UN condemns Israeli settlements as Obama declines to veto by By EDITH M. LEDERER, BRADLEY KLAPPER and JOSEF FEDERMAN Friday December 23rd, 2016 at 4:19 PM Puerto Rico News - Selected Feeds Review 1 Share UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- In a striking rupture with past practice, the United States allowed the U.N. Security Council on Friday to condemn Israeli settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem as a "flagrant violation" of international law. In doing so, the outgoing Obama administration brushed aside Donald Trump's demands that the U.S. exercise its veto and provided a climax to years of icy relations with Israel's leadership....
Following the unanimous approval of United Nations Security
(UNITED NATIONS) — The U.N. Security Council prepared Friday for perhaps its biggest vote in recent history as the United States weighed abstaining from a resolution that would condemn Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. Behind the scenes, U.S. and Israeli officials exchanged surprisingly sharp words for allies.
A day after Egypt suddenly postponed the showdown, the Palestinian mission to the United Nations said the council would take up the matter again on Friday. The 15-nation body was huddled in closed consultations and officials indicated a vote could take place immediately afterward.
The possible condemnation has led to frantic diplomacy in capitals around the world for the last couple of days.
American officials indicated the Obama administration would have been prepared to let the resolution pass in a sharp break with past U.S. diplomatic practice. Israeli officials said they were aware of such plans and turned to President-elect Donald Trump for support. Trump sent a tweet urging President Barack Obama to exercise America’s veto power. Egypt then pulled its resolution, with U.S. officials saying the action occurred under fierce Israeli pressure. Israeli officials then accused Obama of colluding with the Palestinians in a “shameful move” against the Jewish state. Washington denied the charge.
At issue is a resolution that would directly criticize Israel’s construction of Jewish settlements in lands the Palestinians hope to include in their future state. Most of the world is united in opposition to Israel on the question. The primary holdout at the U.N. has been the United States, which see settlements as illegitimate but has traditionally used its veto power as a permanent member of the Security Council to block such resolutions on the grounds that Israeli-Palestinian disputes should be addressed through negotiation.
If the vote proceeds and the draft resolution is left unchanged, the U.S. may take a different tack.
Officials said the U.N. ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, was already working on a possible “explanation of vote” that she would read out afterward. They said the U.S. hasn’t shifted its position in the last day, meaning an abstention would still be the likely course of action. The officials weren’t authorized to speak publicly on the matter and demanded anonymity.
A U.S. abstention would be a stunning culmination of years of icy relations between Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. And it would put Obama in open conflict with Trump on a key foreign policy matter at a time when they’ve been promising a smooth transition.
On Friday, an Israeli official said Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry “secretly cooked up with the Palestinians an extreme anti-Israeli resolution behind Israel’s back, which would be a tail wind for terror and boycotts and effectively make the Western Wall occupied Palestinian territory.” The official, who wasn’t authorized to be quoted by name, also praised Trump for heading off the resolution on Thursday.
Israel knew the U.S. was coordinating an “ambush” with the Palestinians, said another Israeli official, who similarly demanded anonymity.
A senior Obama administration official fired back, saying Egypt championed the resolution “from the start” and crediting “other Security Council members, not the United States,” for the renewed push on Friday. The resolution is now sponsored by New Zealand, Malaysia, Senegal and Venezuela.
Senior Palestinian official Hanan Ashrawi said she is “confident it will pass.”
Palestinians “are not subject to deals among governments,” Ashrawi said.
The U.S., along with the Palestinians and nearly all of the international community, considers Israeli settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem obstacles to peace. Some 600,000 Israelis live in the two territories, which Israel captured in the 1967 Mideast war.
Trump has signaled he will be far more sympathetic to Israel. His campaign platform made no mention of the establishment of a Palestinian state, a core policy objective of Democratic and Republican presidents over the past two decades. He also has vowed to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, potentially putting the U.S. at odds with the Palestinians and almost the entire remainder of the international community. Trump’s pick for ambassador to Israel, Jewish-American lawyer David Friedman, is a donor and vocal supporter of the settlements.
Israeli diplomats believe they were misled by the U.S. during a meeting last week between high-ranking Israeli and Obama administration officials in which the U.S. side offered reassurances about its efforts to support Israel but declined to explicitly state that the U.S. would veto such a resolution if it came up. The Israelis told their counterparts that “friends don’t take friends to the Security Council,” the official said.
The Egyptian-sponsored resolution had demanded that Israel halt settlement activities in occupied territories claimed by the Palestinians and declared that existing settlements “have no legal validity.” It is little different in tone or substance from Obama’s view.
The resolution would be more than symbolic. While it didn’t demand sanctions on Israel, its language could have hindered Israel’s negotiating position in future peace talks. And given the widespread international opposition to settlements, it would have been nearly impossible for Trump to reverse it.
Egypt said the telephone call between Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi and Trump included an agreement to give the incoming U.S. administration a chance to try and resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It took place several hours after the Egyptian postponement.
Palestinians said they were blindsided by the action of Egypt, the the first Arab country to make peace with Israel. The two countries have tightened security ties in recent years in a shared struggle against Islamic militants.
Российская авикомпания «Аэрофлот» отменила 21 вылет из столичного аэропорта Шереметьево в пятницу. Большинство несостоявшихся рейсов относится к внутрироссийским направлениям, в том числе в Архангельск, Сочи, Сыктывкар, Ростов-на-Дону, Воронеж, передает «Интерфакс». С чем связана отмена рейсов, не сообщается. На восьми из отмененных рейсов авиакомпания использует самолеты SSJ 100. Перед этим появилась информация о том, что надзорные ведомства выпустили распоряжение о проверке систем отечественных самолетов Sukhoi Superjet 100, поскольку один из эксплуатантов нашел дефект проушин верхних и нижних поясов установочных узлов стабилизатора. Генеральный директор «Аэрофлота» Виталий Савельев 12 апреля заявлял, что главные технические проблемы этих машин удалось решить.
UN body convenes to discuss motion despite original sponsor Egypt postponing its proposal at Trump’s behest
Hundreds of people returned to eastern Aleppo neighborhoods on Friday to check on their homes after the last opposition fighters left the city, picking through debris and wreckage for personal belongings blasted by years of fighting.

Europe's far-right dubs the Schengen Area a "security disaster."

He said he thinks she ran from sense of duty and to open new vistas for women.
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Eric Trump said he would stop soliciting donations for his foundation.
The German chancellor has called for a swift and far-reaching probe into the country's security apparatus after a terrorist was able to evade authorities. Anis Amri was killed in Italy in a shootout with police.
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» mikenov on Twitter: BBC Русская служба - Пресс-конференция Путина: пять главных ответов https://t.co/DZ9p9AZXOO
23/12/16 14:56 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
BBC Русская служба - Пресс-конференция Путина: пять главных ответов https://t.co/DZ9p9AZXOO Posted by mikenov on Fri Dec 23 19:56:12 2016. mikenov on Twitter
23/12/16 14:56 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
BBC Русская служба - Пресс-конференция Путина: пять главных ответов https://t.co/DZ9p9AZXOO Posted by mikenov on Fri Dec 23 19:56:12 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Putin (somewhat wistfully): "What about love? We have to finish, already. Otherwise the love will turn into hatred." https://t.co/IDYizyRjaN23/12/16 13:49 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Putin (somewhat wistfully): "What about love? We have to finish, already. Otherwise the love will turn into hatred." https://t.co/IDYizyRjaN Posted by mikenov on Fri Dec 23 18:49:20 2016. mikenov on Twitter
Putin (somewhat wistfully): "What about love? We have to finish, already. Otherwise the love will turn into hatred." https://t.co/IDYizyRjaN Posted by mikenov on Fri Dec 23 18:49:20 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Putin (somewhat wistfully): "What about love? We h... https://t.co/IDYizyRjaN
23/12/16 13:48 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Putin (somewhat wistfully): "What about love? We h... https://t.co/IDYizyRjaN Posted by mikenov on Fri Dec 23 18:48:37 2016. mikenov on Twitter
23/12/16 13:48 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Putin (somewhat wistfully): "What about love? We h... https://t.co/IDYizyRjaN Posted by mikenov on Fri Dec 23 18:48:37 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: EU-Russia-Military - Yahoo News
23/12/16 12:52 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Yahoo News EU-Russia-Military Yahoo News MOSCOW (AP) — Russia's military today can overpower any potential foe but should strengthen its nuclear arsenal, President Vladimi...
23/12/16 12:52 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Yahoo News EU-Russia-Military Yahoo News MOSCOW (AP) — Russia's military today can overpower any potential foe but should strengthen its nuclear arsenal, President Vladimi...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Collapse Of The Soviet Union: The 'Humanizing' Role Of Andrei Sakharov - RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty
23/12/16 12:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty Collapse Of The Soviet Union: The 'Humanizing' Role Of Andrei Sakharov RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty The usual narrative of the unraveling of t...
23/12/16 12:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty Collapse Of The Soviet Union: The 'Humanizing' Role Of Andrei Sakharov RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty The usual narrative of the unraveling of t...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Trump, Putin call for strengthening nuclear capabilities - The Week Magazine
23/12/16 12:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. The Week Magazine Trump, Putin call for strengthening nuclear capabilities The Week Magazine President-elect Donald Trump tweeted Thursday morning that "the United St...
23/12/16 12:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. The Week Magazine Trump, Putin call for strengthening nuclear capabilities The Week Magazine President-elect Donald Trump tweeted Thursday morning that "the United St...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: How Exxon's love affair with Rosneft helped Tillerson win Putin's heart - Financial Post
23/12/16 12:50 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Financial Post How Exxon's love affair with Rosneft helped Tillerson win Putin's heart Financial Post Mikhail Klimentyev/APRussian President Vladimir Putin , left, and Exx...
23/12/16 12:50 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Financial Post How Exxon's love affair with Rosneft helped Tillerson win Putin's heart Financial Post Mikhail Klimentyev/APRussian President Vladimir Putin , left, and Exx...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Trump and Putin say on the same day they want to build up nukes - New York Daily News
23/12/16 12:50 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. New York Daily News Trump and Putin say on the same day they want to build up nukes New York Daily News Welp — Donald Trump is tweeting about nukes and Vladimir Putin is t...
23/12/16 12:50 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. New York Daily News Trump and Putin say on the same day they want to build up nukes New York Daily News Welp — Donald Trump is tweeting about nukes and Vladimir Putin is t...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Trump, Putin both seek to boost their nuclear capability - CNN
23/12/16 12:50 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. CNN Trump, Putin both seek to boost their nuclear capability CNN Hours earlier in Moscow, Putin said in a defense speech in Moscow that Russia needs to "enhance the c...
23/12/16 12:50 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. CNN Trump, Putin both seek to boost their nuclear capability CNN Hours earlier in Moscow, Putin said in a defense speech in Moscow that Russia needs to "enhance the c...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Putin: Russia must strengthen its nuclear arms - The Hill
23/12/16 12:50 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. The Hill Putin : Russia must strengthen its nuclear arms The Hill Putin added 60 percent of Russia's nuclear armaments are modernized before noting his nation should not n...
23/12/16 12:50 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. The Hill Putin : Russia must strengthen its nuclear arms The Hill Putin added 60 percent of Russia's nuclear armaments are modernized before noting his nation should not n...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Телефонный разговор с Премьер-министром Израиля Биньямином Нетаньяху
23/12/16 12:49 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. По инициативе израильской стороны состоялся телефонный разговор Президента Российской Федерации Владимира Путина с Премьер-министром Государства Израиль Биньямином Нетанья...
23/12/16 12:49 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. По инициативе израильской стороны состоялся телефонный разговор Президента Российской Федерации Владимира Путина с Премьер-министром Государства Израиль Биньямином Нетанья...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Dereliction of Duty « LobeLog - LobeLog
23/12/16 12:49 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. LobeLog Dereliction of Duty « LobeLog LobeLog It's hard to know whether to laugh or cry listening to President Obama's series of retrospective interviews on radio and tele...
23/12/16 12:49 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. LobeLog Dereliction of Duty « LobeLog LobeLog It's hard to know whether to laugh or cry listening to President Obama's series of retrospective interviews on radio and tele...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Путин и Нетаньяху обсудили вопросы взаимодействия в борьбе с терроризмом - ТАСС
23/12/16 12:49 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Интерфакс Путин и Нетаньяху обсудили вопросы взаимодействия в борьбе с терроризмом ТАСС МОСКВА, 23 декабря. /ТАСС/. Президент России Владимир Путин и премьер-министр Израи...
23/12/16 12:49 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Интерфакс Путин и Нетаньяху обсудили вопросы взаимодействия в борьбе с терроризмом ТАСС МОСКВА, 23 декабря. /ТАСС/. Президент России Владимир Путин и премьер-министр Израи...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Ties to Putin - Miami Herald
23/12/16 12:48 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Ties to Putin Miami Herald Although I am liberal in my outlook, and an Obama supporter, I had to concede that there was some merit to his argument — until I read the final...
23/12/16 12:48 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Ties to Putin Miami Herald Although I am liberal in my outlook, and an Obama supporter, I had to concede that there was some merit to his argument — until I read the final...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Константин Боровой: "У Путина только один способ уйти от ответственности — физическая смерть" - Fakty.ua
23/12/16 12:48 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Fakty.ua Константин Боровой: "У Путина только один способ уйти от ответственности — физическая смерть" Fakty.ua Данный вирус — доминирования, главенствования, по...
23/12/16 12:48 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Fakty.ua Константин Боровой: "У Путина только один способ уйти от ответственности — физическая смерть" Fakty.ua Данный вирус — доминирования, главенствования, по...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Кирби опроверг суждение Путина о военном превосходстве России - Lenta.ru
23/12/16 12:48 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Lenta.ru Кирби опроверг суждение Путина о военном превосходстве России Lenta.ru Официальный представитель Госдепартамента США не согласился с мнением российского президент...
23/12/16 12:48 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Lenta.ru Кирби опроверг суждение Путина о военном превосходстве России Lenta.ru Официальный представитель Госдепартамента США не согласился с мнением российского президент...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Putin to Democratic Party: You lost, get over it - Washington Post
23/12/16 12:47 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Washington Post Putin to Democratic Party: You lost, get over it Washington Post Terrorism and President-elect Donald Trump are bound to come up when President Vladimir Pu...
23/12/16 12:47 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Washington Post Putin to Democratic Party: You lost, get over it Washington Post Terrorism and President-elect Donald Trump are bound to come up when President Vladimir Pu...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Trump, Syria, hacking and terrorism in play as Russia's Putin meets the press - Washington Post
23/12/16 12:47 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Washington Post Trump, Syria, hacking and terrorism in play as Russia's Putin meets the press Washington Post Terrorism and President-elect Donald Trump are bound to come ...
23/12/16 12:47 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Washington Post Trump, Syria, hacking and terrorism in play as Russia's Putin meets the press Washington Post Terrorism and President-elect Donald Trump are bound to come ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Vladimir Putin updates Russia and the world at annual press conference - live - Telegraph.co.uk
23/12/16 12:46 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Vladimir Putin updates Russia and the world at annual press conference - live Telegraph.co.uk Mr Putin's marathon question and answer sessions are a rare chance for foreig...
23/12/16 12:46 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Vladimir Putin updates Russia and the world at annual press conference - live Telegraph.co.uk Mr Putin's marathon question and answer sessions are a rare chance for foreig...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Путин назвал убедительными материалы по делу Улюкаева - BBC Russian
23/12/16 12:46 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. BBC Russian Путин назвал убедительными материалы по делу Улюкаева BBC Russian Вместо этого Путин начал говорить про важность расследования громких уголовных дел и сказал, ...
23/12/16 12:46 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. BBC Russian Путин назвал убедительными материалы по делу Улюкаева BBC Russian Вместо этого Путин начал говорить про важность расследования громких уголовных дел и сказал, ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Онлайн пресс-конференции Путина. Что он говорит и что это означает - Новое Время
23/12/16 12:45 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Новое Время Онлайн пресс-конференции Путина . Что он говорит и что это означает Новое Время ... показывают Шойгу, который отчитывается перед Путиным о победе в Алеппо. Шой...
23/12/16 12:45 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Новое Время Онлайн пресс-конференции Путина . Что он говорит и что это означает Новое Время ... показывают Шойгу, который отчитывается перед Путиным о победе в Алеппо. Шой...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Путин назвал «нецелесообразными» досрочные президентские выборы - РБК
23/12/16 12:45 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Вести.Ru Путин назвал «нецелесообразными» досрочные президентские выборы РБК Проведение досрочных президентских выборов в России — это «нецелесообразное» предложение. Об э...
23/12/16 12:45 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Вести.Ru Путин назвал «нецелесообразными» досрочные президентские выборы РБК Проведение досрочных президентских выборов в России — это «нецелесообразное» предложение. Об э...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Putin hails Aleppo recapture, moves to expand Syria presence - SBS
23/12/16 12:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. SBS Putin hails Aleppo recapture, moves to expand Syria presence SBS Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday the recapture of the devastated city of Aleppo by Syrian ...
23/12/16 12:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. SBS Putin hails Aleppo recapture, moves to expand Syria presence SBS Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday the recapture of the devastated city of Aleppo by Syrian ...
» mikenov on Twitter: Три признания Путина: https://t.co/PT6V3COI2H
23/12/16 12:29 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Три признания Путина: https://t.co/PT6V3COI2H Posted by mikenov on Fri Dec 23 17:29:55 2016. mikenov on Twitter
23/12/16 12:29 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Три признания Путина: https://t.co/PT6V3COI2H Posted by mikenov on Fri Dec 23 17:29:55 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: лицо путина - Google News: Три признания Путина - Росбалт.RU
23/12/16 12:29 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia News Review. Росбалт.RU Три признания Путина Росбалт.RU Прокремлевские эксперты делятся, как известно, на две группы: дружественные режиму, однако желающие сохранить лицо , и просто дружественные — ...
23/12/16 12:29 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia News Review. Росбалт.RU Три признания Путина Росбалт.RU Прокремлевские эксперты делятся, как известно, на две группы: дружественные режиму, однако желающие сохранить лицо , и просто дружественные — ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Lenta.ru : Новости: Улюкаев попросил исключить его из состава набсовета ВТБ
23/12/16 12:28 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia News Review. Бывший глава Минэкономразвития Алексей Улюкаев направил в ВТБ заявление о добровольном выходе из состава наблюдательного совета. Улюкаев был задержан 15 ноября по подозрению в получении...
23/12/16 12:28 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia News Review. Бывший глава Минэкономразвития Алексей Улюкаев направил в ВТБ заявление о добровольном выходе из состава наблюдательного совета. Улюкаев был задержан 15 ноября по подозрению в получении...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Российская Газета: Названа причина возгорания на Останкинской телебашне
23/12/16 12:26 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia News Review. Названа причина возгорания на Останкинской телебашне Российская Газета Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
23/12/16 12:26 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia News Review. Названа причина возгорания на Останкинской телебашне Российская Газета Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Berlin Truck Attack Suspect Killed in Shootout
23/12/16 12:26 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. The hunt for a Tunisian man suspected of carrying out the truck attack on a Christmas market in Berlin ended when he died in a shootout with police in Milan, leaving questions as to how ...
23/12/16 12:26 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. The hunt for a Tunisian man suspected of carrying out the truck attack on a Christmas market in Berlin ended when he died in a shootout with police in Milan, leaving questions as to how ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Putin, in letter to Trump this month, sought 'new level' of ties: Trump team
23/12/16 12:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a letter to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump this month, sought bilateral cooperation and a "new level" of U.S.-Russian relat...
23/12/16 12:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a letter to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump this month, sought bilateral cooperation and a "new level" of U.S.-Russian relat...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Emptied East Aleppo Now Regime-Controlled, But Syria's Civil War Rages On - NPR
23/12/16 12:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. NPR Emptied East Aleppo Now Regime-Controlled, But Syria's Civil War Rages On NPR The last rebels and civilians fleeing eastern Aleppo rode out of the city on Thursday night, bringing to...
23/12/16 12:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. NPR Emptied East Aleppo Now Regime-Controlled, But Syria's Civil War Rages On NPR The last rebels and civilians fleeing eastern Aleppo rode out of the city on Thursday night, bringing to...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Israel blasts US over UN vote on settlements - BBC News
23/12/16 12:24 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. ABC News Israel blasts US over UN vote on settlements BBC News Israel has reacted furiously over a renewed bid to bring a resolution condemning settlements on occupied land before the UN...
23/12/16 12:24 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. ABC News Israel blasts US over UN vote on settlements BBC News Israel has reacted furiously over a renewed bid to bring a resolution condemning settlements on occupied land before the UN...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: US, Russia in exchange of words over nuclear
23/12/16 12:24 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Middle East News. U.S. President-elect Donald Trump called for an expansion of the United States’ nuclear capabilities on Dec. 22, to which Russian President Vladimir Putin said there was “nothing unusual”...
23/12/16 12:24 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Middle East News. U.S. President-elect Donald Trump called for an expansion of the United States’ nuclear capabilities on Dec. 22, to which Russian President Vladimir Putin said there was “nothing unusual”...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Libya Malta hijack: Hijackers arrested as drama ends peacefully
23/12/16 12:23 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. The hijackers of a Libyan jet with 118 people aboard are arrested at Malta International Airport. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
23/12/16 12:23 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. The hijackers of a Libyan jet with 118 people aboard are arrested at Malta International Airport. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Syrian rebels shell Aleppo after withdrawal
23/12/16 12:23 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian rebels shelled Aleppo on Friday, killing three people, state television reported, a day after insurgents finished withdrawing from their last pocket of territor...
23/12/16 12:23 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian rebels shelled Aleppo on Friday, killing three people, state television reported, a day after insurgents finished withdrawing from their last pocket of territor...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Sputnik International: Russia Seeking New Constructive Relations With Washington - Kremlin Spokesman
23/12/16 12:22 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia News Review. According to the Kremlin spokesman, Moscow is seeking new constructive relations with the United States. Sputnik International Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
23/12/16 12:22 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia News Review. According to the Kremlin spokesman, Moscow is seeking new constructive relations with the United States. Sputnik International Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Trump praises letter from Putin: 'His thoughts are so correct'
23/12/16 12:22 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. President-elect Donald Trump on Friday shared a letter he received from Russian President Vladimir Putin, who offered Trump his "warmest Christmas and New Year greetings" and urged the n...
23/12/16 12:22 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. President-elect Donald Trump on Friday shared a letter he received from Russian President Vladimir Putin, who offered Trump his "warmest Christmas and New Year greetings" and urged the n...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Berlin truck attack suspect shot dead by police in Italy
23/12/16 12:22 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. MILAN (Reuters) - Italian police shot dead the man believed responsible for this week's Berlin Christmas market truck attack, killing him after he pulled a gun on them during a routine c...
23/12/16 12:22 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. MILAN (Reuters) - Italian police shot dead the man believed responsible for this week's Berlin Christmas market truck attack, killing him after he pulled a gun on them during a routine c...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Trump to NBC: Let there be an arms race
23/12/16 12:21 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. Incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer defended Donald Trump's reported comment about an "arms race" and said the President-elect will do whatever it takes to keep America safe...
23/12/16 12:21 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. Incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer defended Donald Trump's reported comment about an "arms race" and said the President-elect will do whatever it takes to keep America safe...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: The Latest: In video, Amri pledges allegiance to IS group
23/12/16 12:21 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. The Latest on the investigation into the deadly truck attack on a Berlin Christmas market (all times local): Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
23/12/16 12:21 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. The Latest on the investigation into the deadly truck attack on a Berlin Christmas market (all times local): Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Trump releases letter from Putin asking to 'restore' U.S.-Russia relationship
23/12/16 12:21 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. President-elect Donald Trump on Friday released a holiday letter he received from Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying he hopes the U.S. and Russia will be able to “live up to” the o...
23/12/16 12:21 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. President-elect Donald Trump on Friday released a holiday letter he received from Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying he hopes the U.S. and Russia will be able to “live up to” the o...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Donald Trump Complains in Tweet About Son's Fundraising
23/12/16 12:19 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. Eric Trump said he would stop soliciting donations for his foundation. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
23/12/16 12:19 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. Eric Trump said he would stop soliciting donations for his foundation. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: CIA director urges caution in responding to Russian cyberattacks
23/12/16 12:18 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. CIA director John Brennan said the U.S. should be cautious in responding to Russia’s attempts to meddle with the presidential election through cyberattacks and not retaliate using the sa...
23/12/16 12:18 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. CIA director John Brennan said the U.S. should be cautious in responding to Russia’s attempts to meddle with the presidential election through cyberattacks and not retaliate using the sa...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: U.N. Security Council to vote Friday on end to Israeli settlements
23/12/16 12:17 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The U.N. Security Council will vote on Friday on a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements, a day after Egypt withdrew the measure under pressure fr...
23/12/16 12:17 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The U.N. Security Council will vote on Friday on a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements, a day after Egypt withdrew the measure under pressure fr...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Azerbaijan extends BP’s deal for giant oilfields until 2050
23/12/16 12:13 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Middle East News. Oil major BP has agreed with Azerbaijan to extend a contract to develop the country’s biggest fields by a quarter of a century to 2050 in a move to unlock billions of dollars of fresh inv...
23/12/16 12:13 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Middle East News. Oil major BP has agreed with Azerbaijan to extend a contract to develop the country’s biggest fields by a quarter of a century to 2050 in a move to unlock billions of dollars of fresh inv...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Israeli and Palestinian officials agree: Obama's the worst
23/12/16 12:12 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. Israel slammed the Obama administration on Friday for failing to voice opposition to a draft UN resolution condemning settlement construction. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
23/12/16 12:12 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. Israel slammed the Obama administration on Friday for failing to voice opposition to a draft UN resolution condemning settlement construction. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» mikenov on Twitter: RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Putin: "Поймали"... "About love? What can be said ... https://t.co/IDYizyRjaN
23/12/16 11:15 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Putin: "Поймали"... "About love? What can be said ... https://t.co/IDYizyRjaN Posted by mikenov on Fri Dec 23 16:15:02 2016. mikenov on Twitter
23/12/16 11:15 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Putin: "Поймали"... "About love? What can be said ... https://t.co/IDYizyRjaN Posted by mikenov on Fri Dec 23 16:15:02 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Trump convenes Pentagon brass 'to bring costs down' https://t.co/7p3niATitb
22/12/16 18:48 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Trump convenes Pentagon brass 'to bring costs down' https://t.co/7p3niATitb Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 23:48:08 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 18:48 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Trump convenes Pentagon brass 'to bring costs down' https://t.co/7p3niATitb Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 23:48:08 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Edward Snowden News: Declassified Report Claims NSA Whistleblower Has Ties to Russian Intelligence, He Responds - International Business Times
22/12/16 18:01 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from nsa contractor - Google News. International Business Times Edward Snowden News: Declassified Report Claims NSA Whistleblower Has Ties to Russian Intelligence, He Responds International Business Times On Th...
22/12/16 18:01 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from nsa contractor - Google News. International Business Times Edward Snowden News: Declassified Report Claims NSA Whistleblower Has Ties to Russian Intelligence, He Responds International Business Times On Th...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Facing Criticism, Eric Trump Will Stop Actively Fundraising For His Foundation - NPR
22/12/16 18:00 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. NPR Facing Criticism, Eric Trump Will Stop Actively Fundraising For His Foundation NPR In the midst of multiple fundraising attempts that raised questions about whether the Trump famil...
22/12/16 18:00 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. NPR Facing Criticism, Eric Trump Will Stop Actively Fundraising For His Foundation NPR In the midst of multiple fundraising attempts that raised questions about whether the Trump famil...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Russia's Deadly Mideast Game - Bloomberg
22/12/16 17:59 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia influence in Eastern Europe - Google News. Bloomberg Russia's Deadly Mideast Game Bloomberg “ Russia's antiterrorist operation in Syria and the success of its mediation with OPEC shows that its infl...
22/12/16 17:59 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia influence in Eastern Europe - Google News. Bloomberg Russia's Deadly Mideast Game Bloomberg “ Russia's antiterrorist operation in Syria and the success of its mediation with OPEC shows that its infl...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Database Tracks History Of US Meddling In Foreign Elections - NPR
22/12/16 17:58 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from elections - Google News. Database Tracks History Of US Meddling In Foreign Elections NPR Email. December 22, 20164:28 PM ET. Heard on All Things Considered. NPR's Ari Shapiro talks to Carnegie Mellon Unive...
22/12/16 17:58 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from elections - Google News. Database Tracks History Of US Meddling In Foreign Elections NPR Email. December 22, 20164:28 PM ET. Heard on All Things Considered. NPR's Ari Shapiro talks to Carnegie Mellon Unive...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Trump's White House press shop intends to change status quo - The Hill
22/12/16 17:58 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. The Hill Trump's White House press shop intends to change status quo The Hill The structure of the team is changing from past administrations in order to address the needs of the...
22/12/16 17:58 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. The Hill Trump's White House press shop intends to change status quo The Hill The structure of the team is changing from past administrations in order to address the needs of the...
» mikenov on Twitter: Syrian Government Declares It Has Retaken Aleppo https://t.co/n3BZTASXTn via @nytvideo
22/12/16 17:43 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Syrian Government Declares It Has Retaken Aleppo https://t.co/n3BZTASXTn via @nytvideo Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 22:43:59 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 17:43 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Syrian Government Declares It Has Retaken Aleppo https://t.co/n3BZTASXTn via @nytvideo Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 22:43:59 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Sen. Lindsey Graham stands at the heart of Republican discord on Trump and Russia https://t.co/SlLo2asY6P
22/12/16 17:38 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Sen. Lindsey Graham stands at the heart of Republican discord on Trump and Russia https://t.co/SlLo2asY6P Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 22:38:29 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 17:38 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Sen. Lindsey Graham stands at the heart of Republican discord on Trump and Russia https://t.co/SlLo2asY6P Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 22:38:29 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Via @NPR: Database Tracks History Of U.S. Meddling In Foreign Elections https://t.co/StDHr7sjGP
22/12/16 17:13 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Via @NPR: Database Tracks History Of U.S. Meddling In Foreign Elections https://t.co/StDHr7sjGP Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 22:13:12 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 17:13 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Via @NPR: Database Tracks History Of U.S. Meddling In Foreign Elections https://t.co/StDHr7sjGP Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 22:13:12 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: In realist foreign policy, Obama found limits
22/12/16 15:47 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 3:48 p.m. EST. WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama's foreign policy legacy may be defined as much by what he didn't do as by what he did.... Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
22/12/16 15:47 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 3:48 p.m. EST. WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama's foreign policy legacy may be defined as much by what he didn't do as by what he did.... Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: America’s Cyber Security Dilemma — and A Way Out
22/12/16 15:31 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Defense One - All Content. Establishing internationally accepted rules for the conduct and legitimacy of engaging in cyberattacks could go a long way toward reducing the risks of today's relatively unrestr...
22/12/16 15:31 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Defense One - All Content. Establishing internationally accepted rules for the conduct and legitimacy of engaging in cyberattacks could go a long way toward reducing the risks of today's relatively unrestr...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Trump names RNC's Spicer as press secretary
22/12/16 15:26 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. President-elect Donald Trump has appointed Republican National Committee communications director Sean Spicer to serve as White House press secretary Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
22/12/16 15:26 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. President-elect Donald Trump has appointed Republican National Committee communications director Sean Spicer to serve as White House press secretary Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: WATCH: Road to the White House: A Year in Review
22/12/16 15:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. A wrapup of the historic and unpredictable events on the campaign trail in the 2016 presidential election. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
22/12/16 15:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. A wrapup of the historic and unpredictable events on the campaign trail in the 2016 presidential election. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: psychoanalysis of Donald Trump - Google News: Donald Trump's doctor breaks his silence - PBS NewsHour
22/12/16 15:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Trump. PBS NewsHour Donald Trump's doctor breaks his silence PBS NewsHour NEW YORK — On a frigid December afternoon, Dr. Harold Bornstein was talking about his most famous patient, President-elect Donald T...
22/12/16 15:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Trump. PBS NewsHour Donald Trump's doctor breaks his silence PBS NewsHour NEW YORK — On a frigid December afternoon, Dr. Harold Bornstein was talking about his most famous patient, President-elect Donald T...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: putin and trump - Google News: Trump and Putin say on the same day they want to build up nukes - New York Daily News
22/12/16 15:24 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Trump. New York Daily News Trump and Putin say on the same day they want to build up nukes New York Daily News Welp — Donald Trump is tweeting about nukes and Vladimir Putin is talking about them. The Amer...
22/12/16 15:24 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Trump. New York Daily News Trump and Putin say on the same day they want to build up nukes New York Daily News Welp — Donald Trump is tweeting about nukes and Vladimir Putin is talking about them. The Amer...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: putin and trump - Google News: Trump, Putin both seek to boost their nuclear capability - CNN
22/12/16 15:23 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Trump. CNN Trump , Putin both seek to boost their nuclear capability CNN The two leaders' remarks on the same day raised questions about the future of US-Russia relations and the prospects of the two power...
22/12/16 15:23 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Trump. CNN Trump , Putin both seek to boost their nuclear capability CNN The two leaders' remarks on the same day raised questions about the future of US-Russia relations and the prospects of the two power...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Goldman Sachs accounts for 24% of Dow's spectacular Trump rally
22/12/16 15:14 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Markets and Business News Review. Donald Trump ran as an outsider who would shake things up. Ironically, Trump's election has seriously lifted up shares of Goldman Sachs, a symbol of the establishment he's...
22/12/16 15:14 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Markets and Business News Review. Donald Trump ran as an outsider who would shake things up. Ironically, Trump's election has seriously lifted up shares of Goldman Sachs, a symbol of the establishment he's...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: boyarism definition - Google Search
22/12/16 15:10 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Boyarism | Define Boyarism at Dictionary.com <a href="http://www.dictionary.com/browse/" rel="nofollow">www.dictionary.com/browse/</a> boyarism Cached Boyarism definition , Russian History. a memb...
22/12/16 15:10 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Boyarism | Define Boyarism at Dictionary.com <a href="http://www.dictionary.com/browse/" rel="nofollow">www.dictionary.com/browse/</a> boyarism Cached Boyarism definition , Russian History. a memb...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: boyarishnik - Google Search
22/12/16 15:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Russia: 41 killed in Siberian town after consuming bath lotion as ... International Business Times UK - Dec 19, 2016 A total of 57 people have also been hospitalised in the Irkutsk neighbourhood of Novo-Lenin...
22/12/16 15:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Russia: 41 killed in Siberian town after consuming bath lotion as ... International Business Times UK - Dec 19, 2016 A total of 57 people have also been hospitalised in the Irkutsk neighbourhood of Novo-Lenin...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Igor Sechin and Rex Tillerson - Google Search
22/12/16 15:07 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Rex Tillerson's Special Friend in the Kremlin New York Times - 11 hours ago The men are captains of the global petroleum industry: Rex W. Tillerson , the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, and Igor I. Sechin , t...
22/12/16 15:07 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Rex Tillerson's Special Friend in the Kremlin New York Times - 11 hours ago The men are captains of the global petroleum industry: Rex W. Tillerson , the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, and Igor I. Sechin , t...
» mikenov on Twitter: News Reviews and Opinions: » Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Over 20 Civilians ... https://t.co/6knfyuuSh2
22/12/16 14:57 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
News Reviews and Opinions: » Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Over 20 Civilians ... https://t.co/6knfyuuSh2 Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 19:57:13 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 14:57 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
News Reviews and Opinions: » Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Over 20 Civilians ... https://t.co/6knfyuuSh2 Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 19:57:13 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Over 20 Civilians Killed by Turkish...
22/12/16 14:14 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Google News. Over 20 Civilians Killed by Turkish Strikes in Al-Bab – Kurdish Politician Sputnik International - 1 hour ago The Turkish Air Force has been carrying out airstrikes i...
22/12/16 14:14 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Google News. Over 20 Civilians Killed by Turkish Strikes in Al-Bab – Kurdish Politician Sputnik International - 1 hour ago The Turkish Air Force has been carrying out airstrikes i...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Russia denies discussing Assad's future with Iran and Turkey - Syria
22/12/16 14:10 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Russia is not discussing the future of Syrian President Bashar Assad in its talks with Iran and Turkey, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Thursday. The foreign and defense ministers of Russia, Ir...
22/12/16 14:10 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Russia is not discussing the future of Syrian President Bashar Assad in its talks with Iran and Turkey, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Thursday. The foreign and defense ministers of Russia, Ir...
» mikenov on Twitter: Russia denies discussing Assad's future with Iran and Turkey https://t.co/cXcWEbPLWU
22/12/16 14:10 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Russia denies discussing Assad's future with Iran and Turkey https://t.co/cXcWEbPLWU Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 19:10:13 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 14:10 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Russia denies discussing Assad's future with Iran and Turkey https://t.co/cXcWEbPLWU Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 19:10:13 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Trump and Israel on a Collision Course with Obama over UN Resolution
22/12/16 13:46 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Donald Trump is calling on the Obama administration to veto a now-delayed U.N. resolution regarding Israeli settlements, weighing in on one of the most significant pressure points in U.S. foreign policy just ...
22/12/16 13:46 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Donald Trump is calling on the Obama administration to veto a now-delayed U.N. resolution regarding Israeli settlements, weighing in on one of the most significant pressure points in U.S. foreign policy just ...
» mikenov on Twitter: Trump and Israel are a collision course with Obama over UN resolution https://t.co/K224FD5orE via @nbcnews
22/12/16 13:45 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Trump and Israel are a collision course with Obama over UN resolution https://t.co/K224FD5orE via @nbcnews Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 18:45:39 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 13:45 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Trump and Israel are a collision course with Obama over UN resolution https://t.co/K224FD5orE via @nbcnews Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 18:45:39 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Trump Pressures Obama Over U.N. Resolution on Israeli Settlements https://t.co/nUFfqATAgd
22/12/16 13:44 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Trump Pressures Obama Over U.N. Resolution on Israeli Settlements https://t.co/nUFfqATAgd Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 18:44:59 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 13:44 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Trump Pressures Obama Over U.N. Resolution on Israeli Settlements https://t.co/nUFfqATAgd Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 18:44:59 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Egypt, pressured by Israel, delays UN...
22/12/16 13:44 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Google News. Egypt, pressured by Israel, delays UN vote on settlements - diplomats Yahoo News UK - 32 minutes ago FILE PHOTO - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) stands next ...
22/12/16 13:44 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Google News. Egypt, pressured by Israel, delays UN vote on settlements - diplomats Yahoo News UK - 32 minutes ago FILE PHOTO - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) stands next ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Would a US embassy in Jerusalem bring...
22/12/16 13:43 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Google News. Would a US embassy in Jerusalem bring peace to the region? Christian Science Monitor - 1 hour ago The Israeli ambassador to the US said it would in a speech he gave Tuesday...
22/12/16 13:43 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Google News. Would a US embassy in Jerusalem bring peace to the region? Christian Science Monitor - 1 hour ago The Israeli ambassador to the US said it would in a speech he gave Tuesday...
» mikenov on Twitter: President Obama’s legacy: A new center-right coalition https://t.co/RHnktIXYRa
22/12/16 13:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
President Obama’s legacy: A new center-right coalition https://t.co/RHnktIXYRa Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 18:41:34 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 13:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
President Obama’s legacy: A new center-right coalition https://t.co/RHnktIXYRa Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 18:41:34 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: For Trump and Putin, parallels to FDR and Stalin | TheHill
22/12/16 13:40 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . For Trump and Putin, parallels to FDR and Stalin By Thomas McArdle, contributor - 12/22/16 09:21 AM EST 46 6 AddThis Sharing Buttons Share to Facebook Facebook 6 Share to Twitter Twitter Share to Google+ Goog...
22/12/16 13:40 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . For Trump and Putin, parallels to FDR and Stalin By Thomas McArdle, contributor - 12/22/16 09:21 AM EST 46 6 AddThis Sharing Buttons Share to Facebook Facebook 6 Share to Twitter Twitter Share to Google+ Goog...
» mikenov on Twitter: For Trump and Putin, parallels to FDR and Stalin https://t.co/moTrcwDTv8
22/12/16 13:32 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
For Trump and Putin, parallels to FDR and Stalin https://t.co/moTrcwDTv8 Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 18:32:20 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 13:32 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
For Trump and Putin, parallels to FDR and Stalin https://t.co/moTrcwDTv8 Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 18:32:20 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Foreign Influencing Goes Far, Far Beyond Russian Hack Attacks
22/12/16 13:17 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Foreign Influencing Goes Far, Far Beyond Russian Hack Attacks Highlight text to share via Facebook and Twitter &amp;amp;lt;img alt="" height="1" src="http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&amp;...
22/12/16 13:17 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Foreign Influencing Goes Far, Far Beyond Russian Hack Attacks Highlight text to share via Facebook and Twitter &amp;amp;lt;img alt="" height="1" src="http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&amp;...
» mikenov on Twitter: Foreign Influencing Goes Far, Far Beyond Russian Hack Attacks https://t.co/JVEj1nR30z via @HuffPostPol
22/12/16 13:14 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Foreign Influencing Goes Far, Far Beyond Russian Hack Attacks https://t.co/JVEj1nR30z via @HuffPostPol Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 18:14:00 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 13:14 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Foreign Influencing Goes Far, Far Beyond Russian Hack Attacks https://t.co/JVEj1nR30z via @HuffPostPol Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 18:14:00 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Rex Tillerson’s Special Friend in the Kremlin https://t.co/ghpspTGPOD
22/12/16 12:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Rex Tillerson’s Special Friend in the Kremlin https://t.co/ghpspTGPOD Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 17:04:04 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 12:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Rex Tillerson’s Special Friend in the Kremlin https://t.co/ghpspTGPOD Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 17:04:04 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The day Donald Trump came to Moscow: oligarchs, Miss Universe and Nobu https://t.co/jGEM8KM9O7 via @business
22/12/16 11:43 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
The day Donald Trump came to Moscow: oligarchs, Miss Universe and Nobu https://t.co/jGEM8KM9O7 via @business Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 16:43:11 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 11:43 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
The day Donald Trump came to Moscow: oligarchs, Miss Universe and Nobu https://t.co/jGEM8KM9O7 via @business Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 16:43:11 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @POLITICOEurope: Edward Snowden is in contact with Russian agents, claims US House report https://t.co/P5nUhcrrrc https://t.co/bANSuLmHzE
22/12/16 11:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @POLITICOEurope: Edward Snowden is in contact with Russian agents, claims US House report https://t.co/P5nUhcrrrc https://t.co/bANSuLmHzE Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 16:41:42 2016. 11 retweets mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 11:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @POLITICOEurope: Edward Snowden is in contact with Russian agents, claims US House report https://t.co/P5nUhcrrrc https://t.co/bANSuLmHzE Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 16:41:42 2016. 11 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @guardian: India currency note ban sparks ‘dramatic fall’ in sex trafficking https://t.co/A7YPbH6zMH
22/12/16 11:39 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @guardian: India currency note ban sparks ‘dramatic fall’ in sex trafficking https://t.co/A7YPbH6zMH Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 16:39:54 2016. 44 retweets mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 11:39 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @guardian: India currency note ban sparks ‘dramatic fall’ in sex trafficking https://t.co/A7YPbH6zMH Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 16:39:54 2016. 44 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Analysis: New budget lets Netanyahu rest easy https://t.co/zFEgryNeEq #IsraelNews https://t.co/EdVep8XKfT
22/12/16 11:39 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @Jerusalem_Post: Analysis: New budget lets Netanyahu rest easy https://t.co/zFEgryNeEq #IsraelNews https://t.co/EdVep8XKfT Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 16:39:13 2016. 3 retweets mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 11:39 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @Jerusalem_Post: Analysis: New budget lets Netanyahu rest easy https://t.co/zFEgryNeEq #IsraelNews https://t.co/EdVep8XKfT Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 16:39:13 2016. 3 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Investigate Russian Hacking the Right Way https://t.co/IzH0CdJcKa
22/12/16 11:27 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Investigate Russian Hacking the Right Way https://t.co/IzH0CdJcKa Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 16:27:50 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 11:27 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Investigate Russian Hacking the Right Way https://t.co/IzH0CdJcKa Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 16:27:50 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Room for Debate: Since the Fall of the Soviet Union https://t.co/rps6hXu2j6
22/12/16 11:26 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Room for Debate: Since the Fall of the Soviet Union https://t.co/rps6hXu2j6 Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 16:26:07 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 11:26 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Room for Debate: Since the Fall of the Soviet Union https://t.co/rps6hXu2j6 Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 16:26:07 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Room for Debate: The U.S. Was Wrong to Think Russia Was No Longer a Player https://t.co/0WdYvHbZiE
22/12/16 11:23 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Room for Debate: The U.S. Was Wrong to Think Russia Was No Longer a Player https://t.co/0WdYvHbZiE Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 16:23:03 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 11:23 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Room for Debate: The U.S. Was Wrong to Think Russia Was No Longer a Player https://t.co/0WdYvHbZiE Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 16:23:03 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Cyberwar - https://t.co/UavQEX0khf
22/12/16 11:11 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Cyberwar - https://t.co/UavQEX0khf Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 16:11:11 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 11:11 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Cyberwar - https://t.co/UavQEX0khf Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 16:11:11 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: How Donald Trump exiled the political class https://t.co/G69bVf9flG
22/12/16 10:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
How Donald Trump exiled the political class https://t.co/G69bVf9flG Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 15:09:22 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 10:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
How Donald Trump exiled the political class https://t.co/G69bVf9flG Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 15:09:22 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: For Trump, It’s Payback Time: https://t.co/0SmqHPna4k
22/12/16 09:48 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
For Trump, It’s Payback Time: https://t.co/0SmqHPna4k Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 14:48:34 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 09:48 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
For Trump, It’s Payback Time: https://t.co/0SmqHPna4k Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 14:48:34 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Donald Trump unlikely to bring radical change in US policy: Russia https://t.co/pRiIdfPI4K
22/12/16 09:44 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Donald Trump unlikely to bring radical change in US policy: Russia https://t.co/pRiIdfPI4K Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 14:44:55 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 09:44 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Donald Trump unlikely to bring radical change in US policy: Russia https://t.co/pRiIdfPI4K Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 14:44:55 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Don’t Be Putin’s Useful Idiot https://t.co/yhRS7jAUNj
22/12/16 09:38 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Don’t Be Putin’s Useful Idiot https://t.co/yhRS7jAUNj Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 14:38:59 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 09:38 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Don’t Be Putin’s Useful Idiot https://t.co/yhRS7jAUNj Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 14:38:59 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: BBC News - Russia used Syria as live-fire training - US general https://t.co/0ynzwsgDCZ
22/12/16 09:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
BBC News - Russia used Syria as live-fire training - US general https://t.co/0ynzwsgDCZ Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 14:25:34 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 09:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
BBC News - Russia used Syria as live-fire training - US general https://t.co/0ynzwsgDCZ Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 14:25:34 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Chicago's Valerie Jarrett reflects on 8 years in Obama's White House https://t.co/1Gfom5sW6H
22/12/16 08:38 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Chicago's Valerie Jarrett reflects on 8 years in Obama's White House https://t.co/1Gfom5sW6H Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 13:38:38 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 08:38 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Chicago's Valerie Jarrett reflects on 8 years in Obama's White House https://t.co/1Gfom5sW6H Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 13:38:38 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Chicago's Valerie Jarrett reflects on 8 years in Obama's White House
22/12/16 08:37 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . close dialog None None None None None None None Signed in as mikenova Share this story on NewsBlur Shared stories are on their way... Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
22/12/16 08:37 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . close dialog None None None None None None None Signed in as mikenova Share this story on NewsBlur Shared stories are on their way... Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» mikenov on Twitter: 9 questions about Russia you were too embarrassed to ask https://t.co/SAu52MfbZ7 via @voxdotcom
22/12/16 08:35 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
9 questions about Russia you were too embarrassed to ask https://t.co/SAu52MfbZ7 via @voxdotcom Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 13:35:25 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 08:35 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
9 questions about Russia you were too embarrassed to ask https://t.co/SAu52MfbZ7 via @voxdotcom Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 13:35:25 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Russia says its air strikes in Syria have killed 35,000 rebels https://t.co/2MQ0QjNY6t via @Reuters
22/12/16 08:19 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Russia says its air strikes in Syria have killed 35,000 rebels https://t.co/2MQ0QjNY6t via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 13:19:07 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 08:19 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Russia says its air strikes in Syria have killed 35,000 rebels https://t.co/2MQ0QjNY6t via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 13:19:07 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: James Comey’s year of unintended — and ruinous — consequences https://t.co/PG8AvE3D0q
22/12/16 08:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
James Comey’s year of unintended — and ruinous — consequences https://t.co/PG8AvE3D0q Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 13:09:07 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 08:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
James Comey’s year of unintended — and ruinous — consequences https://t.co/PG8AvE3D0q Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 13:09:07 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The attorney general could have ordered the FBI not to send its bombshell letter on Clinton. Here’s why she didn’t. https://t.co/3HS5it3Exx
22/12/16 07:49 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
The attorney general could have ordered the FBI not to send its bombshell letter on Clinton. Here’s why she didn’t. https://t.co/3HS5it3Exx Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 12:49:07 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 07:49 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
The attorney general could have ordered the FBI not to send its bombshell letter on Clinton. Here’s why she didn’t. https://t.co/3HS5it3Exx Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 12:49:07 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Cybersecurity firm finds evidence that Russian military unit was behind DNC hack https://t.co/RewfxUGSHL
22/12/16 07:31 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Cybersecurity firm finds evidence that Russian military unit was behind DNC hack https://t.co/RewfxUGSHL Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 12:31:28 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 07:31 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Cybersecurity firm finds evidence that Russian military unit was behind DNC hack https://t.co/RewfxUGSHL Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 12:31:28 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Russian hackers tracked Ukrainian artillery units using Android implant: report https://t.co/1XSLxuz3eK via @Reuters
22/12/16 07:13 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Russian hackers tracked Ukrainian artillery units using Android implant: report https://t.co/1XSLxuz3eK via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 12:13:35 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 07:13 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Russian hackers tracked Ukrainian artillery units using Android implant: report https://t.co/1XSLxuz3eK via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 12:13:35 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Russia lays to rest murdered Turkey envoy with full honors https://t.co/nJiEzphRXU via @Reuters
22/12/16 07:13 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Russia lays to rest murdered Turkey envoy with full honors https://t.co/nJiEzphRXU via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 12:13:06 2016. mikenov on Twitter
22/12/16 07:13 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Russia lays to rest murdered Turkey envoy with full honors https://t.co/nJiEzphRXU via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 12:13:06 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Donald Trump is holding a government casting call. He's seeking 'the look.' - Washington Post
21/12/16 21:12 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. Washington Post Donald Trump is holding a government casting call. He's seeking 'the look.' Washington Post Donald Trump believes that those who aspire to the most visible spots in his...
21/12/16 21:12 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. Washington Post Donald Trump is holding a government casting call. He's seeking 'the look.' Washington Post Donald Trump believes that those who aspire to the most visible spots in his...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Iran: Naval Bases in Syria and in Yemen? - Canada Free Press
21/12/16 21:11 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Yemen Saudi Arabia Iran - Google News. Iran : Naval Bases in Syria and in Yemen ? Canada Free Press The fleet's principal role is to protect Iran's oil assets, which for the most part are located in the Gu...
21/12/16 21:11 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Yemen Saudi Arabia Iran - Google News. Iran : Naval Bases in Syria and in Yemen ? Canada Free Press The fleet's principal role is to protect Iran's oil assets, which for the most part are located in the Gu...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Can US election hack be traced to Russia? - BBC News
21/12/16 21:11 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from US elections and russia - Google News. Can US election hack be traced to Russia ? BBC News US President Barack Obama has directed his intelligence agencies to declassify as much as possible of their review...
21/12/16 21:11 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from US elections and russia - Google News. Can US election hack be traced to Russia ? BBC News US President Barack Obama has directed his intelligence agencies to declassify as much as possible of their review...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Gang violence led to shooting of Mount Vernon police officer - Q13 FOX
21/12/16 21:10 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from police officers shootings - Google News. Q13 FOX Gang violence led to shooting of Mount Vernon police officer Q13 FOX MOUNT VERNON – One of the teenagers accused in the shooting that critically injured a M...
21/12/16 21:10 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from police officers shootings - Google News. Q13 FOX Gang violence led to shooting of Mount Vernon police officer Q13 FOX MOUNT VERNON – One of the teenagers accused in the shooting that critically injured a M...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Will Trump follow through on the US promise to deploy troops ... - AOL News
21/12/16 21:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump and russia - Google News. AOL News Will Trump follow through on the US promise to deploy troops ... AOL News Donald Trump's actual intentions toward Russia, and whether he prioritizes improving ties ...
21/12/16 21:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump and russia - Google News. AOL News Will Trump follow through on the US promise to deploy troops ... AOL News Donald Trump's actual intentions toward Russia, and whether he prioritizes improving ties ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Risqué Russian 'propaganda' calendar of Syrian women sparks outrage - Newsweek
21/12/16 21:08 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from russia in syria - Google News. Newsweek Risqué Russian 'propaganda' calendar of Syrian women sparks outrage Newsweek A controversial Russian calendar featuring Syrian women making flirty remarks to Russian...
21/12/16 21:08 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from russia in syria - Google News. Newsweek Risqué Russian 'propaganda' calendar of Syrian women sparks outrage Newsweek A controversial Russian calendar featuring Syrian women making flirty remarks to Russian...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: How Russia's Winning The Disinformation War - The National Memo (blog)
21/12/16 21:07 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin fears Clinton - Google News. The National Memo (blog) How Russia's Winning The Disinformation War The National Memo (blog) Watts, who said he has tracked tens of thousands of pro-Russia Twitter handl...
21/12/16 21:07 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin fears Clinton - Google News. The National Memo (blog) How Russia's Winning The Disinformation War The National Memo (blog) Watts, who said he has tracked tens of thousands of pro-Russia Twitter handl...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Trump: 'Strong veterans' don't need mental health services - Blasting News
21/12/16 21:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from 2016 elections and mental health - Google News. Blasting News Trump: 'Strong veterans' don't need mental health services Blasting News The meeting reminded observers of Trump's campaign statement to the ef...
21/12/16 21:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from 2016 elections and mental health - Google News. Blasting News Trump: 'Strong veterans' don't need mental health services Blasting News The meeting reminded observers of Trump's campaign statement to the ef...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Clinton FBI Director Backs Trump's Attorney General Pick Jeff Sessions, Defends His Records on Civil Rights - ABC News
21/12/16 21:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from clinton - Google News. Clinton FBI Director Backs Trump's Attorney General Pick Jeff Sessions, Defends His Records on Civil Rights ABC News The campaign to rally support for Donald Trump's pick to head the...
21/12/16 21:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from clinton - Google News. Clinton FBI Director Backs Trump's Attorney General Pick Jeff Sessions, Defends His Records on Civil Rights ABC News The campaign to rally support for Donald Trump's pick to head the...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: How conservatives will be forced to fall in line behind Trump - Washington Post (blog)
21/12/16 21:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. Washington Post (blog) How conservatives will be forced to fall in line behind Trump Washington Post (blog) Back when Republicans were fretting about Donald Trump's ideological inconsi...
21/12/16 21:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. Washington Post (blog) How conservatives will be forced to fall in line behind Trump Washington Post (blog) Back when Republicans were fretting about Donald Trump's ideological inconsi...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Al-Nusra terrorists claim responsibility for slaying of Russian ambassador in Turkey - Daily Mail
21/12/16 21:05 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from al nusra - Google News. Daily Mail Al - Nusra terrorists claim responsibility for slaying of Russian ambassador in Turkey Daily Mail A statement released by the Syria based al - Nusra front hails the kille...
21/12/16 21:05 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from al nusra - Google News. Daily Mail Al - Nusra terrorists claim responsibility for slaying of Russian ambassador in Turkey Daily Mail A statement released by the Syria based al - Nusra front hails the kille...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Trump Calls Berlin Tragedy 'an Attack on Humanity,' Appears to Double Down on Muslim Ban - ABC News
21/12/16 21:05 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. Trump Calls Berlin Tragedy 'an Attack on Humanity,' Appears to Double Down on Muslim Ban ABC News President-elect Donald Trump called the deadly truck attack in Berlin an "attack ...
21/12/16 21:05 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. Trump Calls Berlin Tragedy 'an Attack on Humanity,' Appears to Double Down on Muslim Ban ABC News President-elect Donald Trump called the deadly truck attack in Berlin an "attack ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Donald Trump and the death of “presidential”: Will this clown destroy what's left of America's prestige? - Salon
21/12/16 21:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from clinton trump debate - Google News. Salon Donald Trump and the death of “presidential”: Will this clown destroy what's left of America's prestige? Salon Based on Trump's remarks about Clinton , including t...
21/12/16 21:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from clinton trump debate - Google News. Salon Donald Trump and the death of “presidential”: Will this clown destroy what's left of America's prestige? Salon Based on Trump's remarks about Clinton , including t...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Did Obama Threaten Vladimir Putin? 'Red Phone' Call Compared 'Armed Conflict' To Russia's Hacking, WikiLeaks ... - The Inquisitr
21/12/16 21:02 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin fears Clinton - Google News. The Inquisitr Did Obama Threaten Vladimir Putin ? 'Red Phone' Call Compared 'Armed Conflict' To Russia's Hacking, WikiLeaks ... The Inquisitr President Barack Obama may h...
21/12/16 21:02 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin fears Clinton - Google News. The Inquisitr Did Obama Threaten Vladimir Putin ? 'Red Phone' Call Compared 'Armed Conflict' To Russia's Hacking, WikiLeaks ... The Inquisitr President Barack Obama may h...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Kremlin says almost all dialogue with US is frozen: RIA - Reuters
21/12/16 21:02 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Reuters Kremlin says almost all dialogue with US is frozen: RIA Reuters Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov speaks during a news briefing on the sidelines of the Russia-ASEAN summit ...
21/12/16 21:02 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Reuters Kremlin says almost all dialogue with US is frozen: RIA Reuters Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov speaks during a news briefing on the sidelines of the Russia-ASEAN summit ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Democrats have new respect for rule of law when it comes to hacking - The Hill (blog)
21/12/16 21:02 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from nsa contractor - Google News. The Hill (blog) Democrats have new respect for rule of law when it comes to hacking The Hill (blog) Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden first revealed the scope of that reali...
21/12/16 21:02 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from nsa contractor - Google News. The Hill (blog) Democrats have new respect for rule of law when it comes to hacking The Hill (blog) Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden first revealed the scope of that reali...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Moscow wants Saudi Arabia to join Russia-Turkey-Iran efforts for Syria peace – UN envoy - RT
21/12/16 21:01 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from russia in syria - Google News. RT Moscow wants Saudi Arabia to join Russia -Turkey-Iran efforts for Syria peace – UN envoy RT The Russia -US talks on resolving the Syrian crisis have stalled, but Churkin s...
21/12/16 21:01 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from russia in syria - Google News. RT Moscow wants Saudi Arabia to join Russia -Turkey-Iran efforts for Syria peace – UN envoy RT The Russia -US talks on resolving the Syrian crisis have stalled, but Churkin s...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Shooting police officers most serious issue - Allentown Morning Call
21/12/16 21:00 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from police officers shootings - Google News. Allentown Morning Call Shooting police officers most serious issue Allentown Morning Call Police officers salute as the casket for Des Moines police officer Sgt. An...
21/12/16 21:00 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from police officers shootings - Google News. Allentown Morning Call Shooting police officers most serious issue Allentown Morning Call Police officers salute as the casket for Des Moines police officer Sgt. An...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Lewandowski brokered Trump-Slim meeting - Politico
21/12/16 21:00 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. Politico Lewandowski brokered Trump -Slim meeting Politico Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump's first campaign manager, brokered the meeting between Mexican telecom billionaire Carlos Sli...
21/12/16 21:00 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. Politico Lewandowski brokered Trump -Slim meeting Politico Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump's first campaign manager, brokered the meeting between Mexican telecom billionaire Carlos Sli...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Dem rep warns Trump: Russia 'disturbing and disruptive' - The Hill
21/12/16 20:59 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump and russia - Google News. Chicago Sun-Times Dem rep warns Trump : Russia 'disturbing and disruptive' The Hill The California lawmaker also slammed recent intelligence reports that concluded Russia ma...
21/12/16 20:59 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump and russia - Google News. Chicago Sun-Times Dem rep warns Trump : Russia 'disturbing and disruptive' The Hill The California lawmaker also slammed recent intelligence reports that concluded Russia ma...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Trouble Grows For Trump As Large Majority Wants Investigation Into Russia Election Meddling - PoliticusUSA
21/12/16 20:42 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump and russia - Google News. PoliticusUSA Trouble Grows For Trump As Large Majority Wants Investigation Into Russia Election Meddling PoliticusUSA Trump's attempts to sway the public away from demanding...
21/12/16 20:42 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump and russia - Google News. PoliticusUSA Trouble Grows For Trump As Large Majority Wants Investigation Into Russia Election Meddling PoliticusUSA Trump's attempts to sway the public away from demanding...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Questions on Karlov killing linger as probe deepens
21/12/16 20:18 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Middle East News. New questions have arisen over the killing of Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrey Karlov, as police deepen their probe with fresh detentions Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 20:18 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Middle East News. New questions have arisen over the killing of Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrey Karlov, as police deepen their probe with fresh detentions Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Hezbollah Is Using U.S.-Made Military Vehicles in Syria, Israel Says
21/12/16 19:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . But it would be an odd turn if weapons supplied by the United States ended up in the hands of militants fighting for Mr. Assad, as the Obama administration has resisted giving some advanced weapons to the Syr...
21/12/16 19:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . But it would be an odd turn if weapons supplied by the United States ended up in the hands of militants fighting for Mr. Assad, as the Obama administration has resisted giving some advanced weapons to the Syr...
» mikenov on Twitter: Hezbollah Is Using U.S.-Made Military Vehicles in Syria, Israel Says https://t.co/aK2Ikdq7lj
21/12/16 19:34 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Hezbollah Is Using U.S.-Made Military Vehicles in Syria, Israel Says https://t.co/aK2Ikdq7lj Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 00:34:24 2016. mikenov on Twitter
21/12/16 19:34 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Hezbollah Is Using U.S.-Made Military Vehicles in Syria, Israel Says https://t.co/aK2Ikdq7lj Posted by mikenov on Thu Dec 22 00:34:24 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: House Intelligence Committee’s King Calls for Investigation of CIA Chief Brennan
21/12/16 18:35 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from LaRouche's Latest. EIR News Service press release. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 18:35 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from LaRouche's Latest. EIR News Service press release. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Dramatic New FOIA Revelations: FBI Still Probed New 9/11 Leads in 2012
21/12/16 18:29 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from LaRouche's Latest. EIR News Service press release. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 18:29 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from LaRouche's Latest. EIR News Service press release. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Obama Threatened Military Attack Over Alleged Russian Cyber Hacking of U.S. Election
21/12/16 18:23 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . PRESS RELEASE Obama Threatened Military Attack Over Alleged Russian Cyber Hacking of U.S. Election Dec. 20, 2016 (EIRNS)—A report posted by NBC News, late yesterday, reveals that President Obama threate...
21/12/16 18:23 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . PRESS RELEASE Obama Threatened Military Attack Over Alleged Russian Cyber Hacking of U.S. Election Dec. 20, 2016 (EIRNS)—A report posted by NBC News, late yesterday, reveals that President Obama threate...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Russia hack shows lack of much behind the curtain
21/12/16 18:15 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . ANALYSIS/OPINION: An anonymous CIA official tells The Washington Post and The New York Times that Russia hacked to elect Donald Trump. Gives zero details. The CIA refuses to meet with the congressional intell...
21/12/16 18:15 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . ANALYSIS/OPINION: An anonymous CIA official tells The Washington Post and The New York Times that Russia hacked to elect Donald Trump. Gives zero details. The CIA refuses to meet with the congressional intell...
» mikenov on Twitter: Russia hack shows lack of much behind the curtain - https://t.co/JqOCf8hoNU - @washtimes
21/12/16 18:08 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Russia hack shows lack of much behind the curtain - https://t.co/JqOCf8hoNU - @washtimes Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 23:08:11 2016. mikenov on Twitter
21/12/16 18:08 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Russia hack shows lack of much behind the curtain - https://t.co/JqOCf8hoNU - @washtimes Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 23:08:11 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Russia’s popularity among Americans sinks to 30-year low, new poll finds https://t.co/wvaJUBh2nT
21/12/16 18:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Russia’s popularity among Americans sinks to 30-year low, new poll finds https://t.co/wvaJUBh2nT Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 23:04:46 2016. mikenov on Twitter
21/12/16 18:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Russia’s popularity among Americans sinks to 30-year low, new poll finds https://t.co/wvaJUBh2nT Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 23:04:46 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: The Most Urgent Questions About the Russia Hacks - The Atlantic
21/12/16 18:02 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. The Atlantic The Most Urgent Questions About the Russia Hacks The Atlantic Although there is still a great deal we don't know and must find out, the Russian hacking of the 2016 Americ...
21/12/16 18:02 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. The Atlantic The Most Urgent Questions About the Russia Hacks The Atlantic Although there is still a great deal we don't know and must find out, the Russian hacking of the 2016 Americ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Russian Presidential Hopeful Slams Kremlin On Syria, Ukraine
21/12/16 18:00 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Russia is fighting on the wrong side in Syria and has turned close neighbor Ukraine into a "hostile state" through its aggression, Kremlin foe Aleksei Navalny has said in...
21/12/16 18:00 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Russia is fighting on the wrong side in Syria and has turned close neighbor Ukraine into a "hostile state" through its aggression, Kremlin foe Aleksei Navalny has said in...
» mikenov on Twitter: Trump, Exceptionalism And Russian Bogeyman In US Foreign Policy – Analysis https://t.co/rNjvffFChB
21/12/16 17:57 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Trump, Exceptionalism And Russian Bogeyman In US Foreign Policy – Analysis https://t.co/rNjvffFChB Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 22:57:18 2016. mikenov on Twitter
21/12/16 17:57 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Trump, Exceptionalism And Russian Bogeyman In US Foreign Policy – Analysis https://t.co/rNjvffFChB Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 22:57:18 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: How Much of a Military Threat Does Russia Pose to NATO and the US? - Scout
21/12/16 17:44 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from russia analysis - Google News. Scout How Much of a Military Threat Does Russia Pose to NATO and the US? Scout Current tensions between Russia and NATO are leading many to carefully assess this question and...
21/12/16 17:44 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from russia analysis - Google News. Scout How Much of a Military Threat Does Russia Pose to NATO and the US? Scout Current tensions between Russia and NATO are leading many to carefully assess this question and...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Не личности, а идеи: почему Навальный перестал критиковать Путина - РБК
21/12/16 17:44 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from лицо путина - Google News. Не личности, а идеи: почему Навальный перестал критиковать Путина РБК В ходе своего выступления, посвященного решению идти в президенты, Алексей Навальный ни разу не упомянул Вла...
21/12/16 17:44 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from лицо путина - Google News. Не личности, а идеи: почему Навальный перестал критиковать Путина РБК В ходе своего выступления, посвященного решению идти в президенты, Алексей Навальный ни разу не упомянул Вла...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Время Свободы 21 декабря: Уже почти весь кооператив "Озеро" - 21 декабря, 2016
21/12/16 17:43 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Радиопрограммы и подкасты - Радио Свобода. США расширили список российских юридических и физических лиц, против которых введены санкции в ответ на агрессию России на Украине*** Жители поселка Саперное в Ле...
21/12/16 17:43 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Радиопрограммы и подкасты - Радио Свобода. США расширили список российских юридических и физических лиц, против которых введены санкции в ответ на агрессию России на Украине*** Жители поселка Саперное в Ле...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Путин попросил депутатов не допускать на рынок "флакончики за три копейки" - Интерфакс
21/12/16 17:42 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Интерфакс Путин попросил депутатов не допускать на рынок "флакончики за три копейки" Интерфакс "Надо повышать акцизы, к сожалению или к счастью, на алкоголе...
21/12/16 17:42 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Интерфакс Путин попросил депутатов не допускать на рынок "флакончики за три копейки" Интерфакс "Надо повышать акцизы, к сожалению или к счастью, на алкоголе...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Is NATO Doomed? - POLITICO Magazine
21/12/16 17:32 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Nato Russia - Google News. POLITICO Magazine Is NATO Doomed? POLITICO Magazine After retiring from NATO as its second highest military official in 2014, Gen. Sir Richard Shirreff penned the ultimate war ga...
21/12/16 17:32 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Nato Russia - Google News. POLITICO Magazine Is NATO Doomed? POLITICO Magazine After retiring from NATO as its second highest military official in 2014, Gen. Sir Richard Shirreff penned the ultimate war ga...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Is Russia a Military Threat to NATO? - The National Interest Online (blog)
21/12/16 17:29 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Nato Russia - Google News. The National Interest Online (blog) Is Russia a Military Threat to NATO ? The National Interest Online (blog) How much of a threat do Russia's emerging 5th-generation stealth fig...
21/12/16 17:29 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Nato Russia - Google News. The National Interest Online (blog) Is Russia a Military Threat to NATO ? The National Interest Online (blog) How much of a threat do Russia's emerging 5th-generation stealth fig...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: An 'Archduke Ferdinand' Moment, Or Merely Latest Event In Middle East Realpolitik?
21/12/16 17:28 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Fears that the world is in a pre-1914 period -- slowly drifting toward war -- are rife. Then, an assassination became the spark that caused World War I. Now many are aski...
21/12/16 17:28 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Fears that the world is in a pre-1914 period -- slowly drifting toward war -- are rife. Then, an assassination became the spark that caused World War I. Now many are aski...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Состоялась очередная видеоконференция экспертов минобороны РФ и США по вопросам выполнения Меморандума о безопасности полетов в Сирии
21/12/16 17:26 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from RSS. Состоялась очередная видеоконференция экспертов минобороны РФ и США по вопросам выполнения Меморандума о безопасности полетов в Сирии Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 17:26 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from RSS. Состоялась очередная видеоконференция экспертов минобороны РФ и США по вопросам выполнения Меморандума о безопасности полетов в Сирии Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Journalist: Trump Seems 'Willfully Blind' To Putin's Real Goals - NPR
21/12/16 17:18 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Journalist: Trump Seems 'Willfully Blind' To Putin's Real Goals NPR Email. December 21, 20161:51 PM ET. Heard on Fresh Air · Fresh Air. Politico reporter Michael Cr...
21/12/16 17:18 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Journalist: Trump Seems 'Willfully Blind' To Putin's Real Goals NPR Email. December 21, 20161:51 PM ET. Heard on Fresh Air · Fresh Air. Politico reporter Michael Cr...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: US Refutes Russian Claim of Broken Communication
21/12/16 17:18 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. U.S. officials expressed bafflement Wednesday over Kremlin comments that relations between Washington and Moscow are practically frozen. "I was just as much surprised as you," a high-rank...
21/12/16 17:18 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. U.S. officials expressed bafflement Wednesday over Kremlin comments that relations between Washington and Moscow are practically frozen. "I was just as much surprised as you," a high-rank...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Political Satire as Old as Politics
21/12/16 17:17 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. The comic playwright Aristophanes was ridiculing Athenian leaders more than 2,000 years ago in Greece. The "Mother Goose" rhymes of the 1600s were veiled commentary on the social and pol...
21/12/16 17:17 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. The comic playwright Aristophanes was ridiculing Athenian leaders more than 2,000 years ago in Greece. The "Mother Goose" rhymes of the 1600s were veiled commentary on the social and pol...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: NATO's 2nd-largest military is 'bending' to Russia — and leaving the US out in the cold - Business Insider
21/12/16 17:13 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Turkey and Russia - Google News. Business Insider NATO's 2nd-largest military is 'bending' to Russia — and leaving the US out in the cold Business Insider Russian President Vladimir Putin with Recep Tayyip...
21/12/16 17:13 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Turkey and Russia - Google News. Business Insider NATO's 2nd-largest military is 'bending' to Russia — and leaving the US out in the cold Business Insider Russian President Vladimir Putin with Recep Tayyip...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Could US-Russia feud over hacks lead to digital detente? - Christian Science Monitor
21/12/16 17:12 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia international behavior - Google News. Christian Science Monitor Could US- Russia feud over hacks lead to digital detente? Christian Science Monitor December 21, 2016 —Political pressure over suspect...
21/12/16 17:12 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia international behavior - Google News. Christian Science Monitor Could US- Russia feud over hacks lead to digital detente? Christian Science Monitor December 21, 2016 —Political pressure over suspect...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Declassify the Evidence of Russian Hacking! - The Nation.
21/12/16 17:07 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russian elites - Google News. The Nation. Declassify the Evidence of Russian Hacking! The Nation. The revelations of a CIA assessment charging that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 election in...
21/12/16 17:07 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russian elites - Google News. The Nation. Declassify the Evidence of Russian Hacking! The Nation. The revelations of a CIA assessment charging that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 election in...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Army: 14 Turkish Soldiers Killed In IS Attacks In Syria
21/12/16 17:07 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Fourteen Turkish soldiers have been killed and 33 wounded in three separate suicide attacks by the Islamic State (IS) extremist group in northern Syria, the Turkish Army ...
21/12/16 17:07 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Fourteen Turkish soldiers have been killed and 33 wounded in three separate suicide attacks by the Islamic State (IS) extremist group in northern Syria, the Turkish Army ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: US Death Sentences Decline Sharply as Public Attitudes Shift
21/12/16 17:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Only 30 people were sentenced to death in the United States this year, the lowest number since the early 1970s and a further sign of the steady decline in use of the death penalty. The nu...
21/12/16 17:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Only 30 people were sentenced to death in the United States this year, the lowest number since the early 1970s and a further sign of the steady decline in use of the death penalty. The nu...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Jaish al-Fatah denies involvement in Russian envoy murder - Daily Sabah
21/12/16 17:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from turkish coup 2016 and russia - Google News. Daily Sabah Jaish al-Fatah denies involvement in Russian envoy murder Daily Sabah A document issued by the Diyarbakır Governorate shows that Altıntaş took two da...
21/12/16 17:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from turkish coup 2016 and russia - Google News. Daily Sabah Jaish al-Fatah denies involvement in Russian envoy murder Daily Sabah A document issued by the Diyarbakır Governorate shows that Altıntaş took two da...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: In NYC's Russian Enclaves, a Big ‘Nyet' to Hacking Talk
21/12/16 17:05 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Clutching a cobbler's tool, Roman Gadayev defiantly lashed out against accusations that Russia meddled in the U.S. election to sway the vote to Donald Trump. “Simply impossible,” said the...
21/12/16 17:05 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Clutching a cobbler's tool, Roman Gadayev defiantly lashed out against accusations that Russia meddled in the U.S. election to sway the vote to Donald Trump. “Simply impossible,” said the...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries - Chicago Tribune
21/12/16 17:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from us elections - Google News. The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries Chicago Tribune The U.S. has a long history of attempting to influence presidential elections in other...
21/12/16 17:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from us elections - Google News. The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries Chicago Tribune The U.S. has a long history of attempting to influence presidential elections in other...
» mikenov on Twitter: Marine Le Pen's Russian links under US scrutiny https://t.co/WxpmsC2LSk via @telegraphnews
21/12/16 16:46 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Marine Le Pen's Russian links under US scrutiny https://t.co/WxpmsC2LSk via @telegraphnews Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 21:46:04 2016. mikenov on Twitter
21/12/16 16:46 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Marine Le Pen's Russian links under US scrutiny https://t.co/WxpmsC2LSk via @telegraphnews Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 21:46:04 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Kremlin Calls US-Russian Ties 'Frozen;' Unsure About Trump - New York Times
21/12/16 16:44 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. The Nation Kremlin Calls US-Russian Ties 'Frozen;' Unsure About Trump New York Times MOSCOW — The Kremlin hopes that Donald Trump's administration will help improve the strained Russia-U...
21/12/16 16:44 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. The Nation Kremlin Calls US-Russian Ties 'Frozen;' Unsure About Trump New York Times MOSCOW — The Kremlin hopes that Donald Trump's administration will help improve the strained Russia-U...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Встреча с руководством Совета Федерации и Государственной Думы
21/12/16 16:22 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Владимир Путин провёл встречу с руководством Совета Федерации и Государственной Думы, профильных комитетов двух палат. Обсуждались итоги деятельности парламента, приоритет...
21/12/16 16:22 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Владимир Путин провёл встречу с руководством Совета Федерации и Государственной Думы, профильных комитетов двух палат. Обсуждались итоги деятельности парламента, приоритет...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Путин объяснил отсутствие вооруженной охраны у посла Карлова в момент убийства - Lenta.ru
21/12/16 16:17 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Lenta.ru Путин объяснил отсутствие вооруженной охраны у посла Карлова в момент убийства Lenta.ru Вооруженные сотрудники спецподразделений обеспечивают охрану российских ди...
21/12/16 16:17 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Lenta.ru Путин объяснил отсутствие вооруженной охраны у посла Карлова в момент убийства Lenta.ru Вооруженные сотрудники спецподразделений обеспечивают охрану российских ди...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Vladimir Putin is demanding an apology from me! - New York Daily News
21/12/16 16:15 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. New York Daily News Vladimir Putin is demanding an apology from me! New York Daily News So now Vladimir Putin is demanding an apology from me. Who knew that a strongman su...
21/12/16 16:15 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. New York Daily News Vladimir Putin is demanding an apology from me! New York Daily News So now Vladimir Putin is demanding an apology from me. Who knew that a strongman su...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Their View: Trump casting China as top geopolitical foe of U.S. - VVdailypress.com
21/12/16 16:15 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Their View: Trump casting China as top geopolitical foe of U.S. VVdailypress.com And, as bad as Putin's Russia may be, it's true that China's leadership has set a breaknec...
21/12/16 16:15 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Their View: Trump casting China as top geopolitical foe of U.S. VVdailypress.com And, as bad as Putin's Russia may be, it's true that China's leadership has set a breaknec...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: FBI searching second Tartaglione property - The Journal News | LoHud.com
21/12/16 16:14 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review. The Journal News | LoHud.com FBI searching second Tartaglione property The Journal News | LoHud.com FBI agents on Wednesday began searching a 65-acre Orange County farm owned by Nicholas T...
21/12/16 16:14 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review. The Journal News | LoHud.com FBI searching second Tartaglione property The Journal News | LoHud.com FBI agents on Wednesday began searching a 65-acre Orange County farm owned by Nicholas T...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: FBI: Scott Anthony Martinez charged with four Valley robberies over the summer - ABC15 Arizona
21/12/16 16:13 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review. ABC15 Arizona FBI : Scott Anthony Martinez charged with four Valley robberies over the summer ABC15 Arizona The FBI put out an alert in August asking for the public's help in identifying t...
21/12/16 16:13 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review. ABC15 Arizona FBI : Scott Anthony Martinez charged with four Valley robberies over the summer ABC15 Arizona The FBI put out an alert in August asking for the public's help in identifying t...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: RT - Daily news: Fatal drug overdoses double from 15 yrs ago – gov't study
21/12/16 16:12 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia News Review. Drug overdoses in the US increased by 23 percent from 2010 to 2014 and have doubled since 2000, according to a new study released by the National Center for Health Statistics. Heroin ac...
21/12/16 16:12 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia News Review. Drug overdoses in the US increased by 23 percent from 2010 to 2014 and have doubled since 2000, according to a new study released by the National Center for Health Statistics. Heroin ac...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: TV: Shipyard owned by Lebanon defense minister building Israeli warships
21/12/16 16:10 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Middle East News. Channel 2 says Zionist Union MK demanded A-G probe, claimed Israeli businessmen ‘pressured’ Abu Dhabi MAR into changing name to German Naval Yards Kiel Mike Nova's Shared News...
21/12/16 16:10 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Middle East News. Channel 2 says Zionist Union MK demanded A-G probe, claimed Israeli businessmen ‘pressured’ Abu Dhabi MAR into changing name to German Naval Yards Kiel Mike Nova's Shared News...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Putin Trump: How Rex Tillerson changed his tune on Russia and came to court its rulers
21/12/16 16:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Trump. The New York Times Putin Trump Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 16:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Trump. The New York Times Putin Trump Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Hezbollah fighting in Syria with U.S. weapons supplied to Lebanese army, IDF says
21/12/16 16:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Middle East News. Senior IDF officer says Hezbollah obtained weapons as part of 'deal' with Lebanon, adding that Hezbollah has 'strengthened grip on Lebanese national institutions.' Mike Nova's Shared News...
21/12/16 16:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Middle East News. Senior IDF officer says Hezbollah obtained weapons as part of 'deal' with Lebanon, adding that Hezbollah has 'strengthened grip on Lebanese national institutions.' Mike Nova's Shared News...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Outside the Box: Democracy in America is not guaranteed under Trump
21/12/16 16:08 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Markets and Business News Review. Political, religious, and economic freedom in the U.S. has always required willingness to defend the Constitution, writes Chris Edelson. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 16:08 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Markets and Business News Review. Political, religious, and economic freedom in the U.S. has always required willingness to defend the Constitution, writes Chris Edelson. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Free Pollard, really
21/12/16 16:07 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Middle East News. Despite a decades-long campaign to achieve his freedom, Pollard has not been living in freedom for the past year, but rather on parole terms that make a mockery of the word. Mike Nova's S...
21/12/16 16:07 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Middle East News. Despite a decades-long campaign to achieve his freedom, Pollard has not been living in freedom for the past year, but rather on parole terms that make a mockery of the word. Mike Nova's S...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Putin Trump: The day Trump came to Moscow: Oligarchs, Miss Universe and Nobu
21/12/16 16:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Trump. Bloomberg Putin Trump Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 16:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Trump. Bloomberg Putin Trump Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Putin Trump: How 2016 became the year of the hack – and what it means for the future
21/12/16 16:05 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Trump. The Guardian Putin Trump Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 16:05 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Trump. The Guardian Putin Trump Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Из Алеппо не могут выехать 60 автобусов с мирными жителями: люди гибнут от холода
21/12/16 15:55 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Ukraine News. В результате, около трех тысяч человек оказались на контрольно-пропускных пунктах при минусовой температуре, без еды и отопления. Уже зафиксировано несколько случаев смерти от холода. Mike No...
21/12/16 15:55 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Ukraine News. В результате, около трех тысяч человек оказались на контрольно-пропускных пунктах при минусовой температуре, без еды и отопления. Уже зафиксировано несколько случаев смерти от холода. Mike No...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Donald Trump's irate letters to Alex Salmond revealed
21/12/16 15:54 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia News Review. None Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 15:54 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia News Review. None Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: 'Israeli warships being built by company owned by Lebanese defense minister'
21/12/16 15:53 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Middle East News. The information was revealed in a letter that was sent to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit by MK Erel Margalit (Zionist Union). Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 15:53 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Middle East News. The information was revealed in a letter that was sent to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit by MK Erel Margalit (Zionist Union). Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» mikenov on Twitter: The election and the FBI https://t.co/T4rQWjg7pZ
21/12/16 15:50 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
The election and the FBI https://t.co/T4rQWjg7pZ Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 20:50:05 2016. mikenov on Twitter
21/12/16 15:50 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
The election and the FBI https://t.co/T4rQWjg7pZ Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 20:50:05 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: The FBI Has a Curious Definition for 'Probable Cause' - Esquire.com
21/12/16 15:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review. Esquire.com The FBI Has a Curious Definition for 'Probable Cause' Esquire.com God, James Comey's FBI is one molten core of flaming garbage. On Tuesday, a judge ordered the release of the s...
21/12/16 15:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review. Esquire.com The FBI Has a Curious Definition for 'Probable Cause' Esquire.com God, James Comey's FBI is one molten core of flaming garbage. On Tuesday, a judge ordered the release of the s...
» mikenov on Twitter: 'He terrified a lot of people:' Witness wonders why FBI agent waved gun, shot at cops https://t.co/FB05wXTwIy
21/12/16 14:08 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
'He terrified a lot of people:' Witness wonders why FBI agent waved gun, shot at cops https://t.co/FB05wXTwIy Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 19:08:07 2016. mikenov on Twitter
21/12/16 14:08 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
'He terrified a lot of people:' Witness wonders why FBI agent waved gun, shot at cops https://t.co/FB05wXTwIy Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 19:08:07 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: FBI agent investigating fraud when arrested in Grand Rapids - WZZM13.com
21/12/16 14:02 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review. WZZM13.com FBI agent investigating fraud when arrested in Grand Rapids WZZM13.com GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. - The FBI Special Agent, accused of trying to shoot a Grand Rapids police officer says...
21/12/16 14:02 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review. WZZM13.com FBI agent investigating fraud when arrested in Grand Rapids WZZM13.com GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. - The FBI Special Agent, accused of trying to shoot a Grand Rapids police officer says...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: FBI director under pressure to explain Clinton bombshell - The Hill
21/12/16 14:01 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review. The Hill FBI director under pressure to explain Clinton bombshell The Hill Comey was then extraordinarily public with the FBI's reasoning in declining to recommend charges against Clinton,...
21/12/16 14:01 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review. The Hill FBI director under pressure to explain Clinton bombshell The Hill Comey was then extraordinarily public with the FBI's reasoning in declining to recommend charges against Clinton,...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Police are more likely to kill black men, study finds - Business Insider
21/12/16 14:01 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review. Police are more likely to kill black men, study finds Business Insider FBI Director James B . Comey also has lamented a dearth of statistics on police use of force. He told a gathering of ...
21/12/16 14:01 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review. Police are more likely to kill black men, study finds Business Insider FBI Director James B . Comey also has lamented a dearth of statistics on police use of force. He told a gathering of ...
» mikenov on Twitter: Pentagon: China Threatened to Bankrupt Defense Contractor https://t.co/7eamqiqXfU
21/12/16 13:27 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Pentagon: China Threatened to Bankrupt Defense Contractor https://t.co/7eamqiqXfU Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 18:27:57 2016. mikenov on Twitter
21/12/16 13:27 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Pentagon: China Threatened to Bankrupt Defense Contractor https://t.co/7eamqiqXfU Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 18:27:57 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Iran's Rouhani Visits Neighboring Armenia - YouTube
21/12/16 12:37 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Dec 21, 2016 Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 12:37 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Dec 21, 2016 Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: US not invited to Syria talks in Moscow - YouTube
21/12/16 12:31 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Dec 21, 2016 Rich Edson reports from Washington, D.C. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 12:31 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Dec 21, 2016 Rich Edson reports from Washington, D.C. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» mikenov on Twitter: “A Progressive National Security Story for the Trump Presidency” by @CommsDirector https://t.co/zSLkOfzyow
21/12/16 12:19 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
“A Progressive National Security Story for the Trump Presidency” by @CommsDirector https://t.co/zSLkOfzyow Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 17:19:13 2016. mikenov on Twitter
21/12/16 12:19 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
“A Progressive National Security Story for the Trump Presidency” by @CommsDirector https://t.co/zSLkOfzyow Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 17:19:13 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: U.S. government loses to Russia's disinformation campaign: advisers | Reuters
21/12/16 12:13 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story : WORLD NEWS | Wed Dec 21, 2016 | 7:48am EST U.S. government loses to Russia's disinformation campaign: advisers Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech during his annual state of the nation address ...
21/12/16 12:13 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story : WORLD NEWS | Wed Dec 21, 2016 | 7:48am EST U.S. government loses to Russia's disinformation campaign: advisers Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech during his annual state of the nation address ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: For America's Top Spy Catcher, A World Of Problems To Fix — And Prevent : Parallels : NPR
21/12/16 12:07 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from National Security : NPR. William Evanina, the head of U.S. counterintelligence, estimates that more than 100 Russian spies are currently operating on U.S. soil. Courtesy of the Office of the Director of Na...
21/12/16 12:07 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from National Security : NPR. William Evanina, the head of U.S. counterintelligence, estimates that more than 100 Russian spies are currently operating on U.S. soil. Courtesy of the Office of the Director of Na...
» mikenov on Twitter: Via @NPR: For America's Top Spy Catcher, A World Of Problems To Fix — And Prevent https://t.co/c56v1dHEW7
21/12/16 12:05 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Via @NPR: For America's Top Spy Catcher, A World Of Problems To Fix — And Prevent https://t.co/c56v1dHEW7 Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 17:05:16 2016. mikenov on Twitter
21/12/16 12:05 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Via @NPR: For America's Top Spy Catcher, A World Of Problems To Fix — And Prevent https://t.co/c56v1dHEW7 Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 17:05:16 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: 100 Russian spies in the U.S.; New fighter jet from design to flight in 1 year; And a bit more. https://t.co/z1e1p5yD38 via @defenseone
21/12/16 12:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
100 Russian spies in the U.S.; New fighter jet from design to flight in 1 year; And a bit more. https://t.co/z1e1p5yD38 via @defenseone Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 17:04:20 2016. mikenov on Twitter
21/12/16 12:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
100 Russian spies in the U.S.; New fighter jet from design to flight in 1 year; And a bit more. https://t.co/z1e1p5yD38 via @defenseone Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 17:04:20 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: New twist in Berlin; Trump convenes natsec team; Palantir at Trump’s table; 100 Russian spies in the U.S.; New fighter jet from design to flight in 1 year; And a bit more.
21/12/16 11:57 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Defense One - All Content. None Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 11:57 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Defense One - All Content. None Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Fake Passports: Counterfeiting In the Information Age
21/12/16 11:55 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from In Homeland Security. As long as governments have issued identification or minted currency, there have been criminals creating counterfeit items for willing buyers. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 11:55 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from In Homeland Security. As long as governments have issued identification or minted currency, there have been criminals creating counterfeit items for willing buyers. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Aleppo evacuation: Syrian rebels say deal reached
21/12/16 11:55 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from www.washingtontimes.com stories: Security. BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian rebels said they have reached an agreement with the government in Damascus on Wednesday to complete their withdrawal from Aleppo, the c...
21/12/16 11:55 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from www.washingtontimes.com stories: Security. BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian rebels said they have reached an agreement with the government in Damascus on Wednesday to complete their withdrawal from Aleppo, the c...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Van 'explodes' after ramming into Australian Christian Lobby office in Canberra
21/12/16 11:53 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from News. None Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 11:53 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from News. None Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Iran's Rouhani Visits Neighboring Armenia
21/12/16 11:52 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has arrived in Yerevan for an official visit. He joined Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian to review troops at a formal welcoming ceremony...
21/12/16 11:52 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has arrived in Yerevan for an official visit. He joined Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian to review troops at a formal welcoming ceremony...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: So many Syrians have died because Obama didn't want to hurt Iran's feelings - Ottawa Citizen
21/12/16 11:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. So many Syrians have died because Obama didn't want to hurt Iran's feelings Ottawa Citizen TOPSHOT - Syrian pro-government forces walk as snow falls in Aleppo on December 21, 2016. The...
21/12/16 11:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. So many Syrians have died because Obama didn't want to hurt Iran's feelings Ottawa Citizen TOPSHOT - Syrian pro-government forces walk as snow falls in Aleppo on December 21, 2016. The...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Working from home isn't an excuse to wear pyjamas all day and not wash your hair
21/12/16 11:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from News. None Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 11:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from News. None Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Hizballah has large amounts of US weaponry, senior IDF officer says
21/12/16 11:31 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from DEBKAFile. December 21, 2016, 5:07 PM (IDT) A senior IDF officer said Wednesday during a briefing for foreign journalists in Tel Aviv that Israel has informed the US that Hizballah is using American weapon...
21/12/16 11:31 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from DEBKAFile. December 21, 2016, 5:07 PM (IDT) A senior IDF officer said Wednesday during a briefing for foreign journalists in Tel Aviv that Israel has informed the US that Hizballah is using American weapon...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Russian lawmakers call for tighter...
21/12/16 11:29 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Google News. Israel's envoy to Ankara received letter from Russian ambassador day after assassination Jerusalem Post Israel News - 3 hours ago Karlov was one of the first to respond to ...
21/12/16 11:29 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Google News. Israel's envoy to Ankara received letter from Russian ambassador day after assassination Jerusalem Post Israel News - 3 hours ago Karlov was one of the first to respond to ...
» mikenov on Twitter: Turkey and Russia: The ups and downs of a complicated relationship https://t.co/4xt3vB6q0g
21/12/16 11:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Turkey and Russia: The ups and downs of a complicated relationship https://t.co/4xt3vB6q0g Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 16:25:27 2016. mikenov on Twitter
21/12/16 11:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Turkey and Russia: The ups and downs of a complicated relationship https://t.co/4xt3vB6q0g Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 16:25:27 2016. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Turkey and Russia join Iran to reboot axis of evil - The Australian
21/12/16 11:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Turkey and Russia - Google News. The Australian Turkey and Russia join Iran to reboot axis of evil The Australian Comparisons with 1914 and the crazy slalom into war were more appropriate a year ago, after...
21/12/16 11:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Turkey and Russia - Google News. The Australian Turkey and Russia join Iran to reboot axis of evil The Australian Comparisons with 1914 and the crazy slalom into war were more appropriate a year ago, after...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Putin Doesn't Really Need Trump's Help. He's Already Doing Whatever He Wants. - Slate Magazine (blog)
21/12/16 11:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin - Google News. Slate Magazine (blog) Putin Doesn't Really Need Trump's Help. He's Already Doing Whatever He Wants. Slate Magazine (blog) As has been widely reported, the president-elect has much diff...
21/12/16 11:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin - Google News. Slate Magazine (blog) Putin Doesn't Really Need Trump's Help. He's Already Doing Whatever He Wants. Slate Magazine (blog) As has been widely reported, the president-elect has much diff...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Министр обороны России встретился в Москве с премьер-министром Сербии
21/12/16 11:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from RSS. Генерал армии Сергей Шойгу и Александр Вучич обсудили состояние и перспективы сотрудничества двух стран в военной области, вопросы, связанные с проведением гуманитарной операции в Сирии. Mike Nova's S...
21/12/16 11:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from RSS. Генерал армии Сергей Шойгу и Александр Вучич обсудили состояние и перспективы сотрудничества двух стран в военной области, вопросы, связанные с проведением гуманитарной операции в Сирии. Mike Nova's S...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Turkey Recalls Hague Diplomat over Diaspora Spying Claims
21/12/16 11:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Turkey has summoned home a senior diplomat who was accused of compiling a list of Dutch Turks who might have sympathized with July's failed coup, the Dutch government said on Wednesday. Y...
21/12/16 11:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Turkey has summoned home a senior diplomat who was accused of compiling a list of Dutch Turks who might have sympathized with July's failed coup, the Dutch government said on Wednesday. Y...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: United States Widens Sanctions On Russia
21/12/16 11:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia. John Kirby, a spokesman for the State Department, said new sanctions imposed on Russia by the Treasury Department were prompted by the Russian annexation of Crimea and support for militias in easte...
21/12/16 11:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia. John Kirby, a spokesman for the State Department, said new sanctions imposed on Russia by the Treasury Department were prompted by the Russian annexation of Crimea and support for militias in easte...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Putin’s Syrian War Echoing in Russia and Especially in Chechnya
21/12/16 10:53 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Window on Eurasia -- New Series. Paul Goble Staunton, December 21 – The murder of the Russian ambassador in Ankara has called attention to...
21/12/16 10:53 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Window on Eurasia -- New Series. Paul Goble Staunton, December 21 – The murder of the Russian ambassador in Ankara has called attention to...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Donald Trump and the Republicans Have No Mandate - TIME
21/12/16 10:53 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. TIME Donald Trump and the Republicans Have No Mandate TIME Trust me, I spent two years on the campaign that lost; I share the grief and responsibility. Donald Trump is the next Preside...
21/12/16 10:53 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. TIME Donald Trump and the Republicans Have No Mandate TIME Trust me, I spent two years on the campaign that lost; I share the grief and responsibility. Donald Trump is the next Preside...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Russian ambassador to Turkey killed in Ankara shooting
21/12/16 10:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Gunman stood behind Andrei Karlov at an Ankara gallery before he fired his fatal shot The Russian ambassador to Ankara has been killed in a gun attack at an art gallery in the Turkis...
21/12/16 10:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Gunman stood behind Andrei Karlov at an Ankara gallery before he fired his fatal shot The Russian ambassador to Ankara has been killed in a gun attack at an art gallery in the Turkis...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Turkish Police cordon off Ankara gallery after Russian ambassador killed – video report
21/12/16 10:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. The Russian ambassador to Turkey has been shot dead by a police officer in an Ankara art gallery on Monday night. Andrei Karlov was several minutes into making a speech when he was k...
21/12/16 10:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. The Russian ambassador to Turkey has been shot dead by a police officer in an Ankara art gallery on Monday night. Andrei Karlov was several minutes into making a speech when he was k...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Andrei Karlov: Russia's ambassador to Turkey at time of diplomatic thaw
21/12/16 10:50 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Karlov’s stint in Ankara coincided with a tumultuous period for relations between Putin and Erdoğan Andrei Karlov, the Russian ambassador to Turkey who was shot dead in an art galler...
21/12/16 10:50 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Karlov’s stint in Ankara coincided with a tumultuous period for relations between Putin and Erdoğan Andrei Karlov, the Russian ambassador to Turkey who was shot dead in an art galler...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Why killing of Russian diplomat may well bring Turkey and Russia closer
21/12/16 10:50 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Putin and Erdoğan are likely to find common ground in their desire to blame third parties for death of Andrei Karlov The high-profile murder of a Russian diplomat in Ankara has inspi...
21/12/16 10:50 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Putin and Erdoğan are likely to find common ground in their desire to blame third parties for death of Andrei Karlov The high-profile murder of a Russian diplomat in Ankara has inspi...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Turkey and Russia have united over the Karlov killing. But deep tensions remain | Andrew Finkel
21/12/16 10:50 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Of course Erdoğan and Putin have condemned Monday’s assassination. But anger towards Russia’s role in the Syria crisis is threatening to overspill in Turkey “A provocation” aimed at ...
21/12/16 10:50 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Of course Erdoğan and Putin have condemned Monday’s assassination. But anger towards Russia’s role in the Syria crisis is threatening to overspill in Turkey “A provocation” aimed at ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: US existing home sales rise to near 10-year high - Reuters
21/12/16 10:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. Reuters US existing home sales rise to near 10-year high Reuters Homes are seen for sale in the southwest area of Portland, Oregon March 20, 2014. REUTERS/Steve Dipaola. WASHINGTON U.S. ...
21/12/16 10:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. Reuters US existing home sales rise to near 10-year high Reuters Homes are seen for sale in the southwest area of Portland, Oregon March 20, 2014. REUTERS/Steve Dipaola. WASHINGTON U.S. ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Kremlin says almost all communication channels with U.S. are frozen: RIA
21/12/16 10:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday it did not expect the incoming U.S. administration to reject NATO enlargement overnight and that almost all communications channels betwe...
21/12/16 10:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday it did not expect the incoming U.S. administration to reject NATO enlargement overnight and that almost all communications channels betwe...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Russia condemns Netherlands over U.S. military cooperation
21/12/16 10:40 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. MOSCOW (Reuters), - The Russian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday condemned the Netherlands for allowing the United States to advance deploy military hardware on its soil and said a Dutch co...
21/12/16 10:40 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. MOSCOW (Reuters), - The Russian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday condemned the Netherlands for allowing the United States to advance deploy military hardware on its soil and said a Dutch co...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Israel ambassador to US: Move embassy to Jerusalem
21/12/16 10:39 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. Israeli ambassador to the US Ron Dermer called on the US to move its embassy to Jerusalem, a campaign pledge President-elect Donald Trump has promised to make good on. Mike Nova's Shared...
21/12/16 10:39 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. Israeli ambassador to the US Ron Dermer called on the US to move its embassy to Jerusalem, a campaign pledge President-elect Donald Trump has promised to make good on. Mike Nova's Shared...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Trump and Yossi Cohen - Google Search
21/12/16 09:39 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Trump staff receives secret briefing from Mossad chief Yossi Cohen JP Updates - Dec 19, 2016 The staff of President-slect Donald Trump received a briefing recently from Mossad chief Yossi Cohen on the Syrian ...
21/12/16 09:39 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Trump staff receives secret briefing from Mossad chief Yossi Cohen JP Updates - Dec 19, 2016 The staff of President-slect Donald Trump received a briefing recently from Mossad chief Yossi Cohen on the Syrian ...
» mikenov on Twitter: The U.S. and Global Security Review: Assassination, Truck Attack Point to Unpredictabil... https://t.co/pr9282AhvW
21/12/16 09:38 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
The U.S. and Global Security Review: Assassination, Truck Attack Point to Unpredictabil... https://t.co/pr9282AhvW Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 14:38:06 2016. 1 like mikenov on Twitter
21/12/16 09:38 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
The U.S. and Global Security Review: Assassination, Truck Attack Point to Unpredictabil... https://t.co/pr9282AhvW Posted by mikenov on Wed Dec 21 14:38:06 2016. 1 like mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Assassination, Truck Attack Point to Unpredictability Facing Trump
21/12/16 09:32 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com: World News. The Berlin attack and Ankara assassination underscore the global tinderbox President-elect Donald Trump is set to inherit, and his response suggests his White House will take a sharply...
21/12/16 09:32 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com: World News. The Berlin attack and Ankara assassination underscore the global tinderbox President-elect Donald Trump is set to inherit, and his response suggests his White House will take a sharply...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Russia's Rise in Mideast Stirs Up Enemies
21/12/16 09:31 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com: World News. As America’s influence has shrunk in the Middle East, Russia has taken the place the U.S. long occupied in the minds of many in the region: an alien imperialist power seen as waging wa...
21/12/16 09:31 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com: World News. As America’s influence has shrunk in the Middle East, Russia has taken the place the U.S. long occupied in the minds of many in the region: an alien imperialist power seen as waging wa...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: A look at the most significant attacks in Turkey in 2016
21/12/16 09:31 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World. The assassination Monday evening of Russia’s ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, follows a long string of attacks in Turkey this year. A look at the most significant attacks: Mike Nova's Shared New...
21/12/16 09:31 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World. The assassination Monday evening of Russia’s ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, follows a long string of attacks in Turkey this year. A look at the most significant attacks: Mike Nova's Shared New...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Witness to an assassination: AP photographer captures attack
21/12/16 09:30 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 8:46 a.m. EST. ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- The event was routine enough - the opening of an exhibit of photographs of Russia - and when a man on stage pulled out a gun I thought it was a theatric...
21/12/16 09:30 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 8:46 a.m. EST. ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- The event was routine enough - the opening of an exhibit of photographs of Russia - and when a man on stage pulled out a gun I thought it was a theatric...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: The Latest: More buses take residents out of Syria's Aleppo
21/12/16 09:30 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 8:46 a.m. EST. BEIRUT (AP) -- The Latest on the development in the Syrian civil war and the aftermath of the assassination of Russia's ambassador to Turkey (all times local):... Mik...
21/12/16 09:30 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 8:46 a.m. EST. BEIRUT (AP) -- The Latest on the development in the Syrian civil war and the aftermath of the assassination of Russia's ambassador to Turkey (all times local):... Mik...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Tupac Shakur, Pearl Jam, Yes to be inducted into Rock Hall
21/12/16 09:29 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 8:46 a.m. EST. NEW YORK (AP) -- The late rapper Tupac Shakur and Seattle-based rockers Pearl Jam lead a class of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees that also include folkie Joan Baez and 1...
21/12/16 09:29 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 8:46 a.m. EST. NEW YORK (AP) -- The late rapper Tupac Shakur and Seattle-based rockers Pearl Jam lead a class of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees that also include folkie Joan Baez and 1...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Accidental shooting deaths, injuries spike over the holidays
21/12/16 09:28 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 8:46 a.m. EST. The happiest of seasons is also among the deadliest: Unintentional shootings spike during the holidays, and are more likely to occur than any other time of the year, according...
21/12/16 09:28 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 8:46 a.m. EST. The happiest of seasons is also among the deadliest: Unintentional shootings spike during the holidays, and are more likely to occur than any other time of the year, according...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Scholar of Islamist extremism predicts Europe's woes will worsen
21/12/16 09:26 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Stars and Stripes. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 09:26 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Stars and Stripes. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Truck slams into crowd at Christmas market in Beijing; at least four killed
21/12/16 09:26 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from DEBKAFile. December 21, 2016, 3:29 PM (IDT) According to initial reports, in an incident similar to Monday's terror attack in Berlin, a truck hit a crowd of people at a farmer's market in the Chinese capit...
21/12/16 09:26 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from DEBKAFile. December 21, 2016, 3:29 PM (IDT) According to initial reports, in an incident similar to Monday's terror attack in Berlin, a truck hit a crowd of people at a farmer's market in the Chinese capit...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: One-on-one with Trump's doctor: Hecklers, house calls, and why Obamacare must be shut down - STAT
21/12/16 09:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from psychoanalysis of Donald Trump - Google News. STAT One-on-one with Trump's doctor: Hecklers, house calls, and why Obamacare must be shut down STAT Bornstein has cared for other members of Trump's family, i...
21/12/16 09:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from psychoanalysis of Donald Trump - Google News. STAT One-on-one with Trump's doctor: Hecklers, house calls, and why Obamacare must be shut down STAT Bornstein has cared for other members of Trump's family, i...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Gingrich: Trump backing away from 'drain the swamp' - Politico
21/12/16 09:24 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. Politico Gingrich: Trump backing away from 'drain the swamp' Politico President-elect Donald Trump campaigned on a promised to “drain the swamp” in Washington of corruption, but now th...
21/12/16 09:24 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. Politico Gingrich: Trump backing away from 'drain the swamp' Politico President-elect Donald Trump campaigned on a promised to “drain the swamp” in Washington of corruption, but now th...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: NYPD hunts man who stole pot of gold
21/12/16 09:22 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. The NYPD is after him and his lucky charms. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 09:22 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from World News Review. The NYPD is after him and his lucky charms. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Americans who voted against Trump are feeling unprecedented dread and despair - Los Angeles Times
21/12/16 09:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin fears Clinton - Google News. Los Angeles Times Americans who voted against Trump are feeling unprecedented dread and despair Los Angeles Times Forty percent of Trump voters also say their candidate w...
21/12/16 09:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin fears Clinton - Google News. Los Angeles Times Americans who voted against Trump are feeling unprecedented dread and despair Los Angeles Times Forty percent of Trump voters also say their candidate w...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: The Opinion Pages|The Cold War Isn't Back. So Don't Think Like It Is. - New York Times
21/12/16 09:08 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia influence in Eastern Europe - Google News. New York Times The Opinion Pages|The Cold War Isn't Back. So Don't Think Like It Is. New York Times ... news media portrayed the victory of Rumen Radev, a ...
21/12/16 09:08 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia influence in Eastern Europe - Google News. New York Times The Opinion Pages|The Cold War Isn't Back. So Don't Think Like It Is. New York Times ... news media portrayed the victory of Rumen Radev, a ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Russia calls on Kurdish parties to negotiate with Syrian regime - Kurdistan24
21/12/16 09:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from syria kurds russia - Google News. Kurdistan24 Russia calls on Kurdish parties to negotiate with Syrian regime Kurdistan24 QAMISHLO, Syrian Kurdistan (Kurdistan24) - Representatives of Syrian Kurdish partie...
21/12/16 09:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from syria kurds russia - Google News. Kurdistan24 Russia calls on Kurdish parties to negotiate with Syrian regime Kurdistan24 QAMISHLO, Syrian Kurdistan (Kurdistan24) - Representatives of Syrian Kurdish partie...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Putin's progress: What to expect from Russia's leader in 2017 - Russia Beyond the Headlines
21/12/16 09:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from West Russia Putin - Google News. Putin's progress: What to expect from Russia's leader in 2017 Russia Beyond the Headlines While trying to normalize relations with the West , Putin should also be expected ...
21/12/16 09:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from West Russia Putin - Google News. Putin's progress: What to expect from Russia's leader in 2017 Russia Beyond the Headlines While trying to normalize relations with the West , Putin should also be expected ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Chemists Create New Class of Drugs to Avoid Law
21/12/16 08:57 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from AssociatedPress's YouTube Videos. From: AssociatedPress Duration: 02:18 The proliferation of a rapidly evolving synthetic opioids has become so fierce that the DEA says they now constitute an entire new cl...
21/12/16 08:57 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from AssociatedPress's YouTube Videos. From: AssociatedPress Duration: 02:18 The proliferation of a rapidly evolving synthetic opioids has become so fierce that the DEA says they now constitute an entire new cl...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: От Грибоедова до Карлова: убийства российских послов
21/12/16 08:57 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from BBCRussian's YouTube Videos. From: BBCRussian Duration: 01:14 История нападений на российских дипломатов. Подписывайтесь: http://www.youtube.com/user/bbcrussian?sub_confirmation=1 Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 08:57 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from BBCRussian's YouTube Videos. From: BBCRussian Duration: 01:14 История нападений на российских дипломатов. Подписывайтесь: http://www.youtube.com/user/bbcrussian?sub_confirmation=1 Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Donald Trump Signals Potential Shift in Israel Policy
21/12/16 08:57 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com Video - News. A Donald Trump administration is expected to significantly shift U.S. policy on Israel. WSJ's Gerald F. Seib discusses the possible changes, including moving the American embassy to J...
21/12/16 08:57 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com Video - News. A Donald Trump administration is expected to significantly shift U.S. policy on Israel. WSJ's Gerald F. Seib discusses the possible changes, including moving the American embassy to J...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: FBI releases warrant it requested 10 days before presidential election
21/12/16 08:48 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from DEBKAFile. December 21, 2016, 9:07 AM (IDT) The FBI on Tuesday released the warrant it requested 10 days before the presidential election that allowed it to check whether there was classified information i...
21/12/16 08:48 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from DEBKAFile. December 21, 2016, 9:07 AM (IDT) The FBI on Tuesday released the warrant it requested 10 days before the presidential election that allowed it to check whether there was classified information i...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Last remaining rebels and civilians await Aleppo evacuation
21/12/16 08:37 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from In Homeland Security. Hundreds more Syrians left the rebels' last foothold in eastern Aleppo in convoys of buses escorted by the Syrian Red Crescent and the international Red Cross. Mike Nova's Shared News...
21/12/16 08:37 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from In Homeland Security. Hundreds more Syrians left the rebels' last foothold in eastern Aleppo in convoys of buses escorted by the Syrian Red Crescent and the international Red Cross. Mike Nova's Shared News...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Global Security Robots Industry 2016 Market Progress in North America & Europe Along with Applications in Spying ... - Digital Journal
21/12/16 08:36 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from global security - Google News. Global Security Robots Industry 2016 Market Progress in North America & Europe Along with Applications in Spying ... Digital Journal This research study addresses a range...
21/12/16 08:36 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from global security - Google News. Global Security Robots Industry 2016 Market Progress in North America & Europe Along with Applications in Spying ... Digital Journal This research study addresses a range...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Trump To Meet With His National Security Adviser Over Global Attacks - CBS Local
21/12/16 08:35 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from global security - Google News. CBS Local Trump To Meet With His National Security Adviser Over Global Attacks CBS Local President-elect Donald Trump attends a stop on his 'USA Thank You Tour 2016.' at the ...
21/12/16 08:35 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from global security - Google News. CBS Local Trump To Meet With His National Security Adviser Over Global Attacks CBS Local President-elect Donald Trump attends a stop on his 'USA Thank You Tour 2016.' at the ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Unsealed Documents Outline F.B.I.’s Reasoning in Clinton Case
21/12/16 08:35 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Federal Bureau of Investigation. The bureau told a judge shortly before the election that emails belonging to Huma Abedin, a top aide to Hillary Clinton, could contain classified information. Mike Nova's S...
21/12/16 08:35 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Federal Bureau of Investigation. The bureau told a judge shortly before the election that emails belonging to Huma Abedin, a top aide to Hillary Clinton, could contain classified information. Mike Nova's S...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Retired Westchester Officer Charged With Killing 4 in Hudson Valley Bar
21/12/16 08:35 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Federal Bureau of Investigation. Nicholas Tartaglione faces a possible death sentence after being charged with murder in connection with a cocaine-distribution ring, the authorities said. Mike Nova's Share...
21/12/16 08:35 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Federal Bureau of Investigation. Nicholas Tartaglione faces a possible death sentence after being charged with murder in connection with a cocaine-distribution ring, the authorities said. Mike Nova's Share...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: The Early Edition: December 21, 2016
21/12/16 08:24 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Just Security. Zoë Chapman Before the start of business, Just Security provides a curated summary of up-to-the-minute developments at home and abroad. Here’s today’s news. DONALD TRUMP’S FOREIGN POLICY A...
21/12/16 08:24 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Just Security. Zoë Chapman Before the start of business, Just Security provides a curated summary of up-to-the-minute developments at home and abroad. Here’s today’s news. DONALD TRUMP’S FOREIGN POLICY A...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: After the battle, Aleppo shows its scars
21/12/16 08:23 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. ALEPPO, Syria (Reuters) - Before the war, Aleppo's ancient walled citadel drew in armies of visitors to one of the Middle East's greatest treasures. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 08:23 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. ALEPPO, Syria (Reuters) - Before the war, Aleppo's ancient walled citadel drew in armies of visitors to one of the Middle East's greatest treasures. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Kremlin slams new U.S. sanctions, says may respond
21/12/16 08:23 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday that new sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States would damage relations between the two countries and that Moscow would respon...
21/12/16 08:23 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday that new sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States would damage relations between the two countries and that Moscow would respon...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Iraqi forces in Mosul mostly in refit mode: U.S. general
21/12/16 08:22 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi forces battling to retake Islamic State's last major stronghold - Mosul - have entered a planned operational refit, a top U.S. general in the internationa...
21/12/16 08:22 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi forces battling to retake Islamic State's last major stronghold - Mosul - have entered a planned operational refit, a top U.S. general in the internationa...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Thousands stuck as Aleppo evacuation deal hits last-minute hitch
21/12/16 08:21 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BEIRUT (Reuters) - A convoy of 60 buses carrying people desperate to leave the last rebel-held enclave of Aleppo was held up in freezing temperatures on Wednesday when an evacuation de...
21/12/16 08:21 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BEIRUT (Reuters) - A convoy of 60 buses carrying people desperate to leave the last rebel-held enclave of Aleppo was held up in freezing temperatures on Wednesday when an evacuation de...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: The oilman who brought Trump and the Bush world together
21/12/16 08:21 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 7:29 a.m. EST. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Throughout the presidential campaign, the Bush family and many of its Republican allies turned their backs on Donald Trump. Now, they're finding co...
21/12/16 08:21 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 7:29 a.m. EST. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Throughout the presidential campaign, the Bush family and many of its Republican allies turned their backs on Donald Trump. Now, they're finding co...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Inside the DEA: A chemist's quest to identify mystery drugs
21/12/16 08:20 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 7:29 a.m. EST. WASHINGTON (AP) -- No one knew what was in the baggie. It was just a few tablespoons of crystalline powder seized back in April, clumped like snow that had partially melted an...
21/12/16 08:20 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 7:29 a.m. EST. WASHINGTON (AP) -- No one knew what was in the baggie. It was just a few tablespoons of crystalline powder seized back in April, clumped like snow that had partially melted an...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: AP Poll: US election voted top news story of 2016
21/12/16 08:20 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 7:29 a.m. EST. NEW YORK (AP) -- The turbulent U.S. election, featuring Donald Trump's unexpected victory over Hillary Clinton in the presidential race, was the overwhelming pick for...
21/12/16 08:20 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 7:29 a.m. EST. NEW YORK (AP) -- The turbulent U.S. election, featuring Donald Trump's unexpected victory over Hillary Clinton in the presidential race, was the overwhelming pick for...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Deep-sea fisherman shows off some of his terrifying catches
21/12/16 08:18 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from News. None Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
21/12/16 08:18 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from News. None Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
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