Ted Cruz Suspends Presidential Campaign by Morgan Chalfant Tuesday May 3rd, 2016 at 9:20 PM
Ted Cruz Suspends Presidential Campaign by Morgan Chalfant Tuesday May 3 rd , 2016 at 9:20 PM Washington Free Beacon 1 Share Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) suspended his presidential campaign Tuesday evening following disappointing results out of Indiana. The news first broke on social media Tuesday ahead of Cruz’s remarks from Indianapolis. “From the beginning, I’ve said that I would continue on as long as there was a viable path to victory,” Cruz said. “Tonight, I’m sorry to say, it appears that path has been foreclosed. Together, we left it all on the field in Indiana.” While he suspended his campaign, Cruz emphasized that he was not “suspending our fight for liberty.” Cruz’s announcement came less than two hours after Donald Trump, the GOP frontrunner, was declared the winner in the Indiana primary in a landslide. Cruz has sought to gain momentum following disappointing results out of the “Acela primary” one week ago, na...