
Showing posts from February 17, 2015

A letter to my little friend (copy to V.V. Bonaparte)

A letter to my little friend (copy to V.V. Bonaparte) The River Stix  is to your bloody Red Kanawa what Hades is to the enraged juvenile delinquent fire setter animal torturer , Armstrong Creek vermin user-recruiter. Good old military school did not help you much, and your new doctrine will not help you much either. Grow up, already! Jump over your own stinky Kanawa (don't dig in mine). Stay away from Aden and cover you own  Boomber Bottom ! Be a man! Join the platoon with all your sidekicks . Or else: you'll get a haircut , will be demoted to Sisyphus and will play your favorite Barracuda 24/7 in your  solntsevo solarium . Think about it.  Village People - YMCA OFFICIAL Music Video 1978 Uploaded on Sep 22, 2008 Village People - YMCA

Marc Bennetts: How Putin is priming Russia for nuclear stand-off with the West

Marc Bennetts: How Putin is priming Russia for nuclear stand-off with the West Tuesday February 17 th , 2015  at  3:10 PM Comments On: Marc Bennetts: How Putin Is Priming Russia For Nuclear Stand-Off With The West 1 Share Earlier this month, as fighting raged in eastern Ukraine between pro-Russian rebels and forces loyal to the Western-backed government in Kyiv, Dmitry Kiselyov, the pugnacious, middle-aged journalist who heads Russia’s main state news agency, gazed defiantly into a TV studio camera. “What is Russia preparing for?” he asked. As if in reply, the director cut to an ominous backdrop image of an intercontinental ballistic missile emerging from an underground launch silo. National Post Graphics CLICK TO ENLARGE: This graphic attempts to look at the number of immediately available nuclear weapons in the world; weapons that could at a very short notice — because that is the point — be used in a war. “During the era of p...