North Korea's Kim Jong Un Poses Next to 'Miniaturized Nuclear Warhead' - NBC News | Russian Activists, Western Journalists Attacked Trying To Enter Chechnya | ISIS’s Minister of War Omar The Chechen Targeted in U.S. Air Strike | US Holds Islamic State Agent Tied to Chemical Weapons | Growing the next generation of Russia experts - TheHill | Russia may be running out of oil — RT Business

Russia may be running out of oil — RT Business : Oil production in Russia will inevitably decline by 2035 according to an Energy Ministry report seen by the Vedomosti business daily. The different scenarios predict an output drop from 1.2 percent up to 46 percent two decades from now. The document, obtained by the newspaper and confirmed by a source in the ministry, says by 2035 existing oil fields will be able to provide Russia with less than half of today’s production of about 10.1 million barrels per day. The shortfall should be met by increased production from proven reserves, according to projections by the Energy Ministry. Russian Activists, Western Journalists Attacked Trying To Enter Chechnya Russia Ingushetia: Journalists and activists 'beaten up' - BBC News IS Registration Forms Identify 22,000 Jihadis Islamic State Files: 'Goldmine Of Information' US Holds Islamic State Agent Tied to Chemical Weapons Omar al-Shishani ISIS commander and US ...