Trump, Putin the Mob, and the Terrorism - by Mike Nova
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Trump, Putin the Mob, and the Terrorismby (Mike Nova)
Trump, Putin the Mob, and the Terrorism
Trumpism - Putinism rears its ugly double head. Machismo, authoritarianism, greed, double dealings, criminal connections, and cheap but skillful populism and demagoguery is their common body. The Russian Mafia State and The Underworld International play their "Samson and Delilah games" with the West, using Trump as their "unwitting agent" and "playing him like a fiddle". These are the games of deception, betrayal, domination and conquest.
The similarities in personalities, both general and political, of Trump and Putin, are striking. Theirs is what Theodor Adorno called the "authoritarian personality" ("a personality type that involved the "potentially fascistic individual") or what the Russian criminals call "avtoritet" ("the authority") or "vor-v-zakone" ("the thief-in-law").
Both Trump and Putin possess the same pungent bouquet of personality traits and styles with criminal tendencies and juvenile delinquency at its core: easy and frequent, habitual, artful lying (which they probably could not separate from truth themselves), lifelong skill of camouflage, "pathological narcissism", grandiosity, risk taking (gambling), superficial psychopathic charm, bullishness and brazenness, etc., etc. The difference between them is that Putin is more adept, skillful and experienced in politico-criminal matters, which would allow him to invisibly outsmart and play his bromance buddy "like a fiddle".
Trump-Samson destroyed the GOP, singlehandedly, alarmingly, tragically, destructively and self-destructively, acting not only as an "unwitting agent" but also as an unwitting and destructive Trojan, who burrowed his way into the country's social and political life and delivered the party which adopted him, blood drained, confused and incapacitated,on a silver platter to its traditional geopolitical foreign opponents. Very much in the style of the "Fancy Bears", his Russian cyber-patrons.
The Republican party will be reborn from this crisis and this bitter lesson. But Trump will not be able to destroy the country. This is the consolation. And with all this, he still is pretty much "unwitting" and still is unaware of the "inner workings" of not Russia onlybut, apparently his own.
"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing!"
Mother Russia responds: "O.K., sunny, I've heard you; we'll do. We will do anything to get you elected, the whole world knows this. Don't you ever doubt me, my boy, yeah! Didn't I find a good new wife for you? And don't worry about the costs either, we will put it on your credit account, you can pay it back later, at our convenience... Because you are my kind!"
"Finally! I have nothing to lose except my capitalist GOP shackles! This is my last and resolute battle! The Oligarchs of the World, unite! Putin, if you hear me, leak, leak, leak! Leak more! Right on their heads! And keep whispering your sweet Melania somethings into my ears at night (just like this mantra: "Oh, wouldn't it be nice to get along with Russia, Trump-ik?"), it is like the two of them have merged into The One. It's so erotic, who needs to grab pussies..."
"The iconic intensely aggressive style, for which Trump would become world renown, began in his youth. By the age of 13, he became a bit more than his parents could handle. They determined the best avenue for the young Donald was to send him to military school. So, off he was shipped to the college preparatory, military style boarding school of the New York Military Academy (NYMA)."
Did young Donald perceive his "shipping off" to military school ("shape up or ship out") as an act of betrayal by his parents? Did it start the never ending cycles of rage and the desire for revenge? What role did this circumstance play in the formation of his adult character? Did it contribute into his deeply felt ambivalence about the rules, authority, and power? Are these feelings of ambivalence and rage the sources of his potential capacity for betrayal, which alarmed so many experienced people who declared him the present and the future danger to National Security?
“When I look at myselfin the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same,” the 70-year-old presumptive Republican nominee once told a biographer. “The temperament is not that different.”
Did young Donald perceive his "shipping off" to military school ("shape up or ship out") as an act of betrayal by his parents? Did it start the never ending cycles of rage and the desire for revenge? What role did this circumstance play in the formation of his adult character? Did it contribute into his deeply felt ambivalence about the rules, authority, and power? Are these feelings of ambivalence and rage the sources of his potential capacity for betrayal, which alarmed so many experienced people who declared him the present and the future danger to National Security?
“When I look at myselfin the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same,” the 70-year-old presumptive Republican nominee once told a biographer. “The temperament is not that different.”
At the same time, his adaptive capacity for change (the ability to be "reformed", among other factors, by the political-military establishment), has to be assessed also. His hypothetical need for this reform might also be viewed as the maladaptive psychological replay ("repetition compulsion") of the old drama. It probably was one of the key moments in his early and later life history.
The present and future historians and political scientists will try to analyze and understand the 2016 Presidential Elections in depth. It looks like the some of the major contributing factors, among others, of GOP looming defeat, are the "technical issues": Trump's lack of the personal and political maturity and professionalism, and his campaign managers' lack of the political acumen, in comparison with the much better prepared, experienced and strategically adept Democratic party operatives, in addition to the substantive issues: the nature and character of the political appeals of the candidates and the structures of their respective electorates.
Now Trump looks more like Laocoon, tied up in painful and torturing knots by the serpents of truth that he himself has unleashed. The defeat looks inevitable and well deserved.
Both Trump's and Putin's connections with organized crimeare well documented.
"Security Analysts Issue Dire Warning: Trump Is The ‘Manchurian Candidate’ Of The Russian Mafia... The stunning article reveals that Trump’s connections inside Russia go far deeper than what has been discussed in the mainstream media to date, and along a much darker path."
"Putin’s power is founded on his links to organised crime. Putin has a close circle of criminal oligarchs at his disposal and has spent his career cultivating this circle."
"The Republican candidate’s links to Russia are a mix of bling, business and bluster spanning 30 years. The FT has compiled this account from a variety of sources, tracing Trump's fascination for Russia from its beginnings in Soviet times, through the Putin era to the US presidential campaign."
How should the future President deal with Russia?
"There will be no ‘reset’ with Russia".
"Russia is now a threat. The U.S. should treat it like one".
"The best answer to Russian aggression is containment".
On the somewhat deeper level, the question is, how to deal with the powerful and hidden forces that are behind the "mafia state", and I venture a guess.
Destroy or at least control the Russian - International "Mafia" - organised crime, in which Russia plays now a major role, and with which the Russian Intelligence services are most inextricably linked and intertwined, and use them as a conduit, operational tools and means of subversive activity, (hypothetically) from terrorism to mass shootings, war on police, and other "active measures" and "special operations", to covert and overt political interference, that we know and do not know about- and you will solve at least half of the problem. This is the area with which law enforcement is the most familiar with and could be potentially most successful, in comparison with the direct counterintelligence work, which is complex, intricate, often operates outside the official realm of law enforcement, and should be left to the highly specialized and trained security services.
What are the roots of this phenomenon of "authoritarianism", descending historically to the times immemorial, from ancient Greek tyrants, to more recently, Hitlerism and Stalinism, among many other historical figures and examples, large and small?
Its association with criminality, in many aspects and respects, seems to be logical; it is a crime to deny and suppress the personal liberties of others.
Just by the way, Stalin was a direct product of the criminal world, in which he grew up, matured and acquired his skills which he later used in his political struggles, the main among them, the old familiar "divide and conquer". This circumstance shaped the Soviet Union and the history of post-WW2 world.
What are the psychological and social underpinnings of this phenomenon of authoritarianism, and what are their vicissitudes?
Why does this political mechanism work so well in the countries like Russia, where Trump and Putin are supported by the majority, and why, hopefully, it will never work in America?
What are the political immunity factors?
Free speech, free press, pluralism, healthy intellectual honesty and civic duty.
Michael Novakhov
The main news stories from the major sources; selected, compiled, and occasionally commented on by Mike Nova
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Отток капитала из России по итогам января - сентября 2016 г. составил всего $9,6 млрд, что говорит о завершении периода адаптации экономики. Об этом заявил замминистра финансов Рос сии Максим Орешкин на конференции в РАНХиГС.
BBC News |
Vladimir Putin's armed fleet heads for Dover as Russia squares up to Royal Navy vessels
Daily Mail The HMS Richmond has reported the Russian fleet is heading south towards the Dover strait while several NATO vessels are being deployed to keep the flotilla under surveillance. Meanwhile Vladimir Putin has recalled two corvettes from the Mediterranean ... UK warships shadowing Russian naval task forceBBC News UK sends warships to shadow Russian naval task forceBBC News Russia vs NATO 2016: UK, Russia Strengthen Naval Base In English ChannelMorning Ledger Metro -The Guardian all 74 news articles » |
Joseph Biden claimed on NBC that the U.S. was making preparations to strike back at Russia for attempting to meddle in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Paul R. Pillar
Foreign Policy Politics, United States
The current election campaign has done more to set back U.S. foreign relations, and the cause of good foreign policy, than has any other American presidential election within memory. One reason is the overall sordid image of American democracy in action that is being projected to people around the world, and to governments with an interest in exploiting that image. The ugly picture includes the amount of attention given—unsurprisingly and necessarily so, given the character, comments, and conduct of Donald Trump—to such things as allegations of a candidate sexually assaulting women.
Even more damaging in terms of the picture being projected overseas is what Trump has done to the part of that picture involving the essential standards and practices that make American democracy work and keep the country politically stable. What separates the United States in that respect from many supposed democracies that are far less stable are peaceful transitions of power and respect for the will of the people as expressed in elections. This means that losers gracefully accept election outcomes, and that winners let losers walk away with freedom to campaign again another day. That’s much different from countries where losers launch insurgencies or winners throw their opponents in jail.
Trump has attacked both of those American standards of behavior. On the first, he has incessantly told his followers that if he loses it will be because of a rigged election, and the biggest headline coming from last night’s debate was his refusal to commit to accepting the election result. On the second, he has led rallies at which the chants about Hillary Clinton have been “lock her up,” and in a previous debate he threatened to do exactly that if he wins. Then last night, for good measure, he said that Clinton should not have been allowed to run for president in the first place.
The projection of this picture overseas sours millions on America and the American political system, and the United States loses some of its soft power as a result. Many get soured on democracy in general. And governments that have good reason to be defensive about their own political processes gleefully exploit the picture to divert attention from their own deficiencies and to accuse the United States of double standards.
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The Islamic State may be altering its organizational structure from a “caliphate” into an insurgency emphasizing guerrilla warfare tactics as the terrorist group is pushed out of Iraq, the commander of U.S.-led coalition ground forces in Iraq said Wednesday.
Army Maj. Gen. Gary Volesky told reporters at a press briefing that the U.S. military is preparing the Iraqi security forces for ISIS to morph into a less centralized but equally committed fighting force, theDaily Beast reported.
“It’s not this organized insurgency that people think of,” Volesky said. But “we are seeing these indications… That’s what we are preparing the Iraqis for.”
Volesky’s comments imply that ISIS will maintain a presence in Iraq despite coalition advances and Defense Secretary Ash Carter’s recent statement describing a final defeat for the jihadist group, theDaily Beast noted.
It’s much more than a change of name, or even a shift in tactics. It could well mean that there will be no “lasting defeat” of ISIS, even if it loses control of Iraq’s second-largest city, despite Secretary of Defense Ash Carter’s claim of such a victory just four days ago, when the Iraqi campaign for Mosul began. After two years of either training local forces to fight ISIS or hitting the terror group with airstrikes, U.S. officials said they believe it still could evolve into the kind of threat that has plagued Iraq since shortly after the 2003 U.S. invasion.Fighting that insurgency cost as much as $2 trillion, according to one estimate, and the lives of nearly 5,000 American troops. At its peak, 170,000-plus forces were required to weaken that uprising. It would be the most bitter of ironies if, years later, Iraq once again devolved into a guerrilla war.
Volesky warned that troops in Iraq are seeing smaller, less coordinated attacks from ISIS fighters, indicating the threat may develop into more of an insurgency.
His statement comes as Iraqi and Kurdish forces are moving closer to pushing ISIS out of Mosul, its last major stronghold in Iraq. U.S. forces on the ground in Iraq have suggested the liberation could take a few weeks or as much as a couple of months.
The liberation of Mosul would be a major victory for the Iraqi security forces and the Iraqi people, but insurgency attacks in the country are on the rise, the Daily Beast reported.
There are nearly daily bombings, usually targeting Shiite-dominated communities and Iraqi security forces. A series of attacks last week killed at least 55 people in Baghdad. And in July, at least 324 people died when a truck bomb struck a popular shopping area in central Baghdad, the deadliest attack since the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime in 2003. ISIS claimed responsibility for both attacks.
ISIS still controls the Syrian city of Raqqa, its self-declared capital, but Kurdish and U.S. officials are reportedly discussing a possible liberation of that city as well.
“As long as they still hold Raqqa, ISIS doesn’t need to abandon the caliphate,” a U.S. official told theDaily Beast.
The post Top General: ISIS Morphing Into Guerrilla Insurgency Group appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.
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October 20, 2016, 6:12 PM (IDT)
Turkish warplanes carried out more than 20 sorties early Thursday morning in northern Syria, attacking positions, vehicles and convoys of US-backed Kurdish militias fighting the Islamic State organization. The targets were in a number of villages around the city of Aleppo. There were conflicting reports on the number of casualties, with the Turkish army reporting that 200 Kurdish fighters had been killed while the militias claimed that there were only about 20 fatalities. DEBKAfile's intelligence sources report that the Turkish attack may cause the Kurds to withdraw their forces from the US-led offensive to capture the Iraqi city of Mosul, and not help the US capture the Syrian city of Raqqa afterwards.
Military Times |
Top military doctor says trend toward overweight troops is troubling
Military Times military obesity by service “I'm glad that we're looking at it,” Bono said. “It gives us a chance to collectively, across the department, take a look and see what we can do to support our militarymembers in their efforts to be more healthy, to ... |
October 20, 2016, 8:20 PM (IDT)
The Russians piled up air defense missiles tier by tier over the past year.
October 20, 2016, 8:20 PM (IDT)
Erdogan tries to repeat in Iraq his territorial grab in N. Syria, backed by Iran and Russia.
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Sputnik International |
NATO Concerned Russia May Use Carrier Group in Mediterranean for Syria Actions
Sputnik International "We are ready to have a new meeting of the NATO-Russia Council in the near future, there is no date that has been fixed or decided but we are ready to convene a new meeting and we are in dialogue with Russia on the agenda and modalities … Therefore ... NATO: Russia deploys most of its warships in Mediterranean SeaPravda NATO 'concerned' Russian carrier group may join Aleppo attacksBusiness Standard Russian Fleets Converge On Syria In Preparation For Final Battle For AleppoWestern Journalism APA all 7 news articles » |
How One Intelligence Agency Is Opening Up to Startupsby Mohana Ravindranath, Nextgov
A invitation from the Pentagon's mapping arm could be the first of more outreach to early-stage private-sector companies.
DHS, CIA CIOs: Cloud is key to developing secure apps
FedScoop The CIA's capability to quickly develop, test and share secure code has been driven forward in recent years by the adoption of scalable cloud infrastructure, CIA CIO John Edwards said Tuesday during a panel discussion at FedTalks 2016. Looming budget ... |
Prosecutors said in court papers they plan to charge Harold T. Martin under the Espionage Act.

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WASHINGTON (AP) -- Donald Trump, who's railed for months about a "rigged" political system, used the final presidential debate to defiantly say he won't decide until the election ends whether he will accept its results....
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Germany, France and Britain see Moscow’s pause in bombing as cynical gesture
The Latest on the conflict in Syria (all times local):

Turkey ramps up fight against Kurdish fighters in Syriaby Sarah El Deeb and Suzan Fraser | AP
Turkey escalated its offensive Thursday against Kurdish fighters in northern Syria, pounding them with airstrikes and artillery, and complicating the battle against the Islamic State group by Ankara and Washington, both NATO allies.

Takeaways From Final Presidential Debateby The Wall Street Journal
Stay informed of breaking news throughout your day with senior editor John Wordock of The Wall Street Journal. Listen to critical news and engaging interviews, featuring executives, economists and notable WSJ editors discuss business, markets, the 2016 election and more.
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Donald Trump says he will accept the U.S. election result if he wins, concerns grow about civilians in Mosul, Iraq and technology gives students an innovative tool for cheating.
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Republican Donald Trump says he will "totally accept" the results of the November 8 presidential election if he wins. Trump spoke Thursday at a rally in Delaware, Ohio a day after he refused to commit to accepting election results. Trump and his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton are ramping up for the final stretch of a contentious U.S. presidential campaign season one day after Trump reinforced his narrative that the election process is rigged by refusing to say he will accept...

A breakdown of Trump's foreign policy obliviousness.

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DALLAS (AP) -- The voices cascade into the studio, denouncing political hypocrisy and media bias and disappearing values. Hillary Clinton is a liar and a crook, they say; Donald Trump is presidential and successful. By the time the 16th caller reaches the air, Rick Roberts' show has reached an impassioned crescendo of anger and lamentation....
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Analysis: Trump needed debate reset, instead riles GOPby By KATHLEEN HENNESSEY
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Donald Trump needed a game changer. Instead, he landed a jaw dropper....
MOSCOW (AP) -- The Russian military has conducted drills involving state-of-the art missiles near the nation's western border, amid tensions in relations with the West....
The New York Times
Open Democracy |
Donald Trump's Russian cousins
Open Democracy "Trumputin." Flickr/Chris Piascik. Some rights reserved.The current media frenzy over the darling of the Republican anti-establishment, Donald Trump, seems to fit particular American stereotypes about our political propensities. We Americans like a ... and more » |
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The National Memo (blog) |
Why Trump Terrifies The Republicans Who Created Him And His Movement
The National Memo (blog) No, Trump is dangerous because he refused to agree that he would accept the election's outcome if he loses, inviting a violent reaction by his supporters — and because he sided with the Russian Federation against US intelligence and military leaders ... and more » |
Washington Post |
Donald Trump, Putin's puppet
Washington Post And Mr. Trump? Once again, the GOP nominee played the part of Vladimir Putin's lawyer. “She doesn't know if it's the Russians doing the hacking,” he said of Ms. Clinton. “Maybe there is no hacking.” Mr. Trump is receiving classified intelligence ... Russian Ambassador: We're Not Hacking You, PromiseHuffington Post all 19 news articles » |
Pro-Clinton national security experts: Trump almost definitely a Putin puppet
Washington Examiner (blog) "[I]t's … terrifying to me that Trump doesn't get what Putin is trying to do here," he said, adding "Putin's found an unwitting agent in Donald Trump. Everything that I've seen since then simply reinforces that idea in my mind. Trump continues to play ... and more » |
Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump would be Putin's 'puppet'
CNN After Trump attacked Clinton during the third and final presidential debate, saying Putin had "no respect" for her or President Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee shot back, "Well, that's because he'd rather have a puppet as president of the United ... Clinton accuses Trump of being Putin's 'puppet'Reuters Trump, Clinton Debate Who Is Putin's 'Puppet' Hillary Clinton Just Called Donald Trump Vladimir Putin's PuppetFortune The Hill (blog) -Daily Beast all 9,640 news articles » |
Washington Post |
Clinton says Trump would be 'a puppet' for Putin
Washington Post October 19, 2016 9:46 PM EDT - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said Russian president Vladimir Putin would "rather have a puppet as president." (The Washington Post). October 19, 2016 9:46 PM EDT - Democratic presidential nominee ... |
Clinton: Trump would be Putin's 'puppet'
KFDX Hillary Clinton said Wednesday that Donald Trump would be a "puppet" for Russian President Vladimir Putin, if the Republican presidential nominee were elected to the White House. AfterTrump attacked Clinton during the third and final presidential ... |
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The San Diego Union-Tribune |
'You're a puppet!' Clinton, Trump went there in third debate
The San Diego Union-Tribune Here's how it went down. On the topic of immigration, Clinton accused Trump of admiring Russian president Vladimir Putin, considered an aggressor by the U.S. government. On the stage, Trump said “I don't know Putin, he said some nice thing about me. Donald Trump's Tweet About "Best Friend" Putin Is Most-Retweeted From Final DebateHollywood Reporter 'Such a Nasty Woman' and Other Memorable One-Liners of Final Presidential Clinton says Trump would be Putin's 'puppet'Astro Awani all 374 news articles » |
New York Times |
Donald Trump Won't Say if He'll Accept Result of Election
New York Times In a remarkable statement that seemed to cast doubt on American democracy, Donald J. Trumpsaid Wednesday that he might not accept the results of next month's election if he felt it was rigged against him — a stand that Hillary Clinton blasted as ... Donald Trump Refuses To Commit To Accepting His Forthcoming Election LossHuffington Post Donald Trump lost another debate by making it all about himselfBusiness Insider Trump won't commit to accepting election results if he losesWashington Post Wall Street Journal -TIME -ABC News all 8,718 news articles » |
New York Times |
Politics|Donald Trump Won't Say if He'll Accept Result of Election
New York Times In a remarkable statement that seemed to cast doubt on American democracy, Donald J. Trumpsaid Wednesday that he might not accept the results of next month's election if he felt it was rigged against him — a stand that Hillary Clinton blasted as ... Presidential Debate: After a Sedate Start, Donald Trump Takes the BaitWall Street Journal Donald Trump Refuses To Commit To Accepting His Forthcoming Election LossHuffington Post Trump won't commit to accepting election results if he losesWashington Post Business Insider -ABC News -Fortune all 8,802 news articles » |
Washington Post |
Trump-driven divide will consume GOP long after the election
Washington Post LAS VEGAS — The third and final debate Wednesday marked the beginning of the end of a presidential race that most Republican leaders cannot wait to forget. But the party's DonaldTrump-driven divisions will not cease on election night. The axis of ... Why these college Republicans think Trump is excelling in final debateCNBC What the Hell Happened to My Republican Party?Foreign Policy (blog) Even Trump's Supporters Are Wary of 'Rigged' RhetoricThe Atlantic Politico -WGAL Lancaster -The Intercept all 8,815 news articles » |
The National Memo (blog) |
Why Trump Terrifies The Republicans Who Created Him And His Movement
The National Memo (blog) No, Trump is dangerous because he refused to agree that he would accept the election's outcome if he loses, inviting a violent reaction by his supporters — and because he sided with the Russian Federation against US intelligence and military leaders ... and more » |
Firstpost |
Brics Summit in Goa: Vladimir Putin's 'screw' remark proves he is Russia's Donald Trump
Firstpost If Gowda's outburst was dismissed as an innocuous slip of the tongue, it was because, unlikePutin and Trump, he had had no history of using the s- and f- words even in private conversations. Besides, it was an open secret in those days that Gowda was ... and more » |
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Chicago Sun-Times |
Trump and Clinton clash on Chicago, abortion, Putin, border wall
Chicago Sun-Times Clinton sought to put Trump in a corner to condemn Vladimir Putin and Russia for their work in the WikiLeaks emails — arguing they were released to influence the election in Trump's favor. The two fought over the email release — Clinton pointing the ... Trump won't commit to accepting election results if he losesWashington Post Trump and Clinton on Vladimir PutinLos Angeles Times Putin's man? Donald Trump denies Hillary Clinton's charge that he's the oneTimes of India -BBC News all 8,527 news articles » |
The Economist |
The threat from Russia
The Economist FOUR years ago Mitt Romney, then a Republican candidate, said that Russia was America's “number-one geopolitical foe”. Barack Obama, among others, mocked this hilarious gaffe: “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back, because the ... and more » | |
Russia's actions has led to NEW COLD WAR as Putin wages battle with Europe, official warns VLADIMIR Putin's recent threatening actions has amounted to a “new cold war”, according to the Estonian prime minister. By Charlie Peat. PUBLISHED: 00:43, Thu, Oct 20, 2016 | UPDATED: 01:15, Thu, Oct 20, 2016 ... |
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