» 2015-08-12Top Army leader: Russia is "most dangerous" threat facing U.S.: Washington 12/08/15 20:19 from Mike Nova - Google+

Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review From The Major News Sources » 2015-08-12Top Army leader: Russia is "most dangerous" threat facing U.S.: Washington 12/08/15 20:19 from Mike Nova - Google+ 2015-08-12 Top Army leader: Russia is "most dangerous" threat facing U.S.: Washington (CNN)The outgoing Army chief of staff said Wednesday that Russia posed the "most dangerous" threat facing the United States today, thanks to its "sophi... » What is Propaganda? CIA and Hollywood Are Offering Perfect Examples - Top Secret Writers 12/08/15 19:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks mikenova shared this story from cia - Google News. Top Secret Writers What is Propaganda? CIA and Hollywood Are Offering Perfect Examples Top Secret Writers In its appraisal of how the CIA has “manufactured” history, the Institute for Hi... » The Google Search That Made the CIA Spy on the US Senate - VICE News 12/08/15 19:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newsl...