Come Dance With Me: Tango with the price or Putin in Argentina | Путина в Буэнос-Айресе встретили геи и украинцы
He who pays the piper calls the tune. Putin in Argentina - Google News
"Господи, и эта охмурить хочет. И с её-то фаринголарингитом..."
"Ay Dios Mio! And this one wants to seduce me too. And with her pharingolaryngitis..."
» Путина в Буэнос-Айресе встретили геи и украинцы - Политика, В мире
13/07/14 11:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Остальные жители готовились к фин&...
13/07/14 11:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Остальные жители готовились к фин&...
Путина в Буэнос-Айресе встретили геи и украинцы
Остальные жители готовились к финалу ЧМ
Сегодня в 09:03, просмотров: 26227
В отличие от жаркой Кубы Аргентина оказала российскому лидеру довольно прохладный прием. Температура на улице не поднималась выше 12 градусов, перед "Розовым дворцом", где проходили двусторонние переговоры, протестовали геи и украинцы. Кроме того, Владимир Путин рисковал подхватить вирус: выяснилось, что президент страны Кристина Киршнер уже несколько недель страдает фаринголарингитом и отказалась по этой причине отправиться на финал футбольного первенства, где Аргентина сыграет с Германией.
Последний день перед финалом мундиаля жители Буэнос-Айреса были очень заняты: нужно было закупиться мясом и пивом (большинство собираются смотреть матч за обедом в кругу семьи), приобрести флаги и дуделки, а также фейерверки на случай ожидаемой победы своих любимцев. Улицы уже с раннего утра были полны народу. А торговцы не зевали: в цветах национальной сборной можно было приобрести любой товар, начиная от пишущей ручки и заканчивая стрингами. Тем не менее некоторые жители столицы решили отвлечься от приятных хлопот, чтобы выразить свой протест против политики г-жи Киршнер, а заодно и визита российского президента, прибывшего в Аргентину накануне решающего для страны матча.
Протестующие обложили Дом правительства по периметру, перекрыв таким образом все имеющиеся подъездные пути. С парадного входа митинговали геи и лесбиянки, которым показалось мало флэшмоба с поцелуями перед окнами российского посольства, устроенного за день до визита. Со стороны Майской площади обосновалась украинская диаспора с национальными флагами и транспарантами, очевидно, списанными с майдановских. На все происходящее вяло взирали несколько полицейских, отгородившихся от демонстрантов хлипкими металлическими решетками. Подобное торжество демократии, наверняка, привело в ужас окружение российского президента, но охрана не растерялась. Несколько плечистых молодцев плотным кольцом окружили лимузин Владимира Путина и бежали рядом с ним по улице до тех пор, пока машина не остановилась около красной ковровой дорожки.
Кристина Киршнер не вышла встречать гостя на крыльцо резиденции. Возможно, это не предусматривалось протоколом, но была и еще одна веская причина: как выяснилось, г-жа президент сильно страдает от фаринголарингита (воспаление слизистой оболочки глотки и гортани - МК) Настолько сильно, что даже не сможет полететь на финал чемпионата мира по футболу в Бразилию, где аргентинская сборная встречается с Германией. Кроме того, ее внуку Нестору Ивану 14 июля исполняется годик. "Надеюсь, как бабушка, ты понимаешь, насколько важно для меня присутствовать на этом семейном торжестве", - написала Киршнер своей коллеги Дилме Роуссефф в Бразилию.
Впрочем, внешних признаков фаринголарингит не имел. Г-жа Киршнер спокойно провела часовые переговоры с Владимиром Путиным, а по их завершении выступила с пространной речью перед прессой. Она похвалила Россию за списание советских долгов Кубе, отметив, что многие страны (и кстати, Аргентина с ее $10 миллиардной задолженностью Парижскому клубу не исключение) находятся в похожей ситуации и буквально задыхаются от бремени, несмотря на богатые резервы развития. В этой связи г-жа Киршнер припомнила, что у Аргентины тоже имеются нефть и газ (на этих словах Владимир Путин снисходительно улыбнулся), к которым проявляют интерес российские компании.
"Вы поедете и все посмотрите", - пообещала она, упомянув сланцевое месторождение "Мертвая корова". Российский президент среди наиболее важных назвал соглашения с Аргентиной в области атомной и гидро энергетики, а также массовых коммуникаций, имея, очевидно, в виду начало трансляции "Russia Today" на "отдельной кнопке". Владимир Путин также поблагодарил аргентинские власти за суверенную позицию по ключевым вопросам повестки дня, отметив, что такая самостоятельность - нечастое явление в современном мире. Напомним, что после референдума в Крыму Аргентина поддержала действия российского руководства, упрекнув Запад в двойных стандартах.
Смотрите видео по теме "Путина в Аргентине встречает украинская диаспора"
Во время визита Владимира Путина в Буэнос-Айрес перед "Розовым дворцом", где проходили двусторонние переговоры, протестовали геи и украинцы. Протестующие обложили Дом правительства по периметру. Со стороны Майской площади обосновалась украинская диаспора с национальными флагами и транспарантами, очевидно, списанными с майдановских.Оригинал видео на сайте, опубликовано пользователем Alex Vakarchuk. 
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mikenova shared this story . News for putin argentina Putin signs Argentina nuclear deals on Latin America tour BBC News - 5 hours ago Russian President Vladimir Putin signs a series of agreements on nuclear energy in Argentina , ...
13/07/14 10:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . News for putin argentina Putin signs Argentina nuclear deals on Latin America tour BBC News - 5 hours ago Russian President Vladimir Putin signs a series of agreements on nuclear energy in Argentina , ...
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mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. MOSCOW/KIEV (Reuters) - Moscow threatened Kiev on Sunday with "irreversible consequences" after a man was killed by a shell fired across the border from Ukraine, describing the inciden...
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mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. MOSCOW/KIEV (Reuters) - Moscow threatened Kiev on Sunday with "irreversible consequences" after a man was killed by a shell fired across the border from Ukraine, describing the inciden...
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mikenova shared this story from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post. MOSCOW— Russia is warning Ukraine of “irreversible consequences” after cross-border shelling from the battle-worn east struck...
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mikenova shared this story from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post. MOSCOW— Russia is warning Ukraine of “irreversible consequences” after cross-border shelling from the battle-worn east struck...
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mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. RT Sabotage? Russian deals at Farnborough air show 'disrupted' by UK visa denial RT The bulk of the official Russian delegation due this weekend at the UK's Farnborough air show has n...
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mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty Russia's Looming Ukraine Hangover RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty Joining me are Mark Galeotti, a professor at New York University, an expert on Russia's sec...
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mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty Russia's Looming Ukraine Hangover RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty Joining me are Mark Galeotti, a professor at New York University, an expert on Russia's sec...
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mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Reports from Moscow say 64-year-old Russian opposition politician and activist Valeriya Novodvorskaya has died at a Moscow hospital.
13/07/14 10:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Reports from Moscow say 64-year-old Russian opposition politician and activist Valeriya Novodvorskaya has died at a Moscow hospital.
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mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Boats launched from Key West, Florida Russian leader in region on World Cup tour A group of Cuban exiles on Saturday launched a flotilla from Key West, partly to protest the presence...
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mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Boats launched from Key West, Florida Russian leader in region on World Cup tour A group of Cuban exiles on Saturday launched a flotilla from Key West, partly to protest the presence...
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mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Russia , Argentina sign several documents on strengthening cooperation Russia ... ITAR-TASS Russia is developing relations with Argentina in all areas - political, economic, and cultu...
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mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Russia , Argentina sign several documents on strengthening cooperation Russia ... ITAR-TASS Russia is developing relations with Argentina in all areas - political, economic, and cultu...
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mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. The Russian president and President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner also discussed cooperation on military technology and satellites.
13/07/14 10:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. The Russian president and President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner also discussed cooperation on military technology and satellites.
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13/07/14 10:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Obama to GOP: Instead of suing me, "do something" CBS News President Obama on Saturday settled back into the punchy, campaign-style message he's been delivering on the ...
13/07/14 10:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Obama to GOP: Instead of suing me, "do something" CBS News President Obama on Saturday settled back into the punchy, campaign-style message he's been delivering on the ...
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mikenova shared this story from Nation - Google News. Christian Science Monitor As Iraq burns, Rick Perry condemns "isolationist" Rand Paul CBS News Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas, came down firmly on the hawkish side of the Republican nationa...
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mikenova shared this story from Nation - Google News. Christian Science Monitor As Iraq burns, Rick Perry condemns "isolationist" Rand Paul CBS News Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas, came down firmly on the hawkish side of the Republican nationa...
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13/07/14 10:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Российская Газета Де Киршнер предложила Путину стратегическое партнерство Правда.Ру Президент Аргентины Кристина Фернандес де Киршнер во время ужина в честь находящегося с визитом ...
13/07/14 10:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Российская Газета Де Киршнер предложила Путину стратегическое партнерство Правда.Ру Президент Аргентины Кристина Фернандес де Киршнер во время ужина в честь находящегося с визитом ...
» Puerto Rico News: My Questions to Mr. Comey
13/07/14 09:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico politics - Google Blog Search. What is the status of separatist movement, especially its violent wings, in Puerto Rico? What are your views on the resolution of Puerto Rico political status? Ho...
13/07/14 09:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico politics - Google Blog Search. What is the status of separatist movement, especially its violent wings, in Puerto Rico? What are your views on the resolution of Puerto Rico political status? Ho...
» $3.8M for Army Corps projects in PR
13/07/14 09:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. $3.8M for Army Corps projects in PR Issued: July 12, 2014 Legislation approved by the U.S. House of Representatives allocates $3.8 mi ... The Puerto Rico government has declared a state...
13/07/14 09:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. $3.8M for Army Corps projects in PR Issued: July 12, 2014 Legislation approved by the U.S. House of Representatives allocates $3.8 mi ... The Puerto Rico government has declared a state...
» Bruised and grumbling, foreign banks bend to U.S. rules
13/07/14 09:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico News - Selected Feeds Review. LONDON/HONG KONG (Reuters) - Financiers may grumble that the United States is acting like an imperial power in punishing foreign banks for dealings far beyond U.S....
13/07/14 09:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico News - Selected Feeds Review. LONDON/HONG KONG (Reuters) - Financiers may grumble that the United States is acting like an imperial power in punishing foreign banks for dealings far beyond U.S....
» Behind German Spy Cases, Twists Worthy of Films
13/07/14 09:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . BERLIN — The Cold War is long since over, the capital is no longer Bonn — the “small town in Germany” of John le Carré fame — and few nations have exhibited a stronger react...
13/07/14 09:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . BERLIN — The Cold War is long since over, the capital is no longer Bonn — the “small town in Germany” of John le Carré fame — and few nations have exhibited a stronger react...
» U.S. and Iraqis Try to Fragment Extremist Group
13/07/14 09:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . WASHINGTON — American and Iraqi officials are seeking ways to exploit emerging fissures between the militant group known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria , and Iraqi extremist groups that allied w...
13/07/14 09:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . WASHINGTON — American and Iraqi officials are seeking ways to exploit emerging fissures between the militant group known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria , and Iraqi extremist groups that allied w...
» Iraq Fails to Agree on Parliament Speaker
13/07/14 09:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . July 13, 2014 7:09 a.m. ET BAGHDAD—Iraq's newly elected legislature failed to agree on a new parliament speaker during its second seating on Sunday, further extending a political impasse that has dashed...
13/07/14 09:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . July 13, 2014 7:09 a.m. ET BAGHDAD—Iraq's newly elected legislature failed to agree on a new parliament speaker during its second seating on Sunday, further extending a political impasse that has dashed...
» Book Review: 'How the Bible Became Holy' by Michael L. Satlow
13/07/14 09:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . July 11, 2014 5:30 p.m. ET How did the Bible come to be what it is today? In one sense, that's an easy question. Place the book in historical context and a number of probabilities emerge. Many Middle Eastern ...
13/07/14 09:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . July 11, 2014 5:30 p.m. ET How did the Bible come to be what it is today? In one sense, that's an easy question. Place the book in historical context and a number of probabilities emerge. Many Middle Eastern ...
» Options Open Up for the Drone
13/07/14 08:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . July 11, 2014 12:53 p.m. ET A close-up of the DJI Phantom with its eBumper additions Panoptes UAV UNMANNED AIRCRAFT , first designed for militaries, have been given a host of new sensors and software to make ...
13/07/14 08:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . July 11, 2014 12:53 p.m. ET A close-up of the DJI Phantom with its eBumper additions Panoptes UAV UNMANNED AIRCRAFT , first designed for militaries, have been given a host of new sensors and software to make ...
» Hagel: US knows Iran, Russia aiding Iraq in fight against ISIS
12/07/14 22:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Friday that Iran and Russia were helping Iraq battle a Sunni extremist insurgency but that the U.S. was not coordinating its own assistance with either country. "We are awar...
12/07/14 22:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Friday that Iran and Russia were helping Iraq battle a Sunni extremist insurgency but that the U.S. was not coordinating its own assistance with either country. "We are awar...
» Hagel: ISIS poses an 'imminent' threat to US
12/07/14 22:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Wednesday the Sunni fundamentalist group the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) poses a threat not just to the government in Baghdad, but to the United States as well. "...
12/07/14 22:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Wednesday the Sunni fundamentalist group the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) poses a threat not just to the government in Baghdad, but to the United States as well. "...
» Serving two spymasters
12/07/14 22:48 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Video Wall Galleries. In the Cold War era, the spy game in Berlin played out around Checkpoint Charlie, the Friedrichstrasse border crossing favoured by army officers, diplomats and spies posing as both. A...
12/07/14 22:48 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Video Wall Galleries. In the Cold War era, the spy game in Berlin played out around Checkpoint Charlie, the Friedrichstrasse border crossing favoured by army officers, diplomats and spies posing as both. A...
» Autoridades investigan agresión sexual contra hombre en Santurce
12/07/14 20:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Lo llevaron a una zona industrial donde junto a otras personas lo ataron y supuestamente lo sodomizaron La División de Delitos Sexuales y Maltrato de Menores del área de San Juan investiga una quere...
12/07/14 20:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Lo llevaron a una zona industrial donde junto a otras personas lo ataron y supuestamente lo sodomizaron La División de Delitos Sexuales y Maltrato de Menores del área de San Juan investiga una quere...
» The US spy scandal and the return of German imperialism
12/07/14 16:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from English. By Peter Schwarz 12 July 2014 The expulsion of the CIA station chief this week is directly linked to the revival of German imperialism, which has been systematically propagated and driven f...
12/07/14 16:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from English. By Peter Schwarz 12 July 2014 The expulsion of the CIA station chief this week is directly linked to the revival of German imperialism, which has been systematically propagated and driven f...
» Search Results - World Socialist Web Site
12/07/14 16:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from English. Showing results 1 to 100 from 202 Workers Struggles: The Americas 8 July 2014 The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature Puerto Ric...
12/07/14 16:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from English. Showing results 1 to 100 from 202 Workers Struggles: The Americas 8 July 2014 The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature Puerto Ric...
» Puerto Rico’s governor seeks to placate bond markets with austerity measures
12/07/14 16:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from English. By John Marion 28 June 2014 Puerto Rican Governor Alejandro García Padilla has signed an emergency financial law, introduced a separate bill that would allow for restructuring of some ...
12/07/14 16:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from English. By John Marion 28 June 2014 Puerto Rican Governor Alejandro García Padilla has signed an emergency financial law, introduced a separate bill that would allow for restructuring of some ...
» Kerry: Afghan Candidates Agree to Audit Results
12/07/14 16:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from TIME » Time Sections » World. (KABUL, Afghanistan) — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says both of Afghanistan’s presidential candidates are committed to abiding by the results of the “larges...
12/07/14 16:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from TIME » Time Sections » World. (KABUL, Afghanistan) — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says both of Afghanistan’s presidential candidates are committed to abiding by the results of the “larges...
» Disputed Afghan election to be recounted
12/07/14 16:20 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. KABUL (Reuters) - The two rival candidates in Afghanistan's presidential election have agreed to abide by the results of a U.N.-supervised recount of the entire poll to settle their di...
12/07/14 16:20 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. KABUL (Reuters) - The two rival candidates in Afghanistan's presidential election have agreed to abide by the results of a U.N.-supervised recount of the entire poll to settle their di...
» A New Caliphate?
12/07/14 15:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Project Syndicate RSS-Feed. The recent declaration of a caliphate by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, now to be known simply as the Islamic State, is unprecedented in modern times. Regardless of how it...
12/07/14 15:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Project Syndicate RSS-Feed. The recent declaration of a caliphate by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, now to be known simply as the Islamic State, is unprecedented in modern times. Regardless of how it...
» Kerry warns of possible sanctions against Venezuela
12/07/14 15:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Americas News: News and Headlines from Canada, South America & More - The Washington Post. MEXICO CITY — Secretary of State John F. Kerry warned on Wednesday that patience with Venezuela’s governme...
12/07/14 15:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Americas News: News and Headlines from Canada, South America & More - The Washington Post. MEXICO CITY — Secretary of State John F. Kerry warned on Wednesday that patience with Venezuela’s governme...
» Ex-’Commonwealth’ Party Head Who Called for Statehood Plebiscite May Run for Governor
12/07/14 15:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico Report. The former ‘Commonwealth’ party president who July 4 th called for a plebiscite in Puerto Rico on the territory becoming a State Thursday declined to rule out challenging Go...
12/07/14 15:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico Report. The former ‘Commonwealth’ party president who July 4 th called for a plebiscite in Puerto Rico on the territory becoming a State Thursday declined to rule out challenging Go...
» Puerto Rican woman sentenced to 10 years for transporting ...
12/07/14 14:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico news - Google Blog Search. News Releases. July 8, 2014. San Juan, PR ... SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — A Puerto Rican woman was sentenced Monday to 10 years in prison for transporting a minor with th...
12/07/14 14:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico news - Google Blog Search. News Releases. July 8, 2014. San Juan, PR ... SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — A Puerto Rican woman was sentenced Monday to 10 years in prison for transporting a minor with th...
» Muni Fund Collapses To Record Lows As Puerto Rico Risk ...
12/07/14 14:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico news - Google Blog Search. Thanks to the 'shenanigans' in Puerto Rico - after lawmakers last month approved a bill allowing some public corporations to restructure debt - PR bonds have collapse...
12/07/14 14:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico news - Google Blog Search. Thanks to the 'shenanigans' in Puerto Rico - after lawmakers last month approved a bill allowing some public corporations to restructure debt - PR bonds have collapse...
» 50 Pro-Russian Separatists and 30 Troops Killed in Clashes in Ukraine
12/07/14 14:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Latin American Herald Tribune. Thirty Ukrainian troops were killed on Friday and at least 50 pro-Russian separatists died in the past 24 hours in heavy shelling in the east of the country, Ukrainian offici...
12/07/14 14:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Latin American Herald Tribune. Thirty Ukrainian troops were killed on Friday and at least 50 pro-Russian separatists died in the past 24 hours in heavy shelling in the east of the country, Ukrainian offici...
» Kurds Take Control of Oilfields in Northern Iraq
12/07/14 14:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Latin American Herald Tribune. The government of Iraq’s autonomous Kurdish region said Friday that it took control of several oilfields in the northern province of Iraq.
12/07/14 14:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Latin American Herald Tribune. The government of Iraq’s autonomous Kurdish region said Friday that it took control of several oilfields in the northern province of Iraq.
» Russia wipes out Cuban debt - Al Jazeera America
12/07/14 14:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Russia wipes out Cuban debt Al Jazeera America Moscow has sought to revive ties with the Caribbean country, whose economy has been saddled with a U.S. ...
12/07/14 14:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Russia wipes out Cuban debt Al Jazeera America Moscow has sought to revive ties with the Caribbean country, whose economy has been saddled with a U.S. ...
» Russia absorbs 90 percent of Cuba's debt to the USSR -
12/07/14 14:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Russia absorbs 90 percent of Cuba's debt to the USSR Russian president Vladimir Putin strengthened his nation's ties with Cuba by absorbi...
12/07/14 14:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Russia absorbs 90 percent of Cuba's debt to the USSR Russian president Vladimir Putin strengthened his nation's ties with Cuba by absorbi...
» Putin kicks off Latin America tour in Cuba - Deutsche Welle
12/07/14 14:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Putin kicks off Latin America tour in Cuba Deutsche Welle Prior to his visit, Putin announced that Russia had written off 90 percent of Cuba's Soviet-era debt tota...
12/07/14 14:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Putin kicks off Latin America tour in Cuba Deutsche Welle Prior to his visit, Putin announced that Russia had written off 90 percent of Cuba's Soviet-era debt tota...
» Xi's Latin American visit to expand ties: experts - ecns
12/07/14 14:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Xi's Latin American visit to expand ties: experts ecns Last year, he visited Trinidad and Tobago, Costa Rica and Mexico from May 31 to June 6, during which he also...
12/07/14 14:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Xi's Latin American visit to expand ties: experts ecns Last year, he visited Trinidad and Tobago, Costa Rica and Mexico from May 31 to June 6, during which he also...
» Puerto Rico's Bleak Options - Barron's
12/07/14 14:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Puerto Rico's Bleak Options Barron's Consequently, owners of Puerto Rico's debt—and this includes investors in about 66% of domestic municipal-bond funds—should br...
12/07/14 14:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Puerto Rico's Bleak Options Barron's Consequently, owners of Puerto Rico's debt—and this includes investors in about 66% of domestic municipal-bond funds—should br...
» Putin in Cuba, Nicaragua to rekindle Latin America ties - Yahoo!7 News
12/07/14 14:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Yahoo!7 News Putin in Cuba, Nicaragua to rekindle Latin America ties Yahoo!7 News In recent years, Moscow has sought to revive ties with the Caribbean island, whos...
12/07/14 14:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Yahoo!7 News Putin in Cuba, Nicaragua to rekindle Latin America ties Yahoo!7 News In recent years, Moscow has sought to revive ties with the Caribbean island, whos...
» Putin revives old Cuban flame and eyes Latin American minerals - FRANCE 24
12/07/14 14:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Putin revives old Cuban flame and eyes Latin American minerals FRANCE 24 Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Soviet Union's Cold War ally Cuba on Friday, ...
12/07/14 14:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Putin revives old Cuban flame and eyes Latin American minerals FRANCE 24 Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Soviet Union's Cold War ally Cuba on Friday, ...
» LULAC 2014: Puerto Ricans Consider Statehood, Economic Future - Latin Post
12/07/14 14:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Latin Post LULAC 2014: Puerto Ricans Consider Statehood , Economic Future Latin Post Civil rights group the League of United Latin American Citizens hosted a well-...
12/07/14 14:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Latin Post LULAC 2014: Puerto Ricans Consider Statehood , Economic Future Latin Post Civil rights group the League of United Latin American Citizens hosted a well-...
» Cuba Pleased with Russia's “Firmness” - Havana Times
12/07/14 14:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Havana Times Cuba Pleased with Russia's “Firmness” Havana Times ... which seeks to move away from Russian influence and closer to the European Union. The Cuban pre...
12/07/14 14:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Havana Times Cuba Pleased with Russia's “Firmness” Havana Times ... which seeks to move away from Russian influence and closer to the European Union. The Cuban pre...
» Putin hails Cuba's "strategic" importance for Russia - Fox News Latino
12/07/14 14:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Havana Times Putin hails Cuba's "strategic" importance for Russia Fox News Latino Cuba and Russia strengthened bilateral relations in the political and e...
12/07/14 14:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Havana Times Putin hails Cuba's "strategic" importance for Russia Fox News Latino Cuba and Russia strengthened bilateral relations in the political and e...
» Hoyer: Congress open to helping PR
12/07/14 14:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. Hoyer: Congress open to helping PR Congress is open to weighing assistance to Puerto Rico as the island grapples wi ... PR debt law linked to other territories Municipal Market Advisors...
12/07/14 14:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. Hoyer: Congress open to helping PR Congress is open to weighing assistance to Puerto Rico as the island grapples wi ... PR debt law linked to other territories Municipal Market Advisors...
» Prepa is the problem
12/07/14 14:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. Prepa is the problem Fixing Prepa, not restructuring, will lead to ... This post has been generated by Page2RSS
12/07/14 14:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. Prepa is the problem Fixing Prepa, not restructuring, will lead to ... This post has been generated by Page2RSS
» New auto sales slide 15.7% in June
12/07/14 14:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. New auto sales slide 15.7% in June Local new auto sales hit the third straight speed bump and the sixth over the pa ... Feds bust PR mayor for corruption Río Grande Mayor Eduard Rivera ...
12/07/14 14:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. New auto sales slide 15.7% in June Local new auto sales hit the third straight speed bump and the sixth over the pa ... Feds bust PR mayor for corruption Río Grande Mayor Eduard Rivera ...
» S&P cuts PR ratings on Recovery Act, ‘mounting fiscal, economic challenges
12/07/14 14:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. S&P cuts PR ratings on Recovery Act, ‘mounting fiscal, economic challenges’ Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services downgraded Puerto Rico’s general obligati ... Car sales seen as si...
12/07/14 14:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. S&P cuts PR ratings on Recovery Act, ‘mounting fiscal, economic challenges’ Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services downgraded Puerto Rico’s general obligati ... Car sales seen as si...
» San Juan Press Conference: Dr. Robert Shapiro to Release Analysis that Shows PR Government's Move to Nullify Its Agreements with Doral Financial Corporation Has Alarming Economic Implications
12/07/14 13:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, June 23, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Tuesday, June 24, at 11:30 a.m. EDT, Dr. Robert Shapiro, former U.S. Undersecretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs, will hold a press confe...
12/07/14 13:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, June 23, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Tuesday, June 24, at 11:30 a.m. EDT, Dr. Robert Shapiro, former U.S. Undersecretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs, will hold a press confe...
» Opinion: Financial Storm in Puerto Rico
12/07/14 13:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . While Puerto Rico generally evokes images of tropical beauty, the view today is unfortunately clouded over by extreme financial woes, $70 billion in public debt. As a result, Puerto Ricans carry the load of v...
12/07/14 13:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . While Puerto Rico generally evokes images of tropical beauty, the view today is unfortunately clouded over by extreme financial woes, $70 billion in public debt. As a result, Puerto Ricans carry the load of v...
» Questions raised on Puerto Rico tax deal
12/07/14 13:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Recently Published/Updated. By Chris Frates, CNN July 11, 2014 -- Updated 2029 GMT (0429 HKT) STORY HIGHLIGHTS House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa asks Puerto Rico's governor to respond Bank says...
12/07/14 13:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Recently Published/Updated. By Chris Frates, CNN July 11, 2014 -- Updated 2029 GMT (0429 HKT) STORY HIGHLIGHTS House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa asks Puerto Rico's governor to respond Bank says...
» Op-Ed Contributor: The Trouble With Brain Science
12/07/14 12:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Research. It’s not just that we lack answers. We don’t even agree on the questions.
12/07/14 12:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Research. It’s not just that we lack answers. We don’t even agree on the questions.
» Editorial: Keeping Track: Unlocking Cellphones, H.I.V. Setback, Campus Assaults
12/07/14 12:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Opinion. Updates on some topics the Editorial Board has been following.
12/07/14 12:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Opinion. Updates on some topics the Editorial Board has been following.
» Report Details Hindrances Police Faced in Navy Yard Shooting
12/07/14 12:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Politics. The District of Columbia police were hampered because a security guard had locked a video surveillance room, preventing officers from immediately making a clear assessment of the situati...
12/07/14 12:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Politics. The District of Columbia police were hampered because a security guard had locked a video surveillance room, preventing officers from immediately making a clear assessment of the situati...
» The North Korean Puzzle
12/07/14 12:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Editorials. Beijing and Seoul profess concern about Pyongyang’s nuclear program, but little else.
12/07/14 12:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Editorials. Beijing and Seoul profess concern about Pyongyang’s nuclear program, but little else.
» Taxpayer-Financed Bigotry
12/07/14 12:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Editorials. President Obama should resist pressure to weaken a promised executive order to bar federal contractors from discriminating against gay men, lesbians and transgender people.
12/07/14 12:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Editorials. President Obama should resist pressure to weaken a promised executive order to bar federal contractors from discriminating against gay men, lesbians and transgender people.
» Quotation of the Day: "These events revealed totally unacceptable behavior. They...
12/07/14 12:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The New York Times's Facebook Wall. Quotation of the Day: "These events revealed totally unacceptable behavior. They should never have happened. I’m upset, I’m angry, I’ve lost sleep over this, an...
12/07/14 12:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The New York Times's Facebook Wall. Quotation of the Day: "These events revealed totally unacceptable behavior. They should never have happened. I’m upset, I’m angry, I’ve lost sleep over this, an...
» Putin Begins Latin America Tour in Cuba
12/07/14 12:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Russia's president has begun a six-day tour of Latin American countries. Vladimir Putin's first stop Friday was Cuba where he met with Cuban President Raul Castro. The two countries signe...
12/07/14 12:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Russia's president has begun a six-day tour of Latin American countries. Vladimir Putin's first stop Friday was Cuba where he met with Cuban President Raul Castro. The two countries signe...
» US working to find Maliki replacement
12/07/14 12:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS | BAS NEWS. Nuwar Faqie BasNews, Baghdad The US has given Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki a two-week ultimatum to leave his post and allow Iraq’s political parties to resume the forma...
12/07/14 12:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS | BAS NEWS. Nuwar Faqie BasNews, Baghdad The US has given Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki a two-week ultimatum to leave his post and allow Iraq’s political parties to resume the forma...
» US working to find Maliki replacement - BasNews
12/07/14 12:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. US working to find Maliki replacement BasNews The US has given Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki a two-week ultimatum to leave his post and allow Iraq's political parties to r...
12/07/14 12:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. US working to find Maliki replacement BasNews The US has given Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki a two-week ultimatum to leave his post and allow Iraq's political parties to r...
» Man charged with murder of psychiatric hospital assistant
12/07/14 12:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Wotton Lawn hospital resident Ryan Matthews appears in court charged with fatal stabbing of healthcare assistant Sharon Wall A 61-year-old man has been remanded in custody acc...
12/07/14 12:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Wotton Lawn hospital resident Ryan Matthews appears in court charged with fatal stabbing of healthcare assistant Sharon Wall A 61-year-old man has been remanded in custody acc...
» Europe Considers Fracking to Cut Russian Gas Imports
12/07/14 12:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. The political crisis in Ukraine, including its dispute with Moscow over the flow of Russian natural gas, has forced many European nations to reconsider their reliance on Russia for energy...
12/07/14 12:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. The political crisis in Ukraine, including its dispute with Moscow over the flow of Russian natural gas, has forced many European nations to reconsider their reliance on Russia for energy...
» Iraq crisis: Government forces execute 255 Sunni prisoners in revenge for Isis ... - The Independent
12/07/14 12:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. The Independent Iraq crisis: Government forces execute 255 Sunni prisoners in revenge for Isis ... The Independent Iraqi forces have illegally executed at least 255 Sunni prisone...
12/07/14 12:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. The Independent Iraq crisis: Government forces execute 255 Sunni prisoners in revenge for Isis ... The Independent Iraqi forces have illegally executed at least 255 Sunni prisone...
» EU imposes sanctions on more Ukraine rebels
12/07/14 12:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Alexander Borodai, leader of Donetsk 'republic', and 10 others face travel bans and asset freezes as clashes continue in east The European Union has imposed travel bans and as...
12/07/14 12:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Alexander Borodai, leader of Donetsk 'republic', and 10 others face travel bans and asset freezes as clashes continue in east The European Union has imposed travel bans and as...
» Rebel Attacks Dent Ukrainian Military
12/07/14 12:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. Ukrainian government troops were on high alert in anticipation of further attacks after one of the bloodiest days of conflict since last month's cease-fire, as neither Kiev nor the pro...
12/07/14 12:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. Ukrainian government troops were on high alert in anticipation of further attacks after one of the bloodiest days of conflict since last month's cease-fire, as neither Kiev nor the pro...
» Is The Partition of Iraq Inevitable?
12/07/14 11:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. As Sunni jihadists continue to make gains in Iraq, Kurds have taken control of two oil fields in northern Iraq and have pulled out of the Shi'ite government of Prime Minister Nouri Al-Mal...
12/07/14 11:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. As Sunni jihadists continue to make gains in Iraq, Kurds have taken control of two oil fields in northern Iraq and have pulled out of the Shi'ite government of Prime Minister Nouri Al-Mal...
» Ukrainian Fighter Jets Pound Rebels After Deadly Missile Attack
12/07/14 11:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Ukrainian war planes bombarded separatists along a broad front on Saturday, inflicting huge losses, Kyiv said, after President Petro Poroshenko indicated that "scores and hundreds" would ...
12/07/14 11:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Ukrainian war planes bombarded separatists along a broad front on Saturday, inflicting huge losses, Kyiv said, after President Petro Poroshenko indicated that "scores and hundreds" would ...
» Iraq forces executed 255 prisoners in revenge for Islamic State killings: HRW
12/07/14 11:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. LONDON (Reuters) - Iraqi security forces and government affiliated militias appear to have unlawfully executed at least 255 prisoners over the past month in apparent revenge for killin...
12/07/14 11:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. LONDON (Reuters) - Iraqi security forces and government affiliated militias appear to have unlawfully executed at least 255 prisoners over the past month in apparent revenge for killin...
» Russian Tourist 'Raped In Sharm El-Sheikh'
12/07/14 11:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Police have arrested a minibus driver for allegedly raping a Russian tourist in the Egyptian resort of Sharm El-Sheikh. The suspect was driving the woman and her husband back to their hotel after a night-out ...
12/07/14 11:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Police have arrested a minibus driver for allegedly raping a Russian tourist in the Egyptian resort of Sharm El-Sheikh. The suspect was driving the woman and her husband back to their hotel after a night-out ...
» Militants Kill 8 Civilians in Afghanistan
12/07/14 11:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Afghan officials say a roadside bomb killed eight civilians Saturday when the blast hit their vehicle in the volatile southern part of the country. Officials say two children were wounded...
12/07/14 11:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Afghan officials say a roadside bomb killed eight civilians Saturday when the blast hit their vehicle in the volatile southern part of the country. Officials say two children were wounded...
» Iraq headed for chaos unless politicians unite, U.N. says
12/07/14 11:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi soldiers backed by Shi'ite militias fought Sunni rebels for control of a military base northeast of Baghdad on Saturday as a U.N. envoy warned of chaos if div...
12/07/14 11:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi soldiers backed by Shi'ite militias fought Sunni rebels for control of a military base northeast of Baghdad on Saturday as a U.N. envoy warned of chaos if div...
» Кастро рассказал Путину о кубинских женщинах и поблагодарил за списание долга - НТВ.ru
12/07/14 11:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. НТВ.ru Кастро рассказал Путину о кубинских женщинах и поблагодарил за списание долга НТВ.ru Владимир Путин во время своего визита на Остров свободы встретился с кубинским лидером Р...
12/07/14 11:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. НТВ.ru Кастро рассказал Путину о кубинских женщинах и поблагодарил за списание долга НТВ.ru Владимир Путин во время своего визита на Остров свободы встретился с кубинским лидером Р...
» Iraq's execution of 250 Sunni prisoners may be a crime - AsiaOne
12/07/14 11:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. AsiaOne Iraq's execution of 250 Sunni prisoners may be a crime AsiaOne BAGHDAD - Iraq's security forces and allied Shiite militias executed at least 255 Sunni prisoners as they fled a ...
12/07/14 11:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. AsiaOne Iraq's execution of 250 Sunni prisoners may be a crime AsiaOne BAGHDAD - Iraq's security forces and allied Shiite militias executed at least 255 Sunni prisoners as they fled a ...
» U.S. Spy Scandal in Germany Is Music to Putin’s Ears | TIME
12/07/14 10:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from [Untitled]. The American habit of spying on its European allies turned out to be one of the more memorable topics to come up in April when Vladimir Putin held his annual call-in show on Russian television....
12/07/14 10:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from [Untitled]. The American habit of spying on its European allies turned out to be one of the more memorable topics to come up in April when Vladimir Putin held his annual call-in show on Russian television....
» Vladimir Putin meets Fidel Castro in Cuba
12/07/14 10:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Vladimir Putin. The formation of a new international development bank that will be portrayed as an alternative to Western-dominated institutions is expected to be unveiled at the summit in the Brazilian ci...
12/07/14 10:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Vladimir Putin. The formation of a new international development bank that will be portrayed as an alternative to Western-dominated institutions is expected to be unveiled at the summit in the Brazilian ci...
» Канада ввела санкции против 14 украинских сепаратистов: соратников и советников Стрелкова -
12/07/14 10:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. НТВ.ru Канада ввела санкции против 14 украинских сепаратистов: соратников и советников Стрелкова Канада включила еще 14 человек в список лиц на Украине, в отношении кото...
12/07/14 10:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. НТВ.ru Канада ввела санкции против 14 украинских сепаратистов: соратников и советников Стрелкова Канада включила еще 14 человек в список лиц на Украине, в отношении кото...
» Vladimir Putin receives a warm welcome from Cold War ally Cuba - euronews
12/07/14 10:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. euronews Vladimir Putin receives a warm welcome from Cold War ally Cuba euronews Russian President Vladimir Putin kicked off his six-day Latin-American tour with a ninety-minute ...
12/07/14 10:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. euronews Vladimir Putin receives a warm welcome from Cold War ally Cuba euronews Russian President Vladimir Putin kicked off his six-day Latin-American tour with a ninety-minute ...
» Kurdish Congress Condemns Iranian Interference in Independence Bid - Rudaw
12/07/14 10:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Rudaw Kurdish Congress Condemns Iranian Interference in Independence Bid Rudaw Tehran has rejected any Kurdish independence bid and has issued warnings against holding a referend...
12/07/14 10:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Rudaw Kurdish Congress Condemns Iranian Interference in Independence Bid Rudaw Tehran has rejected any Kurdish independence bid and has issued warnings against holding a referend...
» Возобновился обстрел райцентра Марьинки в пригороде Донецка - Коммерсантъ
12/07/14 10:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. ЛІГА.net Возобновился обстрел райцентра Марьинки в пригороде Донецка Коммерсантъ Возобновился обстрел райцентра Марьинки в пригороде Донецка, обороняемом ополченцами, сообщил 12 ию...
12/07/14 10:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. ЛІГА.net Возобновился обстрел райцентра Марьинки в пригороде Донецка Коммерсантъ Возобновился обстрел райцентра Марьинки в пригороде Донецка, обороняемом ополченцами, сообщил 12 ию...
» Ex-Church of England head backs assisted dying -
12/07/14 10:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Ex-Church of England head backs assisted dying LONDON -- A former head of the Church of England says he no longer opposes assisted dying and says the church risks "...
12/07/14 10:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Ex-Church of England head backs assisted dying LONDON -- A former head of the Church of England says he no longer opposes assisted dying and says the church risks "...
» Vladimir Putin embraces Fidel Castro as old Cold War allies cozy up again
12/07/14 09:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. Russian President makes official visit to Havana at start of Latin America tour Analysts claim visit is Moscow reacting against sanctions over Crimea Putin and Raul Castro announce trad...
12/07/14 09:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. Russian President makes official visit to Havana at start of Latin America tour Analysts claim visit is Moscow reacting against sanctions over Crimea Putin and Raul Castro announce trad...
» Putin pledges to help Cuba overcome "illegal blockade" - The Voice of Russia
12/07/14 09:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Putin pledges to help Cuba overcome "illegal blockade" The Voice of Russia Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, and Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega during a meeting at a Ma...
12/07/14 09:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Putin pledges to help Cuba overcome "illegal blockade" The Voice of Russia Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, and Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega during a meeting at a Ma...
» Украинские силовики обстреливают из «Градов» спальные районы в пригороде Донецка - НТВ.ru
12/07/14 09:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. НТВ.ru Украинские силовики обстреливают из «Градов» спальные районы в пригороде Донецка НТВ.ru Украинские военные нанесли авиаудар по донецкой Горловке и обстреляли пригород Донецк...
12/07/14 09:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. НТВ.ru Украинские силовики обстреливают из «Градов» спальные районы в пригороде Донецка НТВ.ru Украинские военные нанесли авиаудар по донецкой Горловке и обстреляли пригород Донецк...
» EU names latest Ukraine sanctions targets - Washington Post
12/07/14 09:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. IANS EU names latest Ukraine sanctions targets Washington Post BRUSSELS — The European Union is extending sanctions to cover 11 leaders of the pro-Moscow rebellion in eastern Ukraine. ...
12/07/14 09:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. IANS EU names latest Ukraine sanctions targets Washington Post BRUSSELS — The European Union is extending sanctions to cover 11 leaders of the pro-Moscow rebellion in eastern Ukraine. ...
» 4 children among 6 killed in Houston-area shooting
12/07/14 09:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 7:45 a.m. EDT. SPRING, Texas (AP) -- A father who authorities say fatally shot two adults and four of his children and critically wounded his 15-year-old daughter, sank to his knees in ...
12/07/14 09:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 7:45 a.m. EDT. SPRING, Texas (AP) -- A father who authorities say fatally shot two adults and four of his children and critically wounded his 15-year-old daughter, sank to his knees in ...
» Divisions appear among Ukraine's eastern rebels
12/07/14 09:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 7:45 a.m. EDT. DONETSK, Ukraine (AP) -- Divisions are appearing among the pro-Russia separatists fighting government troops in eastern Ukraine....
12/07/14 09:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 7:45 a.m. EDT. DONETSK, Ukraine (AP) -- Divisions are appearing among the pro-Russia separatists fighting government troops in eastern Ukraine....
» Same-sex dancers decry proposed UK ballroom 'ban'
12/07/14 09:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 7:45 a.m. EDT. LONDON (AP) -- It takes two to tango - but does a same-sex couple qualify?...
12/07/14 09:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 7:45 a.m. EDT. LONDON (AP) -- It takes two to tango - but does a same-sex couple qualify?...
» BBC News - Negative views of Russia and Putin on the rise globally
12/07/14 09:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from BBC News - Home. Russia's global image is increasingly negative, according to a survey from the Pew Research Center. This is despite Russians believing that President Vladimir Putin's actions in Ukraine wo...
12/07/14 09:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from BBC News - Home. Russia's global image is increasingly negative, according to a survey from the Pew Research Center. This is despite Russians believing that President Vladimir Putin's actions in Ukraine wo...
» Designing for Mobile Digital Content in the Caribbean
12/07/14 08:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Comments on: Forbes: Designing for Mobile Digital Content in the Caribbean. July 12, 2014 | 5:01 am | Print By Marcia Forbes, PhD CJ Contributor Marriage of Social & Mobile My desktop is only for tradi...
12/07/14 08:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Comments on: Forbes: Designing for Mobile Digital Content in the Caribbean. July 12, 2014 | 5:01 am | Print By Marcia Forbes, PhD CJ Contributor Marriage of Social & Mobile My desktop is only for tradi...
» Seeing Cost of Saber Rattling in Ukraine, Putin Alters Course
11/07/14 15:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . MOSCOW — When he speaks about Ukraine at all these days, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia focuses on worthy subjects like humanitarian aid, distinctly lowering the flame underneath the political sp...
11/07/14 15:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . MOSCOW — When he speaks about Ukraine at all these days, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia focuses on worthy subjects like humanitarian aid, distinctly lowering the flame underneath the political sp...
» Milbank: For Obama, loss of the Senate could be freeing
11/07/14 12:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. The walls seem to be closing in on the Obama presidency. Iraq and Syria are overrun with terrorists. Violence...
11/07/14 12:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. The walls seem to be closing in on the Obama presidency. Iraq and Syria are overrun with terrorists. Violence...
» Bill and Hillary Clinton’s wealth should be celebrated
11/07/14 12:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. I am incensed at the number of news articles about how Bill and Hillary Clinton got rich . They didn’t lay pe...
11/07/14 12:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. I am incensed at the number of news articles about how Bill and Hillary Clinton got rich . They didn’t lay pe...
» Mental illness deserves better
11/07/14 12:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. Thank you for publishing the tragic, touching “ The man in the house ” [front page, June 29]. It is the first...
11/07/14 12:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. Thank you for publishing the tragic, touching “ The man in the house ” [front page, June 29]. It is the first...
» Laws governing treatment for the mentally ill must be reformed
11/07/14 12:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. Thank you for publishing the very informative article “ The man in the house” [front page, June 29 ], which v...
11/07/14 12:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. Thank you for publishing the very informative article “ The man in the house” [front page, June 29 ], which v...
» Editorial: America cannot tolerate a free-for-all on its southern border
11/07/14 12:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. THE FAILURE of immigration reform to make headway in the Republican-dominated House of Representatives is a c...
11/07/14 12:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. THE FAILURE of immigration reform to make headway in the Republican-dominated House of Representatives is a c...
» Diehl: Jackson Diehl: Obama’s ‘unity government’ plan in Iraq is just a mirage
11/07/14 12:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. The Obama administration has developed a bad habit of founding its Middle East strategies on wishful thinking...
11/07/14 12:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. The Obama administration has developed a bad habit of founding its Middle East strategies on wishful thinking...
» The United States’ global leadership has eroded
11/07/14 12:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. Coaches know that there is nothing more dangerous for a sports team than retreating into passivity out of fea...
11/07/14 12:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. Coaches know that there is nothing more dangerous for a sports team than retreating into passivity out of fea...
» Editorial: The U.S. must take a stronger stand on Bahrain after it expels a senior official
11/07/14 12:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. ARAB STATES dependent on the United States for military and economic support once went out of their way to av...
11/07/14 12:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. ARAB STATES dependent on the United States for military and economic support once went out of their way to av...
» The U.S. should follow Ukraine’s lead and act unilaterally on Russia sanctions
11/07/14 12:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Washington Post Editorials: Latest Editorial and Editorial Archive. UKRAINE’S NEW leader is making progress in regaining control over eastern areas of the country that were seized by Russian-backed insurge...
11/07/14 12:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Washington Post Editorials: Latest Editorial and Editorial Archive. UKRAINE’S NEW leader is making progress in regaining control over eastern areas of the country that were seized by Russian-backed insurge...
» Ignatius: Obama’s counterterrorism blueprint looks good, on paper
11/07/14 12:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. In President Obama’s sometimes maddeningly cautious foreign policy, you can see him struggling to answer what...
11/07/14 12:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. In President Obama’s sometimes maddeningly cautious foreign policy, you can see him struggling to answer what...
» Germany on Allegations of U.S. Spying
11/07/14 12:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. Chancellor Angela Merkel and Clemens Binninger, a member of Merkel’s party, discussed the investigation of suspected spying by the United States in Germany.
11/07/14 12:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. Chancellor Angela Merkel and Clemens Binninger, a member of Merkel’s party, discussed the investigation of suspected spying by the United States in Germany.
» German government expels America's most-senior intelligence official in Berlin over espionage row
11/07/14 12:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from - Europe RSS Feed. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government ordered the most-senior American intelligence official in Berlin to leave the country today, in a direct response to a deepening transatlantic espio...
11/07/14 12:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from - Europe RSS Feed. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government ordered the most-senior American intelligence official in Berlin to leave the country today, in a direct response to a deepening transatlantic espio...
» Lawmakers Call On Obama To Consult Them On Iran Nuclear Deal
11/07/14 12:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. More than three-quarters of the U.S. House of Representatives has called on President Barack Obama to consult with Congress about any final deal with Iran over its nuclea...
11/07/14 12:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. More than three-quarters of the U.S. House of Representatives has called on President Barack Obama to consult with Congress about any final deal with Iran over its nuclea...
» Rumors Motivate Central American Kids To Set Out For U.S. Border
11/07/14 12:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Latest From the Wilson Center. "I was in the poor communities outside of the capital, Tegulcigalpa, and they said that several months ago coyotes, the traffickers, started coming around and sort of making ...
11/07/14 12:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Latest From the Wilson Center. "I was in the poor communities outside of the capital, Tegulcigalpa, and they said that several months ago coyotes, the traffickers, started coming around and sort of making ...
» Ukraine rebels plan to evacuate Donetsk
11/07/14 12:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Europe News. Pro-Russia rebels prepare for a showdown with an approaching Ukrainian army, saying more than 70,000 people have already left the city
11/07/14 12:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Europe News. Pro-Russia rebels prepare for a showdown with an approaching Ukrainian army, saying more than 70,000 people have already left the city
» US Spy Scandal in Germany Is Music to Putin's Ears - TIME
11/07/14 12:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. TIME US Spy Scandal in Germany Is Music to Putin's Ears TIME The American habit of spying on its European allies turned out to be one of the more memorable topics to come up in April ...
11/07/14 12:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. TIME US Spy Scandal in Germany Is Music to Putin's Ears TIME The American habit of spying on its European allies turned out to be one of the more memorable topics to come up in April ...
» U.S. Senators Want Iranian Leaders Designated As Human Rights Violators
11/07/14 12:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Republican Senators Mark Kirk and Marco Rubio have introduced new legislation that calls for the designation of Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, President Hassan Rohan...
11/07/14 12:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Republican Senators Mark Kirk and Marco Rubio have introduced new legislation that calls for the designation of Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, President Hassan Rohan...
» Russia Threatens Nuclear Strikes Over Crimea - the Diplomat
11/07/14 12:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. the Diplomat Russia Threatens Nuclear Strikes Over Crimea the Diplomat When asked about these comments at a press conference on Wednesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov respo...
11/07/14 12:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. the Diplomat Russia Threatens Nuclear Strikes Over Crimea the Diplomat When asked about these comments at a press conference on Wednesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov respo...
» Obama Names New U.S. Ambassador To Russia
11/07/14 12:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. President Barack Obama has nominated career diplomat John Francis Tefft to be the next U.S. ambassador to Russia.
11/07/14 12:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. President Barack Obama has nominated career diplomat John Francis Tefft to be the next U.S. ambassador to Russia.
» Russian Seizes Authority Over Ukraine Rebels
11/07/14 12:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. Once marked as a dead man, Igor Strelkov made his first public appearance in Slovyansk in a move to assert authority over fractious separatist militias.
11/07/14 12:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. Once marked as a dead man, Igor Strelkov made his first public appearance in Slovyansk in a move to assert authority over fractious separatist militias.
» Once Again, Art in Russia Carries Moral and Political Overtones - New York Times
11/07/14 12:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Once Again, Art in Russia Carries Moral and Political Overtones New York Times ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — The “white nights” are an enchanting time in “Piter,” when darkness never falls...
11/07/14 12:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Once Again, Art in Russia Carries Moral and Political Overtones New York Times ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — The “white nights” are an enchanting time in “Piter,” when darkness never falls...
» Ukrainian Forces Clash With Rebels, As West Presses Putin
11/07/14 12:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Ukrainian forces have retaken a town in eastern Ukraine and clashed with separatists trying to capture the Donetsk airport.
11/07/14 12:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Ukrainian forces have retaken a town in eastern Ukraine and clashed with separatists trying to capture the Donetsk airport.
» Russia concerned over deteriorating situation in Iraq — Foreign Ministry - ITAR-TASS
11/07/14 12:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. IANS Russia concerned over deteriorating situation in Iraq — Foreign Ministry ITAR-TASS MOSCOW, July 09. /ITAR-TASS/. The situation in Iraq is deteriorating, Russia is in solidarity w...
11/07/14 12:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. IANS Russia concerned over deteriorating situation in Iraq — Foreign Ministry ITAR-TASS MOSCOW, July 09. /ITAR-TASS/. The situation in Iraq is deteriorating, Russia is in solidarity w...
» Shadowy Rebel Flexes Iron Fist in Ukraine Fight - New York Times
11/07/14 12:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. New York Times Shadowy Rebel Flexes Iron Fist in Ukraine Fight New York Times An ultranationalist and reactionary, Mr. Strelkov fits an increasingly familiar profile in Russia , one t...
11/07/14 12:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. New York Times Shadowy Rebel Flexes Iron Fist in Ukraine Fight New York Times An ultranationalist and reactionary, Mr. Strelkov fits an increasingly familiar profile in Russia , one t...
» Putin Calls on BRICS Countries to Play Bigger Role in Opposing West
11/07/14 12:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Moscow Times Top Stories. Speaking on the eve of a trip to Latin America, President Vladimir Putin said Brazil and other emerging powers must play a greater role in world affairs, suggesting they could...
11/07/14 12:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Moscow Times Top Stories. Speaking on the eve of a trip to Latin America, President Vladimir Putin said Brazil and other emerging powers must play a greater role in world affairs, suggesting they could...
» Alleged CIA Spy in German May Have Worked for Russia All Along
11/07/14 11:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Moscow Times Top Stories. Germany has expelled the U.S.' CIA station chief in the country, in a dramatic turn of events set into motion after a low-level German intelligence official was caught offerin...
11/07/14 11:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Moscow Times Top Stories. Germany has expelled the U.S.' CIA station chief in the country, in a dramatic turn of events set into motion after a low-level German intelligence official was caught offerin...
» Ukrainian Troops Move Closer To Donetsk
11/07/14 11:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Ukraine's army tightened its grip on Donetsk on July 10 by moving forces closer to the rebel-held city. Soldiers dug up trenches, set up tents, and tested military vehicl...
11/07/14 11:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Ukraine's army tightened its grip on Donetsk on July 10 by moving forces closer to the rebel-held city. Soldiers dug up trenches, set up tents, and tested military vehicl...
» Kerry In, Lavrov Out Of Nuclear Talks With Iran
11/07/14 11:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will travel to Vienna this weekend to join ongoing world power nuclear talks with Iran.
11/07/14 11:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will travel to Vienna this weekend to join ongoing world power nuclear talks with Iran.
» Russia closes borders amid violence in Ukraine - CBS News
11/07/14 11:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. CBS News Russia closes borders amid violence in Ukraine CBS News Russian news agencies on Friday quoted Vasily Malayev, spokesman for the Federal Security Service in the Rostov region...
11/07/14 11:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. CBS News Russia closes borders amid violence in Ukraine CBS News Russian news agencies on Friday quoted Vasily Malayev, spokesman for the Federal Security Service in the Rostov region...
» Separatist Rocket Attack Said to Kill 30 Ukrainian Troops
11/07/14 11:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. Rebels in the east of the country reportedly used a Russian-made artillery system to attack Ukrainian soldiers and border guards.
11/07/14 11:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. Rebels in the east of the country reportedly used a Russian-made artillery system to attack Ukrainian soldiers and border guards.
» Putin Angling to Restore Ties With the West While Keeping an Eye on Ukraine
11/07/14 11:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. Analysts say that Russia has started playing a waiting game in Ukraine, distinctly lowering the flame underneath the rhetoric that erupted with the annexation of Crimea in March.
11/07/14 11:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. Analysts say that Russia has started playing a waiting game in Ukraine, distinctly lowering the flame underneath the rhetoric that erupted with the annexation of Crimea in March.
» Thirty Ukrainian troops possibly killed in rebel missile attack- government adviser
11/07/14 11:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: Top News. KIEV (Reuters) - A rebel attack with Grad missiles on a Ukrainian post on the border with Russia on Friday may have killed as many as 30 soldiers and border guards and final casualties m...
11/07/14 11:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: Top News. KIEV (Reuters) - A rebel attack with Grad missiles on a Ukrainian post on the border with Russia on Friday may have killed as many as 30 soldiers and border guards and final casualties m...
» Brooklyn Officer Shoots Man Who Fled Traffic Stop, Police Say
11/07/14 11:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > N.Y. / Region. The officer, James Hasper, shot Raymond Martinez in the left shoulder after Mr. Martinez drove his S.U.V. through a red light and ran over a different officer, the police said.
11/07/14 11:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > N.Y. / Region. The officer, James Hasper, shot Raymond Martinez in the left shoulder after Mr. Martinez drove his S.U.V. through a red light and ran over a different officer, the police said.
» How did a female Ukrainian pilot end up in a Russian prison?
11/07/14 11:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Christian Science Monitor | World. The pilot's capture under mysterious circumstances is a new point of contention between Russia and Ukraine, and has spawned a new social media campaign, '#saveourgirl'.
11/07/14 11:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Christian Science Monitor | World. The pilot's capture under mysterious circumstances is a new point of contention between Russia and Ukraine, and has spawned a new social media campaign, '#saveourgirl'.
» Россия простила Кубе 32 миллиарда долларов - Утро.Ru
11/07/14 11:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Утро.Ru Россия простила Кубе 32 миллиарда долларов Утро.Ru Россия списала Кубе 32 миллиарда долларов долга. Это 90% от всей задолженности республики перед СССР. Оставшиеся 10% буду...
11/07/14 11:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Утро.Ru Россия простила Кубе 32 миллиарда долларов Утро.Ru Россия списала Кубе 32 миллиарда долларов долга. Это 90% от всей задолженности республики перед СССР. Оставшиеся 10% буду...
» Украинская армия понесла самые крупные потери после перемирия - РБК
11/07/14 11:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. РБК Украинская армия понесла самые крупные потери после перемирия РБК В боях в поселке Зеленополье Артемовского района Донецкой области украинская армия утром в пятницу, 11 июля, п...
11/07/14 11:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. РБК Украинская армия понесла самые крупные потери после перемирия РБК В боях в поселке Зеленополье Артемовского района Донецкой области украинская армия утром в пятницу, 11 июля, п...
» Украинцы готовили диверсию в Москве - Дни.Ру
11/07/14 11:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Дни.Ру Украинцы готовили диверсию в Москве Дни.Ру В Москве сотрудники ФСБ задержали девять граждан Украины, прибывших в российскую столицу для подготовки диверсий. У арестованных п...
11/07/14 11:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Дни.Ру Украинцы готовили диверсию в Москве Дни.Ру В Москве сотрудники ФСБ задержали девять граждан Украины, прибывших в российскую столицу для подготовки диверсий. У арестованных п...
» Trial: dengue shot offers some protection
11/07/14 11:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Health News At 10 a.m. EDT. LONDON (AP) -- The most advanced vaccine for dengue only offers modest protection but could still help millions of people avoid the devastating effects of the disease kno...
11/07/14 11:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Health News At 10 a.m. EDT. LONDON (AP) -- The most advanced vaccine for dengue only offers modest protection but could still help millions of people avoid the devastating effects of the disease kno...
» U.S. Seeks to Mend German Relations After Spy Expelled - Bloomberg
11/07/14 11:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from anti-Americanism - Google News. U.S. Seeks to Mend German Relations After Spy Expelled Bloomberg Efforts to come to some agreement on that have stalled, said Fran Burwell, director of Transatlantic Relatio...
11/07/14 11:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from anti-Americanism - Google News. U.S. Seeks to Mend German Relations After Spy Expelled Bloomberg Efforts to come to some agreement on that have stalled, said Fran Burwell, director of Transatlantic Relatio...
» Our Friends the Germans - Wall Street Journal
11/07/14 11:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from anti-Americanism - Google News. Our Friends the Germans Wall Street Journal The espionage flap also offers cover for an all-too familiar strain of German anti-Americanism . Steffen Seibert,...
11/07/14 11:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from anti-Americanism - Google News. Our Friends the Germans Wall Street Journal The espionage flap also offers cover for an all-too familiar strain of German anti-Americanism . Steffen Seibert,...
» Carmen Yulin deplores arrest of the mayor of Rio Grande
11/07/14 10:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Metro - Últimas noticias. The mayor of San Juan, Carmen Yulin Cruz today deplored the arrest of his counterpart in Rio Grande, Eduard Rivera Correa, who sleep this night in jail on federal charges of extor...
11/07/14 10:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Metro - Últimas noticias. The mayor of San Juan, Carmen Yulin Cruz today deplored the arrest of his counterpart in Rio Grande, Eduard Rivera Correa, who sleep this night in jail on federal charges of extor...
» Puerto Rico probes millions of dollars in overtime
11/07/14 10:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)— Legislators in Puerto Rico have launched an investigation into the payment of millions of dollars for overtime in government agencies, the island's Senate announced Wednesday...
11/07/14 10:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)— Legislators in Puerto Rico have launched an investigation into the payment of millions of dollars for overtime in government agencies, the island's Senate announced Wednesday...
» Corruption in our country has a history
11/07/14 10:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . They are chosen to direct the destiny of his people. It is in them that your townspeople deposited confidence and hope, but sometimes only few seconds are sufficient to defraud those who placed him in that ch...
11/07/14 10:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . They are chosen to direct the destiny of his people. It is in them that your townspeople deposited confidence and hope, but sometimes only few seconds are sufficient to defraud those who placed him in that ch...
» They warn that cases of corruption are more like the mayor of Rio Grande
11/07/14 10:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . By <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 07.11.2014 | 6:51 a.m. The director of the Office of Government Ethics (OGE), Zulma Rosario warned that soon will be released...
11/07/14 10:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . By <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 07.11.2014 | 6:51 a.m. The director of the Office of Government Ethics (OGE), Zulma Rosario warned that soon will be released...
» Director of Ethics Ensures That there will be more cases of corruption
11/07/14 10:26 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . The director of the Office of Government Ethics (OGE), Zulma Rosario warned That soon will be released more cases of public corruption related to the mayor of Rio Grande, Eduard Rivera Correa. As I spoke in a...
11/07/14 10:26 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . The director of the Office of Government Ethics (OGE), Zulma Rosario warned That soon will be released more cases of public corruption related to the mayor of Rio Grande, Eduard Rivera Correa. As I spoke in a...
» Four same-sex couples join Puerto Rico marriage lawsuit
11/07/14 10:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Archbishop of San Juan (Puerto Rico) González Nieves - Búsqueda de blogs. San Juan Archbishop Roberto González Nieves , Rev. Wanda Rolón and others religious figures are among those who continue to oppose...
11/07/14 10:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Archbishop of San Juan (Puerto Rico) González Nieves - Búsqueda de blogs. San Juan Archbishop Roberto González Nieves , Rev. Wanda Rolón and others religious figures are among those who continue to oppose...
» Pierluisi Statement on Puerto Rico and Chapter 9 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code
11/07/14 10:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Res. Comm. Pedro Pierluisi - Representing the At Large District of PUERTO RICO. Washington, DC—Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi issued the following statement regarding the recently-enacted “Puerto Ri...
11/07/14 10:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Res. Comm. Pedro Pierluisi - Representing the At Large District of PUERTO RICO. Washington, DC—Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi issued the following statement regarding the recently-enacted “Puerto Ri...
» Putin begins Americas visit in Cuba
11/07/14 10:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean. Russian President Vladimir Putin is beginning a visit to Latin America in Cuba, in an attempt to further boost ties with the one-time Soviet ally.
11/07/14 10:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean. Russian President Vladimir Putin is beginning a visit to Latin America in Cuba, in an attempt to further boost ties with the one-time Soviet ally.
» Partisan Puerto Rico?
11/07/14 10:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico Report. Statehood for Puerto Rico has been championed by the national Republican Party and by many Republican elected leaders, including Presidents Ford, Reagan, George H.W. Bush to name a few....
11/07/14 10:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico Report. Statehood for Puerto Rico has been championed by the national Republican Party and by many Republican elected leaders, including Presidents Ford, Reagan, George H.W. Bush to name a few....
» Puerto Rico Electric Agency Used Reserves for July 1 Payment - Bloomberg
11/07/14 09:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google News. Puerto Rico Electric Agency Used Reserves for July 1 Payment Bloomberg The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, which supplies most of the island's electricity, used reserve fun...
11/07/14 09:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google News. Puerto Rico Electric Agency Used Reserves for July 1 Payment Bloomberg The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, which supplies most of the island's electricity, used reserve fun...
» Puerto Rico: Default | Fausta's Blog
11/07/14 09:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google Blog Search. A Puerto Rican default should not surprise anyone. According to Carlos Colón de Armas, acting dean of the School of Business Administration at the University of Puerto Ric...
11/07/14 09:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google Blog Search. A Puerto Rican default should not surprise anyone. According to Carlos Colón de Armas, acting dean of the School of Business Administration at the University of Puerto Ric...
» Puerto Rican debt restructuring law causes problems for ...
11/07/14 09:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google Blog Search. A new debt restructuring law passed by the Puerto Rican government has raised concerns among US bondholders and resulted in the stock prices of Municipal Bond Insurance As...
11/07/14 09:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google Blog Search. A new debt restructuring law passed by the Puerto Rican government has raised concerns among US bondholders and resulted in the stock prices of Municipal Bond Insurance As...
» Pedro Pierluisi to Address Puerto Rico Bailout Issue on ...
11/07/14 09:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google Blog Search. Here are excerpts from Caribbean Business: Pierluisi, the island's lone member of Congress, said he will gauge the sentiment among legislative leaders on Capitol Hill rega...
11/07/14 09:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google Blog Search. Here are excerpts from Caribbean Business: Pierluisi, the island's lone member of Congress, said he will gauge the sentiment among legislative leaders on Capitol Hill rega...
» What Can Puerto Rico Do? – Microjuris - Puerto Rico
11/07/14 09:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google Blog Search. Puerto Rico is insolvent, unable to pay current maturities of debt for itself and its municipal corporations and unable to pay that debt in full. Continued support of its ...
11/07/14 09:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google Blog Search. Puerto Rico is insolvent, unable to pay current maturities of debt for itself and its municipal corporations and unable to pay that debt in full. Continued support of its ...
» UPDATE 1-Puerto Rico seeks to reassure markets on $70 bln debt - Reuters
11/07/14 09:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rican community in usa - Google News. UPDATE 1- Puerto Rico seeks to reassure markets on $70 bln debt Reuters " Puerto Rico has repeatedly delivered on its credit promises, and the willingness ...
11/07/14 09:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rican community in usa - Google News. UPDATE 1- Puerto Rico seeks to reassure markets on $70 bln debt Reuters " Puerto Rico has repeatedly delivered on its credit promises, and the willingness ...
» Officials say Prepa was the driving force behind PR bankruptcy law - Caribbean B...
11/07/14 09:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from PR Economy and Business News Review. Officials say Prepa was the driving force behind PR bankruptcy law - Caribbean Business gov. alejandro garcía padilla passed legislation ena...
11/07/14 09:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from PR Economy and Business News Review. Officials say Prepa was the driving force behind PR bankruptcy law - Caribbean Business gov. alejandro garcía padilla passed legislation ena...
» Can Puerto Rico Keep the Lights On? - BusinessweekBusinessweekCan Puerto Ri...
11/07/14 09:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from PR Economy and Business News Review. Can Puerto Rico Keep the Lights On? - Businessweek Businessweek Can Puerto Rico Keep the Lights On? Businessweek Like U.S. states, Puerto Rico can't file for bankr...
11/07/14 09:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from PR Economy and Business News Review. Can Puerto Rico Keep the Lights On? - Businessweek Businessweek Can Puerto Rico Keep the Lights On? Businessweek Like U.S. states, Puerto Rico can't file for bankr...
» Puerto Rico pushes plan as it seeks to regain market accesswww.reuters.comSAN...
11/07/14 09:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from PR Economy and Business News Review. Puerto Rico pushes plan as it seeks to regain market access SAN JUAN Puerto Rico (Reuters) - Puerto Rico's top finance officials said on Thursday t...
11/07/14 09:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from PR Economy and Business News Review. Puerto Rico pushes plan as it seeks to regain market access SAN JUAN Puerto Rico (Reuters) - Puerto Rico's top finance officials said on Thursday t...
» FBI arrests Puerto Rico mayor accused of bribery - Yahoo News
11/07/14 09:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. FBI arrests Puerto Rico mayor accused of bribery Yahoo News SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — FBI agents have arrested a mayor in Puerto Rico on charges of bribery, ext...
11/07/14 09:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. FBI arrests Puerto Rico mayor accused of bribery Yahoo News SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — FBI agents have arrested a mayor in Puerto Rico on charges of bribery, ext...
» 'Cooperation with Latin America is key to Russia's foreign ...
11/07/14 09:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Moscow's cooperation with Latin American states is a priority for Russia's foreign policy, President Vladimir Putin told Cuba's Prensa Latina and Russia's Itar-Tas...
11/07/14 09:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Moscow's cooperation with Latin American states is a priority for Russia's foreign policy, President Vladimir Putin told Cuba's Prensa Latina and Russia's Itar-Tas...
» Latin America Holds Promise for Russian Foreign Policy - Putin - The Voice of Russia
11/07/14 09:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. The Guardian Latin America Holds Promise for Russian Foreign Policy - Putin The Voice of Russia "The visa-free zone covers practically all South American stat...
11/07/14 09:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. The Guardian Latin America Holds Promise for Russian Foreign Policy - Putin The Voice of Russia "The visa-free zone covers practically all South American stat...
» Russia ready to collaborate with all Latin American countries - Putin - The Voice of Russia
11/07/14 09:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. RT Russia ready to collaborate with all Latin American countries - Putin The Voice of Russia President Vladimir Putin Russia is interested in strong, economically ...
11/07/14 09:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. RT Russia ready to collaborate with all Latin American countries - Putin The Voice of Russia President Vladimir Putin Russia is interested in strong, economically ...
» Feds bust PR mayor for corruption - Caribbean
11/07/14 09:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from CARIBBEAN BUSINESS's Facebook Wall. Feds bust PR mayor for corruption - Caribbean Business The Popular Democratic Party mayor is accused of demanding thousands of dollars in...
11/07/14 09:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from CARIBBEAN BUSINESS's Facebook Wall. Feds bust PR mayor for corruption - Caribbean Business The Popular Democratic Party mayor is accused of demanding thousands of dollars in...
» BBC: 'Heavy Ukrainian losses' as rebels fire rockets in east - Kyiv Post
11/07/14 09:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Kyiv Post BBC: 'Heavy Ukrainian losses' as rebels fire rockets in east Kyiv Post Russian BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket system launches rockets during military exercises in th...
11/07/14 09:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Kyiv Post BBC: 'Heavy Ukrainian losses' as rebels fire rockets in east Kyiv Post Russian BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket system launches rockets during military exercises in th...
» Infamous 'Chechen' Warlord in Syria Is Really From Georgia, Report Says
11/07/14 09:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Moscow Times Top Stories. An infamous jihadist warlord fighting in the Middle East and known as "Omar the Chechen" actually hails from the Christian nation of Georgia, a news report said Friday.
11/07/14 09:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Moscow Times Top Stories. An infamous jihadist warlord fighting in the Middle East and known as "Omar the Chechen" actually hails from the Christian nation of Georgia, a news report said Friday.
» Putin Arrives In Cuba At Start Of Latin American Tour
11/07/14 09:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in Cuba at the start of a six-day tour of Latin America.
11/07/14 09:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in Cuba at the start of a six-day tour of Latin America.
» Commitment laws for the mentally ill needed to be changed
11/07/14 09:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. Congratulations to The Post for its excellent June 29 front-page article “ The man in the house ,” which desc...
11/07/14 09:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. Congratulations to The Post for its excellent June 29 front-page article “ The man in the house ,” which desc...
» Putin’s three choices on Ukraine
11/07/14 08:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. More than three months have passed since Vladimir Putin’s triumphalist speech to the Russian parliament. In ...
11/07/14 08:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. More than three months have passed since Vladimir Putin’s triumphalist speech to the Russian parliament. In ...
» Editorial: The U.S. should follow Ukraine’s lead and act unilaterally on Russia sanctions
11/07/14 08:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. UKRAINE’S NEW leader is making progress in regaining control over eastern areas of the country that were seiz...
11/07/14 08:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post. UKRAINE’S NEW leader is making progress in regaining control over eastern areas of the country that were seiz...
» German EAM, press applaud expulsion of CIA chief - Hindustan Times
11/07/14 08:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. CTV News Reuters German EAM, press applaud expulsion of CIA chief Hindustan Times Germany's decision to ask the CIA station chief in Berlin to leave the country was an adequate, ...
11/07/14 08:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. CTV News Reuters German EAM, press applaud expulsion of CIA chief Hindustan Times Germany's decision to ask the CIA station chief in Berlin to leave the country was an adequate, ...
» Thirty Ukrainian troops possibly killed in rebel missile attack: government adviser
11/07/14 08:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. KIEV (Reuters) - A rebel attack with Grad missiles on a Ukrainian post on the border with Russia on Friday may have killed as many as 30 soldiers and border guards and final casualties...
11/07/14 08:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. KIEV (Reuters) - A rebel attack with Grad missiles on a Ukrainian post on the border with Russia on Friday may have killed as many as 30 soldiers and border guards and final casualties...
» Few Children Are Deported - WSJ
11/07/14 08:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . July 10, 2014 7:52 p.m. ET New data show that the hope drawing thousands of children across the southwest border – that they will be able to stay in the United States – is largely a realistic one ...
11/07/14 08:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . July 10, 2014 7:52 p.m. ET New data show that the hope drawing thousands of children across the southwest border – that they will be able to stay in the United States – is largely a realistic one ...
» Drug Cartel Suspect Extradited to US
11/07/14 08:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. A suspected leader of the Mexico-based Sinaloa crime cartel has been extradited from the Netherlands to the United States. U.S. authorities say Jose Rodrigo Arechiga-Gamboa arrived in the...
11/07/14 08:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. A suspected leader of the Mexico-based Sinaloa crime cartel has been extradited from the Netherlands to the United States. U.S. authorities say Jose Rodrigo Arechiga-Gamboa arrived in the...
» 'Factory wipe' on Android phones left naked selfies and worse, study finds
11/07/14 07:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Security firm Security company Avast says it found hundreds of naked selfies on older, secondhand Android phones because 'wipe' doesn't erase data Hundreds of naked selfies an...
11/07/14 07:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Security firm Security company Avast says it found hundreds of naked selfies on older, secondhand Android phones because 'wipe' doesn't erase data Hundreds of naked selfies an...
» Los Angeles Times: Ukrainian troops repel militant attack on Donetsk airport ... - Kyiv Post
11/07/14 07:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Kyiv Post Los Angeles Times: Ukrainian troops repel militant attack on Donetsk airport ... Kyiv Post Fighting broke out again late July 10 between Ukrainian troops and pro-Russia...
11/07/14 07:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Kyiv Post Los Angeles Times: Ukrainian troops repel militant attack on Donetsk airport ... Kyiv Post Fighting broke out again late July 10 between Ukrainian troops and pro-Russia...
» California Man Sentenced for Espionage
11/07/14 07:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. A federal judge has sentenced a California chemical engineer to 15 years in prison and fined him $28.3 million for a rare economic-espionage conviction for selling China a secret recip...
11/07/14 07:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. A federal judge has sentenced a California chemical engineer to 15 years in prison and fined him $28.3 million for a rare economic-espionage conviction for selling China a secret recip...
» Boehner announces Obama lawsuit will focus on health care law delay - Fox News
11/07/14 07:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Fox News Boehner announces Obama lawsuit will focus on health care law delay Fox News House Speaker John Boehner outlined his strategy Thursday for pursuing a lawsuit against Pre...
11/07/14 07:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Fox News Boehner announces Obama lawsuit will focus on health care law delay Fox News House Speaker John Boehner outlined his strategy Thursday for pursuing a lawsuit against Pre...
» 29 ways to take control of your social media
11/07/14 07:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Helpful tips that allow you to get the most from Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn Continue reading...
11/07/14 07:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Helpful tips that allow you to get the most from Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn Continue reading...
» 'Supermoon' To Light Up Weekend Skies
11/07/14 07:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News - Breaking international news and headlines | Sky News. The full moon will appear larger and brighter in skies around the world this weekend, ushering in a summer of 'supermoons'.
11/07/14 07:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News - Breaking international news and headlines | Sky News. The full moon will appear larger and brighter in skies around the world this weekend, ushering in a summer of 'supermoons'.
» John Kerry lands in Kabul hoping to resolve Afghan political impasse
11/07/14 07:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. US secretary of state hopes to broker deal between presidential rivals over accusations of electoral fraud The US secretary of state, John Kerry, has arrived in Kabul amid a t...
11/07/14 07:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. US secretary of state hopes to broker deal between presidential rivals over accusations of electoral fraud The US secretary of state, John Kerry, has arrived in Kabul amid a t...
» Kerry pushes for solution in Afghan election dispute
11/07/14 07:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post. KABUL — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in the Afghan capital Friday to push for a resolution to a weeks-long poli...
11/07/14 07:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post. KABUL — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in the Afghan capital Friday to push for a resolution to a weeks-long poli...
» German foreign minister: response to alleged U.S. spying was right
11/07/14 07:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany's decision to ask the CIA station chief in Berlin to leave the country was an adequate, inevitable response following fresh allegations of U.S. spying on Ber...
11/07/14 07:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany's decision to ask the CIA station chief in Berlin to leave the country was an adequate, inevitable response following fresh allegations of U.S. spying on Ber...
» German government spokesman: Merkel and Putin may meet on sidelines of World Cup Final
11/07/14 07:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel may hold brief talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin when both attend the soccer World Cup final in Brazil on Sunday, Merkel's ...
11/07/14 07:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel may hold brief talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin when both attend the soccer World Cup final in Brazil on Sunday, Merkel's ...
» Iraq's foreign minister says Kurds suspend all participation in government
11/07/14 07:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's Foreign Minsiter Hoshiyar Zebari said on Friday that the Kurdish political bloc has ended all participation in the national government in protest over Prime ...
11/07/14 07:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's Foreign Minsiter Hoshiyar Zebari said on Friday that the Kurdish political bloc has ended all participation in the national government in protest over Prime ...
» Germany Tells Top U.S. Embassy Intelligence Official to Leave Country
11/07/14 07:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Updated July 11, 2014 3:47 a.m. ET Germany told a top U.S. intelligence official in the U.S. Embassy in Berlin to leave the country on Thursday, an unusual and forceful response to a growing furor over Americ...
11/07/14 07:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Updated July 11, 2014 3:47 a.m. ET Germany told a top U.S. intelligence official in the U.S. Embassy in Berlin to leave the country on Thursday, an unusual and forceful response to a growing furor over Americ...
» Partisan Puerto Rico? | Puerto Rico Report
10/07/14 20:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico Report. Statehood for Puerto Rico has been championed by the national Republican Party and by many Republican elected leaders, including Presidents Ford, Reagan, George H.W. Bush to name a few....
10/07/14 20:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico Report. Statehood for Puerto Rico has been championed by the national Republican Party and by many Republican elected leaders, including Presidents Ford, Reagan, George H.W. Bush to name a few....
» Hector Ferrer challenges Agapito. - Topix
10/07/14 20:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . &amp;amp;amp;lt;iframe src="" height="300" width="500" frameborder="0"&amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;l...
10/07/14 20:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . &amp;amp;amp;lt;iframe src="" height="300" width="500" frameborder="0"&amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;l...
» Federales Arrestan Alcalde PPD Río Grande Eduard Rivera CORRUPCIÓN - YouTube
10/07/14 20:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Published on Jul 10, 2014 El Negociado Federal de Investigaciones (FBI) arrestó esta mañana en su residencia al alcalde de Río Grande, Eduard Rivera Correa, por cargos de corrupción pú...
10/07/14 20:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Published on Jul 10, 2014 El Negociado Federal de Investigaciones (FBI) arrestó esta mañana en su residencia al alcalde de Río Grande, Eduard Rivera Correa, por cargos de corrupción pú...
» Rio Grande react to the arrest of the greater
10/07/14 18:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . By Agustin Criollo Oquero 07.10.2014 | 24:47 An unusual air of anticipation is seen today in the center of Rio Grande at the news of the arrest of the senior, Eduard Rivera Correa by Federal Authorities. The ...
10/07/14 18:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . By Agustin Criollo Oquero 07.10.2014 | 24:47 An unusual air of anticipation is seen today in the center of Rio Grande at the news of the arrest of the senior, Eduard Rivera Correa by Federal Authorities. The ...
» Puerto Rico Police Officers and Civilians Charged with Federal Crimes in Connection with July 2012 Robbery in Bayamon, Puerto Rico
10/07/14 17:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Criminal Justice News. Three Police of Puerto Rico (POPR) officers and two civilians were charged with robbery , firearms violations, drug conspiracy and civil rights violations for their involvement in a ...
10/07/14 17:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Criminal Justice News. Three Police of Puerto Rico (POPR) officers and two civilians were charged with robbery , firearms violations, drug conspiracy and civil rights violations for their involvement in a ...
» Mayor arrested for corruption Rio Grande
10/07/14 17:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Eduard Rivera Correa received money in exchange for giving contracts. Video By Mariana Cobian, Ivelisse Rivera, Brunymarie Velázquez, Dalissa Zeda, Sandra and Javier Colon Caquías The popular mayor ...
10/07/14 17:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Eduard Rivera Correa received money in exchange for giving contracts. Video By Mariana Cobian, Ivelisse Rivera, Brunymarie Velázquez, Dalissa Zeda, Sandra and Javier Colon Caquías The popular mayor ...
» FBI arrests by state police corruption case
10/07/14 17:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . By Maribel Hernández Pérez, Mariana By Cobián 07.10.2014 | 10:19 a.m. A police officer Assigned to the Division of Highways Area This Morning Carolina was arrested by agents of the Strike Force...
10/07/14 17:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . By Maribel Hernández Pérez, Mariana By Cobián 07.10.2014 | 10:19 a.m. A police officer Assigned to the Division of Highways Area This Morning Carolina was arrested by agents of the Strike Force...
» Ex US navy base has become a ghost town
10/07/14 17:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico latest and breaking national news and regional news from Puerto Rico. An ex US navy base in Puerto Rico is open for redevelopment ideas, it now stands a ghost town since the US military pulled ...
10/07/14 17:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico latest and breaking national news and regional news from Puerto Rico. An ex US navy base in Puerto Rico is open for redevelopment ideas, it now stands a ghost town since the US military pulled ...
» Puerto Rico Makes Plans to Become Silicon Island - Baseline
10/07/14 17:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google News. Baseline Puerto Rico Makes Plans to Become Silicon Island Baseline The latest entry in the high-speed Internet derby is Puerto Rico . The commonwealth, which boasts a population ...
10/07/14 17:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google News. Baseline Puerto Rico Makes Plans to Become Silicon Island Baseline The latest entry in the high-speed Internet derby is Puerto Rico . The commonwealth, which boasts a population ...
» Puerto Rico probes millions of dollars in overtime - Yahoo News
10/07/14 17:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google News. Puerto Rico probes millions of dollars in overtime Yahoo News SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Legislators in Puerto Rico have launched an investigation into the payment of millions ...
10/07/14 17:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google News. Puerto Rico probes millions of dollars in overtime Yahoo News SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Legislators in Puerto Rico have launched an investigation into the payment of millions ...
» Puerto Rico Representative Explores Bankruptcy Option - Bloomberg
10/07/14 17:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google News. Puerto Rico Representative Explores Bankruptcy Option Bloomberg Puerto Rico's non-voting representative in the U.S. Congress is exploring changes to federal law that would allow ...
10/07/14 17:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google News. Puerto Rico Representative Explores Bankruptcy Option Bloomberg Puerto Rico's non-voting representative in the U.S. Congress is exploring changes to federal law that would allow ...
» Franchisees in Puerto Rico Claim McDonald's Broke FTC Rule - Entrepreneur
10/07/14 17:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google News. Entrepreneur Franchisees in Puerto Rico Claim McDonald's Broke FTC Rule Entrepreneur The franchisees claim that when the company sold its stores and franchising rights in Puerto ...
10/07/14 17:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google News. Entrepreneur Franchisees in Puerto Rico Claim McDonald's Broke FTC Rule Entrepreneur The franchisees claim that when the company sold its stores and franchising rights in Puerto ...
» Pentagon decries new Bergdahl photo as propaganda - USA TODAY
10/07/14 17:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. USA TODAY Pentagon decries new Bergdahl photo as propaganda USA TODAY WASHINGTON – The photo of a smiling Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl posted to a Twitter account by a Taliban sympathizer ...
10/07/14 17:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. USA TODAY Pentagon decries new Bergdahl photo as propaganda USA TODAY WASHINGTON – The photo of a smiling Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl posted to a Twitter account by a Taliban sympathizer ...
» US general sees only 'good news' in Afghanistan as senators voice concerns
10/07/14 17:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Incredulous senators question General John Campbell over optimism for country wrought by election and Taliban crises Afghanistan's presidential election may be taking the coun...
10/07/14 17:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Incredulous senators question General John Campbell over optimism for country wrought by election and Taliban crises Afghanistan's presidential election may be taking the coun...
» Russia protests to Kiev over shelling of border checkpoint - Reuters India
10/07/14 17:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Russia protests to Kiev over shelling of border checkpoint Reuters India MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia protested to Kiev on Thursday, saying a Russian checkpoint on the b...
10/07/14 17:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Russia protests to Kiev over shelling of border checkpoint Reuters India MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia protested to Kiev on Thursday, saying a Russian checkpoint on the b...
» More ‘headline-grabbing’ corporate deals expected
10/07/14 16:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. More ‘headline-grabbing’ corporate deals expected LONDON — More “headline-grabbing” acquisitions are likely over the coming year a ... Pierluisi eyes changes to bankruptcy code to open ...
10/07/14 16:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. More ‘headline-grabbing’ corporate deals expected LONDON — More “headline-grabbing” acquisitions are likely over the coming year a ... Pierluisi eyes changes to bankruptcy code to open ...
» Puerto Rico Makes Plans to Become Silicon Island - BaselineBaselinePuerto R...
10/07/14 15:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from PR Economy and Business News Review. Puerto Rico Makes Plans to Become Silicon Island - Baseline Baseline Puerto Rico Makes Plans to Become Silicon Island Baseline "Many people and businesses say they...
10/07/14 15:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from PR Economy and Business News Review. Puerto Rico Makes Plans to Become Silicon Island - Baseline Baseline Puerto Rico Makes Plans to Become Silicon Island Baseline "Many people and businesses say they...
» Pierluisi eyes changes to bankruptcy code to open Chapter 9 to PR - Caribbean Bu...
10/07/14 15:48 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from PR Economy and Business News Review. Pierluisi eyes changes to bankruptcy code to open Chapter 9 to PR - Caribbean Business Under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, Puerto Rico is treate...
10/07/14 15:48 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from PR Economy and Business News Review. Pierluisi eyes changes to bankruptcy code to open Chapter 9 to PR - Caribbean Business Under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, Puerto Rico is treate...
» Criminal Justice News: Puerto Rico Police Officers and ...
10/07/14 15:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico news - Google Blog Search. Jorge Fernandez-Aviles, 48, Fernando Reyes-Rojas, 42, and David Figueroa-Rodríguez, 32, were charged in an indictment returned yesterday in the District of Puerto Ric...
10/07/14 15:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico news - Google Blog Search. Jorge Fernandez-Aviles, 48, Fernando Reyes-Rojas, 42, and David Figueroa-Rodríguez, 32, were charged in an indictment returned yesterday in the District of Puerto Ric...
» Puerto Rico's willingness to honor debt "should be unquestioned" -officials - Reuters
10/07/14 15:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico news - Google News. Puerto Rico's willingness to honor debt "should be unquestioned" -officials Reuters The two officials also said they stand behind the recent passage of Puerto Rico...
10/07/14 15:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico news - Google News. Puerto Rico's willingness to honor debt "should be unquestioned" -officials Reuters The two officials also said they stand behind the recent passage of Puerto Rico...
» Fifty-three blindfolded bodies found in Iraq as political leaders bicker
10/07/14 15:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: Top News. BAGHDAD Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi security forces found 53 corpses, blindfolded and handcuffed, south of Baghdad on Wednesday as Shi'ite and Kurdish leaders traded accusations over an Islam...
10/07/14 15:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: Top News. BAGHDAD Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi security forces found 53 corpses, blindfolded and handcuffed, south of Baghdad on Wednesday as Shi'ite and Kurdish leaders traded accusations over an Islam...
» Three Ukrainian soldiers killed in further clashes in the east
10/07/14 15:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: Top News. KIEV (Reuters) - Three Ukrainian soldiers have been killed and 27 wounded in clashes with pro-Russian separatist rebels in the east of the country, the military said on Thursday.
10/07/14 15:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: Top News. KIEV (Reuters) - Three Ukrainian soldiers have been killed and 27 wounded in clashes with pro-Russian separatist rebels in the east of the country, the military said on Thursday.
» More Ukrainian soldiers killed; France, Germany press Putin
10/07/14 15:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: Top News. KIEV/DONETSK Ukraine (Reuters) - Ukrainian forces regained more ground but sustained further casualties on Thursday in clashes with separatists, while two Western allies urged Russia's V...
10/07/14 15:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: Top News. KIEV/DONETSK Ukraine (Reuters) - Ukrainian forces regained more ground but sustained further casualties on Thursday in clashes with separatists, while two Western allies urged Russia's V...
» Shorter sleep may speed brain aging
10/07/14 15:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: Health News. NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - With less sleep, normal aging-related structural changes in the brain progress slightly faster in middle-aged and older people, according to a new brain im...
10/07/14 15:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: Health News. NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - With less sleep, normal aging-related structural changes in the brain progress slightly faster in middle-aged and older people, according to a new brain im...
» Hundreds of U.S. lawmakers seek role in Iran nuclear talks
10/07/14 15:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: Politics. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than three-quarters of the U.S. House of Representatives signed a letter sent to President Barack Obama Wednesday, insisting that lawmakers play a role in any...
10/07/14 15:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: Politics. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than three-quarters of the U.S. House of Representatives signed a letter sent to President Barack Obama Wednesday, insisting that lawmakers play a role in any...
» Lawmakers eye U.S. immigration law changes for Central American children
10/07/14 15:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: U.S.. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation to allow President Barack Obama more easily to deport thousands of Central American children who have migrated illegally appeared to gain steam in the U.S....
10/07/14 15:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: U.S.. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation to allow President Barack Obama more easily to deport thousands of Central American children who have migrated illegally appeared to gain steam in the U.S....
» Snowden Asks Russia to Extend Asylum - New York Times
10/07/14 15:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. The Guardian USA TODAY Snowden Asks Russia to Extend Asylum New York Times MOSCOW — Edward J. Snowden, the former National Security Agency analyst who fled to Russia last year after r...
10/07/14 15:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. The Guardian USA TODAY Snowden Asks Russia to Extend Asylum New York Times MOSCOW — Edward J. Snowden, the former National Security Agency analyst who fled to Russia last year after r...
» Russia gives green light for next US ambassador - Reuters
10/07/14 15:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Channel News Asia Russia gives green light for next US ambassador Reuters Tefft was the United States' ambassador to Georgia during the former Soviet republic's five-day war with Russ...
10/07/14 15:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Channel News Asia Russia gives green light for next US ambassador Reuters Tefft was the United States' ambassador to Georgia during the former Soviet republic's five-day war with Russ...
» Public Opinion Against Russia Hardens After Ukraine Intervention, Poll Finds
10/07/14 15:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. Russia is widely disliked in Europe, the Middle East and the United States, and President Vladimir V. Putin inspires little confidence, according to a Pew Global Attitudes poll.
10/07/14 15:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. Russia is widely disliked in Europe, the Middle East and the United States, and President Vladimir V. Putin inspires little confidence, according to a Pew Global Attitudes poll.
» Public Opinion Against Russia Hardens After Ukraine Intervention, Poll Finds - New York Times
10/07/14 15:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. New York Times Public Opinion Against Russia Hardens After Ukraine Intervention, Poll Finds New York Times In the wake of its military intervention in Ukraine and annexation of Crimea...
10/07/14 15:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. New York Times Public Opinion Against Russia Hardens After Ukraine Intervention, Poll Finds New York Times In the wake of its military intervention in Ukraine and annexation of Crimea...
» Fuele: EU Working On New Sanctions Against Russia
10/07/14 15:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The European Union's enlargement commissioner, Stefan Fuele, says said EU member states are working on an additional set of sanctions against Moscow. In an interview with...
10/07/14 15:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The European Union's enlargement commissioner, Stefan Fuele, says said EU member states are working on an additional set of sanctions against Moscow. In an interview with...
» The Young Guard, or “Russification of the Spirit” Part 2
10/07/14 14:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home. The Institute of Modern Russia continues its series of articles by well-known scholar Alexander Yanov on the history of Russian nationalism in the USSR. In this second part of his essay on right-wing...
10/07/14 14:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home. The Institute of Modern Russia continues its series of articles by well-known scholar Alexander Yanov on the history of Russian nationalism in the USSR. In this second part of his essay on right-wing...
» Russia’s Political Prisoners: Ilya Gushchin
10/07/14 14:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home. The Institute of Modern Russia continues its series of articles dedicated to Russian political prisoners with a portrait of Ilya Gushchin, opposition activist, member of the National Democratic Party...
10/07/14 14:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home. The Institute of Modern Russia continues its series of articles dedicated to Russian political prisoners with a portrait of Ilya Gushchin, opposition activist, member of the National Democratic Party...
» Declassified Documents Given By Biden to Rousseff Detail Secret Dictatorship-Era Executions, “Psychophysical” Torture in Brazil
10/07/14 14:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Latest From the Wilson Center. During Vice President Joe Biden’s recent trip to Brazil, President Rousseff was given a recently declassified US report containing the details of Brazilian torture during the...
10/07/14 14:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Latest From the Wilson Center. During Vice President Joe Biden’s recent trip to Brazil, President Rousseff was given a recently declassified US report containing the details of Brazilian torture during the...
» Eight Belarusian Officials Dropped From EU Sanctions List
10/07/14 14:49 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The European Union has dropped eight names from a list of Belarusian officials subject to EU sanctions over human rights abuses.
10/07/14 14:49 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The European Union has dropped eight names from a list of Belarusian officials subject to EU sanctions over human rights abuses.
» U.S. Senators Urge More Sanctions On Russia
10/07/14 14:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The top two lawmakers on the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee have questioned Obama administration officials over sanctions against Russia.
10/07/14 14:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The top two lawmakers on the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee have questioned Obama administration officials over sanctions against Russia.
» Ukrainian Pilot Charged in Russia in Journalists' Deaths - Wall Street Journal
10/07/14 14:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. BBC News Ukrainian Pilot Charged in Russia in Journalists' Deaths Wall Street Journal MOSCOW—A Ukrainian air force pilot was arrested in Russia and charged with being an accessory to ...
10/07/14 14:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. BBC News Ukrainian Pilot Charged in Russia in Journalists' Deaths Wall Street Journal MOSCOW—A Ukrainian air force pilot was arrested in Russia and charged with being an accessory to ...
» Russia charges female Ukrainian pilot over journalists' deaths -
10/07/14 14:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Russia charges female Ukrainian pilot over journalists' deaths Russia's Investigative Committee accused Nadezhda Savchenko, 31, a Ukrainian helicopter ...
10/07/14 14:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Russia charges female Ukrainian pilot over journalists' deaths Russia's Investigative Committee accused Nadezhda Savchenko, 31, a Ukrainian helicopter ...
» Senators blast Obama's Russia sanction policy as public opinion of Russia ... - Washington Post (blog)
10/07/14 14:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Foreign Policy (blog) Senators blast Obama's Russia sanction policy as public opinion of Russia ... Washington Post (blog) Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affai...
10/07/14 14:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Foreign Policy (blog) Senators blast Obama's Russia sanction policy as public opinion of Russia ... Washington Post (blog) Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affai...
» Kremlin ‘Grey Cardinal’ Surkov’s Deal for a ‘Donetsk Transdniestria’?
10/07/14 14:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The InterpreterThe Interpreter. Boris Rozhin, editor of Golos Sevastopolya and a popular blogger under the name “Colonel Cassad,” published a LiveJournal entry 7 July speculating on the origins of the camp...
10/07/14 14:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The InterpreterThe Interpreter. Boris Rozhin, editor of Golos Sevastopolya and a popular blogger under the name “Colonel Cassad,” published a LiveJournal entry 7 July speculating on the origins of the camp...
» Ukraine crisis: Foreign Ministry claims pilot was abducted and taken to Russian prison by pro-Moscow rebels
10/07/14 14:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from - Europe RSS Feed. A Ukrainian army pilot has turned up in a Russian prison accused of complicity in the murder of two Russian journalists after allegedly being abducted in her home country and taken over ...
10/07/14 14:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from - Europe RSS Feed. A Ukrainian army pilot has turned up in a Russian prison accused of complicity in the murder of two Russian journalists after allegedly being abducted in her home country and taken over ...
» Putin To Begin Latin American Tour With Stop In Cuba
10/07/14 14:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Russian President Vladimir Putin begins a six-day tour of Latin America on July 11 with a visit to Havana, where he will hold talks with Cuban leaders, including 87-year-...
10/07/14 14:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Russian President Vladimir Putin begins a six-day tour of Latin America on July 11 with a visit to Havana, where he will hold talks with Cuban leaders, including 87-year-...
» Putin Heads to Latin America to Boost Ties
10/07/14 14:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Moscow Times Top Stories. President Vladimir Putin is to embark on a five-day visit to Cuba, Argentina and Brazil on Friday in an effort to strengthen Russia's ties with its Latin American partners ami...
10/07/14 14:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Moscow Times Top Stories. President Vladimir Putin is to embark on a five-day visit to Cuba, Argentina and Brazil on Friday in an effort to strengthen Russia's ties with its Latin American partners ami...
» Russian Hackers: Myth or Threat?
10/07/14 14:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Moscow Times Top Stories. A busty brunette dubbed "the world's sexiest hacker," half a dozen slots on the FBI's cybercrime most wanted list, now - allegedly - a lawmaker's son: Russian hackers are cert...
10/07/14 14:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Moscow Times Top Stories. A busty brunette dubbed "the world's sexiest hacker," half a dozen slots on the FBI's cybercrime most wanted list, now - allegedly - a lawmaker's son: Russian hackers are cert...
» Ukraine and pro-Russian rebels square up for showdown
10/07/14 14:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Kiev aims to win back control of Donetsk and Luhansk as rebel groups gather in big cities after abandoning smaller strongholds The Ukrainian authorities and pro-Russian rebels are sq...
10/07/14 14:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Kiev aims to win back control of Donetsk and Luhansk as rebel groups gather in big cities after abandoning smaller strongholds The Ukrainian authorities and pro-Russian rebels are sq...
» Patchwork Makeup of Rebels Fighting Ukraine Makes Peace Talks Elusive
10/07/14 14:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. One Russian separatist leader is said to be trying to unite the mishmash of militias into a single professional fighting force, while the national military prepares to attempt to retake the...
10/07/14 14:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. One Russian separatist leader is said to be trying to unite the mishmash of militias into a single professional fighting force, while the national military prepares to attempt to retake the...
» Putin's Moves Keep West Guessing
10/07/14 14:20 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. Analysis: By sending mixed signals, the Russian president is trying—again—to blunt any push in the West for stronger economic sanctions that would hammer his country's already-stalled ...
10/07/14 14:20 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. Analysis: By sending mixed signals, the Russian president is trying—again—to blunt any push in the West for stronger economic sanctions that would hammer his country's already-stalled ...
» World Briefing: Russia: New-Design Rocket Is Launched
10/07/14 14:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Russia launched the Angara rocket, its first new design of space rocket since the Soviet era, from the northern military space port of Plesetsk.
10/07/14 14:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Russia launched the Angara rocket, its first new design of space rocket since the Soviet era, from the northern military space port of Plesetsk.
» U.S. Counterterrorism Chief to Step Down
10/07/14 14:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Matthew G. Olsen has been director of the National Counterterrorism Center as threats from Al Qaeda shifted from Pakistan to Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Yemen
10/07/14 14:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Matthew G. Olsen has been director of the National Counterterrorism Center as threats from Al Qaeda shifted from Pakistan to Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Yemen
» NY Times: Chinese Hackers Searched for Data on US Government Workers
10/07/14 14:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. A report in The New York Times Thursday says the newspaper has learned from U.S. government officials that Chinese computer hackers attempted to gain access to the personnel files of tens...
10/07/14 14:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. A report in The New York Times Thursday says the newspaper has learned from U.S. government officials that Chinese computer hackers attempted to gain access to the personnel files of tens...
» 'Prostitute' accused of injecting Google executive with lethal dose of heroin - The Guardian
10/07/14 14:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. The Guardian 'Prostitute' accused of injecting Google executive with lethal dose of heroin The Guardian Alix Tichelman appears at Santa Cruz superior court following the death of...
10/07/14 14:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. The Guardian 'Prostitute' accused of injecting Google executive with lethal dose of heroin The Guardian Alix Tichelman appears at Santa Cruz superior court following the death of...
» Contributing Op-Ed Writer: Latin America’s Talent for Tolerance
10/07/14 14:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Today, violent and fanatic racism is the exception and not the rule in our part of the world.
10/07/14 14:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Today, violent and fanatic racism is the exception and not the rule in our part of the world.
» Kerry Discusses Cybersecurity With China
10/07/14 14:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday he had a "frank exchange" with his Chinese counterparts on cybersecurity this week.
10/07/14 14:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday he had a "frank exchange" with his Chinese counterparts on cybersecurity this week.
» Russia writes off $32bn Cuban debt in show of brotherly love
10/07/14 14:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Agreement, which stipulates that Cuba must still repay $3.2bn over 10 years, comes as President Vladimir Putin prepares for Havana trip. The Moscow Times reports Russia's parl...
10/07/14 14:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Agreement, which stipulates that Cuba must still repay $3.2bn over 10 years, comes as President Vladimir Putin prepares for Havana trip. The Moscow Times reports Russia's parl...
» Israel: Iron Dome Intercepts 90 Percent of Rockets
10/07/14 14:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Israel's Iron Dome interceptor has shot down some 90 percent of Palestinian rockets it engaged during this week's surge of Gaza fighting, up from the 85 percent rate in the previous mini-...
10/07/14 14:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Israel's Iron Dome interceptor has shot down some 90 percent of Palestinian rockets it engaged during this week's surge of Gaza fighting, up from the 85 percent rate in the previous mini-...
» Germany asks top US intelligence official to leave country over spy row
10/07/14 14:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Move comes in response to two reported cases of suspected US spying in Germany The German government has asked the top representative of America's secret services in Germany t...
10/07/14 14:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Move comes in response to two reported cases of suspected US spying in Germany The German government has asked the top representative of America's secret services in Germany t...
» Germany asks intelligence official at U.S. embassy to leave country
10/07/14 14:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany has asked a U.S. intelligence official at the embassy in Berlin to leave the country in connection with investigations into suspected American spying in Germ...
10/07/14 14:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany has asked a U.S. intelligence official at the embassy in Berlin to leave the country in connection with investigations into suspected American spying in Germ...
» Merkel Says Spying on Allies Is a Distraction - Wall Street Journal
10/07/14 13:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Wall Street Journal Merkel Says Spying on Allies Is a Distraction Wall Street Journal German Chancellor Angela Merkel, right, in a meeting with Moldavian Prime Minister Iurie Lea...
10/07/14 13:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Wall Street Journal Merkel Says Spying on Allies Is a Distraction Wall Street Journal German Chancellor Angela Merkel, right, in a meeting with Moldavian Prime Minister Iurie Lea...
» Top American Spy 'Told To Leave Germany'
10/07/14 13:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News - Breaking international news and headlines | Sky News. The German government has asked the top US intelligence official in Berlin to leave the country, a Berlin lawmaker says.
10/07/14 13:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News - Breaking international news and headlines | Sky News. The German government has asked the top US intelligence official in Berlin to leave the country, a Berlin lawmaker says.
» Kremlin: Russia, France, Germany Want New Ukraine Truce
10/07/14 13:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. The leaders of France and Germany backed Russia by calling for a new cease-fire in eastern Ukraine on Thursday but told President Vladimir Putin to prevent separatist fighters and arms cr...
10/07/14 13:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. The leaders of France and Germany backed Russia by calling for a new cease-fire in eastern Ukraine on Thursday but told President Vladimir Putin to prevent separatist fighters and arms cr...
» Germany Warns Economy Slowed
10/07/14 13:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. Germany warned its economic growth rate slowed in the second quarter because of the Ukraine-Russia conflict and an unusually weak seasonal pickup this spring.
10/07/14 13:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. Germany warned its economic growth rate slowed in the second quarter because of the Ukraine-Russia conflict and an unusually weak seasonal pickup this spring.
» Drone strike kills 6 in Pakistan, intelligence officials say
10/07/14 13:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from - World. A U.S. drone strike killed at least six militants Thursday in a Pakistani tribal region, according to Pakistani intelligence sources.
10/07/14 13:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from - World. A U.S. drone strike killed at least six militants Thursday in a Pakistani tribal region, according to Pakistani intelligence sources.
» Germany Expels Top U.S. Intelligence Officer
10/07/14 13:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Germany announced Thursday that it had ordered the senior American intelligence official in the country expelled, retaliating for apparent American recruitment of spies in the country. The ...
10/07/14 13:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Germany announced Thursday that it had ordered the senior American intelligence official in the country expelled, retaliating for apparent American recruitment of spies in the country. The ...
» ISIS Seizes 'Low Grade' Nuclear Material
10/07/14 13:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News - Breaking international news and headlines | Sky News. Iraqi security forces pull down a flag belonging to Sunni militant group ISIL during a patrol in town of Dalli Abbas in Diyala province
10/07/14 13:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News - Breaking international news and headlines | Sky News. Iraqi security forces pull down a flag belonging to Sunni militant group ISIL during a patrol in town of Dalli Abbas in Diyala province
» Germany asks top U.S. spy to leave amid flap
10/07/14 13:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post. BERLIN — Germany has asked the CIA station chief in the country to leave the country, an unusual action among allies that is ...
10/07/14 13:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post. BERLIN — Germany has asked the CIA station chief in the country to leave the country, an unusual action among allies that is ...
» The Russians going against the tide to seek a new life in Ukraine
10/07/14 13:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. While thousands of Russian-speaking Ukrainians stream across the country's eastern border to flee the ongoing violence in their country, some Russians are heading in the oppos...
10/07/14 13:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. While thousands of Russian-speaking Ukrainians stream across the country's eastern border to flee the ongoing violence in their country, some Russians are heading in the oppos...
» Population of the European Union tops 507million
10/07/14 13:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. Since 1960, the number of people in the 28 member states has soared by a quarter, according to new figures which reveal the impact of births, deaths and migration.
10/07/14 13:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. Since 1960, the number of people in the 28 member states has soared by a quarter, according to new figures which reveal the impact of births, deaths and migration.
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