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Mike Nova Shared publicly - 5:30 PM » Obama Pick for Army Would Be First Openly Gay Service Chief 18/09/15 17:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks | Obama nominates Eric Fanning to be Secretary of the Army | Obama pick for Army would be first openly gay service chief Obama nominates Eric Fanning to be Secretary of the Army Obama pick for Army would be first openly gay service chief Obama Names Fanning As US Army Chief Nominee Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review From The Major News Sources » International News, Opini... » Obama Pick for Army Would Be First Openly Gay Service Chief 18/09/15 17:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks | Obama nominates Eric Fanning to be Secretary of the Army | Obama pick for Army would be first openly gay service chief Obama nominates Eric Fanning to be Secretary of the Army Obama pick for Army would be first openly gay service chief Obama Names Fanni...