the dates may indicate deliberate symmetry.
We’ve taken a look at these various theories and here’s our analysis.
1.Business partners, jealous lovers, or other private persons – In most cases involving money and love triangles, the victim is killed inside or right outside their home.  The murderer is not going to want to risk being seen in a wide-open public space, or caught on surveillance cameras. The fact that Nemtsov was killed in a wide-open space with lots of possible witnesses, and surveillance cameras in a highly-secure area near the Kremlin, tends to suggest that personal reasons are not involved.
2.Ukrainian government or State Department paymasters. Those positing the involvement of the Ukrainian or any Western government in the assassination who are unhappy with their charge’s supposed work for them have to explain why these putative pay-masters looking to “punish for poor performance” or conversely “split society” didn’t wait until March 1, and a presumably failed march with fairly low turnout (or a wildly successful march), to then settle their scores — and thus miss an opportunity for a high-profile event first to attract support of their cause. Given that in Russia, murders and arrests tend to intimidate dissidents rather than fuel them to more protest, this seems counterintuitive to their hypothetical interests.
There’s also the obvious problem that if these paymasters want to recruit new helpers, making obvious examples of poor performers by executing them may tend to drive down recruitment.
3.Western intelligence seeking destabilization of Russia. The argument that any assassination “destabilizes society” seems readily credible until we contemplate that in Russia, killing an opposition leader without much of a following in the broader society does not achieve the desired affect.
There have been dozens of assassinations in the last 25 years of journalists, priests, civic activists, lawyers, parliamentarians, artists, and business people. None of these affected the rule of Vladimir Putin whatsoever; other factors were involved in the demise of Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin. Russia is already severely destabilized by Putin’s own actions in Ukraine, the fall of the ruble’s value and the price of oil. The effect of a chill on speech and assembly would arguably provide more stability (albeit of the potentially volatile kind due to state oppression), rather than destabilization.
This could be projection by Kremlin-controlled media, as one key way in which Russian-backed separatists and suspects who were trained in Russia, according to Ukrainian police, have destabilized cities like Lugansk and Kharkiv is to commit high-profile assassinations or bombings (see the cases of the Russian ultrarightist activist Aleksandr Prosyolkov who came to Lugansk from Moscow; Aleksandr “Batman” Bednov in Lugansk; and at least 10 bombings of Kharkiv in which Maidan activists and other civilians have been killed.)
4.Russian opposition itself making of Nemtsov a “sacrificial victim”.  This is a version of the “false flag” technique in subversive activity, and is also likely a projection based on the Kremlin’s own methods. The single greatest disinformation story that the Kremlin has put out regarding Maidan is that the snipers who killed 100 people were from Right Sector or other ultrarightist forces who killed their own fellow demonstrators as well as police to provoke a violent coup. While some of the demonstrators may have shot police, the evidence also indicates that most demonstrators were armed and shot by riot police.
Furthermore, there is indication that not only did the Kremlin have a scenario for takeover of the Crimea and the Donbass before Yanukovych fled, Yanukovych had plenty of reasons to flee without actually facing gunmen in his own office or residence — which never occurred.
Blogger Oleg Kashin has an interesting post about the “sacrificial lamb” theory, noting that he himself heard this theory espoused during his own police interrogations regarding the 2010 attack on him which left him severely injured, after which he was eventually forced to flee Russia to live abroad.
An investigator asked him if he didn’t think the attack on him was meant to “destabilize Russia” or was an effort by opposition to make him into a “sacrificial victim.” He didn’t think that about his own case, and doesn’t think it about Nemtsov’s case now, either. He took it at face value for what it was: government-related intimidation to punish him for blogging critically about an environmental issue.
Ilya Ponomarev argued backward from the actual “audience” that would be most affected by the assassination to discard both the “sacrificial lamb” and “destabilization of society” theory:
“The audience for that crime was not the Russian people; the target audience is within the Russian elites, who knew Nemtsov very well, and even those who were Putin supporters had great respect and they knew him as first vice prime minister; and elites in the West – an even greater target than elites in Russia.”
Not ordinary Russians or “all of Russia” were affected, because if Nemtsov had any recognition value, it was only as a figured hated for his association with the Yeltsin regime. Rather, it would be the liberal intelligentsia in Russia and its supporters in the West who knew Nemtsov and his value who would be most affected.
As Ponomarev pointed out, unlike other figures who were less transparent, everything about Nemtsov was known,  including his love affairs and business dealings and he was never shy about expressing his opinion on a wide range of issues. That made it difficult for officials to control him.
5. Ultranationalist or nationalist-Bolshevik or other type of groups to the right or left of the Kremlin operating on their own. The assassination of the most visible enemy designated by Anti-Maidan as “the organizer of Maidan” is not merely intended to “discredit Putin” — who is already quite discredited. Rather, it signals to Putin that extremists will hedge him in by “taking care of” enemies they believe may influence him, to one extent or another in the “fifth column.”
Regardless of the forces or interests at play in the murder of Nemtsov, it’s likely that suspects in the murder will be delivered quickly — already there is talk of “license plates from Ingushetia or Ossetia,” Caucasian republic near Chechnya, which indicates that a Chechen or other Caucasian, the standard culprits for crimes in Russia may turn out once again to be involved.
For one, a key feature of the annual report of Aleksandr Bastrykin delivered last Friday, February 27(the same day as Nemtsov’s murder) is that 86% of murders are solved, and that the percentage of such cases has increased since last year. After boasting about this facet of his Investigative Committee — which he believes makes the reason self-evident for separating the investigative functions from the prosecutor’s office — he will be under pressure to make good on his claim, not to mention under considerable political and media pressure with such a high-profile case.
For another, the faster the government can find a credible scapegoat, even if the investigation and trial process drags out for years, the more any undesirable fallout can be controlled.
Ilya Ponomarev predicted that in the next few weeks, the culprit will likely be found:
“Their face will be on Russian TV, their biographies and the evidence — ‘the evidence’ — would be on RT, very nicely presented,conveyed in perfect English by people like Ms. Boykov…conveyed in perfect English, and with all the proof that is needed to convince a Western audience. My personal bet is that it will be somebody next to Khodorkovsky whom Kremlin really fears.”
(Note: The Interpreter is a project of the Institute for Modern Russia which is funded by Pavel Khodorkovsky, son of Mikhail Khodorkovsky. )
6. The Kremlin. When political killings have occurred in the United States, Latin America, Asia or Africa, media have no trouble questioning whether the government in power could be involved somehow. Yet when it comes to Russia, such probing is instantly relegated to the category of “conspiracy theory” and discredited as tin-foil hattery.
Even so, the simplest explanation for the murder of an opposition leader against the dramatic backdrop of the Kremlin walls and towers and St. Basil’s Cathedral,  on the eve of a public anti-war march, is that forces in power or close to the government were most motivated and most capable of the deed.
There are a number of factors that support government involvement in some form:
a. Nemtsov was under constant surveillance. This was proven multiple times as his cell phone calls were publicized in the press and his meetings with people were broadcast on TV. His killers would know where he was meeting his girlfriend and where he might stroll after dinner on his way home. Presumably if an attempt was made on Nemtsov while he was under surveillance, agents could prevent it or quickly nab the culprits. Even if it seems unlikely Nemtsov wasn’t under 24/7 surveillance, in the period leading up to a high-profile march, he would be.
b. The videotape from the security camera trained on the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge indicates the involvement of a city vehicle in deliberately blocking the view of the murder and making escape possible. As we noted regarding thevideo, there is suspicious activity as people get in and out of thevehicle and then make a getaway in a passenger car. This is the key indication of possible official collusion. Other video cameras much closer to the scene of the crime likely caught more details, but the footage has not been publicized.
c. A fear that the march might get more than the barely 30,000 that the government mustered for the Anti-Maidan cause, even paying demonstrators, bussing in protesters, and urging unions and local government to turn out people dependent on the state for their salaries. Had 30,000 appeared for “Spring” — and it’s not clear at all that they would, although a rally last March produced that many — the Kremlin might have felt it had a significant challenge. It’s not a challenge it would have been overwhelmed with, however, as experience shows that with just a few dozens arrests and long sentences of 4-5 years such as in the
Bolotnaya Square cases, the government could deter participation in large rallies. Even so, it could represent a fresh round of challenges.
d. Recent leak of adocument purporting to come from the Kremlin indicating plans to annex the Crimea and the Donbass long before Yanukovych was toppled. So much effort has been spent on finding reasons to discount or downplay this document that it may be overlooked that it simply could be true. In that case, a leak from a top official would need to be punished and further leakers or would-be publishers discouraged. Perhaps the Kremlin does not (yet) know who the leaker is and needs to smoke him out.
Many believed Novaya Gazeta‘s Dmitry Muratov was in great danger when he announced the leak days before publication, yet to attack or jail him might not get as much publicity as the assassination of an opposition leader about to lead a large public march. Nemtsov was also planning to release a report himself.
e.  A demonstrable need in advance of various threatened or anticipated crackdowns to have a powerful deterrence in place to prevent protest. These range from from blocking of independent media websites, Western social media like Twitter and Facebook, due to untenable demands on these companies to place their servers on Russian territory, to further taxation and austerity measures, and a law that will define “undesirable” organizations with foreign ties in addition to the “foreign agents” law.
Whatever person or group committed the murder of Nemtsov, one thing seems certain about their planning: they hoped that the indelible image broadcast by media all over the world of a Kremlin critic lying dead just outside the Kremlin’s walls — which he had never assailed in his lifetime — would serve as a powerful image to strike fear into the hearts of any other challengers.
Read the whole story
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Tens of Thousands March in Moscow to Honor Putin Critic

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The crowd, waving Russian flags and holding pictures of Boris Y. Nemtsov, who was fatally shot on Friday, marched through the heart of Moscow’s government district.

Tens Of Thousands Join Moscow Nemtsov March

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Tens of thousands of people joined a march through Moscow following the killing of prominent opposition leader Boris Nemtsov. Many carried portraits of Nemtsov, Russian flags, and banners reading "I am not afraid." Nemtsov was a strong critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and some of his allies have accused the Kremlin of being involved in his killing. (RFE/RL's Russian Service)


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