Stop the war on cops! | We must speak out against the war on cops before it’s too late. | There are things that Mayors, Governors, and even Presidents can do: Be a leader of your law enforcement agencies. Do not broad brush them and rush to judgment because the loudest voices demonstrate... Our first line of defense in the homeland is made up of our men and women in blue. - Safir: The War on Police Hurts the War on Terror | Racism has an ugly history in America, and the debate over whether we’ve advanced past it is relevant. But while that discussion continues, far too many agitators have essentially declared war on police. As a nation, we must reject that attack. - War on police makes us all less safe | SHERIFF DAVID CLARKE, MILWAUKEE COUNTY: Well, this war on our nation's finest, the American police officer, continues, but it continues to be fueled by some very important people.

Mike Segar/Reuters

War on police Update: Police wait for Obama support as rhetoric turns against blue lines - Washington Times
War on Police - 9.3.15 Police wait for Obama support as rhetoric turns against blue lines - Washington Times Why police departments are struggling with recruiting | Fox News Video What’s New About Bill Bratton’s N.Y.P.D.? - The New Yorker War on police War ...

Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Opinions Review: President “Started This War on Police” | Revenge Motive Suspected in Houston Police Officer's Murder | Armed Black Panthers to Texas Cops: ‘We Will Start Creeping Up on You in the Darkness’ | NY Times' Charles Blow: ‘All of America Is Arrayed Against Black People’

Opinions Review M.N.: And here is mine:  A ll of America IS NOT arrayed against black people. And all the  black people ARE NOT arrayed against America.  Mr. Obama, many observers of this conflict blame you directly for this unprecedented, senseless, tragic...

Sunday, June 7, 2015
Patrick Lynch, Police Union Chief Who Fought de Blasio, Wins a 5th Term - Police News Review

» Terror Suspect Killed in Boston Planned to Behead Police Officer, Officials Say
04/06/15 00:00 from NYT > Police
The suspect, Usaama Rahim, was shot by an F.B.I. agent and a Boston police while wielding a military-style knife, the authorities said.

New Black Panther Party | war on police | war on cops | 

Obama and war on police | Urban unrest 2015

New Black Panther Party Members Who Met in Ferguson Admit Planning to Kill Prosecutor, Blow Up Police Station

Official: Boston terror suspects wanted to behead cops

"police" - Google News: Mayor Jim Kenney vows Philly police will be respectful of protesters at George Floyd demonstration - The Philadelphia Inquirer (May 30, 2020 05:37)
Mayor Jim Kenney vows Philly police will be respectful of protesters at George Floyd de...

"police" - Google News: A South Philly police lieutenant was shot inside a CVS - The Philadelphia Inquirer (May 30, 2020 05:07)
A South Philly police lieutenant was shot inside a CVS    The Philadelphia In...

"police" - Google News: Want to stop these riots? Reform the police. - The Washington Post (May 30, 2020 04:50)
Want to stop these riots? Reform the police.    The Washington Post "police" ...

"police" - Google News: Atlanta Protesters Clash With Police as Mayor Warns ‘You Are Disgracing Our City’ - The New York Times (May 30, 2020 04:39)
Atlanta Protesters Clash With Police as Mayor Warns ‘You Are Disgracing Our City’  ...

"police" - Google News: Protesters clash with police after former officer is charged in George Floyd’s death - The Washington Post (May 30, 2020 04:38)
Protesters clash with police after former officer is charged in George Floyd’s death &n...

"police" - Google News: Houston police have killed 6 men. We need to see the videos, Chief Acevedo [Editorial] - Houston Chronicle (May 30, 2020 04:37)
Houston police have killed 6 men. We need to see the videos, Chief Acevedo [Editorial] ...

"police" - Google News: Police forced to use gas as crowd builds bonfire in downtown Eugene - KVAL (May 30, 2020 04:35)
Police forced to use gas as crowd builds bonfire in downtown Eugene    KVAL "...

"police" - Google News: City audit finds Oakland Police Commission falls short of duties, has too much responsibility - San Francisco Chronicle (May 30, 2020 04:14)
City audit finds Oakland Police Commission falls short of duties, has too much responsi...

"police" - Google News: SUV Rams, Injures 2 Demonstrators After Day Of Intense Police Clashes At San Jose George Floyd Protest - CBS San Francisco (May 30, 2020 03:36)
SUV Rams, Injures 2 Demonstrators After Day Of Intense Police Clashes At San Jose Georg...

Police: Protests Continue to Erupt in Cities Across the Country (May 30, 2020 03:02)
Demonstrations raged overnight across the U.S. in the third night of unrest in response...

"police" - Google News: LAPD Declares Unlawful Assembly As Protesters, Police Clash Downtown; Looting Reported - CBS Los Angeles (May 30, 2020 02:56)
LAPD Declares Unlawful Assembly As Protesters, Police Clash Downtown; Looting Reported ...

Police: Protests Flare in Brooklyn Over Floyd Death as de Blasio Appeals for Calm (May 30, 2020 00:41)
Demonstrators stormed the perimeter of Barclays Center, hurling bottles and debris at p...

Police: Special Episode: The Latest From Minneapolis (May 29, 2020 21:32)
In the wake of George Floyd’s death, a city is ablaze in a longstanding demand for just...

Police: America Is a Tinderbox (May 29, 2020 21:16)
Scenes from a country in free fall. Police

Police Brutality, Misconduct and Shootings: How the Supreme Court Lets Cops Get Away With Murder (May 29, 2020 20:42)
The courts protected police abuses for years before George Floyd’s death. It’s time to ...

 Baltimore violent crime surges after riots - YouTube

Published on May 26, 2015
Baltimore experiences spike in violent crime, bringing concerns over security and policing around a month after the death of Freddie Gray. CNN's Miguel Marquez reports.

Stop the war on cops! 

With the number on the rise once more, Memorial Fund CEO Craig Floyd is asking agitators to “tone down the rhetoric and rally in support of law enforcement.” Just as important, he says we need to rally “against lawlessness.”


SHERIFF DAVID CLARKE, MILWAUKEE COUNTY: Well, this war on our nation's finest, the American police officer, continues, but it continues to be fueled by some very important people. 

Sheriff David Clarke: "War On Police" Fueled By "Anti-Cop Hatred and Rhetoric," Ferguson "False Narrative"

I’ve met thousands of cops in my career — black and white, male and female, rural and urban. None of them relishes the prospect of shooting someone... 

Racism has an ugly history in America, and the debate over whether we’ve advanced past it is relevant. But while that discussion continues, far too many agitators have essentially declared war on police. As a nation, we must reject that attack. 

War on police makes us all less safe 

There are things that Mayors, Governors, and even Presidents can do: Be a leader of your law enforcement agencies. Do not broad brush them and rush to judgment because the loudest voices demonstrate. Protect the First Amendment rights of protestors, but also deal with them firmly and quickly when they interfere with the majority of citizens who actually support the police. If you need to do photo ops, do it with a police officer who just saved someone’s life. Mr. President, once again I ask you to declare a national day of appreciation for law enforcement. Let them know that you stand with them, we need to know you do. 
The war on terror is a never-ending one. I believe it will be with us for generations to come. Our first line of defense in the homeland is made up of our men and women in blue. Last year, 115 police officers made the ultimate sacrifice. There will be others this year as there are every year. Let’s ensure that they get the respect, support, and appreciation they deserve—so that our front line troops in the war on terrorism are at their best.

We must speak out against the war on cops before it’s too late. And since blacks are primarily the ones waging this war, they must take action in opposition, before their neighborhoods become police states. 


Exclusive: Jesse Lee Peterson warns of 'blood in streets' triggering 'govt. to seize freedoms'

Published: 04/19/2015 at 5:22 PM


The West Memphis NAACP has legitimized and inflamed the war on cops by urging blacks to arm up against them.

“Law enforcement has to understand, you cannot do what you please when you see us,” Crittenden County NAACP head Shabaka Afrika said in a news conference.

The deaths of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown had really roiled angry black activists and street thugs who make up their army. But the killing of Eric Garner at the hands of the NYPD and the shooting of Walter Scott in South Carolina have pushed them over the edge.

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan gave a fiery speech at Morgan State University in Baltimore last November where he said that if the grand jury didn’t indict the white officer in the shooting death of 18-year-old thug Michael Brown, “We’ll tear this g-dd–n country apart!” That was the official declaration of war to send angry black “soldiers” to the “battlefield.”

In December, Al Sharpton led a mob of anti-police protests through New York City. Some demonstrators were caught on video chanting, “What do we want?” “Dead cops.” “When do we want it?” “Now!”

Soon after, two NYPD officers were shot and killed while sitting in their patrol car. This was done by a black Muslim from Baltimore, the same city where Farrakhan made his declaration of war.

Ever since, there has been a string of cop shootings: In Los Angeles, two officers were shot while driving. In Pasco County, Florida, someone shot at two sheriff’s deputies as they were sitting in their cars. In Ferguson, two officers were shot outside the police department. And in Boston, an officer was shot in the face by a black gunman.

Now the NAACP in West Memphis is encouraging blacks to arm themselves against police. The head of the Georgia chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference also called on blacks to arm themselves in response to recent police shootings.

This latest development is curious, given that the NAACP has had a history of working alongside the ACLU and other left-wing groups to undermine the Second Amendment. They haven’t promoted the Second Amendment to protect law-abiding black citizens against black thugs. But now they hide behind the Constitution to challenge police officers with guns – this is pure evil.

Some blacks are convinced that America’s police and judicial system are designed to punish blacks disproportionately, so it doesn’t take much to push them toward violence.

Any black “leader” who encourages blacks to use firearms against police is setting them up for slaughter, and should be arrested.

Liberals mayors like Bill de Blasio in New York City and Rahm Emanuel in Chicago are allowing violence to go virtually unchecked. Why? Because this type of lawlessness will eventually require the federal government to come in and “fix” the problem. Many liberal politicians including members of the Congressional Black Caucus support the federal takeover of local police.

Since 2009, the DOJ has launched probes of at least 21 police departments including Albuquerque, New Mexico; Cleveland, Ohio; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Ferguson, Missouri. Some of these departments have been accused of racial bias and excessive force.

Remember, Barack Obama said, “We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded [as our military].” Obama is trying to nationalize the police. This has been a key goal of his from the beginning. Our Founding Fathers warned us about standing armies. Consider that one federal police department is much easier to corrupt and control than thousands of local police departments across the country.

Recently, residents in Ontario, California, were shocked when they saw the National Guard marching through their neighborhoods. We’re seeing military helicopters flying across our cities. We’re also seeing the arming of the police with vehicles and weaponry usually seen in war zones. We’ve witnessed the militarization of many federal agencies and the huge ammunition purchases by the Department of Homeland Security. Knowing the utter lack of character of those in charge of our federal government, I don’t trust their intentions.

Even if you’re black, voted for Obama, and think he can do no wrong, just think of this immense power being concentrated in the hands of the federal government. Imagine Obama being gone and a Republican president being in charge of this machine. How would you feel?

If the open hostility that many blacks have against the police is not dealt with, we will have blood in the streets and it will be used as an excuse for government to seize our freedoms under the guise of public safety.

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” – Benjamin Franklin

All lovers of power have historically channeled the people’s hatred against something (the “proletariat” against the rich, working-class Germans against the Jews, and so on) to seize more power. The left is using this tactic today against the police.

We must speak out against the war on cops before it’s too late. And since blacks are primarily the ones waging this war, they must take action in opposition, before their neighborhoods become police states.

Check out Jesse Lee Peterson’s “The Word on the Street” video, “Jesse Peterson Responds to His Black Critics; Discusses Explosive Race Debate”.


war on police - Google Search

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Search Results

  1. Peter King Criticizes Hillary: We Are at War and Police Need ...

    Breitbart News-4 hours ago
    King said, “When people like Hillary Clinton say that police should not have weapons of war, the fact is we are at war, we are at war with ...

  2. This is a war on police! Twitter conservatives lash out at 'racist ...

    Raw Story-May 1, 2015
    Conservative reaction on Twitter to the announcement that six Baltimore police officer would face manslaughter charges in the death of Freddie ...

  3. From the Drug War and Asset Forfeiture to Police Militarization, Why ...

    Reason (blog)-5 hours ago
    Federal grants have helped militarize the police, expand the practice of asset forfeiture, and fuel the drug war. None of those goals were ...

  4. Carson slams rioters: 'It makes no sense' to declare war on police

    The Hill (blog)-Apr 29, 2015
    “If you have an unpleasant experience with a plumber, do you go out and declare a war on all plumbers? Or teachers or doctors? Of course not.
Read the whole story

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Carson slams rioters: 'It makes no sense' to declare war on police

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Ben Carson, a former neurosurgeon and possible 2016 GOP presidential candidate, is questioning the rationale of Baltimore rioters after violence and looting swept the city.
“We need to get to the bottom of any problems of discrimination. But the larger issue here is, how do you react when something is wrong?” he asked 
during an interview
“If you have an unpleasant experience with a plumber, do you go out and declare a war on all plumbers? Or teachers or doctors? Of course not. And it makes no sense to do that with police either.”
He told GQ that the violent riots on the streets of Baltimore after the funeral for Freddie Gray, a black man who died in police custody earlier this month, are counterproductive to any social change and that the property damage destroys the lives of neighbors.
“Reacting out of anger seldom leads to anything helpful,” he said.
“And these kinds of reactions will only increase the antagonism between police and communities throughout the country and result in militarization and more aggression. These are not helpful things.”
He added that people must not “characterize all policemen” based on the allegations surrounding the Gray case.
It’s unclear how Gray suffered the severe spinal injury that ultimately caused his death, but critics have accused the Baltimore police of being responsible.
“Perhaps something bad was done. I don't think there's any way it's going to be swept under the rug,” Carson said. “And people just have to realize that it takes time.”
Violence intensified after Gray’s funeral Monday, with hundreds of people taking to the streets. Police say 15 officers were hurt by thrown rocks and bottles. A handful of fires were also in West Baltimore, including one that destroyed a CVS pharmacy.
Carson has shared his journey from poverty to a position as a renowned neurosurgeon at Baltimore's Johns Hopkins Hospital, speaking in a number of poor and minority communities. The GQ story points out that he's mentioned in the critically acclaimed television series "The Wire," which details a crime-ridden Baltimore, as a role model for young black men in the city. 
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Rethink your war on cops

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The West Memphis NAACP has legitimized and inflamed the war on cops by urging blacks to arm up against them.
“Law enforcement has to understand, you cannot do what you please when you see us,” Crittenden County NAACP head Shabaka Afrika said in a news conference.
The deaths of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown had really roiled angry black activists and street thugs who make up their army. But the killing of Eric Garner at the hands of the NYPD and the shooting of Walter Scott in South Carolina have pushed them over the edge.
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan gave a fiery speech at Morgan State University in Baltimore last November where he said that if the grand jury didn’t indict the white officer in the shooting death of 18-year-old thug Michael Brown, “We’ll tear this g-dd–n country apart!” That was the official declaration of war to send angry black “soldiers” to the “battlefield.”
In December, Al Sharpton led a mob of anti-police protests through New York City. Some demonstrators were caught on video chanting, “What do we want?” “Dead cops.” “When do we want it?” “Now!”
Soon after, two NYPD officers were shot and killed while sitting in their patrol car. This was done by a black Muslim from Baltimore, the same city where Farrakhan made his declaration of war.
Ever since, there has been a string of cop shootings: In Los Angeles, two officers were shot while driving. In Pasco County, Florida, someone shot at two sheriff’s deputies as they were sitting in their cars. In Ferguson, two officers were shot outside the police department. And in Boston, an officer was shot in the face by a black gunman.
Now the NAACP in West Memphis is encouraging blacks to arm themselves against police. The head of the Georgia chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference also called on blacks to arm themselves in response to recent police shootings.
This latest development is curious, given that the NAACP has had a history of working alongside the ACLU and other left-wing groups to undermine the Second Amendment. They haven’t promoted the Second Amendment to protect law-abiding black citizens against black thugs. But now they hide behind the Constitution to challenge police officers with guns – this is pure evil.
Some blacks are convinced that America’s police and judicial system are designed to punish blacks disproportionately, so it doesn’t take much to push them toward violence.
Any black “leader” who encourages blacks to use firearms against police is setting them up for slaughter, and should be arrested.
Liberals mayors like Bill de Blasio in New York City and Rahm Emanuel in Chicago are allowing violence to go virtually unchecked. Why? Because this type of lawlessness will eventually require the federal government to come in and “fix” the problem. Many liberal politicians including members of the Congressional Black Caucus support the federal takeover of local police.
Since 2009, the DOJ has launched probes of at least 21 police departments including Albuquerque, New Mexico; Cleveland, Ohio; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Ferguson, Missouri. Some of these departments have been accused of racial bias and excessive force.
Remember, Barack Obama said, “We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded [as our military].” Obama is trying to nationalize the police. This has been a key goal of his from the beginning. Our Founding Fathers warned us about standing armies. Consider that one federal police department is much easier to corrupt and control than thousands of local police departments across the country.
Recently, residents in Ontario, California, were shocked when they saw the National Guard marching through their neighborhoods. We’re seeing military helicopters flying across our cities. We’re also seeing the arming of the police with vehicles and weaponry usually seen in war zones. We’ve witnessed the militarization of many federal agencies and the huge ammunition purchases by the Department of Homeland Security. Knowing the utter lack of character of those in charge of our federal government, I don’t trust their intentions.
Even if you’re black, voted for Obama, and think he can do no wrong, just think of this immense power being concentrated in the hands of the federal government. Imagine Obama being gone and a Republican president being in charge of this machine. How would you feel?
If the open hostility that many blacks have against the police is not dealt with, we will have blood in the streets and it will be used as an excuse for government to seize our freedoms under the guise of public safety.
“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” – Benjamin Franklin
All lovers of power have historically channeled the people’s hatred against something (the “proletariat” against the rich, working-class Germans against the Jews, and so on) to seize more power. The left is using this tactic today against the police.
We must speak out against the war on cops before it’s too late. And since blacks are primarily the ones waging this war, they must take action in opposition, before their neighborhoods become police states.
Check out Jesse Lee Peterson’s “The Word on the Street” video, “Jesse Peterson Responds to His Black Critics; Discusses Explosive Race Debate”:
Media wishing to interview Jesse Lee Peterson, please contact
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· · · ·

Safir: The War on Police Hurts the War on Terror

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War on police makes us all less safe

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Published: Sunday, 9/7/2014


Other than a handful of eyewitnesses who have yet to be subjected to the rigors of cross-examination, none of us really knows what happened when a Ferguson, Mo., police officer encountered Michael Brown. But as a law enforcement officer with 21 years of experience, I do know that those who voice their opinions the loudest often have the poorest understanding of police work.
I’ve met thousands of cops in my career — black and white, male and female, rural and urban. None of them relishes the prospect of shooting someone.
Yet with the most recent social-media and news coverage of the events in Ferguson, a troubling narrative is developing. People who ought to know better suggest that some officers are more likely than others to use deadly violence against a particular group of citizens. It’s a distortion, and it’s just plain wrong.
Most of us were taught by our parents to avoid prejudging a situation until both sides have been fairly heard. That’s also the basic premise of our legal system. Yet today, information comes at us like a turbulent tidal wave of facts mixed with opinion and conjecture conflated with bias. Prejudgment follows.
Within a few hours of the Ferguson shooting, news media were abuzz with accounts of an “unarmed black teenager” shot by a police officer. That was the spark.
Then witnesses of dubious credibility falsely alleged that the officer had shot Michael Brown in the back. That was the fuel. The resulting conflagration has begun to die down, but reignition awaits.
Some observers have characterized the violence that broke out after this incident as symptomatic of socioeconomic or racial unrest. But I see its effect as even more worrisome.
When those who work in the justice system change their actions in response to threats of violence, the rule of law begins to morph into the rule of the mob. And when elected officials, such as Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon, prejudge the actions of a police officer who has yet to be heard from, the illegitimacy of mob rule moves from the streets to the halls of government.
Racism has an ugly history in America, and the debate over whether we’ve advanced past it is relevant. But while that discussion continues, far too many agitators have essentially declared war on police. As a nation, we must reject that attack.
We require officers to patrol dangerous and unpredictable terrain, and to make split-second, life-and-death decisions to protect others. When they get it right, as they almost always do, little notice is taken. On those rare occasions when they get it wrong, headlines blare the details and the reign of armchair cops begins.
For each of the infrequent occasions when a law enforcement officer is forced by deadly circumstances to shoot someone, there ought to be a review. A fair and thorough investigation protects everyone involved. But prejudgment hinders a fair review.
Just as a tragedy such as this ought not be a pretext to abandon reason and deliberation in the judicial system, it should not spur hasty changes in our legislative process. Those who decry the “militarization of police” fail to understand that the equipment that is transferred from the military to law enforcement agencies would otherwise be scrapped or sold to foreign governments.
Indeed, most of this surplus military gear is for the support and safety of officers, not for use as weaponry. On the battlefield, an armored vehicle deploys armed troops to the fight. At the scene of a school shooting, that same vehicle can help first responders transport paramedics to wounded victims who are still in the line of fire.
Last month in Harvey, Ill., “heavily armed officers” — as a national media outlet described them — stormed a home to free four hostages and capture two suspects, ending a 20-hour standoff. No one complained about the militarization of those police.
As a police officer, I want only equipment that will keep my fellow officers, the public, and me safe. Better vests, more versatile and less-than-lethal weapons such as Tasers, and better communication devices have made our communities safer.
Even if you don’t believe that those who protect and serve deserve the benefit of the doubt, surely you can agree that they ought to be trained well, equipped sufficiently — and not be presumed to be at fault.
Jay McDonald, a Toledo native, is president of the Ohio Fraternal Order of Police.
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Communists Lead Protest Against Baltimore Police - YouTube

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Published on May 1, 2015
Alex Jones witnessed a protest march led by communists bearing the infamous hammer and sickle flag. Oblivious of the dark meaning behind the standard, dozens of people marched shouting angry slogans. They were blissfully unaware that they were victims of the divisive race baiting schemes of the globalist to hijack the anger against the police state for their own plans.
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Brian Moore, New York Police Officer Shot in the Head, Has Died

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The plainclothes New York City police officer who was shot in the face Saturday as he approached an armed man on a Queens street died from his injuries on Monday, the police commissioner, William J. Bratton, said.
The officer, Brian Moore, 25, had been in critical condition at Jamaica Hospital Medical Center since Saturday evening when fellow officers rushed him to the emergency room from the residential street where the shooting occurred.
“I did not know this officer in person in life, I’ve only come to know him in death,” Mr. Bratton said to reporters outside the hospital Monday afternoon.
He called Officer Moore “an extraordinary young man” and said that his death was “a great loss to this profession and to this city.”



Friday, May 15, 2015

"Paint it black!" - The War on the U.S. Police and the Radicalization from above, part 2

Obama Honors Police Officers Killed in Line of Duty


NEWS: FBI: Killings of officers on the rise - The Hill: "The number of law enforcement officers killed through acts of violence has been on a precipitous upswing, according to preliminary data from the FBI. Statistics released by the bureau on Monday show that 51 officers were killed by a felony crime in 2014, up from the just 27 killed in 2013 — which represented a 35-year low."

Blue Lives Matter: Cop Killings Nearly Double After Media Launch Hate Campaigns Against Police

According to the FBI, the number of police officers killed in the line of duty nearly doubled from 27 to 51 between 2013 and 2014. That is nearly one murdered police officer a week during 2014...

NEWS: Two Police Officers Are Shot and Killed in Mississippi

Saturday, May 9, 2015
» Orchestrated Baltimore Riots “Just the Beginning” 09/05/15 23:26 | » Record number of Americans abroad giving up citizenship 08/05/15 08:34: "More violence and rioting, including potentially a so-called “race war,” is likely coming, according to analysts and agitators. A poll taken after Baltimore’s riots revealed that 96 percent of Americans — black and white alike — expect more racially charged unrest across America this summer. Obama and his allies are pouring fuel on the fire and sowing division with racially charged rhetoric. And whether participants in the strategically orchestrated chaos understand it or not — plenty are simply useful idiots, of course — it is all aimed at a very specific goal: nationalizing law enforcement and further empowering the emerging police state."


NYPD Officer Shot in the Head Dies

Published on May 4, 2015
A 25-year-old police officer shot in the head over the weekend while attempting to stop a man suspected of carrying a handgun, died Monday from his injuries. He is the third New York City officer slain on duty in five months. (May 4)

Obama Orders FBI And Justice Department To Probe Michael Brown Death

Published on Aug 14, 2014
President Barack Obama, seeking to calm unrest over the police killing of an unarmed black teenager in Missouri, declared Thursday that there is no excuse for violence against police or for excessive force by officers against protesters. The president spoke after four nights of protests in Ferguson, Missouri, over the death of 18 year-old Michael Brown. Police on Wednesday fired tear gas against protesters and arrested 16 people, including two reporters. Obama said "There’s no excuse for police to use excessive force against peaceful protesters, or to throw protesters in jail for lawfully exercising their First Amendment rights.”



The War On The U.S. Police And Worldwide As 

The  "Special Operation" By The Hostile Intelligence Services 

(Russia, Iran, possibly China and Drug Cartels) - 

The Working Hypothesis


putin accuses us of interference in chechnya - Google Search

  1. Putin accuses US of aiding Islamic separatists

    CBS News-Apr 26, 2015
    ... to his rule - which the producers and Putin blame on WesterninterferencePutin was elected Russian president on March 26, 2000, after spending three ... in Chechnya and neighboring regions in the volatile North Caucasus. ... Putin said he raised the issue with then-U.S. President George W. Bush, who ...
    Putin Accuses US of Supporting Separatists in Russia's North ...
    International-The Moscow Times-Apr 26, 2015
    Putin accuses US of supporting separatists in Russia 26, 2015
    Explore in depth (576 more articles)

Monday, May 4, 2015

The incidents of police killings in Russia

    Police killed in attack in Russia's Chechnya - Al Jazeera ...
    Al Jazeera
    Oct 6, 2014 - A suicide bomber has killed five police officers and injured several more in a reported attempt to attack a concert hall in the Russian region of ...

    Six gunmen, three police killed in Russia's Chechnya ...
    Dec 4, 2014 - MOSCOW (Reuters) - At least six gunmen and three policemen were killed in gun battles in which a building was stormed in the Chechen ...


Bklyn cops killing - 12.20.14

NEWS: Two Police Officers Fatally Shot in Brooklyn; Suspect Is Found Dead | Ismaaiyl Brinsley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Police officer shot and killed in Florida - CNN | One man killed, two injured in stabbing on Blue Hill Avenue - Boston Globe | 1
ismaaiyl brinsley - Google Search
50 Cent - Green Lantern - YouTube
50 Cent song “Green Lantern” - YouTube
Two New York police officers shot in Brooklyn | Daily Mail Online
Eyewitness claims 'people were LAUGHING' at the scene where NYPD cops were killed | Daily Mail Online
Before Shooting Two Officers, Gunman Bragged About His Plans -
Pictured - The Veterans Affairs officer ex-girlfriend of double cop killer who he gunned down in Baltimore hours before cold-blooded execution in New York | Daily Mail Online
TheUnion |
Barracuda (song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
barracuda - Google Search
New York Officers’ Killer, Adrift and Ill, Had a Plan -
NEWS: NY cop killer had long criminal history - AP
BBC News - New York gunman Ismaaiyl Brinsley said 'watch what I'm going to do'
Alleged Cop Killer Ismaaiyl Brinsley Had a Death Wish - The Daily Beast
Gunman executes 2 NYPD cops in Garner ‘revenge’ | New York Post
Police: Ismaaiyl Brinsley Began Crime Spree In Baltimore « CBS New York
Ismaaiyl Brinsley: Brooklyn Police Shooting Suspect's Chilling Instagram PromiseTo Kill 'Pigs'
When he arrived in New York on Saturday, police say Ismaaiyl Brinsley brought a long history of trouble with him - The Washington Post
First Victim Of Cop Killer Ismaaiyl Brinsley Was 'Hysterical' After Being Shot: Neighbor
Who Is Shaneka Thompson, Ismaaiyl Brinsley's First Victim | Mediaite
Timeline: Officer Ambush Unfolds Over 9 Hours | NBC New York
New York police shootings: Police to probe whether Ismaaiyl Brinsley had links to the notorious Black Guerrilla Family gang - Americas - World - The Independent
NYPD: Ismaaiyl Brinsley Told Bystanders 'Watch What I'm Going to Do'
Chaos in Brooklyn subway after police enter in pursuit of Ismaaiyl Brinsley | Daily Mail Online
Baltimore Warning on Ismaaiyl Brinsley Came Too Late, Authorities Say - NBC
What We Know About Ismaaiyl Brinsley -- NYMag
Ismaaiyl Brinsley: What We Know About the Gunman Who Killed Two NYPD Officers
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Police Commissioner Bratton: Ismaaiyl Brinsley Had Cash In $100 Bills « CBS New York
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Cop Killer Ismaaiyl Brinsley Had Pocket Full of $100 Bills – But No Job or Home | The Gateway Pundit
Investigators interview ex-girlfriend of NYPD killings suspect Ismaaiyl Brinsley |
Ismaaiyl Brinsley murdered two police officers in Brooklyn: Police departments claim to be targeted by anti-police movement.
Ismaaiyl Brinsley Had Violent Criminal History, 'Estranged Relationship' With Family (UPDATED)
Key developments in case of 2 slain NYPD officers
Bill de Blasio Hates and Fears the NYPD | FrontPage Magazine
de blasio - Google Search
Bill de Blasio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bill de Blasio, desperate for a scapegoat, whacks the media | Fox News
De Blasio’s nightmare - Maggie Haberman and Glenn Thrush - POLITICO
A City on the Brink
Officer Deaths Highlight Outdated Systems |
Key developments in case of 2 slain...
Instagram account depicts troubled shooter - Baltimore Sun
New York Police Trace Ismaaiyl Brinsley Gun to Georgia Arrowhead Shop | The New Republic
Brinsley's Social Media Accounts Show Islamic Side | The Daily Caller
BREAKING, EXCLUSIVE: NYPD Cop Killer Worked For Alleged Muslim Terror Front Group - GotNews
US Islamist Expert: NYPD Cop Killer Ismaaiyl Brinsley May Have Been Responding to ISIS Fatwa (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley and the “Meshugga Muslim” Jihad Against the Police (Addended) | Dr. Andrew Bostom
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Many Identities of New York Officers’ Killer in a Life of Wrong Turns -
Gunman’s Many Identities in a Life of Wrong Turns - Nation - The Boston Globe
Ismaaiyl Brinsley's ex Shaneka Thompson released from hospital after being shot | Daily Mail Online
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War on Police - Searches and News

Police - News - Times Topics - The New York Times
Police Brutality, Misconduct and Shooting - Times Topics - The New York Times Search
Search - The Washington Post
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War on Police - Google Search News
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War on Police Worldwide As Intelligence Operation

NEWS: War on Police Worldwide As Intelligence Operation by Iran - Russia - China Axis - Google Search
NEWS: Cyberwar on Police and "Ransomware"
NEWS: Dershowitz: Charges Against Baltimore Cops a ‘Sad Day for Justice’ | History and the circumstances of the case against six police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray indicate that securing convictions may not be easy. - NYT - Police Ne
Ambush Attacks on Police Tripled in 2014
FBI nabs two aspiring Ferguson protesters with guns, explosives « Hot Air
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NEWS: Baltimore riots | It’s war on cops as riots grip Baltimore | Seven officers injured, one unresponsive in Baltimore riot | Ahmadinejad, Farrakhan & The Black Panthers: Shocking New Details on Their Meeting & the ‘Beast’ Axis That Was Forged | V
NEWS: Baltimore police: Credible evidence of gang threat to officers - The Washington Post | Baltimore Gangs Threaten To ‘Take Out’ Officers « CBS Baltimore | Media fail to identify leader of Baltimore riots: Malik Zulu Shabazz | Wow! Baltimore Mayor
(Sharing...) Baltimore police: Credible evidence of gang threat to officers - The Washington Post
Want to fix Baltimore? “End the drug war,” says David Simon - The Washington Post
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New Black Panther Party and war on police

Malik Zulu Shabazz

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Communists and the New Black Panthers Gin Up Violence and Racial Conflict in Ferguson |
Black Panthers To “Build Up Army” To Kill Cops In 2015 – Downtrend
New Black Panthers Hezbollah Connection: Hundreds of Hezbollah in America: Reminder of Obama NBPP Connections | Maggie's Notebook
Ahmadinejad, Farrakhan & The Black Panthers: Shocking New Details on Their Meeting & the ‘Beast’ Axis That Was Forged | Video |
Obama Administration Ignores the New Black Panthers As They Prepare for a Race War – Audio |
URGENT: Did the New Black Panther Leader Visit the White House?
NEWS: New Black Panthers Hezbollah Connection: Hundreds of Hezbollah in America | Ambush Attacks on Police Tripled in 2014
NEWS: New Black Panther Party and The War on Police - Google Search | Obama Administration Ignores the New Black Panthers As They Prepare for a Race War and other stories
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New Black Panther Party and cyberattacks - Google Search

War on Police - Articles

Police Officer Is Shot and Critically Wounded in Queens -
NEWS: Police Officer Is Shot and Critically Wounded in Queens
FBI Director: Police Frustrated By Media Ignoring Blue Deaths
NEWS: War on police - Google Search
NEWS: Obama Threatens Consequences If Law Enforcement Officers Don't ... - Daily Caller: President Barack Obama used a TV interview to describe law enforcement officials as soldiers under his direct command, and he threatened to ... | Obama: Immigration W
NEWS: » Stop the war on police 17/04/15 16:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Yes, there is a war on police: Column
'War On Cops' Nets More Police Deaths, '15 Ambush Assaults' - Breitbart
Scant Data Frustrates Efforts to Assess Number of Shootings by Police -
Hundreds of Police Killings Are Uncounted in Federal Statistics - WSJ
Stop the war on police
A new civil rights movement emerging in the wake of police shootings
Matthew T. Mangino: A clearer picture of police shootings begins to emerge - News - The Daily Register - Harrisburg, IL - Harrisburg, IL
Sheriff David Clarke: "War On Police" Fueled By "Anti-Cop Hatred and Rhetoric," Ferguson "False Narrative" | Video | RealClearPolitics
Police fear 'war on cops' after 11 shootings - US news - Crime & courts | NBC News
Hackers Get Bold Attacking Police Stations with Ransomware : TECH & INNOVATION : Science Times
Hackers Targeting Police Departments With Ransomware | Digital Trends
Police Pay Off Ransomware Operators, Again
A Gun From Georgia Is Linked to a New York Officer’s Death, Again -
NEWS: Brian Moore, New York Police Officer Shot in the Head, Has Died
NEWS: Police News Review
NEWS: Rethink your war on cops: We must speak out against the war on cops before it’s too late. | There are things that Mayors, Governors, and even Presidents can do: Be a leader of your law enforcement agencies. Do not broad brush them and rush to judg
NEWS: The incidents of police killings in Russia



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