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As Oil Prices Fall, Putin’s Russia Faces a Long, Cold Winter Thursday August 27th, 2015 at 11:36 AM | putin and anti-isis coalition - Google Search

Владимир Путин сделал заявление для прессы по завершении российско-египетских переговоров.

As Oil Prices Fall, Putin’s Russia Faces a Long, Cold Winter

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Winters are the stuff of legend in Russia and – despite a fair bit of warming – winter 2015/16 is shaping up to be one of the harshest, and most formative, in recent memory.
After a brief period of respite – and muted acceptance of the “new normal” – to start the year, Putin and company again face a colossal economic mess. From worst to first and back again, the Russian ruble continues its volatile post-Crimea journey. Its surprise run as the world’s number one performing major currency is long gone and the ruble has collapsed nearly 25 percent since the end of May, and 11 percent alone in August. For optimists and pessimists alike, speculation on the ruble’s future is an exercise in futility. To be sure – on its current path – it’s not a very fun activity either.
On a micro level, the ripple effects have hit hard. Real wages, or purchasing power, fell 4.8 percent in July and dropped 9.2 percent compared with the same period a year ago. Disposable income is also down 2.9 percent on the year. Unemployment remained steady, but an increasing number of workers are not getting paid; the amount of salary in arrears climbed 6.2 percent in July. Further, there is talk of delinking pension hikes from inflation, a move that would condemn a growing number of the population to abject poverty should the economic trends continue.
More broadly, the recession is in full swing. Russia’s gross domestic product slipped 4.6 percent year-on-year in the second quarter – a fall that makes it the worst performing mid-sized economy in the world, ahead of Iraq and Venezuela. Negative growth in 2016 is looking more and more possible and Bank of Russia economists estimate that western sanctions have lowered the GDP ceiling by as much as 0.6 percent this year.
Energy export revenues have obviously tanked, but longer-term sources of growth are also proving elusive in the current climate. Capital expenditures in industrial production and infrastructure are down and continue to fall. Conversely, capital flight may reach $90 billion by year’s end.
It’s quite apparent that a business-as-usual approach spells trouble for Russia; minus some budgetary magic, or a swift oil price turnaround, the reserve fund may dry up within a year. The solutions are not abundantly clear, but, for the first time in a long time, the costs of changing an inefficient status quo – Russia’s institutional trap – may finally outweigh the benefits of its existence.
Grumblings of discontent at the top have been quick to surface. President of the struggling Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin is out – apparently of his own volition – and other CEOs, Rosneft’s Sechin and Gazprom’s Miller included, may see their tenures cut short in the name of greater efficiency.
Bailout legislation currently in the works aims to reduce the strain on nationally significant companies, but the list of suitors far exceeds the available capital. It is unclear whether or not Gazprom and Rosneft are among the early applicants for aid, but Putin has promised that current and future supply projects, and foreign contracts, will not be threatened.
Toward this end, a push for technological and operational independence has been prioritized. Baker Hughes has entered into a partnership with Novosibirsk State University on the modeling of oil fields; GazpromNeft is developing its own forecasting software; and the government is working to provide import-substituting producers with the appropriate financial levers for success. Still, both cost- and time-intensive, this is a long-term contingency plan that few can count on.
For its part, foreign experience will continue to play a major role. Halliburton’s Sperry Drilling, C.A.T.Oil AG, and Schlumberger are just some of the companies taking advantage of the increaseddemand for horizontal drilling in conventional plays. Rosneft will look for its newest acquisition, Trican Well Service, to provide similar, production enhancing, services.
Further, a draft bill seeks to open up large deposits of oil and gas for exploration – a tacit admission that the old, and oft-changing, mineral regime did little to spur greenfield development. However, interest in the blocks, previously off-limits to foreign producers, is hardly encouraging.
Maintaining output and market share amid low demand and low prices remains the goal du jour. And, to be sure, the oil and gas will keep flowing – there’s no other option. But, for the people at the top, and the people on the ground, it’s going to be a long winter.
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Путин ответил на призыв философа из Чили

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Президент России Владимир Путин ответил на обращение чилийского философа Дарио Саласа Соммэра, который призвал лидеров стран БРИКС не забывать о высших человеческих качествах в погоне за материальными ценностями. Глава российского государства согласился, что поступать в соответствии с принципами морали не только честно, но и выгодно.
Путин отклинулся на обращение философа, отметив актуальность и важность идей его книги "Мораль XXI века". Он отметил, что в современном мире определенно существует дефицит моральных и нравственных принципов, как среди политиков, так и среди обычных граждан. При этом отсутствие морали в политике и бизнесе вызывает катастрофические последствия для всего человечества, указал президент России.
"Не могу не согласиться с Дарио Саласом Соммэром, что поступать в соответствии с принципами морали – не только честно, но и выгодно. Такие идеи сегодня важны как никогда для всего мира. Отношения в мире необходимо строить на качественно иной основе, чем ранее, – на единых принципах морали. Это единственная возможность для всего человечества выжить и развиваться", – подчеркнул российский лидер.
Напомним, что на саммите БРИКС, который прошел в конце июля в Уфе, к лидерам государств обратился чилийский философ Дарио Cалас Соммэр с призывом помнить о фундаментальной важности развивать высшие человеческие качества. "Современное общество, в погоне за материальным успехом, может потерять глубокий смысл своего существования. Это несет глобальные риски всем народам мира", – говорил философ.
Владимир Путин первым из руководителей БРИКС ответил на обращение автора "Морали XXI века", что подчеркивает особое внимание современной России к темам гуманитарного и нравственного развития. Книгу "Мораль XXI века" получили все лидеры государств БРИКС во время саммита в Уфе. Ранее в августе 2013 года она была вручена Путину делегацией студентов из Латинской Америки в ходе молодежного форума на Селигере.

Путин обсудил с кабмином нестабильную ситуацию на мировых финансовых рынках

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27 августа 2015, 00:01
Самую актуальную тему последних дней – нестабильную ситуацию на мировых финансовых рынках и, как следствие, некоторое  ослабление курса рубля Владимир Путин обсудил этим вечером на совещании с членами правительства. Оценку происходящему президент попросил дать ключевым представителям экономического блока.
Такие совещания президент России проводит последние полтора года с периодичностью дважды в месяц. Первое из них состоялось 15 января 2014 года. Тогда основной целью этих встреч был контроль за реализацией «майских указов» президента.
Глава государства дал понять, что в заседаниях будут участвовать не только члены правительства, но и при необходимости руководители крупных регионов страны и муниципалитетов.
С тех пор на встречах по-прежнему обсуждаются текущие и стратегические социально-экономические задачи. Однако новые условия продиктовали и новую повестку дня: в центре внимания на встречах Путина с кабмином все чаще оказываются вопросы импортозамещения, а также ответные меры на недружественные шаги других стран.
Фото: пресс-служба президента РФ

Сирия: Путин переходит в наступление | ИноСМИ

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Владимир Путин вновь пытается помочь Башару Асаду вернуться на международную арену, всецело привлекая его к борьбе против ИГ. Фактически Москва предложила Вашингтону и его партнерам двойственный подход к борьбе против Исламского государства (ИГ) в Сирии, который подразумевает создание коалиции и поддержку политического процесса.
Борьба против ИГ: Башар Асад является частью процесса
Очевидно, борьба против ИГ является на сегодняшний день приоритетной задачей ООН, и Башар Асад является частью этого процесса. Данное решение, утвержденное Советом безопасности ООН 17 августа 2015, безусловно, является шагом вперед. Как известно, Владимир Путин выдвинул инициативу создания коалиции по борьбе с Исламским государством, которая включала бы Асада, поскольку российский президент сильно опасается проникновения боевиком ИГ в Центральную Азию и на Кавказ.

От 2 до 5 тысяч боевиков ИГ являются гражданами бывшего СССР

Стоит отметить, что от 2 до 5 тысяч боевиков ИГ являются гражданами государств бывшего Советского союза. После первой чеченской войны (1994-1996) между российскими и сепаратистскими силами, повстанческое движение постепенно исламизировалось и стало выходить все дальше за границы Чечни, а в середине 2000-х превратилось в активное вооруженное исламистское движение, действующее на всем Северном Кавказе.
В данном контексте боевики, которые являются выходцами с Кавказа, играют решающую роль. Они занимают самые высокие посты среди военного руководства ИГ. Рамзан Кадыров сообщил о смерти одного из лидеров Исламского государства, Тархана Батирашвили, также известного под именем Абу Умар аш-Шишани, который ранее прославился тем, что грозился развязать войну в Чечне.
Основная цель борьбы против ИГ в том, чтобы помешать образованию джихадистских территорий, которые смогли бы предоставлять убежище всем будущим террористам. Бессилие несостоявшихся государств делает это возможным. Необходимо мобилизовать силы всех государств региона, чтобы сократить мировоззренческий раскол между шиитами и суннитами, между Ираном и Саудовской Аравией.
Совсем недавно, 11 августа 2015 года, в ходе операции дагестанских сил правопорядка, в возрасте 39 лет был убит глава Имарата Кавказ, Магомед Сулейманов, вместе с тремя другими повстанцами, среди которых его правая рука Камиль Саидов.
Фрагментация Ближнего Востока идет полным ходом, и США уже не в состоянии контролировать ключевых игроков. Кроме того, следует отметить, что Россия выступила с инициативой ровно в тот момент, когда «фрагментация Ближнего Востока идет полным ходом, и США уже не в состоянии контролировать события, ключевыми игроками в которых являются Турция, Саудовская Аравия, Иран и, в меньшей мере, Катар и Израиль. Ядерное соглашение лишь усугубит ситуацию — перспектива снятия санкций дает больше свободы действий иранцам, которые постараются расширить свое региональное влияние через Хизбаллу, Хамас, алавитов в Сирии и хуситов в Йемене», утверждает географ Фабрис Баланш, директор Научно-исследовательской группы по Средиземноморью и Ближнему Востоку.
В данной ситуации глава Кремля, опираясь на хорошие отношения с шиитскими силами, имеет все шансы сформировать новый союз против ИГ. Однако, ему, безусловно, придется столкнуться с трудностями, пытаясь убедить суннитские державы региона, за исключением Турции Реджепа Эрдогана.
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Russia, Egypt support forming anti-ISIS coalition with Syria

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Russia and Egypt support the creation of a broad anti-terrorist coalition, which would include Syria, to fight Islamic State militants, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a joint media conference with his Egyptian counterpart Abdel el-Sisi.
“We underline the fundamental importance of the formation of a broad anti-terrorist front involving key international players and regional countries, including Syria,” Putin said on Wednesday.
“We have common views on the need to intensify the fight against international terrorism, which is relevant, considering the aggressive ambitions of radical structures, particularly the so-called Islamic State.”
“Every time we meet, the Egyptian people hope to see improvements in the cooperation between us and Russia in different fields, including the economy, but also the fight against terror in a region suffering from terrorism,” Sisi said at the media conference.
“It has an impact on our region’s stability and security. Not just in some countries, but in the entire region and possibly the whole world.”
During Sisi’s visit to Moscow, the heads of states discussed a wide range of issues, including the situation in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as economic cooperation.
At their third meeting this year, Putin reiterated Russia’s commitment to include Egypt in the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) free trade zone. He repeated that the two countries intend to exclude the US dollar and use their own national currencies to settle accounts in bilateral trade.
“We agreed to jointly foster efforts in order to weaken the impact of external factors and bring the turnover of goods to a sustainable growth trajectory. Practicable establishment of a free trade zone between the EAEU and Egypt, the use of national currencies in mutual settlements, and promotion of investment cooperation are among the specific steps for the incentivization of the economy,” Putin said.
Putin added that Egypt has enjoyed wider opportunities in supplying food to Russia since Moscow introduced counter-sanctions related to food imports against some states last year. Egypt’s supplies to Russia rose significantly in the first half of 2015, he said.
He also announced plans to increase grain deliveries to Egypt. Plans for Russia to participate in the developing of Egypt’s grain infrastructure were also discussed by the heads of state.
Grain deliveries from Russia to Egypt amounted to 4 million tons in 2014, which is 40% of Egypt’s total demand, Putin noted. In 2014, there was an 86% increase in bilateral trade compared to 2013, reaching $5.5 billion.
The two leaders also discussed joint construction of a nuclear power plant in Egypt using Russian technology, Putin said.
 “One of the largest bilateral projects is the construction of a nuclear power plant in Egypt using Russian technology. Experts of both countries are completing the development of practical aspects concerning the construction of this station,” Putin said.
In February, Putin and Sisi signed several agreements under which Russia committed to help Egypt build a new nuclear power industry.
On Wednesday, Putin hinted that Russia may supply the Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft to Egypt.
“The issue of deliveries of Sukhoi Superjet aircraft for the needs of the Egyptian national airline is being worked out,” Putin said.
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Путин, посовещавшись с правительством, убедился, что рубль спасать не будут - Экономика

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Силуанов обвинил во всем Китай, а Набиуллина понадеялась на нефть
Вчера в 21:08, просмотров: 55387
Владимир Путин не нашел, чем успокоить россиян, удрученных падением курса рубля. На совещании с членами правительства он поинтересовался ситуацией на валютном и нефтяном рынках, но не высказал своего отношения к происходящему. Скупы на конкретику были и сидящие за столом министры. Глава ЦБ Эльвира Набиуллина сообщила, что цена на нефть, к которой привязана национальная валюта, может, как падать, так и расти. А глава Минфина Антон Силуанов доложил, что аналитики не ждут ничего хорошего, поэтому бюджет следующего года должен отвечать новым макроэкономическим условиям.
Путин, посовещавшись с правительством, убедился, что рубль спасать не будут
фото: Геннадий Черкасов
По словам министра финансов, цены на нефть за месяц упали на 20%, а за последнюю неделю на 10%. Это происходит из-за перепроизводства сырья и отсутствия ранее прогнозируемого спроса на энергоресурсы. Главный виновник происходящего - Китай. Силуанов посетовал на сохраняющуюся неопределенность темпов роста китайской экономики, которая в значительной степени влияет на востребованность энергетических товаров. Усилившаяся волатильность на нефтяном рынке потянула за собой национальные валюты. Это коснулось не только России, уточнил министр. В аналогичной ситуации оказались все развивающиеся страны, а также государства-экспортеры. По оценкам Силуанова, снижение курса варьируется в пределах 5-15%. Российский рубль занимает промежуточную позицию, потеряв с начала месяца 10%. При этом фондовый рынок РФ упал на 15%. "Подобная ситуация уже была в начале года, - напомнил Силуанов, - Но потом нефть подорожала, и рубль укрепился. Нельзя исключать повторения этого сценария, однако аналитики говорят, что снижение цен на нефть будет носить долгосрочный характер и к этому надо готовиться".
В слабую полемику с министром, точнее, с цитируемыми им экспертами, попыталась вступить глава ЦБ Эльвира Набиуллина. По ее словам, "цена на нефть может падать, а может и расти". Причем "разворот может произойти в любой момент". "Хотя российская финансовая система не защищена от всех рисков, мы все просчитали, наращивали золотовалютные резервы, укрепляли подушку безопасности", - заверила она. Главная задача ЦБ на текущий момент, "чтобы динамика курса рубля минимально отразилась на росте цен". Для этого, по мнению Набиуллиной, есть все предпосылки. В частности, Банк России готов продлить режим льготного банковского регулирования, который ранее планировалось отменить с 1 октября.
Антон Силуанов пообещал Путину, что все обязательства этого года будут выполнены, хотя для этого придется задействовать имеющиеся у России резервы. В целом совещание у президента подтвердило мнение экспертов, что власти пока вполне устраивает ситуация на валютном рынке. Арифметика проста: бюджет сверстан из расчета среднегодовых цен на нефть в $50 за баррель и курса в 61,5 руб. за доллар, иными словами рублевая цена барреля составляет 3075 руб. Получается, что при цене нефти, например, в $43 доллар должен стоить 71,5 руб., при $42 – 73,2 руб., при $40 – 76,88 руб и тд. Эти расчеты в целом соответствуютдинамике курса в обменниках. Поэтому никакой программы по спасению "деревянного" правительство, вопреки ожиданиям граждан, по всей видимости, не разрабатывает.
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The West should swallow its pride and work with Russia to save the Middle East

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Those who try to manipulate intra-Islamic conflict will light fuses which lead back home
The same is true for the next critical issue on the regional and, equally, international agenda: the fight against the so-called Islamic State. Here, too, a genuine international effort is in the order of the day. Things like double containment proved wrong for world powers. What grounds to believe that regional players left to their own devices will be smarter? It is irresponsible to expect that the Sunni-Shia schism will provide a universal solution to all the problems of the region and a firewall of protection from adverse weather beyond one's borders. Those who try to manipulate this intra-Islamic conflict will light fuses which lead back home. At any rate, it would result in a substantial reordering of regional borders, massive displacement of population on the scale of partitioning of India in 1947, as well as economic disruption with huge consequences for global energy and financial markets.
President Vladimir Putin has proposed establishing a broad coalition to fight this evil. To be effective, it has to include all regional players, first of all Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran, who have substantial potential to contribute to this effort. All international stakeholders should assist them, with legitimacy provided by a UN Security Council mandate.
All agree that airstrikes alone won't stop Isil and those affiliated with them. It must be a coalition of the like-minded, including those who are fighting the extremists on the ground, ie the Syrian and Iraqi armies, the Kurds and the countries hosting them, which could provide assistance in that struggle. Russia already provides such assistance to Iraq and Syria. When President Vladimir Putin met Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Minister of Defense Mohammed bin Salman in June in Saint Petersburg, he meant precisely this – a united front against terrorism.
Moscow talks 'unlikely to yield breakthrough on Iran's nuclear ambitions', Russia warns
The search for political settlement in Syria should also be reinvigorated on a realistic basis. Those were the main objectives of Moscow at the last round of diplomatic talks in Doha, Qatar. Two documents on Syria recently passed in rapid succession by the UN Security Council - Resolution 2235 on identifying perpetrators using chemical weapons, and the President’s statement in support of Staffan de Mistura’s effort to restart political process - inspire hope.
There is no point in discussing the origins of the present situation in Iraq and Syria. It is the mortal threat it poses that counts. So called situative alliances with dubious entities or attempts to fight prospective allies on other fronts will doom the entire enterprise. Nobody in the region will be capable of ensuring its safety on such terms. On the contrary, it will prove to be self-defeating. It is not by chance that the word "self-destruction" is now widely used in political analysis.
If only for the sake of humility, let's turn to European experience between the two World Wars. Ideology was to blame, as well as diplomatic calculus which turned out to be ridiculous in hindsight as it was disastrous for the region and the world at large in practice. The appeasement of Nazi Germany, meant to be a firewall against the Soviet Union and communism, ended in tears, including the tragedies of Dunkirk and the fall of France and other European countries. Lack of trust and ideological fears muddied the water and distorted political analysis. In the final count, the need to deal with the existential threat of Nazism helped overcome those differences and fears.
Cold War politics is to blame for the catastrophe in the Middle East. The first wave of political awakening was nipped in the bud
Now, too, the Middle East is facing a similar threat of implosion. What is required of all the players is rallying around a single clear-cut purpose. Whatever domestic transformations are imminent, it will always be easier to manage collectively, with outside assistance and in a more benign environment. The fight against Isil is no substitute for reforms. Rather it is a prerequisite and precondition for them. All the countries of the region are facing this challenge.
All agree that the region is in a catastrophic state, whether visible or not. Of course, Cold War politics is to blame. The first wave of political awakening soon after the war was nipped in the bud. The overthrow of the Mossadegh government in Iran and the assassination of Patrice Lumumba in Congo were symbols of this counter-transformation. But after the Cold War ended, there remained no rational justification for the lack of transformative action. Business as usual, including stagnation in the Arab-Israeli settlement, could only be explained by hubris and the end-of-history euphoria which fed inertia and vain hope for things to sort out by themselves.
Now that it is obvious that no outside strategic oversight is possible in this region, the extraregional players acting in concert could provide assistance in finding regional solutions to regional problems. It is not about tutelage of the past, but a mature and honest talk of what is to be done and what kind of help can be provided. For outside players, it'll be dealing with their own problems, particularly threat of terrorism and uncontrolled migration, at their source.
Short of genuine regional cooperation, there will be no hope in the region, no stability and no development. This is the only way to find a sustainable solution to the migration crisis in Europe, too. People in the region, especially the young, with no prospects of education and jobs, are facing the stark choice between emigration and joining the extremist outfits.
Old politics does not provide solutions to today's problems. All the more reason for us to help others learn the universal lessons of history, rather than let them repeat it. Outside players failed the region in the past. We cannot fail it now.
Alexander Yakovenko is Russia's ambassador to the United Kingdom.
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putin and anti-isis coalition - Google Search

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    Russia, Egypt support forming anti-ISIS coalition with Syria - Putin

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    Russia and Egypt support the creation of a broad anti-terrorist coalition, which would include Syria, to fight Islamic State militants, Russian ...
    Russia, Egypt Support Forming Anti-ISIS Coalition With Syria
    AINA (press release)-12 hours ago
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    Middle East Leaders Head to Moscow to Sign Arms Deals, Discuss ...

    Haaretz-Aug 25, 2015
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    No slackening of anti-ISIS measures in Syria until group is eliminated

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    Power buddies: Why do Putin and Sisi often wear matching outfits?

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    Staff writer, Al Arabiya News
    Thursday, 27 August 2015
    Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al Sisi and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin have been spotted wearing almost identical outfits when meeting at different occasions.
    The matching suits of the two leaders, who met more than once in the past few months, left many wondering if they had planned what to wear or if it was a simple coincidence.

    The two seen in the Russian Black Sea resort of Sochi, Russia, on Aug. 12, 2014. (AP)

    The two visit the Rosa Khutor mountain village near the Russian Black Sea resort of Sochi, Russia, on Aug. 12, 2014. (AP)

    The two shake hands during a meeting in the Russian Black Sea resort of Sochi, Russia, on Aug. 12, 2014. (AP)
    Putin and Sisi this week met in Moscow, where they both called for a coalition to combat terrorism in the Middle East. Pictures show them wearing almost identical charcoal suits and matching gray ties.

    The two seen meeting in Kremlin, Moscow, on Aug. 26, 2015. (AP)
    Last Update: Thursday, 27 August 2015 KSA 13:51 - GMT 10:51
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    How the West Should Deal With Putin

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    Russia's President Vladimir Putin speaks with Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu as they visit the Sevastopol Presidential Cadet Academy, Crimea, August 19. Happily for the Kremlin, its primary targets are too small, too close, too corrupt for the West to get worked up about, the author writes.Alexei Nikolsky/RIA Novosti/Kremlin/Reuters
    “Cold War warrior” is a moniker often directed at those who are critical of Russia’s actions abroad and believe it is necessary to adopt a firm response. To hold such views is, for a vocal minority, to be living in the last century and to refuse to accept that the old Soviet enemy has gone.
    Those who are uncomfortable with reproach and/or robust policies toward Russia can be grouped in four analytical categories, which sometimes overlap in practice and which all have one thing in common—they view the post-Soviet states as something “lesser.” Lesser than, say, Poland; and certainly lesser than Russia.
    Four Categories
    To start, there are those, exemplified by former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder or former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, compromised by long-standing ties to the Kremlin or Russian state enterprises. Their devotion to the Russian line and to Vladimir Putin personally means that few take them seriously.
    Second are those who believe that the West is more or less equally to blame for the bad relationship with Russia. Some of them claim that the West is actually responsible for most of what it finds undesirable in Russian behavior (for instance, by expanding NATO); others simply believe that the West behaves no better than Russia (unsanctioned force in Kosovo, mission creep in Libya, etc.).
    The charge of double standards is a potent one. But while it contains kernels of truth, it is not the whole truth. Clearly the West does not always behave well, but few Western countries can be classed as autocratic kleptocratic regimes, as Russia can.
    Third are the realists. For them, Russia is what it was—not the Soviet Union, but still a great power demanding of extra respect. And great powers, they say, will always browbeat smaller, weaker neighbors. International order supposedly depends on it. They concede that it is rough on Ukraine (and Georgia and elsewhere), but that is just tough.
    Finally there are those those who fully accept there is a problem and are suspicious of the Kremlin’s nature and intentions, but draw a convenient distinction between Russia’s activities in the former Soviet space and its actions beyond it.
    According to this view, the Warsaw Pact countries once also under Soviet control and anywhere to their west are largely off-limits to Russia and must be defended. (The three Baltic states divide this category into two subsets however as they are, confusingly, both formerly Soviet and in NATO—some believe they are worth “saving,” and some do not.)
    The West has no obligation to countries not in NATO. This may be because most of the post-1991 countries themselves are at least as abysmally governed as Russia (as, say, Yanukovych’s Ukraineundoubtedly was) or it may be because they are believed not to be worth the risk of defending against Russian pressures on them to conform to the Kremlin’s ambitions.
    A Better Western Policy
    A different approach, outlined in the recent Chatham House report The Russian Challenge, argues not for treating Russia as it was when part of the USSR (a superpower), or as it would like to be (a great power), nor even as a strategic partner (this has been tried—it failed because Russia diverged too far from Western norms).
    Sensitivity to Russia’s own self-declared interests is necessary—as long as those interests in no way diminish the sovereignty of other countries. But Russia should be treated for what it is—a country with different interests in Europe explicitly promoting an alternative values system and anti-Western views, determined to assert itself abroad far more forcefully than U.S.-led democracy promotion ever did. A country whose worldview is often diametrically opposed to that of the West and the stated positions of many former Soviet states.
    Fortunately for the Kremlin, its primary targets abroad are countries which are too small, too close, too corrupt and authoritarian and, for some minds, too “important to Russia,” for the West to get worked up about.
    A better way of approaching Russia than through ideological prisms is according to the evidence. If, for example, evidence shows that Russia has bribed its way to hosting the World Cup in 2018, then it should be stripped of it. If there is no such indication, it should keep it.
    If Russia is seen to be retreating from Ukraine (including, of course, Crimea), the West should respond in kind. If, however, the Kremlin is verifiably underwriting an insurgency within the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine with finance, arms and its own military forces, as it is now, then the West should respond with punitive measures, including sanctions.
    While this might not force Vladimir Putin to retreat in the predictable future, it would help to constrain his options for further action. It would also offer clarity to others dealing with Russia and the wider leadership of Russia.
    Furthermore, it would remove any hint of Western geopolitical expediency suspected by many analysts, and it would offer greater predictability for the majority of the 45 million Ukrainians, 4.5 million Georgians and the 90 million others in the remaining ex-Soviet countries.
    Such evidence-based policy must also of course apply to the other former Soviet states. If Ukraine does not progress with its reforms then it should not count on extensive Western financial support. Chatham House’s new Ukraine Forum is designed to offer that evidence, for or against, to help decision makers and investors in their deliberations.
    Given that this is not a Cold War, it follows that we should not accept the current Russian contention that it is subjected to one. Accepting that the other 14 former Soviet states are subordinate to Moscow is not just a betrayal, it is bad policy too.
    James Nixey is head of the Russia and Eurasia Programme at Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs. This article was first published on the Chatham House site.
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    Inside Vladimir Putin’s Circle | TIME

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    Gleb Pavlovsky arrived for work as usual that day in the spring of 2011, walking up to the clock tower of the Spassky Gate, which serves as the entrance to the Kremlin fortress. This had been his routine during the first two terms of Vladimir Putin’s presidency, when Pavlovsky had served as a top adviser on matters of domestic politics and propaganda. But on that April day, Pavlovsky discovered that his security pass would not open the gate.
    “They just locked me out,” he recalled this spring at his personal office, a shamble of books and papers on the top floor of a crumbling apartment block in central Moscow. Pavlovsky was hardly alone–in the years since his dismissal, many others have been discarded from Putin’s staff in the same way, especially the more politically liberal members of the ruling class, the ones who wanted to stop Russia from tumbling backward into another Cold War with the West. For them the past few years have been a period of setbacks and humiliations–“a shriveling up,” is how one Kremlin consultant put it–while the hard-liners in Putin’s circle have seen their influence steadily expand.
    Known in Russia as the siloviki, or “men of force,” this coterie of generals and KGB veterans has come to fully dominate political life in Russia in the year and a half since the war in Ukraine ruptured Moscow’s relations with the West. Their rise has contributed to what several current and former advisers to the Kremlin describe as an atmosphere of paranoia and aggression. Officials seen as sympathetic toward the West have been mostly sidelined and discredited, limiting the voices Putin hears on matters of national and global security. The result is a regime in Moscow that looks increasingly antagonistic to the West and appears prone to ill-considered and dangerous decisions. “Sometimes the old instincts kick in,” says one of Putin’s senior counselors, referring to the Cold War backgrounds of the officials who now dominate the Kremlin. “I’d say there is the danger of going backward.”
    That’s bad for an increasingly isolated Russia, but it’s dangerous for the entire world. Against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, where Russian-backed militants have taken control of large patches of territory, both Russian and Western forces have dramatically ramped up their military exercises in Eastern Europe. The outcome “has been a game of Russian-instigated dangerous brinkmanship which has resulted in many serious close military encounters between the forces of Russia and NATO,” said a report published on Aug. 12 by the European Leadership Network, a think tank that monitors security threats in the region.
    Should a mistake happen, it is far from clear that cooler heads would prevail in the Kremlin–for the simple reason that there aren’t many of them left in Putin’s entourage. Sergei Naryshkin, a close Putin ally and speaker of Russia’s lower house of parliament, suggested in a newspaper article on Aug. 9 that the U.S. is trying to goad Russia into war. In a warning to President Barack Obama, he wrote that it “wouldn’t hurt the current and latest ‘war-time’ President of the USA to remember: if you sow the wind, you will reap the storm.” Nikolai Patrushev, the head of Russia’s Security Council and a 17-year veteran of the KGB, was even more direct in an interview published in late June. “They really want Russia to cease to exist as a nation,” he said of the U.S. “Because we have enormous wealth, and the Americans think we have no right to it and don’t deserve it.”
    Patrushev did not respond to numerous written requests for an interview with TIME, and most members of the siloviki have not spoken to the foreign media for years, which makes it difficult to properly gauge the opaque inner workings of the Kremlin. Yet watching these changes from a distance, Pavlovsky, like many other more liberal ex–Kremlin members, finds it hard to recognize the place where he worked just four years ago. Back then the Kremlin’s staff had a far more diverse makeup–liberal economists, dowdy intellectuals, bureaucrats with Western bank accounts and children studying in Europe or the U.S. Taken together, their influence balanced the more bellicose men of the siloviki, whose persistent warnings of the American menace are now the only voices Putin hears. Says Pavlovsky: “We have a situation where the person who does not immediately raise his voice to a scream is seen as suspicious.”
    By the spring of 2012, when Putin began his third term as President, Kremlinology–the esoteric discipline of studying Russian power politics–needed an overhaul. Among the first attempts to address the system’s opacity came in the fall of 2012, when a well-connected Moscow political expert named Evgeny Minchenko, who has consulted for Putin’s party, United Russia, created a diagram of the ruling class titled Politburo 2.0. His most recent one, published last fall, resembles a spider’s web with Putin at the center. Clustered around him are various oligarchs, generals, spymasters and technocrats, their influence denoted by their proximity to Putin. Over the past year, he says, “the main trend has been an undeniable spike in the influence of the siloviki.”
    What unites most members of Putin’s Politburo are the personal bonds they developed with Putin years ago in their hometown of St. Petersburg. As he rose to power in Moscow–first to the leadership of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the KGB’s successor agency, in 1998, then to the post of Prime Minister in 1999, and finally to the presidency in 2000–Putin brought his friends along. “He maintained that healthy sense of being one of the guys,” said Anatoly Rakhlin, Putin’s childhood judo coach. “He didn’t take the Petersburg boys to work with him because of their pretty eyes,” Rakhlin told the Izvestia daily in 2007, “but because he trusts people who are tried and true.”
    During Putin’s first term as President from 2000 to 2004, the Kremlin was still full of holdovers from the administration of President Boris Yeltsin, and most of them were devoted to free-market reforms of the economy and collaboration with the West. Chief among them was Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov, who held the keys to Russia’s budget. But over time, Putin’s team from St. Petersburg took over the levers of power in Moscow, Kasyanov says. “By the time I left [in 2004], they were really divvying things up,” he adds.
    Most of the top jobs in the security services, the government and the powerful state corporations went to the members of Putin’s St. Petersburg circle, which came to form the core of what Minchenko calls the Politburo 2.0. The structure of this body differs drastically from its Soviet incarnation. Whereas the old Communist Party bosses met regularly to decide the affairs of the state together, Putin keeps his circle divided into clans and factions that seldom meet all at once. This helps prevent any groups from creating a coalition against him, and it also “makes Putin indispensable as the point of balance,” says Minchenko. “Without him the system doesn’t work, because everyone is connected through him personally.”
    But there are major drawbacks. As the rival factions compete for Putin’s attention, they tend to exaggerate the threats that Russia faces. The intelligence services, for instance, might overstate the threat from foreign spies, while the oil and gas tycoons might play up the danger of competitors in the energy market. When Putin meets separately with each of these factions, “he hears from all sides that there are threats everywhere,” says the political consultant Kirill Petrov, who has worked with Minchenko in mapping the elites. “It’s not a healthy atmosphere.”
    One of the figures in Minchenko’s diagram, the senior counselor to Putin who spoke on condition of anonymity, concedes that this informal system of relationships breeds paranoia. But the system’s bigger flaw is its total dependence on just one man. “It is power without institutions,” says the adviser. “It means we have no solid ground beneath us.” The state is Putin, and Putin is the state.
    But if those closest to Putin are dedicated to their President, they’re also dedicated to the spoils that come with power. And that’s why Western sanctions imposed in response to the Crimean land grab have not only isolated the Russian economy but also personally targeted Putin’s close associates, banning them from traveling or doing business in the West.
    The logic of that punishment was simple. Most members of the ruling class in Russia–liberal or not–send their children to study in the West. They keep their fortunes in Western banks. They ski in the Alps, sunbathe in Miami and go shopping in Milan. For many of Putin’s allies, it is not worth risking such privileges for the sake of any extraterritorial ambitions in Ukraine, says Kasyanov, the former Prime Minister. “Of course this makes people question their loyalties,” he says. “Their lifestyles are at stake.”
    That would seem to be especially true for influential tycoons like Gennady Timchenko, a wealthy oil trader from Putin’s St. Petersburg circle, whose personal wealth fell from $11 billion to about $4 billion last year, according to the Bloomberg index of billionaires. (The extreme drop in oil prices–now less than half what they were a year ago–has also weighed on many Russian tycoons.) But like many of his fellow oligarchs, Timchenko has supported Putin’s policies despite the pain. “It’s naive to think these methods can scare us, make us retreat,” he said in an interview last summer with the state news agency Itar-Tass. “We’ll bear it all and find a way out of these sanctions.”
    Far from peeling off Putin’s allies, the sanctions have allowed him to tighten his grip on power. For the past few years, Putin has urged elites to store their fortunes in Russia instead of stashing them in offshore bank accounts. Many of them were slow to comply before the sanctions put their Western assets at risk of being frozen. Now the fortunes of the elites are tied that much more closely to Russia–which means they’re tied to Putin.
    So if Western leaders were hoping Putin’s allies would mount a palace coup, they will likely be disappointed. The culture of suspicion has only intensified amid the standoff with the West. While the influence of the siloviki has grown, so has the number of subgroups vying to be recognized as the most loyal, the most effective at fighting Putin’s enemies. The only way a new leader could emerge from among them is if Putin himself starts to groom a successor.
    He has no need to do that anytime soon. The 62-year-old Putin is expected to run again when his six-year term in office ends in 2018. Among the “men of force” rumored to be possible successors are Sergei Ivanov, his long-serving chief of staff and fellow alumnus of the KGB, and Sergei Shoigu, the Minister of Defense, who has played the most visible role, apart from Putin, in Russia’s military interventions in Ukraine. But in a system where all institutions have been eclipsed by one personality, there is no way to know what happens when he’s gone.
    Of course, not even Putin is immortal. But while the Communist Politburo would meet to elect a new leader when the incumbent passed away in Soviet times, “in the current system, Putin has no answer to the question of what happens if he has a heart attack,” says the President’s counselor. He knows that a struggle for control would then break out among the factions in the Kremlin, and in the process, “some of his friends could be torn into slivers of flesh,” the adviser says. “So I don’t think it’s out of cleverness that he’s made everybody afraid of his departure. It’s just that he doesn’t know how to do it any other way.”
    This appears in the September 7, 2015 issue of TIME.
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    The Moscow Times - News, Business, Culture & Multimedia from Russia

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    A hundred-year-old bas relief depicting the mythical demon Mephistopheles has been removed from the facade of a historical building in St. Petersburg overlooking the nearby construction site of a new Orthodox church, local inhabitants said. 
    Mephistopheles is a mythical demon that appeared as the devil in Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's play "Faust." The bas-relief of the character had been a feature of one of St. Petersburg's minor landmarks, a building on Lakhtinksaya Street known as the House with Mephistopheles. 
    Local news outlets and social media users reported that the relief was removed from the building withut explanation on Wednesday. According to one Facebook user, historian Dmitry Bratkin, the house was designed by 19th and early 20th century architect Alexander Lishnevsky. 
    "Naturally, the monument was under protection," Bratkin said. "Or had been. 15 minutes ago, Mephistopheles was knocked off the facade." 
    One resident of the building, Kirill Alekseyev, told independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta that "workers showed up at 10 in the morning, did not introduce themselves, and did not say who had sent them." 
    Instead, the workers asked the building's residents to move their cars away from the building to avoid being damaged by falling plaster, and then proceeded with the removal of Mephistopheles, Alekseyev said. 
    "I said: What have you done, this is after all a monument protected by the state," he said, Novaya Gazeta reported. "They responded: Not to worry, it is old and dilapidated, and it will be restored in plaster." 
    The promise of recreating a version of the bas-relief in plaster indicated that the demolition had been a "planned action," supposedly approved by the authorities, instead of a grass-root stunt by activists displeased by the sight of a mythical demon, Alekseyev suggested. 
    However, a spokesperson for the city's architectural monument preservation department, known by its Russian acronym KGIOP, denied any knowledge of the incident, Novaya Gazeta reported. 
    The removal of the historical bas-relief has also prompted protests by some local lawmakers. St. Petersburg municipal legislator Boris Vishnevsky has sent a complaint to KGIOP, while his fellow lawmaker Alexander Kobrinsky said he would ask police to open a criminal investigation on charges of destruction of cultural heritage sites, St. Perersburg's Fontanka news agency reported. 
    Some commentators also claimed that the removal of sculpture might be connected to the construction of an Orthodox church that would face the "House with Mephistopheles." 
    "A couple of days ago, a cross was placed on the roof of the church that is under construction across [the building]," Bratkin wrote on his Facebook page. "Yesterday, some sprightly people showed up and took photographs of the facade with the Mephistopheles, and today at 3 in the afternoon, a worker hung down from the roof and – whack, whack, whack." 
    Natalya Levina, another local woman, said her neighbors had spotted "people from the church" looking around and inquiring about the "demon," the Metro news agency reported. 
    Historical-preservation activists have asked police and the construction firm that is building the church about who had authorized removing the Mephistopheles image, Levina was quoted as saying. The both organizations have denied any knowledge, she said, according to the report. 
    Lishnevsky, the architect, died during World War II after being evacuated to a hospital in Yaroslavl — a historical city 250 kilometers to the northeast of Moscow. Much of his work survived the devastation of the was and the secular policies of the Soviet Union. 
    The Mephistopheles bas-relief was created in 1910-1911, Fontanka reported. 
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    Portrait of Putin as a Simpsons Character Stolen From Moscow Exhibit | News

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    A portrait of President Vladimir Putin as a Simpsons character was stolen from a central Moscow business center on Tuesday, Afisha magazine's website reported.
    The painting, entitled "Man of an Era" was created by Turkmenistan-born artist Amir Kerr, a current resident of Moscow. The exhibit opened on Friday, and the painting sold only 15 minutes after opening.
    At the time of the theft, the exhibit had closed. Only two organizers and three security guards were present, preventing anyone apart from the exhibit's participants from entering the venue.
    The thieves displayed stealth — no trace of them was found, even after organizers studied the CCTV records.
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    Reuters UK NATO Opens Training Center In Georgia RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty NATO says a new training center in Georgia will help the Caucasus country to move closer to membership in the military alliance. NATO Secretary-General Jens St...
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    27/08/15 08:18 from нато Россия - Google News Россия не планирует создание центров, подобных Центру НАТО в Риге Однако в нынешних условиях откровенной пропагандистской войны против России дополнительные меры по доведению правды до международной общественности...
    » NATO says training centre in Georgia is step to membership - Yahoo News UK
    27/08/15 08:09 from russia nato - Google News
    Yahoo News UK NATO says training centre in Georgia is step to membership Yahoo News UK TBILISI (Reuters) - NATO said a new training centre opened in Georgia on Thursday would help the former Soviet republic to move closer to membership i...
    » NATO rotates Baltic Air Policing Mission - IHS Jane's 360
    27/08/15 08:04 from nato - Google News
    IHS Jane's 360 NATO rotates Baltic Air Policing Mission IHS Jane's 360 NATO has begun the process of rotating its Baltic Air Policing Mission, with Norway handing over the lead for the operation to Hungary. Four Hungarian Gripens will le...
    » NATO says training centre in Georgia is step to membership - Reuters UK
    27/08/15 07:44 from nato - Google News
    Reuters UK NATO says training centre in Georgia is step to membership Reuters UK "The inauguration of the joint training and evaluation centre will be a significant step deepening further our close cooperation," Jens Stoltenber...
    » Немножко НАТО уже в Грузии - Росбалт.RU
    27/08/15 07:30 from нато Россия - Google News
    Mail.Ru Немножко НАТО уже в Грузии Росбалт.RU С этим, однако, можно поспорить, поскольку непосредственной угрозы интересам России центр не создаст, хотя негативно отразится на российском влиянии в регионе. Однако некоторые грузинские экс...
    » МИД России: Москва не будет соревноваться с НАТО после открытия центра коммуникаций в Риге -
    27/08/15 06:35 from нато Россия - Google News МИД России : Москва не будет соревноваться с НАТО после открытия центра коммуникаций в Риге Однако в нынешних условиях откровенной пропагандистской войны против России дополнительные меры по доведению правды до междунар...
    » В НАТО обрадовались, увидев российский истребитель в небе над Европой - Телеканал РЕН ТВ
    27/08/15 05:45 from нато - Google News
    Телеканал РЕН ТВ В НАТО обрадовались, увидев российский истребитель в небе над Европой Телеканал РЕН ТВ "У НАТО много партнеров, которые нацелены на борьбу с исламскими радикалами, в том числе, Европейский Союз. Вы должны понять, чт...
    » Грузия вступает в НАТО в учебном режиме - Mail.Ru
    27/08/15 03:20 from нато Россия - Google News
    Mail.Ru Грузия вступает в НАТО в учебном режиме Mail.Ru По мнению господина Суслова, «философия расширения НАТО в последние два десятилетия строилась на “презумпции безопасности” и уверенности в том, что Россия не будет реагировать на эт...
    » NATO troops join in large German training exercise - The
    27/08/15 02:18 from nato - Google News
    The NATO troops join in large German training exercise The NATO last week warned pro-Russian separatists against grabbing more land in eastern Ukraine and stressed Moscow has a "special responsibility" to help...
    » НАТО создает места в Прибалтике для квалифицированных негодяев из России - Аналитический портал RuBALTIC.Ru
    27/08/15 02:04 from нато Россия - Google News
    НАТО создает места в Прибалтике для квалифицированных негодяев из России Аналитический портал RuBALTIC.Ru В свою очередь, посольство США в Литве в этом месяце объявило о начале курсов для журналистов, направленных на противодействие « ро...
    » Александр Носович: Россия оправдывает существование НАТО 13 - Postimees
    27/08/15 01:22 from нато - Google News
    Postimees Александр Носович: Россия оправдывает существование НАТО 13 Postimees По мнению известного эстонского правоведа Рейна Мюллерсона, в нынешнем противостоянии России с западным миром самым разумным для Эстонии было бы не стремитьс...
    » Александр Носович: Россия оправдывает существование НАТО 12 - Postimees
    27/08/15 01:22 from нато Россия - Google News
    Postimees Александр Носович: Россия оправдывает существование НАТО 12 Postimees По мнению известного эстонского правоведа Рейна Мюллерсона, в нынешнем противостоянии России с западным миром самым разумным для Эстонии было бы не стремитьс...
    » РФ не будет соревноваться с НАТО в открытии пропагандистских центров - Интерфакс
    27/08/15 01:20 from нато - Google News
    Интерфакс РФ не будет соревноваться с НАТО в открытии пропагандистских центров Интерфакс Как сообщалось, 20 августа президент Латвии Раймонд Вейонис в присутствии высокопоставленных латвийских и иностранных должностных лиц открыл Центр с...
    » Политика: Польша хочет себе больше НАТО - Взгляд
    27/08/15 01:16 from нато - Google News
    Взгляд Политика: Польша хочет себе больше НАТО Взгляд Во время первого зарубежного визита в Германию президент Польши Анджей Дуда намерен обсуждать давление на Россию и усиление присутствия НАТО в регионе. В послании Дуды можно усмотреть...
    » Учебный центр НАТО в Грузии - беспрецедентный шаг - BBC Russian
    27/08/15 00:48 from нато - Google News
    BBC Russian Учебный центр НАТО в Грузии - беспрецедентный шаг BBC Russian Открытие совместного тренировочного центра в Грузии является частью так называемого "существенного" пакета мер, который был обещан Грузии на Уэльском сам...
    » Эксперт: Политика НАТО в отношении России взрывоопасна - Deutsche Welle
    26/08/15 23:50 from нато - Google News
    Deutsche Welle Эксперт: Политика НАТО в отношении России взрывоопасна Deutsche Welle Бывший советник экс-канцлера ФРГ Гельмута Коля (Helmut Kohl) Хорст Тельчик (Horst Teltschik) раскритиковал политику, которую НАТО проводит в отношении Р...
    » В провинции Гильменд убили двух военнослужащих НАТО - ГОЛОС АМЕРИКИ
    26/08/15 21:41 from нато - Google News
    ГОЛОС АМЕРИКИ В провинции Гильменд убили двух военнослужащих НАТО ГОЛОС АМЕРИКИ Как сообщили представители НАТО , в среду двое вооруженных людей, одетых в форму афганской армии, напали на расположение воинской части в провинции Гильменд....
    » NATO Chief Visits Tbilisi To Open Military Training Center - RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty
    26/08/15 21:25 from nato - Google News
    NATO Chief Visits Tbilisi To Open Military Training Center RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty Also on August 27, Stoltenberg will take part in the opening ceremony of a joint military training center of NATO and Georgia at Krtsanisi military b...
    » За вступление Украины в НАТО готовы проголосовать более 40% украинцев – опрос - УНИАН
    26/08/15 19:05 from нато - Google News
    УНИАН За вступление Украины в НАТО готовы проголосовать более 40% украинцев – опрос УНИАН Если бы в ближайшие дни проводили референдум о вступлении Украины в НАТО , 41% украинцев проголосовали бы «за». 41% украинцев проголосо...
    » U.S. Learns About Russia's Military, Warning Bells Sound - ValueWalk
    26/08/15 17:16 from russia nato - Google News
    ValueWalk U.S. Learns About Russia's Military, Warning Bells Sound ValueWalk No serious signs of war yet, but both Russia and NATO countries have carried out military drills this year. Russia's short exercise in March involved ov...
    » Порошенко переводит армию на стандарты НАТО - Независимая газета
    26/08/15 17:03 from нато - Google News
    Независимая газета Порошенко переводит армию на стандарты НАТО Независимая газета Как и подписанная президентом Петром Порошенко в мае Стратегия национальной безопасности, она определяет главной угрозой для страны агрессию со стороны Рос...
    » Fears over dozens of 'close military encounters' between Russia and Nato forces - Daily Mail
    26/08/15 16:52 from nato - Google News
    Daily Mail Fears over dozens of 'close military encounters' between Russia and Nato forces Daily Mail 'The military drills involving NATO members and Ukraine's army that started in Lviv region under U.S. command are a cle...
    » Russian and Nato armed forces involved in 66 'close military encounters' - Daily Mail
    26/08/15 15:44 from nato - Google News
    Daily Mail Russian and Nato armed forces involved in 66 'close military encounters' Daily Mail The group of 14 former ministers, who are calling for a high-level Nato -Russia meeting, said rules for communication at sea and in th...
    » Александр Носович: Россия оправдывает существование НАТО 11 - Postimees
    26/08/15 15:25 from нато Россия - Google News
    Postimees Александр Носович: Россия оправдывает существование НАТО 11 Postimees По мнению известного эстонского правоведа Рейна Мюллерсона, в нынешнем противостоянии России с западным миром самым разумным для Эстонии было бы не стремитьс...
    » Политолог: Россия – единственный противник, оправдывающий существование НАТО - Росбалт.RU
    26/08/15 15:21 from нато Россия - Google News
    Политолог: Россия – единственный противник, оправдывающий существование НАТО Росбалт.RU Политолог: Россия – единственный противник, оправдывающий существование НАТО . МОСКВА, 26 августа. Россия является единственным противником, который ...

    ISIS News Review

    » The Lessons of Anwar al-Awlaki
    30/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Four years after the United States assassinated the radical cleric in a drone strike, his influence on jihadists is greater than ever. Was there a better way to stop him?
    » Middle Eastern Zen
    28/08/15 12:30 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Don't worry about the Middle East. Worry about China. The Middle East (unlike a large chunk of your portfolio) will still be around tomorrow.
    » British hacker for Islamic State Junaid Hussain 'killed in Syria drone attack'
    27/08/15 03:21 from Islamic State
    Hussain and his wife, Sally Jones, from Kent, had been dubbed 'Mr and Mrs Terror'
    » America’s Dangerous Bargain With Turkey
    27/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    By attacking Kurds, Turkey is undermining the United States’ strongest ally in the fight against the Islamic State.
    » Op-Photo: Remembering the Ruins of Palmyra
    26/08/15 17:49 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    A photograph taken between 1900 and 1920 shows the ruins where Islamic State militants recently bombed an ancient temple.
    » Europe’s Myopia on Refugees
    26/08/15 12:30 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The main problem with the migrant crisis is a self-centered Europe that focuses only on its own numbers and disregards the rest.
    » The West should swallow its pride and work with Russia to save the Middle East
    26/08/15 08:14 from Islamic State
    The age of unilateralism is over, and the cynical politics of the past have created only misery. What's needed now is real dialogue and real co-operation
    » Islamic State release pictures after 'destroying ancient temple' at Palmyra
    26/08/15 02:36 from Islamic State
    Extremists blow up Baalshamin Temple at Palmyra World Heritage site in Syria, according to activists, as Isil release images of their destruction
    » The Crimes of Palmyra
    26/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The Islamic State’s destruction of Palmyra’s ancient ruins is not only a crime against Syria but a tragedy for collective human history.
    » Pentagon Investigates Allegations of Skewed Intelligence Reports on ISIS
    26/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The inspector general is looking into a claim that military officials reworked assessments about the U.S.-led campaign in Iraq against ISIS to be more optimistic, according to several officials.
    » Morocco: 14 Arrested in Joint Antiterrorism Raids
    26/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    At least 14 people were arrested Tuesday in Morocco and Spain on suspicion of belonging to a cell that recruited fighters for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
    » Inquiry Weighs Whether Data on ISIS Was Distorted
    26/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The inspector general is looking into a claim that military officials reworked assessments about the U.S.-led campaign in Iraq against ISIS to be more optimistic, according to several officials.
    » Inquiry Weighs Whether ISIS Analysis Was Distorted
    26/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The inspector general is looking into a claim that military officials reworked assessments about the U.S.-led campaign in Iraq against ISIS to be more optimistic, according to several officials.
    » In Syria, Potential Ally’s Islamist Ties Challenge U.S.
    26/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Ahrar al-Sham opposes the Syrian president and the Islamic State and seems like a logical Western ally, but its links to Al Qaeda trouble American policy makers.
    » Turkmen militia enlisted to patrol Syria anti-Isil buffer zone
    25/08/15 17:02 from Islamic State
    Turkmen groups issue call for volunteers to enlist in proposed police force that will be tasked with policing buffer zone in Syria along Turkey border
    » Extremists blow up Baalshamin Temple at Palmyra, in pictures
    25/08/15 09:00 from Islamic State
    In pics: Isil fighters destroy 2,000-year-old temple of Baalshamin
    » 800 potential Isil terrorists back in Europe 'prepared to do anything'
    25/08/15 05:57 from Islamic State
    The fighters and trainees may not be especially well trained but they are indoctrinated, warn Spanish security experts
    » As Turkey Targets Militants, War Grips Kurdish Lands Once Again
    25/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    A war that had long been stilled by a truce is now threatening to undo an economic turnaround and adding a battlefield to a region already consumed by chaos.
    » ISIS Suspected of Chemical Attack in Syria
    25/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Local rebels and an international aid group accused the militant group of using mustard gas against civilian and rival insurgents in northern Syria last week.
    » ISIS Accelerates Destruction of Antiquities in Syria
    25/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The cumulative destruction of antiquities by militants — including a fifth-century monastery and a first-century temple in Syria recently — has reached staggering levels, archaeological experts and antiquities officials say.
    » New Report of ISIS Using Poison Gas in Syria
    25/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Local rebels and an international aid group accused the militant group of using mustard gas against civilian and rival insurgents in northern Syria last week.
    » ISIS Speeds Up Destruction of Antiquities in Syria
    25/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The cumulative toll inflicted on antiquities by militants, who destroyed a fifth-century monastery and a first-century temple recently, has reached staggering levels, archaeologists and officials say.
    » Martyrs and maniacs
    24/08/15 13:29 from Islamic State
    Telegraph View: Khaled al-Asaad died a martyr to a cause far greater than anything Isil's maniacs can ever aspire to
    » Islamic State 'destroy ancient temple' at Palmyra
    24/08/15 08:00 from Islamic State
    Extremists blow up Baalshamin Temple at Palmyra World Heritage site in Syria, according to activists
    » Palmyra: history of Isil's ancient site destruction in Syria and Iraq
    24/08/15 07:28 from Islamic State
    As Islamic State reportedly seizes the ancient Syrian ruins of Palmyra, The Telegraph looks at the sites already destroyed by the extremist group
    » France train attack: As it happened on Sunday August 23
    24/08/15 02:26 from Islamic State
    The Telegraph can reveal the name of the first heroic passenger to wrestle a weapon from the high-speed train gunman: Frenchman Mark Moogalian
    » France train attack: Mystery man who wrestled AK-47 from train gunman revealed - as it happened
    24/08/15 02:05 from Islamic State
    The Telegraph can reveal the name of the first heroic passenger to wrestle a weapon from the high-speed train gunman: Mark Moogalian. Follow latest developments
    » France train attack: Mystery man who wrestled AK-47 from train gunman revealed
    24/08/15 02:05 from Islamic State
    The Telegraph can reveal the name of the first heroic passenger to wrestle a weapon from the high-speed train gunman: Mark Moogalian. Follow latest developments
    » Islamic State Blows Up Ancient Temple at Syria’s Palmyra Ruins
    24/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Islamic State militants have destroyed the Baalshamin Temple at the ancient ruins of Palmyra in Syria, realizing one of archaeologists’ worst fears.
    » ISIS Blows Up Ancient Temple at Syria’s Palmyra Ruins
    24/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Islamic State militants have destroyed the Baalshamin Temple at the ancient ruins of Palmyra in Syria, realizing one of archaeologists’ worst fears.
    » An Opening for Diplomacy in Syria
    24/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    There are signs that Syria and its backers are finally realizing that only a political solution can stave off further collapse and stop ISIS.
    » France train attack: Mystery man who tackled AK-47 assault rifle from train gunman revealed - live
    23/08/15 20:35 from Islamic State
    The Telegraph can reveal the name of the first heroic passenger to wrestle a weapon from the high-speed train gunman: Mark Moogalian. Follow latest developments
    » Islamic State 'used mustard gas in the battle around Aleppo in Syria'
    23/08/15 14:08 from Islamic State
    Doctors say they treated patients with suppurating blisters, raising fears Isil are using chemical stockpiles belonging to Saddam Hussein and Bashar al-Assad
    » Islamic State accused of using mustard gas in the battle around Aleppo in Syria
    23/08/15 14:08 from Islamic State
    Doctors say they treated patients with suppurating blisters, raising fears Isil are using chemical stockpiles belonging to Saddam Hussein and Bashar al-Assad
    » France train attack: Gunman's father says he has no idea what his son is thinking - live
    23/08/15 12:56 from Islamic State
    Ayoub El-Khazzani's father Mohamed weeps as he exclusively tells the Telegraph of his shock and how his son was a "good boy and very hardworking". Follow latest developments
    » France train attack: American heroes describe drama of tackling Moroccan gunman Ayoub El-Khazzani - live
    23/08/15 12:25 from Islamic State
    French police were reportedly warned more than a year ago about the radical views of Ayoub El-Khazzani, the 25 year-old Moroccan who attempted a massacre on a high-speed train
    » France train attack: First picture emerges of Moroccan gunman Ayoub El-Khazzani - live
    23/08/15 12:08 from Islamic State
    French police were reportedly warned more than a year ago about the radical views of Ayoub El-Khazzani, the 25 year-old Moroccan who attempted a massacre on a high-speed train
    » 'Jihadi John' reveals his face for the first time
    23/08/15 12:02 from Islamic State
    Mohammed Emwazi, who is thought to have carried out dozens of beheadings for the terror group Islamic State, sheds trademark balaclava in new video, say reports
    » France train attack: As it happened Saturday August 22
    23/08/15 07:04 from Islamic State
    Attacker armed with Kalashnikov shouted "give me back my gun" as he was foiled by three Americans, including two off-duty servicemen - follow live updates
    » Inside Kacanik, Kosovo's jihadist capital
    23/08/15 04:00 from Islamic State
    Tiny town boasts only 30,000 people, yet two dozen local men have gone to fight jihad in Iraq and Syria
    » France train attack: Americans hailed as heroes, gunman 'had ties to Isil'
    23/08/15 01:09 from Islamic State
    Attacker armed with Kalashnikov shouted "give me back my gun" as he was foiled by three Americans, including two off-duty servicemen - follow live updates
    » Gay and Marked for Death
    23/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    It’s time for enlightened countries to address a human-rights chasm.
    » Paris train gunman's links to Syria
    22/08/15 16:05 from Islamic State
    Jihadi terrorist was known to four separate intellgience agencies - but was allowed to travel to Syria and freely around Europe
    » All-American heroes of train terror drama
    22/08/15 15:42 from Islamic State
    Like action film warriors, a trio of US holidaymakers risked their lives to disarm a knife and gun-wielding terrorist and wrestle him to the ground
    » Phone Encryption: Balancing Privacy and Protection
    22/08/15 12:30 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Regulation cannot prevent the use of encryption by criminals, but it can limit the public's ability to protect themselves.
    » As War Sows Chaos on Ground, It Can Lead to Cleaner Air, Study Says
    22/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    A paper published in the journal Science found that Middle Eastern cities involved in wars or other crises showed fewer pollutants in the air.
    » Study Finds Surprising Byproduct of Middle Eastern Conflicts: Cleaner Air
    22/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    A paper published in the journal Science found that Middle Eastern cities involved in wars or other crises showed fewer pollutants in the air.
    » Airstrike Kills a Deputy to ISIS Leader, U.S. Says
    22/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The White House said Fadel al-Hayali was second in command to the militant group’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
    » US failed to protect us, says commander of Pentagon-trained rebels in Syria
    21/08/15 17:00 from Islamic State
    Exclusive: Lack of US help meant we had to beg al-Qaeda for mercy, says Captain Ammar al-Wawi of the Division 30 brigade in Syria
    » Islamic State's path of destruction through Syria and Iraq
    21/08/15 13:33 from Islamic State
    How Islamic State jihadists are destroying some of the Middle East's most spectacular and precious archaeological and cultural sites
    » Catholic monastery in Syria 'destroyed by Isil bulldozers'
    21/08/15 08:48 from Islamic State
    Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant seized Al-Qaryatain town and monastery Mar Elian earlier this month, kidnapping local Christians
    » We stood by while others carved up Syria
    21/08/15 01:30 from Islamic State
    Doing nothing two years ago was a huge gamble - and every imaginable disaster has come to pass
    » The Islamic State Is Forcing Women to Be Sex Slaves
    21/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The Islamic State’s leaders publicize their enslavement of women and girls in their official publication, offering a theological argument - disputed by some scholars - for why the rape of infidels is allowed.
    » ISIS Affiliate Claims Responsibility for Cairo Bombing
    21/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    At least 20 people were wounded in an attack on a branch of the Egyptian security agency, adding to a wave of militant violence in the capital over the summer.
    » Egyptians Adapt as Cairo Is Redefined by a String of Bomb Attacks
    21/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    At least 29 people were wounded in an attack on a branch of the Egyptian security agency, adding to a wave of militant violence in the capital over the summer.
    » Jeremy Corbyn 'to apologise over Iraq war' if he becomes leader, as he compares Isil attacks to America's actions
    20/08/15 17:00 from Islamic State
    Labour leadership frontrunner under pressure to explain 2014 comments when he compared Isil's behaviour in Iraq with America's actions in the country
    » Jeremy Corbyn compares Isil attacks to America's actions in Iraq and calls for 'political compromise'
    20/08/15 14:24 from Islamic State
    Labour leadership frontrunner under pressure to explain 2014 comments when he compared Isil's behaviour in Iraq with America's actions in the country
    » Isil murders scholar who hid treasures of Palmyra
    20/08/15 09:10 from Islamic State
    Isil extremists behead revered antiquities scholar Khaled al-Asaad in ancient Syrian city of Palmyra, says government official
    » ISIS Beheads Syrian Antiquities Scholar in Palmyra
    20/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Militants beheaded one of Syria’s most prominent antiquities scholars and hung his body from the ancient town’s Roman columns, state media and activists said.
    » ISIS Said to Behead Syrian Antiquities Scholar in Palmyra
    20/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The body of Khaled al-Asaad was then hung from one of the town’s Roman columns, Syrian state news media and an activist group said.
    » Shielding Syrian Antiquities, to a Grisly Death at ISIS’ Hands
    20/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The body of Khalid al-Asaad, the city’s retired director of antiquities, was hung from a Roman column, the state news media and an activist group said.
    » Car Bomb Explodes Near a Security Building in Cairo
    20/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The blast was the latest in a series of attacks that have unnerved Egyptians and underscored the challenges facing the government in its campaign against Islamist militants.
    » Syrian Expert Who Shielded Palmyra Antiquities Meets a Grisly Death at ISIS’ Hands
    20/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The body of Khalid al-Asaad, the city’s retired director of antiquities, was hung from a Roman column, the state news media and an activist group said.
    » Palmyra's hero preserved our heritage while he lived and saved it in death
    19/08/15 16:36 from Islamic State
    Khaled al-Asaad, who was murdered by Islamic State jihadists, died for the rest of us, writes Dan Snow
    » Isil 'beheads top archaeologist in Palmyra' after he refused to give up secrets of its treasures
    19/08/15 08:45 from Islamic State
    Isil extremists behead antiquities scholar Maamoun Abdulkarim in ancient Syrian city of Palmyra, a government official said
    » Isil 'beheads top archaeologist in Palmyra' after refusing to give up secrets of its treasures
    19/08/15 08:45 from Islamic State
    Isil extremists behead antiquities scholar Maamoun Abdulkarim in ancient Syrian city of Palmyra, a government official said
    » Isil 'beheads top archaeologist in Palmyra'
    19/08/15 08:45 from Islamic State
    Isil extremists behead antiquities scholar Khaled al-Asaad in ancient Syrian city of Palmyra, a government official said
    » The return of the Yazidis
    19/08/15 04:00 from Islamic State
    In the last few months, a quiet project has set up rat runs for the thousands of people still held as hostages - or worse - by Isil. Gradually, the Yazidis are coming home.
    » ISIS Video Urges Turks to Revolt Against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    19/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    A seven-minute video called President Recep Tayyip Erdogan an infidel for collaborating with Western powers in their attacks on the Islamic State.
    » New Elections in Turkey Almost Certain as Threats From ISIS and Kurds Grow
    19/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Talks aimed at forming a coalition government ended, and an Islamic State video called on Muslims to revolt against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
    » Libya Asks Arab League Countries to Help Battle Islamic State
    19/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    An appeal that risks new regional entanglements in what is already at least a three-way conflict among the Islamic State and two rival Libyan factions.
    » Elections Seem Likely in Turkey as ISIS Threat Rises
    19/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Talks aimed at forming a coalition government ended, and an Islamic State video called on Muslims to revolt against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
    » Islamic State jihadis 'behead top archaeologist in Palmyra'
    18/08/15 17:40 from Islamic State
    Isil jihadis behead antiquities scholar in ancient Syrian city of Palmyra, a government official has said
    » Isil calls on supporters to fight 'traitor' Turkey
    18/08/15 06:47 from Islamic State
    Call to arms in Islamic State video comes after Ankara allied itself with Washington against the jihadist group
    » Jihad and Girl Power: How ISIS Lured 3 London Teenagers
    18/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    An online culture that blends youthful rebellion with radical religiosity helped draw popular, high-achieving friends to Syria.
    » Iraq: Monitoring Group to Investigate Possible Chemical Weapons Use by ISIS
    18/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The group responsible for monitoring adherence to the global ban on chemical weapons said that it had contacted Iraq over reports of the possible use of such munitions there.
    » Religion Meets Rebellion: How ISIS Lured 3 London Teenagers
    18/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    An online culture that blends youthful rebellion with radical religiosity helped draw popular, high-achieving friends to Syria.
    » Religion Meets Rebellion: How ISIS Lured 3 London Girls
    18/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    An online culture that blends youthful rebellion with radical religiosity helped draw popular, high-achieving friends to Syria.
    » Horrified by ISIS’ Use of Sex Slaves
    18/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Readers call on the international community to take action against the systematic rape of Yazidi women and girls.
    » Jihad and Girl Power: How ISIS Lured 3 London Girls
    18/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    An online culture that blends youthful rebellion with radical religiosity helped draw popular, high-achieving friends to Syria.
    » ISIS Lures 3 Teenage Girls: Reporter’s Notebook
    18/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Katrin Bennhold provides a close-up look at the reporting she did on a front-page story about three Londoners who left their childhood homes for Syria.
    » US-trained Syria rebels do a deal with al-Qaeda-linked group
    16/08/15 15:25 from Islamic State
    Seven members of a US-trained rebel group, Division 30, including the commander, abducted last month have been released by al-Qaeda's affiliate in Syria
    » US to withdraw Patriot missiles from Turkey in October
    16/08/15 09:55 from Islamic State
    The Nato mandate for the mission will run out in October but the US promised Patriot assets and personnel to Turkey could be returned within one week if necessary
    » Libya Seeks Airstrikes Against ISIS Branch
    16/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    At least 46 people were killed in recent days in clashes among the Libyan branch of the Islamic State, a rival Islamist group and forces loyal to the internationally recognized government in two Libyan cities, residents and medics say.
    » Hillary Clinton Fires Back Against Jeb Bush on Rise of ISIS
    15/08/15 16:47 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Mrs. Clinton said that Jeb Bush, in criticizing the Obama administration’s withdrawal of troops from Iraq, had failed to mention his brother’s pledge to withdraw forces by the end of 2011.
    » Life in Cairo - a correspondent's notebook
    15/08/15 16:00 from Islamic State
    The murder of a Western hostage just outside the city this week will change everything
    » Islamic State confirmed to have used mustard gas against Kurds in Syria
    15/08/15 11:25 from Islamic State
    American analysts confirm that Islamic State used chemical weapons on a Kurdish militia
    » Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in 60 seconds
    15/08/15 03:20 from Islamic State
    Who is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State? Here's what is known about him in 60 seconds
    » British widow who left the UK to join Isil now stranded in Turkey and desperate to come home
    15/08/15 02:00 from Islamic State
    Shukee Begum, widowed after her her husband was killed fighting for ISIL, wants to return to Britain with her young family
    » Disbelief in Mississippi at How Far ISIS’ Message Can Travel
    15/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The arrests of a young couple suspected of trying to travel from Mississippi to Syria to join the Islamic State have confounded their friends and neighbors.
    » Why ISIS Trumps Freedom
    15/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Young European Muslims join Islamic State to escape alienation and the unbearable weight of individual choice.
    » Young Mississippi Couple Linked to ISIS, Perplexing All
    15/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The arrests of a young couple suspected of trying to travel from Mississippi to Syria to join the Islamic State have confounded their friends and neighbors.
    » ISIS Held U.S. Aid Worker as Sex Slave Before Death
    15/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Details of Kayla Mueller’s captivity, including her repeated rape by the leader of the Islamic State, were pieced together by American officials.
    » Brooklyn Man Accused of Supporting ISIS Pleads Guilty
    15/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Adburasul Hasanovich Juraboev, 25, who admitted to plotting to provide material to the Islamic State terrorist group, could face up to 15 years in prison.
    » ISIS Held U.S. Aid Worker as Sex Slave Before Fatal Airstrike
    15/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Details of Kayla Mueller’s captivity, including her repeated rape by the leader of the Islamic State, were pieced together by American officials.
    » ISIS Held Kayla Mueller, U.S. Aid Worker, as Sex Slave Before Fatal Airstrike
    15/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Details of Ms. Mueller’s captivity, including her repeated rape by the leader of the Islamic State, were pieced together by American officials.
    » Islamic State leader raped American hostage Kayla Mueller, US officials say
    14/08/15 16:06 from Islamic State
    Mueller was killed in February but according to US officials, she was forced to have sex with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi during the time she was held
    » Islamic State militants used mustard gas against Kurdish forces, US officials believe
    14/08/15 14:49 from Islamic State
    The reports that Isil used the searing chemical weapon are credible, say Pentagon sources to US media
    » There's a food crisis coming. Are we ready?
    14/08/15 06:59 from Islamic State
    Global warming means bad harvests of the kind which helped spark the Arab Spring are increasingly likely - and could cause world-wide unrest
    » Isil used chemical weapons against Kurds in Iraq, say German troops
    14/08/15 04:28 from Islamic State
    German troops involved in coalition training mission in Iraq report that Isil fighters have used chemical weapons on a Kurdish militia
    » Analysis: 'Islamic State will use any weapon they can to spread panic'
    14/08/15 03:25 from Islamic State
    Reports of chemical weapons being used on Kurdish troops are part of group's terror strategy
    » Sex, divorce and infidelity: Meet the Muslim women bloggers tackling taboos
    14/08/15 03:00 from Islamic State
    A new wave of Muslim female bloggers is tackling issues traditionally considered taboo by their communities, and trying to shatter stereotypes around their culture. Alia Waheed speaks to some of them
    » ISIS Enshrines a Theology of Rape
    14/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Claiming the Quran’s support, the Islamic State codifies sex slavery in conquered regions of Iraq and Syria and uses the practice as a recruiting tool.
    » Truck Bomb Kills Nearly 60 at Market in Baghdad
    14/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the blast in the Shiite neighborhood of Sadr City, which came just after dawn as shoppers were stocking up for the weekend.
    » Truck Bomb Kills About 60 at Market in Baghdad Neighborhood of Sadr City
    14/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the blast in the Shiite neighborhood of Sadr City, which came just after dawn as shoppers were stocking up for the weekend.
    » Bomb Claimed by ISIS Kills Dozens in Baghdad
    14/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the blast in the Shiite neighborhood of Sadr City, which came just after dawn as shoppers were stocking up for the weekend.
    » U.S. and Turkey Face Questions in Anti-ISIS Effort
    14/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Two weeks after the United States and Turkey announced the plan, it is unclear which forces will fight the jihadists and what support they will receive.
    » Egypt: 2 Groups Handled Hostage, Croatia Says
    14/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    A Croatian expatriate worker believed to have been beheaded by the Islamic State’s Egyptian affiliate was initially abducted by a different group that demanded a ransom.
    » Kidnapping and Sex Slavery: Covering ISIS’s Religious Justification for Rape
    14/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Rukmini Callimachi discusses how she worked to tell the stories of Yazidi women and girls, held as sex slaves by the Islamic State.
    » Your Friday Evening Briefing
    14/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Here’s what you need to know.
    » Kidnapping and Sex Slavery: Covering ISIS’ Religious Justification for Rape
    14/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Rukmini Callimachi discusses how she worked to tell the stories of Yazidi women and girls, held as sex slaves by the Islamic State.
    » U.S. Jets Meet Limit as Iraqi Ground Fight Against ISIS Plods On
    13/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    No matter how advanced, American aircraft can go only as fast as their less experienced, much slower partners on the ground: the Iraqi security forces.
    » ISIS Affiliate in Egypt Says It Has Beheaded a Croatian Man
    13/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The claim, if confirmed, would be the first time during a two-year jihadist insurgency that extremists in Egypt had abducted and killed a foreigner.
    » ISIS Affiliate in Egypt Says It Has Beheaded Croatian Prisoner
    13/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The claim, if confirmed, would be the first time during a two-year jihadist insurgency that extremists in Egypt had taken captive and killed a foreigner.
    » The Iraqi Prime Minister’s Gamble
    13/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s plan to overhaul the political system is gutsy, but not without peril.
    » Your Thursday Evening Briefing
    13/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Here’s what you need to know at the end of the day.
    » Top general: US boots on the ground may be needed to defeat Isil
    12/08/15 22:47 from Islamic State
    Raymond Odierno, American army chief of staff, says proposal should be put to Barack Obama if progress is not made soon
    » Name, emails and passwords of Foreign Office and council staff 'hacked by Isil'
    12/08/15 14:51 from Islamic State
    Most of the apparently hacked data relates to American military and diplomatic personnel, however the details of workers at Croydon and Stockport councils and the Foreign Office were also said to be on the list
    » Iraq and Syria: How many foreign fighters are fighting for Isil?
    12/08/15 08:33 from Islamic State
    Where do the estimated 20,000 foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria come from, and how many of them are still out there?
    » Isil claim to have beheaded Croatian hostage in Egypt
    12/08/15 07:41 from Islamic State
    Tomislav Salopek, 31, was kidnapped in the early hours of July 22 as his car left Cairo
    » Iraqi Parliament Unanimously Approves Government Overhaul
    12/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The elimination of several high-level positions and sectarian quotas in political appointments is meant to transform Iraq’s corrupt political system, but it could further alienate Sunnis.
    » Syria: Islamic State Frees 22 Assyrian Christians
    12/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    ISIS seized more than 200 Assyrians in February when its fighters overran more than a dozen villages near the northeastern city of Hasaka.
    » Newlyweds Are Accused of Planning to Join ISIS
    12/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The couple were on their way to the airport in Columbus, Miss., on Saturday when they were arrested by F.B.I. agents after unwittingly making travel plans with undercover federal agents on social media.
    » New Diplomacy Seen on U.S.-Russian Efforts to End Syrian Civil War
    12/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Envoys, including from Middle Eastern powers, have been meeting recently to try to head off a Syrian collapse that could strengthen the Islamic State.
    » Iraqi Parliament Backs Overhaul of Government
    12/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The elimination of several high-level positions and sectarian quotas in political appointments is meant to transform Iraq’s corrupt political system, but it could further alienate Sunnis.
    » Jeb Bush Blames Clinton and Obama for Iraq’s Decline
    12/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    In a blistering attack, Mr. Bush said the early withdrawal of American troops set the stage for the chaos now sweeping the region.
    » Jeb Bush Blames Hillary Clinton and Obama for Iraq’s Decline
    12/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    In a blistering attack, Mr. Bush said the early withdrawal of American troops set the stage for the chaos now sweeping the region.
    » Who Threatens America Most?
    12/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Obama administration officials need to agree on what the biggest national security threats are before they can develop the right strategies.
    » Your Wednesday Evening Briefing
    12/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Here’s what you need to know at the end of the day.
    » The new Dad's Army taking the fight to Islamic State
    11/08/15 13:45 from Islamic State
    Grandfather Jim Atherton is one of several UK volunteers who have travelled to fight Isil in Syria and Iraq despite no military training. But what impact are they having?
    » Turkey's war against the Kurds only helps Isil
    11/08/15 13:02 from Islamic State
    The upsurge in hostilities between the Turks and Kurds is an unwelcome distraction from the coalition's military campaign to destroy Isil
    » Jeb Bush Says Hillary Clinton ‘Stood By’ as Iraq Descended Into Violence
    11/08/15 11:23 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Jeb Bush will deliver a foreign policy speech on Tuesday, when he is expected to say Hillary Rodham Clinton “stood by” as secretary of state when the situation in Iraq deteriorated, creating the conditions that led to the rise of ISIS.
    » Donald Trump, Pivoting Toward Policy, Makes Up With Fox
    11/08/15 07:58 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Donald J. Trump appeared on Fox News and talked about defeating the Islamic State and simplifying the tax system, averting any discussion of his war of words in recent days with the anchor Megyn Kelly.
    » Donald Trump, Pivoting Toward Policy, Urges Simpler Tax Code
    11/08/15 07:58 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Donald J. Trump appeared on Fox News and talked about defeating the Islamic State and simplifying the tax system, averting any discussion of his war of words in recent days with the anchor Megyn Kelly.
    » Online Islamic State recruiters urge would-be jihadists to stay in UK and attack at home
    11/08/15 04:08 from Islamic State
    In a new strategy, Brits are being encouraged to form gangs and start the long process of creating an Islamic State here
    » UK's £2.7bn in aid to countries where Christians are persecuted
    11/08/15 02:00 from Islamic State
    Four out of five countries on persecution watch list receive aid from British taxpayers
    » Gun Battle Breaks Out at U.S. Consulate in Istanbul
    11/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The attack was one of several violent episodes across the country, which some attributed to an uptick in clashes between Turkish security forces and Kurdish militants.
    » Gun Battle Breaks Out Outside U.S. Consulate in Istanbul
    11/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The attack was one of several violent episodes across the country, which some attributed to an uptick in clashes between Turkish security forces and Kurdish militants.
    » Nusra Front Announces Withdrawal From Front Line Against ISIS in Syria
    11/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The Nusra Front, the Syrian affiliate of Al Qaeda, said it disagreed with plans by Turkey and the United States to clear the Islamic State from an area along the Turkish border.
    » New Jersey Man Charged With Plotting to Support ISIS
    11/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Nader Saadeh, 20, who lived in Rutherford, N.J., until he left the United States in May, was charged with conspiracy and seeking to provide material aid to a terrorist group.
    » Gun Battle Erupts Outside U.S. Consulate in Istanbul
    11/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The attack was one of several violent episodes across the country, which some attributed to an uptick in clashes between Turkish security forces and Kurdish militants.
    » Time to Reassess Sinai Peacekeeping Force
    11/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    International peacekeepers in Egypt’s Sinai are under greater threat and tasked with an increasingly obsolete mission.
    » Attackers in Istanbul Open Fire Outside U.S. Consulate
    11/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The attack was one of several violent episodes across the country, which some attributed to an uptick in clashes between Turkish security forces and Kurdish militants.
    » Mississippi: Two Face Charges of Trying to Join Militant Group
    11/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Jaelyn Delshaun Young, 19, and Muhammad Oda Dakhlalla, 22 were arrested on charges that they tried to travel abroad to join the Islamic State militant group.
    » Iraq: Deadly Bombs Strike in East
    11/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Two bomb attacks hit eastern Iraq on Monday night, killing at least 42 people, officials said.
    » The Donald and Decadence
    10/08/15 15:19 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    How Trump’s sort of populist nationalism differs from the European variety.
    » I only joined Isil because my wedding was called off, admits ex-jihadist
    10/08/15 14:35 from Islamic State
    German named only as Ebrahim HB, 26, vowed ahead of his trial to reveal Isil's inner workings - but instead tells a more prosaic secret
    » Tunisia Deserves Support
    10/08/15 12:30 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Letters to the International New York Times.
    » Yazidis left to their fate in Iraq: 'The world has forgotten us'
    10/08/15 03:00 from Islamic State
    A year after Islamic State's siege of Mount Sinjar alerted the world to the fate of the Yazidi people, the Iraqi MP who highlighted their plight tells Richard Spencer that they have been abandoned
    » British grandfather leaves family and daschunds to join militants fighting Isil in Iraq
    10/08/15 02:11 from Islamic State
    Jim Atherton, 53, of Tyne and Wear, is fighting alongside a Christian militia called Dwekh Nawsha
    » British grandfather leaves family and dachsunds to join militants fighting Isil in Iraq
    10/08/15 02:11 from Islamic State
    Jim Atherton, 53, of Tyne and Wear, is fighting alongside a Christian militia called Dwekh Nawsha
    » Iraq’s Premier, Facing Protests, Proposes Government Overhaul
    10/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s proposals could be a turning point in the dysfunctional politics of Iraq that have persisted since the American invasion in 2003.
    » Change in Militant Tactics Puts Tunisians on Edge
    10/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Recent attacks have provoked a security crackdown that has Tunisians wondering if they can fight terrorism without giving up hard-won freedoms.
    » Kurdish Role in Fighting ISIS in Syria Is Crucial to U.S., but Is Alarming Turkey
    10/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Even as Kurds are assisting in the campaign against the Islamic State in Syria, Turkey, a latecomer to the U.S.-led mission, is also bombarding Kurdish insurgent positions.
    » Premier Haider al-Abadi, Facing Protests, Proposes Iraqi Government Overhaul
    10/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Mr. Abadi’s proposals could be a turning point in the dysfunctional politics of Iraq that have persisted since the American invasion in 2003.
    » Inside Syria: Kurds Roll Back ISIS, but Alliances Are Strained
    10/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Even as Kurds are assisting in the campaign against the Islamic State in Syria, Turkey, a latecomer to the U.S.-led mission, is also bombarding Kurdish insurgent positions.
    » British granddad leaves family and daschunds to join militants fighting Isil in Iraq
    09/08/15 19:12 from Islamic State
    53-year-old Jim Atherton, of Tyne and Wear, is fighting alongside a Christian militia called Dwekh Nawsha
    » SAS 'took part in Abu Sayyaf Isil raid in Syria'
    09/08/15 12:56 from Islamic State
    British special forces reportedly carried out daring surveillance mission before the attack
    » Busy September Looms for Obama, but First: Two Weeks of Golf
    08/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The president will face likely showdowns on Iran and the budget, not to mention high-profile visitors from Beijing and the Vatican, after a vacation on Martha’s Vineyard.
    » Dozens of Syrian Christians Missing From Town Attacked by ISIS
    08/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Contact with the Christians was lost after the jihadists attacked the isolated oasis town of Qariyatain in Homs Province and routed the Syrian Army.
    » Fate of Croatian hostage held by ISIL still unknown
    07/08/15 22:31 from Islamic State
    Deadline passes for execution of Tomislav Salopek, hostage held by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
    » Croatian hostage father makes plea for Isil release as deadline looms
    07/08/15 04:54 from Islamic State
    Video threatening to murder Tomislav Salopek within 48 hours released by Isil on Wednesday
    » Suicide Bomber Kills 13 in Attack on a Saudi Arabian Mosque
    07/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The blast is the most recent in a series of assaults targeting mosques in the kingdom, with the timing often intended to maximize casualties.
    » Suicide Bomber Kills 13 at Mosque in Southern Saudi Arabia
    07/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The blast is the most recent in a series of assaults targeting mosques in the kingdom, with the timing often intended to maximize casualties.
    » U.S., Citing Militant Threat, Toughens Requirements in Visa Waiver Program
    07/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Countries in the program like Britain and France that have many citizens who have traveled to Iraq and Syria will have to allow more American air marshals on flights and step up data sharing.
    » Macedonia Arrests 9 Suspected of Having Ties to ISIS
    07/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Nine people have been arrested and 27 others are being sought in a crackdown on citizens who have gone to fight in the Middle East or have recruited fighters.
    » Syrian Foreign Minister Visits Oman, the Regional Conciliator
    07/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    In his first trip to Oman since the Syrian conflict began, the minister drew speculation that efforts to find ways to end the war have intensified.
    » At Least 15 Die at Saudi Mosque from Suicide Bomber
    07/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The blast is the most recent in a series of assaults targeting mosques in the kingdom, with the timing often intended to maximize casualties.
    » Syrian Official’s Visit to Oman May Signal a Diplomatic Opening
    07/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    In his first trip to Oman since the Syrian conflict began, the minister drew speculation that efforts to find ways to end the war have intensified.
    » Tougher Standards Set for U.S. Visa Waivers, Citing Militant Threat
    07/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Countries in the program like Britain and France that have many citizens who have traveled to Iraq and Syria will have to allow more American air marshals on flights and step up data sharing.
    » Britain Charges Radical Preacher With Fomenting Support for ISIS
    06/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Anjem Choudary, some of whose followers have joined the Islamic State, is accused of advocating on behalf of the Islamic State in lectures published online.
    » Britain Charges Anjem Choudary, Radical Preacher, With Fomenting Support for ISIS
    06/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Mr. Choudary, some of whose followers have joined the Islamic State, is accused of advocating on behalf of the group in lectures published online.
    » Egyptian Militants Tied to ISIS Threaten to Kill Croatian Hostage
    06/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The militants say that unless Egypt releases jailed Muslim women, they will kill the Croatian, who was kidnapped in July while working in Cairo for a French company.
    » Britain Charges Anjem Choudary, Radical Preacher, With Aiding ISIS
    06/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Mr. Choudary, some of whose followers have joined the Islamic State, and an associate are accused of advocating on behalf of the group in lectures published online.
    » Turkey’s Push Into War Is Seen as Erdogan’s Political Strategy
    06/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Analysts say that by resuming military operations against the Kurds, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is setting the stage for snap elections so his party can regain control of Parliament.
    » Kerry Urges Beijing to Halt Actions in South China Sea
    06/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Talking with his Chinese counterpart while at a meeting of Southeast Asian nations, the secretary of state expressed concerns about island-building in disputed waters.
    » Isil loyalists threatens to kill Croatian hostage in 48 hours in new video
    05/08/15 13:04 from Islamic State
    Man identified as Tomislav Salopek, 30, is shown kneeling next to a knife-wielding militant in the video
    » Isil loyalists threaten to kill Croatian hostage in 48 hours in new video
    05/08/15 13:04 from Islamic State
    Man identified as Tomislav Salopek, 30, is shown kneeling next to a knife-wielding militant in the video
    » What is life like inside the largest Syrian refugee camp - Zaatari in Jordan?
    05/08/15 03:00 from Islamic State
    There is a pizza delivery service, a coffee shop where shisha fans can indulge in the habit and a street named Champs-Elysée. But the dangers remain in the camp home to thousands of Syrian refugees
    » Inside Zaatari refugee camp: the fourth largest city in Jordan
    05/08/15 03:00 from Islamic State
    There is a pizza delivery service, a coffee shop selling shisha and a street named Champs-Elysée. But dangers remain in the Zaatari refugee camp that is home to more than 80,000 Syrian refugees
    » ISIS or Al Qaeda? American Officials Split Over Biggest Threat
    05/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Those who worry more about the Islamic State emphasize its recruiting power on social media; those more concerned with Qaeda affiliates warn of “mass-casualty” attacks.
    » ISIS or Al Qaeda? American Officials Split Over Top Terror Threat
    05/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Those who worry more about the Islamic State emphasize its recruiting power on social media; those more concerned with Qaeda affiliates warn of “mass-casualty” attacks.
    » Before ISIS, a Resonant Image of a Captured Flag in Iraq
    04/08/15 06:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    For two veterans who served in Iraq in 2008, an image of their squadron commander holding a captured flag stands out from their experience. The flag is now used by the Islamic State extremist group.
    » Saving Tunisia From ISIS
    04/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Europe cannot afford to let this fragile democracy fall into a chaos that will feed the Islamic State.
    » RAF Tornado jets given reprieve to keep bombing Isil
    03/08/15 19:01 from Islamic State
    12 (Bomber) Squadron currently leading strike missions in northern Iraq had been due to disband, but will be kept flying because of the demand for Tornados over Iraq
    » Former German extremist who vows to reveal inner workings of Isil goes on trial
    03/08/15 11:37 from Islamic State
    Ebrahim HB - who went to Syria last year - faces ten years in prison if found guilty of membership of a terrorist organisation
    » Hundreds of civilians killed by coalition air strikes against Isil in Syria and Iraq
    03/08/15 07:00 from Islamic State
    In one deadly incident, more than 50 people were killed in an Isil-run prison in Al-Bab in Syria
    » Kerry, in Egypt, Discusses Balancing Human Rights and Terror Fight
    03/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Secretary of State John Kerry told the Egyptian authorities on Sunday that they would not be able to defeat terrorism at home unless they showed greater respect for human rights.
    » Kerry Warns Egypt Human Rights Abuses Can Hurt Fight Against Terrorism
    03/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Secretary of State John Kerry told the Egyptian authorities on Sunday that they would not be able to defeat terrorism at home unless they showed greater respect for human rights.
    » Iraqis Protest Electricity Shortage During Heat Wave
    02/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    One of the country’s largest recent grass-roots protests shut down traffic in Baghdad on Friday night, and more protests took place Saturday in southern Iraq.
    » 120 Degrees and No Relief? ISIS Takes Back Seat for Iraqis
    02/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    One of the country’s largest recent grass-roots protests shut down traffic in Baghdad on Friday night, and more protests took place Saturday in southern Iraq.
    » Kurdish fighters flush Isil from key town in Syria
    01/08/15 13:18 from Islamic State
    Kurdish militia and Syrian Army soldiers have pushed Islamic State out of the city of Hasakeh
    » Nusra Front Attacks U.S.-Backed Syrian Rebel Group
    01/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The U.S. trained members of the group to take on the Islamic State, but on Friday they were fighting off an attack from another Islamist faction.
    » Rivals of ISIS Attack U.S.-Backed Syrian Rebel Group
    01/08/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The U.S. trained members of the group to take on the Islamic State, but on Friday they were fighting off an attack from another Islamist faction.
    » Barack Obama does not want to defeat Isil - yet
    31/07/15 15:00 from Islamic State
    For American foreign policy, winning the war against Isil quickly would be pointless and potentially disastrous
    » US officials admit Isil just as strong as when air campaign began
    31/07/15 11:12 from Islamic State
    Jihadist group has been successful in recruiting new fighters to replace 10,000 lost during past year, as oil revenue continues to flow, according to latest figures
    » Meet the man who is trying to save the Christians of the Middle East
    31/07/15 08:37 from Islamic State
    Among the ruins left by Islamic State, George Weidenfeld is helping many Coptic Christians - but he can't save the world
    » What should we do with all the refugees? Give them their own country
    31/07/15 07:28 from Islamic State
    A totally new nation could give the Calais thousands - and escapees from warzones across the world - a place they can call home
    » Three women conned Isil out of cash. Now they're internet heroes
    31/07/15 05:56 from Islamic State
    Three Chechen women allegedly conned Islamic State fighters out of thousands of pounds by pretending to be jihadi brides - turning them into 'catfishing' legends
    » U.S.-Trained Anti-ISIS Fighters Kidnapped in Syria
    31/07/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The group said its commander and seven fighters had been seized by an affiliate of Al Qaeda in a setback for the U.S. fight against the Islamic State.
    » U.S.-Trained Anti-ISIS Commander Kidnapped in Syria
    31/07/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    The group said its commander and seven fighters had been seized by an affiliate of Al Qaeda in a setback for the U.S. fight against the Islamic State.
    » Kidnapping of Pentagon-Trained Fighters in Syria Is New Hurdle for U.S. Effort
    31/07/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    A Pentagon program to train moderate Syrian insurgents has been vexed with problems that have left only a tiny band of fighters ready to do battle.
    » Leader’s Abduction Is Just Latest Woe of U.S. Allies in Syria 
    31/07/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    A Pentagon program to train moderate Syrian insurgents has been vexed with problems that have left only a tiny band of fighters ready to do battle.
    » Abductions Hurt U.S. Bid to Train Anti-ISIS Rebels in Syria
    31/07/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    A troubled Pentagon program to train Syrian insurgents to fight the Islamic State has produced only a tiny band of fighters ready to do battle.
    » Three Chechen women 'conned Islamic State fighters out of thousands of pounds'
    30/07/15 14:13 from Islamic State
    One of the women admits to seriously considering moving to Syria but backed out after hearing the experiences of others
    » Man From Buffalo Area Is Charged With Trying to Aid ISIS
    30/07/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Arafat M. Nagi, from Lackawanna, N.Y., is the latest to be accused of trying to support a terrorist group; he faces up to 15 years in prison.
    » Britain Is Losing Against ISIS Recruitment Tactics
    29/07/15 14:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    A marketing pitch has swayed hundreds of young British Muslims into believing the Islamic State's utopian vision.
    » German boy, 13, 'travelled to Turkey to join Isil'
    29/07/15 10:12 from Islamic State
    The 13-year-old is believed to be the youngest German to have attempted to join the jihadist group
    » What does Turkey's involvement in air strikes mean for Kurds, Isil, Syria and Nato?
    29/07/15 08:05 from Islamic State
    After the terrorist attack in Turkey last week, Ankara has launched air strikes and allowed the US to use its airbase in Incirlik. King's College London experts and Richard Spencer explain what this change in policy means
    » Turkey urged by Nato to show restraint as Erdogan says Kurdish peace process 'impossible'
    29/07/15 07:04 from Islamic State
    A peace process cannot continue with those who threaten our national unity and brotherhood, says the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    » Ethnic Tensions in Xinjiang Complicate China-Turkey Ties
    29/07/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Bilateral trade is growing between Beijing and Ankara, but anti-Chinese sentiment in Turkey appears to be growing as well.
    » Turkey’s Fight Against ISIS Explained
    29/07/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    Questions and answers about Turkey’s cooperation with the United States in confronting the Islamic State militant group and trying to address the Syrian conflict.
    » Turkey’s Focus on Crushing Kurd Extremists Complicates ISIS Efforts
    29/07/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    President Recep Tayyip Erdogan ramps up tensions with Kurdish militants, saying he cannot continue a two-year-old peace process with them.
    » Florida Man Charged With Planning Terror Bombing 
    29/07/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    A Florida man has been charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction, an inert bomb that he had been given by undercover F.B.I. agents, the Justice Department said Tuesday.
    » Turkey’s Focus on Crushing Kurdish Separatists Complicates the Fight Against ISIS
    29/07/15 00:00 from NYT > Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
    President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has ramped up tensions with Kurdish militants, saying he cannot continue a two-year-old peace process with them.
    » American charged with planning backpack bomb attack
    28/07/15 16:55 from Islamic State
    Prosecutors say Harlem Suarez was captured in an FBI sting after declaring support for the Islamic State on Facebook
    » Turkey says Kurdish peace process impossible to continue as Nato meets
    28/07/15 16:34 from Islamic State
    A peace process cannot continue with those who threaten our national unity and brotherhood, says the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    » Turkey is paying a high price for its double standards over Islamic State
    28/07/15 13:01 from Islamic State
    A spate of Isil terrorist attacks against Turkey is the reason President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has agreed to allow US warplanes access to Turkish air bases
    » Ex-British boxing champion cleared of plot to fight jihad in Syria
    28/07/15 10:35 from Islamic State
    Anthony Small, former British and Commonwealth light middleweight champion, cleared of preparing terrorist acts with plot to leave Britain for Syria
    » Nato vows to back Turkey against 'terrible acts of terror'
    28/07/15 08:09 from Islamic State
    Analysts say Turkey has been forced to escalate its war in Syria because of gains by Kurdish fighters
    » Isil's propaganda machine has to be destroyed
    28/07/15 01:01 from Islamic State
    We must exploit the growing outrage in the Muslim world against the Islamists' heinous exploits
    » Britain could launch air strikes on Libya, David Cameron warns
    27/07/15 05:31 from Islamic State
    UK could take military action against Isil in Libya as well as Syria, the Prime Minister says
    » Page2RSS Monitored Page: Islamic State News: Breaking News and Headlines from Islamic State | GlobalPost
    14/07/15 15:41 from Islamic State News: Breaking News and Headlines from Islamic State | GlobalPost
    The page is monitored for updates. There are no changes detected since 07/14/15 12:41:38.
    » Page2RSS Monitored Page: Search
    18/04/15 19:23 from Search
    The page is monitored for updates. There are no changes detected since 04/18/15 16:23:29.
    » Barack Obama's foreign policy doctrine takes shape - Financial Times
    12/04/15 07:55 from Google News
    Barack Obama's foreign policy doctrine takes shape Financial Times First-term presidents dislike the idea of a foreign policy doctrine, fearing that it will limit their choices and force them to answer hypothetical questions. But wit...
    » Marriage ISIS-Style: Love in the Time of Caliphates - Daily Beast
    11/04/15 12:49 from Google News
    Daily Beast Marriage ISIS-Style: Love in the Time of Caliphates Daily Beast It's springtime in Mosul, can matrimony be far behind? Even under the blood-soaked tyranny of the so-called Islamic State, people persist in tying the knot. ...
    » The Greatest Threat to Our National Security - Breitbart News
    10/04/15 14:47 from Google News
    Breitbart News The Greatest Threat to Our National Security Breitbart News When President-elect Obama declared that he was going to “fundamentally transform” America, not many Americans understood what that meant. They certainly did not ...
    » ISIS News: 9-Year-Old Girl Pregnant After Being Raped By Islamic State Group ... - International Business Times
    10/04/15 10:47 from ISIS - Google News
    International Business Times ISIS News: 9-Year-Old Girl Pregnant After Being Raped By Islamic State Group ... International Business Times The girl was one of 216 people from the ethnic and religious minority community known as Yazidis r...
    » Who is America's Worst Enemy? - Sputnik International
    10/04/15 10:42 from Google News
    Who is America's Worst Enemy? Sputnik International If Obama's words are anything to go by, among America's worst enemies are ISIL, Ebola, Iran and, of course, Russia which sometimes is even mentioned as enemy number one in t...
    » The history of the Islamic State:rise of this Sunni terrorist group-STANLY JOHNY - JK Alternative Viewpoint
    10/04/15 08:29 from Russia and ISIS - Google News
    JK Alternative Viewpoint The history of the Islamic State:rise of this Sunni terrorist group-STANLY JOHNY JK Alternative Viewpoint It is in this haven that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi reinvented his struggling group, Al Qaeda in Iraq, as the wo...
    » ISIS: the mad, bloody residue of the war on terror - Spiked
    10/04/15 07:33 from Russia and ISIS - Google News
    Spiked ISIS : the mad, bloody residue of the war on terror Spiked By the end of the summer, ISIS controls a territory larger in size than Great Britain, spreading from Iraq's border with Iran to Iraqi Kurdistan and, thanks to its rol...
    » Yazidi women 'gang-raped in public' by Isis fighters, harrowing accounts reveal - Times of India
    10/04/15 06:52 from ISIS - Google News
    Times of India Yazidi women 'gang-raped in public' by Isis fighters, harrowing accounts reveal Times of India Yazidi women released by Isis this week were gang-raped in public by fighters and tortured by their captors, according ...
    » Mosul beckons - The Economist
    10/04/15 05:28 from Google News
    The Economist Mosul beckons The Economist IN A barren military camp near Mosul in Iraq, 500 balaclava-clad men train for urban warfare under the watchful eye of their leader, a former general in Saddam Hussein's army. They are among ...
    » ISIS kills 52 men in Iraq - The Guardian Nigeria
    10/04/15 05:07 from Google News
    The Guardian Nigeria ISIS kills 52 men in Iraq The Guardian Nigeria ISIS killed 52 men, the majority Iraqi police officers, at the al Qaim border crossing with Syria this week, according to Sohaib al Rawi, governor of Iraq's Anbar pr...
    » US official claims invasion of Mosul 'might be some time from now' - Business Standard
    10/04/15 02:13 from Google News
    US official claims invasion of Mosul 'might be some time from now' Business Standard A United States official has said that the invasion of Iraqi city of Mosul that is under that control of Islamic State (IS) militants "migh...
    » ISIS launches English radio - The Nation
    09/04/15 19:15 from Google News
    The Nation ISIS launches English radio The Nation ISIS has launched English-language radio news bulletins on its Iraqi broadcast service - complete with information on the latest suicide bombings and 'martyrdom operations'. The e...
    » US official: Mosul invasion 'might be some time from now' - CNN
    09/04/15 18:59 from Google News
    CNN US official: Mosul invasion 'might be some time from now' CNN (CNN) Do you remember the talk about plans for Iraqi-led force to try to take back Mosul this spring? Well, you might want to forget it. Nearly three months after ...
    » Obama bets his presidency, and the 2016 election, on Iran - THE BUSINESS TIMES
    09/04/15 17:58 from Google News
    THE BUSINESS TIMES Obama bets his presidency, and the 2016 election, on Iran THE BUSINESS TIMES President Obama's policy in Iraq and towards Iran are becoming central to a heated political debate in Washington - pitting the White Hou...
    » Let's give Obama the recognition he deserves - Northern Iowan
    09/04/15 17:49 from Google News
    Northern Iowan Let's give Obama the recognition he deserves Northern Iowan Believe it or not, the 2016 Presidential Election is just 20 months away. This is an important election for both parties, who will each get the chance to put ...
    » Why is ISIS destroying Iraq's cultural heritage? - The Daily Star
    09/04/15 17:09 from Google News
    Why is ISIS destroying Iraq's cultural heritage? The Daily Star In recent months ISIS has taken to destroying priceless architecture and antiquities in northern Iraq. Since declaring a “caliphate” in June 2014 ISIS has targeted every...
    » ISIS Frees 200 Yazidis Near Kirkuk, Iraq, After Months in Captivity -
    09/04/15 15:54 from ISIS - Google News ISIS Frees 200 Yazidis Near Kirkuk, Iraq, After Months in Captivity KIRKUK, Iraq — More than 200 elderly and ailing Yazidis were freed Wednesday by ISIS militants who had been holding them captive since overrunnin...
    » The Incredible Obama Doctrine: Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick (Which You ... - Fox News (blog)
    09/04/15 14:18 from Google News
    Fox News (blog) The Incredible Obama Doctrine: Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick (Which You ... Fox News (blog) Last weekend, with the ink on the Iran nuclear deal still being deciphered, the Obama Doctrine fell out of an interview betw...
    » Iraqi officials: next battle is regaining Anbar from ISIS - Al-Arabiya
    09/04/15 12:13 from ISIS - Google News
    Al-Arabiya Iraqi officials: next battle is regaining Anbar from ISIS Al-Arabiya The office of Iraq's Prime Minister said Wednesday the country's “next battle” against Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ( ISIS ) militants, after libe...
    » Obama's doctrine and legacy - Amsterdam News
    09/04/15 12:01 from Google News
    Obama's doctrine and legacy Amsterdam News If President Barack Obama's intention is to forge a legacy, one mainly based on his foreign policy, he has made several decisive steps toward that goal. Several months ago, he reached ou...
    » Opinion: Contradictions in Obama's Doctrine - Asharq Alawsat English
    09/04/15 11:38 from Google News
    Asharq Alawsat English Opinion: Contradictions in Obama's Doctrine Asharq Alawsat English I tried to ignore US President Barack Obama's interview with the New York Times because I was sure it would be part of his propaganda campa...
    » ICC has no jurisdiction to prosecute ISIS - Middle East Monitor
    09/04/15 10:51 from ISIS - Google News
    ICC has no jurisdiction to prosecute ISIS Middle East Monitor International Criminal Court (ICC) announced on Wednesday that it is unable to prosecute ISIS over its crimes because it lack territorial jurisdiction over the committed crime...
    » ISIS executes 300 Iraqi prisoners - Middle East Monitor
    09/04/15 10:44 from ISIS - Google News
    Middle East Monitor ISIS executes 300 Iraqi prisoners Middle East Monitor He did not provide any evidence to his claim and the incidence could not be verified from an independent source. On Tuesday, Iraqi forces and tribesmen affiliated ...
    » A victory against Islamic State - The Australian
    09/04/15 10:07 from Google News
    A victory against Islamic State The Australian There is a long way to go in the battle against Islamic State, but the “liberation” of the city of Tikrit announced by Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi should boost confidence in the cap...
    » Two Chinese ISIS members and children detained near Syrian border - Daily Sabah
    09/04/15 09:59 from Google News
    Daily Sabah Two Chinese ISIS members and children detained near Syrian border Daily Sabah Two Chinese members of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and their children have been detained after trying to enter Turkey illegally ne...
    » International Criminal Court Has No Jurisdiction Over ISIS Leaders' Crimes; ISIS ... - International Business Times AU
    09/04/15 09:50 from ISIS - Google News
    International Business Times AU International Criminal Court Has No Jurisdiction Over ISIS Leaders' Crimes; ISIS ... International Business Times AU ISIS leaders accused of committing genocide and “crimes of unspeakable cruelty” will...

    Middle East News

    » Iran's troubled bond market
    08/12/15 06:29 from Full Feed
    Even if sanctions are lifted, Iran's debt market faces several obstacles to realizing its full potential.
    » Kharazi sparks controversy within Reformist camp
    08/12/15 05:43 from Full Feed
    Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Kharazi, who has founded a new political Reformist group, has stirred controversy with comments that he someday might expose names of Reformists who in the past had contacts with Americans.
    » Former US ambassador: There won't be peace in Syria without prosecution of Assad
    08/12/15 04:00 from Full Feed
    In Stephen Rapp's first interview since leaving office, the recently resigned US ambassador at large and chief of the State Department’s Office of Global Criminal Justice says progress is being made on amassing documentation of the "hell...
    » Kuwait's Sunnis question fellow Shiites' loyalties
    08/12/15 03:44 from Full Feed
    Kuwait is experiencing heightened Sunni-Shiite tensions, but the country's position in the region may make it difficult to address them should the situation worsen.
    » Controversy over plan to reform Israeli public broadcasting
    08/12/15 03:42 from Full Feed
    Minister Ofir Akunis, who is responsible for reforming public broadcasting, tells Al-Monitor that contrary to accusations by the left, his reform plan is designed to rebuild an independent entity, reflecting more "balanced" views.
    » Egypt's prosecutors take aim at pop stars
    08/12/15 03:42 from Full Feed
    In Egypt, where popular music videos are offending public morals, charges of indecency are being filed against a number of dancers.
    » Is Palestinian soccer head playing a political game?
    08/12/15 03:20 from Full Feed
    Palestinian Football Association Head Jibril Rajoub claimed that Israel prevented West Bank entry of Palestinian soccer players, but Israel argues that it was Rajoub who created an incident so he could score political points.
    » Turkish men not so worried about worry beads
    08/12/15 03:20 from Full Feed
    The traditional use of worry beads, or tesbih, thrives in modern times as a tool for personal therapy, a status symbol and a faithful companion.
    » Possible EU sanctions alarm Israeli banks
    08/12/15 03:14 from Full Feed
    Following the recommendation of a prominent think tank, Israeli investors fear that the European Union will decide to "mark" Israeli banks that operate in the West Bank, devastating the entire Israeli banking system.
    » Turkey treads carefully on new gas pipeline with Russia
    08/12/15 03:14 from Full Feed
    Ankara doesn’t want to put all of its energy eggs into the Russian basket.
    » Is Turkey's 'emergency rule' back?
    08/12/15 03:08 from Full Feed
    With increasing tensions in the region, declaring 37 areas "provisional security zones" off-limits to civilians is seen by some as a resurrection of Turkey's emergency rule.
    » Hamas concludes first-ever military training camp for girls
    07/12/15 23:28 from Full Feed
    Hamas’ women's movement is now organizing female-only training camps to strengthen young women's affiliation with Hamas' values and goals.
    » Islamic State tightens grip on Libya
    07/12/15 23:12 from Full Feed
    An Al-Monitor correspondent recently visited Libya and found his homeland sinking deeper into despair and dysfunction and possibly sliding toward disintegration.
    » Sahl al-Ghab emerges as main focus of Syrian rebels' fight against regime
    08/11/15 06:46 from Full Feed
    Syria’s Sahl al-Ghab region is of strategic importance to the Syrian opposition factions who have been trying to weaken the Assad regime whose largest pool of supporters is based there.
    » Rafsanjani's son enters prison amid media circus
    08/11/15 05:43 from Full Feed
    Mehdi Hashemi Rafsanjani, Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani's son, entered Evin prison to serve a 10-year sentence for corruption.
    » Declining Israeli prison conditions may escalate tension with Palestine
    08/11/15 05:00 from Full Feed
    Sanctions imposed on Palestinian prisoners inside Israeli jails have pushed prisoners to go on a hunger strike until their demands are met.
    » Egypt’s state-owned media ripe for restructuring
    08/11/15 04:53 from Full Feed
    The Egyptian Radio and Television Union has had major financial losses, mainly due to its $2.8 billion debt to National Investment Bank, which is why the government launched a restructuring plan.
    » How Iran deal could bring multilateralism to Middle East
    08/11/15 04:52 from Full Feed
    As the Joint Cooperative Plan of Action comes into effect, the region could see the emergence of a new era of greater cooperation by all regional actors, including Iran.
    » Iraq's disabled lack basic help
    08/11/15 04:44 from Full Feed
    The number of Iraqis with special needs is growing in light of ongoing wars and sectarian conflicts, while they face a lack of adequate physical and psychological rehab centers.
    » Ankara warms to idea of political solution in Syria
    08/11/15 04:13 from Full Feed
    Ankara seems to be growing more amenable to a solution that includes the Syrian regime, unhappy about perceptions that it has used the international effort against the Islamic State as an excuse to resume strikes against the Kurdistan Wo...
    » Islamic State ups rhetoric against Ankara
    08/11/15 04:09 from Full Feed
    Following a Turkish-American deal allowing US warplanes to use Incirlik Air Base in the fight against the Islamic State, the terrorist group has lashed out at the ruling AKP government.
    » Netanyahu's coalition stable ... for now
    08/11/15 03:50 from Full Feed
    Despite predictions that the coalition will break up in the coming months, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu feels confident that he can get the budget approved at the Knesset, at which time perhaps opposition parties might join ...
    » Inside the secret US-Iran diplomacy that sealed nuke deal
    08/11/15 03:33 from Full Feed
    Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei authorized direct talks with the United States on the nuclear issue as early as 2011, but real progress was not made until Hassan Rouhani, unaware of the talks, came into office in August 2013...
    » Going gluten-free in Gaza
    08/11/15 03:23 from Full Feed
    Gluten-sensitive Gazans do not have easy access to flour they can easily digest, but two researchers have recently developed a gluten-free wheat that can be produced locally.
    » Former Shin Bet head: Jewish terror slow-growing 'cancer' in Israel
    07/11/15 23:07 from Full Feed
    Former Shin Bet head Yuval Diskin has posted a scathing criticism of Jewish terrorism, blaming weak Israeli leadership for failing to counter "anarchist ideologies."
    » Brutalism in Beersheeba
    08/10/15 07:16 from Full Feed
    Israeli architects formed a nonprofit association to promote Brutalist architecture in Israel and have submitted a request to UNESCO to recognize Beersheba as a World Heritage Site, representing this particular movement in architecture.
    » Is Iran’s military funding the media?
    08/10/15 06:54 from Full Feed
    Hesam al-Din Ashna, cultural adviser to the Iranian president, said that some media in Iran receive money from the country's defense budget and are established enough to attack other media.
    » One man’s mission to preserve Palestinian heritage
    08/10/15 05:38 from Full Feed
    Palestinian Saeed al-Ashkar interviews the elderly to reconstruct history and preserve Palestinian heritage.
    » Iraqi dates shrivel awaiting production means
    08/10/15 04:23 from Full Feed
    Poor management of agricultural lands and a lack of planning and support by the government for farmers have whittled down Iraq’s production of dates.
    » Israelis lean right toward one-state solution
    08/10/15 04:04 from Full Feed
    Palestinians are calling for one secular state where citizens have equal rights, but more and more right-wing Israelis are adopting their own version of the one Jewish state.
    » Has press freedom fallen victim to AKP’s Syria policy?
    08/10/15 04:02 from Full Feed
    Has the Turkish government once again tried to silence a journalist, this time one who has drawn links between the AKP government's Syria policy and terror attacks by Islamic State in the country?
    » After 500 years, Turkish coffee percolates in popularity
    08/10/15 03:57 from Full Feed
    On the brink of oblivion about a decade ago, Turkey’s ancient coffee culture is revived by a vibrant new generation of entrepreneurs and young consumers.
    » Will Saudi Arabia-Russia talks impact Syrian opposition?
    08/10/15 03:48 from Full Feed
    Moscow has allegedly opened up channels of communication between the Syrian regime and Saudi Arabia, and many are speculating whether this will cripple the Syrian opposition forces’ capabilities.
    » West Bank violence rises sharply
    08/10/15 02:39 from Full Feed
    Spiking rates of societal violence among Palestinians reflect harsh social, economic and political conditions, the spread of a culture that uses weapons, a slow judicial process and an absence of strict measures taken by authorities.
    » Iranian negotiators remain confident about nuclear deal
    08/10/15 02:18 from Full Feed
    At a conference in Tehran on the nuclear agreement with the P5+1, Iran's senior negotiators expressed their satisfaction with the deal and confidence in its implementation.
    » Bibi, king of the Jews
    08/10/15 01:53 from Full Feed
    In opposing the Iranian nuclear deal, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sees himself as the savior of the Jews, a perception that leads him to view the American Jewish community as within his jurisdiction, rather than as US citizens with...
    » Will Israel's force-feeding law turn doctors into political tools?
    08/10/15 01:44 from Full Feed
    The controversial force-feeding law passed in July will soon be tested by the case of hunger-striking Palestinian prisoner Mohammed Allan as the Israel Medical Association stands firm against a practice it considers unethical.
    » ‘New’ Suez Canal might not save Egypt from austerity measures
    08/10/15 01:29 from Full Feed
    Despite praise for Cairo's economic achievements and a positive economic forecast, financial hardships are forcing Egypt to consider cutting back as revenues continue to trickle in.
    » Syrian online satirical show gains popularity
    08/10/15 00:59 from Full Feed
    A group of Syrian opposition activists has made an online satirical show criticizing well-known figures of the Syrian political scene and mainly focusing on President Bashar al-Assad.
    » Liberman slams Netanyahu over Foreign Ministry failings
    07/10/15 21:12 from Full Feed
    Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely is practically ignored by the international community as Israel's Foreign Ministry keeps losing responsibilities to other ministries and its budget is slashed.
    » US wins support from GCC, Asian allies for Iran nuclear deal
    08/09/15 05:27 from Full Feed
    Israel is outlier on nuclear deal; Rafsanjani tells Al-Monitor that Iran “does not inherently have any issues with Saudi Arabia”; Zarif proposes civil nuclear cooperation with Arab states; Syrian, Iranian and Russian officials meet in Te...
    » Merkel says Austrian migrant tragedy a ‘warning’ 
    27/08/15 12:10 from Hurriyet Daily News
    The “horrible” Aug. 27 discovery of between 20 and 50 dead migrants inside a truck in Austria is a warning to Europe to tackle its migrant crisis, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said
    » Bolt beats Gatlin for fourth world 200m gold
    27/08/15 11:32 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Jamaica's Usain Bolt easily outstripped American rival Justin Gatlin to claim his fourth consecutive world 200m title on Aug. 27 and complete a rousing sprint double in Beijing.
    » UN chief says 422,000 besieged Syrians got no UN aid in July
    27/08/15 11:24 from Hurriyet Daily News
    United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon accused all parties in the Syrian conflict of “indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks” on civilians and said the U.N. and its partners couldn’t deliver food to 422,000 people in besieged ...
    » Tarkan shakes Istanbul 
    27/08/15 11:11 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Turkish pop star Tarkan Tevetoğlu staged a glamorous show for more than 7,000 fans at Istanbul’s Cemil Topuzlu Open Air Theater on Aug. 26
    » 'Thousands of benefit claimants died after being found fit for work'
    27/08/15 11:07 from PressTV Media RSS
    More than 2,000 benefit claimants have died in the UK after being found 'fit for work'.
    » IAEA verifies Iran's compliance with commitments 
    27/08/15 11:05 from PressTV Media RSS
    The IAEA confirms that Iran is complying with its commitments to scale back its nuclear program.
    » Google honors Çambel on her birthday 
    27/08/15 11:04 from Hurriyet Daily News
    The doyen of Turkish archaeology, Professor Halet Çambel, who died on Jan. 12 last year aged 98, was honored by Google with a doodle for her birthday on Aug. 27
    » Iran minister blasts 'certain OPEC members' 
    27/08/15 10:50 from PressTV Media RSS
    Iran’s Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zangeneh says some countries in OPEC are trying to harm other members by driving crude oil prices lower through flooding the market.
    » Moody’s says Turkey’s early elections prolong policy indecision, intensify economic headwinds
    27/08/15 10:50 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Turkey’s snap parliamentary election being held on Nov. 1 will prolong policy indecision and intensify economic headwinds, ratings agency Moody’s said on Aug. 27
    » What’s in a name? Europe struggles with migration
    27/08/15 10:49 from The Times of Israel
    The fraught debate over labeling migrants and refugees reflects the diverse manners in which governments approach the issue
    » Tel Aviv ‘Iran Embassy’ sign revealed as PR stunt for new film
    27/08/15 10:47 from The Times of Israel
    ‘Atomic Falafel’ tells story of Israeli and Iranian girls working together to prevent nuclear destruction
    » Hebrew U’s ‘liver-on-a-chip’ research flags new Tylenol danger
    27/08/15 10:47 from The Times of Israel
    New research model that could replace animal testing yields an important discovery
    » Pakistani court orders arrest of ex-PM Gilani over graft charges 
    27/08/15 10:47 from PressTV Media RSS
    A court in Pakistan issues an arrest warrant for former premier Yousaf Raza Gilani over graft charges
    » HDP’s Tüzel turns down interim gov’t offer
    27/08/15 10:42 from Hurriyet Daily News
    An interim election government will function as an extension of the incumbent Justice and Development Party (AKP), a deputy of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) has said, justifying his decision to refuse an offer from Prime Minister A...
    » HDP deputy Tüzel turns down interim gov’t offer
    27/08/15 10:42 from Hurriyet Daily News
    An interim election government will function as an extension of the incumbent Justice and Development Party (AKP), a deputy of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) has said, justifying his decision to refuse an offer from Prime Minister A...
    » Villagers saved three days after flood in Black Sea district
    27/08/15 10:37 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Some 100 villagers, who were trapped in their houses in the mountainous region of Turkey’s Black Sea province of Artvin’s Hopa district that was struck by heavy rain and floods, were saved three days later after the disaster
    » Saudi Arabia has no interest in political solution to Yemeni crisis: Academic 
    27/08/15 10:30 from PressTV Media RSS
    An Iranian academic says that the Saudi regime is not interested in a political solution to the conflict in Yemen.
    » Three injured in shooting at Istanbul’s main bus station
    27/08/15 10:13 from Hurriyet Daily News
    At least three people have been injured by gunfire at Istanbul’s main bus station, in the Bayrampaşa district of the city
    » Pentagon probing false US military claims about fighting Daesh: Report
    27/08/15 10:09 from PressTV Media RSS
    The Pentagon is investigating allegedly false claims US military officials have made in fight against the Takfiri Daesh terrorists, a new report says.
    » US military distorts intelligence on fight against Daesh terrorists: Report
    27/08/15 10:09 from PressTV Media RSS
    The Pentagon is investigating allegedly false claims US military officials have made in fight against the Takfiri Daesh terrorists, a new report says.
    » Floodwater reveals illegal dumping site in Black Sea town
    27/08/15 10:09 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Catastrophic rain that killed eight people in the Black Sea region of Artvin has revealed an illegal dumping site, as floodwater dragged piles of garbage towards the coast.
    » Palestinians call first congress in two decades
    27/08/15 10:03 from The Times of Israel
    Attendees of September meeting will elect a new PLO executive committee and discuss stalled peace negotiations
    » Russia ‘outraged’ by US visa restrictions on top parliamentarian
    27/08/15 10:02 from PressTV Media RSS
    Russia says it is ‘outraged’ by a US decision to impose visa restrictions on a senior parliamentarians who had planned to attend events at the UN headquarters.
    » Please stop looking for lost Nazi treasure train, Poland asks
    27/08/15 10:02 from - Front Page
    Government warns "foragers" they risk hurting themselves; says train may contain "dangerous materials" from World War Two.
    » Deputy Health Minister Litzman to become full minister
    27/08/15 09:56 from The Times of Israel
    In response to landmark court ruling, ultra-Orthodox lawmaker becomes the first to receive rabbis’ approval to enter cabinet
    » Moscow, Tehran ink MoU on S-300 delivery: Russia official
    27/08/15 09:54 from PressTV Media RSS
    Moscow and Tehran have signed an MoU on the delivery of S-300 defense system, a Russian official says.
    » Pieces of huge structure found in Didim
    27/08/15 09:51 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Excavation works in the Temple of Apollo in the western province of Aydın’s Didim district have unearthed the foundations of a giant structure, thought to have connections with the temple
    » Migrant population in UK all-time high, data shows
    27/08/15 09:50 from PressTV Media RSS
    British politicians express disappointment over new figures showing a dramatic rise in migrant population.
    » The blood of summer and our collective sins of omission
    27/08/15 09:50 from The Times of Israel
    Israel’s government and army are responsible for the murderous attack in Duma, and Israel’s Haredi rabbinic leadership for the murder at the Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade. Here’s why
    » Tutu expected out of hospital next week: family 
    27/08/15 09:45 from Hurriyet Daily News
    South African archbishop Desmond Tutu is expected to be discharged from hospital by the end of next week, his daughter said Aug. 27, as his health improves under treatment for a persistent infection
    » Holocaust commemoration NGO recovers Jewish tombstone fragments from Polish river
    27/08/15 09:43 from - Front Page
    Head of From The Depths NGO says discovery of dozens of tombstone fragments will enable people to find the gravestones of their relatives.
    » Drone kills five Qaeda suspects in Yemen stronghold 
    27/08/15 09:42 from Hurriyet Daily News
    An apparent US drone strike killed five Al-Qaeda suspects in the extremist network's southeastern stronghold of Mukalla, a government official said Aug. 27
    » Never had I been to a Meetup like this before
    27/08/15 09:38 from The Times of Israel
    There’s a lot happening for Jersualem-area youth who are interested in tech
    » Abbas rescinds decision to shut down Geneva Initiative branch in Ramallah
    27/08/15 09:36 from - Front Page
    The decision came following international pressure on the PA leadership, Palestinian sources said.
    » Up to 50 refugees found dead in truck in Austria
    27/08/15 09:35 from - Front Page
    Investigations were underway in Austria and Hungary after the bodies were discovered.
    » Israel’s battle with itself
    27/08/15 09:35 from The Times of Israel
    Not only is imprisonment without filing charges unlawful, it actually threatens Israel’s security
    » UN nuclear watchdog: Iran building extension at disputed military site
    27/08/15 09:32 from - Front Page
    Diplomats say any activity at Parchin military site could undermine the ability to check if nuclear bomb tests happened there.
    » Six would-be killers caught in Turkey’s southeast
    27/08/15 09:29 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Six people have been detained and their weapons seized in the southeastern province of Mardin after police raided two separate homes in the Kızıltepe district, upon intelligence that they were planning to assassinate a number of public o...
    » China stocks jump on US rally, yuan edges up
    27/08/15 09:25 from Hurriyet Daily News
    China’s turbulent stock markets rose sharply on Aug. 27, helped by a strong rebound on Wall Street on expectations that the U.S. Federal Reserve will respond to days of China-led volatility by delaying an expected interest rate rise next...
    » Analysis: Is ISIS here to stay in the Middle East?
    27/08/15 09:23 from - Front Page
    Differences abound on whether the group that has already outlived many expectations will become a permanent fixture.
    » Austria discovers dozens of dead migrants
    27/08/15 09:20 from PressTV Media RSS
    Austrian authorities find up to 50 migrants dead in the back of a truck left parked on a highway.
    » The Lite - Thu, Aug, 27, 2015 - 13:00 GMT
    27/08/15 09:18 from PressTV Media RSS
    The Lite - Thu, Aug, 27, 2015 - 13:00 GMT
    » News in Brief - Thu, Aug, 27, 2015 - 12:30 GMT
    27/08/15 09:16 from PressTV Media RSS
    News in Brief - Thu, Aug, 27, 2015 - 12:30 GMT
    » Throw out the rulebook when it comes to Trump: Pollsters
    27/08/15 09:14 from PressTV Media RSS
    Donald Trump’s sterling performance in polls has left polling experts flabbergasted, as he keeps widening his lead over the 2016 US Republican presidential field.
    » Ukrainian sniper kills civilian woman: DPR official
    27/08/15 09:10 from PressTV Media RSS
    A woman is reportedly killed by a gunshot in the head from a Ukrainian sniper in pro-Russia Donetsk
    » TAV Academy becomes an internationally certified training center
    27/08/15 08:55 from Hurriyet Daily News
    The TAV Academy, the training and consulting company of TAV Airports, has been certified by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) following their audit, with TAV Academy being listed among its 16 international private training...
    » Hummus anyone?
    27/08/15 08:53 from - Front Page
    In fact, this will be the first Jerusalem-wide Hummus Day, as the first five editions were limited to the event’s original home base in French Hill.
    » Number of atheists increasing in Turkey: Research company
    27/08/15 08:52 from Hurriyet Daily News
    KONDA’s latest data shows that over the last six years, the percentage of atheists in the population has increased from 2.3 percent to 2.9 percent. Hürriyet took a deeper look into atheism in today’s Turkey
    » Atheists raising their voice in Turkey amid polarized reactions
    27/08/15 08:52 from Hurriyet Daily News
    KONDA’s latest data shows that over the last six years, the percentage of atheists in the population has increased from 2.3 percent to 2.9 percent. Hürriyet took a deeper look into atheism in today’s Turkey
    » Dead migrants found in truck on Austria highway — police
    27/08/15 08:50 from The Times of Israel
    Up to 50 bodies discovered as EU leaders meet to discuss solutions to refugee crisis
    » Up to 50 dead migrants found in truck on Austria highway
    27/08/15 08:50 from The Times of Israel
    Partially decomposed corpses discovered in vehicle with Hungarian plates; minister decries ‘human traffickers’
    » Islamic State advances against rebels in Aleppo, watchdog says
    27/08/15 08:49 from The Times of Israel
    Group seizes rebel-held villages despite Turkish and US efforts to eradicate it from northern part of city
    » Alan Dershowitz, be my guest at J Street
    27/08/15 08:44 from The Times of Israel
    A strong objection to the Harvard law professor’s accusations that the leftwing group is anti-Israel
    » From Mother Africa with love
    27/08/15 08:44 from - Front Page
    The blues comes from the Deep South. It came out of the cotton fields, and the terrible working and living conditions endured for generations by African-Americans, around the end of the 19th century.
    » Inter-Korea deal ‘turning point’ in North-South ties
    27/08/15 08:43 from PressTV Media RSS
    A North Korean official hails the recent deal with the South as a 'turning-point' in bilateral ties.
    » Environmentally-friendly Dutch ports to be modeled in Turkey
    27/08/15 08:34 from Hurriyet Daily News
    The leading country in marine and port projects in the world, the Netherlands, will be a model for Turkey’s ports within an environmentally-friendly Green Port implementation
    » At Istanbul Modern, it’s Your Thursday
    27/08/15 08:26 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Thanks to Istanbul Modern’s implementation “Your Thursday,” sponsored by Ülker, 235,000 people have been able to visit the museum free of charge since May 1, 2014
    » EU envoy warns of new sanctions against settlements
    27/08/15 08:23 from The Times of Israel
    Official says there are ‘more tools’ Europe can use to protest Israel’s continued expansion of settlements in the West Bank
    » Ukraine, creditors agree debt restructuring deal 
    27/08/15 08:22 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Ukraine said on Aug. 27 it had reached a crucial debt restructuring deal that will see lenders accept a 20-percent write-down and keep global markets open to the cash-strapped ex-Soviet state
    » Iran to offer giant oil, gas fields to investors
    27/08/15 08:14 from PressTV Media RSS
    Iran will offer the South Pars oil layer and three gas fields to foreign investors at the upcoming London conference where the country will also unveil its new contract formula, an energy official says.
    » Thai police examine Turkish role in Bangkok blast
    27/08/15 08:14 from PressTV Media RSS
    Thai police begin a probe into the alleged role of Turkish nationals in a recent blast in Bangkok.
    » Bursaspor lineup spreads to players from five continents
    27/08/15 08:13 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Turkey’s Bursaspor, one of the five teams with a league cup in its history, has gone intercontinental this year with players from all over the world.
    » Turkey introduces visa requirement for Libyan citizens 
    27/08/15 08:05 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Turkey has introduced visa requirements for Libyans, due to security concerns, the Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Aug. 27
    » Prime minister taps Akunis as science minister in cabinet reshuffle
    27/08/15 08:03 from The Times of Israel
    Danny Danon approved for UN ambassador post, giving up seat to minister without portfolio and paving way for Knesset to gain record 30th female member
    » Retired US generals to Congress: Vote 'No' on Iran nuclear deal
    27/08/15 07:56 from - Front Page
    The missive is a response to a letter sent last week by a few dozen generals and admirals who expressed support for the agreement.
    » Cops vs. soldiers
    27/08/15 07:50 from The Times of Israel
    A controversial pick for police commissioner has a bunch of ex-top police officials staging a ‘rebellion’
    » Top 5 - Thu, Aug, 27, 2015 - 09:00 GMT
    27/08/15 07:42 from PressTV Media RSS
    Top 5 - Thu, Aug, 27, 2015 - 09:00 GMT
    » Ode to a desert sunrise
    27/08/15 07:42 from The Times of Israel
    From a Manhattan college campus, the dawn sparks memories of cold mornings in the army and hope for the Land
    » A Dose of Nuance: How to speak about Israel during these High Holy Days
    27/08/15 07:27 from - Front Page
    First of all, here’s what not to talk about. Don’t speak about peace. There’s hardly a Jew alive who hasn’t heard the litany of biblical and rabbinic sources on peace trotted out time and again.
    » A Fresh Perspective: Slash the budget
    27/08/15 07:21 from - Front Page
    After a lot of heavy negotiations, the budget has finally been approved by the government and passed on to the Knesset for final approval.
    » Cabinet approves Danon as UN ambassador; Akunis to be science minister
    27/08/15 07:17 from - Front Page
    Danon to replaced in Knesset by Canadian-born Sharren Haskel.
    » 900 US rabbis sign petition opposing Iran deal
    27/08/15 07:17 from The Times of Israel
    ‘Deeply troubled’ by nuclear agreement, clerics exhort Congress to reject it
    » In Plain Language: Love is in the air
    27/08/15 07:17 from - Front Page
    Our family is blessed to be celebrating the weddings of two of our beautiful daughters over the next two weeks. Like most love stories, their search for their bashert is star-studded.
    » Israeli conductor Barenboim confirms talks for Tehran concert
    27/08/15 07:15 from The Times of Israel
    German FM supports Berlin orchestra performance after Miri Regev says it encourages Iranian delegitimization of Israel
    » The Human Spirit: Tom Friedman’s grocer
    27/08/15 07:12 from - Front Page
    On the first day of the Hebrew month of Elul, the traditional Hebrew date of launching an intensified process of soul-searching, I find myself in my neighborhood grocery store in search of sweets.
    » Germany unmoved by Israel's effort to prevent conductor Barenboim from playing in Iran
    27/08/15 07:07 from - Front Page
    Controversial pianist, who also serves as musical director of Berlin philharmonic, is in talks to perform in special Tehran show.
    » Israeli boy dies after falling into Polish canal
    27/08/15 07:07 from The Times of Israel
    After 2 days hooked up to hospital respirator, 3-year-old pronounced dead; parents to bring body to Israel
    » Here and There: Today is tomorrow – Part 2
    27/08/15 07:06 from - Front Page
    A friend recently sent me a YouTube clip of actor Michael Douglas, son of Kirk Douglas, making his acceptance speech on receiving the 2015 Genesis Award here in Israel.
    » This Normal Life: Lost in the woods- Cognitive defusion on vacation
    27/08/15 07:01 from - Front Page
    When the skies started to darken and we felt the first drops of rain on our unprotected bodies, we figured it was just a fluke.
    » Out There: Coca-Cola withdrawal
    27/08/15 06:53 from - Front Page
    Smoking makes me cough, drinking makes me tired, gambling makes me nervous, and I don’t womanize. I do, however, like Coca-Cola. A lot.
    » PM taps Akunis as science and space minister
    27/08/15 06:52 from The Times of Israel
    Likud minister replaces Danny Danon, who heads to NY as new ambassador to UN
    » EU envoy warns of more anti-settlement steps
    27/08/15 06:52 from The Times of Israel
    John Gatt-Rutter says ‘there is support within the union to go on,’ and there are ‘more tools’ the EU can use
    » Fener Greek Orthodox Patriarchate to meet archbishops 
    27/08/15 06:43 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Fener Greek Orthodox Patriarchate will organize a meeting in Istanbul between Aug. 29 and Sept. 2 in order to discuss issues affecting the church and current global issues
    » Chilcot fails to set date for Iraq inquiry report despite legal action threat
    27/08/15 06:42 from PressTV Media RSS
    The Iraq inquiry declines deadline despite simmering tensions among bereaved UK families.
    » Two policemen heavily wounded in PKK attack on police shuttle
    27/08/15 06:41 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Two police officers have been heavily wounded in an attack by outlawed PKK militants on a police shuttle carrying six officers in eastern Turkey, daily Hürriyet’s website has reported.
    » Remembering them: One year later
    27/08/15 06:37 from The Times of Israel
    Mourning the loss of life, limb and hopes for co-existence wrought by last summer’s Hamas rockets
    » Turkish PM hails Türkeş for joining interim gov’t
    27/08/15 06:37 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Incumbent PM Davutoğlu has publicly thanked a senior opposition deputy for accepting his offer to take part in an interim government
    » Turkish PM hails nationalist deputy Türkeş who broke party lines to join interim gov’t
    27/08/15 06:37 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Incumbent PM Davutoğlu has publicly thanked a senior opposition deputy for accepting his offer to take part in an interim government
    » New hospital in Jordan to treat worst of Mideast's war wounded 
    27/08/15 06:34 from Middle East
    International charity Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) says its new reconstructive surgery hospital is unique in the region.
    » Turk takes car on runway after Erdogan mixup
    27/08/15 06:29 from The Times of Israel
    Police confuse black Mercedes for president’s, let it onto tarmac; man puts on hazard lights after seeing airplanes headed his way
    » CHP deputy files question on ‘SpongeBob’ castle restoration in Istanbul
    27/08/15 06:29 from Hurriyet Daily News
    A Republican People’s Party (CHP) deputy has filed a parliamentary question about the controversial restoration of a castle dating back 2,000 years in Istanbul’s northern coastal district of Şile, which has been criticized for resembling...
    » Probe opens into ‘SpongeBob’ castle in Istanbul
    27/08/15 06:29 from Hurriyet Daily News
    A probe opened into the controversial restoration of a castle dating back 2,000 years in Istanbul’s northern coastal district of Şile, which has been criticized for resembling cartoon character SpongeBob SquarePants
    » Syria regime, rebels agree to new truce in three towns
    27/08/15 06:25 from The Times of Israel
    Two-day ceasefire starts in Zabadani, Fuaa and Kafraya as negotiations between the sides continues
    » Two workers dead, 13 others injured in multiple workplace accidents
    27/08/15 06:24 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Two workers have died and 13 others have been injured in multiple incidents across Turkey
    » Iraq to pay for Turkish factory seized by ISIL
    27/08/15 06:19 from Hurriyet Daily News
    The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has seized a cement factory, owned by Turkish Balance Gayrimenkul, in Iraq and the company expects the repayment of half of the losses by Iraq after a meeting with the Turkish Prime Minister
    » As trail runs cold on Bangkok bombing, Thai investigators eye a Turkish connection
    27/08/15 06:16 from - Front Page
    Thailand's deportation of Muslim Uighurs has sparked outrage among Turks, who see themselves as sharing a common cultural and religious background.
    » Iran to offer three gas fields for investment at London conference
    27/08/15 06:16 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Iran will offer three gas fields to foreign investors at a conference in London later this year, an Iranian official said on Aug. 26
    » The Lite - Thu, Aug, 27, 2015 - 09:00 GMT
    27/08/15 06:12 from PressTV Media RSS
    The Lite - Thu, Aug, 27, 2015 - 09:00 GMT
    » The top 13 Jewish newsmakers of 5775
    27/08/15 06:10 from - Front Page
    Whether you love them or hate them - or your feelings are purely pareve - it’s hard to deny they had an impact.
    » ‘Fighters’ speak out after Irish-Kuwaiti tourist beats up Turkish shopkeepers
    27/08/15 06:09 from Hurriyet Daily News
    ‘They picked the wrong man,’ says the Irish-Kuwaiti tourist who took down an army of shopkeepers in Istanbul, becoming a hero on Turkish social media. One of the attacking shopkeepers says it was ‘like he was made of concrete
    » JCPOA economic impacts take time to appear: Zarif
    27/08/15 06:08 from PressTV Media RSS
    Iran’s top diplomat says it takes some time for the country’s recent nuclear agreement with the P5+1 to reveal its economic impacts.
    » Ex-Iranian prisoner to Jpost: Israel should follow Iran in listening to world community
    27/08/15 06:06 from - Front Page
    Human rights defender Kouhyar Goudarzi says the fact that Iran stopped backing Hamas during nuclear talks should be reason enough for Israelis to support nuclear deal.
    » When family and friends come to visit
    27/08/15 06:04 from - Front Page
    WHEN WELCOMING guests from out of town, for a successful visit both host and visitors need to be sensitive to the other’s needs.
    » Human life lacking value in US: Activist
    27/08/15 06:04 from PressTV Media RSS
    An activist says the American society is plagued by immorality and lacks respect for human life.
    » ISIS takes new territory near Turkish border
    27/08/15 06:04 from Middle East
    Islamic State militants have seized five villages from Syrian rebels and encircled the town of Marea, 20 km south of the Turkish border.
    » US Orthodox more similar to evangelicals than to other Jews, study finds
    27/08/15 06:03 from The Times of Israel
    Community tracks with Christians on questions of religiosity, consevative political beliefs, according to Pew analysis of landmark 2013 survey
    » Suicide bomber kills 2 Iraqi generals in Anbar: Army 
    27/08/15 06:00 from Hurriyet Daily News
    A suicide bomber in an explosives-rigged vehicle killed two Iraqi army generals north of the Anbar provincial capital Ramadi on Aug. 27, a military spokesman said.
    » Syrian army, militants agree on Zabadani ceasefire
    27/08/15 05:59 from PressTV Media RSS
    Government forces and militants in Syria agree to a 48-hour truce in the southwestern town of Zabadani.
    » Gunman in Virginia TV shooting had history of workplace issues
    27/08/15 05:49 from Hurriyet Daily News
    The gunman in the shooting deaths of two television journalists in Virginia on Aug. 26 was a veteran anchorman with a history of workplace grievances who had previously sued a Florida station alleging discrimination because he was black.
    » India deploys army to stop caste-related violence in Gujarat
    27/08/15 05:44 from Hurriyet Daily News
    The Indian army patrolled riot-hit areas of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's home state of Gujarat on Aug. 27 after the death toll rose to seven in two days of caste-related violence.
    » Retired US generals urge Congress to reject Iran nuclear agreement
    27/08/15 05:43 from PressTV Media RSS
    Nearly 200 retired US generals and admirals have urged Congress to reject the Iran nuclear deal.
    » Seychelles sees natural tourism partnership with Israel
    27/08/15 05:41 from - Front Page
    Ambassador tells The Media Line "We are friends of all and enemies of none."
    » Scores dead in clashes between government forces, al-Shebab in Somalia
    27/08/15 05:39 from PressTV Media RSS
    Dozens of people are killed in clashes between government soldiers and al-Shabab militants in Somalia.
    » Israeli air strike targets Hamas in response to rocket attack
    27/08/15 05:31 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Israel launched an air strike against a Hamas facility on Aug. 27 in response to a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army said.
    » 2 dead in truce breach at Lebanon Palestinian camp 
    27/08/15 05:25 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Two people were killed when gunmen briefly opened fire in Lebanon's largest Palestinian refugee camp, breaching a tense ceasefire, Palestinian sources said on Aug. 27.
    » Saudis must stop using cluster bombs against Yemen: HRW
    27/08/15 05:20 from PressTV Media RSS
    Human Rights Watch urges Saudi Arabia to halt its use of cluster bombs against Yemen.
    » Developing nations need $133 bln geothermal investment by 2030: Report
    27/08/15 05:19 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Kenya and Turkey have exceeded forecasts for harnessing geothermal energy, but other developing countries, including Indonesia and the Philippines, are lagging behind on leveraging the renewable power source, a new analysis shows
    » Syria regime, rebels agree new truce for three towns 
    27/08/15 05:18 from Hurriyet Daily News
    A new 48-hour truce between Syrian regime forces and rebels in three towns entered into force on Aug. 27 after negotiations, a mediator and a monitoring group said.
    » Civil duty
    27/08/15 05:12 from - Front Page
    The Home Front Command is tasked with protecting and preparing civilians in Israel for war or a natural disaster.
    » Merkel to meet with Balkan leaders over migrants crisis 
    27/08/15 05:10 from Hurriyet Daily News
    German Chancellor Angela Merkel and western Balkan leaders will gather in Vienna Aug. 27 in a bid to find a coherent approach to tackling the biggest migration crisis to hit Europe since World War II
    » US stocks lose $2.2 trillion in six days 
    27/08/15 05:05 from PressTV Media RSS
    Asian stocks take heart from a sharp rebound in US shares, breaking a six-day losing streak which plunged global markets into mayhem.
    » HRW urges coalition to stop using cluster bombs in Yemen 
    27/08/15 05:05 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Human Rights Watch on Aug. 27 urged the Saudi-led coalition battling Iran-backed rebels in Yemen to stop using cluster munitions, saying it had uncovered new evidence of their devastating impact
    » ISIL takes five Syrian villages near Turkish border: Monitor
    27/08/15 05:01 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has seized five villages from Syrian rebels in northern Syria, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Aug. 27, advancing in an area where Turkey and the United States are planning to o...
    » ISIL advances in Syria area key for Turkey, US
    27/08/15 05:01 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) fighters seized five villages from rebel forces in Syria’s northern Aleppo province overnight and entered the outskirts of a key opposition bastion there, a monitor said on Aug. 27
    » British Library to lend oldest Bible for British Museum exhibition
    27/08/15 04:59 from PressTV Media RSS
    British Museum to showcase the oldest bible being kept in the British Library.
    » WATCH: Hamas reveals 'commando tunnel unit' in new propaganda clip
    27/08/15 04:58 from - Front Page
    The video, which was released prior to the latest rocket fire at Israel and the subsequent IDF reprisals, shows Hamas terrorists simulating their activities as if they were fighting Israeli soldiers.
    » Stoned by settlers, army destroys 4 buildings in illegal outposts
    27/08/15 04:56 from The Times of Israel
    Security forces arrest 3 people who refuse to evacuate illegal construction in Geulat Zion
    » Confused driver mistakes Ankara airport runway for ‘beautiful highway’
    27/08/15 04:49 from Hurriyet Daily News
    The Esenboğa Airport in the Turkish capital Ankara was on full alert on July 24 when a car somehow ended up at the start of the runway, ready for take-off
    » Australian man to stand trial over recruiting militants for Syria battles
    27/08/15 04:48 from PressTV Media RSS
    An Australian man will stand trial over recruiting members for Takfiri terrorist groups in Syria.
    » TV producer Raff to direct movie on rescue of Ethiopian Jews
    27/08/15 04:39 from The Times of Israel
    Creator of smash series ‘Homeland’ sells rights for ‘Operation Brothers’ to Fox Searchlight
    » ‘Homeland’ creator to direct movie on rescue of Ethiopian Jews
    27/08/15 04:39 from The Times of Israel
    David Raff sells rights for ‘Operation Brothers’ to Fox Searchlight
    » Risk of another autism spectrum disorder child after a first one is much lower than presumed
    27/08/15 04:37 from - Front Page
    Autistic spectrum disorders represent a variety of types of the neurodevelopmental disease that is diagnosed in around one in 20 children, more commonly in boys than in girls.
    » KRG says to begin payments to oil companies in September
    27/08/15 04:35 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) said on Aug. 27 it expected to begin making regular payments to oil-exporting companies in the first half of September, in an apparent attempt to reassure foreign oil companies operating in the a...
    » Two Iraqi army generals killed in ISIS suicide bombing
    27/08/15 04:17 from Middle East
    Explosive-laden vehicle as Iraqi troops were advancing in Anbar province west of Baghdad, military officials say.
    » MHP leader speaks of ‘treason’ after senior MP’s consent to take part in interim gov’t
    27/08/15 04:13 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli has implicitly accused a senior MHP member of “treason” after the latter agreed to take part in an interim government upon invitation by incumbent Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu and ...
    » Two killed in renewed clashes in south Lebanon refugee camp
    27/08/15 04:12 from PressTV Media RSS
    Two people are killed as gunmen exchange fire in Lebanon’s largest Palestinian refugee camp of Ain al-Hilweh.
    » Israel wants to dehumanize Palestine: Analyst
    27/08/15 04:08 from PressTV Media RSS
    An analyst says Israelis have always sought to dehumanize Palestine through apartheid policies.
    » Three killed, seven wounded in southeast Turkey, HDP deputy claims in curfew
    27/08/15 04:07 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Three people were killed and seven wounded in the curfew-decreed Yüksekova district of the southeastern province of Hakkari, a Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) deputy has claimed
    » Operation launched after curfew in Turkey’s southeast, casualties claimed
    27/08/15 04:07 from Hurriyet Daily News
    Turkish security forces have launched an operation in the curfew-decreed Yüksekova district of the southeastern province of Hakkari, with a HDP deputy saying three people were dead and seven others wounded in clashes between security per...
    » Saudi Arabia calls for Syria regime change
    27/08/15 03:57 from PressTV Media RSS
    Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir calls for regime change in Syria.
    » At least 9 people killed in caste-related clashes in India 
    27/08/15 03:42 from PressTV Media RSS
    At least nine people are killed in India in caste-related violence.
    » Egged subsidiary workers to strike Sunday, snarling bus lines
    27/08/15 03:42 from The Times of Israel
    Disgruntled union threatens to halt transportation to Jerusalem, a slew of other routes over labor dispute
    » Jewish activists in New York City march against Israel's war on Gaza
    27/08/15 03:34 from PressTV Media RSS
    Activists from a US Jewish rights group have rallied in New York City to mark the first anniversary of Israel's last war on Gaza.
    » 'We love you, Angela' - Syrians on social media in outpouring of affection for Merkel
    27/08/15 03:20 from - Front Page
    Germany will provide safe haven to 800,000 Syrians escaping the sectarian carnage that has ravaged their homeland.
    » India’s Hindu population drops
    27/08/15 03:18 from PressTV Media RSS
    India’s Hindu population drops
    » Hamas summons Palestinian factions to discuss terms of ten-year truce with Israel
    27/08/15 03:09 from - Front Page
    The terms of the truce would include the freeing of Palestinian militants, the construction of a floating port as well as the easing of the blockade on Gaza.
    » Report: Hamas summons Palestinian factions to discuss terms of ten-year truce with Israel
    27/08/15 03:09 from - Front Page
    The terms of the truce would include the freeing of Palestinian militants, the construction of a floating port as well as the easing of the blockade on Gaza.
    » Full News - Thu, Aug, 27, 2015 - 04:00 GMT
    27/08/15 02:53 from PressTV Media RSS
    Full News - Thu, Aug, 27, 2015 - 04:00 GMT
    » How to spot and counter Egomania ?
    27/08/15 02:46 from PressTV Media RSS
    How to spot and counter Egomania ?
    » Iraq army, allied forces kill 130 Takfiri Daesh terrorists
    27/08/15 02:26 from PressTV Media RSS
    Iraqi army soldiers and allied forces kill 130 Daesh terrorists during separate operations in Anbar and Kirkuk provinces.
    » Sport - Thu, Aug, 27, 2015 - 04:00 GMT
    27/08/15 02:16 from PressTV Media RSS
    Sport - Thu, Aug, 27, 2015 - 04:00 GMT
    » Iran admits interest in Russia’s Superjet 
    27/08/15 02:11 from PressTV Media RSS
    An official has admitted Iranian aviation companies’ interest in Russia’s Superjet passenger planes amid Tehran’s quest for new aircraft to build up the country’s aging fleet, the Fars news agency says.
    » Iran admits interest in Russian Superjet 
    27/08/15 02:11 from PressTV Media RSS
    An official has admitted Iranian aviation companies’ interest in Russia’s Superjet passenger planes amid Tehran’s quest for new aircraft to build up the country’s aging fleet, the Fars news agency says.
    » Saudi aggression against Yemen must end: Iranian diplomat
    27/08/15 02:05 from PressTV Media RSS
    A senior Iranian diplomat stresses that the Saudi aggression against the Yemeni people must stop immediately.
    » US leaders unable to stop powerful gun industry: Researcher
    27/08/15 02:01 from PressTV Media RSS
    The gun violence epidemic in the United States stems from a “very sick society” and confused leadership.
    » In Nepal, a long road toward recovery
    27/08/15 01:50 from The Times of Israel
    Israeli organizations providing emotional and physical support to victims four months after deadly earthquake
    » Is Hezbollah behind effort to hijack Lebanese protests?
    27/08/15 01:41 from - Front Page
    Hezbollah has sought to take advantage of the Lebanese protests against the government, though it does not currently seek to topple the existing political order.
    » Burundi’s president wants enemies ‘destroyed’
    27/08/15 01:28 from PressTV Media RSS
    The president of Burundi calls for groups that he said threaten security in the African country to be “destroyed.”
    » Bomb thrown at IDF troops near Jenin
    27/08/15 01:18 from The Times of Israel
    Firebombs also thrown at cars near West Bank settlement of Psagot; no injuries reported in either incident
    » Biden will meet Jewish leaders in Miami to promote Iran deal
    27/08/15 01:13 from - Front Page
    Congress will vote in September on whether to approve the deal reached between six world powers, including the United States, and Iran.
    » Libyan peace dialog nearing final stages: UN envoy
    27/08/15 00:41 from PressTV Media RSS
    The United Nations (UN) envoy for Libya says the political dialog in the country is drawing to a close.
    » UK petitioners want to stop Israeli crimes against Palestinians: Activist 
    27/08/15 00:37 from PressTV Media RSS
    UK petitioners want to stop Israeli crimes against Palestinians, says activist.
    » US partition plans for Middle East countries 
    27/08/15 00:32 from PressTV Media RSS
    US partition plans for Middle East countries
    » Two dead, including police officer, after shooting and stabbing in Louisiana 
    27/08/15 00:32 from PressTV Media RSS
    A sheriff has said two people, including a police officer, are dead in Louisiana after a domestic dispute.
    » News in Brief - Thu, Aug, 27, 2015 - 03:30 GMT
    27/08/15 00:24 from PressTV Media RSS
    News in Brief - Thu, Aug, 27, 2015 - 03:30 GMT
    » Top 5 - Thu, Aug, 27, 2015 - 00:00 GMT
    27/08/15 00:17 from PressTV Media RSS
    Top 5 - Thu, Aug, 27, 2015 - 00:00 GMT
    » 11 Chinese officials implicated in Tianjin blast incident
    27/08/15 00:14 from PressTV Media RSS
    Beijing accuses 11 officials of “dereliction of duty” over a recent deadly blast in the northeastern Chinese city of Tianjin.
    » Jerusalem stabber is convicted murderer freed in 2013
    27/08/15 00:12 from The Times of Israel
    Palestinian who attacked, injured Border Policeman murdered Israel Prize-winning professor in 1989
    » Man who stabbed officer was freed in 2013 after killing professor
    27/08/15 00:12 from The Times of Israel
    Muammar Ata Mahmoud released as part of peace talks despite murdering Israel Prize-winner Menahem Stern in 1989
    » Palestinian who stabbed officer was freed in 2013 after murdering professor
    27/08/15 00:12 from The Times of Israel
    Muammar Ata Mahmoud was released as part of peace talks; he killed Israel Prize winner Menahem Stern in 1989
    » Man who killed 2 journalists on air in Virginia kills himself
    26/08/15 23:45 from PressTV Media RSS
    Man who killed 2 journalists on air in Virginia kills himself
    » Young Lebanese activists challenge old political class
    26/08/15 23:43 from The Times of Israel
    A crisis over trash buildup has morphed into a wider protest against the non-functioning, seemingly indifferent leadership
    » In ‘You Stink’ protests, young Lebanese activists challenge old political class
    26/08/15 23:43 from The Times of Israel
    A crisis over trash buildup has morphed into a wider face-off against the non-functioning, seemingly indifferent leadership
    » Iran seeks partnership with China on Arak redesign
    26/08/15 23:27 from The Times of Israel
    In addition to overhaul of heavy water plant as part of nuclear deal, Tehran also wants to build new small plants with Beijing’s help
    » Obama confident Iran nuclear agreement will go forward
    26/08/15 23:20 from PressTV Media RSS
    Obama says he is confident that the nuclear agreement between Iran and the world powers will go forward.
    » Israel likely to be water-stressed in 2040, study finds
    26/08/15 23:15 from - Front Page
    Developing new sources critical to quenching region’s thirst, says Water Authority.
    » Israel Museum changes account on broken artifact
    26/08/15 22:48 from The Times of Israel
    After initially claiming girl accidentally smashed ancient glass object, officials now say cause of mishap unkown
    » Ancient Roman vase is fixed, but who broke it?
    26/08/15 22:48 from The Times of Israel
    After claiming girl accidentally smashed 2,000-year-old glass treasure, Israel Museum now says cause of mishap unknown
    » Ceasefire brings calm back to Palestinian camp in Lebanon
    26/08/15 22:24 from PressTV Media RSS
    Palestinian rivals at Lebanon’s Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp agree to stop fighting following a ceasefire agreement.
    » People rally in NY to support P5+1 nuclear conclusion with Iran
    26/08/15 22:17 from PressTV Media RSS
    Around the world, many are anxiously waiting to see if the U-S Congress will approve the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action agreed between Iran and the P5+1 countries in Vienna in July 20-15.
    » US gun deaths dwarf those related to terrorism: Obama
    26/08/15 22:16 from PressTV Media RSS
    US President Barack Obama says the number of gun deaths in the United States dwarfs those related to terrorism.
    » Israeli jets attack central Gaza Strip
    26/08/15 22:15 from PressTV Media RSS
    Israeli fighter jets attack an area located in the central Gaza Strip.
    » Police clash with protesters in Egypt, several wounded
    26/08/15 22:00 from PressTV Media RSS
    Egyptian security forces have clashed with hundreds of anti-government protesters in the country’s north, wounding several people.
    » Israel strikes Hamas site after Gaza rocket attack
    26/08/15 21:59 from The Times of Israel
    Air force targets weapons facility after projectile explodes in Eshkol region; no casualties reported on either side
    » Israeli makeup artist transforms herself into her dog
    26/08/15 21:43 from The Times of Israel
    Ilana Kolihanov uses water colors and eyebrow comb to simulate her pets furry coat
    » Erdoğan expected to address parliament amid election campaign
    26/08/15 21:30 from Hurriyet Daily News
    With an election calendar now drawn up by Turkey’s top election authority, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) has identified significant dates for its campaign ahead of snap elections scheduled for Nov. 1, with one of them pointing ...
    » Turkish construction sector sounds alarm bells over plunging lira
    26/08/15 21:30 from Hurriyet Daily News
    A representative of Turkey’s construction sector has sounded the alarm bell after a steep fall in the value of the Turkish Lira significantly increased costs
    » Israel Air Force targets Hamas munitions operation in Gaza after rocket attack
    26/08/15 21:20 from - Front Page
    IDF says Hamas is solely responsible for what happens in Gaza.
    » Greek PM rules out coalition government with main opposition parties
    26/08/15 21:16 from PressTV Media RSS
    Greece’s outgoing Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras rules out forming a national unity government with main opposition parties.
    » White House slams lack of tougher gun control laws in US
    26/08/15 21:04 from PressTV Media RSS
    The White House has criticized lack of tougher gun control laws in the United States, calling on Congress to adopt proper measures in this regard.
    » US court okays financial claims against Iranian bank
    26/08/15 20:57 from The Times of Israel
    Judge rules families of four terror victims may seek $17 million in compensation from Bank Melli
    » Full News - Wed, Aug, 26, 2015 - 22:00 GMT
    26/08/15 20:51 from PressTV Media RSS
    Full News - Wed, Aug, 26, 2015 - 22:00 GMT
    » Reports say Kurdish oil has ended up in Israeli hands
    26/08/15 20:48 from PressTV Media RSS
    Israel has reportedly turned into a major purchaser of oil from Iraq’s Kurdistan region. This suggests Israel’s growing influence in the Iraqi Kurdistan region.
    » The Messenger of God film by Majid Majidi
    26/08/15 20:44 from PressTV Media RSS
    The 39th Montreal Film Festival will host the World Premier of an epic depicting the life of Prophet Mohammad PBUH as it opens on Thursday.
    » Biden will meet Jewish leaders to promote Iran deal
    26/08/15 20:31 from The Times of Israel
    Vice president to hold roundtable discussion with prominent community members in Miami
    » Here comes the ... child bride? Despite legal restrictions, underage marriage persists in rural Egypt
    26/08/15 20:25 from Full Feed
    Underage marriages are still widespread in some parts of Egypt as the judicial system has failed to prevent marriage officiants from taking bribes to perform illegal unions.
    » The impending Shiite leadership crisis Baghdad doesn't see coming
    26/08/15 20:25 from Full Feed
    With frequent visits between Tehran and Baghdad, the question arises of whether Iranian politics are seeping into Iraq and what that means for the country's future.
    » Confusion, controversy surrounds appointment of new police chief for Israel
    26/08/15 20:25 from Full Feed
    Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan appointed reserve Brig. Gen. Gal Hirsch as Israel police chief, offering him a chance to clear his name following criticism of his conduct during the Second Lebanon War.
    » Turkish president urges voting in hope of surviving repeat election
    26/08/15 20:00 from PressTV Media RSS
    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has urged his country to vote for "stability" in November repeat elections.
    » Syrian rebels, army and Hezbollah agree on ceasefire in 3 towns
    26/08/15 19:55 from Middle East
    Ceasefire to last 48 hours, starting Thursday at 6 A.M.; similar ceasefire – brokered by Iran - earlier in August broke down after brief extension.
    » Noah Gordon is the most successful novelist you’ve never heard of
    26/08/15 19:43 from The Times of Israel
    With 10 millions copies sold, ‘The Physician,’ a novel the 89-year-old wrote 28 years ago, was recently released as a feature film — and may soon hit Broadway
    » FIFA hosts Israeli, Palestinian football leaders for talks
    26/08/15 19:43 from The Times of Israel
    Chairman of panel set up following international scuffle says he believes both sides seek to ‘promote dialogue’
    » US drone strike kills top cyber expert for ISIS, source says
    26/08/15 19:36 from - Front Page
    Junaid Hussain, A British hacker, moved to Syria sometime in the last two years.
    » South Sudan president signs peace deal with rebels
    26/08/15 19:36 from PressTV Media RSS
    South Sudan President Salva Kiir has finally signed a peace deal with rebels to end months of deadly civil war in the youngest African country.
    » Iran will keep pursing freedom of nationals, Foreign Ministry says
    26/08/15 19:35 from PressTV Media RSS
    Tehran has called for the release of 19 Iranian nationals languishing in the US jails on charges of bypassing anti-Iran sanctions.
    » Sport - Wed, Aug, 26, 2015 - 20:00 GMT
    26/08/15 19:27 from PressTV Media RSS
    Sport - Wed, Aug, 26, 2015 - 20:00 GMT
    » Virginia gunman was ‘angry over Charleston church massacre’
    26/08/15 19:23 from The Times of Israel
    In manifesto, Vester Flanagan, who killed two TV station colleagues on air, describes himself as a ‘human powder keg just waiting to go BOOM!!!!’
    » Government private sector held in Qazvin
    26/08/15 19:22 from PressTV Media RSS
    Government officials and the private sector in Iran’s northern province of Qazvin.

    Middle East Leaders Head to Moscow to Sign Arms Deals, Discuss Plan to End Syrian War - World

    1 Share
    Russian President Vladimir Putin is taking advantage of a military exhibition in Moscow to discuss an Iranian-Russian initiative for ending the civil war in Syria with visiting Middle Eastern leaders. Jordan’s King Abdullah and Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates arrived in Moscow on Monday, followed Tuesday by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi. Delegations from several other Arab states are expected, as well as an Iranian delegation that will sign a deal to buy S-300 surface-to-air missiles.
    The Iranian-Russian initiative has gathered momentum following the signing of the nuclear accord between Iran and the six powers. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently hosted Iranian and Saudi representatives to discuss details of the initiative, which includes an expansion of the Arab-Western coalition’s attacks against the Islamic State organization so as to include the Syrian army and its allies. Also arriving in Moscow was a delegation representing the National Syrian Coalition, the internationally recognized umbrella organization of Syrian opposition groups. Assad’s opponents reject the idea of including him in the fight against Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, and want to ensure that any future scenario includes his departure.
    The Syrian air force continued to bomb rebel-controlled Damascus suburbs as well as villages and towns held by Islamist extremist groups in the country’s northwest. The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 42 people were killed in the bombing. In Douma, which was heavily bombed last week — over 150 people died, and the city’s main market was destroyed — 23 were killed. In northwestern Syria 17 people died when barrels bombs were dropped on the village of al-Bara.
    The MAKS-2015 air show, which will include representatives from 30 countries, comes as Russia is making every effort to increase its revenues in face of sanctions imposed by Western countries because of the Ukrainian crisis as well as the sharp drop in oil prices. Despite the economic crisis, Russia is spending billions of dollars to upgrade its armed forces and increasing its naval activity in the Arctic Ocean and the Far East. Russian arms sales in 2014 exceeded $15.5 billion in arms sales, despite the sanctions on its military industries. It is the second largest exporter of arms in the world, after the United States.
    The Egyptian daily Al Ahram reported that at their meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, Sissi and Putin will discuss “all aspects of bilateral relations, including prospects of further strengthening trade and economic cooperation.” The two leaders are expected to announce several economic, political and military accords, including the building of two nuclear power stations in western Egypt and the establishment of a new Russian industrial zone in the Suez Canal. Russia may also build a nuclear power station in Jordan.


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