The building of trust between the American and Russian militaries is the mutual complaint, the key element, and a solvable, in due time, problem.
The building of trust between the American and Russian militaries
is the mutual complaint, the key element, and a solvable, in due time, problem. Gen. Flynn might be very helpful in finding a reciprocal solution.
Invite Shoigu, Gerasimov, and Korobov for a friendly visit to Washington, Pentagon, and the DIA, and receive them well, as the potential allies; start establishing good working relations with them and others. These relations have the autonomous value and will produce the mutually beneficial impact.
Gen. Mattis, as a soldier-philosopher, soldier-thinker appreciates the complexity of the broad outlook, which includes many and various vectors and variables.
The building of this trust will take time, the gingerly, careful romantic tango, and a lot of good will from the both sides; and it is worth all these efforts, patience, persistence, and determination.

It Takes Two to Tango - Louis Armstrong
The Tango - Scent of a Woman (4/8) Movie CLIP (1992) HD
is the mutual complaint, the key element, and a solvable, in due time, problem. Gen. Flynn might be very helpful in finding a reciprocal solution.
Invite Shoigu, Gerasimov, and Korobov for a friendly visit to Washington, Pentagon, and the DIA, and receive them well, as the potential allies; start establishing good working relations with them and others. These relations have the autonomous value and will produce the mutually beneficial impact.
Gen. Mattis, as a soldier-philosopher, soldier-thinker appreciates the complexity of the broad outlook, which includes many and various vectors and variables.
The building of this trust will take time, the gingerly, careful romantic tango, and a lot of good will from the both sides; and it is worth all these efforts, patience, persistence, and determination.

It Takes Two to Tango - Louis Armstrong
The Tango - Scent of a Woman (4/8) Movie CLIP (1992) HD
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