Headlines - 3:33 PM
Syria conflict: FSA rebels reject Russia military help - BBC News Blog: Report: Russian airstrikes hit 9 hospitals in Syria in the last month United States draws a line on protecting CIA-backed rebels in Syria - Fx Report Daily U.S., Saudi Arabia to bolster support for moderate Syrian opposition | Reuters Kerry Holds Talks With Saudi King About Syria - ABC News Is the U.S. back in combat in Iraq? - CNNPolitics.com Helmet camera footage shows joint U.S. Delta Force-Kurdish raid to rescue Islamic State hostages - The Washington Post Russia receives authorization to strike Daesh inside Iraq | ThereAreNoSunglasses Report: Russian bombs in Syria may have killed 59 civilians - CNN.com Russian Campaign in Syria 'Puts Washington and NATO Into Checkmate' / Sputnik International 'Israeli Arab paraglider' sparks Syria border operation - BBC News Get Ready, America: Here Comes China's Ballistic Missile Defenses | The National Interest Russia back to fishing in tr...