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    9 times Ted Cruz insulted Donald Trump before endorsing him - Politico

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    9 times Ted Cruz insulted Donald Trump before endorsing him
    Continuing to unload in Indiana, Cruz offered: “He combines [dishonesty] with being a narcissist, a narcissist at a level I don't think this country's ever seen. Donald Trump is such a narcissistthat Barack Obama looks at him and says, 'Dude, what's ...

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    Ted Cruz endorses Donald Trump months after calling him 'pathological liar', 'utterly amoral' and 'serial philanderer' -

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    Ted Cruz endorses Donald Trump months after calling him 'pathological liar', 'utterly amoral' and 'serial philanderer'
    There was immediate speculation that Mr Cruz had his own career in mind. He is widely expected to stand again in 2020 should Mr Trump lose in November, and many grassroots Republicans have been infuriated by his refusal to back the party's candidate.
    Ted Cruz: Forget all that other shit I said, vote for TrumpDeath and Taxes

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    Cruz once called Trump 'a serial philanderer' and 'pathological liar.' Now he's backing him for president. Here's why. - Los Angeles Times

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    Los Angeles Times

    Cruz once called Trump 'a serial philanderer' and 'pathological liar.' Now he's backing him for president. Here's why.
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    Ted Cruz announced Friday that he is backing GOP nominee Donald Trump for the presidency, setting aside their bitter rivalry because, he said, Hillary Clinton must be defeated. “Our country is in crisis. Hillary Clinton is manifestly unfit to be ...
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    The New Yorker

    And you thought Trump's a narcissist?
    Fresno Bee
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    Trump's Biggest Clinton Conspiracy Theories, Debunked - Vanity Fair

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    Vanity Fair
    Donald Trump is both a narcissist and a naïf, a volatile combination that has made the Republican presidential nominee unusually susceptible to hearsay that flatters his ego. Since crushing his G.O.P. primary opponents, Trump's conspiracy-addled mind ...

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    What the spies think about Trump  : Rutland Herald Online

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    What the spies think about Trump
    September 22,2016
    When it comes to assessing the presidential race, I prefer to listen to the spies. They tend to be brutally unsentimental, see through the nonsense and cut to the cold, hard bottom line. And right now, two of the world’s foremost former spymasters are sending uncoded messages about what it will mean for America and the Western alliance if Donald Trump is elected president.
    Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce former CIA Director Robert Gates and his longtime nemesis and former KGB agent, President Vladimir Putin of Russia. Putin is voting Trump. Gates is not.
    In an essay in The Wall Street Journal, Gates, who also was defense secretary for George W. Bush and Barack Obama, criticized both Hillary Clinton and Trump for failing to take the threat posed by Putin’s Russia seriously. But Trump, Gates added, has gone places with Putin no would-be American president should: “Mr. Trump’s expressions of admiration for the man and his authoritarian regime are naive and irresponsible.”
    Yes, Clinton has her own credibility issues on national security, Gates explained, but “Donald Trump is in a league of his own. He has expressed support for building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico; for torturing suspected terrorists and killing their families; for Mr. Putin’s dictatorial leadership and for Saddam Hussein’s nonexistent successes against terrorism. He also has said he is for using defense spending by NATO allies as the litmus test on whether the U.S. will keep its treaty commitments to them; for withdrawing U.S. troops from Europe, South Korea and Japan and for the latter two developing nuclear weapons — a highly destabilizing prospect.”
    Clinton still has time to address her judgment and credibility issues and earn votes of people like himself, Gates said. As for Trump, he said, “on national security, I believe (he) is beyond repair. He is stubbornly uninformed about the world and how to lead our country and government, and temperamentally unsuited to lead our men and women in uniform. He is unqualified and unfit to be commander in chief.”
    I admire Gates for speaking out. Not enough attention has been paid to the national security implications of a Trump presidency.
    I’m certain you’d see U.S. military officers and government officials quitting if Trump ordered them to torture captured terrorists, go house to house to evict illegal immigrants, start trade wars with China and Mexico or ban Muslims. Trump the chaos primary candidate became the chaos presidential nominee, and you can bet he’d be a chaos president.
    Being unpredictable as a leader is fine, if you know where you’re going and it is a tool to get you there by keeping foes off balance. But being unpredictable because you have no discipline; because you think issues like ISIS are just a manhood test; because you have not studied the issues so anything can come out of your mouth; and because you don’t realize that when we tell countries like Japan or South Korea or our NATO allies that we might not protect them from Russia or China, they will go get their own nukes and make the world even less stable — well, that kind of unpredictability is how alliances get broken, messes get made and wars get started.
    That’s why Putin is licking his chops. It is no accident that Putin praised Trump “as a really brilliant and talented person, without any doubt.” It is also no accident that Putin’s cyberagents have hacked the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign — to create embarrassing leaks — while ignoring both Trump and the GOP. It’s because Putin knows the same thing that Gates does: A President Trump would keep Washington and the Western alliance in turmoil.
    Moreover, Trump has told so many baldfaced lies in the last year, I can’t imagine what would happen if he had to take America into a war. Who would trust that he was telling the truth about anything?
    Also, because of how Trump has disparaged our NATO allies, it is impossible to envision him leading the alliance — particularly if we have to blunt further Russian expansion. And how exactly is Trump going to enlist Arab Gulf nations against ISIS or to counterbalance Iran, having stated that their Muslim citizens should be banned from entering the U.S.?
    Who will want to work with him? Trump is constantly saying extreme things and then taking them back or claiming to be misunderstood. Consider the havoc that will wreak with our diplomacy.
    That’s why the cynical Putin admires Trump. Trump, narcissist that he is, thinks it’s because Putin really admires his leadership qualities. No, Donald. It’s because Putin knows a mess-maker when he sees one, and the thought of America being led by a man who would be wildly unpopular simultaneously in Europe, Beijing, Mexico, South America and the Muslim world is for Putin a dream come true. The old KGB could never make that happen.
    So, young people, listen up: Hillary doesn’t light your fire? OK, I agree, she is a flawed candidate. But she can responsibly manage the affairs of state. Trump is beyond repair and won’t just light your fire — he’ll burn the house down. Ask the old spies.
    Thomas L. Friedman is a columnist for The New York Times.
    Read the whole story

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    Russia has previously tried to influence US elections, says spy chief ... - PCWorld

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    Russia has previously tried to influence US elections, says spy chief ... 
    Russia has tried to influence U.S. elections since the 1960s during the Cold War, U.S. Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper said Tuesday.

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    Donald Trump up big over Hillary Clinton in national poll - Business Insider

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    Business Insider

    Donald Trump up big over Hillary Clinton in national poll
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    Donald Trump is up 5 points nationally over Hillary Clinton in a four-way race, a Thursday poll from right-leaning Rasmussen found. It's the Republican nominee's largest lead in the poll since mid-July. In the poll that also includes Libertarian ...
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    The "Narcissistic Spectrum": Narcissus, Oedipus, Samson, Heracles, etc.


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    oedipus rex - Google Search
    Oedipus complex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Electra complex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Narcissus, Heraclus, Samson

    narcissus myth in personology - Google Search
    narcissus - Google Search
    narcissus myth - Google Search

    The myths of tragic heroes


    Antinous and Chriustianity

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) : DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria
    pathological narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder - Google Search
    Identifying pathological narcissism in high-functioning individuals - Big ego or severe disorder? | Brain Blogger
    Narcissism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Personal health issues of candidates - 2016 presidential election - from 8.29.16

    The Rogue Doctors Spreading Right-Wing Rumors About Hillary’s Health | WIRED
    The question that will decide the election - The Washington Post
    Clinton and Trump owe voters more specifics on their health - The Washington Post
    Full Disclosure on Candidates’ Health - The New York Times
    Clinton Health, Trump Reaction Consume US Presidential Campaign
    Clinton campaign says it could have better handled health scare | Reuters
    Americans need to know more about Clinton’s health — and Trump’s - The Washington Post
    Pneumonia, Polyps and Gunshots: A Short History of Presidential Health - The New York Times
    How Much Medical Information Must Presidential Candidates Release?
    Why did Clinton hide her pneumonia? Because she’s a woman. - The Washington Post
    Hillary Clinton Is Set Back by Decision to Keep Illness Secret - The New York Times
    Clinton’s impulse to ‘power through’ with pneumonia set off cascade of problems - The Washington Post
    Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Ages 68 and 70, Share Few Health Details - The New York Times
    The hidden history of presidential disease, sickness and secrecy - The Washington Post
    New questions about Trump’s doctor’s note create opening for Clinton to fire back on health rumors - The Washington Post
    Is This the Way to Get Rid of the Ridiculous Health Conspiracy Theories? - POLITICO Magazine
    Donald Trump challenges Hillary Clinton to release detailed medical records -
    Another View: Voters deserve to know more about candidates' health - The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram
    What you should know about the presidential candidates’ health |
    Clinton Refuses to Answer Question on Concussion During Presser
    C Is for Concussion - WSJ
    C Is for Concussion | ThereAreNoSunglasses
    Clinton says could not recall all briefings due to concussion: FBI report
    The Clinton Health Rumors Aren't Going Away Anytime Soon. Here's Why : NPR
    News - 2016 presidential election candidates personal health issues - Google Search
    News - 2016 presidential election candidate health issues - Google Search
    2016 presidential election candidates personal health issues - Google Search
    2016 presidential election candidate health issues - Google Search
    2016 presidential election candidate medical issues - Google Search
    2016 presidential election candidates personal medical issues - Google Search
    Dr. Mehmet Oz - Google Search
    Why did Clinton hide her pneumonia? Because she’s a woman. - The Washington Post
    Clinton to Resume Presidential Campaign After Bout With Pneumonia
    Doctor, political expert weigh in on Clinton's pneumonia |
    USA to take revenge on Russia for Hillary Clinton's health problems - PravdaReport
    Билл Клинтон не нашел причин для...
    Did You Hear the Latest About Hillary? - The New York Times
    Clinton’s Gender Could Hurt Her in the Presidential Debate

    Psychiatry and political science

    Psychiatry and political science: US Elections 2016

    Hillary Clinton as archetypal leader

    Hillary Clinton as archetypal leader - Google Search
    Hillary Clinton: A Ruler Archetype Leader - CultureTalk
    hillary clinton leadership style - Google Search

    Archetypal leadership

    archetypal leadership - Google Search
    archetypal leaders - Google Search
    archetypes leadership - Google Search
    Great Mother archetype - Google Search
    archetypal style of political leadership - Google Search
    The 7 Archetypal Leadership Styles –
    archetypal leader - Google Search

    Group and Archetypal leader

    psychodynamics of archetypal leader mass appeal - Google Search
    group dynamics of archetypal leader mass appeal - Google Search

    H. Clinton's Groups, Crowds, and Electorate

    Political Behaviors

    political behavior - Google Search
    political behavior of the american electorate - Google Search
    political behavior studies - Google Search

    Electoral and Voting Behaviors

    For Every 10 U.S. Adults, Six Vote and Four Don’t. What Separates Them? - The New York Times
    American electorate - Google Search
    The American electorate is wise and sophisticated - Google Search
    political operators - Google Search
    factors affecting electoral behaviour - Google Search
    voting behaviour of the american electorate - Google Search
    factors that influence voting behavior - Google Search

    Ethical issues in psychiatry and "Goldwater rule"

    STAWAR: Is the Goldwater Rule made to be broken? | Opinion |
    Ethical issues in psychiatry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Goldwater rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Deconstructing and Reconstructing the “Goldwater Rule” | Psychiatric Times
    The Goldwater Rule | Psychology Today
    The Goldwater Rule: Why breaking it is Unethical and Irresponsible
    The Real Story Behind the Goldwater Rule | Huffington Post
    psychiatry ethical rules in political matters - Google Search
    No Goldwater rule - Google Search
    proscriptions on political matters - Google Search
    goldwater rule apa ama conflict - Google Search
    politicization of psychiatry - Google Search

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