As US negotiates, Putin likely thinks he's in control | Putin's Broken Economy: Dark Clouds on the Horizon - Newsweek | Russia's European Neighbors Rattled By Putin's Expansionism - Newsweek | Western media bashing of Putin's circle boomerangs - RT

Russia's European Neighbors Rattled By Putin's Expansionism - Newsweek

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Russia's European Neighbors Rattled By Putin's Expansionism
Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with senior officials of the Defense Ministry and representatives of the military industrial complex at the Bocharov Ruchei state residence in Sochi, with Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu (C) and armed ...

and more »

Obama Is Defaming Putin, Complains Harper's Cover Story - New York Magazine

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New York Magazine

Obama Is Defaming Putin, Complains Harper's Cover Story
New York Magazine
In the Harper's cover story on the Obama presidency, “What Went Wrong,” David Bromwich recapitulates mostly familiar grounds of left-wing disenchantment with the administration. (It is not available online for non-subscribers because Harper's hates the  ...

and more »

(Un)Holy Alliance: Vladimir Putin And The Russian Orthodox Church - Forbes

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(Un)Holy Alliance: Vladimir Putin And The Russian Orthodox Church
Amidst the geopolitical confrontation between Vladimir Putin's Russia and the US and its allies, little attention has been payed to the role played by religion either as a shaper of Russian domestic politics or as a means of understanding Putin's ...
Uncle Joe is revered in Putin's Russia as a benevolent
Putin, Stalin, and the ChurchFirst Things
Putin Takes Credit for Defeating FascismJewish Link of New Jersey

all 5 news articles »

The Putin paradox: distrusted, feared, and yet revered - The Guardian

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The Guardian

The Putin paradox: distrusted, feared, and yet revered
The Guardian
It is true that much of what goes on in Russia does now depends on one man, Vladimir Putin, who opted for war in Ukraine to regain political ground after the 2011-2012 popular protests that had threatened him. Galvanising patriotism is an old recipe.

Putin's Broken Economy: Dark Clouds on the Horizon - Newsweek

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Putin's Broken Economy: Dark Clouds on the Horizon
Putin's Broken Economy: Dark Clouds on the Horizon. By Sergey Aleksashenko 5/21/15 at 4:51 PM. 0521_rubles. Opinion. An employee counts Russian ruble banknotes at a private company's office in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, December 17, 2014.

and more »

Not Waco: Being Putin's favorite motorcycle gang has its perks - PRI

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Not Waco: Being Putin's favorite motorcycle gang has its perks
"Putin himself first came across them in 2009. He went and visited one of their garages in a carefully planned photo op," he says. "And it's clear that from that point there's been a sort of perfect little marriage. Putin likes anything that helps him ...

and more »
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Page 2

Vladimir Putin's Alleged Girlfriend Alina Kabaeva Pregnant? Ex-Gymnast's Dress ... - International Business Times

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International Business Times

Vladimir Putin's Alleged Girlfriend Alina Kabaeva Pregnant? Ex-Gymnast's Dress ...
International Business Times
Alina Kabaeva, a former gymnast and alleged girlfriend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, sparked renewed pregnancy rumors in domestic and social media outlets this week when she wore a “billowy” dress to a youth gymnastic event, a report said ... 
The Putin paradox: distrusted, feared, and yet reveredThe Guardian
Vladimir Putin's sexy cousin launches her political career…in
Move to Shift Vote for Russian Duma Seen Benefitting PutinWall Street Journal
Business Insider-International Business Times UK
all 14 news articles »

Путин распорядился повысить квалификацию 1,5 тыс. борцов с коррупцией - Интерфакс

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Путин распорядился повысить квалификацию 1,5 тыс. борцов с коррупцией
Москва. 22 мая. INTERFAX.RU - Президент РФ Владимир Путин подписал распоряжение об организации в 2015 году повышения квалификации федеральных госслужащих, в обязанности которых входит противодействие коррупции. Как говорится в документе, опубликованном в пятницу ...

и другие »

Путин примет участие в церемонии открытия Европейских игр в Баку - Газета.Ru

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Путин примет участие в церемонии открытия Европейских игр в Баку
Президент России Владимир Путин примет участие в церемонии открытия первых Европейских игр в Баку, сообщает агентство «Владимир Путин примет участие в церемонии открытия I Европейских игр», — сказали в пресс-службе Кремля. Также отмечается, что позднее будет ...
Путин примет участие в церемонии открытия Евроигр «Баку-2015»Vesti

Все похожие статьи: 101 »

Why Does Putin Care Who Runs a Tiny Balkan Nation? Gas Pipelines - Bloomberg

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Why Does Putin Care Who Runs a Tiny Balkan Nation? Gas Pipelines
Russian leaders, whose conflict with Ukraine has seen them tussling with eastern Europe's largest country, are now turning their gaze to a Balkan nation with fewer residents than Brooklyn. There's a common theme, though: gas pipelines. Macedonia, a ...

and more »

Путин поручил разработать стратегию развития интернета в России -

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Путин поручил разработать стратегию развития интернета в России
Президент России Владимир Путин поручил до 1 октября текущего года разработать с участием Института развития интернета (ИРИ) предложения по формированию долгосрочной программы развития российской части интернета и связанных с ней отраслей экономики. Об этом ...
Путин поручил следить за незаконным распространением фильмов в СетиРБК 
Путин подписал указ о создании государственного сегмента интернетаИнтерфакс
Путин подписал указ о государственном сегменте интернетаВедомости
Коммерсантъ-ИА REGNUM-Forbes Россия

Все похожие статьи: 183 »

Кончита, Путин и причуды пропаганды - Радио Свобода

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Радио Свобода

Кончита, Путин и причуды пропаганды
Радио Свобода
И вот с места поднимается французский журналист и спрашивает: "Кончита! Вы все время говорите о своем желании встретиться с Владимиром Путиным. Вы не передумали?" – "Нет! – пламенно говорит Кончита. – Я бы мечтала провести с ним неделю, чтобы понять, каково это – быть ... 
Кончита настаивает на встрече с ПутинымДни.Ру (пресс-релиз)
Владимир Путин и Кончита Вурст – кто про что мог мы спроситьКлуб промышленной журналистики
Путин осведомлен об успехах Полины Гагариной на «Евровидении» Газета.Ru

Все похожие статьи: 211 »
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Page 3

How Vladimir Putin created America's new hot wine - Washington Post

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How Vladimir Putin created America's new hot wine
Washington Post
That changed in 2006, when tensions flared between the country and Vladimir Putin and Georgia's president, Mikheil Saakashvili. Putin was incensed by the Georgian leader's overtures to the West. Russia banned imports of wine and spirits from the ...

Песков опроверг сообщения о деловых связях Путина и Тимченко - Взгляд

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Московский комсомолец

Песков опроверг сообщения о деловых связях Путина и Тимченко
По его словам, в частности, в запросах спрашивается, действительно ли деятельность совладельца группы компаний Gunvor Group Геннадия Тимченко в США прямо или косвенно связана с Путиным, вкладывал ли или вкладывает Путин деньги напрямую или косвенно в Gunvor, работал ...
Песков: СМИ устроили Путину допрос о крышевании им криминального бизнесаМосковский комсомолец
Путин был удивлен «состряпанной клеветой» уважаемых СМИГазета.Ru
Песков: Россия готова к диалогу с Западом, несмотря на кампанию против Путина в СМИИнформационное агентство России ТАСС
Все похожие статьи: 33 »

В Кремле дали оценку запросам иностранных СМИ об отношениях Путина с Тимченко -

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В Кремле дали оценку запросам иностранных СМИ об отношениях Путина с Тимченко
Пресс-секретарь российского президента не стал уточнять названия отправивших запрос изданий. По его словам, Путин в курсе поступивших ему вопросов. «У президента была удивленная реакция», — рассказал Песков, добавив, что его самого поражает «изобилие клеветы, которую ...
Путин был удивлен «состряпанной клеветой» уважаемых СМИГазета.Ru
«Два уважаемых зарубежных СМИ» сумели удивить ПутинаВедомости
Песков опроверг сообщения о деловых связях Путина и ТимченкоВзгляд
Вести.Ru -ТВ Центр - Официальный сайт телеканала -Русская Служба Новостей
Все похожие статьи: 126 »

Песков: СМИ устроили Путину допрос о крышевании им криминального бизнеса - Московский комсомолец

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Московский комсомолец

Песков: СМИ устроили Путину допрос о крышевании им криминального бизнеса
Московский комсомолец
Английские и американские СМИ решили опросить Владимира Путина на предмет его отношений с приближенными бизнесменами и участии в сделках, которые привели к их обогащению. Пресс-служба Кремля получила два «практически идентичных запроса», составленных, ...
«Два уважаемых зарубежных СМИ» сумели удивить ПутинаВедомости
В Кремле дали оценку запросам иностранных СМИ об отношениях Путина с Тимченко
Путин был удивлен «состряпанной клеветой» уважаемых СМИГазета.Ru
РИА НовостиИнформационное Агентство "Хакасия" 
Все похожие статьи: 156 »

Western media bashing of Putin's circle boomerangs – pres admin head to RT - RT

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Western media bashing of Putin's circle boomerangs – pres admin head to RT
Recent accusations of corruption flung by Western media at those close to Vladimir Putin are desperate attempts to get at the Russian President, the head of the presidential administration Sergey Ivanov told RT. Ivanov says he has been following US and ...

As US negotiates, Putin likely thinks he's in control - Minneapolis Star Tribune

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The Express Tribune

As US negotiates, Putin likely thinks he's in control
Minneapolis Star Tribune
It has been a week since Secretary of State John Kerry emerged from eight hours of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin and his foreign minister to say that the two sides had agreed to make a new effort to cooperate in resolving conflicts in ... 
NEWS ANALYSIS: Dubious outcomes of Kerry's meeting with Putin in SochiThe Ukrainian Weekly (press release) (subscription)
Russia: The one country the US cannot bullyThe Express Tribune (blog)

all 8 news articles »
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Page 4

Западные СМИ пытаются внушить россиянам, что Путин не прав — Иванов - Федеральное агентство новостей No.1

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Федеральное агентство новостей No.1

Западные СМИ пытаются внушить россиянам, что Путин не прав — Иванов
Федеральное агентство новостей No.1
Москва, 23 мая. В последние два года в СМИ в целом начался процесс дискредитации и внесения оппонентов в «черные списки», в первую очередь речь идет о британских и американских газетах. Об этом заявил руководитель администрации президента РоссииПутина Сергей Иванов.

и другие »

Владимир Путин лично вручил Рамзану Кадырову орден Почета - Медиагруппа "Звезда"

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Life News

Владимир Путин лично вручил Рамзану Кадырову орден Почета
Медиагруппа "Звезда"
Президент Российской Федерации Владимир Путин в Кремле лично вручил Главе Чеченской Республики Рамзану Кадырову орден Почета. Об этом сообщается на сайте главы Чечни. Награда присуждена «за достигнутые трудовые успехи, общественную деятельность и многолетнюю ...
Путин лично вручил Кадырову орден ПочетаТелеканал ДОЖДЬ (подписка)
Владимир Путин вручил Рамзану Кадырову орден ПочетаLife News
Путин вручил Кадырову орден Почета за "многолетнюю добросовестную работу"Московский комсомолец
Все похожие статьи: 39 »

Немецкий политик: Путин должен был стать важнейшим гостем саммита G7 - РИА Новости

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РИА Новости

Немецкий политик: Путин должен был стать важнейшим гостем саммита G7
РИА Новости
Немецкий политик и журналист Вильфрид Шарнагль считает, что на саммите G7 президент России Владимир Путин должен был стать ключевой фигурой. В интервью популярному немецкому изданию Шарнагль заявил, что выстраивание партнерских отношений особенно важно в ...

и другие »

2 'homegrown' jihadists nabbed in California on way to join ISIS, say officials - Fox News

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Fox News

2 'homegrown' jihadists nabbed in California on way to join ISIS, say officials
Fox News
Two California men described as "homegrown violent extremists" appeared in federal court Friday after they were arrested late Thursday while in the process of heading overseas to join ISIS, authorities said. Muhanad Badawi and Nader Elhuzayel, both 24 ...

and more »

Cannes uncovered: day 11 - Shakespearean tragedy, overpriced DiCaprio dinner, uncomfortable kisses! 

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Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard unveil Macbeth and Isabelle Huppert’s cheek gets a lot of amour
It’s getting progressively tougher to remember a time before Cannes. What did we do? Where did we live? What did we talk about? The Croisette has become our home, workplace and drunken stumbling ground but not for much longer. The final weekend has arrived and we’ll soon be forced to readjust to normal life with reasonably priced food and people who actually give helpful directions. But until then ...
Macbeth has its moments. Fassbender is committed. Kurzel cannot always escape the theatricality of it all. #Cannes2015
MACBETH: Great landscapes, great score, great grim tone, but they never stop being Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard. C+ #Cannes2015
MACBETH, a fully accomplished film that's not without gimmicks (red filters?) and over-dramatizations. Very impressive nonethls #cannes2015
THE LITTLE PRINCE: Beautiful stop motion rendition of Saint-Exupéry book embedded in a frame story that has little of the same delicacy.
Mark Osborne's 'The Little Prince' looks beautiful but meanders unconvincingly at times. (@drjonty)#Cannes2015
THE LITTLE PRINCE: Gorgeous, mostly successful attempt at capturing & riffing on the strangeness & melancholy of the source material #Cannes
Continue reading...

Mexican drug gang shootout kills 43 

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From: itnnews
Duration: 01:27

Forty two suspected drug cartel henchmen were killed by Mexican security forces yesterday. A federal police officer was also killed in the shootout. Report by Conor Mcnally.
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Page 5

In Early Vote Count, Ireland Appears Headed Toward Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage 

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Opinion polls and high turnout in urban areas favored a yes vote on the referendum, which would make Ireland the first nation to approve same-sex marriage by popular vote.

WorldViews: Map: The Islamic State’s disturbingly successful week 

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Well, the Islamic State had quite a week.After more than a year of clashes with Iraqi forces and with opposition groups in Syria, the militant group claimed two major cities, showing both the Iraqi army's weaknesses and the militant group's growing power.Read full article >>

Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review

From The Major News Sources

» Battlefield Gains for IS Raise Fears of Assault on Baghdad
23/05/15 12:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Reports from Syria say the so-called Islamic State group, also known as ISIS or ISIL, has seized the last government-held border crossing to Iraq. It’s the latest in a series of territori...
» Ireland Votes to Legalize Gay Marriage in Historic Referendum
23/05/15 12:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from TIME. (DUBLIN)—Ireland has voted resoundingly to legalize gay marriage in the world’s first national vote on the issue, leaders on both sides of the Irish referendum declared Saturday even as o...
» Personal details of 500million Android users at risk: Researchers find it is impossible to completely clear data from handset when changing phone
23/05/15 12:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. Researchers at Cambridge University have proven that emails, images, apps and personal details can still be accessed which they say may limit growth and innovation in the market.
» NSA surveillance programs suffer setback in Senate
23/05/15 12:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home - Government surveillance programs set to expire at the end of the month unless Congress renews them
» Cleveland cop learns his fate in deadly shooting trial
23/05/15 12:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home - Police Officer Michael Brelo was charged with voluntary manslaughter in shooting deaths of two unarmed people
» Can the Ukraine/Russia ceasefire last?
23/05/15 12:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from itnnews's YouTube Videos. From: itnnews Duration: 02:39 In February 2015, a ceasefire agreement was reached between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian rebels - that peace plan is now falling apart. . Rep...
» U.S., Cuba make progress on restoring ties but no deal yet
23/05/15 12:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Cuba and the United States reported making progress toward restoring diplomatic relations following two days of talks and pledged on Friday to continue informal ...
» ISIS behead emir Ahmed Alaqqal who ruled over Syrian region
23/05/15 12:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. Ahmed Alaqqal, who ruled over Tell Abiad, Syria, was beheaded by ISIS after a raid on his house found a stash of drugs. His prominent family have threatened revenge or to defect.
» FARC rebels end unilateral ceasefire
23/05/15 12:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from - World.
» Mexican officials: 44 killed after police ambushed in drug cartel region
23/05/15 12:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Federal police and soldiers ambushed near border of Michoacán and Jalisco states as source says dozens of presumed cartel gunman have been killed Masked gunmen took over a Mex...
» Police warning on biker retaliation questioned by former biker, experts - USA TODAY
23/05/15 12:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. USA TODAY Police warning on biker retaliation questioned by former biker, experts USA TODAY A Texas Department of Public Safety Bulletin warns that members of the Bandidos motorc...
» At Synagogue, Obama Restates His Support for Israel - New York Times
23/05/15 12:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. New York Times At Synagogue, Obama Restates His Support for Israel New York Times WASHINGTON — President Obama on Friday sought to reassure American Jews that he loves and suppor...
» Britain failed to shape Europe's future 40 years ago. Now it can -
23/05/15 12:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Britain failed to shape Europe's future 40 years ago. Now it can Forty years ago this coming June 5, Britain held a referendum. Aged 18, I voted for the...
» Quinn: The ugly side of the Internet rears its head - San Jose Mercury News
23/05/15 12:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Quinn: The ugly side of the Internet rears its head San Jose Mercury News It's been a week for the Internet's ugly side. On Monday, President Barack Obama's launch o...
» Obama Reassures US Jews That Iran Will Not Get Nuke
23/05/15 12:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from VOAvideo's YouTube Videos. From: VOAvideo Duration: 01:44 President Barack Obama insisted on Friday that Iran must not be allowed to get a nuclear weapon “under any circumstances.” He spoke during a vi...
» McCain attacks Obama's 'mind-boggling' ISIS comment - Chicago Sun-Times
23/05/15 12:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. ABC News McCain attacks Obama's 'mind-boggling' ISIS comment Chicago Sun-Times Sen. John McCain wholeheartedly disagrees with President Barack Obama's assessment that “we're not ...
» White House: No Plans to Send US Ground Troops to Iraq
23/05/15 12:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from VOAvideo's YouTube Videos. From: VOAvideo Duration: 01:58 Despite the Islamic State militant group’s taking this week of Iraqi city Ramadi and Syria’s Palmyra - the White House has made clear President...
» Eiffel Tower Workers Stage a Strike to Protest Pickpockets
23/05/15 12:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. The crime problem, a constant here amid the tourists, has been escalating, according to the union that represents workers at the tower. The site was closed for most of Friday because of the...
» Mother Found Pushing Dead Son On Maryland Park Swing - Huffington Post
23/05/15 12:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Huffington Post Mother Found Pushing Dead Son On Maryland Park Swing Huffington Post Police stopped a 24-year-old woman pushing a swing that held the body of her dead, 3-year-old...
» Winston Churchill may secretly have been GAY
23/05/15 12:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. As a rule, Sir Winston Churchill disliked women. While he seems to have felt relaxed in the company of homosexuals and regarded their (illegal) activities as a subject for good-natured ...
» World Briefing: Honduras: Ex-President’s Son Arrested
23/05/15 12:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Fabio Porfirio Lobo, the son of a former Honduran president, appeared in Federal District Court in Manhattan on Friday on a charge of conspiring to import cocaine into the United States.
» 10 historical facts about Memorial Day - USA TODAY
23/05/15 12:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. USA TODAY 10 historical facts about Memorial Day USA TODAY ST. LOUIS, Mo. — Here are 10 fast facts about Memorial Day, a holiday honoring American soldiers who made the ultimate ...
» The Queen wields Buckingham Palace jobs axe and fires senior staff
23/05/15 12:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. The Queen has been accused of throwing long-serving Buckingham Palace staff on the scrapheap after axing at least four senior officials in a matter of months.
» DAILY MAIL COMMENT: The West must wake up before it's too late
23/05/15 12:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. (FILES) - A file picture taken on March 14, 2014 shows the citadel (background) of the ancient oasis city of Palmyra, 215 kilometres northeast of Damascus, over looking the city. Jihadi...
» Islamic State fighters seize towns in Syria, Libya and Iraq - The Australian (blog)
23/05/15 12:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. The Australian (blog) Islamic State fighters seize towns in Syria, Libya and Iraq The Australian (blog) Islamic State consolidated its grip on its self-declared caliphate while a...
» How did cops catch DC quadruple murder suspect? - Fox News
23/05/15 12:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Fox News How did cops catch DC quadruple murder suspect? Fox News More than one person likely was involved in the slayings of four people who were held captive inside a Washingto...
» AP Analysis: At Mideast forum, hopes for future amid chaos
23/05/15 12:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 11:03 a.m. EDT. SOUTHERN SHUNEH, Jordan (AP) -- Against a backdrop of Iraq and Syria in flames, Middle Eastern political and business leaders sought to focus on a future of growth and i...
» Autopsy set in Maryland after mom found pushing corpse of son, 3, in park swing -
23/05/15 12:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Autopsy set in Maryland after mom found pushing corpse of son, 3, in park swing A young mother is being evaluated after police found her at a Maryland park Frid...
» Analysis: ISIS Gains Momentum With Palmyra, Assad Squeezed on Multiple Fronts -
23/05/15 12:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Analysis: ISIS Gains Momentum With Palmyra, Assad Squeezed on Multiple Fronts ISIS' conquest of the ancient city of Palmyra marked the latest in a series ...
» It’s dismally apparent that some black lives matter more than others
23/05/15 12:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Police shootings in the US rightly provoke enormous outrage. So where’s the outcry over the drowning of hundreds of Africans in the Mediterranean? Following the killings of un...
» Shi'ite militia approach Islamic State-held areas from base near Ramadi - Reuters
23/05/15 12:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Reuters Shi'ite militia approach Islamic State-held areas from base near Ramadi Reuters BAGHDAD A convoy of Shi'ite Muslim militia and Iraqi army forces set out from a base near Ramadi...
» Islamic State raises flag over citadel in Syria's Palmyra: supporters
23/05/15 12:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BEIRUT (Reuters) - Islamic State fighters have raised their flag over an ancient citadel in Syria's historic city of Palmyra, pictures posted online overnight by the group's supporters...
» Iraq forces attack IS east of Ramadi: Commanders - Channel News Asia
23/05/15 12:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Channel News Asia Iraq forces attack IS east of Ramadi: Commanders Channel News Asia Iraqi forces retook territory from the Islamic State group east of Ramadi on Saturday (May 23...
» Iraqis launch counter-attack against ISIS near Ramadi - CNN
23/05/15 12:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. CNN Iraqis launch counter-attack against ISIS near Ramadi CNN Baghdad (CNN) After days of ISIS fighters advancing east out of Ramadi, an alliance of Iraqi forces opposed to the t...
» Shi'ite Militia, Iraq Forces Said Moving on IS-held Areas Near Ramadi
23/05/15 12:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. A convoy of Shi'ite Muslim militia and Iraqi army forces set out from a base near Ramadi Saturday toward areas held by Islamic State insurgents, an eyewitness and a local official said, a...
» Marijuana incorporated: cannabis eases into a billion-dollar business high
23/05/15 12:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Legalisation has created a ‘green rush’ as companies find success in edibles, a growing consumer base and a three-day expo at the Hilton Four years ago Cassandra Farrington co...
» ‘This land is ours, All of it is ours’ – New Israeli Minister
23/05/15 12:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The European Union Times - World News, Breaking News. Tzipi Hotovely gives speech to Israeli diplomats in which she says she will try to achieve global recognition for West Bank settlements. Israel’s new d...
» Germany declines comment on reported 'deep freeze' with U.S. intelligence
23/05/15 12:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BERLIN (Reuters) - The German government declined to comment on a report that U.S. intelligence agencies were reviewing their cooperation with German counterparts and had dropped joint...
» Iran sends troops to help retake key Iraqi oil refinery from Isis
23/05/15 12:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. US and allies have staged 22 air strikes against Isis since Friday US says it does not oppose Iranian-backed militias if under control of Baghdad Iran has entered the fight to...
» 3,000 children enslaved in Britain after being trafficked from Vietnam
23/05/15 12:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Like many Vietnamese children, Hien was brought to Britain for a life of modern slavery. He ended up in prison on cannabis offences. We report on the gangs expanding across th...
» Saudi Clerics Urge Calm After Mosque Attack
23/05/15 11:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Saudi Arabia's top Sunni cleric on Saturday branded a deadly attack on Shi'ite Muslims a bid to sow chaos, after villagers targeted in the bombing vented their anger at what they saw as t...
» ISIS Says Could Obtain Nuclear Bomb in Less Than 12 Months
23/05/15 11:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The European Union Times - World News, Breaking News. According to the latest issue of ISIL’s propaganda magazine, Islamic State jihadist group (ISIL) could obtain a nuclear weapon within 12 month. The Isl...
» NATO Sets Date For 2016 Summit In Warsaw
23/05/15 11:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. In a statement on May 22, the alliance said this summit will come at "a crucial time for the alliance, as the tectonic plates of Euro-Atlantic security have shifted both ...
» Both Sides Say Irish Voters Approve Gay Marriage
23/05/15 11:48 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Ireland has voted resoundingly to legalize gay marriage in the world's first national vote on the issue, leaders on both sides of the Irish referendum declared Saturday even as official b...
» Медведев: я буду работать до тех пор, пока есть силы - ИА REGNUM
23/05/15 11:48 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. ИА REGNUM Медведев: я буду работать до тех пор, пока есть силы ИА REGNUM Москва, 23 Мая 2015г., 16:42 — REGNUM Премьер-министр России Дмитрий Медведев готов работать до тех пор, по...
» Can’t Anybody Here Play This Game?
23/05/15 10:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The XX Committee. For years I’ve warned the U.S. Intelligence Community to get serious about counterintelligence, the business of preventing penetrations of our side by hostile espionage services. Counteri...
» Putin’s Macedonian Gambit
23/05/15 10:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The XX Committee. Macedonia, a small, impoverished Balkan state, has appeared in the newspapers lately, which it seldom does outside of Southeastern Europe. Macedonia was the only Yugoslav republic to esca...
» America’s Top Five Mistakes in Iraq
23/05/15 10:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The XX Committee. The fall of Ramadi to the fanatical forces of the Islamic State, a big strategic win for the insurgents, has concentrated minds about just how badly things have gone in Iraq for the last ...
» EU summit pledges €1.8bn to Ukraine but Russia remains elephant in room - The Guardian
23/05/15 10:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. The Guardian EU summit pledges €1.8bn to Ukraine but Russia remains elephant in room The Guardian There had been wrangling over the final text of the summit statement, with Belarus an...
» Russia launches production of upgraded Mi-26, world's largest helicopter - RT
23/05/15 10:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. RT Russia launches production of upgraded Mi-26, world's largest helicopter RT “We announce the start-up of production of the modernized heavy helicopter Mi-26T2 serial production. He...
» Russia Casts a Shadow Over European Meeting - New York Times
23/05/15 10:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. New York Times Russia Casts a Shadow Over European Meeting New York Times Moscow has avoided condemning the meeting outright. But the Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, speaking...
» 'US hunts for Russians': Moscow warns citizens traveling abroad - RT
23/05/15 10:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. RT 'US hunts for Russians ': Moscow warns citizens traveling abroad RT Russia has urged its citizens to weigh all the risks before traveling abroad, warning that the US is on a global...
» Russia to adopt tough position if Ukraine defaults: PM Medvedev - Reuters
23/05/15 10:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Reuters Russia to adopt tough position if Ukraine defaults: PM Medvedev Reuters Russia has spoken out against a new Ukrainian law allowing a moratorium on foreign debt repayments, thr...
» Russia to adopt tough position if Ukraine defaults - PM Medvedev - Reuters UK
23/05/15 10:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Reuters UK Russia to adopt tough position if Ukraine defaults - PM Medvedev Reuters UK MOSCOW Russia would adopt a tough position if Ukraine decided not to pay off debts owed to Mosco...
» Military Deaths in ISIS Operations
23/05/15 10:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > United States Defense and Military Forces. The Department of Defense has identified four American service members who have died supporting the operation to eliminate the Islamic State militant group.
» U.S. Flies Over a Chinese Project at Sea, and Beijing Objects
23/05/15 10:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > United States Defense and Military Forces. The Chinese are unhappy that the U.S. Navy is watching a huge reclamation project to turn reefs into islands in the Spratly Islands, a group of reefs in ...
» D.C. "mansion murders" suspect caught
23/05/15 10:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home - Far-reaching manhunt for killer of wealthy couple, their son and housekeeper ends
» Obama defines a "good deal" with Iran
23/05/15 10:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home - Speaking to a Jewish congregation, President Obama promises he will "not accept a bad deal" with Iran
» Eye Opener: Mansion murders manhunt isn't over
23/05/15 10:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home - All that and all that matters in today's Eye Opener. Your world in 90 seconds
» Verdict reached in Cleveland police shooting deaths
23/05/15 10:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home - Officer charged with voluntary manslaughter in deaths of two unarmed people in 137-shot barrage of gunfire
» New Issue of ISIS Magazine: We Can Buy a Nuclear Weapon from Pakistan
23/05/15 10:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Comments on: New Issue of ISIS Magazine: We Can Buy a Nuclear Weapon from Pakistan. AFP PHOTO by Mary Chastain 22 May 2015 702 The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) claims it has access to nuclear weapons through ...
» Tensions Persist at E.U. Meeting Focused on Ex-Soviet Lands
22/05/15 22:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. A gathering in Latvia including leaders from six former Soviet territories was an affirmation of enduring aspirations, but not an invitation to join the European Union.
» Fighting Islamic State, Kurds Among Few Making Gains
22/05/15 22:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. In a two-week offensive, Syrian Kurdish fighters of the YPG (People's Protection Units) recaptured dozens of villages and towns from Islamic State militants. It's one of the few successfu...
» Janine Gibson, Editor Who Led Team That Won Pulitzer, Leaves The Guardian
22/05/15 22:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. The prize, shared with The Washington Post, was awarded for articles based on documents leaked by the former National Security Agency contractor Edward J. Snowden.
» Would-be IS Martyrs Arrested in California
22/05/15 22:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Two California men have been Two California men, who wanted to be martyrs for Islamic State, have been arrested and charged with conspiring to travel to the Middle East to join the milita...
» World Briefing: Ukraine: Report Finds War Crimes
22/05/15 22:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. Both warring sides in eastern Ukraine are perpetrating war crimes almost daily, including torturing prisoners and summarily killing them, Amnesty International said in a report.
» Learning from Uncle Sam: to Russia's annoyance, US hones Ukrainian fighting ... - Reuters
22/05/15 22:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Reuters Learning from Uncle Sam: to Russia's annoyance, US hones Ukrainian fighting ... Reuters Although Western countries have held back from military involvement in the conflict, th...
» Macedonia, the New U.S.-Russia Battlefield - Bloomberg View
22/05/15 22:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Bloomberg View Macedonia, the New U.S.- Russia Battlefield Bloomberg View Macedonia is a poor, landlocked Balkan country of about 2 million. To the Kremlin, it's also the newest front...
» Russia bans 'undesirable' international organisations ahead of 2016 elections - The Guardian
22/05/15 22:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. The Guardian Russia bans 'undesirable' international organisations ahead of 2016 elections The Guardian Blacklisted groups will be forbidden from operating branches or distributing in...
» Ukraine crisis: President Poroshenko talks of 'real war' with Russia - BBC News
22/05/15 22:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. BBC News Ukraine crisis: President Poroshenko talks of 'real war' with Russia BBC News Ukraine's president has told the BBC his country is now in a "real war" with Russia - and that U...
» Ukraine 'fighting real war' with Russia -
22/05/15 22:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Ukraine 'fighting real war' with Russia Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said his country was fighting a "real war" with Russia that could escalate at any time. ...
» India Wants Russia To Help It Build Navy Ships Equipped With Missiles, Anti ... - International Business Times
22/05/15 22:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. International Business Times India Wants Russia To Help It Build Navy Ships Equipped With Missiles, Anti ... International Business Times India could soon team up with Russia to build...
» Video raises concerns over Ukraine's treatment of Russian prisoners - The Guardian
22/05/15 22:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. The Guardian Video raises concerns over Ukraine's treatment of Russian prisoners The Guardian In the past months, rebels have paraded Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) before an angry...
» Russian court arrests suspected Lithuanian spy - Reuters
22/05/15 22:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. The Moscow Times Russian court arrests suspected Lithuanian spy Reuters Espionage charges carry a prison term of 10 to 20 years under Russian law. Interfax news agency quoted Russia's...
» Russia weighs on EU's eastern ambitions - Financial Times
22/05/15 22:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Financial Times Russia weighs on EU's eastern ambitions Financial Times But draft conclusions seen by the Financial Times show they will leave Riga without the prizes they feel could ...
» Russia threatens to ban Google, Twitter and Facebook over extremist content - The Guardian
22/05/15 22:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. The Guardian Russia threatens to ban Google, Twitter and Facebook over extremist content The Guardian Russia's communications watchdog has threatened to fine Facebook, Google and Twit...
» Russia detains 'Lithuania spy' amid Ukraine tensions - BBC News
22/05/15 22:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. BBC News Russia detains 'Lithuania spy' amid Ukraine tensions BBC News Russia's domestic security agency says it has arrested a suspected Lithuanian spy in Moscow. "The foreign s...
» Cisco denies skirting sanctions that forbid sales to Russia's military - Business Insider
22/05/15 22:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Business Insider Cisco denies skirting sanctions that forbid sales to Russia's military Business Insider Cisco is being accused of changing sales records and booking deals under a fal...
» EU Riga summit 'not against Russia', Merkel says - BBC News
22/05/15 22:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. BBC News The Guardian EU Riga summit 'not against Russia ', Merkel says BBC News EU leaders are gathering for a summit with six former Soviet states in Latvia, overshadowed by Russia'...
» Washington asks Athens to back anti-Russia sanctions - Greek minister - RT
22/05/15 22:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. RT Washington asks Athens to back anti- Russia sanctions - Greek minister RT Greece has revealed it's been asked by the US to prolong anti- Russia sanctions. However, Athens stressed ...
» Russia Deployed Nuclear-Capable Gear, NATO Commander Says - Bloomberg
22/05/15 22:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Bloomberg Russia Deployed Nuclear-Capable Gear, NATO Commander Says Bloomberg Russia has deployed equipment during the conflict in eastern Ukraine that can be used for nuclear weapons...
» Sen. John McCain: Cisco's behavior in Russia 'deserves further investigation' - Business Insider
22/05/15 22:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Business Insider Sen. John McCain: Cisco's behavior in Russia 'deserves further investigation' Business Insider A report published by Buzzfeed that implied Cisco was skirting economic...
» NATO and Russia watch one another closely in Eastern Europe - CBS News
22/05/15 22:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. CBS News NATO and Russia watch one another closely in Eastern Europe CBS News Sweden scrambled fighter jets to intercept two Russian military planes that flew too close to Swedish air...
» The US continues to send the wrong message to Russia - Washington Post
22/05/15 22:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. The National Interest Online The US continues to send the wrong message to Russia Washington Post IT HAS been a week since Secretary of State John F. Kerry emerged from eight hours of...
» Russia 'will block' Google, Twitter and Facebook if they withhold blogger data - The Guardian
22/05/15 22:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. The Guardian Russia 'will block' Google, Twitter and Facebook if they withhold blogger data The Guardian He added that because of the encryption technology used by the three firms, Ru...
» Is Finland really getting ready for war with Russia? - CNBC
22/05/15 22:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. CNBC Is Finland really getting ready for war with Russia ? CNBC Finland has informed its 900,000 military reservists of what their roles would be in the event of a military crisis aga...
» Russia threatens block on Google, Twitter, Facebook - CNBC
22/05/15 22:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. CNBC Russia threatens block on Google, Twitter, Facebook CNBC Google, Twitter and Facebook face being blocked in Russia after being warned against violating the country's controversia...
» Russia tightens control over foreign activists, businesses - USA TODAY
22/05/15 22:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Russia tightens control over foreign activists, businesses USA TODAY MOSCOW — Russia is cracking down on foreign groups and businesses that support human rights, its latest effort to ...
» EU, ex-Soviet neighbors patch over rifts with eye on Russia - Reuters
22/05/15 22:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Reuters EU, ex-Soviet neighbors patch over rifts with eye on Russia Reuters RIGA Looking over their shoulders at Russia , the European Union and six former Soviet neighbors patched up...
» A tiny European country is making Russia extremely nervous - Business Insider
22/05/15 22:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Business Insider A tiny European country is making Russia extremely nervous Business Insider The political turmoil in a tiny Balkan republic is making Russia extremely nervous — espec...
» Norwegian gas just knocked Russia down a peg in Europe - Business Insider
22/05/15 21:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Business Insider Norwegian gas just knocked Russia down a peg in Europe Business Insider Norway just officially overtook Russia as Western Europe's top gas supplier — which suggests t...
» Russia Issues Travel Warning Over US 'Hunt' For Russians - Huffington Post
22/05/15 21:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Newsweek Russia Issues Travel Warning Over US 'Hunt' For Russians Huffington Post MOSCOW, May 22 (Reuters) - Russia's foreign ministry has warned its citizens traveling abroad of the ...
» Americans Start to Leave Air Base in Azores, and Locals Fear Economic Impact
22/05/15 21:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > United States Defense and Military Forces. The number of Air Force personnel at Lajes Field, once a significant transit hub in the Atlantic, is expected to drop to 165 from 650 as part of broader ...
» How the Pentagon Wasted $36 Million
22/05/15 21:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > United States Defense and Military Forces. The money went to a headquarters in Afghanistan that was not needed or wanted and may be torn down.
» Obama Defends Approach to ISIS Fight but Says More Is Needed
22/05/15 21:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The president said that the fight against Islamic State forces was not being lost, but that more should be done to help Iraq recapture lost territory.
» The Escalation of Unauthorized Wars
22/05/15 21:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). As the latest war in the Middle East intensifies, it is more urgent than ever for Congress to authorize the use of military force.
» Palmyra Captured by ISIS
22/05/15 21:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Islamic State militants in Syria have reached the United Nations world heritage site of Palmyra.
» Obama's Mastery of Rhetoric — and Disregard of Reality
22/05/15 21:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from rss. In a recent panel discussion on poverty at Georgetown University, President Barack Obama gave another demonstration of his mastery of rhetoric — and disregard of reality. One of the ways of fight...
» Civil Asset Forfeiture About More Than Fighting Drugs
22/05/15 21:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from rss. Civil asset forfeiture is a disrespect by the government for private property, flipping the burden of proof from the government to the person accused of a crime.
» Fleeing Iraqi Troops Leave U.S. Weapons for ISIS — Again
22/05/15 21:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from rss. Dozens of U.S. vehicles and weapons were abandoned by fleeing Iraqi troops when Islamic State forces captured the city of Ramadi in central Iraq Sunday.
» The True Black Tragedy
22/05/15 21:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from rss. The bulk of today's problems for many blacks are a result of politicians and civil rights organizations using government in the name of helping blacks when in fact they are serving the purposes of pow...
» Obama: Coast Guard Has "Urgent Need" to Combat Climate Change
22/05/15 21:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from rss. In his commencement address at the U.S. United States Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut Connecticut, on May 20, President Obama elaborated on "the challenge I want to focus on today — one...
» Waco Shooting About Crime — Not Racism, Sexism, and Gun Control
22/05/15 21:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from rss. Left-wing pundits are busy trying to make the May 17 Twin Peaks biker shootout in Waco, Texas, a story about anything but crime.
» 2,812,5822,812,5822015-05-16FBI probing whether doomed Amtrak train hit by object: The Amtrak
22/05/15 21:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2,812,582 2,812,582 2015-05-16 FBI probing whether doomed Amtrak train hit by object: The Amtrak train disaster in which 8 people were killed may have been caused by a gunshot or a roc...
» 2015-05-17ISIS preps for cyber war | Obama and media
22/05/15 21:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-05-17 ISIS preps for cyber war | Obama and media ISIS preps for cyber war Obama and media - Google Search Sunday May 17 th , 2015  at  10:43 AM 1 Share Obama and media - Google Se...
» 2015-05-17Egypt Executes 6 Young Men Convicted of Killing Soldiers
22/05/15 21:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-05-17 Egypt Executes 6 Young Men Convicted of Killing Soldiers Egypt Executes 6 Young Men Convicted of Killing Soldiers by (Associated Press) Sunday May 17 th ...
» 2015-05-19» US Official: Ukraine Cease-fire Being Violated 'Daily' 19/05/15 10:30 | NATO, EU To
22/05/15 21:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-05-19 » US Official: Ukraine Cease-fire Being Violated 'Daily' 19/05/15 10:30 | NATO, EU To Work Against 'Hybrid Warfare' 15/05/15 11:58 Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review   From...
» 2015-05-20How to lose the president of the United States | 20,000 trapped in Ramadi
22/05/15 21:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-05-20 How to lose the president of the United States | 20,000 trapped in Ramadi as ISIS advance to Baghdad | Thousands of rape kits remain untested in U.S. crime labs | Lack of Co...
» 2015-05-20Obama serves Iraq to Iran on a silver platter
22/05/15 21:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-05-20 Obama serves Iraq to Iran on a silver platter Obama serves Iraq to Iran on a silver platter Obama is Handing Iraq over to Iran on a Silver Platter - FOX ...
» 2015-05-21» Isis advance blows a hole in Obama’s Iraq strategy 21/05/15 15:42 | The war against
22/05/15 21:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-05-21 » Isis advance blows a hole in Obama’s Iraq strategy 21/05/15 15:42 | The war against ISIS in Iraq just took a dark turn kerry putin isis iran - Google Search Thursday May 2...
» 2015-05-211,300 American troops died to take the city during the Iraq war; now
22/05/15 21:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-05-21 1,300 American troops died to take the city during the Iraq war; now ISIS is gaining control - U.S. vets who took Ramadi in 2006 mourn its loss to ISIS U.S. vets who took Ra...
» 2,844,1192,844,1192015-05-22The Islamic State is entirely a creation of Obama’s policies
22/05/15 21:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2,844,119 2,844,119 2015-05-22 The Islamic State is entirely a creation of Obama’s policies The Insiders: The Islamic State is entirely a creation of Obama’s policies Friday May 22 nd ...
» New information about biker gang shoot-out in Waco, Texas | KFOR ...
22/05/15 21:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from international drug trafficking organizations - Google Blog Search. ... specifically, to cross-border drug smuggling. Because of their transnational scope, these OMGs are able to coordinate drug smuggling o...
» DOJ: Drug Traffickers Easily Circumvented TSA For Years | The ...
22/05/15 21:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from international drug trafficking organizations - Google Blog Search. A drug trafficking organization allegedly using airport baggage employees to circumvent the Transportation Security Administration has fin...
» Russian whistleblower who died in 2012 may have been poisoned
22/05/15 21:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from A Russian businessman, who died in London while assisting a Swiss probe into a massive money-laundering scheme, may have been poisoned with a substance derived from a highly toxic plant, an ...
» Analysis: The significance of Osama bin Laden’s bookshelf release
22/05/15 21:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The release this week of material from Osama bin Laden’s personal stack of books and documents, which were confiscated from his Abbottabad compound, is timely as it is important. By releasin...
» Are Chinese/Russian Military Exercises an Effort to Offset US Primacy?
22/05/15 21:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from China and Russia conducted joint naval exercises this week in the Mediterranean Sea – a sign, some security experts say, that the two countries are stepping up defense cooperation...
» US Professor Charged With Providing Sensitive Technology to China
22/05/15 21:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from U.S. federal prosecutors have charged the chairman of Temple University's physics department in connection with an alleged scheme to provide sensitive technology to China.
» Amnesty: Torture of POWs is Rife in Ukraine Conflict
22/05/15 21:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Rights group Amnesty International says it has gathered 'overwhelming evidence' that Ukrainian forces, pro-government militias, and anti-government separatists have tortured or mistreat...
» US Rejects Beijing's Demand to Stop Flying Over Disputed Islands
22/05/15 21:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from US Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Russel said that the United States has rejected Beijing's demands that US surveillance planes stop flying over the dispu...
» Data Overload Challenges Special Operators
22/05/15 21:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Defense News - Home. In the wars of recent years, US Special Operations Command saw the results of a dizzying investment in intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) rushed into the field, leavin...
» France Boosts Arms Spending, Eyes C-130 Buy
22/05/15 21:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Defense News - Home. France has set aside an extra €1.5 billion (US $1.7 billion) to acquire additional equipment, including the C-130 Hercules, and maintain weapon systems over the next four years, reflec...
» Siemoniak, Carter Discuss Patriot Acquisition for Poland
22/05/15 21:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Defense News - Home. Poland's Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Tomasz Siemoniak met with US Defense Secretary Ash Carter in Washington on May 19 to discuss the potential acquisition of Patriot in...
» US Special Operations Tests DNA Scanners
22/05/15 21:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Defense News - Home. US special operations forces are using forward-deployed rapid DNA scanners on a limited basis to confirm targets and have used DNA from improvised bomb components to capture "some very...
» Israel Event Focuses on Mutual Threat
22/05/15 21:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Defense News - Home. A three-day, closed-door conference attended by eight top NATO air defense commanders and senior staff ended here Thursday with agreement in principal to hold similar events each year ...
» USAF Releases Strategic Master Plan
22/05/15 21:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Defense News - Home. The US Air Force has released the next piece of its long-term strategic planning restructure, one which begins to deliver benchmarks for how the service will grow in future decades ...
» Israel Defense Exports Plunge to Seven-Year Low
22/05/15 21:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Defense News - Home. Israeli defense sales last year plunged to their lowest point in seven years, with just $5.66 billion in new contracts signed in 2014, according to data released Thursday by the Israel...
» Exclusive: China warns US surveillance plane - CNN International
22/05/15 21:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Cyber Warfare - Google News. CNN International Exclusive: China warns US surveillance plane CNN International The series of man-made islands and the massive Chinese military build-up on them have alarmed t...
» The most spectacular Russian military failures of all time - Business Insider
22/05/15 21:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Cyber Warfare - Google News. Business Insider The most spectacular Russian military failures of all time Business Insider The Russian military has long been a bogeyman for the West, with Cold War memories ...
» China getting worried about US-led Pacific trade deal - MarketWatch
22/05/15 21:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Cyber Warfare - Google News. MarketWatch China getting worried about US-led Pacific trade deal MarketWatch Given the perceived threat of the TPP, not to mention a proposed free-trade deal between the U.S. ...
» China's military has declared war on Western thought on the internet - Quartz
22/05/15 21:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Cyber Warfare - Google News. Quartz China's military has declared war on Western thought on the internet Quartz China's military says the internet has become its main ideological battlefield and that it sh...
» Chinese Military Using Jamming Against U.S. Drones - Washington Free Beacon
22/05/15 21:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Cyber Warfare - Google News. Washington Free Beacon Chinese Military Using Jamming Against U.S. Drones Washington Free Beacon China tried to electronically jam U.S. drone flights over the South China Sea i...
» Monitor: ISIS Controls More than Half of Syria
22/05/15 21:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Comments on: Monitor: ISIS Controls More than Half of Syria. The U.K.-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) told Reuters that ISIS seized Palmyra’s military air base and prison after advan...
» Russia in Review
22/05/15 21:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs - The US-Russia Initiative to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism. May 22, 2015 Russia in Review: a digest of useful news from U.S.-Russia Initiative to Prevent Nu...
» Chechnya's Leader Kadyrov Urges Men To Lock Up Their Wives, Ban Women From ... - Huffington Post
22/05/15 21:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Рамзан Кадыров - Google News. Business Insider Australia Chechnya's Leader Kadyrov Urges Men To Lock Up Their Wives, Ban Women From ... Huffington Post LONDON, May 20 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The lea...
» Chechen leader Kadyrov lashes out at criticism of the forced marriage of a 17 ... - Business Insider
22/05/15 21:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Ramzan Kadyrov - Google News. Business Insider Chechen leader Kadyrov lashes out at criticism of the forced marriage of a 17 ... Business Insider Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov responded to criticism of the...
» «Слишком мелко для падишаха» - Газета.Ru
22/05/15 21:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Рамзан Кадыров - Google News. Газета.Ru «Слишком мелко для падишаха» Газета.Ru Рамзан Кадыров устроил показательный разнос группе мужчин и женщин, которые в соцсетях и через мессенджер WhatsApp WatsApp раз...
» The Story Behind a Chechen Wedding That Transfixed Russia and Beyond - Newsweek
22/05/15 21:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Рамзан Кадыров - Google News. Newsweek The Story Behind a Chechen Wedding That Transfixed Russia and Beyond Newsweek A week later, on May 5, the story took an unexpected turn, when the president of the Che...
» Chechen Leader Scolds WhatsApp Users for Spreading 'Rumors' About Official's ... - New York Times
22/05/15 21:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Ramzan Kadyrov - Google News. New York Times Chechen Leader Scolds WhatsApp Users for Spreading 'Rumors' About Official's ... New York Times The Chechen leader, Ramzan Kadyrov , scolded users of WhatsApp o...
» Chechen Leader's Advice on Women: Lock Them in - New York Times
22/05/15 21:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Рамзан Кадыров - Google News. New York Times Chechen Leader's Advice on Women: Lock Them in New York Times MOSCOW — Ramzan A. Kadyrov , the pugnacious president of the southern Republic of Chechnya and a c...
» Заявления Кадырова указывают на напряженность с Москвой - Радио Азаттык
22/05/15 21:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Рамзан Кадыров - Google News. Радио Азаттык Заявления Кадырова указывают на напряженность с Москвой Радио Азаттык На этой неделе Рамзан Кадыров высказался против пользователей мобильного приложения WhatsAp...
» Владимир Путин вручил Рамзану Кадырову орден Почета - Life News
22/05/15 21:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Рамзан Кадыров - Google News. Life News Владимир Путин вручил Рамзану Кадырову орден Почета Life News Глава Чечни непримиримо борется с боевиками на Северном Кавказе. 4 декабря 2014 года во время нападения...
» Inside Palmyra: IS Video Shows Group's Takeover
22/05/15 19:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News - Breaking international news and headlines | Sky News. The video shows the destruction caused during the battle for the city, as fears grow the group will destroy the ancient ruins.
» RFE/RL Closes Baku Bureau, Continues Azerbaijan Operation
22/05/15 19:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. RFE/RL has closed its Baku bureau, after Azerbaijani authorities sealed the office shut in December 2014 in connection with a government-led campaign against foreign orga...
» Obama Signs Iran Nuclear Bill
22/05/15 19:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. U.S. President Barack Obama has signed into law legislation giving Congress a say on any international nuclear agreement with Iran.
» Moscow issues travel warning over U.S. 'hunt' for Russians
22/05/15 19:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's foreign ministry has warned its citizens traveling abroad of the risks posed by U.S. law enforcement bodies and special services, which it said were hunting...
» Mexican Official: About 40 Dead in Shootout in Cartel Area - New York Times
22/05/15 19:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. The Guardian Mexican Official: About 40 Dead in Shootout in Cartel Area New York Times MEXICO CITY — A Mexican official says about 40 people have been killed in large-scale firef...
» 40 cartel members dead in Mexico shootout
22/05/15 19:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. Government claims a victory over Jalisco New Generation
» U.S. Strategy Against Islamic State Under Scrutiny
22/05/15 19:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. President Barack Obama’s strategy against Islamic State is under increasing scrutiny after setbacks this week in Iraq and Syria.
» Authorities: Ex-con had help in slaying of D.C. family
22/05/15 19:49 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home - Court documents detail alleged lies by murdered man's assistant to investigators; suspect Daron Dylon Wint makes first court appearance
» You want hypotheticals? Here’s one.
22/05/15 19:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Charles Krauthammer: Most Recent Articles and Archives. Displaced Iraqis from Ramadi cross the Bzebiz bridge near Baghdad while fleeing fighting. (Karim Kadim/Associated Press) Ramadi falls . The Iraqi arm...
» Suspect in 4 gruesome D.C. killings might not have acted alone, police say
22/05/15 19:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . D.C. police arrested Daron Dylon Wint near 10th Street and Rhode Island Avenue NE on the night of May 21. Wint was apprehended in connection with the killing of a Washington family and their housekeeper. (WUS...
» Police ‘barely missed’ arresting quadruple homicide suspect in N.Y. before he was captured in D.C.
22/05/15 13:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Video shows scene of Daron Dylon Wint arrest (0:53) D.C. police arrested Daron Dylon Wint near 10th Street and Rhode Island Avenue NE on the night of May 21. Wint was apprehended in connection with the killin...
» The Insiders: The Islamic State is entirely a creation of Obama’s policies
22/05/15 13:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . By Ed Rogers May 22 at 10:51 AM As reported by Robert Costa in The Washington Post , Republicans are blaming the president not only for allowing the Islamic State to develop as a terrorist organization in the...
» The Insiders: The Islamic State is entirely a creation of Obama's policies - Washington Post (blog)
22/05/15 13:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Washington Post (blog) The Insiders: The Islamic State is entirely a creation of Obama's policies Washington Post (blog) As reported by Robert Costa in The Washington Post, Republicans...
» Iranian cargo ship mystery deepens
22/05/15 13:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. The Shahed’s voyage follows months of suspicious shipping activity amid claims that point to Tehran’s complicity in the Yemeni war
» Obama: Iran agreement will help Israel - USA TODAY
22/05/15 13:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Obama: Iran agreement will help Israel USA TODAY WASHINGTON — President Obama defended both his proposed nuclear agreement with Iran and his support for Israel during remarks Fri...
» Polish Court Adjourns Polanski Extradition Case
22/05/15 13:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. A Polish court on Friday adjourned until mid-September a hearing on whether to extradite filmmaker Roman Polanski to the United States over a 1977 child sex conviction. Polanski, who live...
» Obama Massacres Innocent Waco Bikers Over Putin Fears
22/05/15 13:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The European Union Times - World News, Breaking News. A new Foreign Intelligence Service ( SVR ) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the Obama regimes Department of Homeland Security ( DHS ...
» Eye Opener: Authorities apprehend suspect in D.C. mansion murders
22/05/15 12:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home - Daron Dylon Wint is now in custody. Also, flash flooding in Texas puts millions at risk over the Memorial Day weekend
» Yakuza Apocalypse review - berserk mess of a gangster-vampire hybrid
22/05/15 12:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Japanese genre master Takashi Miike comes to Cannes with a yakuza-meets-vampires-meets-monsters movie; no wonder, perhaps, that it’s just a mish-mash For all its berserk energ...
» U.N. panel adopts new rules on treatment of prisoners
22/05/15 12:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. VIENNA (Reuters) - A United Nations commission on Friday adopted revised rules on the treatment of prisoners in what human rights organizations hailed as a landmark deal to update 60-y...
» Demilitarizing the cops: States retool police training
22/05/15 12:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 11:33 a.m. EDT. BURIEN, Wash. (AP) -- When prosecutor Dan Satterberg used to visit Washington state's police academy, the seas would part before him. Recruits would snap to attention, b...
» California oil spill: cleanup crews work around the clock - video
22/05/15 12:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World news + Video | The Guardian. Crews clean up the California coast for a third day on Friday after an estimated 477 litres of oil leaked from a broken pipeline in the Pacific ocean off Santa Barbara. T...
» Migrants Find a Safer Route B Into Europe Via the Balkans
22/05/15 12:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from TIME. When Abu Hassan fled the Syrian city of Daraa two months ago he was determined to get his family to Europe. He considered putting his family in a boat in Libya to cross the central Mediterranean Sea....
» Cleveland braces for decisions in controversial killings by police
22/05/15 12:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home - City awaits verdict in trial of cop in 137-shot deaths of 2 unarmed people and decision on possible charges in 12-year-old's death
» Moldova Eyes Russia’s Embrace as Flirtation With Europe Fades
22/05/15 10:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Russia. Moldova’s feuding pro-European politicians are so tainted by their failure to combat corruption and create a functioning state that, to many here, Russia looks appealing.
» Ukraine fears spread of separatist conflict amid hostility towards Kiev
22/05/15 10:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Attacks in Odessa and Kharkiv suggest instability is extending across the country, fuelled by rising inflation and rocketing utility prices On a bright Sunday morning in February, Ih...
» US Lawmakers Debate Strategy After IS Gains
22/05/15 10:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Islamic State militants have made significant gains in recent days, following temporary setbacks inflicted by coalition air strikes on their positions. The radical Islamist group seized t...
» Боевики "Исламского государства" установили полный контроль над границей между Сирией и Ираком - Первый канал
22/05/15 10:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Первый канал Боевики "Исламского государства" установили полный контроль над границей между Сирией и Ираком Первый канал Экстремисты захватили последний из удерживавшихся...
» Energia's Lopota Put Under House Arrest In Moscow
22/05/15 10:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The former head of famed Russian space company Energia, which launched the first satellite and manned space flights, was charged with abuse of power and placed under hous...
» Hollande's calculated turn on Russia - Politico
22/05/15 10:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Politico Hollande's calculated turn on Russia Politico “There are two camps in the French establishment: the so-called Gaullist line which sees Russia as a partner in an enlarged, con...
» U.S. Envoy In Israel To Discuss Nuclear-Free Middle East
22/05/15 10:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The United States has sent a top envoy to Israel to try to revive talks on a Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons.
» Американский ракетный эсминец "Росс" зайдет в Черное море - Интерфакс
22/05/15 10:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. УНИАН Американский ракетный эсминец "Росс" зайдет в Черное море Интерфакс Москва. 22 мая. INTERFAX.RU - Эскадренный миноносец DDG 71 "Росс" войдет в субботу в а...
» IS Captures Another Town In Anbar Province
22/05/15 10:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Islamic State militants are reported to have seized another town in Iraq's western Anbar Province, less than a week after capturing the provincial capital, Ramadi.
» Op-Ed Contributor: A Victory for Pope Francis
22/05/15 10:26 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. The beatification of an assassinated archbishop is an important marker in the routing of hard-line conservatives in the church.
» Obama Speaks About Anti-Semitism at Washington Synagogue
22/05/15 10:26 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. President Barack Obama will visit one of Washington's largest synagogues Friday and is expected to outline his administration's response to the resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe. The ...
» Russia Now in ‘a State of War for Survival with the US,’ Russia Today Commentator Says
22/05/15 10:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Window on Eurasia -- New Series. Paul Goble               Staunton, May 22 – Rostislav Ishchenko, a commentator for Russia Today who gained notor...
» Amnesty Says Torture Of Ukraine War Prisoners Widespread
22/05/15 10:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Amnesty International says both warring sides in eastern Ukraine are almost daily perpetrating war crimes, including torture and summary killings of prisoners.
» Wary of Russia, Europe now tiptoes when it comes to expansion
22/05/15 10:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Europe News: News and Headlines from Europe - The Washington Post. RIGA, Latvia — The last time European leaders gathered to discuss the future of the nations that lie between E.U. borders and Russia, the ...
» 2,844,1072,844,107
22/05/15 07:45 from Mike Nova - Google+
2,844,107 2,844,107 This post has been generated by Page2RSS
» Feds: Accused ISIL recruit threatened to kill FBI agents
21/05/15 22:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . One of the Twin Cities men charged with supporting terrorism planned to kill FBI agents who were investigating their activities over the last 10-months, according to federal authorities who’ve reviewed ...
» Justice Department contradicts Attorney General Loretta Lynch's claims about Patriot Act
21/05/15 22:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Boing Boing. In the midst of the last-minute Congressional debate about whether to re-authorize Patriot Act Section 215, the Justice Department Inspector General (IG) released a long awaited report today o...
» See the Ancient Syrian City of Palmyra That Was Just Captured by ISIS
21/05/15 21:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from TIME. After months of fierce fighting, the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) captured the town of Palmyra northeast of Syria’s capital Damascus on Thursday, leaving the group in control ...
» Iraq’Launches Review of ISIS Siege of Ramadi
21/05/15 21:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has ordered a review of the circumstances that allowed Islamic State militants to seize the key city of Ramadi several days ago.
» Is Fall of Palmyra a Strategic Loss for Syria?
21/05/15 21:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. The swift takeover of Palmyra—after only days of fighting—may have been a huge military victory for the Islamic State group but it may have also been, in part, a calculated strategic loss...
» Concern in Jerusalem over international decision against Israeli nuclear program - Haaretz
21/05/15 21:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Haaretz Concern in Jerusalem over international decision against Israeli nuclear program Haaretz Israeli officials worried Obama administration won't help foil creation of internationa...
» FBI used Patriot Act to obtain 'large collections' of Americans' data, DoJ finds
21/05/15 21:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Report by department’s inspector general found that the FBI received from the Fisa court 51 orders for such data between 2007 and 2009 As lawmakers and security agencies brace...
» 'This is the Chinese navy ... You go!' -
21/05/15 21:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. 'This is the Chinese navy ... You go!' CHINA says it is entitled to keep watch over airspace and seas surrounding artificial islands it created in the dis...
» US admits children killed in airstrikes against Islamic State - Bangor Daily News
21/05/15 21:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. US admits children killed in airstrikes against Islamic State Bangor Daily News WASHINGTON — Two children were likely killed by a U.S. airstrike in Syria in November, the U.S. mi...
» Pentagon says US anti-armor weapons due in Iraq next week - Lynchburg News and Advance
21/05/15 21:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Pentagon says US anti-armor weapons due in Iraq next week Lynchburg News and Advance WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon says an expedited shipment of 2,000 lightweight anti-armor weapons s...
» WorldViews: The splendors of Palmyra, the ancient Syrian city captured by the Islamic State
21/05/15 21:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post. The Islamic State this week captured Palmyra, an ancient desert city in the heart of Syria and a UNESCO World Heritage site, ...
» Baltimore Grand Jury Indicts Officers in Freddie Gray's Death - ABC News
21/05/15 21:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. ABC News Baltimore Grand Jury Indicts Officers in Freddie Gray's Death ABC News Three weeks after Baltimore's top prosecutor announced initial charges against the six police offi...
» US admits killing two children in Syria air strikes -
21/05/15 21:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. US admits killing two children in Syria air strikes US air strikes against Islamist extremists in Syria killed two children by mistake, officials ...
» Despite Obama endorsement, U.S. concerns grow over Iraqi premier
21/05/15 21:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration is publicly voicing confidence in Iraq’s prime minister in the fight against surging Islamic State militants, but privately some U.S. of...
» Op-Ed Contributor: Calm Down. ISIS Isn’t Winning.
21/05/15 21:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. The fall of Ramadi and Palmyra isn’t a disaster. In Iraq, at least, there is hope.
» Islamic State Gains Ground as Palmyra Falls to Militants
21/05/15 21:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Observers say Islamic State has captured the last Syrian-controlled border crossing between Syria and Iraq. The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Syrian forces fled t...
» U.S. vets who took Ramadi in 2006 mourn its loss to ISIS
21/05/15 21:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home - 1,300 American troops died to take the city during the Iraq war; now ISIS is gaining control
» Grand jury indictments in Freddie Gray case
21/05/15 21:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home - Baltimore's state attorney said all six police officers were indicted for the death of Gray, who died from injuries incurred in custody
» American solider killed in Iraq finally gets justice
21/05/15 21:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home - A London cabbie was convicted Thursday for building roadside bombs used in Iraq, including one that killed a U.S. solider and wounded others
» Afghan Unity Government Split On Intelligence-Sharing Deal
21/05/15 21:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. A controversial security deal with Pakistan has exposed deep divisions in Afghanistan's unity government.
» Swedish Fighter Jets Intercept Russian Bombers
21/05/15 21:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Sweden's military says its fighter jets intercepted two Russian bombers flying in international air space over the Baltic Sea close to the Swedish border on May 21.
» Smoke rises over Palmyra as Isis take control of historic city - video
21/05/15 21:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World news + Video | The Guardian. Smoke is spotted over the the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra after Islamic State militants seized full control of the historic city in central Syria on Thursday, just day...
» Former royal aide to leave prison after serving 14 years for murder
21/05/15 21:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Jane Andrews, former dresser of Duchess of York, lost previous attempt to win release on grounds that she remained a threat A former aide to the Duchess of York who was jailed...
» Kim Jong-un orders more military top brass to be executed
21/05/15 21:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is believed to have continued his purge of senior military ranks after he ordered the execution of several top general who were previously central to t...
» kerry putin isis iran - Google Search
21/05/15 16:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Kerry Meets Putin in Russia for Talks on Iran , ISIS and Yemen <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> - May 12, 2015 Secretary of State John Kerry had a rare direct meeting wi...
» Russia offers military aid to Iraq during PM visit
21/05/15 16:48 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . MOSCOW Russia offered visiting Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi military and other aid on Thursday to help push back Islamic State militants who have made further sweeping gains in both Iraq and Syria thi...
» abadi and putin - Google Search
21/05/15 16:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Search Results In the news Russia offers military aid to Iraq during PM visit Reuters ‎ - 1 hour ago ... Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the start of talks with Abadi in the Kremlin, hailing ...
» maliki iraq and isis - Google Search
21/05/15 16:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . The war against ISIS in Iraq just took a dark turn Business Insider - May 18, 2015 ISIS formed after the US occupation of Iraq , which toppled dictator ... of the authoritarian Iran-backed regime of Nouri al-...
» The war against ISIS in Iraq just took a dark turn
21/05/15 16:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Military & Defense. The Islamic State terrorist group just claimed a big victory in Iraq with the seizing of Ramadi, the provincial capital of Iraq's largest region. And Baghdad's actions before and af...
» Isis advance blows a hole in Obama’s Iraq strategy
21/05/15 15:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Ever since the Islamist militants of Isis swept into northern Iraq from Syria last June, the Obama administration has had a consistent response: the Syrian conflict may be complex and uncertain, officials wou...
» Isis blows hole in Obama’s Iraq strategy
21/05/15 15:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. The fall of Ramadi exposes four principal problems in the US campaign
» Eight Charged Over London Jewelry Heist
21/05/15 15:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. Eight men have been charged with plotting a heist that prosecutors say involved the theft of more than £10 million of valuables from London’s jewelry district.
» Islamic State threatens ancient Syrian site with destruction - USA TODAY
21/05/15 15:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. USA TODAY Islamic State threatens ancient Syrian site with destruction USA TODAY Dread swept through the archaeological world Thursday with the Islamic State's capture of Palmyra in Sy...
» Obama: Netanyahu's anti-Arab remarks likely to have foreign policy consequences - Haaretz
21/05/15 15:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Haaretz Obama: Netanyahu's anti-Arab remarks likely to have foreign policy consequences Haaretz President says because U.S. is close to Israel, Oval Office had to speak up about Israel...
» ISIS execute a man with a BAZOOKA in shocking new video
21/05/15 15:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. Shocking footage emerged today showing the captive exploding into a ball of flames after being shot with the rocket-propelled grenade after being accused of fighting ISIS in Syria.
» Lonely man finds a home in Islam, and then in Islamic State
21/05/15 15:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 2:41 p.m. EDT. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) -- Before he left New Zealand, Mark Taylor spoke with a local television network. "I've been lonely all my life," he said. "Been rejected by ...
» Pentagon Rhetoric About Ramadi’s Fall Risks U.S. Credibility
21/05/15 15:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from TIME. When generals start playing with syntax, hold on to your wallets. “The ISF (Iraqi Security Forces) was not driven out of Ramadi,” Army General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, s...
» Destruction of Palmyra would be 'loss to humanity'
21/05/15 15:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AFP's YouTube Videos. From: AFP Duration: 01:14 Keep up-to-date with the latest news, subscribe here: The destruction of the UNESCO World Heritage site of Palmyra would be a...
» Obama: 'I don't think we're losing' fight with Islamic State: Atlantic
21/05/15 15:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said the fall of the Iraqi city of Ramadi to Islamic State militants was a "tactical setback" but in an interview released on Thursda...
» Jeb Bush says brother should have been tougher on spending - USA TODAY
21/05/15 15:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. USA TODAY Jeb Bush says brother should have been tougher on spending USA TODAY Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush speaks to a morning crowd at the Draft restaurant, Thursday, May 21, 2...
» Iraq’s PM seeks fresh support in Moscow talks
21/05/15 15:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from euronews. Perhaps sensing that his allies’ support for Iraq is weakening Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has flown to Moscow to try and renew the two countries previously warm relationship. Immediatel...
» After Novorossia
21/05/15 15:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. If and how the separatist-held territories of Donbas will be reintegrated into Ukraine will be the main battleground in the conflict's endgame. And for scenarios of how t...
» Iraq's PM seeks fresh support in Moscow talks - euronews
21/05/15 15:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. euronews Iraq's PM seeks fresh support in Moscow talks euronews Perhaps sensing that his allies' support for Iraq is weakening Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has flown to Moscow to try...
» Isis militants control half of Syria
21/05/15 15:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. City’s capture sparks antiquity fears but Assad opponents say jihadis ‘more merciful’ than president
» US Senate boosts Obama in trade fight
21/05/15 15:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. Legislative dance highlights difficult balancing act president faces in Congress
» Obama says to designate Tunisia a major non-NATO ally
21/05/15 15:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Thursday that he plans to designate Tunisia as a major non-NATO ally of the United States,
» Suspect in D.C. family's brutal murder may be in NYC
21/05/15 14:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home - District police chief says slaying of four in Savopoulos mansion wasn't random, suspect once worked for one victim's construction company
» Daron Dylon Wint named suspect after Savvas Savopoulos, family found dead, Washington police say
21/05/15 14:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from National news from Newsday. WASHINGTON - Investigators believe a suspect in the mysterious slayings of a wealthy Washington family and their housekeeper is in the Brooklyn area, police said Thursday. D.C. ...
» Police name suspect in D.C. family's brutal murder
21/05/15 14:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Police have named a suspect in a harrowing quadruple murder in Washington, D.C., blocks away from the vice president's home, reports CBS News correspondent Wyatt Andrews. Police say Daron Dylon Wint was invol...
» Is your Takata air bag under recall?
21/05/15 14:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has created some online resources to help consumers whose vehicle may have a defective air bag made by Takata. The Japanese air bag maker announced o...
» Inside the Investigation into the Deaths of a CEO and His Family :
21/05/15 13:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Latest News. Savvas and Amy Savopoulos were the toast of Washington society. Neighbors described the wealthy couple as "wonderful" people who were active donors to various charities and causes t...
» Can the Iraqi government stop ISIS from taking Baghdad?
21/05/15 12:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from - World. CNN's Arwa Damon looks at the latest strategy for halting ISIS' advances.
» Will ISIS bulldoze ancient Syrian city?
21/05/15 12:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from - World. Another world wonder is on the brink of destruction as ISIS continues its rampage through the cultural heritage of Iraq and Syria.
» Imam kicked, pushed and dragged along a nine-year-old boy who forgot passage of the Koran during lessons
21/05/15 12:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. Raza Ul-Mustafa Sabir, 30, turned on the young boy during a lesson at the Jamiz Nizamia mosque in Derby after he forgot a passage of the Koran, leaving the youngster with a bruised leg.
» Palmyra before the fall: Why ISIS destruction sickens me
21/05/15 12:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from - World. Palmyra: a 2,000-year old city that's remarkably preserved in the middle of the Syrian desert. And now, it's in the hands of ISIS.
» Russians face ultimate test of loyalties
21/05/15 12:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. The educated and wealthy head the queue for a future abroad and away from the rule of Putin
» Was Picasso a misogynist?
21/05/15 12:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. The greatest artist of the 20th century has been characterised as a bully, a narcissist and a man who feared as well as desired women. But are the stories really true? Jonatha...
» Phone hacking: Celebrities win damages from Mirror Group - BBC Sport
21/05/15 12:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. BBC Sport Phone hacking: Celebrities win damages from Mirror Group BBC Sport Damages totalling nearly £1.25m have been awarded to eight people whose phones were hacked by Mirror Group ...
» How Much More Money Will Moscow Throw At Daghestan?
21/05/15 12:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The Russian daily Kommersant has reported that the federal Ministry for the North Caucasus is mulling a separate program of financial support for Daghestan under which th...
» AP PHOTOS: Heritage sites under Islamic State control
21/05/15 12:49 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 10 a.m. EDT. When Islamic State fighters routed Syrian government forces and took control of the ruins of Palmyra Thursday morning, the ancient city became the latest archaeological sit...
» Another Spying Scandal Adds to Political Crisis for Merkel
21/05/15 12:48 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. After leaks to the news media, awkward correspondence and a parliamentary investigation, Berlin and Washington are at loggerheads over secret service activities, and not for the first time.
» Abadi Seeks Russian Help In Fight Against IS
21/05/15 12:48 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi has met his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, during a visit to Moscow aimed at boosting cooperation in the fight against the Isl...
» Islamic State Claims Full Control of Palmyra
21/05/15 12:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. Islamic State claimed full control of the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra and a nearby military airport and prison, as a monitoring group said the militants had now captured 50% of the ...
» HRW Calls On Kyrgyz To Reject 'Foreign Agents' Bill
21/05/15 12:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Human Rights Watch has called on Kyrgyz deputies to reject a bill requiring domestic NGOs that receive foreign funding and engage in "political activities" to register as...
» Exclusive: Turkish intelligence helped ship arms to Syrian Islamist rebel areas - court documents
21/05/15 12:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. ADANA, Turkey (Reuters) - Turkey's state intelligence agency helped deliver arms to parts of Syria under Islamist rebel control during late 2013 and early 2014, according to a prosecut...
» Arrogant serial criminal wanted for killing CEO, his wife and their son in DC mansion
21/05/15 12:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The European Union Times - World News, Breaking News. Suspect Daron Wint, 34, whose DNA was on a Domino’s pizza crust at the scene. The man suspected of torturing and killing a wealthy CEO, his wife,...
» Russia ready to help Iraq defeat Islamic State: Lavrov
21/05/15 12:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is ready to supply weapons to Iraq, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Thursday, as the country struggles to halt advances by Islamic State militants.
» Chinese University Denies Involvement in 'Economic Espionage'
21/05/15 12:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. A Chinese state-run university named in a U.S. indictment as being linked to suspected economic espionage has denied being involved in inappropriate activity, calling the allegations a...
» Police: Washington officer shot men who tried to steal beer - Washington Post
21/05/15 12:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. KOMO News Police: Washington officer shot men who tried to steal beer Washington Post OLYMPIA, Washington — Police in the capital of Washington state say an officer shot two men ...


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