My preliminary impressions: both Abedin and Weiner were used as the "unwitting" Russian (most likely) agents. | This looks like an obvious cheap Russian(?) fake. Who planted it and for what purposes? - Huma Abedin Admits in E-mail to Brother That She Is a Muslim Infiltrator? :
Huma Abedin Review - 11.7.16
M.N.: This looks like an obvious cheap Russian(?) fake. Who planted it and for what purposes?
The second article is a hodge-podge of irrelevant generalities with just one, more or less relevant paragraph: "Returning to Huma Abedin. That she appears Western/secularized and married a Jew—that is, that she did everything that no good Muslim woman, especially one who spent her formative years being indoctrinated in the most radical form of Islam, to say nothing of her ties to Islamists—makes her appear more not less suspicious. It looks like an intentional attempt to do precisely those things that would most convince her American audience that she has nothing to do with Islam and is just “another” American." This is an indication that it is also the planted propaganda piece, and most likely from the same ultimate source.
The third , "Newsweek" article attempts to explain how the (650,000) emails ended up on Weiner-Abedin computer (backing up the Huma's mobile phone), which remains a questionable explanation. "... he had synched his wife’s cell phone to the laptop in 2013, transferring all of her data from the mobile device onto the computer. He did so to ensure her phone was backed up so that, if it were ever damaged, she would still have the data, according to a person connected to the case. However, that information has not been ultimately confirmed as the means by which the emails appeared on the laptop. “He may think he knows how it happened, and he may be right,’’ one person connected to the case said. “But no one has proven that to be the case yet.”
My preliminary impressions: both Abedin and Weiner were the "unwitting" Russian (most likely) agents, pretty much like Trump, in a very astute Mike Morell's definition and the use of this term. They probably were selected because of this "unwittingness", which made them the easy targets for use and manipulation. The long-term goal was specific: to target Hillary Clinton and to prevent her election as President. Apparently, the use of "unwitting agents", essentially, the fools, the "useful idiots" (this old term remains the most commonly used and probably the most descriptive), is their new, or, rather, renewed, revived, and reinvigorated tactic. As Gen. Hayden said, "I’d prefer another term drawn from the arcana of the Soviet era: polezni durak. That’s the useful fool, some naif, manipulated by Moscow, secretly held in contempt, but whose blind support is happily accepted and exploited."
This tactic is in line with their, particularly Putin's (and probably Surkov's) attitude and style (because Putin felt that this tactic is applied to him, that he is been humiliated, and he is very sensitive to this): to attempt to humiliate and to laugh at, while ostensibly maintaining the innocent posture: "It is not that we kill or maim them (like in good old days), anyway, we are Christians..."
They view and use the others as puppets, which reflects their views of themselves. Surkov was trained as a theater director ("rezhissyor") and used to manage the puppet theater for children with his first wife. He views himself as a puppet (it was his favorite pastime: playing with dolls when he was a child himself, which occupied all his time), and others as puppets, with whom he can have fun and entertain and enjoy himself. This new type of "benign interventions, or special operations" is not so benign and might eventually include or lead to more serious actions and acts, like with Litvinenko and others, including murders, mass shootings, and killings of police officers, etc. They are really sick. For me, the puzzle appears to be somewhat, at least in a preliminary way, solved.
I hope that the FBI and the "significant others" will try to open their widely shut eyes and start acknowledging and dealing with this problem.
Just some, most recent examples.
This story is the criminally arranged or manipulated metaphor: "the suspect, Todd Kohlhepp", looks very much like the FBI Director James Comey. (Mr. Comey, do not take this interpretation as my shot at you, not at all, I have tremendous respect for you and I like you, and all this recent hullabaloo did not change this attitude at all).
The suspect's name, Todd Kohlhepp stands for: "Toward Call Help". His actions: killing women is a reference to reopening of emails investigation and symbolic "killing" of two women: Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin.
The name of one of the victims, "Kala Brown", "who was chained inside a locked container", can be interpreted as"brown s**t": in Russian, "kalo, kal" means excrements, possibly a reference to Huma Abedin and her complexion, and also her perceived predicament. The last name of her boyfriend, "Charles Carver", is self-telling.
Newark Mayor Ras Baraka: reference to "Ras - Rasta, Rastafarian Barak - Obama".
Jeremy Arrington: biblical Jeremiah + Russian "ori! - scream!": "Scream, Prophet Jeremiah!"
Sgt. Paul Tuozzolo: In Russian: "Ti - osyol, o!": You are a donkey, a jackass - a reference to me, not to the late officer.
Emmanuel Kwo: Immanuel (Kant, Wallerstein, the author of world system theory - the possible reference to this blog), kwo or kwa - the imitation of the sound the ducks make ("you are a sitting duck, you just make these sounds..."): "kwa, kwa..." - also a reference to me.
Manuel Rosales: :"He has roses (guns) in his hands.
Bronx Zoo: self-explanatory.
"You, monks (DES MOINES), I owe (Iowa), urban ale (Urbandale) for 1970-s (70th), and 1917 (Aurora); murder the hay (Merle Hay), share done(Sheridan).

I can cite the dozens of examples of such, and more telling criminal metaphors and interpretations of various accidents and incidents, during the last several years.
It is very easy to dismiss these interpretations as "sick fantasies". I think, it is time to look into all of this.
Putin does this 'for fun", to entertain himself and others, his close circle, it releases his tension and his rage.
Clinton Camp Email Find Raises Questions About What Adviser Huma Abedin KnewFortune
Slate Magazine-KITV Honolulu
all 8,756 news articles »
The Rise and Fall of Huma Abedin: From Hillary's Most Trusted Adviser to Just 'One of My Staffers'Independent Journal Review
WikiLeaks: Clinton Campaign Was 'Partially Cooperative' on Politico Profile With Aim of 'Demystifying'
-Earn The Necklace
all 31
The Inquisitr
all 284 news articles »
What's wrong with Hillary's Face? HUMA ABEDIN!Canada Free Press
Saleha Mahmood Abedin: 5 Facts to Know About Huma Abedin's MotherEarn The Necklace
all 33 news articles »
Frank Gaffney: FBI Will Probably Find Huma Abedin 'Playing Fast and Loose' with FactsBreitbart News
all 108 news articles »
Clinton Campaign Charges $5K for Photo With Huma AbedinWashington Free Beacon
Abedin has been off campaign trail for 5 daysMyWabashValley
FBI Reportedly Finds New Emails In Huma Abedin Trove, May Still Be IrrelevantNew York Magazine
Independent Journal
all 9,076 news articles »
A pro-Trump group is attacking Huma Abedin for her 'Pakistani origin'Business Insider
Abedin has been off campaign trail for 5 daysMyWabashValley
Huma Abedin attacked for her heritageNew York Post
Accuracy In News
all 62 news articles »
Report: Emails on Abedin Computer Are Not DuplicatesPJ Media
FBI Has Searched Huma Abedin's Laptop — and Initial Reports Are Opposite of What Hillary Wants to HearIndependent Journal Review
Huma Abedin lies low amid email probeCNN
USA TODAY- Washington Times
all 10,015 news articles »
FBI Reportedly Finds New Emails In Huma Abedin Trove, May Still Be IrrelevantNew York Magazine
A Scandal Too Far? Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton, and a Test of LoyaltyNew York Times
Huma Abedin lies low amid email probeCNN
The Week Magazine-Politico-New York Times
all 11,115 news articles »
Huma Abedin's FelonyAmerican Thinker
Huma Abedin attacked for her heritage
New York Post News-The Hill (blog)
all 52 news articles »
Huma Abedin stars in Clinton campaign documentaryThe Hill (blog)
Emails on Abedin Computer Are Not DuplicatesCosumnes Connection (subscription)
all 102 news articles »
Huma Abedin features in Clinton Campaign documentary - The HinduThe Hindu
all 4 news articles »
The FBI Found Nothing New in Huma Abedin's
Hillary Clinton emails: FBI says nothing new on Huma Abedin laptopWashington Times
Huma Abedin features in Clinton Campaign documentaryTimes of India
Newsweek-The Hill (blog)-Western Journalism
all 1,353 news articles »
and more »
and more »
The Murtadd Vote - مشاهدة المباشرة HD - Internet Archiveمشاهدة المباشرة HD - Internet Archive
all 42 news articles »
Questions Thoroughness of FBI Review of Clinton
FBI clears Clinton in email review two days before electionReuters
Daily Mail-
McClatchy Washington Bureau- CNN-Wall Street Journal
all 3,072 news articles »-
M.N.: This looks like an obvious cheap Russian(?) fake. Who planted it and for what purposes?
The second article is a hodge-podge of irrelevant generalities with just one, more or less relevant paragraph: "Returning to Huma Abedin. That she appears Western/secularized and married a Jew—that is, that she did everything that no good Muslim woman, especially one who spent her formative years being indoctrinated in the most radical form of Islam, to say nothing of her ties to Islamists—makes her appear more not less suspicious. It looks like an intentional attempt to do precisely those things that would most convince her American audience that she has nothing to do with Islam and is just “another” American." This is an indication that it is also the planted propaganda piece, and most likely from the same ultimate source.
The third , "Newsweek" article attempts to explain how the (650,000) emails ended up on Weiner-Abedin computer (backing up the Huma's mobile phone), which remains a questionable explanation. "... he had synched his wife’s cell phone to the laptop in 2013, transferring all of her data from the mobile device onto the computer. He did so to ensure her phone was backed up so that, if it were ever damaged, she would still have the data, according to a person connected to the case. However, that information has not been ultimately confirmed as the means by which the emails appeared on the laptop. “He may think he knows how it happened, and he may be right,’’ one person connected to the case said. “But no one has proven that to be the case yet.”
My preliminary impressions: both Abedin and Weiner were the "unwitting" Russian (most likely) agents, pretty much like Trump, in a very astute Mike Morell's definition and the use of this term. They probably were selected because of this "unwittingness", which made them the easy targets for use and manipulation. The long-term goal was specific: to target Hillary Clinton and to prevent her election as President. Apparently, the use of "unwitting agents", essentially, the fools, the "useful idiots" (this old term remains the most commonly used and probably the most descriptive), is their new, or, rather, renewed, revived, and reinvigorated tactic. As Gen. Hayden said, "I’d prefer another term drawn from the arcana of the Soviet era: polezni durak. That’s the useful fool, some naif, manipulated by Moscow, secretly held in contempt, but whose blind support is happily accepted and exploited."
This tactic is in line with their, particularly Putin's (and probably Surkov's) attitude and style (because Putin felt that this tactic is applied to him, that he is been humiliated, and he is very sensitive to this): to attempt to humiliate and to laugh at, while ostensibly maintaining the innocent posture: "It is not that we kill or maim them (like in good old days), anyway, we are Christians..."
They view and use the others as puppets, which reflects their views of themselves. Surkov was trained as a theater director ("rezhissyor") and used to manage the puppet theater for children with his first wife. He views himself as a puppet (it was his favorite pastime: playing with dolls when he was a child himself, which occupied all his time), and others as puppets, with whom he can have fun and entertain and enjoy himself. This new type of "benign interventions, or special operations" is not so benign and might eventually include or lead to more serious actions and acts, like with Litvinenko and others, including murders, mass shootings, and killings of police officers, etc. They are really sick. For me, the puzzle appears to be somewhat, at least in a preliminary way, solved.
I hope that the FBI and the "significant others" will try to open their widely shut eyes and start acknowledging and dealing with this problem.
Just some, most recent examples.
This story is the criminally arranged or manipulated metaphor: "the suspect, Todd Kohlhepp", looks very much like the FBI Director James Comey. (Mr. Comey, do not take this interpretation as my shot at you, not at all, I have tremendous respect for you and I like you, and all this recent hullabaloo did not change this attitude at all).
The suspect's name, Todd Kohlhepp stands for: "Toward Call Help". His actions: killing women is a reference to reopening of emails investigation and symbolic "killing" of two women: Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin.
The name of one of the victims, "Kala Brown", "who was chained inside a locked container", can be interpreted as"brown s**t": in Russian, "kalo, kal" means excrements, possibly a reference to Huma Abedin and her complexion, and also her perceived predicament. The last name of her boyfriend, "Charles Carver", is self-telling.
Newark Mayor Ras Baraka: reference to "Ras - Rasta, Rastafarian Barak - Obama".
Jeremy Arrington: biblical Jeremiah + Russian "ori! - scream!": "Scream, Prophet Jeremiah!"
Sgt. Paul Tuozzolo: In Russian: "Ti - osyol, o!": You are a donkey, a jackass - a reference to me, not to the late officer.
Emmanuel Kwo: Immanuel (Kant, Wallerstein, the author of world system theory - the possible reference to this blog), kwo or kwa - the imitation of the sound the ducks make ("you are a sitting duck, you just make these sounds..."): "kwa, kwa..." - also a reference to me.
Manuel Rosales: :"He has roses (guns) in his hands.
Bronx Zoo: self-explanatory.
DES MOINES, Iowa, Urbandale, 70th & Aurora, Merle Hay & Sheridan:
"You, monks (DES MOINES), I owe (Iowa), urban ale (Urbandale) for 1970-s (70th), and 1917 (Aurora); murder the hay (Merle Hay), share done(Sheridan).

I can cite the dozens of examples of such, and more telling criminal metaphors and interpretations of various accidents and incidents, during the last several years.
It is very easy to dismiss these interpretations as "sick fantasies". I think, it is time to look into all of this.
Putin does this 'for fun", to entertain himself and others, his close circle, it releases his tension and his rage.
Clinton Camp Email Find Raises Questions About What Adviser Huma Abedin KnewFortune
Slate Magazine-KITV Honolulu
all 8,756 news articles »
The Rise and Fall of Huma Abedin: From Hillary's Most Trusted Adviser to Just 'One of My Staffers'Independent Journal Review
WikiLeaks: Clinton Campaign Was 'Partially Cooperative' on Politico Profile With Aim of 'Demystifying'
-Earn The Necklace
all 31
The Inquisitr
all 284 news articles »
Saleha Mahmood Abedin: 5 Facts to Know About Huma Abedin's MotherEarn The Necklace
all 33 news articles »
all 108 news articles »
Clinton Campaign Charges $5K for Photo With Huma AbedinWashington Free Beacon
Abedin has been off campaign trail for 5 daysMyWabashValley
FBI Reportedly Finds New Emails In Huma Abedin Trove, May Still Be IrrelevantNew York Magazine
Independent Journal
all 9,076 news articles »
A pro-Trump group is attacking Huma Abedin for her 'Pakistani origin'Business Insider
Abedin has been off campaign trail for 5 daysMyWabashValley
Huma Abedin attacked for her heritageNew York Post
Accuracy In News
all 62 news articles »
FBI Has Searched Huma Abedin's Laptop — and Initial Reports Are Opposite of What Hillary Wants to HearIndependent Journal Review
Huma Abedin lies low amid email probeCNN
USA TODAY- Washington Times
all 10,015 news articles »
FBI Reportedly Finds New Emails In Huma Abedin Trove, May Still Be IrrelevantNew York Magazine
A Scandal Too Far? Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton, and a Test of LoyaltyNew York Times
Huma Abedin lies low amid email probeCNN
The Week Magazine-Politico-New York Times
all 11,115 news articles »
Huma Abedin's FelonyAmerican Thinker
Huma Abedin attacked for her heritage
New York Post News-The Hill (blog)
all 52 news articles »
Emails on Abedin Computer Are Not DuplicatesCosumnes Connection (subscription)
all 102 news articles »
all 4 news articles »
The FBI Found Nothing New in Huma Abedin's
Hillary Clinton emails: FBI says nothing new on Huma Abedin laptopWashington Times
Huma Abedin features in Clinton Campaign documentaryTimes of India
Newsweek-The Hill (blog)-Western Journalism
all 1,353 news articles »
and more »
and more »
all 42 news articles »
FBI clears Clinton in email review two days before electionReuters
Daily Mail-
McClatchy Washington Bureau- CNN-Wall Street Journal
all 3,072 news articles »-
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