
Showing posts from December 28, 2014

» NYPD chief calls for "a lot less rhetoric and a lot more dialogue" - Christian Science Monitor | U.S. Ends Its War in Afghanistan - 28/12/14 18:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks

Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review   From The Major News Sources »   NYPD chief calls for "a lot less rhetoric and a lot more dialogue" - Christian Science Monitor 28/12/14 18:28 from  Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. ABC News NYPD chief calls for "a lot less rhetoric and a lot more dialogue" Christian Science Monitor Amid rage over the killings of two police officers in Brooklyn and... »   U.S. Ends Its War in Afghanistan 28/12/14 18:27 from  Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks mikenova shared this story from TIME. The U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan ended its combat mission Sunday, marking the formal—if not real—end to the longest war in American history. American warplanes began bombing the country on Oct. ... »   A Visit to the European Parliament Leaves Many Amazed 28/12/14 18:27 from  Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks mikenova shared this story from World News. The European Un...