08/04/14 16:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks: Kerry Accuses Moscow of Stoking Civil Unrest in Eastern Ukraine: "The U.S. and our allies must not hesitate to use 21st century tools to hold Russia accountable for 19th century behavior," Mr. Kerry said.
Kerry Accuses Moscow of Stoking Civil Unrest in Eastern Ukraine Tuesday April 8 th , 2014 at 3:38 PM 1 Share Updated April 8, 2014 11:54 a.m. ET Secretary of State Kerry testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington on Tuesday. Associated Press WASHINGTON—Secretary of State John Kerry blamed "Russian provocateurs" for the growing unrest in eastern Ukraine , amplifying U.S. criticism while warning Moscow could use the actions by pro-Kremlin separatists as a pretext for further incursions into the embattled country. Testifying before members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Mr. Kerry said there was little doubt that Russian officials were behind the protests and other clashes in eastern Ukraine over the last few days. Russian special forces and intelligence agents have been key catalysts behind the growing unrest, Mr. Kerry said, describing the maneuvers as "ham-handed as they are transparent." (Follow the latest...