Pentagon Wants More Funds To Fight IS, Boost NATO Defenses In East | Key US Lawmaker Skeptical on Syria Peace Effort | US Envoy Meets with Syrian Kurds to Step Up Fight Against IS | U.S. Fortifying Europe’s East to Deter Putin - | Putin is strengthening Isis in Syria, says UK foreign secretary | World news | The Guardian | Russia Assured Israel It Isn’t Transferring Arms to Hezbollah in Syria - Israel News - Haaretz | Was Russia behind 2015′s cyber attack on the German parliament? | Europe | DW.COM | 02.02.2016
Pentagon Wants More Funds To Fight IS, Boost NATO Defenses In East Key US Lawmaker Skeptical on Syria Peace Effort US Envoy Meets with Syrian Kurds to Step Up Fight Against IS NATO - News: NATO Military Committee Chairman calls for stronger ties between NATO and its Mediterranean partners, 29-Jan.-2016 Turkey happy with NATO stance on Russian airspace violations Some of the Islamic State’s former sex slaves were forced to have ‘virginity tests’ after escaping - The Washington Post Iran’s Naval Commander: We Took Extensive Info From American Sailors’ Phones, Laptops - Washington Free Beacon Bring the Troops Home — From Sinai - Defense One Saudi government website shows 9 US nationals arrested - The Washington Post Zika virus: WHO declares global public health emergency, says causal link to brain defects ‘strongly suspected’ - The Washington Post Why Zika Will Be Hard to Stop How Brazil Uncovered the Possible Connection Between Zika and Microcephaly | TIME Puerto Rico Seeks ...