
Showing posts from January 21, 2017

News Reviews and Opinions: Selected Photos from recent tweets

News Reviews and Opinions: Selected Photos from recent tweets

M.N.: "The US - Russia - China triangle and the traingulation are the long term reality and phenomenon. The Big Boy at the head of the triangle should deal with it playfully, skillfully and adroitly..." | "The signs... are hard to ignore." - Weaving the Threads of a Possible Trump Doctrine - Geopolitical Diary - JANUARY 20, 2017

Weaving the Threads of a Possible Trump Doctrine - Geopolitical Diary - JANUARY 20, 2017 Quotes:  Indeed, there is a serious argument to be made that even as Russia, still but a pale shadow of its Soviet-era self, threatens various secondary interests, it does not fundamentally threaten the core strategic interest of the United States: to prevent the emergence of a competing hegemon. Therefore, the argument goes, it is ultimately not in America's long-term strategic interest to isolate and alienate Russia, especially when there are bigger fish to fry. Instead, according to this view, Washington should set aside its ideological clash with Russia to focus on other matters. ... Failure to work with Russia, on the other hand, risks pushing it even further into Beijing's strategic and economic orbit, making effective containment of China more difficult. ... And whatever Trump's intent, any effort at cooperation with Russia will face intense domestic scrutiny and possib...