Syrian Kurds call Iraqi brothers to the flag against Turkey | Information and Cyber Wars - 9.1.16 Update: Why Obama Is to Blame for Russia’s SpyWar on America | Observer

Information and Cyber Wars - 9.1.16 Update
- 9.1.16 - Why Obama Is to Blame for Russia’s SpyWar on America | Observer
- NSA ‘Shadow Brokers’ Hack Shows SpyWar with Kremlin Is Turning Hot | Observer
- 9.1.16 - How Russia Often Benefits When Julian Assange Reveals the West’s Secrets - The New York Times
- 8.31.16 - Trying to Smoke Out the Players in the Hacking of the D.N.C. - The New York Times
- 8.23.16 - The Real Russian Mole Inside NSA | | Observer
- 8.16.16 - ‘Shadow Brokers’ Leak Raises Alarming Question: Was the N.S.A. Hacked? - The New York Times
Information and Cyber Wars - September - August 2016
- 8.24.16 - News Reviews and Opinions: All of this is a concerted, well planned, thought out, organized and coordinated campaign on the part of Russia and her Intelligence Services
- 8.21.16 - News Reviews and Opinions: M.N.: This recently emerged "Manafort - Kilimkin affair" is another wake-up call, in a series, for the US Counterintelligence Community, politicians, the political observers and the political scientists. It needs a deep and comprehensive investigation. I think, it shows how far reaching the Russian efforts and activities are at subverting and destabilizing of the US political system. These efforts are unbelievably brazen and at the same time crude, and hopefully inefficient. However, their danger, scope, and hostile intents should not and cannot be underestimated: Manafort’s man in Kiev - POLITICO | Manafort deputy may have had link to Russian intelligence - FT | Manafort and Kilimnik - Google Search
- NEWS: The World and Global Security Review: This is Cyber "War" Today -- Information Operations
- News - Information and Cyber Wars - September - August 2016 - Google Search
- News - russian intelligence and american politics - Google Search
- News - Russia West information war nato - Google Search
- Information and Cyber Wars - September - August 2016 - Google Search
- russia's intelligence war against west - Google Search
- Russia West information war - Google Search
- information war - Google Search
- Russia West information war nato - Google Search
- nato declares information war on russia - Google Search
- russian information warfare - Google Search
- russian intelligence and american politics - Google Search
- russia on us cyberwar - Google Search
- News - russia on us cyberwar - Google Search
Russian Political Espionage in the US - 8.31.16
- Russia's Cyber Warfare Has Bigger Aims Than Electing Donald Trump
- Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Russian-Style Media Warfare | US News Opinion
- For Putin, Disinformation Is Power - The New York Times
- Declassified Documents Reveal KGB Spies in the U.S. | US News
- West must beware of interference by China and Russia – US envoy | Australia news | The Guardian
Manafort's Russian ties - July - August 2016
- 8.21.16 - How Putin’s Spies Infiltrated the Trump Campaign | The XX Committee
- 8.24.16 - Commentary: Evidence points to another Snowden at the NSA | Reuters
- Manafort deputy may have had link to Russian intelligence -
- 8.13.16 - Vladimir Putin Has Already Won Our Election | Observer
- News Reviews and Opinions: "We’re up against “the biggest counterintelligence threat faced by this country since the early Cold War..." - Vladimir Putin Has Already Won Our Election
- Manafort’s man in Kiev - POLITICO
- Analysis of intelligence expert John Schindler | As Putin spies Trumps campaign infiltrated - policy abroad -
US Elections - 8.31.16
- Harry Reid Cites Evidence of Russian Tampering in U.S. Vote, and Seeks F.B.I. Inquiry - The New York Times
- FBI says foreign hackers penetrated state election systems [Video]
- Democrats ask the FBI to investigate Trump advisers’ Russia ties - The Washington Post
- Democrats Want FBI Probe of Alleged Russian Efforts to Tilt US Vote
- Top Democrats want FBI to investigate Trump advisers' Russian ties | Fox News
- Russians Hacked Two U.S. Voter Databases, Officials Say - NBC News
- NEWSWATCH: “Russians Hacked Two U.S. Voter Databases, Officials Say” – NBC – Johnson's Russia List
- Sen. Harry Reid Says Russian Hackers Linked To Donald Trump Rigging The U.S. 2016 Election
- Did Russia Really Hack U.S. Election Systems? | Foreign Policy
- Former Bush defense official to endorse Clinton: 'There is no choice' - POLITICO
- Paul Ryan just summed up Republicans’ Donald Trump problem in three lines - The Washington Post
- Trump announces trip to Mexico for talks with President Peña Nieto | US news | The Guardian
- America's problems aren't Obama's fault. They're George W Bush's | Richard Wolffe | Opinion | The Guardian
- Trump’s NATO Reboot Is Long Overdue | The Daily Caller
- Clinton Gives Too Much Credit to Putin and Trump | Observer
- How Vladimir Putin Is Using Donald...
- Trump’s mob-linked ex-associate gives $5,400 to campaign - POLITICO
- Donald Trump’s Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia | TIME
- Analysis: Could hackers tip an American election? You bet - Chicago Tribune
- Donald Trump is missing the real threat - Business Insider
- donald trump as uncle sam - Google Search
Russian Reactions to US Elections 2016 - 8.31.16
- Clinton’s ‘Malicious’ Attacks on Trump, Putin Paving Way For World War
- From bad to worse: Clinton laying foundation for increasingly hostile relations with Russia — RT Op-Edge
- Moscow Accused of Meddling in US Election, Kiev Actually Does It: Here's Proof
- Love & Hate: What happened to Clinton-Putin relations? — RT Viral
- Cold War 2.0: Hillary Claims a Putin-Led 'Alt-Right' Conspiracy is Against Her
US Elections and Russia - 8.30.16
- FBI Chief Responds to Concern Over Cyberthreats to US Election System - ABC News
- News - US Elections and Russia - Google Search
- US Elections and Russia - Google Search
- 2016 presidential elections - Google Search
- Google News
- US Suspects Russia Behind Computer Hacking in 2 State Election Databases
- How to hack- and rig-proof U.S. elections - The Washington Post
- A Putin-sponsored October surprise? - The Washington Post
- Harry Reid Cites Evidence of Russian Tampering in U.S. Vote, and Seeks F.B.I. Inquiry - The New York Times
- Russian hackers targeted Arizona election system - The Washington Post
- EXCLUSIVE: Russia-Backed DNC Hackers Strike Washington Think Tanks - Defense One
- How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President - Defense One
- 3 reasons Russia’s Vladimir Putin might want to interfere in the US presidential elections - Vox
History of Russian Political Espionage in the US
- 7.26.16 - Russia’s Long History of Messing With Americans Minds Before the DNC Hack - The Daily Beast
- Michael Weiss - The Daily Beast
- michael weiss articles on russian intelligence - Google Search
- VENONA - Google Search
- History of Russian Political Espionage in the US - Google Search
- Russian Political Espionage in the US - Google Search
- Political Espionage in the US - Google Search
- Political Espionage - Google Search
- History of Political Espionage - Google Search
- History of Russian Political Espionage in the US - Google Search
- Espionage History Archive | True Spy Stories from Russian Intelligence | Page 2
- KGB Foreign Counterintelligence | Espionage History Archive
- Political Espionage: An Interview with Ken Vogel of POLITICO · SpyCast · International Spy Museum
- Category:Russia intelligence operations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Category:Espionage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Category:Espionage by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- National security of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Russia - 9.2.16
- Russia's Putin: I have no idea who hacked U.S. Democratic Party - BBG | Reuters
- Putin Denies Hacking DNC
- Putin Vs. Putin
- The_New_East-West_Discord_JSherr.pdf
- Vladimir Putin Says DNC Hack Was Public Good, Denies Russia Link - Bloomberg Politics
- Интервью международному информационному холдингу Bloomberg. Часть 4 • Президент России
- Wikileaks documents disclosed by Julian Assange 'often benefit the Kremlin' | Daily Mail Online
- ‘Conspiracy, not journalism’: WikiLeaks blasts NYT story on ‘Russian intel’ behind DNC hack — RT News
- Why there's "nothing to suggest" Russia killed ISIS leader, Abu Mohammed al-Adnani - CBS News
- Infuriating News For Saudi Arabia, Russia Refuses To Play Oil Game
- Rights Group: Situation in Chechnya Continues to Deteriorate
9.2.16 F
- Kurds Fear the U.S. Will Again Betray Them, in Syria - The New York Times
- kurds turkey russia us - Google Search
- News - kurds turkey russia us - Google Search
- Melania Trump Sues British Tabloid Over Claims She Was an Escort
- Melania Trump sues the Daily Mail for $150m over 'lies' about her past | US news | The Guardian
- Trump and Atlantic City: the lessons behind the demise of his casino empire | US news | The Guardian
- The only immigration solution - The Washington Post
- Trump doubles down on his illogical, un-American immigration plans - The Washington Post
- Barack Obama is now alone in Washington - The Washington Post
- Does Germany Understand Its Own Strength? - The New York Times
- Latin American left rejects impeachment of Brazil’s Rousseff - The Washington Post
Posts - 9.2.16
- RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: The Briefing: Putin Vs. Putin by Brian Whitmore Friday September 2nd, 2016 at 8:24 AM
- News Reviews and Opinions: Kurds Fear the U.S. Will Again Betray Them, in Syria - The New York Times | Putin Denies Hacking DNC | Melania Trump Sues British Tabloid Over Claims She Was an Escort | Wikileaks documents disclosed by Julian Assange 'often benefit the Kremlin' | Daily Mail Online
Trump and the Reassessment of the US-Russia relations - July - August 2016
Reassessment of US-Russia relations - August 2016
Main Articles - August 2016
- 8.28.16 - A Partnership Between Russia and the West? Here's Why It's Not Happening
- Reassessment of US-Russia relations - Google Search
- 8.24.16 - The Sources of Russian Conduct | The National Interest
- Thomas Graham Jr., diplomat - Google Search
- 8.18.16 - There will be no ‘reset’ with Russia - The Washington Post
- Angela Stent - Google Search
- 8.18.16 - Russia is now a threat. The U.S. should treat it like one. - The Washington Post
- David J. Kramer - Google Search
- :: Russian Pundits Say 'Reset' With USA Over, Mull Future Of Bilateral Ties - RUSSIA, PU.S.-RUSSIAN RELATIONS :: JRL 3/6/12
- Why We Need Kremlinology Again - The American Interest
- kremlinology 2 - Google Search
- News Reviews and Opinions: M.N.: The state of the US - Russia relations and the planning for their future need urgent, comprehensive and in-depth reassessment.
- News Reviews and Opinions: Russia Review - August 19, 2016
- News Reviews and Opinions: There will be no ‘reset’ with Russia - The Washington Post Russia is now a threat. The U.S. should treat it like one. - The Washington Post
Comey: FBI takes election tampering 'very seriously'Politico
Huffington Post-The Hill
all 91 news articles »
MI6 and BND and infiltrated into the intelligence services of other countries acting in the name of the services ...
Turkish Prosecutor Coup Indictment: Gulen, Like Mormons, Is a CIA ProjectBreitbart News
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