News / MN Newsletter // October 27

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October 27, 2018
Putin and Putinism - News Review: This RSS feed URL is deprecated
Window on Eurasia -- New Series: New Nationality Strategy Opens Way to More Russian Chauvinism and Drive toward a Unitary State, Pain and Arutyunov Say
SvobodaRadio's YouTube Videos: Петлюра в монастыре
RSS: Миротворцы ОДКБ отработают противодействие массовым беспорядкам на учениях в Свердловской области
RSS: Лётчики Северного флота выполнили воздушную разведку ледового поля в Арктике
Russia - Google News: 'It's like playing whack-a-mole': A string of recent revelations paints a stark picture of Russia's ongoing campaign ... - Business Insider
Радиопрограммы и подкасты - Радио Свобода: Цитаты Свободы. Способ победить в ядерной войне - 27 Октябрь, 2018
Сайт Президента России: Все материалы: Встреча лидеров России, Турции, Германии и Франции
Радиопрограммы и подкасты - Радио Свобода: Дороги к свободе. Зачем России "выборы" в Донбассе? - 27 Октябрь, 2018
RSS: В войска поступит комплекс, предназначенный для сохранения и укрепления психического здоровья военнослужащих
RSS: В Оперативной группе российских войск в Приднестровье подвели итоги годовой спартакиады по военно-прикладным видам спорта
RSS: В Санкт-Петербурге завершила работу Школа военного психолога
syria kurds russia - Google News: Turkey hosts summit to seek solutions to end war in Syria -
RSS: На крейсере «Аврора» прошла церемония посвящения в кадеты «Торжественная клятва на верность Флоту России»
путин – Новости Google: Путин и Макрон обсудили по телефону российско-американскую встречу в Париже - Аргументы и факты
путин – Новости Google: Путин и Меркель начали двустороннюю встречу на полях саммита по Сирии в Стамбуле - ТАСС
Voice of America: Cash Grants Seen as Life-Line for Yemeni Displaced
Russia Video News from mikenova (11 sites): SvobodaRadio's YouTube Videos: Зачем России «выборы» на Донбассе?
В мире – Новости Google: В Кривом Роге во время гонок автомобиль влетел в толпу - ФОКУС
Russia Video News from mikenova (11 sites): euronewsru's YouTube Videos: Стамбул принимает саммит по Сирии
Putin and Putinism - News Review: О состоянии здоровья Путина спорят в соцсетях - Сетевое издание LentaChel
лицо путина - Google News: Путин наградил митрополита Владимира орденом Дружбы - Sputnik Молдова
Putin and Putinism - News Review: Putin Warns Of Nuclear Arms Race - NPR
Putin - Google News: Russia's Putin spoke to Turkey's Erdogan ahead of wider Syria talks: Kremlin - Reuters
Putin - Google News: Putin, Erdogan, Merkel and Macron arrive at Syria summit as Middle East tensions peak -
1. Podcasts in Russian from mikenova (9 sites): Аудионовости - Радио Свобода: Новости - 27 Октябрь, 2018

Putin and Putinism - News Review: This RSS feed URL is deprecated

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
Red Dead Redemption 2 is an absurdly big game, full of secrets, systems, and hidden surprises. It's possible to just learn how it all works by playing, but its first ...
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Window on Eurasia -- New Series: New Nationality Strategy Opens Way to More Russian Chauvinism and Drive toward a Unitary State, Pain and Arutyunov Say

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
Paul Goble             Staunton, October 27 – The much-delayed new edition of Moscow’s “Strategy for the State Nationality Policy of the Russian Federation” that was presented to Vladimir
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SvobodaRadio's YouTube Videos: Петлюра в монастыре

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
From: SvobodaRadio Duration: 24:48 Художник Александр Ляшенко, известный как Петлюра, в советское время занимался неформальным искусством, а в 1990 году создал в центре Москвы знаменитый сквот, арт-коммуну.
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RSS: Миротворцы ОДКБ отработают противодействие массовым беспорядкам на учениях в Свердловской области

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
Главная Новости В стране Подробнее 27.10.2018 (17:19)Миротворцы ОДКБ отработают противодействие массовым беспорядкам на учениях в Свердловской области
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RSS: Лётчики Северного флота выполнили воздушную разведку ледового поля в Арктике

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
Главная Новости В стране Подробнее 27.10.2018 (17:15)Лётчики Северного флота выполнили воздушную разведку ледового поля в Арктике Сегодня экипажи двух самолетов Ту-142 авиабазы объединения ВВС и ПВО Северного флота выполнили плановый полет с целью получения информации о ледовой обстановке в Баренцевом море и Северном Ледовитом океане.
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Russia - Google News: 'It's like playing whack-a-mole': A string of recent revelations paints a stark picture of Russia's ongoing campaign ... - Business Insider

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
The first sign of Moscow's meddling in the 2016 election came in September 2015, when the FBI noticed that Russian hackers had infiltrated a computer system belonging to the Democratic National Committee.
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Радиопрограммы и подкасты - Радио Свобода: Цитаты Свободы. Способ победить в ядерной войне - 27 Октябрь, 2018

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
В этом выпуске: расследование о Пригожине, способ победить в ядерной войне и новые планы правительства по отъему денег у населения.
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Сайт Президента России: Все материалы: Встреча лидеров России, Турции, Германии и Франции

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
В Стамбуле проходит встреча Президента России Владимира Путина, Президента Турции Реджепа Тайипа Эрдогана, Федерального канцлера Германии Ангелы Меркель и Президента Франции Эммануэля Макрона.
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Радиопрограммы и подкасты - Радио Свобода: Дороги к свободе. Зачем России "выборы" в Донбассе? - 27 Октябрь, 2018

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
В программе "Дороги к свободе" Виталий Портников обсуждает "выборы" в Донбассе с политологом Дмитрием Снегиревым и журналистом Андреем Дихтяренко
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RSS: В войска поступит комплекс, предназначенный для сохранения и укрепления психического здоровья военнослужащих

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
Главная Новости В стране Подробнее 27.10.2018 (17:11)В войска поступит комплекс, предназначенный для сохранения и укрепления психического здоровья военнослужащих
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RSS: В Оперативной группе российских войск в Приднестровье подвели итоги годовой спартакиады по военно-прикладным видам спорта

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
Главная Новости В стране Подробнее 27.10.2018 (17:10)В Оперативной группе российских войск в Приднестровье подвели итоги годовой спартакиады по военно-прикладным видам спорта
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RSS: В Санкт-Петербурге завершила работу Школа военного психолога

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
Главная Новости В стране Подробнее 27.10.2018 (17:04)В Санкт-Петербурге завершила работу Школа военного психолога В Санкт-Петербургском суворовском военном училище под руководством заместителя Министра обороны Российской Федерации – начальника Главного военно-политического управления Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации генерал-полковника А.
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syria kurds russia - Google News: Turkey hosts summit to seek solutions to end war in Syria -

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
Turkey hosts summit to seek solutions to end war in Syria ISTANBUL (AP) - The leaders of Turkey, Russia, France and Germany were holding talks about Syria at a summit on Saturday, hoping to lay the groundwork for eventual peace in a country devastated by years of war.
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RSS: На крейсере «Аврора» прошла церемония посвящения в кадеты «Торжественная клятва на верность Флоту России»

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
Главная Новости В стране Подробнее 27.10.2018 (16:59)На крейсере «Аврора» прошла церемония посвящения в кадеты «Торжественная клятва на верность Флоту России»
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путин – Новости Google: Путин и Макрон обсудили по телефону российско-американскую встречу в Париже - Аргументы и факты

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
Москва, 27 октября - АиФ-Москва. Президенты России и Франции Владимир Путин и Эммануэль Макрон обсудили по телефону вопрос о проведении в Париже российско-американской встречи на высшем уровне.
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путин – Новости Google: Путин и Меркель начали двустороннюю встречу на полях саммита по Сирии в Стамбуле - ТАСС

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
СТАМБУЛ, 27 октября. /ТАСС/. Президент РФ Владимир Путин и канцлер ФРГ Ангела Меркель проводят двустороннюю встречу на полях саммита по Сирии, который состоится позднее в субботу в Стамбуле.
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Voice of America: Cash Grants Seen as Life-Line for Yemeni Displaced

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
GENEVA —  The U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) says it is giving millions of dollars in cash to more than 150,000 of the most vulnerable people displaced by more than three years of civil war in Yemen.
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Russia Video News from mikenova (11 sites): SvobodaRadio's YouTube Videos: Зачем России «выборы» на Донбассе?

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
From: SvobodaRadio Duration: 24:01 В программе "Дороги к свободе" Виталий Портников обсуждает «выборы» на Донбассе с политологом Дмитрием Снегирёвым и журналистом Андреем Дихтяренко
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В мире – Новости Google: В Кривом Роге во время гонок автомобиль влетел в толпу - ФОКУС

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
В Кривом Роге во время "гонок на выживание" в субботу, 27 октября, автомобиль влетел в толпу. Об этом пишет Первый городской.Инцидент случился в Саксаганском районе на автокроссе "Кривбасс-экстрим".
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Russia Video News from mikenova (11 sites): euronewsru's YouTube Videos: Стамбул принимает саммит по Сирии

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
From: euronewsru Duration: 00:51 Лидеры России, Турции Франции и Германии собрались в Стамбуле, чтобы обсудить вопросы сирийского политического урегулирования и социально-экономического восстановления Сирии
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Putin and Putinism - News Review: О состоянии здоровья Путина спорят в соцсетях - Сетевое издание LentaChel

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
Поводом для такого «диагноза» стала публикация фотографии, на которой президент выглядел немного странно. Путин, похоже. сильно сполз с кресла. В результате оказался ростом ниже, чем премьер Медведев (хотя на самом деле Путин выше премьера).
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лицо путина - Google News: Путин наградил митрополита Владимира орденом Дружбы - Sputnik Молдова

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
Общество15:26 27.10.2018Получить короткую ссылку 31 0 0 Высокая награда вручена духовному лицу за укрепление российско-молдавского сотрудничества. КИШИНЕВ, 27 окт — Sputnik. Митрополит Кишиневский и всея Молдовы Владимир награжден российским орденом Дружбы.
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Putin and Putinism - News Review: Putin Warns Of Nuclear Arms Race - NPR

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
Putin Warns Of Nuclear Arms Race NPR ... D.C., July 25, 2018. ( · Lucian Kim · Twitter. Russian President Vladimir Putin says if the U.S. withdraws from the INF Treaty and deploys missiles in Europe, Russia will have to respond by targeting the countries hosting those weapons.
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Putin - Google News: Russia's Putin spoke to Turkey's Erdogan ahead of wider Syria talks: Kremlin - Reuters

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
Reuters Russia's Putin spoke to Turkey's Erdogan ahead of wider Syria talks: Kremlin Reuters MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke to Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan in Istanbul on Saturday ahead of wider Syria talks to be attended by Germany's Angela Merkel and France's President Emmanuel Macron, the Kremlin said in ...
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Putin - Google News: Putin, Erdogan, Merkel and Macron arrive at Syria summit as Middle East tensions peak -

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
The four leaders pledged to sit at a negotiating table to find a lasting political solution to the Syrian civil war that has been ravaving the country for seven years.  The conflict, which has killed more than 360,000 people since 2011, sees rebel factions, supported by Turkey, fighting against the Russia-backed regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. 
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1. Podcasts in Russian from mikenova (9 sites): Аудионовости - Радио Свобода: Новости - 27 Октябрь, 2018

1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites)
Новости Радио Свобода: точность, оперативность, беспристрастность
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Bomb Suspect, Beto Poll, Obama Calls Out Trump: 10 Days to Go
2016 Presidential Election Investigation - Google News: Suspect's van — plastered with Trump, Pence stickers — a focus of bomb investigation - KPAX-TV
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): putin won US 2016 election - Google News: 'It's like playing whack-a-mole': A string of recent revelations paints a stark picture of Russia's ongoing campaign ... - Business Insider
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Putin and American political process - Google News: 'It's like playing whack-a-mole': A string of recent revelations paints a stark picture of Russia's ongoing campaign ... - Business Insider
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): US elections and russia - Google News: 'It's like playing whack-a-mole': A string of recent revelations paints a stark picture of Russia's ongoing campaign ... - Business Insider
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Elections 2016 Investigation - Google News: 'It's like playing whack-a-mole': A string of recent revelations paints a stark picture of Russia's ongoing campaign ... - Business Insider
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Trump - Google News: How Trump's nationalism has already changed the world - CNN
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): trump under federal investigation - Google News: 'He feels frustrated': Why Trump scapegoats the Fed - CNN
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Donald Trump - Google News: BBC Presenter Dry Heaves Recalling What 'Creepy' Donald Trump Once Told Her - HuffPost
'He feels frustrated': Why Trump scapegoats the Fed
Trump Rolls Out New Pledges to Boost GOP Electoral Odds
Ann Coulter: Crazed zealot Sessions attempts to enforce law
Editorial: Twist in Mueller probe produces feelings of unease
How Trump's nationalism has already changed the world
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Palmer Report: Enough with the false equivalence already
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Do mass shootings increase trump election chances? - Google News: Lewis, Craig down to the wire in 2nd District rematch - SW News Media
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Lawfare - Hard National Security Choices: The Week That Was: All of Lawfare in One Post
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Donald Trump: Trump Admin's Axing Of Plan To Reduce Creatures Killed In Gillnets Ruled Illegal
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Do police officers shootings increase trump election chances? - Google News: When's the Next Gas Explosion? – Beacon Hill Recap - NewBostonPost (blog)
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): trump under federal investigation - Google News: 'He feels frustrated': Why Trump scapegoats the Fed - KRTV Great Falls News
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Trumpism - Google News: This Conscience-Free Bullshit Is Why Trumpism Will Outlive Trump -
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Donald Trump: BBC Presenter Dry Heaves Recalling What 'Creepy' Donald Trump Once Told Her
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Donald Trump: Trump’s Military Response To Migrant Caravan Foreshadows A Dark Long-Term Climate Policy
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Donald Trump - Google News: 'America first ... why is that racist?': Trump's bizarre rant to African American supporters – video - The Guardian
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): trump criminal investigation - Google News: Cesar Sayoc, package bomb suspect, is a Florida Trump supporter -- live updates - CBS News
Jared Kushner - Google News: Food and Politics: Beto O'Rourke crashes a wedding; Jared Kushner's brother eats cake - Mic
Majority in survey say their finances have not improved since President Trump took over
Pipe bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc is charged with sending explosive packages
The Trump tax cuts were supposed to set off an investment boom. They aren't so far.

Bomb Suspect, Beto Poll, Obama Calls Out Trump: 10 Days to Go

New York Times
The Tip Sheet Bomb Suspect, Beto Poll, Obama Calls Out Trump: 10 Days to GoFormer President Barack Obama campaigned for Wisconsin Democratic candidates on Friday. “What we have not seen before in our recent public life is politicians just blatantly, repeatedly, baldly, shamelessly lying,” he said.CreditScott Olson/Getty ImagesBy Matt Flegenheimer
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2016 Presidential Election Investigation - Google News: Suspect's van — plastered with Trump, Pence stickers — a focus of bomb investigation - KPAX-TV

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
After authorities took Cesar Sayoc into custody Friday, many people couldn’t help but notice his white van, its windows covered in eye-catching political images and stickers of President Donald Trump.
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): putin won US 2016 election - Google News: 'It's like playing whack-a-mole': A string of recent revelations paints a stark picture of Russia's ongoing campaign ... - Business Insider

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
The first sign of Moscow's meddling in the 2016 election came in September 2015, when the FBI noticed that Russian hackers had infiltrated a computer system belonging to the Democratic National Committee.
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Putin and American political process - Google News: 'It's like playing whack-a-mole': A string of recent revelations paints a stark picture of Russia's ongoing campaign ... - Business Insider

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
The first sign of Moscow's meddling in the 2016 election came in September 2015, when the FBI noticed that Russian hackers had infiltrated a computer system belonging to the Democratic National Committee.
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): US elections and russia - Google News: 'It's like playing whack-a-mole': A string of recent revelations paints a stark picture of Russia's ongoing campaign ... - Business Insider

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
The first sign of Moscow's meddling in the 2016 election came in September 2015, when the FBI noticed that Russian hackers had infiltrated a computer system belonging to the Democratic National Committee.
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Elections 2016 Investigation - Google News: 'It's like playing whack-a-mole': A string of recent revelations paints a stark picture of Russia's ongoing campaign ... - Business Insider

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
The first sign of Moscow's meddling in the 2016 election came in September 2015, when the FBI noticed that Russian hackers had infiltrated a computer system belonging to the Democratic National Committee.
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Trump - Google News: How Trump's nationalism has already changed the world - CNN

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
CNN How Trump's nationalism has already changed the world CNN (CNN) President Donald Trump has pushed an "America First" foreign policy from his first day in office and now he's gone a step further, criticizing the "globalist" presidents of the past and asking people to use the term nationalist to describe him ...
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): trump under federal investigation - Google News: 'He feels frustrated': Why Trump scapegoats the Fed - CNN

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
In the run-up to the midterm elections, the President has repeatedly bashed Jerome Powell, a Republican investment banker he described last year as a "wise steward," and has more recently called the Fed "crazy" and "loco" over recent interest-rate increases.
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Donald Trump - Google News: BBC Presenter Dry Heaves Recalling What 'Creepy' Donald Trump Once Told Her - HuffPost

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
A BBC presenter pretended to be sick after recalling what President Donald Trump once told her shortly before an interview. “He was creepy, man,” Steph McGovern said on Friday’s broadcast of topical panel show “Have I Got News For You.”
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'He feels frustrated': Why Trump scapegoats the Fed

In the run-up to the midterm elections, the President has repeatedly bashed Jerome Powell, a Republican investment banker he described last year as a "wise steward," and has more recently called the Fed "crazy" and "loco" over recent interest-rate increases.
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Trump Rolls Out New Pledges to Boost GOP Electoral Odds

Wall Street Journal
WASHINGTON—President Trump, anxious to boost GOP midterm election turnout, is offering voters a new round of tax cuts, lower prescription drug prices and tougher border policies as he retools his closing message to try to protect Republican congressional majorities.
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Ann Coulter: Crazed zealot Sessions attempts to enforce law

Cleburne Times-Review
The New York Times recently published a snippy attack on Attorney General Jeff Sessions, portraying him as a single-minded zealot pursuing crackpot ideas that were putting the Trump administration “on track to lose in court and prompting high-level departures.”
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Editorial: Twist in Mueller probe produces feelings of unease

The Ledger
Given the daily avalanche of news, you might have missed a recent, and critical, development in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of election-related collusion between President Donald Trump and Russian operatives.
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How Trump's nationalism has already changed the world

His time in office has seen a number of America First policies, including his removal of the US from multiple international organizations and his frustration with international trade groups and security alliances.
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Palmer Report: Enough with the false equivalence already

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
On a day when Donald Trump’s violent rhetoric and vicious lies resulted in one of his own biggest supporters being arrested for trying to murder fourteen prominent Democrats, one might expect to hear pundits saying the obvious: Trump is the problem here.
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Do mass shootings increase trump election chances? - Google News: Lewis, Craig down to the wire in 2nd District rematch - SW News Media

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
The names are the same, the place is the same and the race is either the same or very different, depending on who you ask. 
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Lawfare - Hard National Security Choices: The Week That Was: All of Lawfare in One Post

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
Prominent politicians and critics of President Trump were sent pipe bombs in the mail throughout the week, and a suspect, 56 year old Cesar Sayoc Jr., was arrested Friday in connection with the case.
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Donald Trump: Trump Admin's Axing Of Plan To Reduce Creatures Killed In Gillnets Ruled Illegal

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
Oct 26 (Reuters) - The Trump administration unlawfully withdrew a plan to limit the number of whales, turtles and other marine creatures permitted to be inadvertently killed or harmed by drift gillnets used to catch swordfish off California, a federal judge has ruled.
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Do police officers shootings increase trump election chances? - Google News: When's the Next Gas Explosion? – Beacon Hill Recap - NewBostonPost (blog)

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
When’s the Next Gas Explosion? – Beacon Hill Recap Printed from: Gas explosion fire in the Merrimack Valley in Massachusetts on September 13, 2018.
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): trump under federal investigation - Google News: 'He feels frustrated': Why Trump scapegoats the Fed - KRTV Great Falls News

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
The US economy is chugging along — fresh numbers released Friday put growth at 3.5% — but that hasn’t stopped President Donald Trump from setting up a scapegoat in case the wobbling stock market is a sign of things turning south: his own Federal Reserve chairman.
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Trumpism - Google News: This Conscience-Free Bullshit Is Why Trumpism Will Outlive Trump -

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
(Permanent Musical Accompaniment To The Last Post Of The Week From The Blog's Favorite Living Canadian) Would you like to see Exhibit A of why, one day, when the country has sobered up and promised never to drive drunk into the abyss again, the experience of this administration is going to go so far down the memory hole that it's going to be found in Tiananmen Square?
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Donald Trump: BBC Presenter Dry Heaves Recalling What 'Creepy' Donald Trump Once Told Her

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
A BBC presenter pretended to be sick after recalling what President Donald Trump once told her shortly before an interview. “He was creepy, man,” Steph McGovern said on Friday’s broadcast of topical panel show “Have I Got News For You.”
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Donald Trump: Trump’s Military Response To Migrant Caravan Foreshadows A Dark Long-Term Climate Policy

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
The Trump administration is preparing to dispatch 800 troops and has threatened to shut down all entry across the U.S.-Mexico border as a caravan of thousands of Central American migrants travels northward seeking asylum.
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Donald Trump - Google News: 'America first ... why is that racist?': Trump's bizarre rant to African American supporters – video - The Guardian

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
The Guardian 'America first ... why is that racist?': Trump's bizarre rant to African American supporters – video The Guardian Donald Trump embarked on a wide-ranging speech at the Young Black Leadership Summit on Friday.
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): trump criminal investigation - Google News: Cesar Sayoc, package bomb suspect, is a Florida Trump supporter -- live updates - CBS News

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
Retired cop who arrested suspect in 2002 says he's "not well" A Miami police investigator who arrested Cesar Sayoc for threatening to blow up a Florida Power and Light building in 2002 told CBS Miami he was not surprised when he heard Sayoc was arrested in connection with the recent spate of package bombs.
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Jared Kushner - Google News: Food and Politics: Beto O'Rourke crashes a wedding; Jared Kushner's brother eats cake - Mic

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
Dining out has been tough for conservatives lately — just ask Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). On Oct. 19, McConnell and his wife, Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, were spotted eating at Havana Rumba restaurant in Louisville, Kentucky.
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Majority in survey say their finances have not improved since President Trump took over

Jill Cornfield, CNBC Published 8:00 a.m. ET Oct. 27, 2018 CLOSE Unless you’re a political junkie, it’s not easy keeping track of the seats up for election.
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Pipe bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc is charged with sending explosive packages
Breaking News EmailsGet breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings. SUBSCRIBEOct. 26, 2018 / 12:55 PM GMT / Updated 1:18 PM GMT
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The Trump tax cuts were supposed to set off an investment boom. They aren't so far.

Washington Post
Source: BEA (None) The details might have changed, but the story remains the same: the economy is growing well, but not for the reason President Trump was hoping for. Which is to say that there’s still no sign his tax cuts are spurring the kind of investment boom they were supposed to.
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