Investigate the "investigators"! | FBI "has a culture of disdain for activists, a pitiful record of subversion, insidiousness, illegality, conspiracy, disregard for constitutional rights, and has no shame in its legacy of operating from its own hidden political agenda." - The Federal Bureau of Insidiousness by Allen Schmertzler | FBI is "a high church for the true mediocre" - Norman Mailer | fbi turns America into a police state - Google Search | ‘The FBI Is Not Above The Law’ - Sen. Chuck Grassley | Give inspectors general access to the records they need to do their jobs - By Michael E. Horowitz
See also: Investigate the "investigators"! Part 2: "A high church for the true mediocre": FBI - A Study of Institutional Culture and Psychology - Web Review | ‘I am a radicalised goat hell-bent on jihad’ – the FBI’s new anti-Isis video game | Technology | The Guardian
Updates: FBI - 5.4.16
- News Reviews and Opinions: "Oh, Really?! Oh, Really?!": FBI News Review | Mike Nova dares (how horrible, how can he do this?!) to comment and to free associate
- Ex-FBI Agent Admits Stealing $136,000 for Sports Cars, Cosmetic Surgery | KTLA
- Justice Dept. Takes Steps to Restore Watchdogs’ Access to Records - The New York Times
- NEWS: The World and Global Security Review: Justice Dept. Takes Steps to Restore Watchdogs’ Access to Records – The New York Times
- NEWS: The World and Global Security Review: 02/10/16
- 'Missing Man' Examines Ex-FBI Agent Robert Levinson's Mission To Iran : NPR
- Ex-FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Stealing Suspected Drug Money - ABC News
- NEWS: The World and Global Security Review: » F.B.I. Error Locked San Bernardino Attacker’s iPhone 02/03/16 07:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
- Ex-FBI agent Mike Grimm's photo hangs on the 'not welcome' board—at the FBI
- FBI says it submitted flawed hair analysis evidence at trials | BGR
- FBI admits flaws in hair analysis over decades - The Washington Post
- fbi reform - Google Search
- News - fbi reform - Google Search

On cheap, stinky, brainless FBI Goats, radicalized and otherwise and their Tutankhamonite simulators on a "Slippery Slope". That goat's name is Carlito The Cabrito. She is a child molester and a KGB rodent. Go back to your hole, Cabrito; be a good mole, do your homework, try hard for your promocion... - 2.10.16
Justice Dept. Takes Steps to Restore Watchdogs’ Access to Records – The New York Times - 5.4.16
"At bottom, I mean profoundly at bottom, the FBI has nothing to do with Communism, it has nothing to do with catching criminals, it has nothing to do with the Mafia, the syndicate, it has nothing to do with trust-busting, it has nothing to do with interstate commerce, it has nothing to do with anything but serving as a church for the mediocre. A high church for the true mediocre."
Norman Mailer
The FBI should rename themselves into The National Endowment for Performing and Law Enforcement Arts (if the word "arts" can be applied to this enterprise where the old-fashioned "good old" plain vulgarity and the perpetual lack of brains are the most prominent features of its institutional culture). What would our "most talented" actors and doubles do without it? They have more than enough of the sense of drama and not enough of the sense of tragedy (hanging over the country), which sometimes turns their endeavors into the soap operas that they enjoy so much.
If "Justice is merely incidental to law and order", as J. Edgar Hoover said, then FBI is merely incidental (and sometimes accidental, see fbi hair analysis saga, for example) to Justice, including the departmental level.
See also:
FBI Director, James B. Comey has a theory that is correct, but only in part because his clarity is obscured by his self-serving perspective. He is the Director of an agency that has a culture of disdain for activists, a pitiful record of subversion, insidiousness, illegality, conspiracy, disregard for constitutional rights, and has no shame in its legacy of operating from its own hidden political agenda. Let us never forget nor forgive the concerted efforts of the FBI's secret war against the Free Speech Movement, Doctor Martin Luther King, and too many other citizens who acted on the very legality of the freedoms our nation was founded on. Officials using crime statistics for advantage is nothing new, cooking the books on crime statistics is nothing new, and, never actually having true and honest crime statistics to report is nothing new.
- Give inspectors general access to the records they need to do their jobs - By Michael E. Horowitz: Michael E. Horowitz is inspector general of the Justice Department and chair of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency: "I urge Congress to pass legislation quickly that clarifies that “all records” means “all records” and reject any interpretation that would allow government agencies to shield their misdeeds from inspector general oversight and, more importantly, from the American people."
- M.N.: What do they have to hide? And if they do, maybe this is exactly the reason why these "secrets" should be the subject of the rigorous government oversight. Support the FBI's IG Michael Horowitz in his quest for needed information, write the letters of support demanding FBI's compliance to your congressmen and senators! - Fight For Access Pits FBI, Justice Against Federal Watchdogs: “This process ignores an unbroken history of more than 20 years of cooperation and compliance by the department and FBI with the records production requirements of the Inspector General Act,” DOJ Inspector Michael Horowitz said in a written update to Congress last month. “At no time before 2010 did the FBI, any department component, or department leadership raise any concerns over the legality of providing records to the OIG, including grand jury, wiretap, or FCRA material; prior to this time, the OIG routinely received such material from the department,” Horowitz added. In the last few years, Horowitz told Congress in May, his investigators have run into roadblocks accessing information related to the Boston Marathon Bombing, and Fast and Furious Operation, among other incidences.
- ‘The FBI Is Not Above The Law’: Sen. Chuck Grassley minced no words in declaring that the federal government’s chief law enforcement agency must follow the law like everybody else. “The FBI is not above the law,” the Iowa Republican said during a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday on whether the crime busters can defy 72 inspectors-general by refusing to allow the watchdogs access to selected official documents. “It is laughable,” Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, said of the FBI’s access restrictions. “It is laughable. And it really is completely unacceptable.”
- "I was FBI informant, shouldn't be charged" | "The investigation into Hillman has revealed that his then girlfriend, Angela Russell, had been allowed to work with the task force while Hillman was in charge where she chatted with would-be child predators and even handcuffed suspects in at least one instance. That series of events, which ultimately lead to Hillman’s suspension from the FBI and subsequent investigation from federal prosecutors, has delayed all of the cases currently hanging in the balance due to the domino effect of Hillman’s alleged transgressions." - Lead public defender says district attorney still stalling in FBI task force cases | FBI Spent One-Third Of Aviation Budget On Executive Travel, New Report Finds - FBI News Review
- bill clinton and william sessions affair - Google Search
- waco tragedy and fbi - Google Search
- waco fbi cover up - Google Search
- fbi retired agents association - Google Search
- Retired FBI Agent Accused Of Lying In Whitey Bulger Trial
- Robert Lustyik - Google Search
- Former FBI Agent Robert Lustyik Sentenced in Bribery Case
- The FBI Thinks Ransomware Victims Should 'Just Pay Up'
- fbi is incompetent - Google Search
- FBI Transparency - The Federal Bureau Of Incompetence
- Is The FBI Dumb, Evil, Or Just Incompetent?
- Scathing indictment of FBI incompetence - Missoulian
It’s doubtful any of the cases the FBI likes to publicize made it into Tim Weiner’s absorbing “Enemies: A History of the FBI.” It is a scathing indictment of the FBI as a secret intelligence service that has bent and broken the law for decades in the pursuit of communists, terrorists and spies. Worse, in his view, the bureau is often grossly inept. As Thomas Kean, Republican chair of the 9/11 Commission, declared in 2004: “You have a record of an agency that’s failed, and it’s failed again and again and again.”
- fbi is inept - Google Search
- fbi is inadequate - Google Search
- fbi overrelies on informants - Google Search
- The Murky World Of FBI Informants:
New Yorker: Assets and Liabilities – “Nobody knows how many confidential informants are working for the F.B.I. at any time, but in a 2008 budget request the bureau put the number at fifteen thousand. After the degree of official complicity in Bulger’s crimes was revealed, the Department of Justice ordered the F.B.I. to track any crimes committed by its informants. In a 2013 letter, the bureau disclosed that in the prior year it had authorized informants to break the law on 5,939 occasions.”
USA Today: FBI allowed informants to commit 5,600 crimes — “The FBI gave its informants permission to break the law at least 5,658 times in a single year, according to newly disclosed documents that show just how often the nation’s top law enforcement agency enlists criminals to help it battle crime.”
The Wall Street Journal: In U.S. ISIS Cases, Informants Play a Big Role — “Some legal experts and defense lawyers say law-enforcement officials are pulling young and vulnerable people into the criminal acts that ultimately lead to their arrests. Others say the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s use of informants and undercover agents helps facilitate criminal activity for terror suspects who wouldn’t otherwise have the money or mental capacity to pose a serious threat.
- fbi still practices cointelpro - Google Search
- HEAD of the FBI's Anthrax Investigation Says the Whole Thing Was a SHAM Washington's Blog
- fbi anthrax investigation - Google Search
- dr steven j hatfill - Google Search
- fbi persecutes its whistleblowers - Google Search
- Obama’s Crackdown on Whistleblowers | The Nation
- FBI's Culture of Hostility Toward Whistleblowers—And How Justice Department Permits Policy of Retaliation
- FBI Revamping Whistleblower Rules - WSJ
- fbi spies on your computer - Google Search
- fbi spy software - Google Search
- fbi turns America into a police state - Google Search
- Report finds government agents 'directly involved' in many U.S. terror plots
- This blog search: "fbi inspector general":
Jun 11, 2015
FBI Successfully Stonewalls Inspector General Into Irrelevance By Withholding Timely Section 215 Documents - FBI News Review. "Obviously, the FBI preferred to keep legislators in the dark about its participation in Section ...
Jul 20, 2015
Drug Enforcement Administration officials are now cooperating with the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General, but FBI employees still say DOJ's IG investigators have no legal right to certain records like electronic ...
Aug 06, 2015
“The FBI is not above the law,” the Iowa Republican said during a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday on whether the crime busters can defy 72 inspectors-general by refusing to allow the watchdogs ...
Jun 15, 2015
Mr. Hunter wrote to Jon T. Rymer, the inspector general, about three soldiers, including Col. Amerine, against whom he believed Mr. McHugh retaliated. He asked for an inspector general's investigation into Mr. McHugh's use ...
Aug 04, 2015
How The FBI's Dysfunctional Search Systems Keep Information Out Of FOIA Requesters' Hands Monday July 13th, 2015 at 8:46 AM | » The atomic bomb brain trust: Leaders of the Manhattan Project 12/07/15 17:58 from Mike Nova's ..... of more than 20 years of cooperation and compliance by the department and FBI with the records production requirements of the Inspector General Act,” DOJ Inspector Michael Horowitz said in a written update to Congress last month.
Jun 24, 2015
Apparently, the FBI feels it does best with minimal oversight and isn't inclined to let anyone -- not even its in-house inspector -- in on its domestic surveillance tactics." - FBI Successfully Stonewalls Inspector General Into ...
Jun 23, 2015
FBI IG Report. fbi ig report - Google Search · FBI used Patriot Act to obtain 'large collections' of Americans' data, DoJ finds | US news | The Guardian · Inspector general cites 'egregious breakdown' in FBI oversight ...
Jun 24, 2015
9:07 PM 6/24/2015 - Headlines: Link Exposed Between Charleston Killer And Haters' Convention In Russia | Report: Russia's right wing is egging on Texas' secessionist movement | Chinese Cyber-Thieves Hack FBI in Dangerous Breach ...... FBI IG Report. fbi ig report - Google Search · FBI used Patriot Act to obtain 'large collections' of Americans' data, DoJ finds | US news | The Guardian · Inspector general cites 'egregious breakdown' in FBI oversight ...
Jul 29, 2015
Guest commentary: FBI needs new anti-terrorist strategy - FBI News Review: Civil rights advocates, right-wing anti-government zealots and assorted leftists have long complained about FBI tactics when it comes to political dissidents. ... Michael Horowitz, the Justice Department's inspector general, goes before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee a day after he faulted the department for disregard of public safety in "Operation Fast and Furious," the ...
Jun 11, 2015
FBI Successfully Stonewalls Inspector General Into Irrelevance By Withholding Timely Section 215 Documents - FBI News Review. "Obviously, the FBI preferred to keep legislators in the dark about its participation in Section ...
Jul 20, 2015
Drug Enforcement Administration officials are now cooperating with the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General, but FBI employees still say DOJ's IG investigators have no legal right to certain records like electronic ...
Aug 06, 2015
“The FBI is not above the law,” the Iowa Republican said during a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday on whether the crime busters can defy 72 inspectors-general by refusing to allow the watchdogs ...
Jun 15, 2015
Mr. Hunter wrote to Jon T. Rymer, the inspector general, about three soldiers, including Col. Amerine, against whom he believed Mr. McHugh retaliated. He asked for an inspector general's investigation into Mr. McHugh's use ...
Aug 04, 2015
How The FBI's Dysfunctional Search Systems Keep Information Out Of FOIA Requesters' Hands Monday July 13th, 2015 at 8:46 AM | » The atomic bomb brain trust: Leaders of the Manhattan Project 12/07/15 17:58 from Mike Nova's ..... of more than 20 years of cooperation and compliance by the department and FBI with the records production requirements of the Inspector General Act,” DOJ Inspector Michael Horowitz said in a written update to Congress last month.
Jun 24, 2015
Apparently, the FBI feels it does best with minimal oversight and isn't inclined to let anyone -- not even its in-house inspector -- in on its domestic surveillance tactics." - FBI Successfully Stonewalls Inspector General Into ...
Jun 23, 2015
FBI IG Report. fbi ig report - Google Search · FBI used Patriot Act to obtain 'large collections' of Americans' data, DoJ finds | US news | The Guardian · Inspector general cites 'egregious breakdown' in FBI oversight ...
Jun 24, 2015
9:07 PM 6/24/2015 - Headlines: Link Exposed Between Charleston Killer And Haters' Convention In Russia | Report: Russia's right wing is egging on Texas' secessionist movement | Chinese Cyber-Thieves Hack FBI in Dangerous Breach ...... FBI IG Report. fbi ig report - Google Search · FBI used Patriot Act to obtain 'large collections' of Americans' data, DoJ finds | US news | The Guardian · Inspector general cites 'egregious breakdown' in FBI oversight ...
Jul 29, 2015
Guest commentary: FBI needs new anti-terrorist strategy - FBI News Review: Civil rights advocates, right-wing anti-government zealots and assorted leftists have long complained about FBI tactics when it comes to political dissidents. ... Michael Horowitz, the Justice Department's inspector general, goes before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee a day after he faulted the department for disregard of public safety in "Operation Fast and Furious," the ...
- NEWS: The World and Security Review: » Burglars Who Took On F.B.I. Abandon Shadows 29/10/15 10:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
- NEWS: The World and Security Review: FBI News and Links Review
And so on, and so on. Apparently, J. Edgar Hoover, with all his patriotism and dedication, built this organisation emulating the mafia model, because he was not familiar with any other. By the way, some of Hoover's strategies are paradoxical, defy the common sense and are difficult to understand. He sponsored the Communist Party USA for years, in order to understand how it operates. Without this sponsorship it probably would die a quiet, natural and peaceful death, which was delayed until the fall of the USSR. It is the same as nurturing the snake on your breast in order to study how it is going to bite you. This approach might have some, though questionable benefits in natural sciences but is hardly useful in politics. He also studied the (truly boring) theoretical underpinnings of communism seriously and hard. Maybe, he became a secret communist himself?
"If it were not for me", Hoover told a State Department official in 1963, "there would not be a Communist Party of the United States. Because I've financed the Communist Party, in order to know what they are doing".[36] William Sullivan, chief of intelligence operations for the FBI in the 1950s, has also described Hoover's continued zeal in pursuing action against the CPUSA as "insincere", as he was fully aware of the Party's moribund condition."
Undoubtedly, the FBI did change a lot "after all these years" but I think it will not be a mistake to say that they still have a lot of skeletons in their filing cabinets, knocking on the iron walls.
Investigate the "investigators": their arrogance, sometimes the disregard for the law, incompetence and inefficiency. How wisely do they spend the $8,347,201,000 of their budget? This is your money, America!
Are they going to turn the whole country into informants? (In Puerto Rico they already did, and this contributed into the Island's catastrophe.) What is this, Stalin's Russia? One can form the impression that the informants run the FBI, not the other way around. Can't they come up with some clever and sophisticated use of modern technologies, besides the dull and useless mass surveillance? Can't they integrate mental health services into law enforcement, seamlessly and efficiently? Can't they pay greater attention to counterintelligence services which became extremely important again, in our days?
Can't they address the big, long term, ideological issues, for example to sponsor the alternative, peaceful, truly American versions of Islamic religious movements?
Oh, no; they are too busy aggrandizing themselves, the "fast and furious", the frustrated movie stars and movie directors, who could not make it in this field and settled for the second best, with all the security and benefits.
Maybe this organisation just became too big, too unwieldy and too difficult to manage?
Maybe it makes sense to break them apart into the main components: criminal investigations, counterintelligence and counterterrorism, cybercrimes, etc., to allow some overlap and to force them to compete with each other? Maybe that what they need: some anti-monopoly legislation in law enforcement, to make them leaner and meaner (in good sense, not in their usual sense)?
I would think that no less than 50% of the problems this country is facing is due to the FBI's inadequacy. This is a very important issue and the time has come to address it.
Michael Novakhov
- NEWS: The World and Security Review: » Burglars Who Took On F.B.I. Abandon Shadows 29/10/15 10:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
- NEWS: The World and Security Review: FBI News and Links Review
And so on, and so on. Apparently, J. Edgar Hoover, with all his patriotism and dedication, built this organisation emulating the mafia model, because he was not familiar with any other. By the way, some of Hoover's strategies are paradoxical, defy the common sense and are difficult to understand. He sponsored the Communist Party USA for years, in order to understand how it operates. Without this sponsorship it probably would die a quiet, natural and peaceful death, which was delayed until the fall of the USSR. It is the same as nurturing the snake on your breast in order to study how it is going to bite you. This approach might have some, though questionable benefits in natural sciences but is hardly useful in politics. He also studied the (truly boring) theoretical underpinnings of communism seriously and hard. Maybe, he became a secret communist himself?
"If it were not for me", Hoover told a State Department official in 1963, "there would not be a Communist Party of the United States. Because I've financed the Communist Party, in order to know what they are doing".[36] William Sullivan, chief of intelligence operations for the FBI in the 1950s, has also described Hoover's continued zeal in pursuing action against the CPUSA as "insincere", as he was fully aware of the Party's moribund condition."
Undoubtedly, the FBI did change a lot "after all these years" but I think it will not be a mistake to say that they still have a lot of skeletons in their filing cabinets, knocking on the iron walls.
Are they going to turn the whole country into informants? (In Puerto Rico they already did, and this contributed into the Island's catastrophe.) What is this, Stalin's Russia? One can form the impression that the informants run the FBI, not the other way around. Can't they come up with some clever and sophisticated use of modern technologies, besides the dull and useless mass surveillance? Can't they integrate mental health services into law enforcement, seamlessly and efficiently? Can't they pay greater attention to counterintelligence services which became extremely important again, in our days?
Can't they address the big, long term, ideological issues, for example to sponsor the alternative, peaceful, truly American versions of Islamic religious movements?
Oh, no; they are too busy aggrandizing themselves, the "fast and furious", the frustrated movie stars and movie directors, who could not make it in this field and settled for the second best, with all the security and benefits.
Maybe this organisation just became too big, too unwieldy and too difficult to manage?
Maybe it makes sense to break them apart into the main components: criminal investigations, counterintelligence and counterterrorism, cybercrimes, etc., to allow some overlap and to force them to compete with each other? Maybe that what they need: some anti-monopoly legislation in law enforcement, to make them leaner and meaner (in good sense, not in their usual sense)?
Michael Novakhov
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