Information War and Cyberwar on Police | "Ransomware"
Cyber War on Police - Google Search ransomware police - Google Search Ransomware Hackers Hitting Police Departments Saturday May 2 nd , 2015 at 6:44 PM CIO Today 1 Share Police in Maine whose shared server was infected by ransomware last week chose to pay $300 to the perpetrators rather than risk losing their internal files or spend more money and time to try to work around the cyberattack. In a similar attack in Massachusetts, local police paid $500 ransom to the hackers to regain control of their data . Attacks involving ransomware, in which malware restricts users' access to their own computer files, are on the rise, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Once spread primarily by e-mails with malicious attachments, ransomware is increasingly infecting users in so-called "drive-by" attacks via compromised Web sites. In these most recent cases, ransomware known as "megacode" infected the IT s...