Is This The End of Putins New Russia Fantasy? - Daily Beast
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Is This The End of Putins New Russia Fantasy?
Daily Beast Leaders of Novorossia, or New Russia, the pro-Russia separatist movement in eastern Ukraine, are publicly admitting their failure. The Kremlin's ideologues wanted Novorossia to stretch from Donetsk to Odessa, and to provide a transport corridor to Crimea. |
Ukraine Crisis Meeting Set For Berlinby (RFE/RL)
The foreign ministers of Germany, Russia, Ukraine and France are scheduled to meet on January 12 for talks on the crisis in Ukraine.

Russia seeks closer military ties
Bangkok Post Speaking after meeting Russia's Industry and Trade Minister, Denis V Manturov, Gen Prawit said the Russian government wanted more military cooperation with Thailand, including on military equipment. The two governments will establish working groups to ... |
Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi has said the country could need three years to rebuild and restructure its military.
Russian billionaire Vladimir Yevtushenkov said he bore no grudge against the state for putting him under house arrest and seizing his stake in an oil company, moving to ease ties after the asset grab scared investors.
РИА Новости |
NI: New York Times пытается замолчать роль Запада в украинском кризисе
РИА Новости Некоторые статьи влиятельного американского издания The New York Times об украинских событиях и политике России больше похожи не на качественную аналитику, а на конспирологические теории, направленные против РФ и замалчивающие мотивы Запада, пишет National Interest. СМИ подсчитали стоимость национализированной собственности в КрымуПолит.ру Национализированную собственность Крыма оценили в миллиард долларовУтро.Ru Россия национализировала собственности в Крыму на 1 млрд долл., - СМИРБК Украина Ура-Информ -Агентство экономической информации ПРАЙМ -РБК Все похожие статьи: 58 » |
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Песков назвал условия участия Путина во встрече по Украине в Астане
РБК Окончательное решение по поводу участия президента России Владимира Путина во встрече «нормандской четверки» в Астане 15 января по Украине пока не принято. По словам пресс-секретаря президента, Дмитрия Пескова, сейчас идет подготовительная работа на уровне ... Из Нормандии в Астану: участие Путина в переговорах по Украине пока не решеноГазета Труд Путин пока не собирается на саммит в Астане 15 январяКомсомольская Правда в Украине У Путина пока не определились с участием в переговорах в АстанеУкраинское национальное информагентство ЛІГА.net -Московский комсомолец -Интерфакс - Украина Все похожие статьи: 160 » |
AirAsia Black Boxes Locatedby (VOA News)
Authorities in Indonesia say divers have retrieved the flight data recorder from downed AirAsia Flight 8501 and have located the cockpit voice recorder. "At 7:11 a.m. local time we had succeeded in lifting the part of the black box known as the flight data recorder,” said Bambang Soelistyo, chief of the Indonesian search and rescue agency. Hours later, divers located the cockpit voice recorder, but it could not be immediately recovered because it was wedged under heavy wreckage. The recovery of the flight recorders is likely to be critical in learning why the aircraft went down on December 28, killing all 162 people onboard. The Airbus 320 vanished from radar screens over the northern Java Sea less than halfway into a two-hour flight from Indonesia's second-biggest city of Surabaya to Singapore. Forty-eight bodies have been recovered so far. Authorities hope most of the rest of the victims can be recovered from the several large pieces of wreckage that have been detected on the ocean floor. Before takeoff and during the last moments of the flight, the pilots requested to fly at a higher altitude to avoid a storm. The request was not approved because other planes were in the area.
Controversial Russian film "Leviathan" has been awarded the Golden Globe for best foreign language film at a star-studded ceremony in the U.S.
Bloomberg |
Top Russian Ruble Forecaster Sees Fresh Run at Record Low
Bloomberg The analyst -- Danske Bank A/S's Vladimir Miklashevsky -- says the ruble could be testing new lows again this quarter as the plunge in oil, Russia's top export, threatens to cost the country its investment-grade credit ratings and turns Russians away ... Russia Inflation Tops 11% in 2014The Moscow Times Russia's Soaring Misery IndexBusinessweek all 7 news articles » |
A father who saved the life of his young son and kept hostages’ morale up during the Kosher grocery store ordeal has been described as the “bravest of us all” by survivors as it emerged jihadi gunman Amedy Coulibaly was eventually killed in a hail of more than 40 bullets by French security forces.
A man who filmed the Charlie Hebdo killers murdering an unarmed police officer in Paris has said putting it online was a “stupid reflex” caused by years on social media.
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Putin’s Eclectic Cynicism Leading Russia and the World toward Disaster, Ryklin Says by paul goble (
Paul Goble
Staunton, January 12 – Vladimir Putin does not have a well-developed ideology, however much people want to find one. Rather, his eclectic cynicism provides him with the flexibility to keep himself in power, is congruent with a consumerist Russian society skeptical of any broader systems, but points to a horrific totalitarian future for Russia and an ever more dangerous world.
That damning judgment is offered by Mikhail Ryklin, a Russian philosopher and author now living in Germany whose wife committed suicide after being harassed by the Russian authorities for her role in the “Watch Out: Religion” exhibit at the Sakharov Museum in 2003 (
In an interview with RFE/RL’s Dmitry Volchek, Ryklin says that since he came to power in 1999, Putin has sought to inculcate in the Russian population “a cynical attitude toward everything. Now this cynicism has affected an enormous number of people as the Crimea events show.”
Some people argue that Putin is a conservative nationalist, he continues, but “no big ideology stands behind Putinism.” He is completely cynical about all of his moves and it is worth noting that today he is simultaneously persecuting liberals and also those harsh nationalists who understand in their own way how it is necessary to conquer ‘the Russian world.’”
“Chekists are not that educated,” and Putin is one of them, Ryklin says. “They do not need an ideology; for them the main thing is to have everything under control. If that is an ideology, then Putin and his entourage have one. But it isn’t an elaborate ideology like National Socialism or even more Communism.”
That absence of any core set of beliefs – other than self-preservation and control – in turn helps to explain why Putin and his regime can suddenly change course and also why his and their reaction to events is often schizophrenic, reflecting the fact that they see value of being on both sides of an issue.
Thus, official Moscow’s reaction to the Charlie Hebdo terrorist act, Ryklin says. On the one hand, Putin and other officials condemned the actions of the Islamists. But on the other, they and even more those close to them signaled that the Europeans in significant ways had themselves to blame for being overly tolerant.
Because of this eclecticism and cynicism, he continues, “Russian society still does not imagine what awaits it in the next year or two.” But neither does Putin, Ryklin suggests. His playing with nationalism, his authoritarianism, and his cynicism has brought Russia nothing but pain even while Russians continue to view him as a great patriot.
If Putin is able to continue his current course, Russians will eventually find themselves in the position of the Germans in 1945, forced to confront the horrors carried out by their leaders and in their name. But if the economic crisis intensifies, the very consumerism and cynicism that have led Russians to support Putin could lead them to turn against him.
But that is probably a vain hope, Ryklin says. “Liberals have no chances now in Russia” given how successful Putin has been in spreading cynicism while gaining support as someone who won’t allow any repetition of the early 1990s. And both he and the Russians more generally are increasingly infected with a kind of unthinking consumerist fundamentalism of a most dangerous kind.
“This is an achievement of the Putin system,” the Russian philosopher says, but it is one that has involved the descent of Russians into a radical consumerism – “I have not seen a country as consumerist as Russia,” he says – and allowed him to impose his rule on millions of people and threaten both them and the outside world.
But despite this “achievement,” Ryklin says that he believes that “the powers that be will have big problems” too. The fall of the ruble reflects not just the decline in the price of oil or the imposition of sanctions but also “the enormous expenditures” the Kremlin is making to maintain the police and the military.
And this is “happening in parallel: “the price of oil is falling, but [these] expenses are growing,” an indication that Putin and his entourage see troubles ahead. It is thus likely given Putin’s current radicalization, that he will respond by taking ever more risky and dramatic moves both at home and abroad, hopeful that these will give him a way out.
In that event, many are going to suffer, and many are going to have to answer even if the answer they are likely to provide is like the one the Germans gave in 1946: “we didn’t have any relation to all this; we are small and simple people.” Unfortunately for them, that will not save them either.
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Under Putin, Great Fatherland War Victory has Become a Cult, Eidman Says by paul goble (
Paul Goble
Staunton, January 12 – The Soviet Union’s role in defeating Hitler in what Russians refer to as the Great Fatherland War has always been a central element of Russian national pride, but under Vladimir Putin, it has taken on the form of a religious cult, one that is helping to push the country from authoritarianism to totalitarianism, according to Igor Eidman.
In an essay on yesterday, the Moscow commentator says that the hysterical reaction of the Russian authorities and state-controlled media to statements by the Ukrainian prime minister in Germany “recall the reaction of the Islamists to ‘insults against the Prophet Mohammed” (
Eidman says that “the cult of victory in the Great Fatherland War” – or its Russian initials VOV for “Velikaya Otechestvennaya Voinya” – long ago began to acquire the character of a new religion,” and its most fanatic followers remind one of the Islamists. Using that analogy, the commentator says, it may be time to call them “VOVists” or “VOVans.”
The core “dogma” of VOVism, he says, is this: “’We saved the entire world: the vile Jews, the stupid Yankees, the treacherous British, and the sneaky Yukes, although in fact it would have been better not to save them. And now all of them owe us. Those who doubt that,’” the dogma continues, “’are ungrateful fascists.’”
The VOVans don’t reflect upon the fact that other countries fought against the Nazis, that they would ultimately have won even if Russia had not become involved – as happened in World War I after Russia withdrew from that conflict – and that Russia itself had a complicated history in the war, having been at one point allied to Hitler.
In this, of course, the VOVans are like the followers of other faiths: they believe because it is absurd. “Like the Islamists,” Eidman writes, “the VOVans try to impose their cult on the entire world and they accuse those who cast doubt on their dogmas of blasphemy and try to punish them.”
“The real veterans of the Great Fatherland War receive very little from this cult,” he continues. “They live worse than their defeated former opponents in Germany and the government spend incomparably less on them” than it does on “pompous” ceremonies to celebrate itself and its leaders.
The “chief VOVan of Russia,” of course, is Vladimir Putin, Eidman says. “The servants of the VOV cult are his bureaucrats and propaganda service. And the main sacred symbol of the VOV religion is ‘the St. George ribbon.’”
But the VOVans are different from the Islamists in one important way: Most Islamists appear to be “sincere fanatics” who believe what they say. VOVans in contrast are most con men who seek “to strengthen their power and privileges with the help of this cult.”
These people put out this “VOV opium for the people” in order that the population will remain supportive of the regime and won’t complain. Such officials are “absolutely cynical: they do not believe in what they say and they serve those gods which seem to them at any given moment the most profitable.”
According to Eidman, many of these VOVan propagandists would have behaved very badly had they been alive at the time of the Great Fatherland War. Many of them “at the very first sing of danger would have run to surrender to the Germans” and put their skills at work by writing “little articles in the style of ‘Beat the Jew-Bolshevik.”
Russians like everyone else should remember the war, but “the religion of victory in the VOV is gradually acquiring the character of a totalitarian cult imposed on society, an important part of the chauvinist state ideology which is being formed.” Indeed, he says, “all this VOV hysteria is evidence that the state in Russia is becoming ever more ideologized and moving from authoritarianism to totalitarianism.”
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Daily Mail |
Report claims MH17 was shot down by Russian operated missile launcher
Daily Mail A report released by a German investigative group insists it was a Russian missile launcher that shot down flight MH17 in July killing all 298 passengers. Searching For The Truth, a documentary produced by CORRECT!V, offers fresh testimonies from ... New report says it proves Russian forces downed flight MH17Kyiv Post all 13 news articles » |
The Moscow Times |
Ruble Drops on Oil as Russia Credit Risk Climbs After Fitch Cut
Bloomberg The yield on Russia's five-year ruble bonds rose 82 basis points to 16.2 percent, the highest since Dec. 17. Five-year credit default swaps increased six basis points to 583, making it the world's fifth-riskiest credit, according to data compiled by ... Rating Downgrade Set to Scare More Capital Out of RussiaThe Moscow Times Russia's credit rating likely to be downgraded to junkPravda Russia sold $76 billion to prop up rouble in Business Spectator -Times of Malta all 93 news articles » |
The Daily Vertical is a video primer for Russia-watchers that will appear Monday through Friday. Viewers can submit suggested topics to address on Twitter @PowerVertical or on the Power Vertical Facebook page.

The father of the most wanted woman in France is reported to have been shocked at seeing his daughter’s mugshot on the news as he had no idea she is allegedly involved in terrorist activity.
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РБК Украина |
Зачем в Киев тайно прилетел спекулянт-миллиардер Джордж Сорос
Российская Газета Серьезный бизнес, как известно, не терпит публичности. Самые "лакомые кусочки" продаются и покупаются без шумихи в СМИ за плотно закрытыми дверьми. Сегодня все взгляды любителей половить рыбку в мутной воде прикованы к Украине. Эту страну Вашингтон сначала больше ... Сорос приехал в Киев «с оригинальными мыслями»Комсомольская правда В Киев прилетел американский миллиардер Джордж СоросНТВ.ru Сорос приехал в Киев "с оригинальными мыслями"Вести.Ru РИА Новости -Интерфакс - Украина -Взгляд Все похожие статьи: 106 » |
Russian paratroopers will conduct exercises in 20 foreign countries this year, as Moscow continues to flaunt its resurgent military muscle amid a stand-off with the West over Ukraine, Interfax reported.
U.S. Protesters Target Russian Classical Music Stars Over Ukraine Conflict by (Carl Schreck)
Pro-Ukrainian activists plan to protest U.S. performances of world-renowned Russian conductor Valery Gergiev and opera singer Anna Netrebko in response to their positions on the Ukraine crisis.

Koenigsberg ‘Cries Out’ for Independence from Moscow, Activist Says by paul goble (
Paul Goble
Staunton, January 12 – Kaliningrad -- or Koenigsberg as it was historically called and is known to many of its residents -- because of its geographic situation as an exclave and the current economic and political situation “simply cries out for the need for separation from [Moscow], for independence and the setting up of a sovereign republic, Anton Chadsky says.
In a comment on today, the journalist and activist who has been following developments there since 2011 and who last year moved to the exclave says that the current sad state of the oblast is a reflection of “the barbaric approach of the Muscovites to culture” and to the life of the people there (
But despite what the center has done, he says, “Kaliningrad oblast has not lost its severe and upright as the walls of ancient churches its romantic nature. Despite the destruction and ineffective use of its territory, the region appears to be a place full of prospects for the construction of a new republic.”
It certainly has the economic basis for independence, including its tourism industry, machine-building factors, shipping facilities, fishing and agriculture, and amber. But it will only be able to develop them after it escapes from the Russian yoke of taxes, repression, and invasive and corrupt bureaucracy.
“The future republic,” Chadsky says, “must be developed jointly with businessmen, cultural and artistic figures from Europe and the world without any visa obstacles.” If so, it can be a territory “where the interests of the republic, Poland, Lithuania and Germany [can] coincide and move forward together.”
It must be demilitarized with “Russian bases gradually shipped from the oblast to other regions of Russia, the activist journalist argues, and it can become “an ideal place for the introduction of the mechanisms of electronic referenda and voting on all issues which are important for society.”
Obviously, he acknowledges, the path for the creation of a fully independent Koenigsberg faces many obstacles, not least of which is “Moscow’s lack of desire to lose its colony and the economic destruction (itself thanks to Moscow by the way) and the political degradation of society,” something that has left the region without the leaders or political culture it needs.
“But the region has a choice,” Chadsky says. It can either sit and wait on events or it can recognize what is necessary and “take responsibility for the fate of its land and its future.” At present, “while Russia has not weakened to the point where the oblast could simply calmly declare its independence,” people there must overcome the imperial legacy of the past.
They need to think about what they want and to call for a referendum on their future. If a referendum does not happen – which would be the case “if Russia simply yet again falls apart” – that would be “a negative scenario for Kaliningrad” because of the chaos that would arise and because “international trust in the future republic would not be as high as it could be.”
But first of all, the suppers of an independent Koenigsberg Republic need to deal with opponents within the population of the exclave. “At present,” he concedes, they form “an absolute majority,” not because they have considered the possibility of a republic and rejected it but because they do not have sufficient information to judge.
Such people, he says, operate on the basis of perverse notions about reality and “a logical argue alone will not convince them.” They will say “our grandfathers fought here and shed blood, who needs you in that Europe … Moscow will send tanks … we can’t earn our own way [and] Lithuania/Poland/Germany/the US/Mars/Chingiz Khan will immediately conquer us.”
Such views and such people now exist “across the entire post-Soviet space.” What is necessary, Chadsky says, is to face up to that and begin the “enormous” amount of work necessary to overcome that Soviet Russian legacy at least in Koenigsberg.
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Afghan President Ashraf Ghani's office has announced nominees for the country's cabinet after months of delays folloeing a disputed election.
Published on Oct 14, 2013
Пиковая Дама. 28 апреля 2013 .Михайловский театр Санкт-Петербург
The Queen of Spades . April,28th 2013 .Mikhailovsky theatre Saint-Petersburg
Пиковая Дама - Елена Образцова
Лиза - Наталия Тимченко
Герман- Владимир Галузин
Дирижер - Михаил Татарников
Pique Damme - Elena Obraztsova
Germann - Vladimir Galouzine
Liza - Nataliya Tymchenko
Conductor - Mikhail Tatarnikov
The Queen of Spades . April,28th 2013 .Mikhailovsky theatre Saint-Petersburg
Пиковая Дама - Елена Образцова
Лиза - Наталия Тимченко
Герман- Владимир Галузин
Дирижер - Михаил Татарников
Pique Damme - Elena Obraztsova
Germann - Vladimir Galouzine
Liza - Nataliya Tymchenko
Conductor - Mikhail Tatarnikov
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Uploaded on Jul 19, 2007
Great russian mezzosoprano - Jelena Obraztsova - sings the aria of the Old Countess from Cajkovskijs PIQUE DAME.
BOLSHOI THEATRE 1983 (Hermann - V.Atlantov)
BOLSHOI THEATRE 1983 (Hermann - V.Atlantov)
- "The Queen Of Spades, Op. 68: Act II, Scene 4: The Countess's air" by Bolshoï National Theatre, Yuri Simonov (Google Play • AmazonMP3 • iTunes • eMusic)
Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ |
В Германии скончалась народная артистка СССР, оперная певица Елена Образцова
Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ Всего несколько месяцев назад в Большом театре давали «Оперный бал» в честь ее юбилея – на празднике выступали выдающиеся исполнители, но главной героиней действа оставалась она. Образцова поднималась на сцену в роли графини из оперы Чайковского «Пиковая дама». Сердце остановилось. На 76-м году жизни умерла Елена ОбразцоваВести.Ru Ушла из жизни легенда мировой оперной сцены Елена ОбразцоваКомсомольская правда В Германии умерла оперная певица Елена ОбразцоваРадио Свобода РБК -РИА Новости -Первый канал Все похожие статьи: 211 » |
Russian Soldier Suspected Of Killing Family In Armeniaby (RFE/RL's Armenian Service)
Investigators in Armenia say a Russian soldier is suspected of killing six members of a family in Gyumri, a city that hosts a Russian military base.
Reuters |
EU sanctions on Russia depend on Ukraine truce: Latvia
Reuters MOSCOW (Reuters) - The European Union will consider lifting sanctions on Russia over the Ukraine crisis only if there is "real progress" in implementing a four-month-old ceasefire deal, Latvia's foreign minister said on Monday. Edgars Rinkevics, whose ... Russia's Military Doesn't Worry Riga Mayor; Losing Russian Business DoesThe Moscow Times all 45 news articles » |
Uploaded on Apr 5, 2010
Концерт в Большом зале Ленинградской филармонии
1982 г.
Партия фортепиано - Важа Чачава
1982 г.
Партия фортепиано - Важа Чачава
Published on Sep 17, 2012
Запись с сольного концерта в Большом зале Московской консерватории. 1972 г. Музыка - А. Верстовский, слова - A. Пушкин.
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Published on Nov 2, 2013
Из фильма-концерта "Елена Образцова". Музыка - Ж. Бизе, слова - А. Мельяк, Л. Галеви, русский текст А. Горчаковой.
France sends 10,000 troops across country, protecting hundreds of Jewish sitesby Anthony Faiola, Griff Witte, Daniela Deane
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has arrived in Pakistan on an unannounced visit to discuss security cooperation in the fight against militants.
Interpol has put ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych on the international wanted list on charges of embezzlement and financial wrongdoing.
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