The state of disarray and disunion, the legacy of self-defeat and disaster - by Michael Novakhov
The state of disarray and disunion ; the hypocritical, duplicitous , impotent ( including his inaction on Ukraine ), self-serving legacy of deceit, defeat and disaster under the guise of exercise of "soft power" . Mr. Obama is more concerned about his "peacenik" credentials than about the true peace , security and greatness of the country . The divisions and controversies are so intense that it is difficult to avoid the impression that the country is moving to the some type of the civil war , and I would not rule out the deliberate actions of some hostile foreign "invisible hands" behind all this. He replays and recreates his own personal psychological issues , traumas and dramas and searches for resolution of these issues in his life and activities as a politician. In this somewhat unhealthy (but maybe not uncommon for the politicians) process he turns America into his image : as a biracial polity , society and culture the way he und...