
Showing posts from January 17, 2017

RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Rogozin, somewhat sad and pensive, holds a green f...

RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Rogozin, somewhat sad and pensive, holds a green f... : Rogozin, somewhat sad and pensive, holds a green folder: a green light has been received: "Yes, we are ready to travel to D.C. to mee...

B. Netanyahu: "READ MY LIPS": these are "the last twitches of yesterday's world. Tomorrow's world will be different – and it is very near." | "Весь этот хлам посыпется на ваши же головы!" - "All this garbage will fall on your own heads!" | Mezzeh airport attack, Israel, and the situation in Syria | Syrian conflict | The five points plan for the resolution of the Syrian conflict | Weapons Review - 1.17.17

Richard Strauss - Also sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30 B. Netanyahu: "READ MY LIPS": these are  "the last twitches of yesterday's world.  Tomorrow's world will be different – and it is very near." ___________________________ Mezzeh: Mez - ze - h: Месть - Z(s)ee - Ha!(Х.., etc.)  Mezzah: Mezz - za - h:  Месть za: (Armon) Ha natziv:  Armon Hanatziv :  Arm on; Ha natziv: "Arm on ("get armed"...);  Hey, native! (or "nazi") "  Месть za: Hmeimim Me za - the tripartite alliance of powers in the Middle East: Israel, Russia, U.S. (ZZ-s is also a reference to Zionizm and to my preferred use of these letters-sounds)  Also: Mesa : the level playing field:  "We leveled it, now it is the time to play"; a reference to the tweet:  Donald, make complete, clean break with Russia; and after the field is cleared and leveled, REBUILD, as smart builder. This is the only way. — Mike Nova (@mikenov)  Jan...