
What's happening with Putin and Russia: True, the NTV channel aired images Friday of Putin meeting with supreme court president Vyacheslav Lebedev at his Novo-Ogaryovo presidential residence outside Moscow. But as there was no proof the footage was actually filmed Friday, that did little to stop the rumors. After all, the Kremlin has already been caught out once before this week, when it tried to pass off old photographs as new ones as evidence of Putin’s activities.

What's happening with Putin and Russia Saturday March 14 th , 2015  at  5:27 PM Military & Defense Contributors 1 Share Screen grab CCTV Kremlin Kremlin-controlled TV informed millions of Russians about a meeting between President Vladimir Putin and his Kyrgyz counterpart Almazbek Atambayev. Nothing unusual about that, right? Wrong. The meeting between the two leaders of the former Soviet republics isn’t due to take place until Monday. But that didn’t stop the newsreader on the Rossiya 24 channel reading out the following item – all in the past tense. “The Kremlin also reports that Vladimir Putin met with Kyrgyzstan President Almazbek Atambayev on Monday. They talked about cooperation in investment and humanitarian spheres, as well as the energy sector. They also discussed the possibility of Kyrgyzstan joining the Eurasian Economic Union.” Before we get to Monday, as most of you are undoubtedly aware, we have to get past the w

Expert: Vladimir Putin’s Disappearance Could Mean Russia’s Undergoing a Coup

If Putin Dies | The War Room Saturday March 14 th , 2015  at  5:20 PM The War Room 1 Share Buh bye? Is Vladimir Putin dead? Who knows? What’s clear is that something has been going on in Moscow for at least a week, and whatever it is, the Kremlin prefers that it remain a secret.  Russian reporters – a vastly more intrepid and courageous group than their colleagues in most countries – have been  razzing Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov by alluding to Boris Yeltsin’s famous disappearances , and Peskov, usually an able front man, seems a bit wrong-footed at the moment. Rumors abound: Putin has been removed, Putin has cancer, Putin had a stroke,  Putin’s girlfriend had a baby . (On that last one, I’m not sure why Putin’s squeeze giving birth would cause him to vanish for a week; he’s not the kind of guy who seems all that concerned with paternity leave.) The hashtag “Putin has died” is trending like crazy on Russian twitter, but that means exact