A veteran spy has claimed that Russia possess an ‘explosive’ sex tape of Donald Trump during an orgy
A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump Has the bureau investigated this material? DAVID CORN OCT. 31, 2016 7:52 PM Carlo Allegri/ZUMA On Friday, FBI Director James Comey set off a political blast when he informed congressional leaders that the bureau had stumbled across emails that might be pertinent to its completed inquiry into Hillary Clinton's handling of emails when she was secretary of state. The Clinton campaign and others criticized Comey for intervening in a presidential campaign by breaking with Justice Department tradition and revealing information about an investigation—information that was vague and perhaps ultimately irrelevant—so close to Election Day. On Sunday, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid upped the ante. He sent Comey a fiery letter saying the FBI chief may have broken the law and pointed to a potentially greater controversy: "In my comm...