Russia's silent war against the West - As revelations about cyber-attacks launched against the US last autumn show, Russia is engaged in a relentless intelligence war against the west. Other targets of Russian cyber-warfare have included Germany, Estonia, Romania, Ukraine and Georgia. | » US, Israel express concern as Russia lifts ban on missile deliveries to Iran - Fox News 14/04/15 00:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks

Russia's silent war against the west (registration) (blog)
As revelations about cyber-attacks launched against the US last autumn show, Russia is engaged in a relentless intelligence war against the west. Other targets of Russian cyber-warfare have included Germany, Estonia, Romania, Ukraine and Georgia.

Russia says Western investment in Ukraine's farms is a plot to take over the world - Washington Post (blog)

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The Moscow Times

Russia says Western investment in Ukraine's farms is a plot to take over the world
Washington Post (blog)
MOSCOW — Ukraine has long tried to sell itself to Europe as the once-and-future breadbasket of the continent, promising that Western investment is the key to making its under-exploited black earth bloom. But official Russia would like you to know that ...
UPDATE 1-Russia's AgMin says no decision yet on wheat export tax extensionReuters

all 7 news articles »

The Russian financial rally - The Economist (blog)

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The Russian financial rally
The Economist (blog)
NOT long ago, Russia and Ukraine's finances looked very precarious. But now one of those countries is doing a lot better. Surprisingly, it is not the country that has just been given a $25 billion bail-out from the West. Rather, it is the oil-exporter ...
What Sanctions? The Russian Economy Is Growing AgainNewsweek
Russia Banks Unwind Emergency Rates on World-Beating Ruble RallyBloomberg
IMF says fall in rouble not enough for RussiaReuters

all 36 news articles »

US: Growing China, Russia Military Activity in Asia-Pacific - ABC News

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US: Growing China, Russia Military Activity in Asia-Pacific
ABC News
Adm. Samuel Locklear also told the House Armed Services Committee that Russia has escalated military activity in the Asia-Pacific in recent months to a near Cold War-level. Locklear's area of command straddles a vast area of land and ocean where the ...

and more »

Russia's silent war against the west - (registration) (blog)

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Russia's silent war against the west (registration) (blog)
As revelations about cyber-attacks launched against the US last autumn show, Russia is engaged in a relentless intelligence war against the west. Other targets of Russian cyber-warfare have included Germany, Estonia, Romania, Ukraine and Georgia.
Russia Engaging in 'Hybrid War' With Europe, Says Former Nato ChiefNewsweek
'Ukrainian crisis - NATO pretext to contain and besiege Russia'RT (blog)
Russia Is More Dangerous Than USSRValueWalk
Yahoo News-International Business Times AU-ABC News
all 85 news articles »

Russia says US forced it to act on Ukraine - Reuters

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Russia says US forced it to act on Ukraine
"How many more casualties are needed to force Ukrainians living in the east to feel 'Europeans'?" he said. He dismissed Western criticism that Russia was forcibly remaking European borders, pointing to Western military involvement in Serbia, Iraq and ...
Russia Engaging in 'Hybrid War' With Europe, Says Former Nato ChiefNewsweek
Russia's silent war against the (registration) (blog)
'Ukrainian crisis - NATO pretext to contain and besiege Russia'RT (blog)
all 100 news articles »

Russia Threatens NATO Over Missile Shield - Wall Street Journal

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Wall Street Journal

Russia Threatens NATO Over Missile Shield
Wall Street Journal
MOSCOW—Russia's top general warned European countries planning to host installations for a U.S.-led missile defense shield that Russian forces would be forced to target them. General Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed ... 
Russia blames US for security crises, turmoil in UkraineReuters
Pakistan, Russia to hold first-ever joint military exerciseTimes of India
Russia blames the US for forcing it to invade UkraineThe Week Magazine
all 64 news articles »
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Pro-Russia journalist shot dead in Kiev - The Guardian

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The Guardian

Pro-Russia journalist shot dead in Kiev
The Guardian
Buzyna, who ran for a seat in parliament on the Russian Bloc ticket in 2012 and was known for his pro-Russia views, was largely perceived as more of an activist than a journalist. He had a three-month stint as the editor-in-chief of Segodnya, a ...
Ukraine conflict: Pro-Russia journalist Oles Buzyna killedBBC News
Pro-Russia Ukrainian journalist shot dead in Kiev Yahoo7 News
Ukraine: Pro-Russia journalist Oles Buzyna murdered in drive-by shooting in KievInternational Business Times UK

all 48 
news articles »

Putin: Russian economy can rebound stronger from Western sanctions - Washington Post

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Wall Street Journal

Putin: Russian economy can rebound stronger from Western sanctions
Washington Post
MOSCOW — In a measure of Russia's grinding economic difficulties, President Vladimir Putin on Thursday devoted the bulk of an annual call-in program to assuring his nation that life would soon improve after a year of confrontation with the West. The ...
Vladimir Putin Says Russia Could Return to Economic Growth Within Two YearsWall Street Journal
Vladimir Putin phone-in: Western sanctions actually helped
'Worst is over' - Putin on Russian economyRT
The Guardian -BBC News
all 666 news articles »

Senator Menendez’ Co-conspirator Separately Charged With Medicare Fraud 

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Less than two weeks after being indicted on bribery charges along with his friend, New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez, North Palm Beach ophthalmologist Salomon Melgen was charged on Tuesday with 46 counts of healthcare fraud, 19 counts of filing false claims to Medicare, and 11 counts of making false statements to investigators.

​Security measures questioned after gyrocopter breaches Capitol airspace

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How did the craft fly without being detected into some of the most restricted airspace in the country?

Who is gyrocopter pilot Doug Hughes?

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Perhaps nobody was more surprised by the mailman's stunt at the Capitol than his neighbors in Ruskin, Florida

Министр обороны России выступил на IV Московской конференции по международной безопасности

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Обращаясь к участникам форума, генерал армии Сергей Шойгу заявил, что сегодня как никогда важно найти такие решения сложных проблем международной безопасности, которые бы опирались на баланс интересов и компромиссов, а не на силу и агрессию.
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Начальник Генерального штаба ВС РФ рассказал о военных опасностях и угрозах России в современных условиях

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Выступая на 4-й Московской конференции по международной безопасности, генерал армии Валерий Герасимов заявил, что украинский кризис разразился из-за нежелания США и их союзников учитывать отстаивание Россией её национальных интересов.

В Москве состоялась встреча глав военных ведомств России и Китая

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Генерал армии Сергей Шойгу и генерал-полковник Чан Ваньцюань выразили убежденность, что сотрудничество двух стран в военной области будет развиваться и крепнуть.

Отношения между Россией и Ираном являются важным фактором международной безопасности

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Об этом заявил Министр обороны России генерал армии Сергей Шойгу во время встречи со своим иранским коллегой бригадным генералом Хоссейном Декханом в рамках Московской конференции по безопасности.

У Капитолия на гироплане приземлился “почтальон”

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В Вашингтоне у Капитолия в среду приземлился гироплан. Полицейские тут же задержали человека, управлявшего летательным аппаратом и на всякий случай перекрыли несколько соседних улиц. В итоге оказалось, что “воздухоплаватель” собирался доставить таким образом письма всем членам Конгресса, чтобы обратить их внимание на проблемы финансирования избирательных кампаний.

Putin swats down Russian worries on annual televised call-in - YouTube

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Published on Apr 16, 2015
Concerning everything Russians want to know about their president's worldview, once a year, Vladimir Putin accepts their questions, sent through a triage centre, and broadcasts answers live in front of a handpicked television studio audience in Moscow.

On western sanctions over Russia's role in the Ukraine conflict, Putin appeared proud and isolated.

"I have told business leaders not to expect a lifting of the sanctions, because they are purely political. They are a strategic tool to force Ru…

Новости - Сергей Шойгу: «цветные революции» развиваются, и Украина пострадала от крупнейшей из них

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Министр обороны России генерал армии Сергей Шойгу во время выступления на Международной конференции по безопасности заявил, что феномен «цветных революций» продолжает развиваться и приобретает глобальный характер. Он отметил: чтобы «вовлечь Киев в свою орбиту, США и их ближайшие союзники перешли все мыслимые "черты"», что не могло не вызвать реакцию России.
«Феномен "цветных революций" продолжает развиваться и приобретает глобальный характер. Именно об этом мы предупреждали на прошлой Московской конференции. Попытки организации так называемую революцию зонтиков в Гонконге, расшатывание обстановки в Венесуэле — все это звенья той же цепи. И, разумеется, крупнейшая трагедия в череде "цветных революций" — Украина. В результате антиконституционной смены власти страна была ввергнута в гражданскую войну», — приводит «РИА Новости» слова господина Шойгу.
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Vladimir Putin Q&A trailer: This is how all political events should be publicised - Europe - World

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Video: The buildup to the latest Vladimir Putin Q&A has all the trappings of a movie blockbuster
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The tired format of PMQs - men jeering, papers waving - is in need of a bit of rejuvenation, and perhaps the latest round of TV debates will do just that.
Yet the British broadcasters and political parties could take a lesson from Russia when it comes to making the most of a political event - even if it is going to be rather formulaic.
President Vladimir Putin is set to sit down for his annual TV Q&A, where carefully-selected questions from the Russian populace are posed to the world's most influential man (well, according to a Timemagazine poll anyway).
To gear Russians up for this Putin PR love-in, Russia-24, the state-owned news channel, published a trailer of cinematic-proportions, making the event appear more like a media junket with your favourite film star rather than a man whose penchant for democracy is rather questionable.
Enter warships, fighter planes, flag-waving crowds and the man himself delivering a stirring speech flanked by army men. The video shows Putin meeting with the leaders of Germany and China, and then shows him in a split screen with Barack Obama, the two men sharing a smile amid the tension.

В России из-за лесных и степных пожаров возбуждены более 30 уголовных дел // НТВ.Ru

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Как сообщает 
корреспондент НТВ Алексей Кондулуков
, за минувшие сутки площадь лесных пожаров в Сибири выросла почти вдвое. В основном горят Забайкальский край и Бурятия. Также немного Иркутская область, Республика Тыва и Хакасия, где, напомним, в минувшие выходные были уничтожены или повреждены огнем почти 1,5 тысячи домов, погибли 29 человек, пропали без вести трое. Около тысячи погорельцев обратились за медпомощью.

Нескольких пострадавших с обширными ожогами кожи сегодня вывезли на лечение в Москву. Их транспортировали на специальном самолете МЧС с медицинскими модулями. В Сибири сейчас на тушении работают 3 тысячи специалистов МЧС. Используются самолеты-амфибии и вертолеты с водосливным устройством. С неба на горящие леса сброшено более 100 тонн воды.

Сложная обстановка и на Дальнем Востоке. Пожарами там охвачены более 20 тысяч гектаров леса, в основном в Приамурье. В Благовещенске уже зафиксировано превышение на 30% содержания в воздухе оксида углерода.

Юрий Туранов
, житель села Новотроицкое: «Пошел пал оттуда, со стороны ЛЭП. Сначала думали, что все обойдется, ходили, ходили. А уже ближе к вечеру приехали пожарные, усилился сильный ветер. Собирайте документы, все на улицу».

Основными причинами возгораний специалисты называют неосторожное обращение с огнем местного населения и так называемые сельхозпалы. Все это на фоне сухой погоды и довольно сильного ветра. Правоохранительными органами в связи с пожарами уже возбуждены более 30 уголовных дел.

Россия сегодня опаснее Советского Союза, - экс-генсек НАТО

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Популярные новости за 48 часов

Россия сегодня опаснее Советского Союза, - экс-генсек НАТО

Россия сегодня опаснее Советского Союза, - экс-генсек НАТО
Фото: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> /
Россия хочет дестабилизировать Европу, втянув в гибридную войну, что делает её опаснее Советского Союза. Такое мнение в интервью изданию «Newsweek» озвучил бывший генеральный секретарь Североатлантического АльянсаАндерс Фог Расмуссен.

С его слов, даже СССР не так часто угрожал миру ядерным оружием, как это делает современная Россия. «В советское время они не решались говорить о ядерном конфликте.Теперь мы видим открытое обсуждение. В этом отношении Россия сегодня является более опасной, чем Советский Союз. СССР был более предсказуем, чем нынешнее руководство России», - заявил экс-генсек, добавив также, что Москва всеми силами пытается дестабилизировать европейские страны изнутри.

«Россия использует сочетание обычной войны (в Украине – ред.) с более утонченной пропагандистской кампанией дезинформации, в том числе используя своё финансовое влияние на страны НАТО», - сообщил Расмуссен, подчеркнув, что некоторые ультраправые и крайне левые силы Европы симпатизируют Путину и России. «У нас есть такие партии в Греции, Венгрии, Болгарии и Франции», - заявил он.

По мнению бывшего генсека НАТО, чтобы эффективно противостоять агрессии России Запад должен «перестать быть наивным». «Необходимо усилить методы борьбы против гибридных угроз. Нужно больше инвестиций в кибербезопасность, улучшить финансирование разведки, усовершенствовать координацию между союзниками», - заявил Расмуссен.

Генштаб и Минобороны: НАТО и США «играют», угрожая международной безопасности - Политика, Россия

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Заигрывания с террористами чревато последствиями, считают российские военные
Сегодня в 11:52, просмотров: 7042
Глава генштаба РФ Валерий Герасимов и министр обороны России Сергей Шойгу выступили на Международной конференция по безопасности. Они подняли главные темы — о действиях США и НАТО на международной арене, основные из которых, по мнению военных руководителей страны, направлены на дестабилизацию обстановки вокруг РФ, а также втягивание некоторых стран в эту конфронтацию.
Генштаб и Минобороны: НАТО и США «играют», угрожая международной безопасности
фото: Геннадий Черкасов
В Москве проходит Международная конференция по безопасности, в которой принимают участие глава минобороны Сергей Шойгу, глава Генштаба Валерий Герасимов и другие.
Генерал Герасимов отметил, что последние действия НАТО на военную безопасность России. По его словам, общая численность регулярных вооруженных сил стран альянса превысила 3,7 миллиона человек, и присоединиться к НАТО намерены Черногория, Македония, Босния и Герцеговина, а также Грузия и Украина.
По его словам,на Уэльском саммите 2014 года одобрен план действий НАТО по повышению готовности к реагированию, в частности «усиление военного присутствия альянса в государствах Восточной Европы и Прибалтики». И эти действия, отметил Герасимов, «носят далеко не оборонительный характер».
Он отметил и увеличение количества учений Альянса. «Если в предыдущие годы в ходе учений отрабатывались в основном вопросы кризисного урегулирования и противодействия терроризму, то сегодня приоритет отдается решению задач в ходе военных действий с условным противником, в котором легко угадывается Российская Федерация», — подчеркнул он.
«Обвинение России в «агрессивной политике на постсоветском пространстве» и выдвижение тезиса «о необходимости ее сдерживания» сегодня стали основной движущей силой развития Организации североатлантического договора» - добавил Герасимов.
В свою очередь министр обороны РФ генерал армии Сергей Шойгу отметил, что некоторые страны Запада пытаются втянуть государства Азии и Латинской Америки в антироссийскую кампанию, выбирая в качестве цели изоляцию России. По его словам, в СМИ многих европейских государств раскручиваются ложные тезисы о необходимости сдерживания России, росте российской военной угрозы, которая якобы требует неотложной реакции НАТО.
Глава Генштаба также отметил опасность неядерных средств «глобального удара» США. «В совокупности с реализацией планов по развитию ПРО это может создать угрозу нарушения стратегического ядерного баланса, который до сих пор является гарантом мировой стабильности, заявил Герасимов. - Все это формирует веские причины для принятия Российской Федерацией адекватных ответных мер».
«Развертывание противоракетных средств сопровождается нарушением со стороны США положений одного из важнейших договоров, обеспечивающих стратегическую стабильность в Европе — Договора о ракетах средней и меньшей дальности. Речь идет об использовании в размещаемых на территориях Румынии и Польши наземных комплексах ПРО «Иджис-Эшор» универсальных установок вертикального пуска МК-41, позволяющих, кроме противоракет «Стандарт-3», применять и крылатые ракеты типа «Томагавк»». - отметил Герасимов, добавив, что «в зону поражения крылатых ракет наземного и морского базирования попадает вся европейская часть РФ».
«Все прекрасно понимают, что для компенсации антироссийского потенциала глобальной ПРО Россия вынуждена предпринять соответствующие военно-технические меры. В итоге «неядерные» государства, на территории которых размещаются противоракетные средства, становятся объектами первоочередных ответных действий», — добавил Герасимов.
Развертывание американской системы ПРО он назвал «шагом к демонтажу действующей системы международной безопасности».
О террористах
В Генштабе также указали на то, что США и НАТО не задумываются о том, каким образом возникают террористические группировки по типу «Аль-Каиды»: «В стремлении любой ценой обеспечить свои интересы США и НАТО не задумываются над тем, откуда и как возникают такие «террористические империи». «Аль-Каида» не появилась сама по себе. Эта организация сформировались из числа моджахедов, воевавших с ограниченным контингентом советских войск в Афганистане на деньги США и их союзников», — сказал Герасимов.
Он отметил, что «не так давно участники ИГИЛ тоже были «хорошими» боевиками, щедро проплачиваемыми Западом «борцами за демократию» в Сирии».
По данным главы Генштаба, численность экстремистских организаций в мире с 1990-х годов выросла втрое — боевиков уже более 150 тысяч.
«Считаем крайне опасным заигрывание с террористами. Нельзя спокойно смотреть на то, как из различных стран уезжают новобранцы для армии «Исламского государства», — подтвердил слова главы Генштаба министр обороны Сергей Шойгу. Он добавил, что некоторые страны не задумываются, о том, что будет, когда через некоторое время опытные боевики вернутся домой. 
Об Украине и постсоветском пространстве
По словам генерала Герасимова, неопределенность ситуации на Украине не исключает военную опасность для России. «По сути, на Украине идет гражданская война, жертвами которой уже стали тысячи человек. Сложно предсказать, чем все это закончится. Мы не знаем, какие указания получают новые украинские власти от западных «кураторов» и куда может быть направлена агрессия Киева в дальнейшем», — сказал Герасимов, добавив, что в любом случае такая неопределенность не исключает военную опасность для России.
«Нельзя обойти вниманием и так называемые замороженные конфликты на постсоветском пространстве… На фоне обострения отношений РФ с США и Европой возрастает вероятность размораживания этих конфликтов, что грозит возникновением вооруженных столкновений вблизи границ нашего государства», — отметил представитель российского Генштаба.
По его словам, США и НАТО заинтересованы в развитии кризисных ситуаций на постсоветском пространстве, речь, в частности, идет о практике «цветных революций» на постсоветском пространстве, которые были реализованы на Украине, в Грузии и Молдавии. 
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Russian TV Runs Blockbuster Trailer For Putin Phone-In

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Spring has come and with it Vladimir Putin's annual phone-in session, complete with its Hollywood-style trailer.
Russian television aired the promotional clip ahead of the April 16 event, during which the Russian president fielded questions from across Russia in a televised event that typically lasts about four hours.

Putin begins the 45-second clip by pledging that "the enemy will not pass."
Russia's annexation of Crimea, he says, showed that people are "full of determination to fight for their land."
The video pictures Putin inspecting a navy ship, paying tribute to fallen World War II soldiers, and shaking hands with several world leaders -- all of them non-Western -- to a dramatic soundtrack reminiscent of action movies.
A deep-voiced narrator chimes in with slogans such as "the most burning issues" and "answers to the challenges of our times."
The trailer contains the customary snub to the United States, with Putin dismissing accusations that it behaves aggressively by wryly claiming the United States has military bases "across the entire globe."
A video collage also shows him appearing to stare down his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama with a smirk.
The clip ends with Putin thanking adulating crowds for their support. 
You can find the video as it appears on state TV (without subtitles) here.
-- Claire Bigg

Brent crude oil hits 2015 high as U.S. output slows

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LONDON (Reuters) - Oil rose more than 3 percent on Thursday, pushing Brent crude to a 2015 high above $63 per barrel on increasing evidence that U.S. production is peaking, moving to balance a market that has been in heavy oversupply for more than a year.
Oil prices collapsed in the six months to January, pushing Brent down more than 60 percent to almost $45 a barrel.
But the market has gradually recovered this year as much lower prices have discouraged oil exploration and production, especially in the United States.
"People are realizing that the U.S. production juggernaut is slowing, at least for now," said Virendra Chauhan, oil analyst at London-based consultancy Energy Aspects.
Brent crude futures for June LCOc1 on Thursday hit $63.29 a barrel, the highest since December, after the previous much weaker front-month futures contract, for May, expired on Wednesday.
By 10 a.m. EDT, June Brent was at $62.52 a barrel, down 80 cents from the previous close for June, but up sharply from Wednesday's close for May at $60.32.
U.S. crude CLc1 was at $55.79, down 60 cents, after hitting a 2015 high of $56.69 on Wednesday.
U.Scrude has been logging its strongest upswing this year as ebbing fears of an inventory overflow and renewed hedging in far-distance futures flatten the forward curve.
U.S. crude oil production has begun to slow after several years of very sharp growth, industry data show.
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries said in its monthly report on Thursday that U.S. oil liquids output would increase by only 740,000 barrels per day (bpd) in 2015, down from growth of 1.64 million bpd last year.
Reuters technical analyst Wang Tao told Reuters Global Oil Forum that Brent could rise toward $70 a barrel in the near term, but that a sharp downturn could happen after that.
U.S. oil prices jumped on Wednesday after U.S. inventories built up more slowly than expected, although still to a new record. Talks between major oil producers also triggered speculation of production cuts, even though most analysts said these were unlikely.
Despite the oil price rally, the market remains oversupplied, analysts say.
"The recent bounce comes despite a surge in OPEC crude oil production in March which is likely to have been sustained in April," ANZ bank said.
(Additional reporting by Henning Gloystein in Singapore; Editing by Jason Neely and William Hardy)
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Russia blames U.S. for security crises, turmoil in Ukraine

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MOSCOW (Reuters) - Top Russian officials accused the United States on Thursday of seeking political and military dominance in the world and sought to put blame on the West for international security crises, including the conflict in east Ukraine.
Evoking Cold War-style rhetoric, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said a drive by the United States and its allies to bring Kiev closer to the West was a threat to Moscow and had forced it to react.
"The United States and its allies have crossed all possible lines in their drive to bring Kiev into their orbit. That could not have failed to trigger our reaction," he told an annual security conference in Moscow.
Echoing his comments, General Valery Gerasimov, chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, told the meeting: "Considering themselves the winners of the Cold War, the United States decided to reshape the world to fit its needs.
"Aiming at complete dominance, Washington stopped taking into account the interests of other countries and respect international law."
Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine last March following what it says was an "unconstitutional coup" in which street protests toppled a Moscow-allied Ukrainian president in Kiev after he ditched a deal to move closer to the European Union.
Separatist unrest then spread to eastern, Russian-speaking regions of Ukraine where fighting between Kiev's troops and pro-Russian rebels killed more than 6,000 people. The West says Moscow drives the rebellion, sends serving Russian troops there and provides the rebels with arms, training and intelligence.
President Vladimir Putin on Thursday repeated Moscow's denial, saying Russian military forces were not in Ukraine and denying that it was providing troops and support for pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine.
Shoigu blamed the violence on Kiev and sought to dismiss Western criticism that Russia was forcibly remaking European borders, pointing to Western military involvement in Serbia, Iraq and Libya.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told the conference, attended by envoys from China, Iran, Pakistan and some of Russia's allies, that Kiev had to deliver on its obligations under peace agreements reached in Minsk to "safeguard unity of the Ukrainian state".
Both said Moscow saw the development of the U.S.-led missile shield in Europe as tilting the post-war balance of power and a threat to its strategic nuclear deterrent capability. Shoigu said Moscow was taking steps to counteract that.
Gerasimov told delegates the eastward expansion of NATO posed another major threat to Russia and criticized the alliance for boosting military exercises involving eastern members.
NATO says intensified drills are aimed at reassuring eastern members worried by Moscow.
"It's clear that measures taken by NATO to strengthen the bloc and increase its military capabilities are far from being defensive," he said.
(Editing by Alison Williams)
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Генштаб: США и НАТО заинтересованы в развитии кризисных ситуаций у РФ

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Начальник Генерального штаба Вооруженных Сил РФ Валерий Герасимов. Архивное фото
© Фото: Пресс-служба Министерства обороны
МОСКВА, 16 апр — РИА Новости. Заинтересованность США и НАТО в развитии кризисных ситуаций на постсоветском пространстве становится все более очевидной, заявил в четверг начальник Генштаба ВС РФ генерал армии Валерий Герасимов.
"В стремлении поставить Россию на место все более явной становится заинтересованность Вашингтона и его партнеров по НАТО в создании кризисных ситуаций в приграничных с Российской Федерацией регионах", — заявил Герасимов на IV Московской конференции по международной безопасности.
Он добавил, что речь, в частности, идет о практике "цветных революций" на постсоветском пространстве, которые были реализованы на Украине, в Грузии и Молдавии.

Прямая линия с Владимиром Путиным: Полный текст - Политика, выборы, власть - Новости

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16.04.2015 13:32
Предлагаем вашему вниманию стенограмму проходящей сегодня, 16 апреля, ежегодной специальной программы «Прямая линия с Владимиром Путиным», предоставленную пресс-службой главы государства.

Police Search Moscow Offices Of Khodorkovsky-Founded Organization

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Russian police on April 16 searched the Moscow offices of Open Russia, a pro-democracy initiative founded by the exiled Russian tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky.
Open Russia said several police officers entered the organization’s Moscow office after presenting a search warrant.
Open Russia released a copy of the search warrant, which accused the organization of planning to print leaflets calling for "extremist activities."
The search warrant also alleged that Open Russia was planning to distribute the leaflets at an opposition rally in Moscow on April 19.
Khodorkovsky's press secretary Olga Pispanen told Dozhd TV that the group never planned to take part in the April 19 rally.
Russian opposition groups announced on April 15 that they would hold single-person actions in Moscow on April 19 rather than gathering together for a mass protest rally, which requires approval from authorities.
Khodorkovsky currently resides in Switzerland after serving more than 10 years in a Russian jail on embezzlement charges.
He maintains his innocence and says authorities filed politically motivated charges against him because of his opposition to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
With additional reporting by

Захарченко заявил, что боевики захватят Мариуполь

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В разговоре с журналистом американского агентства "Блумберг" главарь боевиков Александр Захарченко высказал уверенность, при Мариуполь "будет взят"
Главарь террористической группировки "Донецкая народная республика" Александр Захарченко сделал очередное заявление о том, что "рано или поздно" прифронтовой Мариуполь в Донецкой области войдет "в состав" псевдореспублики. По его словам, силы оккупантов и местных пособников могут захватить город "даже не обстреливая", говорится в интервью террориста агентству 

"Мариуполь легко обойти, и они (украинские военнослужащие - ред) сдадутся. Мы можем это сделать, даже не обстреливая город", - сказал он. 

При этом главарь "ДНР" отметил, что боевиков "заботит" безопасность жителей Мариуполя, так как "там живут наши матери, сестры", и пожаловался на то, что СМИ делают из террористов "кровожадных зверей, которые будут уничтожать все, что есть на пути". 

В ходе разговора с журналистом Bloomberg Захарченко заявил, что боевики располагают 23 тысячами бойцов и еще 30 тыс. "резервистов", и отметил, что возможность возобновления военных действия после двухмесячного "перемирия", по его мнению, составляет 90%. 

Напомним, 24 января 2015 года Мариуполь подвергся 
массированному обстрелу
 из реактивных систем залпового огня российских оккупантов, в результате чего погиб 31 человек и более 100 были ранены. 

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US Lawmakers Warn of Russian 'Weaponization of Information'

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Published April 16, 2015
A number of Western officials, including U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, have voiced concerns about unprecedented efforts by Russia to spread misinformation across the entire area of the former Soviet Union and much of Europe. Experts at a congressional panel in Washington described the vast Russian media operation as “the weaponization of information.” VOA’s Congressional Correspondent Cindy Saine has more from Capitol Hill.
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Под прицелом чужих ПРО: глава Генштаба рассказал о взаимоотношениях РФ с НАТО

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Виктория Фоменко
14:23 16 Апреля 2015г.
Опубликовано 14:23 16 Апреля 2015г.
Герасимов предупредил о вероятности размораживания конфликтов в соседних странах, наращивании альянсом своих вооруженных сил и стягивании ПРО к границам РФ 
Начальник Генерального штаба Вооруженных сил РФ Валерий Герасимов в четверг, 16 апреля выступил с большой речью на IV Московской конференции по международной безопасности. Основной темой выступления стали взаимоотношения с НАТО и угроза для России со стороны Альянса.
В своих попытках совладать с РФ Вашингтон и его партнеры по НАТО все чаще пытаются создавать очаги нестабильности у российских границ и провоцировать кризисные ситуации в регионах, граничащих с РФ, - констатировал Герасимов. Для этого используется хорошо «обкатанная» на других странах технология «цветных революций», манипулирование протестным потенциалом населения «с использованием информационного пространства в сочетании с политическими, экономическими, гуманитарными и другими невоенными мерами».
Серьезную угрозу, по словам генерала, представляет и постепенное стягивание к российским границам натовских систем ПРО. Оно уже привело к тому, что в зону поражения натовских крылатых ракет наземного и морского базирования попала вся европейская часть РФ.

Тлеющие костры под стенами государства

Сценарии госпереворотов по технологии «цветных революций» успешно реализованы во многих государствах постсоветского пространства: в Молдавии, Грузии и, конечно, на Украине, - отметил Герасимов. В результате к власти пришли силы, имеющие прозападную и антироссийскую ориентацию. Если на территориях Приднестровья, Южной Осетии, Абхазии, Нагорного Карабаха снова вспыхнут вооруженные конфликты, Россия окажется в крайне сложной ситуации, получив очаги напряженности вдоль своих границ, - предупредил генерал. А вероятность «размораживания» упомянутых конфликтов возрастает на фоне обострения отношений РФ с Европой и Соединенными Штатами, что в свою очередь «грозит возникновением вооруженных столкновений вблизи границ нашего государства».
Американская сторона время от времени заверяет Москву в отсутствии антироссийских намерений, однако сама в это время продолжает реализовывать планы противоракетной обороны, создавая «реальную угрозу для российских стратегических ядерных сил», - заявил Герасимов. «Развертывание ПРО расценивается нами как очередной шаг США и их союзников по демонтажу сложившейся системы международной безопасности в своем стремлении к мировому доминированию», - подчеркнул он.

Ракетная угроза

За четыре последних года комплексы противоракетной обороны появились вблизи от южных, восточных и западных границ РФ. «Корабли, оснащенные комплексами ПРО «Иджис», выполняют задачи в акваториях Средиземного и Черного морей. Осуществляется размещение наземных комплексов ПРО «Иджис-Эшор» в Румынии и Польше. Создаются группировки противоракетных средств США в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе при участии Японии и Южной Кореи», - рассказал генерал.
По сути, добавил он, речь идет о создании эшелонированной системы перехвата баллистических ракет, которое, к тому же, сопровождается нарушением американской стороной положений Договора о ракетах средней и меньшей дальности - одного из важнейших документов, обеспечивающих стратегическую стабильность в Европе. «Учитывая, что корабли противоракетной обороны ВМС США оснащаются аналогичными пусковыми установками, в зону поражения крылатых ракет наземного и морского базирования попадает вся европейская часть Российской Федерации», - сообщил начальник Генштаба.
Наконец, добавил Герасимов, комплексы ПРО «Иджис» обладают и значительным противоспутниковым потенциалом, что создает угрозу российской орбитальной группировке космических аппаратов.

Кому быть террористом – решает Америка

«Даже не учитывая политический аспект действий руководства НАТО и оценивая ситуацию только со стратегической точки зрения, невозможно не заметить негативного влияния складывающейся обстановки на военную безопасность России», - заявил Герасимов.
Общая численность вооруженных сил альянса, по данным Генштаба РФ, превысила 3,7 миллионов человек. Вашингтон не желает учитывать интересы других стран, и постепенно разрушает мировую систему безопасности. «Посчитав себя «победителями» в «холодной войне» США решили перекроить мир исключительно под себя. Стремясь к абсолютному доминированию, Вашингтон перестал в своей политике учитывать интересы других государств и сделал для себя необязательным соблюдение норм международного права, - подчеркнул генерал. - Американское руководство, не особо беспокоясь о последствиях, теперь само решает, какое государство является «демократическим», а какое - «империей зла», кто - борцы за свободу, а кто - террористы и сепаратисты».

Чем ответит Россия?

Что же намерена предпринимать в складывающихся обстоятельствах Российская Федерация? Как отметил Герасимов, в ближайшее время Россия будет наращивать потенциал своих военных баз, расположенных за рубежом.
«В рамках долгосрочных соглашений с Абхазией, Арменией, Киргизией, Таджикистаном и Южной Осетией наращивается потенциал размещенных на их территориях российских военных баз. Он является гарантом безопасности и стратегической стабильности в этих регионах», - подчеркнул глава Генштаба.  
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Захарченко: Мариуполь будет в составе самопровозглашенной ДНР

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Ополченцы смогут взять город без серьезного сопротивления
Мариуполь рано или поздно войдет в состав ДНР. Об этом в интервью Bloomberg заявил глава самопровозглашенной республики Александр Захарченко.
По его словам, ополченцы смогут взять город без серьезного сопротивления.
Ополченцы переживают за судьбу жителей Мариуполя, продолжил Захарченко и попросил не делать из ополченцев кровожадных зверей, которые будут уничтожать все на своем пути.
Читайте также: Экстремисты «Правого сектора» отказываются выполнять приказ покинуть Мариуполь По словам главы самопровозглашенной ДНР, отряды ополченцев сейчас насчитывают более 20-ти тысяч бойцов, а в запасе находятся 30 тысяч резервистов.
Территории, которые находятся под контролем ДНР, не стремятся попасть в состав Украины, утверждает Александр Захарченко.
Он оценил возможность возобновления военных действий после двухмесячного перемирия в 90%. По мнению Захарченко, украинские силовики активно готовятся к ведению наступательных действий, усиливают технику, передовые позиции.

Московская конференция по международной безопасности - YouTube

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» Senator Menendez’ Co-conspirator Separately Charged With Medicare Fraud
16/04/15 13:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from rss. Less than two weeks after being indicted on bribery charges along with his friend, New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez, North Palm Beach ophthalmologist Salomon Melgen was charged on Tuesday with 46 count...
» ​Security measures questioned after gyrocopter breaches Capitol airspace
16/04/15 13:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home - How did the craft fly without being detected into some of the most restricted airspace in the country? Why didn't the military scramble a jet to intercept the aircraft?
» Who is gyrocopter pilot Doug Hughes?
16/04/15 13:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home - Perhaps nobody was more surprised by the mailman's stunt at the Capitol than his neighbors in Ruskin, Florida
» Министр обороны России выступил на IV Московской конференции по международной безопасности
16/04/15 13:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS. Обращаясь к участникам форума, генерал армии Сергей Шойгу заявил, что сегодня как никогда важно найти такие решения сложных проблем международной безопасности, которые бы опирались на баланс интересов...
» Начальник Генерального штаба ВС РФ рассказал о военных опасностях и угрозах России в современных условиях
16/04/15 13:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS. Выступая на 4-й Московской конференции по международной безопасности, генерал армии Валерий Герасимов заявил, что украинский кризис разразился из-за нежелания США и их союзников учитывать отстаивание ...
» В Москве состоялась встреча глав военных ведомств России и Китая
16/04/15 13:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS. Генерал армии Сергей Шойгу и генерал-полковник Чан Ваньцюань выразили убежденность, что сотрудничество двух стран в военной области будет развиваться и крепнуть.
» Отношения между Россией и Ираном являются важным фактором международной безопасности
16/04/15 13:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS. Об этом заявил Министр обороны России генерал армии Сергей Шойгу во время встречи со своим иранским коллегой бригадным генералом Хоссейном Декханом в рамках Московской конференции по безопасности.
» У Капитолия на гироплане приземлился “почтальон”
16/04/15 12:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from euronews. В Вашингтоне у Капитолия в среду ...
» Putin swats down Russian worries on annual televised call-in - YouTube
16/04/15 12:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Published on Apr 16, 2015 Concerning everything Russians want to know about their president's worldview, once a year, Vladimir Putin accepts their questions, sent through a triage centre, and broadcasts answe...
» Vladimir Putin Q&A trailer: This is how all political events should be publicised - Europe - World
16/04/15 12:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . 1 / 1 Video: The buildup to the latest Vladimir Putin Q&A has all the trappings of a movie blockbuster Note: We do not store your email address(es) but your IP address will be logged to prevent abuse...
» В России из-за лесных и степных пожаров возбуждены более 30 уголовных дел // НТВ.Ru
16/04/15 12:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from НТВ. Новости. Как сообщает корреспондент НТВ...
» Россия сегодня опаснее Советского Союза, - экс-генсек НАТО
16/04/15 12:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Новости Америки. Популярные новости за 48 часов 15.04.2015, 1...
» Russian TV Runs Blockbuster Trailer For Putin Phone-In
16/04/15 12:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. S pring has come and with it Vladimir Putin's annual phone-in session, complete with its Hollywood-style trailer. Russian television aired the promotional clip ahead of t...
» Brent crude oil hits 2015 high as U.S. output slows
16/04/15 12:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . LONDON (Reuters) - Oil rose more than 3 percent on Thursday, pushing Brent crude to a 2015 high above $63 per barrel on increasing evidence that U.S. production is peaking, moving to balance a market that has...
» Russia blames U.S. for security crises, turmoil in Ukraine
16/04/15 12:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . MOSCOW (Reuters) - Top Russian officials accused the United States on Thursday of seeking political and military dominance in the world and sought to put blame on the West for international security crises, i...
» Генштаб: США и НАТО заинтересованы в развитии кризисных ситуаций у РФ
16/04/15 11:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Российское Информационное Агентство "РИА Новости". © Фото: Пресс-служба Мини...
» Прямая линия с Владимиром Путиным: Полный текст - Политика, выборы, власть - Новости
16/04/15 11:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from ИА REGNUM: Политика. 16.04.2015 13:32 Facebook 2 Вконтакте 1 Класс Google+ Предла ...
» Police Search Moscow Offices Of Khodorkovsky-Founded Organization
16/04/15 11:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. R ussian police on April 16 searched the Moscow offices of Open Russia, a pro-democracy initiative founded by the exiled Russian tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Open Russia&...
» Захарченко заявил, что боевики захватят Мариуполь
16/04/15 11:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Новости Украины 24 часа в сутки : ЛІГАБізнесІнформ. В разговоре с журналисто ...
» US Lawmakers Warn of Russian 'Weaponization of Information'
16/04/15 11:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Published April 16, 2015 A number of Western officials, including U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, have voiced concerns about unprecedented efforts by Russia to spread misinformation a...
» Под прицелом чужих ПРО: глава Генштаба рассказал о взаимоотношениях РФ с НАТО
16/04/15 11:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Фото: Виктория Фоменко Статья 14:23 16...
» Захарченко: Мариуполь будет в составе самопровозглашенной ДНР
16/04/15 11:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Ополченцы смогут взять город без с...
» Московская конференция по международной безопасности - YouTube
16/04/15 11:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Streamed live on Apr 16, 2015 Прямая трансляция заседания ...
» Московская конференция по международной безопасности - Google Search
16/04/15 11:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Московская конференция по междун&#...
» 16-17 апреля 2015 года проходит 4-я Московская конференция по международной безопасности
16/04/15 11:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Новости. 16-17 апреля 2015 года проходит 4-я Москов ...
» Russia Threatens NATO Over Missile Shield
16/04/15 11:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . MOSCOW—Russia’s top general warned European countries planning to host installations for a U.S.-led missile defense shield that Russian forces would be forced to target them. General Valery Gerasi...
» Russia's most daring theatre company
16/04/15 11:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . A fearless Russian drama company has risen from the dead after being evicted from its premises in Moscow this winter. The eviction seemed at first to be a political death sentence, but does a theatre with bar...
» Путин: Американцам нужны вассалы, а не союзники - Политика
16/04/15 10:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Сегодня в 16:30, просмотров: 664 Президент ...
» 2015-04-15#Yemen
16/04/15 10:37 from Mike Nova - Google+
2015-04-15 #Yemen #Iran   #SaudiArabia Iran-Saudi Rivalry Is Stoking Conflict in Yemen | » Influx of Migrants Across Mediterranean Nears Record Levels 13/04/15 15:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks Iran-Saudi Rivalry Is Stoking Conflic...
» The Friends We Left Stranded in Iraq
15/04/15 19:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . American troops have come home from Baghdad, Fallujah and Mosul, but many of the Iraqis who risked their lives to aid U.S. forces are still waiting for their tickets out of danger. Hundreds of American allies...
» The CIA Needs an Iran ‘Team B’
15/04/15 19:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Many of CIA Director John Brennan ’s gaffes over the years have raised eyebrows, but none has suggested the need for a legislative remedy—until the one he launched at Harvard last week. His past i...
» Countering Putin’s Information Weapons of War
15/04/15 19:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Vladimir Putin has a secret army. It’s an army of thousands of “trolls,” TV anchors and others who work day and night spreading anti-American propaganda on the Internet, airwaves and newspap...
» G7 Calls on Russia to Implement Minsk Accords
15/04/15 19:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Uploads by VOA News. G7 Calls on Russia to Implement Minsk Accords Foreign ministers from the world's seven leading industrialized countries have called on Russia to rein in Ukrainian rebels and abide by t...
» Iraqi Prime Minister: Don't Call The Militia "Militia" - BuzzFeed News
15/04/15 19:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. BuzzFeed News Iraqi Prime Minister: Don't Call The Militia "Militia" BuzzFeed News Iraqi Prime Minister al-Abadi plays word games during his first visit to Washington a...
» Unpaid spaceport workers appeal to Vladimir Putin with giant graffiti
15/04/15 19:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russian news, all the latest and breaking Russia news. Builders at the Vostochny cosmodrome in Russia's Far East have not been paid for four months
» Russia, Reeling From Cheap Oil, Talks Up OPEC Ties
15/04/15 19:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Russia has been holding active, “unprecedented” consultations with the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, a senior official said on Wednesday, a clear signal of Moscow's desir...
» Two Ghanaians in Court Over 6-ton Cocaine Bust
15/04/15 19:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Two Ghanaian businessmen appeared in court in Accra on Wednesday accused of conspiring to import nearly 6 tons of cocaine from Bolivia, one of the biggest recorded cocaine seizures linked...
» Tam Mutu, on Broadway at Last, in ‘Doctor Zhivago’
15/04/15 17:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . For a few years there, Broadway must have seemed about as accessible as the icy battlefields of revolutionary Russia for Tam Mutu. The most conspicuous near miss came in 2011 for Mr. Mutu, a native of the sou...
» In Exile, but Ready to Save Russia
15/04/15 17:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . SAN JOSE, Calif. — Early in the morning on Monday last week, a phone call woke me. It was a friend from Washington, a political consultant who follows Russia closely: “There’s a billboard wi...
» Iran-Saudi Rivalry Is Stoking Conflict in Yemen
15/04/15 17:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Iran has proposed a peace plan to end the conflict in Yemen, but the idea has received little support from regional rivals like Saudi Arabia. They accuse Tehran of backing the Houthi rebe...
» Man Arrested for Landing Unauthorized Aircraft on US Capitol Lawn
15/04/15 17:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. An unauthorized aircraft landed on the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol Wednesday, with a single unidentified occupant aboard. The person was detained, U.S. Capitol Police said. Nearby stree...
» U.S.-Led Coalition Air Strikes Hit Islamic State In Syria, Iraq
15/04/15 17:26 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Air strikes by a U.S.-led coalition targeted Islamic State (IS) militants in Syria and Iraq with some 23 air strikes in the past 24 hours.
» Роджер Холлис и тайны британской контрразведки
15/04/15 17:26 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Uploads by Голос Америки. Роджер Холлис и тайны британс...
» Romanian, U.S., British Troops Stage NATO-Planned Exercises
15/04/15 17:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Some 2,200 Romanian, U.S., British, and Moldovan troops will take part in military exercises in Romania, close to the Ukrainian border, beginning this week.
» Экс-депутат Верховной рады от партии Януковича застрелен на окраине Киева - РБК
15/04/15 17:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Подробности Экс-депутат Верховной рады от партии Януковича застрелен на окраине Киева РБК Неизвестный застрелил Калашникова в подъезде своего дома, рассказала украинской газете «Ве...
» Генпрокуратура Украины приступила к поискам «золотого батона» Януковича - Газета.Ru
15/04/15 17:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. РБК Украина Генпрокуратура Украины приступила к поискам «золотого батона» Януковича Газета.Ru Главное следственное управление Генпрокуратуры начало расследование кражи «золотого ба...
» Harry Reid on Republican Field: "They're All Losers" - RealClearPolitics
15/04/15 17:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. RealClearPolitics Harry Reid on Republican Field: "They're All Losers" RealClearPolitics Sen. Harry Reid speaks candidly to CNBC's Chief Washington Correspondent John H...
» Blades of glory: Capitol gyrocopter stunt is Florida mailman's special delivery
15/04/15 17:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Doug Hughes lands the flying craft on the west lawn carrying 535 stamped letters – one for each member of Congress – to protest campaign finance laws A Florida mailman landed ...
» Foreign Delegation on US Tour to Fight Extremism
15/04/15 17:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Uploads by VOA News. Foreign Delegation on US Tour to Fight Extremism President Barack Obama and Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi have discussed efforts to fight Islamic State militants. However, anoth...
» Global trade faces poor growth, says WTO
15/04/15 17:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. Forecast from economists will add to fears that globalisation is stalling
» Anger Over Reports of DEA Agents' Parties, and Bewilderment at Mild Penalties - New York Times
15/04/15 17:20 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Anger Over Reports of DEA Agents' Parties, and Bewilderment at Mild Penalties New York Times WASHINGTON — Lawmakers expressed outrage at a House Oversight Committee hearing on Tu...
» Guam attorney general orders territory to allow gay marriage
15/04/15 17:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 4 p.m. EDT. HAGATNA, Guam (AP) -- Guam on Wednesday became the first U.S. territory to allow gay marriage after its attorney general directed officials to immediately begin processing s...
» 'Gay conversion therapy' conference: speakers claim religious freedom is under attack
15/04/15 17:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Attendees at Emmanuel Centre, London, say ‘sexual orientation change efforts’ are necessary as Barack Obama and the NHS say practice is harmful and unethical There was somethi...
» Ukraine looks to foreign-born reformists
15/04/15 17:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. Kiev is pinning hopes on overseas talent to fight economic slump and corruption in war-torn nation
» Tombstone of Hillary Clinton's father toppled - Politico
15/04/15 17:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Tombstone of Hillary Clinton's father toppled Politico Most Read; Videos. Feds: Judge 'misconstrued' Obama on immigration · Al Qaeda Is beating the Islamic State · ...
» Gravestone Of Hillary Clinton's Dad Toppled
15/04/15 17:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News - Breaking international news and headlines | Sky News. Police suspect an act of vandalism as the gravestone is found toppled over two days after Clinton launched her White House bid.
» Extra virgin '100% real' olive oil goes on sale in UK
15/04/15 17:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. French Querubi oil, claiming to be produced without insecticides or fertilisers, aims to stand out in an industry plagued by fraud An extra virgin olive oil produced in France...
» Reid Denies He Got Beat Up By The Mob [VIDEO] - Daily Caller
15/04/15 17:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Reid Denies He Got Beat Up By The Mob [VIDEO] Daily Caller “In the last few days, a bunch of people are saying, 'Reid, he didn't have an exercise accident. He got bea...
» 'No end to sanctions, no agreement': Iran sticks to nuclear deal demands - RT
15/04/15 17:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. RT 'No end to sanctions, no agreement': Iran sticks to nuclear deal demands RT There'll be no deal on Tehran's nuclear program without the simultaneous lifting of all sanctions a...
» Cuba has shown us that sanctions don’t work – so why keep using them?
15/04/15 17:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. With all the subtlety of Game of Thrones, this kind of warfare has become the default mode of western diplomacy. Yet the only people they hurt are the poor The days are long g...
» Iraq fails to halt Isis advance in Anbar
15/04/15 17:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. Attempts to reduce reliance on Shia militias results in gains by jihadists
» Obviously Terrified Harry Reid Refuses to Finger Mafia Assailants - New York Magazine
15/04/15 17:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. New York Magazine Obviously Terrified Harry Reid Refuses to Finger Mafia Assailants New York Magazine Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) maintains implausible story. Photo:...
» US Congressional Hearing Looks at Countering Russian Propaganda
15/04/15 17:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Participants in a Congressional hearing Wednesday argued that Russia is waging sophisticated propaganda campaign that threatens American allies and interests - and that U.S. government-fu...
» Greece in talks with Russia to buy missiles for S-300 systems: RIA
15/04/15 17:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. MOSCOW (Reuters) - Greece is negotiating with Russia for the purchase of missiles for its S-300 anti-missile systems and for their maintenance, Russia's RIA news agency quoted Greek De...
» Diplomat's teen son indicted for murder of brother, drug dealer - Toronto Sun
15/04/15 17:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Toronto Sun Diplomat's teen son indicted for murder of brother, drug dealer Toronto Sun The 15-year-old son of a Canadian diplomat has been indicted on a first-degree felony murd...
» Planned Motorcycle Rally by the Night Wolves, a Putin Ally, Has Poland on Edge
15/04/15 17:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Amid tensions over Ukraine, hundreds of motorcyclists plan to roar from Moscow to Berlin to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory over the Nazis.
» Attacks Against Jews Spiked in 2014, Israeli Researchers Say
15/04/15 17:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from TIME. (TEL AVIV, Israel) — Jewish communities around the world faced an “explosion of hatred” last year, with the number of violent anti-Semitic attacks rising by 38 percent, according to...
» Putin Mistakenly Believes His Nuclear Threats Will Keep NATO from Defending Baltics, Piontkovsky Says
15/04/15 17:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The InterpreterThe Interpreter. Staunton, April 14 – Vladimir Putin believes that he can dominate the Baltic countries and destroy NATO not by a direct invasion which the Western alliance is prepared...
» Are Russia And Europe Parting Ways?
15/04/15 16:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . If Europe wants to diversify away from Russian natural gas, ‘go ahead and make my day’ seems to be the words to read between the lines in the state run media in Moscow.  The country’s b...
» Another Sign Russia’s Matryoshka Autonomies are at Risk of Being Further Downgraded
15/04/15 16:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The InterpreterThe Interpreter. Staunton, April 14 – Vladimir Putin’s press secretary says that no one from the Nenets Autonomous District in Arkhangelsk Region or the Khanty-Mansiisk and Yamalo-Nene...
» Ukrainian Troops Killed Despite Renewed Commitment to Cease-fire Deal
15/04/15 16:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Ukraine's military says more of its soldiers have been killed in the past two days by mortar and rocket fire from Russian-backed separatists. The fighting has intensified in eastern Ukrai...
» Young North Caucasians Ever More Often Using Fire Arms to Settle Disputes, Expert Says
15/04/15 16:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The InterpreterThe Interpreter. Staunton, April 14 – While Russians have been focusing on Ukraine, the situation in the North Caucasus has deteriorated in two important ways, according to Maya Astvat...
» President tightens grip on state
15/04/15 16:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Europe News. A flood of legislation has centralised power in the run-up to elections
» US Senate Panel Approves Legislation on Nuclear Deal With Iran
15/04/15 16:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. A U.S. Senate panel has approved legislation that would give Congress a right to vote on a possible deal with Iran aimed at preventing Tehran from developing a nuclear weapon in exchange ...
» To absent friends: Moscow defiant as Europe boycotts Victory Day parade
15/04/15 16:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Putin to rub shoulders with autocrats like Kim Jong-un on 9 May, as EU leaders decide to avoid 70th anniversary spectacle because of Russia’s actions in Ukraine About 16,000 soldiers...
» Пентагон признал беззащитность США перед атаками хакеров - Российская Газета
15/04/15 16:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Российская Газета Пентагон признал беззащитность США перед атаками хакеров Российская Газета США еще не обладают возможностями для защиты от серьезных кибератак. Это признал помощн...
» Gay ambassador to Vatican causes division
15/04/15 16:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Europe News. Pope’s commitment to liberalising Church questioned after approval of diplomat is stalled
» The Daily Vertical: Keep An Eye On Karelia
15/04/15 16:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The Daily Vertical is a video primer for Russia-watchers that appears Monday through Friday. Viewers can suggest topics via Twitter@PowerVertical or on the Power Vertical...
» 6 Celebrities You Didn't Know Had Russian Roots
15/04/15 16:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Moscow Times Top Stories. Dig a little deeper under the surface and it's surprising how many well-known celebrities and politicians have their ancestral roots in Russia.
» IS Militants Launch Counteroffensive, Capture Villages Near Ramadi
15/04/15 16:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Residents in Iraq’s western province of Anbar say Islamic State (IS) militants launched a fierce counteroffensive near the city of Ramadi on April 15, capturing three vil...
» Сотрудник ЦРУ признался в казни Мэрилин Монро и убийствах "неугодных Белому дому" - Правда.Ру
15/04/15 16:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Правда.Ру Сотрудник ЦРУ признался в казни Мэрилин Монро и убийствах "неугодных Белому дому" Правда.Ру Мэрилин Монро была убита смертельной инъекцией сотрудником ЦРУ за св...
» Глава СБУ вновь высказал обвинения в адрес Владислава Суркова - ИА REGNUM
15/04/15 16:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. ИА REGNUM Глава СБУ вновь высказал обвинения в адрес Владислава Суркова ИА REGNUM Украинские следователи в настоящий момент изучают мотивы пребывания помощника российского президен...
» Russian Professor Convicted Of Treason Dies In Prison
15/04/15 16:49 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. A Russian engineering professor convicted of passing military secrets to China has died in prison.
» Сотрудник ЦРУ признался в убийстве Мэрилин Монро - Российская Газета
15/04/15 16:49 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Российская Газета Сотрудник ЦРУ признался в убийстве Мэрилин Монро Российская Газета Сенсационное признание сделал бывший сотрудник ЦРУ 78-летний Норманн Ходжес. По данным американ...
» Iran To Use Influence As 'Major Power' To Bring Peace To Yemen
15/04/15 16:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Iran says it will use its influence as a "major force" in the region to broker a peace deal to end fighting in Yemen.
» FBI Increases Reward for 2008 Times Square Bombing Information
15/04/15 16:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. U.S. federal authorities on Wednesday announced an increased reward of $115,000 for information leading to the conviction of individuals responsible for the 2008 bombing in New York's Tim...
» Congress Split on Obama Push to Take Cuba Off Terror-sponsor List
15/04/15 16:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Congressional reaction to President Barack Obama’s push to remove Cuba from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism spans from ardent support to fervent opposition, with many lawmake...
» Mikhail Khodorkovsky Speaks at Stanford University on Future of
15/04/15 16:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Interpreter. Mikhail Khodorkovsky Speaks at Stanford University on Future of Russia, Ukraine Mikhail Khodorkovsky Speaks at Stanford University on Future of Russia, Ukraine Another Sign Russia’s Matryo...
» The FBI Informant Who Mounted a Sting Operation Against the FBI
15/04/15 16:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Intercept. When you’re introduced to Saeed Torres in the new documentary (T)ERROR , you hear him bickering with the filmmaker, Lyric Cabral. The screen is black. “I told you I didn’t want my face in th...
» Russia officially joins $50bn China-led infrastructure bank - RT
15/04/15 16:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. RT Russia officially joins $50bn China-led infrastructure bank RT On Tuesday Russia officially becomes a founder of the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). It means...
» Russia tells Sweden that hunting for its submarines is 'a mindless waste of ... - Business Insider
15/04/15 16:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Business Insider Russia tells Sweden that hunting for its submarines is 'a mindless waste of ... Business Insider Over the weekend, Swedish Rear Adm. Anders Grenstad confirmed to the ...
» RAF Sends Jets As Russia Planes Near UK Airspace - Sky News
15/04/15 16:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. International Business Times The Guardian RAF Sends Jets As Russia Planes Near UK Airspace Sky News The Ministry of Defence revealed the news hours after it emerged warships from Russ...
» Are Russia And Europe Parting Ways? - Forbes
15/04/15 16:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Forbes Are Russia And Europe Parting Ways? Forbes If Europe wants to diversify away from Russian natural gas, 'go ahead and make my day' seems to be the words to read between the line...
» China, Russia military spending surges - Military Times
15/04/15 16:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Military Times China, Russia military spending surges Military Times Trailing in a distant second was China, which spent an estimated $216 billion (15.1 percent), followed by Russia ,...
» Russia's seat in G8 'hinges' on resolution of Ukraine conflict – German FM - RT
15/04/15 16:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. RT Russia's seat in G8 'hinges' on resolution of Ukraine conflict – German FM RT “I wish for Russia to return to the G8 nations but the way to get there hinges on its assistance and e...
» Western leaders' snub casts shadow over Russia's lavish Victory Day celebrations - The Guardian
15/04/15 16:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. The Guardian Western leaders' snub casts shadow over Russia's lavish Victory Day celebrations The Guardian About 16,000 soldiers, 200 armoured vehicles and 150 planes and helicopters ...
» NATO commander urges Russia to stop fuelling Ukraine conflict - Yahoo News
15/04/15 16:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Yahoo News NATO commander urges Russia to stop fuelling Ukraine conflict Yahoo News BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Nato's top commander, U.S. General Philip Breedlove, voiced concern on Wednesd...
» In Exile, but Ready to Save Russia - New York Times
15/04/15 16:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. New York Times In Exile, but Ready to Save Russia New York Times SAN JOSE, Calif. — Early in the morning on Monday last week, a phone call woke me. It was a friend from Washington, a ...
» Where Does Hillary Clinton Stand on China and Russia? - The Atlantic
15/04/15 16:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. The Atlantic Where Does Hillary Clinton Stand on China and Russia ? The Atlantic On foreign policy, she'll take a tough line on Russia ; President Vladimir Putin and the Clintons show...
» Russia in Active Consultations with OPEC - Wall Street Journal
15/04/15 16:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Wall Street Journal Reuters Russia in Active Consultations with OPEC Wall Street Journal MOSCOW— Russia is conducting “unprecedentedly active” consultations with the Organization of t...
» Russia Blocks Hollywood Thriller Day Before Its Release - ABC News
15/04/15 16:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. euronews Russia Blocks Hollywood Thriller Day Before Its Release ABC News Russia's Ministry of Culture and a distributor have agreed not to release a new Hollywood movie, just a day b...
» Russia bans film adaptation of 'Child 44' - euronews
15/04/15 16:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. euronews Russia bans film adaptation of 'Child 44' euronews The film had been due for release in Russia on April 17 but has been pulled because of what the Russian culture ministry de...
» 2,623,4342,623,434
15/04/15 09:44 from Mike Nova - Google+
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15/04/15 05:36 from Mike Nova - Google+
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15/04/15 01:31 from Mike Nova - Google+
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» 2,617,6422,617,6422015-04-14#Ransomware
14/04/15 21:24 from Mike Nova - Google+
2,617,642 2,617,642 2015-04-14 #Ransomware #Police » Police Pay Off Ransomware Operators, Again - Dark Reading 14/04/15 15:16 from ransomware - Google News | » Backups can thwart ransomware extortion - Arkansas Online 13/04/15 02:57 from...
» Chicago to pay reparations to police torture victims
14/04/15 17:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Former Chicago Police Department commander Jon Burge is seen outside the Federal Courthouse in 2008 after he was released from custody in Tampa. (Photo: Steve Nesius, AP) CHICAGO — Mayor announced Tuesd...
» Despite Confrontation, Russia Still Looks to West for Approval
14/04/15 16:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Moscow Times Top Stories. Despite the ongoing confrontation with the West over Ukraine, Russian leaders still see it as the ultimate source of prestige and approval, analysts told The Moscow Times on T...
» UN approves arms embargo against Yemen rebel leaders - Fox News
14/04/15 16:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Fox News UN approves arms embargo against Yemen rebel leaders Fox News April 13, 2015: Yemeni expatriates and Iranians chant slogans during a protest against the Saudi-led coalition st...
» Russian biker gang to ride Red Army's route through Europe
14/04/15 16:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Grey Wolves plan to rally to mark defeat of Nazi Germany, provoking protests from Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic amid tensions over Ukraine A Russian biker gang backed by...
» Drone Attack Kills Top Cleric, al-Qaeda Branch Says
14/04/15 16:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from TIME. (CAIRO) — Yemen’s al-Qaeda branch announced on Tuesday that its top cleric, a Saudi-national who has had a $5 million bounty on his head, has been killed, allegedly in a drone attack. Al-...
» US Senate Panel Advances Congress Vote on Iran Deal
14/04/15 16:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Leaders of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee reached agreement on Tuesday on revisions to a bipartisan bill that would allow Congress to vote on an international agreement to re...
» Pentagon: IS-held Territory in Iraq Shrinking
14/04/15 16:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. U.S. defense officials are touting slow, but steady gains in the effort to degrade and destroy the group known as the Islamic State. The Pentagon says IS has lost 13,000 to 17,000 square ...
» Xenophobic violence in South Africa leaves at least five dead
14/04/15 16:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Hundreds forced to flee their homes amid unrest that has killed two foreigners and three South Africans, including a 14-year-old boy At least five people have been killed and ...
» Sentences in Blackwater Killings Give Iraqis a Measure of Closure
14/04/15 16:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Some Iraqis expressed relief at the news of prison terms for four former security contractors in the killings of 17 people in 2007, while others called for harsher punishments.
» Iran to appoint first female ambassador since the Islamic revolution
14/04/15 16:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Marzieh Afkham to become the second female ambassador Iran has ever had as Rouhani says it is government’s duty to create equal opportunities for women Iran is set to appoint ...
» Netanyahu Tells Putin Israel 'Dismayed' By Missile Decision
14/04/15 16:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called Russian President Vladimir Putin to express Israel's "dismay" with the Kremlin decision to supply S-300 missiles to I...
» Israeli Leader Expresses Dismay Over Russian Sale of Missiles to Iran
14/04/15 16:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told President Vladimir V. Putin that the sale of the S-300 missile system to Iran would “encourage Iranian aggression.”
» U.S., allies conduct 18 air strikes in Syria, Iraq against Islamic State: military
14/04/15 16:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S.-led forces targeted Islamic State militants in Syria with three air strikes and conducted another 15 strikes against the group in Iraq from Monday to Tuesda...
» Seattle CEO sets $70K minimum wage as US 'pay gap' widens - Christian Science Monitor
14/04/15 16:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Quartz Seattle CEO sets $70K minimum wage as US 'pay gap' widens Christian Science Monitor Dan Price, the owner of Gravity Payments, has announced he will raise his employees' mi...
» Memorials to British colonials attacked across South Africa as protesters demand statues honouring 'racist' figures from its past are removed
14/04/15 16:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. CAPTION CORRECTS INFORMATION ON DEFACED STATUES - In this photo taken Friday, April, 10, 2015, a statue of Britain's Queen Victoria, outside the Port Elizabeth city library in South Afr...
» G7 Foreign Ministers Meet on Key World Issues
14/04/15 16:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Foreign ministers of the Group of Seven industrialized countries are meeting in Luebeck, Germany, to discuss issues ranging from Ebola to arms control as they prepare for the G7 summit in...
» Mideast Christians Trapped by Extremists
14/04/15 16:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. Under attack and with few options, many are forging alliances with former foes.
» Students barricaded inside classrooms, offices after Wayne Co. shooting - WNCN
14/04/15 16:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Students barricaded inside classrooms, offices after Wayne Co. shooting WNCN Kenneth Morgan Stancil III is wanted in the fatal shooting of Ron Lane at Wayne Community College. Wa...
» Russia opens way to missile deliveries to Iran, starts oil-for-goods swap
14/04/15 16:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia paved the way on Monday for missile system deliveries to Iran and started an oil-for-goods swap, signaling that Moscow may have a head-start in the race to be...
» Wallet squeeze: Apartment rents projected to rise again
14/04/15 16:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 2 p.m. EDT. Living in an apartment? Expect your rent to go up again....
» Starting up in Cuba, but not connected
14/04/15 16:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post. HAVANA — Great technology companies are born in garages, of course, and that is where 31-year-old Bernardo Romero has launche...
» WorldViews: Map: These are the world’s least religious countries
14/04/15 16:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post. The world's most populous country is also the globe's least religious. According to a new study, 90 percent of all Chinese co...
» Map: These are the world's least religious countries - Washington Post (blog)
14/04/15 16:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from world - Google News. Today's Zaman Map: These are the world's least religious countries Washington Post (blog) The world's most populous country is also the globe's least religious. According to a new stud...
» Russian Region Mourns As Fire Deaths Reach 23
14/04/15 16:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Russia's Khakasia region has held a day of mourning on April 14 as the death toll from fires that swept the province in southern Siberia rose to 23.
» Robot reveals inside Fukushima nuclear reactor – video
14/04/15 16:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World news + Video | The Guardian. The view inside one of the wrecked nuclear reactors at Fukushima filmed by a robot. The robot collected temperature, radiation data and images before it became stuck and ...
» Fighting in Eastern Ukraine Rages On Overnight Despite Talks
14/04/15 16:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from TIME. (DONETSK, Ukraine) — Fighting raged overnight and in the early hours on Tuesday on the outskirts of the rebel stronghold of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine despite an agreement reached by the Ukrain...
» Obama to discuss fight against Isis with Iraqi prime minister
14/04/15 16:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. In first US trip since becoming PM, Haider al-Abadi expected to seek billions of dollars worth of drones and other weapons, during White House visit The Iraqi prime minister, ...
» Czechs Sentence Russian Man Over Bomb Threat On Passenger Jet
14/04/15 16:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. A court the Czech capital, Prague, has handed a 30-month prison sentence to a Russian man who forced a passenger plane to make an emergency landing by claiming he was car...
» Iraqi Prime Minister, in Washington, Seeks Billions to Overcome Deficit
14/04/15 16:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is faced with declining oil revenues and the task of restoring essential services and repairing damage from the fight with the Islamic State.
» Our Man in Tehran - Episode 4: Mr. Big Mouth
14/04/15 16:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Hamid-Reza Ahmadabadi, a strong believer in Iran’s theocracy, confronts what he acknowledges is a losing battle against modernity.
» Manhole cover explodes during TV interview - video
14/04/15 16:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World news + Video | The Guardian. A news crew in Buffalo, New York, is filming an interview when an underground explosion sends a manhole cover soaring up into the air, causing panic as the heavy object f...
» Kremlin confirms oil-for-goods swap with Iran under way
14/04/15 16:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin confirmed on Tuesday that an oil-for-goods barter deal between Russia and Iran was being implemented and said all legal barriers had been removed to Mosc...
» Navalny Associate Sentenced On Artwork Theft Conviction
14/04/15 15:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. A court in the city of Vladimir found Georgy Alburov guilty of "premeditated theft" on April 14 and sentenced him the same day.
» Internet pornography banned in Russia under 1923 convention
14/04/15 15:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. The crackdown comes after a court in Tartarstan's Apastovksy district ordered the state-controlled internet watchdog to block 136 websites hosting 'pornographic material' within the nex...
» Islamist Threat: Why Is Russia Scaring Turkmenistan?
14/04/15 15:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Anyone who is listening to Russian officials, or getting their information from Russian media lately would think that the Central Asian states are on the brink of disaste...
» Prison time for some Atlanta school educators in cheating scandal - CNN
14/04/15 15:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. CNN Prison time for some Atlanta school educators in cheating scandal CNN (CNN) There was nothing routine about a sentencing hearing Tuesday in Atlanta that wrote the final legal...
» Ukrainian President Poroshenko Dismisses Envoy To U.S.
14/04/15 15:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Ukraine's president did not explain the dismissal in his April 14 decree relieving Ambassador Oleksandr Motsyk of his post as Ukraine's envoy to the United States,
» Paul Simon and Sting review – moments of humbling magic from The Odd Couple
14/04/15 15:26 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Manchester Arena Simon and Sting’s contrasting voices and banter perfectly complement each other as they dip into each other’s songbooks in a curious but inspired union At fir...
» Russia Confirms Iran Missile Deal Can Go Ahead
14/04/15 15:26 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News - Breaking international news and headlines | Sky News. The Kremlin confirms it will sell the S-300 system to Tehran and is already trading with it under an oil-for-goods agreement.
» Pankisi Parents Struggle To Learn How Islamic State Recruited Their Sons
14/04/15 15:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The parents of two teenagers from Georgia's Pankisi Gorge who ran away to join the Islamic State (IS) militant group are trying to find out who helped their sons travel t...
» U.S. Soldiers, Back in Iraq, Find Security Forces in Disrepair
14/04/15 15:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Returning for the first time since 2011, none of the American troops thought they would be here again, let alone return to find the Iraqi Army they had once trained in such a state. disrepair.
» German anti-Israeli Nobel writer, Günter Grass dies at 87
14/04/15 15:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The European Union Times - World News, Breaking News. Germany’s respected author and Noble Winning novelist, Günter Grass, known for his sharp criticism of Israel and those supporting the Tel Aviv regime, ...
» Six Ukrainian Soldiers Killed In Attacks
14/04/15 15:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Six soldiers have been killed and 12 injured as fighting has flared in eastern Ukraine in the past 24 hours, despite a cease-fire.
» The roots of Iran's revolutionary fighters
14/04/15 15:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Four members of the Revolutionary Guard recently killed in Syria are from a garden town in Isfahan that also played a decisive role in the Iran-Iraq war Young Isfahanis know b...
» NYPD: Man hides in bathroom stall at sports bar, rapes woman - Miami Herald
14/04/15 15:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. New York Daily News NYPD: Man hides in bathroom stall at sports bar, rapes woman Miami Herald New York City police say a man hiding inside a bathroom stall in the ladies room of ...
» Iraqi PM to Seek Billions for ISIS Fight at White House Visit
14/04/15 15:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from TIME. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi will make his first official visit to the White House on Tuesday, where he is expected to request billions of dollars in financial and military aid from President...
» UK and US paratroopers undertake largest multinational exercise in decades
14/04/15 15:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Uploads by ODN. UK and US paratroopers undertake largest multinational exercise in decades Subscribe here: More than 2100 American and British paratroopers have jumped into Fort Bragg...
» Don't underestimate NATO, German minister says on Baltic visit
14/04/15 15:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. TALLINN (Reuters) - Germany's defense minister said on Tuesday that nobody should underestimate NATO's rapid response capacity, which has been ratcheted up in response to worries about...
» 6 U.S. Banks Have 278 TRILLION Dollars Of Exposure To Derivatives
14/04/15 15:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The European Union Times - World News, Breaking News. The very same people that caused the last economic crisis have created a 278 TRILLION dollar derivatives time bomb that could go off at any moment. Whe...
» US is Losing Its Status of World Power: German Media
14/04/15 15:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The European Union Times - World News, Breaking News. The US is losing its status of world power, as the country has lately not been able to enforce its geopolitical interests in several regions and has ha...
» Richard III kept scoliosis secret until his death, historian claims
14/04/15 15:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. Historian Mary Ann Lund from the University of Leicester believes that Richard III used good tailoring and carefully made armour to disguise his scoliosis through his lifetime.
» Uzbek-German Human Rights Forum Lambasts Tashkent Over Cotton Harvesting
14/04/15 15:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The Uzbek-German Forum For Human Rights (UGF) has criticized Uzbek authorities for forcing "more than 1 million" Uzbeks to pick cotton in 2014.
» Marco Rubio wants to be identifiable without having a distinct identity
14/04/15 15:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. The newest candidate for the Republican nomination is totally different from all the old white guys in politics, except in the ways he’s exactly the same It’s impossible to se...
» UN imposes arms embargo on Yemen's rebels factions - Washington Post
14/04/15 15:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Newsweek The Express Tribune UN imposes arms embargo on Yemen's rebels factions Washington Post BEIRUT — The U.N. Security Council approved an arms embargo against Yemen's rebel factio...
» Senate Panel Deal Paves Way for Vote on Iran Nuclear Bill
14/04/15 15:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. The Foreign Relations Committee reached an accord on a bill giving Congress a vote on an international deal to reign in Iran’s nuclear program.
» Patients' medical records under threat from data breaches
14/04/15 15:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 2 p.m. EDT. CHICAGO (AP) -- Your private medical information is under threat. That's according to a study that found almost 30 million health records nationwide were involved in crimina...
» A Yazidi captive's tale: Sold by ISIS as a sex slave
14/04/15 15:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from - World. In the canvas expanse of the Shariya refugee camp, thousands of Yazidis live within hearing distance of one of Iraqi Kurdistan's frontlines with ISIS.
» Morning Joe's Brzezinski Calls Marco Rubio a 'Little Boy' - National Review Online
14/04/15 15:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. National Review Online Morning Joe's Brzezinski Calls Marco Rubio a 'Little Boy' National Review Online Senator Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) is just a “little boy,” according to Mornin...
» AQAP leader killed in Yemen
14/04/15 15:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from - World. A top leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula was among five killed in an airstrike in Yemen, the terror group said in a statement.
» Putin Emergence As “Last Hope For World” Shocks West
14/04/15 14:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The European Union Times - World News, Breaking News. The Presidential Office ( PO ) in the Kremlin today is reporting that President Putin has “shocked” the capitols of the West, and their propaganda medi...
» Pentagon Slams Russian Intercept of US Spy Plane
14/04/15 14:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. The Pentagon is protesting the Russian intercept of one of its reconnaissance planes flying in international airspace over the Baltic Sea, calling it "unsafe" and "an example of sloppy ai...
» Pakistan Treads Lightly Between Iran, Saudi Arabia
14/04/15 14:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Pakistan’s prime minister sought to reassure Saudi Arabia and its Arab coalition in Yemen that his country “does not abandon friends and strategic partners, especially at a time when thei...
» Wildfires kill 23 in Russia's Siberia - Reuters
14/04/15 14:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Reuters Wildfires kill 23 in Russia's Siberia Reuters Wildfires in Russia often start when locals set grass on fire on rolling fields to clean them up after the winter, a widespread p...
» Russia Flexes Missile Diplomacy With Iran
14/04/15 14:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Russia’s potential delivery of antiaircraft anti-aircraft S-300 missile systems to Iran has long been shrouded in controversy and contradictions. But with Russian Preside...
» Turkish Minister Criticizes Pope Francis
14/04/15 14:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. Volkan Bozkir, Turkey’s minister for European affairs, criticized Pope Francis for describing the World War I-era massacre of Armenians by Ottoman Turks as genocide.
» США запустят проекты для информационной борьбы с Россией в соцсетях - Интерфакс
14/04/15 14:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Интерфакс США запустят проекты для информационной борьбы с Россией в соцсетях Интерфакс Москва. 14 апреля. INTERFAX.RU - Власти США создают "информационные войска", котор...
» Rival Factions in Ukraine Are Urged to Withdraw Heavy Weapons
14/04/15 14:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. In talks to try to shore up the fragile truce, Germany, France, Ukraine and Russia agreed that both sides should pull back tanks and artillery.
» Russian Ships in English Channel to Conduct Drills in Atlantic - Report
14/04/15 14:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Moscow Times Top Stories. Russian navy vessels Ships belonging to the Russian Northern Fleet entered the English Channel on Tuesday on their way to the northern Atlantic for and will hold anti-aircraft...
» Putin Tops TIME Reader's Poll of Most Influential People
14/04/15 14:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Moscow Times Top Stories. Russian President Vladimir Putin has been named the most influential person in the world - "for better or for worse" - by readers of TIME magazine.
» Vladimir Putin named most influential figure in the world for 2015 by Time 100 readers' poll
14/04/15 14:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from - Europe RSS Feed. Vladimir Putin has been named the most influential person in the world ahead of Barack Obama, the Pope and the Dalai Lama, according to Time magazine.
» Three Russian ships monitored in English Channel
14/04/15 14:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russian news, all the latest and breaking Russia news. Ministry of Defence confirms Udaloy class destroyer Severomorsk, tanker and support ship pass through waters while returning from Mediterranean
» Russian Missile Deliveries to Iran Could Begin in Late 2015
14/04/15 14:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. A senior Iranian official said Tuesday that Russia could begin delivering sophisticated S-300 air defense systems to Iran by the end of this year. The statement to Russia's Interfax news ...
» Putin’s Aggressiveness Alienating Central Asian Countries
14/04/15 14:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Window on Eurasia -- New Series. Paul Goble               Staunton, April 14 – Vladimir Putin’s increasingly aggressive stance toward Russia’s ne...
» Six Ukrainian Soldiers Killed in Clashes With Rebels
14/04/15 14:26 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. A Ukrainian military spokesman says Ukraine's defense minister said six soldiers have been killed in clashes with Russia-backed rebels in eastern Ukraine. Andriy Lysenko told reporters Tu...
» Her Majesty’s Jihadists
14/04/15 14:26 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. More British Muslims have joined Islamist militant groups than serve in the country’s armed forces. How to understand the pull of jihad.
» Fighting erupts in eastern Ukraine
14/04/15 14:26 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Heavy shelling heard in Donetsk as Russian-back rebels and Ukrainian forces clash in the latest threat to the Minsk ceasefire signed in February Fighting erupted overnight and in the...
» Russia's military arsenal - in 90 seconds
14/04/15 14:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russian news, all the latest and breaking Russia news. As Nato warns of an "unusual" spike in sightings of Moscow's aircraft over Europe - take a look at our 90 second guide to Russia military weapons
» Пишешь Путину? Урежем пенсию
14/04/15 14:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Uploads by Радио Свобода. Пишешь Путину? Урежем пенсию Пенсионерка из Самары Нелли Сироткина во время прямой линии с президентом хочет попросить Владимира Путин... From: Радио Свобода Views: 301 49 0 0 rat...
» Канада направит в Украину 200 военных инструкторов - Интерфакс - Украина
14/04/15 14:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. РИА Новости Канада направит в Украину 200 военных инструкторов Интерфакс - Украина Власти Канады сообщили о решении направить в Украину группу в 200 военных инструкторов, сообщает ...
» US Officials: IS Militants Losing Territory After Strikes
14/04/15 14:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. U.S. military officials say Islamic State militants have lost more than one-quarter of the territory they had gained in their campaign to create an Islamic caliphate. A U.S. defense offic...
» “An important aspect of the Eurasian worldview is an absolute denial
14/04/15 14:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Interpreter. “An important aspect of the Eurasian worldview is an absolute denial of Western civilization. In the opinion of the Eurasians, the West with its ideology of liberalism is an absolute evil....
» What conservatives care about that liberals don’t
14/04/15 14:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Stars and Stripes. New York University psychologist Jonathan Haidt’s basic finding is simple. Throughout history, human beings have operated under five sets of moral commitments: avoidance of harm, fairnes...
» Senate committee to challenge Obama with vote on Iran bill
14/04/15 14:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Stars and Stripes. In a direct challenge to the White House, a Senate committee pushed toward a vote on a bill that would give Congress a chance to weigh in on any final nuclear agreement that can be reach...
» Russia is now projecting serious power in the Black Sea - Business Insider
14/04/15 14:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Business Insider Russia is now projecting serious power in the Black Sea Business Insider Russia's seizure of Crimea ensured that Moscow could expand its naval capabilities throughout...
» Russia's cyberattacks grow more brazen
14/04/15 14:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Russia has ramped up cyber attacks against the United States to an unprecedented level since President Obama imposed sanctions last year on President Putin's government over its intervention in Ukraine. The e...
» Russia's cyberattacks grow more brazen - The Hill
14/04/15 14:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. The Hill Russia's cyberattacks grow more brazen The Hill Russia has ramped up cyber attacks against the United States to an unprecedented level since President Obama imposed sanctions...
» Putin Lifts Ban on Russian Missile Sales to Iran - New York Times
14/04/15 14:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. New York Times Putin Lifts Ban on Russian Missile Sales to Iran New York Times “I'm not in a position to speculate on the decision-making process that Russia is engaged in right now,”...
» Russia and Iran just showed how 'they can do whatever they like' right now - Business Insider
14/04/15 14:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Business Insider Russia and Iran just showed how 'they can do whatever they like' right now Business Insider On April 13th, the Kremlin retracted its hold on the transfer of S-300 mis...
» What Sanctions? The Russian Economy Is Growing Again
14/04/15 14:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Newsweek. World An employee works at a hot rolling workshop of the Novolipetsk (NLMK) steel mill in Lipetsk, about 500 km southeast of the capital Moscow, January 30, 2014. Not only is Putin still standing...
» What Sanctions? The Russian Economy Is Growing Again - Newsweek
14/04/15 14:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Newsweek What Sanctions? The Russian Economy Is Growing Again Newsweek An employee works at a hot rolling workshop of the Novolipetsk (NLMK) steel mill in Lipetsk, about 500 km southe...
» Examining the power Russia’s S-300 missile system will give Iran
14/04/15 14:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Russia lifted a ban on sending Iran its sophisticated S-300 surface-to-air missile system, officials said Monday. The weapons could be shipped shortly, giving Tehran a new way to defend itself against any fut...
» Examining the power Russia's S-300 missile system will give Iran - Washington Post
14/04/15 13:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Voice of America Examining the power Russia's S-300 missile system will give Iran Washington Post Russia lifted a ban on sending Iran its sophisticated S-300 surface-to-air missile sy...
» Russia shields Iran from airstrikes, puts Obama nuclear deal in political peril - Washington Times
14/04/15 13:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Washington Times Russia shields Iran from airstrikes, puts Obama nuclear deal in political peril Washington Times Russia on Monday gave the green light to a long-stalled $800 million ...
» Russian Navy Enters Channel On Way To Exercises - Sky News
14/04/15 13:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. International Business Times Russian Navy Enters Channel On Way To Exercises Sky News While it is not unusual for Russian warships to travel through the Channel, the incident comes at...
» Russia confirms Iran oil-for-goods swap, traders skeptical - Reuters
14/04/15 13:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Reuters Russia confirms Iran oil-for-goods swap, traders skeptical Reuters Russia has moved quickly to cement ties with Iran after an interim deal was reached this month on curbing th...
» RAF Sends Jets As Russia Planes Near UK Airpsace - Sky News
14/04/15 13:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. CBS BBC News RAF Sends Jets As Russia Planes Near UK Airpsace Sky News The Ministry of Defence revealed the news hours after it emerged warships from Russia's Northern Fleet entered t...
» The New Inquisition
14/04/15 13:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from rss. How long will this country remain free? Probably only as long as the American people value their freedom enough to defend it. But how many people today can stop looking at their electronic devices lon...
» Congress Considers Defining Decrees, Wars as Impeachable Crimes
14/04/15 13:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from rss. In an effort to rein in an increasingly out of control executive branch, Congressman Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) introduced a House Resolution on April 13 that specifically defines “impeachable offenses” as eve...
» Russia Lifts Ban on S-300 Missiles for Iran
14/04/15 13:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Defense News - Home. President Vladimir Putin on Monday lifted a ban on supplying Iran with sophisticated S-300 air defense missile systems after Tehran struck a landmark framework deal with the West over ...
» China, Russia, E. Europe Boost Defense Spending
14/04/15 13:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Defense News - Home. Military spending increased sharply in 2014 in China and Russia and the Ukraine conflict prompted eastern European countries to boost their defense programs, according to a study by th...
» Boehner: Congress Needed to Counter Obama's Iran 'Deal at Any Cost'
14/04/15 13:49 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Comments on: Boehner: Congress Needed to Counter Obama’s Iran ‘Deal at Any Cost’. by Pam Key 14 Apr 2015 30 Tuesday at the GOP leadership press conference, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) said Congress &...
» Obama to Jews: Help Me Violate the Constitution for Iran!
14/04/15 13:48 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Comments on: Obama to Jews: Help Me Violate the Constitution for Iran!. by Joel B. Pollak 14 Apr 2015 261 According to the Treaty Clause of the U.S. Constitution (Article II, Section 2, Clause 2), treaties...
» Russia in Review - Harvard
14/04/15 13:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs - Latest Publications. Media Feature April 10, 2015 Belfer Center Programs or Projects : The US-Russia Initiative to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism Russia in ...
» Russia in Review
14/04/15 13:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs - The US-Russia Initiative to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism. April 10, 2015 Russia in Review: a digest of useful news from  U.S.-Russia Initiative to Prevent...
» 2015-04-14#FBI
14/04/15 13:06 from Mike Nova - Google+
2015-04-14 #FBI Recent Posts Review: 4.14-11.15 14 Apr 2015 04:54 2,617,643 2,617,643 Permalink   |   View Entire Page 13 Apr 2015 20:40 2015-04-13 FBI News Review - Update How the FBI is whitewashing the Saudi connection to 9/11 Monday ...
» 2,552,7572,552,7572015-03-30 #Prague
14/04/15 11:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2,552,757 2,552,757 2015-03-30 #Prague #CzechRepublic Czech Crowds Welcome U.S. Military Convoy To Prague | » More than a Third of Newborns in France are Not European 30/03/15 12:32 fr...
» 2,552,7592,552,7592015-03-30#Germanwings
14/04/15 11:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2,552,759 2,552,759 2015-03-30 #Germanwings #4U9525 #PlaneCrash Germanwings Crash Investigators Sorting Through Physical and Psychological Clues - NYT Germanwings Crash Investigators S...
» 2,596,2122,596,2122015-04-10#MassGrave
14/04/15 11:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2,596,212 2,596,212 2015-04-10 #MassGrave Hundreds of bodies found in mass grave (raw) Hundreds of bodies found in mass grave (raw) Friday April 10 th , 2015  at  11:59 AM 1 Share Hund...
» 2015-04-10#Immigration
14/04/15 11:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-04-10 #Immigration Immigration Activists Hide Material Training Exec. Amnesty ‘Navigators’ In ‘Path To Power’ Immigration Activists Hide Material Training Exec. Amnesty ‘Navigator...
» 2,602,2582,602,2582015-04-10#Сурков
14/04/15 11:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2,602,258 2,602,258 2015-04-10 #Сурков Russians honor slain opposition figure 40 days on - Reuters | The Chechen Link to Russian Activist's Death - STRATFOR | Сурков, спецслужбы и гибе...
» 2015-04-11#Urine
14/04/15 11:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-04-11 #Urine #ProstateCancer #Dogs **The two female dogs sniffed urine samples from 900 men, 360 with prostate cancer and 540 without. Both animals were right in well over 90% of ...
» 2015-04-11#Yemen
14/04/15 11:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-04-11 #Yemen #NewYorkTimes #Aden Yemen's Despair on Full Display in 'Ruined' City - New York Times Yemen's Despair on Full Display in 'Ruined' City - New York Times Saturday April...
» 2015-04-12#NATO
14/04/15 11:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-04-12 #NATO NATO Reassures East European Allies of its Support - Voice of America - Nato News Review NATO Reassures East European Allies of its Support - Voice of America Sunday A...
» 2015-04-12#Putin
14/04/15 11:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-04-12 #Putin Vladimir Putin praises Orthodox Church for boosting patriotism Vladimir Putin praises Orthodox Church for boosting patriotism by Tom Parfitt Sunday April 12 th , 2015...
» 2015-04-12#Ransomware
14/04/15 11:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-04-12 #Ransomware #Ransom » Ransomware forces computer users to pay ransom or lose files - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Incidents, Accidents and Crime Review »   Ransomware forces c...
» 2,612,2022,612,202#Yemen
14/04/15 11:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2,612,202 2,612,202 #Yemen #NewYorkTimes #Aden Yemen's Despair on Full Display in 'Ruined' City - New York Times Yemen's Despair on Full Display in 'Ruined' City - New York Times Satur...
» 2015-04-13#Florida
14/04/15 11:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-04-13 #Florida #September11 » Florida Ex-Senator Pursues Claims of Saudi Ties to Sept. 11 Attacks 13/04/15 16:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Rev...
» 2015-04-13FBI News Review - Update
14/04/15 11:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-04-13 FBI News Review - Update How the FBI is whitewashing the Saudi connection to 9/11 Monday April 13 th , 2015  at  5:47 PM | How The FBI Is Whitewashing The Saudi Connection T...
» Santander worker who helped hackers steal £1.25m facing jail
14/04/15 11:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. Tola Ore, pictured, fitted the keyboard video mouse to her computer in the Palmers Green branch in north London which allowed a criminal gang to transfer the cash from the branch into 1...
» Ambassador Tefft to Represent US at Victory Day Parade in Moscow / Sputnik International
14/04/15 11:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Russia (updated 03:40 10.04.2015) Get short URL 563 4 3 WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Russia has sent out invitations to a number of world leaders to attend the Victory Parade in ...
» 2,617,6432,617,643
14/04/15 08:54 from Mike Nova - Google+
2,617,643 2,617,643 This post has been generated by Page2RSS
» Ministers Agree To Extend Weapons Withdrawal In Ukraine
14/04/15 01:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Foreign ministers from Germany, France, Russia, and Ukraine Russia, Ukraine, Germany, and France have agreed to push ahead with the withdrawal of weapons from the frontli...
» Russian Missiles for the Ayatollah - Wall Street Journal
14/04/15 01:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Wall Street Journal Russian Missiles for the Ayatollah Wall Street Journal Vladimir Putin blew a geopolitical raspberry at the Obama Administration on Monday by authorizing the s...
» U.N. vote on Tuesday on Yemen arms embargo; Russia stance unclear
14/04/15 01:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The U.N. Security Council is due to vote on Tuesday on a resolution to blacklist the son of Yemen's former president and a Houthi leader and effectively impo...
» Israel critical of US as Putin unblocks sale of S-300 to Iran - Irish Times
14/04/15 01:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Irish Times Israel critical of US as Putin unblocks sale of S-300 to Iran Irish Times Russia yesterday unblocked sales to Iran of one of the world's most advanced air-defence systems. ...
» Convict trashes his lawyers, says execution would be better
14/04/15 01:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 11:43 p.m. EDT. NORRISTOWN, Pa. (AP) -- A man sentenced to death in the killings of a baby and her grandmother in what prosecutors called a botched kidnapping plot said Monday he's so d...
» UK forced to let Vladimir Putin inspectors watch Nato war games under European treaty
14/04/15 01:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. British officers were forced to accept the four-day inspection from the experts from Moscow under a European arms control treaty despite heightened tensions with Vladimir Putin.
» New Report on Washington Post Writer Seen as Prelude to Espionage Trial
14/04/15 01:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. The Iranian news report was laden with innuendo and unattributed assertions about Jason Rezaian, a Washington Post correspondent jailed in Tehran since last year.
» Russian FM defends Moscow's lifting of S-300 ban - Press TV
14/04/15 01:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Press TV Russian FM defends Moscow's lifting of S-300 ban Press TV Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has defended his country's decision to provide Iran with the S-300 missi...
» Pope's genocide comments spark indifference, frustration among Turks
14/04/15 01:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. ANKARA/IZMIR (Reuters) - When Pope Francis became the first pontiff to publicly call the 1915 Armenian massacre a genocide this weekend, the reaction from Ankara was swift and irate: i...
» Obama Administration Not Swaying US Lawmakers on Iran Deal
14/04/15 01:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Initial Obama administration pleas that U.S. lawmakers set aside legislation giving them a say on a final Iran nuclear accord appear to be falling on mostly deaf ears in the Republican-le...
» Senate Leaders and White House Make Their Cases on Iran Deal Legislation
14/04/15 01:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Leaders of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee negotiated to possibly shorten a review period in legislation that would give Congress influence over President Obama’s nuclear accord with...
» Former Blackwater security guards get lengthy prison sentences for Iraq shootings - Fox News
14/04/15 01:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. USA TODAY Former Blackwater security guards get lengthy prison sentences for Iraq shootings Fox News WASHINGTON – A federal judge sentenced former Blackwater security guard Nicho...
» US, Israel express concern as Russia lifts ban on missile deliveries to Iran - Fox News
14/04/15 00:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Fox News US, Israel express concern as Russia lifts ban on missile deliveries to Iran Fox News Russia's move Monday to lift its ban on delivery of sophisticated air defense missiles to...


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