Today's Headlines - 3:07 PM 11/5/2015: Officials Debate Whether ‘Ferguson Effect’ Is Real - The New York Times | Iranian Military Hackers Reportedly Targeting Obama Administration Officials | Pentagon Farmed Out Its Coding to Russia - The Daily Beast: The Pentagon was tipped off in 2011 by a longtime Army contractor that Russian computer programmers were helping to write computer software for sensitive U.S. military communications systems, setting in motion a four-year federal investigation that ended this week with a multimillion-dollar fine against two firms involved in the work.

Pentagon Farmed Out Its Coding to Russia - The Daily Beast : The Pentagon was tipped off in 2011 by a longtime Army contractor that Russian computer programmers were helping to write computer software for sensitive U.S. military communications systems, setting in motion a four-year federal investigation that ended this week with a multimillion-dollar fine against two firms involved in the work. Officials Debate Whether ‘Ferguson Effect’ Is Real - The New York Times He acknowledged that it would be hard to measure whether officers had become more reluctant to approach suspicious people, whether the Ferguson effect really exists, and whether it is driving a rise in crime. But he said that the issue deserves closer attention, and he called Mr. Comey’s comments “spot on” in drawing attention to a difficult issue. “If there is a Ferguson effect — and it’s hard to measure — how do we at least talk about it with each other?” he asked. Iranian Military Hackers Reportedly Target...