Main news stories from the major sources, selected, compiled, and occasionally commented on by Michael Novakhov ("Mike Nova") | Public RSS Feeds on the various topics of Global Security | Topics oriented news reviews
Trump needs to make heads roll at the CIA and FBI | give trump a chance to lead - Goofle Search
One of the thorniest questions facing the incoming Trump administration is what to do about America’s increasingly dysfunctional intelligence community, known collectively by its acronym, the IC. Made up of no fewer than 16 different agencies, the IC includes marquee services like the CIA and the National Security Agency, as well as more obscure spook fiefdoms such as Defense Intelligence Agency (serving the military) and the National Reconnaissance Office, which monitors America’s national-security concerns via satellites. In the aftermath of Sept. 11., George W. Bush hastily reorganized the IC, creating the elephantine Department of Homeland Security to absorb some agencies, demoting the Director of Central Intelligence (formerly the nation’s top spy) to a subaltern and placing the entire IC under the aegis of a new Director of National Intelligence, who reports directly to the president.
Trump should dismiss U.S. Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper.Photo: Getty ImagesResult: more bureaucrats, more staffers, more buildings — but little if any improvement in national security. Indeed, you can argue we’re worse off today than we were 15 years ago.
Trump should also fire CIA director, John Brennan.Photo: ReutersMuslim terrorists run rampant at home. Abroad, the Russian bear hungrily eyes the Baltics and would love to snack again on Ukraine. In the Far East, China contests what’s left of the US Navy for control of the South China Sea, while an increasingly bellicose North Korea lobs missiles over Japan. And in Iran, the mullahs work on their bomb. Trump’s first order of business, therefore, is to take control, firmly, by dissolving Homeland Security and cashiering the DNI, a jolly figure of comic relief named James Clapper. Another firing that would do wonders for morale is the prompt sacking of CIA Director John Brennan, widely derided as a careerist, yes-man and Islamophile. Trump might consider splitting the agency, separating its intelligence-gathering arm (the spies) from its analytical operations. The Agency’s great weakness has long been falling in love with both its own expertise and with the nation’s adversaries — which is why it’s failed to predict everything from the fall of the shah to the collapse of the Soviet Union. If stability is your goal, it’s easy to see no evil. As the Clinton e-mails fiasco has shown, the FBI needs to be removed from the Justice Department and de-politicized. These days, its work is more about stopping terrorists than chasing bank robbers in Omaha, so its relationship to the CIA perhaps ought to be more like the UK secret services, MI5 (domestic) and MI6 (foreign), working together instead of antagonistically. The lesser agencies, split among Defense, Treasury, DHS, State and the Energy departments could use consolidation and streamlining, so they better serve the current, overriding national purpose of defeating Islamic terrorism, and not the interests of their parent agencies. In short, what we need is a leaner IC, relieved from political pressure and acting in concert for the preservation of the nation.
Michael Walsh is an author, screenwriter and contributing editor at PJ Media. His most recent book is “The Devil’s Pleasure Palace.”
Shootout outside bar in Puerto Rico leaves 4 dead, 5 wounded
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Authorities say a shootout outside a gas station bar east of the Puerto Rican capital has left four people dead and five wounded...
One of the thorniest questions facing the incoming Trump administration is what to do about America’s increasingly dysfunctional intelligence community, known collectively by its acronym, the IC. Made up of no fewer than 16 different agencies, the IC includes marquee services like the CIA and the National Security Agency, as well as more obscure spook...
Trump needs to make heads roll at the CIA and FBI New York Post
As the Clinton e-mails fiasco has shown, the FBI needs to be removed from the Justice Department and de-politicized. These days, its work is more about stopping terrorists than chasing bank robbers in Omaha, so its relationship to the CIA perhaps ought ...
China foreign minister says ready to improve US relations Reuters
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi attends a news conference after talks with New Zealand's Foreign Minister Murray McCully (not pictured) in Beijing, China, October 18, 2016. REUTERS/Thomas Peter. ISTANBUL China is ready to improve relations with the ...
Достоверные кремлевские источники предсказывают досрочную отставку Путина Украинская Служба 1492
Тем не менее, Соловей отказался давать более подробную информацию об отставке Путина, особенно, когда его спросили о здоровье нынешнего лидера. По словам Соловья, для того чтобы найти быструю замену Путину, который вступил в должность в 2000 году, Кремль устроит ...
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Major cities in the US have seen mostly peaceful protests every day since Donald Trump was elected president, as some Americans express their shock and opposition to the president-elect. In New York protesters marched to Trump Tower.
Following Donald Trump's shocking victory over Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, thousands took to the streets on Wednesday night to protest his win. Experience the rally in front of New York City's Trump Tower in 360 degrees.
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Anti-Trump protests continue in wake of election New York Post
Thousands of anti-Trump protesters stormed Manhattan Friday in the third consecutive night of demonstrations against the president-elect. About 11 people were arrested for disorderly conduct after about 2,000 people gathered to Washington Square Park ...
US: Anti-Trump protests run into third night euronews
Anti-Donald Trump protesters have rallied in cities across the US for a third night, to voice their anger over his shock election win. The action came just hours after the president-elect praised demonstrators for what he described as their “passion ...
'Depressed' De Niro backs anti-Trump protests Yahoo News
Los Angeles (AFP) - Robert De Niro gave anti-Donald Trump protesters across the United States his backing Friday as he spoke about how "depressed" the tycoon's win in the presidential election had made him. The 73-year-old star was on the red carpet at ...
A serious dent was made in a notorious Russian crime syndicate that operated out of Brighton Beach and Coney Island yesterday when nine members of the Eastern European gang, Thieves in Law, were arrested, according to U.S Attorney Robert L. Capers.
The nine “Thieves” are being nabbed with 10 charges, including racketeering, extortion, loansharking, illegal gambling, and selling marijuana, according to prosecutors.
“This drug investigation’s path uncovered an alleged Russian organized crime syndicate operating in Brighton Beach and Coney Island, NY,” said James Hunt, DEA special agent-in-charge. “As history often repeats itself, racketeering, loansharking, extortion, and illegal gambling are just some of crimes the defendants are charged with committing here in Brooklyn, similar to crimes committed by the Thieves in Law in the former Soviet states.”
According to prosecutors, the Thieves in Law helped the Brooklyn gangsters extort victims around the world. They tracked down a person who owed the Brooklyn mobsters $200,000 in Israel, and other family members in Russia.
One of the nine was previously arrested for a similar charge and deported back to Ukraine in 2005. However, Aleksey Tsvetkov claimed he was tortured when he was back home and was allowed back into the US under asylum.
Leonid Gershman, Renat Yusufov, Igor Krugly, Vyacheslav Malkeyev, Isok Aronov, Yusuf Pardilov, and Librado Rivera were also among the people indicted yesterday, according to prosecutors. The top dog of the group was also indicted but remains at large, according to officials.
The Russian is mob is nothing new to this neighborhood, and is something we’ve reported on in the last month.
Washington (CNN) The transformation of Donald Trump begins Thursday. The freewheeling, acerbic, often vulgar and offensive maverick of the campaign trail has 70 days to become a president. Trump will begin the process with a remarkable meeting with ...
As the Kremlin worked hard to facilitate Trump’s rise, its maneuvering elsewhere in the world has been downright chilling.
If, as the poet says, America is not the world, then the world is surely owed an apology for the lack of attention paid to what ought to have been, and are, a series of alarming developments throughout Europe and the Middle East. Perhaps appropriately, all have involved or implicated a revanchist authoritarian power for which the incoming commander in chief has repeatedly professed his admiration and which, after having done all it could to facilitate an upset American electoral outcome—“maybe we helped a bit with WikiLeaks,” as pro-Kremlin political analyst Sergei Markov put it Wednesday morning—offers its hearty congratulations on his victory. Meanwhile, Russia’s alleged “wet work” and maneuvering outside the United States in the last two weeks has been even more impressive.
In Montenegro, a tiny and relatively young Balkan nation sandwiched between Bosnia and Albania, a cabal of Russian nationalists has been accused of trying to assassinate the prime minister, Milo Djukanovic, following a campaign of election interference. U.S. officials say the abortive putsch bear all the hallmarks of a Kremlin project of subversion, including the funneling of money to a pro-Moscow opposition party, biased news organizations, and key “influencers.” A former Serbian special forces commander and Serbian veterans of the Russian-backed “separatist” movement in east Ukraine were part of the conspiracy.
The plan, as outlined by Montenegrin chief special prosecutor Milivoje Katnic, was as follows. Around 20 Serbian and Montenegrins, dressed as elite police officers, were going to attack a demonstration in front of the national parliament in the capital of Podgorica on Oct. 16, election day. From there, they would storm the legislature and murder the prime minister. The result would be the installation of a Kremlin-friendly government in place of Djukanovic’s pro-Western Democratic Party of Socialists, itself a liberalized hangover or reinvention of the old Yugoslavian Communist party.
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, who was at first incredulous about what sounded like a conspiracy theory, has corroborated the coup attempt, claiming that Serbian nationals involved have been identified and €120,000 and police uniforms had been recovered.
Vacic has cryptically alluded to a “third country” being behind this foiled scheme at violent regime change in a democracy of just 600,000, and you can probably guess which one he has in mind. Indeed, Serbia has since expelled several Russian nationals from its borders after they were found to have been tracking Djukanovic’s movements digitally and communicating with one another on encrypted electronic devices. The expulsions also coincided with a visit paid to the capital Belgrade by Nikolai Patrushev, the former head of the Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), the successor organ of the Soviet KGB, and now the chairman of Russia’s Security Council. This concatenation of circumstances, Balkan watchers have written, suggest the long, dark arm of Moscow.
Serbia was also a target of what appears to have been an assassination attempt or coordinated act of anti-state violence. According to Serbia’s Interior Ministry, an impressive cache of weaponry—grenades, ammunition, sniper rifles, and a bazooka—was later uncovered in the woods close to Vacic’s family home, outside Belgrade. As Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic put it, “It is very disturbing that [the hidden weapons] were located on this turning, where the Prime Minister’s vehicle must slow down to minimal speed… That is an ideal distance, of only 50 meters, for such weapons to be used.” Might the murder of a second head of a European government have been in the offing? And if so, who were the culprits and their sponsors?
Of particular concern to is that one alleged participants in the Montenegrin plot is Bratislav Dikic, a former Serbian special forces commander, who was sacked for criminal and “terrorist” activity. Another conspirator has been identified as Aleksandar Sindjelic, a well-known Serbian fascist who is one of the top 300 “terrorists” being sought by the Ukrainian government for his participation in Russia’s dirty war in the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk—a war thetas overseen by Russian intelligence officers, paratroopers and special forces. Sindjelic stands accused by Ukrainian soldiers as leader of a pro-separatist militia known as the “Serbian Wolves.”
So why overthrow Djukanovic? He has been an ardent advocate and architect of Montenegro’s NATO membership, which is set to commence next spring, making it the 29th state in the U.S.-led (and now, under a Trump presidency, rather fragile) military alliance, as well as of European Union membership, which seems a more distant prospect owing to the nation’s runaway corruption and illiberalism. Needless to add, the Putin regime openly opposes both decisions, although it categorically denies it had anything to do with trying to kill Montenegro’s prime minister. Special prosecutor Milivoje Katnic has also conceded, “We don’t have any evidence that the state of Russia is involved in any sense.”
Djukanovic, the godfather of Montenegro’s independence, has led the small Balkan country as both president or premier since its formal breakaway from Serbia in 2006. He fought a fiercely contested election that was waged more than anything as a plebiscite on Montenegro’s further integration into the transatlantic system versus its becoming, in his words, a “Russian colony.”
Nevertheless, he is considered a godfather of a more dubious kidney. Last year he was named “Man of the Year in Organized Crime” by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project. “Nobody outside of Putin has run a state that relies so heavily on corruption, organized crime and dirty politics,” OCCRP editor Drew Sullivan said in bestowing the “award” on Djukanovic, who is accused of cigarette smuggling, embezzlement and fraud. “It is truly and thoroughly rotten to the core.”
Other European leaders have faced more conventional threats of late. Estonia’s 36-year-old center-right Prime Minister Taavi Roivas did not survive no-confidence vote yesterday after his coalition government fell apart, owing to differences with his social democratic partners on health care, education, and economic issues.
The chief beneficiary of parliamentary collapse is the Center Party, which draw on a sizable constituency of ethnic Russians and whose recently remove chairman is seen as pro-Kremlin. This, as the country prepares for the most dire contingency of a Ukraine-style Russian invasion by bolstering the Estonian Defense League, a 24,000-strong corps of citizen-soldiers now being trained in partisan warfare tactics in the event that “little green men”—a euphemism for Russian troops in disguise—steal across the border to do in the Baltic state (and NATO member) what their confederates did in Crimea and the Donbass.
The Center Party’s current leader, 38-year-old Jüri Ratas, the speaker of Estonian parliament, has vowed to continue the Baltic state’s strong Atlanticist commitment, fearing a popular backlash should he do anything to vitiate national ties to NATO or the EU.
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Nevertheless, there may well be intramural pressures (and subtle external ones) to lower the temperature on Estonian deterrence, which, apart from insurgency drilling, also takes the form of annual intelligence reviews that expose agents of Russian influence in the country of 1.3 million. Catching Russians spies is a routine business for Kapo, the state's domestic security service. Added to which, a leading candidate for U.S. secretary of State under a Trump administration is Newt Gingrich, a man who has described Tallinn, the Estonian capital, as a suburb of St. Petersburg in the course of downplaying America’s obligation to defend its treaty-bound allies.
The ascent of the Hungarian far-right has been well documented in recent years, particularly under the leadership of the current prime minister Viktor Orban, a creeping authoritarian who has tried to split the difference between his right-wing Fidesz party and the more plangently anti-democratic (and anti-Semitic) Jobbik.
According to the Hungarian government, one prominent member of Jobbik, Béla Kovács, himself a member of European parliament, is a Russian spy. Yet for all its counterintelligence rigor, the Orban government—still another NATO member—has cut tried to cozy up to Moscow in its own way, by inviting Vladimir Putin to Budapest at the height of a European chill over the Russian invasion of Ukraine and by awarding the lion’s share of contracts for the construction of a planned Hungarian nuclear power plant to Russian state-owned companies. (That move that was declared illegal by the European Commission.)
Now, however, comes proof, courtesy of Orban’s special services, that Russian intelligence is also meddling in internal Magyar affairs with lethal effect.
Agents of the GRU, or Russian military intelligence—one of two spy services that hacked the Democratic National Committee—have been accused of underwriting a prominent neo-Nazi organization whose elderly founder, 76-year-old István Győrkös, last month shot and killed a Hungarian police officer and critically wounded another in the village of Bőny.
Győrkös is a longtime leader in the fascist Hungarian National Front 1989, or MNA, which aims to defend Hungary from Jewish Bolsheviks and other subversive elements by training paramilitaries for war. It has given military instruction to Hungarian and German Hitlerists at Hungarian training camps. (Caveat: “Fags, gypsies and Jews cannot participate.”)
In 2012, MNA split into two factions, with Győrkös heading the one that draws inspiration (PDF) from the Eurasianist ideology of Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin, who has advocated genocide in Ukraine and who, perhaps not irrelevantly, is a strong admirer of the U.S. president-elect.
Győrkös opened fire after his home was raided for illegal weapons possession. According to the Hungarian press, Russian state diplomats had often participated in paintball and airsoft exercises, which feature rifles with plastic bullets.
Győrkös’s explicit ties to the Kremlin came to light when the Facebook page of a website his movement founded, Hídfő, or Bridgehead, featured supposedly “reader submitted” content supposedly showing that Budapest had sent T-72 tanks to the Ukrainian military in August 2014, at the height of Russia’s invasion. The images, as Hungarian intelligence has now established, actually came from the GRU as part of a hyper-caffeinated disinformation campaign to scandalize any and all European support for embattled Kiev. It was, as Hungary’s then-foreign minister Tibor Navracsics phrased it, an “unfriendly gesture” by Moscow.
Russia’s only aircraft carrier, the Soviet-era Admiral Kuznetsov, spent weeks groaning and wheezing its way from Murmansk to the Mediterranean, emitting plumes of black smoke, as it was often towed at sea by a tugboat, along with a flotilla of ancillary vessels. Not exactly the cutting the image of a formidable warship, the Kuznetsov is nevertheless preparing to launch a new offensive on the rebel-held district of east Aleppo, Syria, which loyalists to the dictatorship of Bashar al-Assad have spent four years trying to retake.
Putin had last week offered a “moratorium” on the well-documented Russian pulverization of Aleppo and “safe passages” for rebels to flee the city, although rebels say no such thing was ever evident to them.
That sham deal expired Friday. Now, 24 hours after America elected a man with whom Putin intends to do quick and vigorous business, the armada is set to get to work. A Russian Ministry of Defense source has said, The group’s main goal is to carry out missile strikes on terrorists outside of Aleppo that are attempting to get into the city”—with “terrorists” here being the standard placeholder for opposition fighters of all ideological stripe as well as countless civilians, hospitals, schools and residences, which Russia’s year-long intervention in Syria have turned to dust.
Pro-Assad soldiers and Iranian-trained militiamen, meanwhile, are said to have deployed to frontline positions in what looks to be the start of the final campaign to sack the opposition stronghold.
The Kuznetsov is accompanied by three submarines, two destroyers, a nuclear-powered battle crusader, and a frigate. The collective arsenal includes includes Kalibr cruise missiles and S-300 anti-aircraft defense systems and, aboard the Kuznetsov, a small fleet of Su-33s and MiG-29s fighter jets. This will mark the first time in Russian history that carrier-borne aircraft have ever launched sorties.
Still, many analysts contend, the deployment is mainly for show. “They haven’t done anything done anything like this in a long time, and its getting heavily covered by the local and international media,” Peter Zwack, a former military attache to Moscow told TheGuardian. “It’s posturing and secondarily adding capability in Syria.”
Maybe, but the men, women and children about to be put under the rubble won’t see the Kuznetsov’s presence off the Syrian coast as mere “posturing.”
WASHINGTON (AP) — FBI Director James Comey faces a complicated path under a Donald Trump administration. Does he try to serve out the remaining seven years of his term under a president who has publicly questioned the FBI's integrity? Or does he ...
President Donald Trump. Three words that were unthinkable to tens of millions of Americans — and much of the rest of the world — have now become the future of the United States.
Having confounded Republican elites in the primaries, Mr. Trump did the same to the Democrats in the general election, repeating the judo move of turning the weight of a complacent establishment against it. His victory is a humbling blow to the news media, the pollsters and the Clinton-dominated Democratic leadership.
The candidates appeared neck-in-neck in the popular vote, but Mr. Trump bested Hillary Clinton in the Electoral College.
So who is the man who will be the 45th president?
After a year and a half of erratic tweets and rambling speeches, we can’t be certain. We don’t know how Mr. Trump would carry out basic functions of the executive. We don’t know what financial conflicts he might have, since he never released his tax returns, breaking with 40 years of tradition in both parties. We don’t know if he has the capacity to focus on any issue and arrive at a rational conclusion. We don’t know if he has any idea what it means to control the largest nuclear arsenal in the world.
Here is what we do know: We know Mr. Trump is the most unprepared president-elect in modern history. We know that by words and actions, he has shown himself to be temperamentally unfit to lead a diverse nation of 320 million people. We know he has threatened to prosecute and jail his political opponents, and he has said he would curtail the freedom of the press. We know he lies without compunction.
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He has said he intends to cut taxes for the wealthy and to withdraw the health care protection of the Affordable Care Act from tens of millions of Americans. He has insulted women and threatened Muslims and immigrants, and he has recruited as his allies a dark combination of racists, white supremacists and anti-Semites. Given the importance of the alt-right to Mr. Trump’s rise, it is perhaps time to drop the “alt.” David Duke celebrated Mr. Trump’s victory on Tuesday night, tweeting, “It’s time to TAKE AMERICA BACK!!!”
When Mr. Trump has looked beyond our borders, he has said that he would tear up the agreement to prevent Iran from building nuclear arms and that he would do away with the North American Free Trade Agreement. He has said that he would repudiate last December’s Paris agreement on climate change, thereby abandoning America’s leadership role in addressing the biggest long-term threat to humanity. He has also threatened to abandon NATO allies and start a trade war with China.
We know that, with Republicans controlling both houses of Congress, Mr. Trump would be able to restore a right-wing majority by filling the Supreme Court seat that Republican senators have held hostage for nine months.
Republicans will soon control every branch of the federal government, in addition to a majority of governorships and statehouses. There is no obvious check on Mr. Trump’s vengeful impulses. Other Republican leaders, including his running mate, Mike Pence, have largely made excuses for his most extreme behavior.
By challenging every norm of American politics, Mr. Trump upended first the Republican Party and now the Democratic Party, which attempted a Clinton restoration at a moment when the nation was impatient to escape the status quo. Misogyny and racism played their part in his rise, but so did a fierce and even heedless desire for change.
That change has now placed the United States on a precipice.
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A group of 62 retired senior military officers is raising concerns about potential links between Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. They are calling on the Republican candidate to release his tax returns to determine if there are ...
The Latest: Retired officers question Trump-Russia ties Colorado Springs Gazette
A group of 62 retired senior military officers is raising concerns about potential links between Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. They are calling on the Republican candidate to release his tax returns to determine if there are ...
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We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.” Americans need to know how much money has poured into the Trump Organization from Russia and from whom. Sergei Millian, the President of the U.S.-Russian Chamber of Commerce and friend of Trump, ...
Threat of investigations hangs over Clinton and Trump The Hill (blog)
Calling the Republican's career a “target-rich environment,” Manley said he doesn't believe Americans wouldn't see investigating Trump's taxes or his potential ties to Russia as a partisan issue. But another former top House Democratic staffer noted ...
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Russian media backs Trump, questions US democracy CNBC
In contrast, negative stories about Trump often get lighthearted coverage. Reporting fresh allegations of sexual abuse against Trump on Oct. 15, the Vesti channel aired a segment called "Too many p------" set to jaunty music that took viewers through ...
Security News This Week: Trump Has a Secret Server Linked to Russia? Likely Not WIRED
As this absurd election season careens to a close, any cybersecurity story with the word “Clinton” or “Trump” in the headline has become a magnet for controversy—and deserves a close fact-check. So when Slate this week reported that the Trump...
Putin Appears with Trump in Flurry of Swing-State Rallies The New Yorker (satire)
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EXCLUSIVE: FBI 'Granted FISA Warrant' Covering Trump Camp's Ties To Russia Heat Street
Two separate sources with links to the counter-intelligence community have confirmed to Heat Street that the FBI sought, and was granted, a FISA court warrant in October, giving counter-intelligence permission to examine the activities of 'U.S. persons ...
Russian TV is showing nude Melania Trump and election rigging ahead of US election Washington Post
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US officials warn of Russian mischief in election and beyond Washington Post
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Russian hackers seek to embarrass the US this election season Los Angeles Times
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What Vladimir Putin Wants From America's Elections The Atlantic
Russian President Vladimir Putin casts his ballot at a polling station during a parliamentary election in Moscow, Russia, September 18, 2016. Grigory Dukor / ... From summer's hack of Democratic National Committee emails to warnings about the ...
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Russian propagandists sought to influence LGBT voters with a "Buff Bernie" ad. The World News and Times M.N.: Donald, you should really check your IQ. It is very easy to kill that p.o.s., the task is to find out who is behind him. 4:45 PM 10/31/2017 4:45 PM 10/31/2017 3:32 PM 10/31/2017 ALL POSTS ON G+ 9:09 AM 10/30/2017 Video: Manafort walks to the FBI field office 8:21 AM 10/30/2017 Paul Manafort, Who Once Ran Trump Campaign, Told to Surrender New York Times-6 minutes ago 8:16 AM 10/30/2017 Russian-Backed Facebook Accounts Organized Events on All Sides of Polarizing Issues 5:31 PM 10/29/2017 Sharing fake news should be punishable as libel 2:45 PM 10/29/2017 Russian propagandists allegedly targeted blacks with free self-defense classes 8:32 AM 10/29/2017 Gates: In a close election or legislative battle, they can spell the difference. Foreign Interference Has Bedeviled D.C. For Decades, With No Easy Reponse How social media helped weaponize Donald Trumps elect...
Mr. Pu does not look very happy: Trump, Putin meet 1-on-1 on sidelines of APEC Summit – ABC News Trump, Putin meet 1-on-1 on sidelines of APEC Summit - ABC News
Trump Investigations Report Current News | Reviews of media reports | Selected reading lists | Video and Audio News | News Topics RSS Feeds | News, Reviews, Analysis, Opinions Posts on G+ from mikenova (2 sites) Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS 'GPlusRSS-Webtool' at 3:40 PM 11/6/2017 With Manafort, It Really Is About Russia, Not Ukraine New York Times 3:40 PM 11/6/2017 With Manafort, It Really Is About Russia, Not Ukraine New York Times Saved Stories Saved Stories - None VOA Newscasts - November 06, 2017 Paradise Papers: Tax haven secrets of ultra-rich exposed - BBC News At least nine people in Trump's orbit had contact with Russians ... - Washington Post US commerce secretary invests in firm linked to Putin family and allies, reports say - Washington Post Russia launched social media support for Trump almost immediately after he announced his campaign - Raw Story Texas gunman k... Public RSS-Feed of Mike...
POLITICS F.B.I. Evidence Is Often Mishandled, an Internal Inquiry Finds By MATT APUZZO and MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT DEC. 19, 2014 Photo The J. Edgar Hoover F.B.I. building in Washington. Auditors have found many problems with how the bureau handles evidence. Credit Brendan Hoffman for The New York Times Continue reading the main story Continue reading the main story Share This Page Email Share Tweet Save More Continue reading the main story F.B.I. agents in every region of the country have mishandled, mislabeled and lost evidence, according to a highly critical internal investigation that discovered errors with nearly half the pieces of evidence it reviewed. The evidence collection and retention system is the backbone of the F.B.I. ’s investigative process, and the report said it is beset by problems. It also found that the F.B.I. was storing more weapons, less money and valuables, and two tons more drugs than its records...
News Reviews and Opinions: 8:38 AM 11/15/2017 - Trump: We will be reciprocal.... : 8:28 AM 11/15/2017 – RED BLUFF, Calif. — A gunman killed four people and wounded a number of others… | Donald Trump: We will be reciprocal ...
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