» Donald Trump’s Warning to Paul Ryan Signals Further G.O.P. Discord – The New York Times 09/05/16 19:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks

Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review From The Major News Sources » Donald Trump’s Warning to Paul Ryan Signals Further G.O.P. Discord – The New York Times 09/05/16 19:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks mikenova shared this story from The New York Web Times – newyorkwebtimes.com. Mr. Trump’s refusal to rule out removing Mr. Ryan as the chairman of the party’s convention threatened to upset an event that is normally a display of unity. S... » Hillary Clinton Targets Republicans Turned Off by Donald Trump – The New York Times 09/05/16 19:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks mikenova shared this story from The New York Web Times – newyorkwebtimes.com. Mrs. Clinton has broadened her economic message, sought endorsements from G.O.P. influencers and pledged that her husband, popular with blue-collar voters, wil... » BOOK REVIEW: ‘The Less You Know, The Better You Sleep: Russia’s Road to Dictatorship’ – Washington Times 09/05/16 19:46 from...