Московская конференция по международной безопасности - Google Search | Третья мировая война: гибридная, глобальная, постоянная - Эксперты - о противостоянии цивилизаций Запада и России: "Общий вывод дискуссии высказал эксперт Павел Родькин. По его мнению, мы живём в условиях нового типа «сверхвойны», которая стала гибридной, глобальной, а главное – постоянной. И в отличие от реального вооружённого конфликта распознать, кто свой, а кто чужой, здесь гораздо сложнее."

США не смогут завершить вывод войск из Афганистана к концу 2014 года

«Возможные варианты развития обстановки в Афганистане после вывода иностранных войск» — тезисы выступления начальника Главного управления Генерального штаба Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации генерал-лейтенанта И.Д.Сергуна

Московская конференция по международной безопасности - Google Search

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  1. На Московскую конференцию по безопасности приедут 15 ...

    Российская Газета-Mar 17, 2015
    В рамках IV Московской международной конференции по безопасности, которая пройдет 16-17 апреля, министр обороны России ...

  2. Участие в московской конференции по международной ...

    Федеральное агентство новостей No.1-Mar 13, 2015
    Москва, 13 марта. В конференции по международной безопасности 16-17 апреля в Москве примут частие министры обороны 15 ...

  3. 16-17 апреля этого года в столице состоится IV Московская ...

    Russkie.Org-Feb 25, 2015
    16-17 апреля этого года в столице состоится IV Московская конференция по международной безопасности. Организатором выставки ...
    Минобороны РФ пригласило военных почти 80 стран на ...
    Информационное агентство России ТАСС-Feb 25, 2015
    Explore in depth (28 more articles)

  4. Шойгу: Международное военное сотрудничество необходимо ...

    Российская Газета-Mar 14, 2015
    4-я Московская конференция по международной безопасности пройдет 16-17 апреля. На форум приглашены министров обороны и ...

  5. Минобороны России будет транслировать международную ...

    Московский комсомолец-Mar 11, 2015
    Дискуссии IV Московской конференции по международной безопасности (16-17 апреля 2015 года) будут транслироваться в ...


    euronews-Mar 21, 2015
    Он уточнил, что первым из этих мероприятий станет четвертая Московская конференция по международной безопасности, которая ...

  7. Международную конференцию по безопасности в Москве ...

    РИА Новости-Mar 11, 2015
    МОСКВА, 11 мар — РИА Новости. Московскую конференцию по международной безопасностибудут транслироваться в режиме ...

  8. Руководители Минобороны Кыргызстана встретятся с Сергеем ...

    Вечерний Бишкек-Mar 20, 2015
    Московская конференция по международной безопасности станет уже четвертым по счету подобным форумом, предыдущие ...
  9. На сайте Минобороны России создана ангоязычная версия ...

    Красная Звезда-Mar 17, 2015
    ... создана ангоязычная версия раздела о предстоящей 16 - 17 апреля IV Московской конференции по международной безопасности.

  10. Военные КР примут участие в форуме по международной ...

    Вечерний Бишкек-Feb 26, 2015
    ... состоится 4-я конференция по международной безопасности, ... РФ Анатолий Антонов подчеркнул: "Московская конференция, как ...
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Московская конференция по международной безопасности - Google Search

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  1. 15 министров обороны из стран Европы, Латинской ...

    <a href="http://www.niigeo.ru/.../200-moskovskaya-konferentsiya-po" rel="nofollow">www.niigeo.ru/.../200-moskovskaya-konferentsiya-po</a>...
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    Московская конференция по международной безопасности. 15 министров обороны из стран Европы, Латинской Америки, Азии и Африки, а также ...
  2. [PDF]iii московская конференция по международной ...

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    Ministry of Defence
    May 22, 2014 - конференцию по международной безопасности, которая пройдет ... conferenceon international security in Moscow on May 23-24, 2014.
  3. С.Лавров на III Московской конференции по ... - YouTube

    <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPGHcYIu3sM" rel="nofollow">www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPGHcYIu3sM</a>
    May 23, 2014 - Uploaded by midrftube
    Выступление Министра иностранных дел России С.В.Лаврова на IIIМосковской конференции по международной безопасности, ...
  4. Третья Московская конференция по международной ...

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    May 26, 2014 - 23-24 мая 2014 года в Москве состоялась Третья Московская конференция по международной безопасности, проводимая под эгидой ...
  5. VI Московская конференция по международной ...

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    Nov 28, 2014 - VI MOSCOW INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SECURITY ... четвертую Московскую конференцию по международной безопасности,  ...
  6. III Московская конференция по международной ...

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    May 24, 2014 - Московская конференция по международной безопасности проводится военным ведомством России уже в третий раз. Первая  ...
  7. 16–17 апреля в Москве пройдет Московская ...

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    16–17 апреля в Москве пройдет Московская конференция по международной безопасности. 16 апреля 2015 года. Главная · Анонсы. 16–17 апреля в  ...
  8. В Москве начала работу 3-я Московская конференция по ...

    azertag.az/.../V_Moskve_nachala_rabotu_3_ya_Mosk... - Translate this page
    23 мая в Москве под эгидой Министерства обороны России начала работу 3-я Московская конференция по международной безопасности.
  9. Московская конференция по международной безопасности

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    ... 16–17 апреля IV Московской конференции по международной безопасности. Как сообщил Сергей Кошелев, местом проведения конференции станет ...
  10. Участие в московской конференции по международной ...

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    Mar 13, 2015 - Москва, 13 марта. В конференции по международной безопасности 16-17 апреля в Москве примут частие министры обороны 15  ...
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В Ростовской области за последнее время в более чем 6 раз возросло число кандидатов на прохождение военной службы по контракту

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Но и эти показатели могут быть превзойдены — за первые 3 месяца 2015 года оформлено 514 человек, что уже в 2 раза превышает показатели аналогичного периода прошлого года.

Морские пехотинцы и десантники не допустили захвата объектов штаба Северного флота условными диверсантами

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Результаты розыгрыша данного тактического эпизода, проходившего в рамках проверки боевой готовности, подтвердили надежность системы охраны и обороны штаба СФ и соединений надводных кораблей, базирующихся в Североморске.

Украинский политик Нестор Шуфрич подтвердил гибель сына Януковича: Украина: Бывший СССР: Lenta.ru

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Украинский политик, депутат Верховной Рады семи созывов и дважды в прошлом министр по чрезвычайным ситуациям Украины Нестор Шуфрич подтвердил в своем официальном аккаунте в Facebook факт гибели сына бывшего президента страны Виктора Януковича.
«Трагически погиб Виктор Викторович Янукович. Погиб так, как и жил, — за рулем автомобиля. Нельзя не оценить значительный вклад Виктора Януковича-младшего в развитие автомобильного спорта Украины. Он был настоящим рулевым Национальной Федерации. В политике нашей страны он много видел, понимал, не соглашался. Светлая ему память. Выражаю глубокие соболезнования супруге Ольге, сыну, родителям, родным и близким. Это невосполнимая потеря для многих. Будем помнить», — говорится в заявлении, распространенном пресс-службой Шуфрича от его имени.
Ранее в воскресенье, 22 марта, ряд СМИ сообщил о гибели младшего сына бывшего президента Украины Виктора Януковича. Отмечалось, что он погиб в результате несчастного случая на озере Байкал. Сам факт происшествия, не называя имен пострадавших и погибших, подтвердило ГУ МЧС России по Иркутской области. В ведомстве заявили, что к гибели человека на Байкале привело «грубейшее нарушение требований безопасности». Позднее данное сообщение исчезло с сайта регионального управления МЧС. В то же время упоминание об инциденте сохранилось в материале на сайте другого ведомства — Главного управления МВД России по Иркутской области.
Позднее изданию «Российская газета» в региональных спецслужбах сообщили, что гибель Януковича-младшего маловероятна, так как вся его семья находится либо в Москве, либо в Ростове-на-Дону. В свою очередь, сотрудники МЧС на Байкале, куда дозвонился корреспондент газеты, подтвердили факт трагедии с молодым человеком, чей год рождения совпадает с годом рождения Виктора Януковича-младшего.
По их информации, внедорожник Volkswagen, в котором было семь человек, грубо нарушив запреты, выехал на лед озера, чтобы сделать фотографии на фоне живописных видов. В какой-то момент лед не выдержал. Шестерым пассажирам удалось спастись, а водитель утонул вместе с машиной. По информации МЧС, погибшим оказался москвич Виктор Алексеевич Давыдов. В МЧС сказали, что к бывшему президенту Украины он никакого отношения не имеет.
Под какой фамилией проживал в России младший сын Януковича, не уточняется. Известно, что Давыдова — фамилия бабушки Виктора Януковича-младшего (матери жены бывшего украинского лидера Людмилы Янукович).
Виктор Янукович-младший (1981 года рождения) в годы пребывания отца у власти на Украине был депутатом Рады и членом фракции Партии регионов. После бегства бывшего главы государства с Украины оба его сына (старший Александр, 1973 года рождения, и младший Виктор) также оказались в России, где и жили до сих пор.
Янукович-младший известен своей страстью к автомобильным гонкам, не раз участвовал в различных ралли и других соревнованиях. В феврале 2014 года в Гостомеле неподалеку от Киева был найден автопарк из 12 эксклюзивных автомобилей общей стоимостью в два миллиона долларов, принадлежавший, как предполагают, как раз Виктору Януковичу-младшему.
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Минобороны РФ организует в апреле четвёртую Московскую конференцию по международной безопасности

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16—17 апреля 2015 года состоится четвёртая Московская конференция по международной безопасности, которую ежегодно организует Министерство обороны РФ. Об этом сообщил замглавы ведомства Анатолий Антонов.
На форум приглашены министры обороны и делегации военных ведомств из 79 государств, руководители международных организаций, российские официальные лица, а также представители экспертного сообщества и академических кругов, уточнили в Минобороны.
Отмечается, что министр обороны России Сергей Шойгу и начальник Генштаба ВС РФ Валерий Герасимов выступят на пленарном заседании конференции, где изложат свои взгляды на ключевые угрозы глобальной безопасности.
«В формате дискуссионных панелей предполагается обсудить перспективы международного военного сотрудничества в борьбе с терроризмом, а также роль военно-политических инструментов в поддержании региональной и глобальной стабильности», — заявил замминистра обороны РФ.
Мы будем вынуждены удалить ваши комментарии при наличии в них нецензурной брани и оскорблений.
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четвертая Московская конференция по международной безопасности, которая пройдет 16- 17 апреля - Google Search

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  1. ТАСС: Армия и ОПК - Минобороны РФ пригласило ...

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    ... стран приглашены на четвертую Московскую конференцию по международной безопасности,которая пройдет в середине апреля, ... Форумкоторый ежегодно организует российское военное ведомство, пройдет 16-17 апреля.
  2. Минобороны РФ организует в апреле четвёртую ...

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    1617 апреля 2015 года состоится четвёртая Московская конференция по ... помеждународной безопасностикоторая пройдет в середине апреля,  ...
  3. безопасность: минобороны-атташе-мероприятия - лента ...

    <a href="http://ru.euronews.com" rel="nofollow">ru.euronews.com</a> › лента новостей
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    1 day ago - ... из этих мероприятий станет четвертая Московская конференция помеждународной безопасностикоторая пройдет 16-17 апреля.
  4. 305 - Новости ВПК

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    Feb 27, 2015 - Форум, который ежегодно организует российское военное ... на четвертую Московскую конференцию по международной ... IV Московская конференция помеждународной безопасности, которую ежегодно организует Министерство обороны Российской Федерации, состоится 16-17 апреля,  ...
  5. Минобороны РФ пригласило военных почти 80 стран на ...

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    Feb 26, 2015 - Форум, который ежегодно организует российское военное ведомство, пройдет 16-17 апреля ... Министры обороны и делегации военных ведомств из 79 стран приглашены начетвертую Московскую конференцию по международной безопасностикоторая пройдет в середине апреля,  ...
  6. 10:00 Актуальные вопросы глобальной и региональной ...

    <a href="http://www.militarynews.ru/story.asp?rid=1&nid=367726" rel="nofollow">www.militarynews.ru/story.asp?rid=1&nid=367726</a>
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    Feb 25, 2015 - ... по международной безопасностикоторая пройдет 16-17 апреля, ... "16-17 апреля состоится 4-ая Московская конференция по международной безопасности, которую ежегодно организует министерство обороны РФ. ... и авторитетных форумов, которыйпредоставляет площадку для  ...
  7. Стена | ВКонтакте

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    Feb 25, 2015 - «Московская конференция, как один из признанных и авторитетных форумов, ...для обсуждения актуальных проблем международной безопасности», — подчеркнул Анатолий Антонов. Он также ... Форум, который ежегодно организует российское военное ведомство,пройдет 16-17 апреля  ...
  8. Минобороны РФ пригласило военных почти 80 стран на ...

    novorossia.today › Home › Выбор редакции
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    Feb 26, 2015 - Конференция, которую ежегодно организует российское военное ведомство,пройдет 16-17 апреля ... на четвертую Московскую конференцию по международной безопасностикоторая пройдет в середине  ...
  9. Минобороны РФ пригласило военных почти 80 стран на ...

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    Feb 25, 2015 - ... приглашены на четвертую Московскую конференцию по международной безопасностикоторая пройдет в середине апреля, сообщил журналистам. ... российское военное ведомство, пройдет 16-17 апреля.
  10. Минoбороны - Национальная безопасность: новости ...

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    Mar 2, 2015 - Форум, который ежегодно организует российское военное ... на четвертую Московскую конференцию по международной ... IV Московская конференция помеждународной безопасности, которую ежегодно организует Министерство обороны Российской Федерации, состоится 16-17 апреля,  ...
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Национальный центр управления обороной России впервые посетили более 100 иностранных военных атташе

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Как подчеркнул выступивший перед ними замминистра обороны Анатолий Антонов, «российская сторона несмотря на приостановку контактов по военной линии с западными государствами продолжает действовать в духе максимальной транспарентности и доверия».

В Ростове с большим успехом прошла акция «Служба по контракту — Твой выбор!»

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В течение дня акцию посетили более 50 тысяч жителей Ростова-на-Дону, а более 300 человек изъявили желание поступить на военную службу.

Корабли и подразделения береговых войск Балтийского флота возвращаются в пункты постоянной дислокации

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После прибытия в места постоянной дислокации военнослужащие береговых войск и экипажи кораблей приступят к выполнению задач по ранее утверждённому плану боевой подготовки.

Reports: US Forces Evacuating Yemen Air Base

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By Katharine Lackey


E. Europe Eyes Conscription Amid Russia Threat

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Eastern European countries are increasingly moving to restore conscription as a result of their rising concern over Russia's military activities in the region.

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2nd Mistral for Russia Ends First Sea Trial

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The Sevastopol, the second of two Mistral-class helicopter carriers built for Russia, returned to harbor Friday after a first sea trial, a spokesman for prime contractor DCNS said.


Pentagon Investigating Purported ISIS Leak Of Military Names, Addresses, Photos

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The Pentagon is investigating the purported leaking of “classified” information on 100 military personnel by apparent ISIS supporters, a defense department official told BuzzFeed News.
A post published on the upload website Just Paste It by a group calling itself the “Islamic State Hacking Division” purports to leak the names, photos, and addresses of the servicemen and women.
“The Islamic State Hacking Division has hacked several military severs, databases, and emails,” the post reads, “and with all this access we have successfully obtained personal information related to military personnel.”
“With the huge amount of data we have from various different servers and databases, we have to decided to leak 100 addressed so that our brothers residing in America can deal with you.”
A Pentagon spokesperson told BuzzFeed News that officials are investigating the authenticity of the information.
“I can’t confirm the validity of the information, but we are looking into it,” the spokesperson said. “The safety of our service members is always a concern.”
In January, the U.S. Military Central Command’s social media accounts were hacked by purported ISIS supporters who called themselves “Cyber Caliphate.”
FBI agents said their initial investigations showed no classified material was shared from the accounts, labeling the incident an act of “cybervandalism.”
In February, the twitter account for Newsweek magazine was also hacked by users who stated they were publishing “confidential documents from the U.S. National Cybersecurity Center,” before posting images purportedly from the Defense Cyber Investigations Training Academy.

Pentagon Investigating Purported ISIS Leak Of Military Names, Addresses, Photos

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The alleged hacking was purportedly carried out by a group calling itself the “Islamic State Hacking Division.”
The Pentagon is investigating the purported leaking of "classified" information on 100 military personnel by apparent ISIS supporters, a defense department official told BuzzFeed News.
A post published on the upload website Just Paste It by a group calling itself the "Islamic State Hacking Division" purports to leak the names, photos, and addresses of the servicemen and women.
"The Islamic State Hacking Division has hacked several military severs, databases, and emails," the post reads, "and with all this access we have successfully obtained personal information related to military personnel."
"With the huge amount of data we have from various different servers and databases, we have to decided to leak 100 addressed so that our brothers residing in America can deal with you."
A Pentagon spokesperson told BuzzFeed News that officials are investigating the authenticity of the information.
"I can't confirm the validity of the information, but we are looking into it," the spokesperson said. "The safety of our service members is always a concern."
In January, the U.S. Military Central Command's social media accounts were hacked by purported ISIS supporters who called themselves "Cyber Caliphate."
FBI agents said their initial investigations showed no classified material was shared from the accounts, labeling the incident an act of "cybervandalism."
In February, the twitter account for Newsweek magazine was also hacked by users who stated they were publishing "confidential documents from the U.S. National Cybersecurity Center," before posting images purportedly from the Defense Cyber Investigations Training Academy.

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Jindal: US Shouldn't 'Blindly' Follow Europe on Immigration

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by Ian Hanchett18 Mar 20151037
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (R) declared “we shouldn’t be blindly following Europe where you’ve got second and third generation immigrants that don’t assimilate, don’t integrate” on Wednesday’s “Kelly File” on the Fox News Channel.
“Look, America’s built on religious liberty. We don’t discriminate against anybody of any religion and certainly there are many Muslims who are proud, patriotic Americans, and that’s great. But, Megyn, it’s also true that there are radical Muslims, there are Muslims that want to treat women as second class citizens, there are those who want to use our freedoms to undermine the freedoms of others. It makes no sense to let those types of folks come into our country” he stated.
Jindal continued, “here’s the line. In America we say you have the right to believe what you want as long as you’re not harming others. So, as long as you’re not trying to limit the freedoms of other people, we believe in the right of freedom of self-expression, religious liberty, freedom of speech, freedom of association. You don’t have the right to come here and say for example that you think women should be treated as second-class citizens…we’re talking about who do we let into our society, into our country. And if you want to see what — where this is happening, look to Europe. We shouldn’t be blindly following Europe where you’ve got second and third generation immigrants that don’t assimilate, don’t integrate, don’t consider themselves parts of those [societies]. In America, we want people who want to be Americans. We want people who want to come here. We don’t say you have to adopt our creed or any particular creed, but we do say if you come here you need to believe in American Exceptionalism, I believe you need to learn English, and I believe you’ve got to respect the freedoms of other people.”
Jindal defended this idea by pointing to previous restrictions on immigration for Communists or people who wish to undermine US foreign policy, and arguing “there’s nothing wrong in saying we want immigrants who will make our country stronger not weaker, we don’t want people who are going to come here that are dedicated to Islamic — radical Islamic terrorism or radical Islam. We don’t want people who are going to undermine freedoms for other people. If we don’t, if we don’t insist on that, we’re going to go the way of Europe.”
Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

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Fate of 220 Assyrian Christians Abducted by ISIS Remains Unknown

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by Jordan Schachtel19 Mar 201526
With each day that passes, the likelihood that the majority of the Assyrian men, women, and children survive captivity diminishes, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported.
“Sheikhs of Arabian clans are still working privately to release the detainees, amid fears by SOHR on their lives after the fake promises by the IS to release them,” reports the Observatory.
Islamic State jihadis have now executed around 2,000 Assyrian Christians, including 1,266 civilians, the human rights group says.
The Islamic State released two dozen of the Assyrian hostages from March 2-4 in exchange for a lump sum of cash, some reports have stated. More reports indicated that only elderly hostages were released, leaving the most valuable abductees within ISIS captivity.
The kidnappings of the 200+ individuals took place on February 23, when Islamic State jihadis raided a stretch of Assyrian villages that are located beside the Khabur River in northeastern Syria.
The Wall Street Journal reports that many of Syria’s Assyrians have fled for Lebanon. Since the breakout of the Syrian civil war, More than 1.2 million Syrians have come to Lebanon in search of a safe environment, which has put a strain on its economy in attempts to assimilate the influx of refugees.

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A Complete Timeline of Obama's Anti-Israel Hatred

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According to reports, President Obama finally called Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to congratulate him – but the “congratulations” was actually a lecture directed at forcing Netanyahu to surrender to the terrorist Palestinian regime.
For some odd reason, many in the media and Congress reacted with surprise to Obama’s supposedly sudden turn on Israel. The media, in an attempt to defend Obama’s radicalism, pretend that Netanyahu’s comments in the late stages of his campaign prompted Obama’s anti-Israel action.
But, in truth, this is the culmination of a longtime Obama policy of destroying the US-Israel relationship; Obama has spent his entire life surrounded by haters of Israel, from former Palestine Liberation Organization spokesman Rashid Khalidi to former Jimmy Carter National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, pro-Hamas negotiator Robert Malley to UN Ambassador Samantha Power (who once suggested using American troops to guard Palestinians from Israelis), Jeremiah Wright (who said “Them Jews ain’t going to let him talk to me”) to Professor Derrick Bell (“Jewish neoconservative racists…are undermining blacks in every way they can”). Here is a concise timeline, with credit toDan Senor and the editors of Commentary:
February 2008: Obama says while campaigning, ‘There is a strain within the pro-Israel community that says unless you adopt an unwavering pro-Likud approach to Israel that you’re anti-Israel.” At the time, as Dan Senor pointed out in The Wall Street Journal, Israel was run by the Kadima government run by Ehud Olmert, Tzipi Livni, and Shimon Peres, and was attempting desperately to bring the Palestinians to the table. Instead, the Palestinians launch war, as always.
June 2008: Obama tells the American Israel Public Affairs Conference that Jerusalem ought to remain undivided, attempting to woo Jewish votes. He then walks that back the next day, saying only that the capital shouldn’t be divided by barbed wire.
March 2009: The Obama administration reverses the Bush era policy of not joining the United Nations Human Rights Council. Secretary of State Clinton said, “Human rights are an essential element of American global foreign policy,” completely neglecting the UNHRC’s abysmally anti-Semitic record. The Washington Post reported that the administration joined the Human Rights Council even though they conceded that it “has devoted excessive attention to alleged abuses by Israel and too little to abuses in places such as Darfur, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe.”
May 2009: Obama tells Netanyahu that “settlements have to be stopped in order for us to move forward.” Netanyahu announces a settlement freeze to comply. The Palestinians refuse to negotiate. Obama then slams Israel: “they still found it very hard to move with any bold gestures.”
June 2009: Obama tells the world in his infamous Cairo speech that Israel was only created based on Jewish suffering in the Holocaust. He then says that Palestinians have been similarly victimized by the Jews: “They endure the daily humiliations – large and small – that come with occupation. So let there be no doubt: the situation for the Palestinian people is intolerable. America will not turn our backs on the legitimate Palestinian aspiration for dignity, opportunity, and a state of their own.”
July 2009: Obama threatens to put “daylight” between the United States and Israel. He tells Jewish leaders, “Look at the past eight years. During those eight years, there was no space between us and Israel, and what did we get from that?” Except for Israel forcibly removing thousands of Jews from the Gaza Strip, the election of Hamas, and the launch of war by the Palestinians and Hezbollah, nothing happened. Obama then lectures the Jews about the need for Israeli “self-reflection.” The same month, Obama tells CNN that the United States would “absolutely not” give Israel permission to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities.
September 2009: Obama tells the United Nations that “America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements.” Obama’s definition of Israeli settlements, as the world soon learned, included building bathrooms in a home already owned by Jews in East Jerusalem. Obama offers no serious criticism of the Palestinians.
March 2010: Obama follows up on his threatening language about settlements by deploying Vice President Joe Biden to Israel, where Biden rips into the Israelis for building bathrooms in Jerusalem, the eternal Jewish capital. Hillary Clinton then yells at Netanyahu for nearly an hour on the phone, telling him he had “harmed the bilateral relationship.” David Axelrod calls the building plans an “insult” to the United States. When Netanyahu visits the White House a week and a half later, Obama makes him leave via a side door.
April 2010: Obama refuses to prevent the Washington summit on nuclear proliferation from becoming an Arab referendum on the evils of Israel’s nukes.
June 2010: An anonymous “US defense source” leaks to the Times of London that Israel had cut a deal with the Saudis to use their airspace to strike Iran. The deal is scuttled.
May 2011: The State Department labeled Jerusalem not a part of Israel. The same month, Obama demanded that Israel make concessions to the Palestinians based on the pre-1967 borders, which Israelis call the “Auschwitz borders” thanks to their indefensibility.
November 2011: Obama and French president Nicolas Sarkozy are caught on open mic ripping Netanyahu, with Sarkozy stating, “I can’t stand him, he’s a liar,” and Obama replying, “You’re tired of him? What about me? I have to deal with him every day.”
December 2011: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton rips into the State of Israel, stating that it is moving in the “opposite direction” of democracy. She said that Israel reminded her of Rosa Parks, and that religious people not listening to women sing – a millennia-long policy among some segments of the Orthodox – reminds her of extremist regimes, adding that it seemed “more suited to Iran than Israel.
February 2012: Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta tells David Ignatius at the Washington Post that the possibility he worried about most was that Israel would strike Iran. The Post then adds, “Panetta believes there is a strong likelihood that Israel will strike Iran in April, May or June – before Iran enters what Israelis described as a ‘zone of immunity’ to commence building a nuclear bomb.” The goal: to delay any potential Israeli strike.
March 2012: NBC News somehow gains information from “senior Obama administration officials” that Israel had financed and trained the Iranian opposition group Mujahideen-e-Khalq, and adds that the Obama administration had nothing to do with hits on Iranian nuclear scientists. More daylight. More leaks. The same month, Foreign Policy receives information from “four senior diplomats and military intelligence officers” that the “United States has recently been granted access to Iran’s northern border.” Foreign Policy also reports that a “senior administration official” has told them, “The Israelis have bought an airfield, and the airfield is Azerbaijan.” Again, a potential Israeli strike is scuttled. The same day as the Foreign Policy report, Bloomberg reports a Congressional Research Service report stating that Israel can’t stop Iran’s nuclear program in any case. Columnist Ron Ben-Yishai of Yidioth Ahronoth writes that the Obama administration wants to “erode the IDF’s capacity to launch such strike with minimal casualties.”
June 2012: In an attempt to shore up the Jewish vote, top members of the Obama administration, including Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and then-CIA director Leon Panetta were quoted by David Sanger of The New York Times talking about the President’s supposedly deep involvement in the Stuxnet plan to take out Iran’s nuclear reactors via computer virus. Until that point, it had been suspected but not confirmed that Stuxnet was an Israeli project. The Obama administration denied leaking the information. A year later, the State Department released emails showing that Sanger had corresponded regularly with all the top Obama officials, including correspondence on Stuxnet.
December 2012: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks at the Saban Forum on US-Israel Relations, where she says that Israelis have a “lack of empathy” for Palestinians, and that the Israelis need to “demonstrate that they do understand the pain of an oppressed people in their minds.”
March 2013: Obama forces Netanyahu to call Islamist Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan to apologize for Israel’s actions to stop a terrorist-arming flotilla from entering the Gaza Strip to aid Hamas. Erdogan had recently labeled Zionism racism.
May 2013: Members of the Obama Pentagon leak information that Israel attacked the Damascus airport to stop a shipment of weapons to terrorist groups. Obama officials actually had to apologize for this leak, since it endangered American lives. They blamed “low-level” employees.
June 2013: The Obama administration leaks specific information regarding Israeli Arrow 3 anti-ballistic missile sites. Weeks later, US sources tell CNN that Israel attacked a Syrian installation full of Russian-provided missiles. The same month, “American intelligence analysts” tell the New York Times that Israeli strikes had not been effective. All that information was classified.
June 2014: Three Jewish teenagers are kidnapped, including an American, and murdered by Hamas. The Obama administration immediately calls on Israel for restraint, and says it will continue to work with a Palestinian unity government including Hamas. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki says that the Obama administration wants “the Israelis and the Palestinians continue to work with one another on that, and we certainly would continue to urge that… in spite of, obviously, the tragedy and the enormous pain on the ground.” Throughout the ensuing Gaza War, in which Hamas fired rockets at Israeli civilians and tunnels were uncovered demonstrating Hamas’ intent to kidnap Israeli children, the Obama administration criticized Israel’s prosecution of the war.
August 2014: In the middle of a shooting war, Obama stopped weapons shipment to Israel. According to the Wall Street Journal, Obama found out that Israel asked the Defense Department for shipments of Hellfire missiles. Obama personally stepped in and blocked the shipments.
October 2014: Jeffrey Goldberg, court Jew for the Obama administration, releases an article in The Atlantic quoting Obama officials calling Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “chickenshit.” Goldberg, naturally, blames Netanyahu (of course, he also wrote in 2008 that any Jew who feared Obama on Israel was an “obvious racist”).
January 2015: Obama deploys his campaign team to defeat Netanyahu in Israel. A group titled “One Voice,” funded by American donors, pays for the Obama campaign team, led by Obama 2012 field director Jeremy Bird. The announcement comes days after Speaker of the House John Boehner’sinvite to Netanyahu to speak before a joint session of Congress. Obama quickly announced he would not meet with Netanyahu, making the excuse that the meeting would come too close to the election.
March 2015: Netanyahu wins. Obama refuses to call him to congratulate him for two days. When he does, he threatens to remove American support in the international community, even as he moves to loosen sanctions and weapons embargoes on Iran.
Nothing has changed. Obama is who he always was. The mask has simply been removed.
Ben Shapiro is Senior Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the new book, The People vs. Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against The Obama Administration (Threshold Editions, June 10, 2014). He is also Editor-in-Chief of TruthRevolt.orgFollow Ben Shapiro on Twitter @benshapiro.
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Baby Cut From Womb of Woman Who Answered Craigslist Ad

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After reading the ad for the baby clothing, authorities say that a 26-year-old woman from Longmont, Colorado–identified as “D” publicly–contacted Dynel Lane, 34, a former certified nurses aide.
“D”, who was seven months pregnant at the time, visited Lane (pictured) at her home to inquire about the sale. But instead of a transaction, authorities allege that Lane attacked her.
Prosecutors say that “D” was viciously stabbed by Lane, and when she was down, Lane set upon the prone woman, sliced open her belly, and removed the fetus.
It appears that Lane’s husband, David Ridley, soon discovered his wife covered in blood. According to police, Lane told her husband that she had a spontaneous abortion in the bathroom of the couple’s home.
Mr. Ridley told authorities he found the fetus in a bathtub and noted that it was still gasping for breath when he entered the bathroom. He then rushed his wife and the baby to a local hospital, where the infant soon died. Doctors noted that if properly treated, the baby was viable and could have survived.
Ridley says he never even knew that “D” was lying stabbed and bleeding in his home when he left for the hospital that night.
“D” then called police and told a 911 operator that she was stabbed and that she was pregnant.
When police arrived, they found “D” lying on a bed and barely conscious. A bloody three-inch knife was discovered in the room.
After arriving at the emergency room, ER personnel noted that the incision on “D’s” stomach “appeared to be well performed.”
Meanwhile, at the same hospital that “D” was taken to, Lane reportedly refused to allow doctors to treat her for what she claimed was a miscarriage.
Ultimately, police say she admitted to the attack on the pregnant woman.
“Dynel admitted to Detective Stacey Graham that she cut abdomen open to remove [the victim’s] baby,” the police report says.
Prosecutors are now weighing the idea of charging Lane with the murder of the baby, but state law on the matter is far from clear.
“The issue of whether or not murder charges are appropriate involving a case involving the death of a fetus or a late-term pregnancy is always a difficult issue,” Boulder County District Attorney Stanley L. Garnett said.
“Under Colorado law, essentially, there’s no way murder charges can be brought if it’s not established that the fetus lived as a child outside the body of the mother for some period of time. I don’t know the answer yet as to whether that can be established, what our facts are here,” Garnett added.
It is unknown how authorities will determine if the period of time that the child existed outside the womb was long enough for it to qualify as a human being under state law.
Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston or email the author at <a href="mailto:igcolonel@hotmail.com">igcolonel@hotmail.com</a>
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Argentine Official: Slain Prosecutor on Iran Case Was 'Scoundrel' with Prostitute Problem

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Anibal Fernández, President Fernández de Kirchner’s (no relation) chief of staff, claimed during a question and answer session with the press that Nisman “was given a lot of money” as the head of the investigation into the 1994 bombing for the Argentine Israeli Mutual Association (AMIA), “and he spent it on young women and ñoquis [Argentine slang for an employee who gets paid without working].”
“This licentious lifestyle was very costly. Who paid for this troupe of workers who did not work Like when he went to Cancun with a secretary ñoqui and a known prostitute? His salary could not have covered all that,” Fernández added.
The Times of Israel notes that Fernández also called Nisman a “scoundrel” and a “wretch.”
The accusations of illicit behavior followed claims by Diego Lagomarsino–Nisman’s former employee who, having lent Nisman the gun with which he was allegedly killed, is a prime suspect in the case–that he had to provide Nisman kickbacks on his salary.
Nisman was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head on January 18. On January 19, he was to present a nearly 300-page report to the Argentine legislature, in which he accused Fernández de Kirchner, Foreign Minister Héctor Timerman, and others within the Argentine government of striking a deal with the Iranian government whereby Argentina would lobby Interpol to remove a number of Hezbollah-linked terrorists from its wanted list in exchange from lower oil prices. The terrorists are those believed to be responsible for the 1994 AMIA bombing, which killed 85 people and remains the deadliest terrorist attack in the history of Argentina. No one has been arrested in relation to the attack.
On Thursday, the Israeli government honored Nisman at an act commemorating another attack on Argentina’s Jewish community: the 23rd anniversary of the bombing of the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires. Israeli Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Yair Shamir, speaking at the commemoration, asserted that Nisman “paid with his life for the intent of reaching the truth.”
“Iran continues to sow terror and the world continues to appease this snake’s nest,” Shamir said of Iran at the event, asserting that “these crimes must be investigated so that their despicable perpetrators are condemned [by courts].”
Anibal Fernández was also in attendance at the commemoration. The crowd received him with loud boos, largely in response to his posthumous attacks on Nisman. Fernández blamed the booing on opposition leaders organizing a disturbance and denied accusations of anti-Semitism from the crowd by stating, “If there is something that I am in my life is [being] not against anything, I always hold positions in favour.”
President Fernández de Kirchner declined an invitation to commemorate the anniversary of the bombing, meeting with some of the victims’ relatives of the bombing on March 17, the actual date of the anniversary. (The event at the embassy was postponed due to the Israeli election.) “I apologized through the Secretary General to the Presidency and told the people that were with me [meaning survivors of the bombing and family members of the victims] that, in fact, for me, there was only one date for the homage: March 17,” she wrote on her blog.
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Российский финансист призвал Украину разместить натовскую систему ПРО

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Известный российский финансист, управляющий Diamond Age Capital Advisors, Слава Рабинович считает, что Украина должна разместить у себя систему противоракетной обороны НАТО.
Об этом он написал в своей странице в Facebook.
«Пока продолжается рашизм и путинизм к востоку от Украины, Украина, ИМХО, должна минимизировать потери на будущее, и поступить так, как Израиль: глубокий ров, высокая стена и система ПРО от НАТО»,‒ отметил Рабинович.
По его мнению, Украиной не очень сложно управлять, потому что у нее есть целый ряд преимуществ, которых нет даже в Польше.
«Удачное соотношение численности населения к площади территории, выход к морю и путям морских грузоперевозок, доступ к двум ключевым судоходным рекам Европы, удачное географическое положение на континенте, кроме одного (существенного) фактора, общая граница и зона свободной торговли с крупнейшим потребительским рынком планеты (ЕС), высокий образовательный уровень населения и качественный человеческий капитал»,полагает финансист.
Напомним, Россия пригрозила Дании ядерным ударом в случае, если последняя присоединится к противоракетной обороне НАТО.

Николай Радов. Белоруссия и единая армия ЕС: новый подарок для Минска? - Политика, выборы, власть - Новости

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22.03.2015 01:00
Пресловутая «многовекторность» Александра Лукашенко в условиях резкого обострения отношений России с Западом начинает приносить ему всё больше выгод, однако на жизни простых белорусов это никак не отражается Тот факт, что последний год для экономики Белоруссии стал крайне неудачным: уменьшение экспорта, девальвация, сокращение рабочих мест и падение уровня жизни — сегодня нисколько не смущаете местное руководство. Это связано в первую очередь с тем, что, в отличие от внутренней ситуации, дела на международной арене у белорусов складываются гораздо лучше. С Минском стали разговаривать в Брюсселе, Москва не оказывает серьезного давления, США сняли санкции с «Белоруснефти», президент республики снова перестал быть в глазах западных политиков диктатором, получив статус миротворца, а страна замерла в ожидании новых бонусов от нынешнего противостояния России и Запада. И, похоже, они продолжают сыпаться на белорусское руководство как из рога изобилия, правда, не принося пока никаких существенных выгод для страны в целом.
Как известно, с 11 марта 2015 года Россия полностью приостановила свое участие в Договоре об обычных вооруженных силах в Европе (ДОВСЕ), о чем в Вене на заседании Совместной консультативной группы (СКК) заявил представитель российского МИД А. Мазур. По его словам, «этот шаг российской стороны не означает ее отказа от дальнейшего диалога о контроле над обычными вооружениями в Европе (KOBE), если и когда для него созреют наши партнеры» В Москве по-прежнему готовы к совместной работе над новым режимом KOBE, отвечающим интересам как России, так и других европейских государств. Действительно, российское руководство уже достаточно давно высказывало свое скептичное отношение к данному Договору, указывая на то, что он уже давно не соответствует реальности и должен быть пересмотрен. Однако европейские «партнеры» продолжали оставаться глухими к предложениям из Кремля, что и повлекло за собой последние события.
В сложившейся обстановке интересно то, что решение России относительно ДОВСЕ в очередной раз принесло определенные выгоды для Белоруссии. Это связано с тем, что теперь российские интересы в Совместной консультативной группе будет представлять белорусский член организации. Причем, со слов начальника управления информации — пресс-секретаря МИД Белоруссии Д. Мирончика, просьба о представлении интересов России пришла непосредственно из Кремля. Конечно, белорусам крайне польстило то, что им предложили выступать от имени России на международной арене. Однако в данном случае необходимо отметить, что нынешняя позиция Минска, который не посчитал необходимым поддержать демарш российского руководства, несмотря на заявленную военно-политическую координацию своих действий, свидетельствует о том, что белорусская сторона снова решила использовать сложившуюся ситуацию в собственных интересах. Теперь Минск формально остался единственным союзником РФ в рамках Договора и вполне может рассчитывать на некоторое повышение своего международного статуса. Вполне вероятно, что уже в самое ближайшее время из Белоруссии начнут поступать сигналы о том, что она готова стать посредником в решении проблем военного сотрудничества между Западом и Россией, так как все остальные инструменты на сегодняшний день практически не работают.
Необходимо напомнить, что сложившаяся на сегодняшний день ситуация с ДОВСЕ, который многие считают абсолютно бесполезным документом, является результатом многолетнего непонимания западными странами интересов России. Изначально Договор об обычных вооруженных силах в Европе был подписан 19 ноября 1990 года в Париже и вступил в силу в 1992-м. Тогда подписи под ним поставили представители 16 государств НАТО и 6 государств-участников Организации варшавского договора (ОВД). Он устанавливал ограничения на численность дислокации двух военных блоков в Европе пяти типов обычных вооружений: танков, бронетехники, артиллерии, боевых самолетов и вертолетов. Впоследствии, после развала соцлагеря и возникшего из-за расширения НАТО за счёт бывших стран ОВД и постсоветских государств военного дисбаланса, в Стамбуле 19 ноября 1999 года 30 государствами, в числе которых были Белоруссия, Казахстан, Россия и Украина, было подписано Соглашение об адаптации ДОВСЕ. Дополнение вместо блоковой системы квот водило национальные и территориальные лимиты. Причем даже в таком виде данное соглашение было невыгодно России, так как разрешало размещение на территории государств Европы иностранных военных подразделений, пускай и в ограниченном количестве.
В дальнейшем развитие ДОВСЕ практически остановилось. Ратификация Адаптационного соглашения прошла только в Минске, Киеве, Москве и Астане, а потому формально не вступило в действие. Грузия и Молдавия, прибалтийские и балканские страны и вовсе отказались от участия в данном Договоре. Более того в последующем большинство из них вступило в НАТО в надежде получить если не военную, то как минимум, финансовую помощь от западноевропейских стран и США. Все это естественным образом не могло оставаться без внимания России, которая неоднократно предлагала пересмотреть ДОВСЕ. Однако западные государства постоянно саботировали планы Кремля по реанимации соглашения. Страны НАТО увязали свое участие в этом Договоре с тем, что Россия должна была сначала выполнить свои двусторонние обязательства с Молдавией и Грузией по выводу войск с их территорий (считая таковыми Приднестровье, Абхазию и Южную Осетию). По мнению же Москвы, двусторонние соглашения с этими республиками не должны были влиять на ратификацию адаптированного ДОВСЕ.
В конечном счете, чтобы каким-то образом повлиять на политику НАТО и противостоять решениям США по военным базам и системе ПРО в Европе, Россия выбрала асимметричный ответ — 13 июля 2007 года В. Путин подписал Указ «О приостановлении Российской Федерацией действия Договора об обычных вооруженных силах в Европе и связанных с ним международных договоров». Обосновано это было тем, что «партнеры» России ведут себя как минимум некорректно, добиваясь односторонних преимуществ: «Сегодня это означает лишь то, что на территории собственной страны мы ограничены в вопросах дислокации вооруженных сил общего назначения… Не ратифицируя под надуманными предлогами ДОВСЕ, они (западные страны — Н.Р.) используют сложившуюся ситуацию для наращивания возле наших границ систем военных баз». В дальнейшем, после появления в Wikileaks секретных документов и материалов Государственного департамента США, которые свидетельствовали о запрещении Вашингтоном обсуждать любые субстантивные вопросы в Совместной консультативной группе с Россией, Москва приняла решение выйти из нее, так как полностью была разочарована позицией западных союзников. Данное решение было подтверждено главой российского МИД С. Лавровым в ноябре прошлого года, который заявил о том, что «Договор об обычных вооруженных силах в Европе мертв, и Москва не намерена к нему возвращаться».
Нынешнее официальное решение России отказаться от участия в СКК многие аналитики называют чистой формальностью, которая никоим образом не изменит сложившуюся на настоящий момент ситуацию в Европе. Однако последние события и заявления западных политиков все же заставляют в этом усомниться, так как любой шаг российского руководства сегодня рассматривается странами НАТО либо как угроза, либо как дополнительный предлог нарастить свою боевую мощь на восточных границах.
Поэтому в сложившейся сегодня ситуации совершенно недвусмысленно звучит недавний призыв руководства ЕС к созданию собственной общеевропейской армии. Об этом в начале марта заявил председатель Еврокомиссии Жан-Клод Юнкер. По мнению еврочиновника, главной причиной этого является украинский кризис и внешняя политика России, которую в Евросоюзе оценивают «как в высшей степени агрессивную». Однако на самом деле ЕС, как и Белоруссия, стремится выжать как можно больше из сложившегося сегодня противостояния с Москвой, так как никто в мире в здравом уме воевать с Россией не собирается. Потому и нынешнее предложение Юнкера имеет двоякое значение.
С одной стороны, идея об общеевропейской армии, которая периодически появляется на протяжении не одного десятка лет, официально объявляется стремлением «дать России понять, что мы серьезно относимся к отстаиванию ценностей Европейского союза». Однако сегодня эти «ценности» уже официально защищены НАТО. Более того, на сентябрьском саммите Альянса в Уэльсе было принято решение о создании сил быстрого реагирования, которые будут дислоцироваться на территории, в том числе, сопредельных с Россией стран по принципу ротации. Желание разместить у себя подобные формирования изъявили страны Прибалтики, а также Польша и Румыния. Поэтому на практике особого смысла в дополнительных вооруженных подразделениях у ЕС нет, а, значит, и реальная причина заявления Юнкера — отнюдь не «агрессивная Россия».
С другой стороны, как уже указывалось выше, в Брюсселе планируют использовать сложившуюся ситуацию в собственных интересах: ослабить влияние со стороны Вашингтона. Как известно, за безопасность стран Европы сегодня отвечает НАТО, в состав которого входят 22 страны ЕС. При этом больше всего военных расходов несут именно США, в то время как многие европейские страны значительно снизили свои расходы на оборону и тратят на нее меньше 2% ВВП. Вашингтон неоднократно призывал европейцев увеличить отчисления на военные нужды, однако значительных подвижек в данном вопросе все еще не наблюдается. В Брюсселе прекрасно понимают, что последнее может крайне негативно сказаться на экономике всей еврозоны, поэтому и не спешат выполнять требования американцев. Однако, несмотря на это, имея самый значительный военный потенциал в мире и опираясь на своего главного союзника в Европе Великобританию (представитель Лондона уже высказался против идеи общей армии, заявив, что национальная безопасность не относится к компетенции Евросоюза) США продолжает пытаться навязать свою волю ЕС. Жалкие попытки отдельных стран противостоять американскому давлению особых успехов не принесли. Поэтому в Брюсселе и хотят использовать любой шанс, чтобы поправить ситуацию. Тем более что сегодня в ЕС уже распространяется мысль о том, что НАТО «не может в полной мере обеспечить задачи по защите европейских ценностей». В нынешней же ситуации, когда Россия официально заявила об окончании своего сотрудничества со странами Европы в рамках ДОВСЕ, перед Брюсселем замаячила дополнительная возможность ослабить хватку Вашингтона, обосновав это своим стремлением обезопасить себя от «российской агрессии».
Конечно, сегодня в создание общеевропейских сил в обозримом будущем не верят даже в самой Европе, так как этому существует множество серьезных препятствий. Например, необходимо окончательно утвердить единую европейскую внешнюю политику и политику безопасности, но сегодня вряд ли все члены ЕС готовы передать Брюсселю полномочия по использованию своих войск. Более того, должен быть разработан единый механизм, который бы регулировал участие европейской армии в боевых действиях за рубежом, а это, учитывая различные подходы и интересы среди стран Евросоюза, сделать на настоящий момент практически невозможно. Но при этом в условиях нарастающей военной истерии в Европе, полностью исключать возможность появления объединенной европейской армии нельзя. И в этом случае Белоруссия снова может оказаться в выигрыше.
Дело в том, что создание единой армии ЕС приведет к ослаблению трансатлантических отношений. Евросоюз сможет осуществлять международные миссии полностью независимо от НАТО, а значит, будет в какой-то степени лишен прямой антироссийской направленности, которая поддерживается Вашингтоном. В такой ситуации вполне вероятно, что Минск может получить предложение о сотрудничестве с объединенными силами Европы, что формально не нарушит условия белорусско-российских военно-политических отношений, так как не будет связано с Североатлантическим альянсом. И в этом случае у белорусского руководства появится дополнительный инструмент в политической игре как с Москвой, так и Брюсселем. Поэтому все, что сегодня происходит вокруг республики, так или иначе приносит внешнеполитическую пользу белорусам. К сожалению, именно из-за этого местным властям продолжает казаться, что их «растущий международный авторитет» перекроет любые внутренние неудачи, а потому интересы простых граждан республики отходят далеко на задний план.
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Eclipse on Remote Arctic Islands Thrills, Disappoints

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A solar eclipse thrilled thousands of sky gazers on remote Arctic islands on Friday but clouds disappointed some viewers of a rare celestial show that was also partly visible for millions in Europe, Africa and Asia. People cheered and clapped as the moon blocked the sun for about 2.5 minutes under clear skies on the icy Norwegian islands of Svalbard, where tourists had been warned of risks of frostbite and polar bears after an attack on Thursday. But clouds masked the sky over Torshavn, the capital of the Faroe Islands further south and the only other place where a total eclipse was visible from land as the moon's shadow skimmed across the Atlantic. "It was overcast, there was rain and wind. You could see nothing. It was a disappointment for everybody," said Gabor Lantos, a Hungarian tourist. "Some tourists were so irritated, they argued with tour operators, demanding their money back." Others were more awestruck by the sudden darkness. "It was worth coming here from Australia, probably not as good as the 2012 eclipse we saw in Cairns, but still worth coming," said Australian visitor Michael Tonks. Street lights came on automatically as the sky blackened. Some eclipse viewers gathered on an icy mountainside in Svalbard. "We couldn't ask for more. It was stunning," said Ronny Brunvoll, head of the Visit Svalbard organization. In Svalbard, a polar bear mauled a Czech tourist on Thursday, breaking into his tent as he slept. Jakub Moravev, flown by helicopter to hospital, escaped with light injuries to his face, chest and an arm. Population swells for eclipse The Faroe Islands expected about 8,000 visitors on top of the archipelago's 50,000 population for the first eclipse in the region in 60 years. About 2,000 people made the trek to Svalbard, doubling the population there. "I've seen aurora, I've seen some volcano eruptions, but the total eclipse is still the most spectacular thing I've ever seen. And each one is unique," said Fred Espenak, a retired NASA astrophysicist in Torshavn. In an eclipse, when skies are clear, stars and planets are suddenly visible in daytime and a ring of fire — the corona — appears around the sun. In one famous experiment, a 1919 eclipse provided evidence for Einstein's theory of relativity by showing that the sun's mass bent light from distant stars. On Friday, electrical grids claimed success in managing the unprecedented disruption to solar power from the eclipse that brought sudden, massive swings in supply over a 2-1/2-hour period. The small audience on Friday contrasted with tens of millions of people who saw the last major eclipse in Europe in 1999. This time around, a partial eclipse was visible mainly in Europe and Russia, and glanced parts of North Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Twitter was dominated by the eclipse, with seven of the top 10 trending terms related to the sun and moon in Germany. And the German word for "doomsday" was the ninth most popular topic.

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Bloomberg рассказал о ярости Путина из-за чеченского следа в деле Немцова - РБК

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Bloomberg рассказал о ярости Путина из-за чеченского следа в деле Немцова
Известие об убийстве Бориса Немцова привело президента России Владимира Путина в ярость, заявили информированные источники. По их словам, президент еще больше встревожился из-за чеченского следа в убийстве. Президент России Владимир Путин. Фото: REUTERS 2015.

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» Fate of 220 Assyrian Christians Abducted by ISIS Remains Unknown
22/03/15 10:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Comments on: Fate of 220 Assyrian Christians Abducted by ISIS Remains Unknown. by Jordan Schachtel 19 Mar 2015 26 With each day that passes, the likelihood that the majority of the Assyrian men, women, and...
» A Complete Timeline of Obama's Anti-Israel Hatred
22/03/15 10:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Comments on: A Complete Timeline of Obama’s Anti-Israel Hatred. According to reports, President Obama finally called Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to congratulate him – but the “congratulat...
» Baby Cut From Womb of Woman Who Answered Craigslist Ad
22/03/15 10:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Comments on: Prosecutors Unsure of What Charges to Bring After Baby Cut from Mother’s Womb and Dies. After reading the ad for the baby clothing, authorities say that a 26-year-old woman from Longmont, Colo...
» Argentine Official: Slain Prosecutor on Iran Case Was 'Scoundrel' with Prostitute Problem
22/03/15 10:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Comments on: Argentine Official: Slain Prosecutor on Iran Case Was ‘Scoundrel’ with Prostitute Problem. Anibal Fernández, President Fernández de Kirchner’s (no relation) chief of staff, cla...
» 2,513,5422,513,542
22/03/15 07:41 from Mike Nova - Google+
2,513,542 2,513,542 This post has been generated by Page2RSS
» 2,513,5072,513,5072015-03-21 #Putin
22/03/15 03:37 from Mike Nova - Google+
2,513,507 2,513,507 2015-03-21   #Putin   #Russia Russia Hosting Europe’s Neo-Nazis, Nationalists and Anti-Semites, Putin Supporters All by Paul Goble | Putin’s Priorities – Propaganda over People and Even National Defense by Paul Goble:...
» Российский финансист призвал Украину разместить натовскую систему ПРО
22/03/15 00:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Известный российский финансист, у&...
» Николай Радов. Белоруссия и единая армия ЕС: новый подарок для Минска? - Политика, выборы, власть - Новости
22/03/15 00:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from ИА REGNUM: Политика. 22.03.2015 01:00 Facebook 2 Вконтакте 2 Класс 2 Google+ Пресло&#...
» Eclipse on Remote Arctic Islands Thrills, Disappoints
21/03/15 23:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. A solar eclipse thrilled thousands of sky gazers on remote Arctic islands on Friday but clouds disappointed some viewers of a rare celestial show that was also partly visible for millions...
» Bloomberg рассказал о ярости Путина из-за чеченского следа в деле Немцова - РБК
21/03/15 23:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Bloomberg рассказал о ярости Путина из-за чеченского следа в деле Немцова РБК Известие об убийстве Бориса Немцова привело президента России Владимира Путина в ярость, заявили инфор...
» Политические убийства
21/03/15 23:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Uploads by Радио Свобода. Политические убийства В российской истории власть часто использовала убийства для устрашения своих политических оппонентов.... From: Радио Свобода Views: 3640 80 0 0 ratings Time:...
» Russia 'Very Unhappy' at Sanctions Link - Wall Street Journal
21/03/15 23:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Reuters BBC News Russia 'Very Unhappy' at Sanctions Link Wall Street Journal BRUSSELS— Russia is “very unhappy” with the European economic sanctions being linked to the full implement...
» In Balkans, threat of Islamic Radicalization, Russian Influence Converge
21/03/15 23:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. The White House says violent extremism and Russian aggression in Ukraine are two of the greatest challenges to U.S. national security. And one place those threats converge is the Balkan r...
» Russia Warns Against US Army Convoy Advance - Military.com
21/03/15 23:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Military.com Russia Warns Against US Army Convoy Advance Military.com Such an exercise, Russia's foreign ministry said Friday, undermines the Russia -NATO Founding Act. "Accordin...
» Armenia and Russia - The Economist
21/03/15 23:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. The Economist Armenia and Russia The Economist The increasing threat of escalation leads Armenia to depend upon Russia for protection, but Armenians are growing increasingly frustrate...
» КГБ Приднестровья зацепилось за сеть - Коммерсантъ
21/03/15 23:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Коммерсантъ КГБ Приднестровья зацепилось за сеть Коммерсантъ В Приднестровье арестован журналист Сергей Ильченко, критиковавший руководство непризнанной республики, а заодно и росс...
» Russia This Week: Can We Be Satisfied With the Theory That Kadyrov Killed Nemtsov?
21/03/15 23:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The InterpreterThe Interpreter. In Russia This Week , you will find links to the stories of Russia Update in the last week and to special features, plus an article following up on the news and trending top...
» Northcom: Russian Cruise Missile Threat to U.S. Grows - Washington Free Beacon
21/03/15 23:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Washington Free Beacon Northcom: Russian Cruise Missile Threat to U.S. Grows Washington Free Beacon Russia is developing a long-range cruise missile that poses a new threat to the Uni...
» One Year After Russia Annexed Crimea, Locals Prefer Moscow To Kiev - Forbes
21/03/15 23:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Forbes One Year After Russia Annexed Crimea, Locals Prefer Moscow To Kiev Forbes One year after the annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula in the Black Sea, poll after poll shows that ...
» Secret weapon: What on Earth is Russia up to? - NEWS.com.au
21/03/15 23:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. ValueWalk Secret weapon: What on Earth is Russia up to? NEWS.com.au ACCORDING to a Kremlin propaganda media outlet, Russia plans to be able to deploy its army anywhere in the world wi...
» 2,508,6872,508,6872015-03-21#PuertoRico
21/03/15 23:29 from Mike Nova - Google+
2,508,687 2,508,687 2015-03-21 #PuertoRico Was Luis Muñoz Marin A Drug Addict? | To take out Alejandro García-Padilla from the governorship of Puerto Rico: Now! | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government | Puerto Rico ends its defense...
» Канада одновременно с Россией проводит в Арктике военные учения - БалтИнфо.ru
21/03/15 23:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Lenta.ru Канада одновременно с Россией проводит в Арктике военные учения БалтИнфо.ru Торонто, 21 марта. Канадские военнослужащие 20 марта начали учения у арктических границ страны,...
» Steady expansion of Russian military exercises - BBC News
21/03/15 23:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. BBC News Steady expansion of Russian military exercises BBC News The massive show of force involving the army, navy and air force is believed to be in response to the deployment of Am...
» Генсек НАТО: внезапные проверки боеспособности армии РФ не способствуют диалогу с альянсом - Информинг
21/03/15 23:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Информинг Генсек НАТО: внезапные проверки боеспособности армии РФ не способствуют диалогу с альянсом Информинг Внезапные проверки боеготовности армии, которые устраивает Россия, не...
» Лидер еще одного государства отказался приехать в Москву на 9 мая - Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ
21/03/15 23:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. УНИАН Лидер еще одного государства отказался приехать в Москву на 9 мая Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ Это президент Болгарии Росен Плевнелиев. Об этом сообщили в его пресс-службе без уто...
» Putin No Longer Cares Whether His Lies are Plausible, Shevtsova Says
21/03/15 23:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Window on Eurasia -- New Series. Paul Goble               Staunton, March 21 – Vladimir Putin and the world have crossed a dangerous threshold: T...
» Rouhani: Treat Iran with 'Respect' Instead of 'Threats and Sanctions'
21/03/15 23:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Saturday held out the possibility of an agreement in the country's negotiations with world powers about it nuclear capabilities. While acknowledging di...
» Putin’s Priorities – Propaganda over People and Even National Defense
21/03/15 23:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Window on Eurasia -- New Series. Paul Goble               Staunton, March 21 – Budget documents may seem dry reading most of the time, but they o...
» Russia Issues Contradicting Statements on NATO - Voice of America
21/03/15 23:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Voice of America Russia Issues Contradicting Statements on NATO Voice of America A Russian senior official said that Moscow is not seeking confrontation with NATO. The Russian Interfa...
» Порошенко допустил проведение выборов в Донбассе в 2015 году - РБК
21/03/15 23:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. РБК Порошенко допустил проведение выборов в Донбассе в 2015 году РБК Местные выборы в Донбассе могут пройти уже в 2015 году. Это произойдет при условии вывода «иностранных войск» и...
» Hundreds Arrested in Indian Academic Cheating Scandal
21/03/15 23:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Authorities in India arrested nearly 300 people Saturday in connection with a massive academic cheating scandal this week in the northeastern state of Bihar. The alleged crimes involve a ...
» Obama Not Buying Netanyahu's Two-State Avowal
21/03/15 23:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. President Barack Obama is taking Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his word when the Israeli leader said on the eve of Israeli elections last week that he did not support Pales...
» Group Claiming IS Link Posts Hit List of US Service Members
21/03/15 23:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. A group purportedly affiliated with Islamic State militants has posted on the Internet what it says are the names, addresses and photographs of 100 U.S. military personnel and has encoura...
» Russia Hosting Europe’s Neo-Nazis, Nationalists and Anti-Semites, Putin Supporters All
21/03/15 23:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The InterpreterThe Interpreter. Staunton, March 21 — Even as Moscow denounces anything it views as a manifestation of fascism abroad and prepares to mark the anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany, t...
» Puerto Rico Drops Ban on Gay Marriage, Ricky Martin Rightly Elated - Jezebel
21/03/15 21:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google News. Jezebel Puerto Rico Drops Ban on Gay Marriage, Ricky Martin Rightly Elated Jezebel Justice Secretary Cesar Miranda said at a news conference that the Puerto R...
» Arzobispo reacciona tras histórico cambio de posición sobre matrimonios gay
21/03/15 21:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Telemundo Puerto Rico - Telenoticias - Puerto Rico. Roberto González Nieves habla en exclusiva para Telenoticias tras histórico apoyo gubernamental al matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo.
» Primera Dama: Homenaje a la Mujer Trabajadora de Nuestra Tierra
21/03/15 21:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Uploads by La Fortaleza. Primera Dama: Homenaje a la Mujer Trabajadora de Nuestra Tierra From: La Fortaleza Views: 345 4 0 0 ratings Time: 02:25 More in People & Blogs
» Conferencia de Prensa - Departamento de Justicia
21/03/15 21:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Uploads by La Fortaleza. Conferencia de Prensa - Departamento de Justicia Conferencia de prensa sobre el matrimonio homosexual. From: La Fortaleza Views: 0 13 7 ratings Time: 00:00 More in People & Blogs
» Mar, 20-22 2015
21/03/15 21:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The San Juan Daily Star. Mar, 20-22 2015 Lotto Starbucks Initiative on Race Relations Draws Attacks Online Israel’s Netanyahu, Softening Pre-Election Statement, Reopens Door to Palestinian State 40% of PR’...
» Puerto Rico News Digest For February 25, 2015
21/03/15 21:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Puerto Rico Monitor. PR RESIDENTS SUE PREPA FOR FRAUD From Reuters : Local residents and businesses sued Puerto Rico's Electric Power Authority (PREPA) in federal court on Tuesday, alleging fraud in th...
» Let Puerto Rico Go Bankrupt
21/03/15 21:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Puerto Rico Monitor. Opinion BloombergView In an ideal world, Puerto Rico would be bankrupt. Instead, it is sliding toward something far more dangerous and uncertain -- and President Barack Obama and C...
» Was Luis Muñoz Marin A Drug Addict?
21/03/15 21:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Puerto Rico Monitor. Feature Latino Rebels This essay does not judge or condemn Luis Muñoz Marín. We all know that President Barack Obama, Governor David Patterson (New York) and Congressman Trey Radel...
» Puerto Rico News Digest For March 13, 2015
21/03/15 21:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Puerto Rico Monitor. CUBAN MIGRANTS RESCUED FROM MONITO Photo: U.S. Coast Guard From Local 10 : The U.S. Coast Guard rescued eight Cuban migrants from Monito Island, Puerto Rico Wednesday afternoon, fo...
» Puerto Rico Debuts At SXSW
21/03/15 21:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Puerto Rico Monitor. From Caribbean Business : A delegation of five Puerto Rican entrepreneurs will participate for the first time in the technological innovation event South by Southwest (SXSW) Confer...
» BREAKING: Suspect In Laurens Higler's Death Turns Self In
21/03/15 21:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Puerto Rico Monitor. L: Laurens Higler. R: Gerardo de La Paz. A man suspected of killing Dutch globetrotter Laurens Higler after hitting the traveler with his car and fleeing the scene has turned himse...
» Puerto Rico News Digest For March 18, 2015
21/03/15 21:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Puerto Rico Monitor. PR GETS 1ST INDEPENDENT GOVERNOR CANDIDATE Lawyer and businesswoman Alexandra Lúgaro, age 33, has declared her intention to run for Governor of Puerto Rico in 2016 as an inde- pend...
» King of the Towels: The Torture and Murder of Pedro Albizu Campos
21/03/15 21:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Puerto Rico Monitor. by Nelson A. Denis Latino Rebels There is a most unusual TV interview of Gov. Luis Muñoz Marín on YouTube. The interview occurred in March 1954, just after the Nationalist attack o...
» Puerto Rico News Digest For March 20, 2015
21/03/15 21:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Puerto Rico Monitor. PRODUCE FROM DOM. REP. QUARANTINED From Caribbean Business : Customs and Border Protection (CBP), through its Field Operations Office, announced Wednesday the implementation of a f...
21/03/15 21:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Puerto Rico Monitor. From ABC News : Puerto Rico's Justice Department says it will not defend the territory's laws banning gay marriage in a major turnaround for the socially conservative island. Justi...
» Facing new test, Cuba’s revolution circles back
21/03/15 21:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Americas News: News and Headlines from Canada, South America & More - The Washington Post. HAVANA — At the gates of the city’s largest cemetery, a feverish 34-year-old Fidel Castro was rallying rif...
» New U.S. sanctions lost in Venezuela’s translation
21/03/15 21:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Americas News: News and Headlines from Canada, South America & More - The Washington Post. By targeting top Venezuelan officials this week with new sanctions, the Obama administration said it wante...
» White House steps up sanctions against Venezuelans
21/03/15 21:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Americas News: News and Headlines from Canada, South America & More - The Washington Post. The United States deepened its dispute with Venezuela on Monday, blocking the U.S. assets and property of ...
» Puerto Rico law would brand parents of obese children 'child abusers'
21/03/15 21:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico | The Guardian. The controversial bill would allow the government to ‘educate’ families of obese children and levy increasingly heavy fines against those who fail to lose weight. Many are outra...
» Puerto Rico moves toward authorizing gay marriages - Fox News Latino
21/03/15 21:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico politics - Google News. Puerto Rico moves toward authorizing gay marriages Fox News Latino San Juan – Puerto Rican Justice Secretary Cesar Miranda announced Friday that the government will take...
» Latino Rebels | How Luis Muñoz Marín (and His Addiction to Opium ...
21/03/15 21:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico politics - Google Blog Search. But 70 years ago, a divorce, an abortion, or a drug addiction could end any political career. It almost happened to Governor Luis Muñoz Marín of Puerto Rico . 800...
» Puerto Rico crisis needs more than bankruptcy tweak - The Hill (blog)
21/03/15 21:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico economy - Google News. Puerto Rico crisis needs more than bankruptcy tweak The Hill (blog) An added pressure is the broader political and economic effect that insolvency could have in the Carib...
» Puerto Rico ends its defense of gay marriage ban - Reuters
21/03/15 21:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google News. Jezebel Daily Mail Puerto Rico ends its defense of gay marriage ban Reuters SAN JUAN (Reuters) - The Puerto Rican government will no longer defend a law that bans same-sex couple...
» Puerto Rico Drops Opposition to Gay Marriage - TIME
21/03/15 21:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google News. Daily Mail La prensa Puerto Rico Drops Opposition to Gay Marriage TIME Justice Secretary Cesar Miranda said at a news conference that the Puerto Rican justice department would no...
» Puerto Rico agents nab 14 Dominicans, one ton of cocaine: EFE ...
21/03/15 21:20 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google Blog Search. San Juan.- Puerto Rico Police United Rapid Action Force (FURA) agents on Tuesday seized 1.1 tons of cocaine and arrested 14 Dominicans who were awaiting for the drug aboar...
» Puerto Rico Government To Stop Defending Same-Sex Marriage Ban - BuzzFeed News
21/03/15 21:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rican community in usa - Google News. Military.com LGBTQ Nation Puerto Rico Government To Stop Defending Same-Sex Marriage Ban BuzzFeed News WASHINGTON — Puerto Rico's government will no longer defe...
» Puerto Rico's 3rd Largest Bank Fails | Zero Hedge
21/03/15 21:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rican community in usa - Google Blog Search. FirstBank Puerto Rico , Santurce, Puerto Rico , will operate and assume the deposits of Doral Bank's 10 other branches in Puerto Rico ; Banco Popular's a...
» To take out Alejandro García-Padilla from the governorship of Puerto Rico: Now! | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
21/03/15 21:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . we petition the obama administration to: To take out Alejandro García-Padilla from the governorship of Puerto Rico: Now! To ask from Congress and the White House, immediate action, in deposing Governor A...
» There's a Viral WhiteHouse.Gov Petition Calling to Impeach Puerto ...
21/03/15 21:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rican community in usa - Google Blog Search. Alejandro Garcia Padilla (Photo via US Dept of Labor). The petition reads: To ask from Congress and the White House, ... It would force the White House t...
» Puerto Rican government to no longer defend marriage ban - Washington Blade
21/03/15 21:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rican community in new york - Google News. Washington Blade Puerto Rican government to no longer defend marriage ban Washington Blade “Same-sex partners, LGBTT people and their families are part of ...
» Puerto Rico says it will no longer defend same-sex marriage ban - LGBTQ Nation
21/03/15 21:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rican community in new york - Google News. LGBTQ Nation Puerto Rico says it will no longer defend same-sex marriage ban LGBTQ Nation Hundreds celebrated the news in Puerto Rico , including Johanne V...
» Puerto Rico seeks to recognize, allow gay marriages - SunHerald.com
21/03/15 21:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rican community in new york - Google News. Washington Blade Puerto Rico seeks to recognize, allow gay marriages SunHerald.com SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Puerto Rico's Justice Department announced Frida...
» Puerto Rico ends its defense of gay marriage ban - Business Insider
21/03/15 21:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from PR Economy and Business News Review. Puerto Rico ends its defense of gay marriage ban Business Insider SAN JUAN (Reuters) - The Puerto Rican government will no longer defend a law that bans same-sex couple...
» Puerto Rico News: Attorney Alexandra Lugaro Runs as Independent for ... - Latin Post
21/03/15 21:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google News. Puerto Rico News: Attorney Alexandra Lugaro Runs as Independent for ... Latin Post According to EFE, Lugaro is currently finishing her PhD at the Universidad ...
» Puerto Rico's economy is a mess, but it doesn't have to be - Fox News Latino
21/03/15 21:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google News. Jezebel Fox News Latino Puerto Rico's economy is a mess, but it doesn't have to be Fox News Latino Sure, politicians too often emphasis elections over long-te...
» Puerto Rico Sets Course to Recognize Same-sex Marriage - Newsmax
21/03/15 21:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google News. Puerto Rico Sets Course to Recognize Same-sex Marriage Newsmax The government made the announcement as it informed the public that it would no longer challeng...
» Puerto Rico drops its defense of gay marriage ban - ChicagoPride.com
21/03/15 21:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google News. Puerto Rico drops its defense of gay marriage ban ChicagoPride.com San Juan, Puerto Rico — Puerto Rico on Friday announced that it would no longer defend in c...
» Puerto Rico Drops Ban on Gay Marriage - Latin Post
21/03/15 21:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google News. Latin Post Puerto Rico Drops Ban on Gay Marriage Latin Post Puerto Rico made the decision Friday because the period of time was expiring when it would be poss...
» Tax All the Fat People: The History of Taxes in Puerto Rico
21/03/15 21:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google Blog Search. Wall Street has demoted the island's debt to “junk bond” status . ... To the U.S. government, Puerto Ricans pay social security taxes, federal payroll ...
» Latino Rebels | The Real Reason Why Puerto Ricans Are Protesting ...
21/03/15 21:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google Blog Search. It sounds noble, right? Clean up the island's tax system and get more revenue for the Puerto Rico ? Remember, this is Puerto Rico we're talking about, ...
» Can Puerto Rico pay its debts or Is default in the future? | Latin ...
21/03/15 21:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google Blog Search. Q: A U.S. federal judge last month struck down Puerto Rico's Recovery Act, a law passed last year to allow the island to overhaul the debts and labor c...
» A debate on Puerto Rican statehood | Stanford Daily
21/03/15 21:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google Blog Search. First, as seen through four statehood referendum results, there has never been a majority of Puerto Ricans who expressed the desire to become a state i...
» You've Probably Never Heard of America's Worst Police Force ...
21/03/15 21:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google Blog Search. But Congress and the federal government have oversight over many aspects of the Puerto Rican legal system , including external judicial review of law e...
» Regulators Shut Down Puerto Rico Bank
21/03/15 21:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Puerto Rico. The F.D.I.C. expects to lose about $748.9 million from the collapse of Doral Financial, the most costly bank failure in nearly five years.
» Puerto Rico Appeals for Calm Amid Shipping Concerns
21/03/15 21:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Latin American Herald Tribune. Amid concerns over the disbanding of a major shipper of merchandise to Puerto Rico, authorities have issued an appeal for calm and given assurances about future supplies to t...
» Puerto Rico Moves Toward Authorizing Gay Marriages
21/03/15 21:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Latin American Herald Tribune. Puerto Rican Justice Secretary Cesar Miranda announced Friday that the government will take no measures restricting marriage to a bond between a man and a woman, a step towar...
» Russia's Ties with Havana Unaffected by Thaw in US-Cuba Relations - Lavrov - Sputnik International
21/03/15 21:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Russia's Ties with Havana Unaffected by Thaw in US-Cuba Relations - Lavrov Sputnik International We see no signs that someday everything will be different,” Lavrov...
» Obama's rift with South America grows - MiamiHerald.com (blog)
21/03/15 21:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Obama's rift with South America grows MiamiHerald.com (blog) The White House announcement of President Obama's agenda for the upcoming April 10-11 Summit of the Am...
» US customs seizes 42 bales, 2425 pounds cocaine worth $30.8 million - Customs Today Newspaper
21/03/15 21:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Geopolitical Aspects PR Political Status. Customs Today Newspaper US customs seizes 42 bales, 2425 pounds cocaine worth $30.8 million Customs Today Newspaper CCSF is part of the Organized Crime Drug Enforc...
» #Socialist government action plan: blame someone, take their money
21/03/15 21:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Conservative News and Views on Puerto Rico. Greece is bankrupt.  It is a country bankrupted by false promises made by politicians to buy votes.  (Sounds like Puerto Rico right?) So what to do?  Pass a few ...
» Alejandro: the Taxman
21/03/15 21:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Conservative News and Views on Puerto Rico. How many new taxes has Alejandro Garcia Padilla signed into law since taking office?  I forget.  Its been so many that I’ve lost count.  Can you count them...
» Let Puerto Rico Go Bankruptwww.bloombergview.comPuerto Rico's legislators a...
21/03/15 21:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from CARIBBEAN BUSINESS's Facebook Wall. Let Puerto Rico Go Bankrupt www.bloombergview.com Puerto Rico's legislators and creditors need to recognize that it will never be able to pay its $73 billion in publ...
» Giuliani at P.R. Investment Summit: Make the island safe. ‘Get it done’ - Caribb...
21/03/15 21:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from CARIBBEAN BUSINESS's Facebook Wall. Giuliani at P.R. Investment Summit: Make the island safe. ‘Get it done’ - Caribbean Business cb.pr former two-term new york city mayor rudolph giuliani confirmednbsp...
» U.S. House Hearing Set on Puerto Rico Agency Bankruptcy
21/03/15 21:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico Report. The U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee that handles bankruptcy law plans a public hearing next Thursday on a bill to authorize the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to enable its inde...
» Puerto Rico Bonds Seen Cheapening as Record Restructuring Looms
21/03/15 21:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . (Bloomberg) -- Puerto Rico’s power utility is moving toward a record restructuring of its $8.6 billion debt load. For high-yield municipal investors, the move may be a trigger to add the junk-rated comm...
» South Florida Homeland Security Operations
21/03/15 20:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Police show off Homeland Security intelligence center - Sun Sentinel. At a secret location in Miami-Dade County, analysts and investigators tasked with preventing terrorist attacks study tips about possibl...
» Puerto Rico Governor Opposes Commonwealth Restructuring Amendment - The Bond Buyer
21/03/15 20:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Regional News Puerto Rico Governor Opposes Commonwealth Restructuring Amendment by Robert Slavin MAR 20, 2015 2:45pm ET Puerto Rico Gov. Alejandro García Padilla said he was opposed to amending the Puert...
» There affection between Alejandro García Padilla and Carmen Yulin
21/03/15 20:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . By <a href="http://Primerahora.com" rel="nofollow">Primerahora.com</a> 03/19/2015 | 00: 00 am No sooner had they begun their mandates when the mayor of San Juan, Carmen Yulin Cruz and Alejandro Ga...
» García Padilla recognizes step towards equality
21/03/15 20:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Before the announcement of the Department of Justice that will not defend the constitutionality of Article 68 of the Civil Code, which defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman, Governor Alejandro Ga...
» Puerto Rico News: Residents Use White House Petition to Call for Governor's Ouster : US News : Latin Post
21/03/15 20:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Latin Post : Top News. First Posted: Mar 09, 2015 05:08 PM EDT Puerto Ricans upset with the administration of the island territory's governor, Alejandro García Padilla, are asking the federal governme...
» The Ukraine War from Perspective of Russian Nationalists
21/03/15 20:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen. The man who brought the war to eastern Ukraine speaks in a cool and composed manner. His moustache and ramrod-straight posture are both reminiscent of an officer from the Cza...
» ABC News: Breaking News & Latest News
21/03/15 19:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Top Story: Machete-Wielding Man at Airport Dies: Cops Shiite Rebels Call for Yemen Offensive; US Troops Evacuate Military Warns Service Members of Purported ISIS Group's Threat US, Iran Cite Progress in Nuke ...
» Machete-Wielding Man at New Orleans Airport Has Died, Officials Say
21/03/15 19:49 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . A man who allegedly attacked TSA agents with a machete and a can of wasp spray at the New Orleans international airport before he was shot by a sheriff's lieutenant died today, officials said. Richard White, ...
» Putin, lies and his 'little green men'
21/03/15 19:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Story highlights Russia annexed Crimea in March 2014 Steven Pifer: Russia did nothing to implement the first Minsk ceasefire Steven Pifer is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and a former U.S. amba...
» Entrepreneurs Cash In on Colorado's Legal Pot Crop
21/03/15 19:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. DENVER— Legalization of marijuana in Colorado has led to commercial success that surprised even the most optimistic supporters. Since the state expanded regulation of medical mariju...
» A coffin fit for Richard III: King's remains to be reinterred in Leicester
21/03/15 19:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Story highlights Richard III's remains were found beneath a car park in Leicester in 2012 Long-lost King's skeleton is to be reinterred in the city's cathedral later this week Bones will be buried in a coffin...
» Dude, Why is My Mushroom Glowing? Scientists Have the Answer
21/03/15 18:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. If you think you see a glowing mushroom, you might not be having a psychedelic hallucination. Some mushrooms indeed are bioluminescent, including one that sprouts among decaying leaves at...
» Diaspora Jews butted in but Netanyahu won the elections anyway - Haaretz (blog)
21/03/15 18:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Haaretz (blog) Diaspora Jews butted in but Netanyahu won the elections anyway Haaretz (blog) From Chuck Norris to Sarah Silverman and beyond, this election attracted a massive am...
» Crimea's Remaining Ukrainians Under Pressure to Become Russian
21/03/15 18:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Uploads by VOAvideo. Crimea's Remaining Ukrainians Under Pressure to Become Russian After Russia controversially annexed Crimea from Ukraine a year ago, Ukrainian citizens and military were pushed to choos...
» In Tunisia, Taking Stock of the Dead, and the Survivors
21/03/15 18:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. The victims of the attack on the National Bardo Museum in Tunis were mostly foreigners, and their families have begun arriving to take them home.
» In Tunisia, Taking Stock of the Dead, and the Survivors - New York Times
21/03/15 18:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. New York Times In Tunisia, Taking Stock of the Dead, and the Survivors New York Times TUNIS — Still shaken on Friday by a brazen attack that killed 23 people at the National Bard...
» Britain set for five-day extravaganza as Richard III is laid to rest
21/03/15 18:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. One of the most extraordinary ceremonies in living memory will unfold on national television when Richard III is reburied in a £5 million spectacular in Leicester more than five centuri...
» U.S., United Arab Emirates move forward on space cooperation
21/03/15 18:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and the United Arab Emirates have agreed to work toward greater civil and national security space cooperation after officials from the two coun...
» World Briefing: Poland: Priest’s Abuse Trial Opens
21/03/15 18:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. A Polish priest accused of sexually abusing minors in Poland and in the Dominican Republic offered to serve a seven-year jail sentence as his trial opened on Friday, according to a spokeswo...
» Crimean Trade Struggling to Recover After Russia's Annexation
21/03/15 18:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. One year after Russia controversially annexed Crimea from Ukraine, sparking the worst tensions with the West in decades, the Black Sea peninsula is largely cut off from mainland Ukraine. ...
» How ISIS attack threat hangs over holidaymakers
21/03/15 18:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. With the Easter holidays near, many British people must now question whether once apparently safe destinations have been infected by the barbaric Islamic State ideology.
» One misstep closer to a Palestinian state - The Globe and Mail
21/03/15 18:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. One misstep closer to a Palestinian state The Globe and Mail When Benjamin Netanyahu was quoted earlier this week saying there would be no Palestinian state on his watch, he may ...
» World Briefing: Canada: Men Found Guilty of Terrorism
21/03/15 18:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Two men who plotted to derail a passenger train traveling from New York to Toronto were convicted on Friday of various terrorism charges, including terrorism-related conspiracy to commit mu...
» Crimea's Tourism Slowly Recovering After Russia's Annexation
21/03/15 18:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. One year after Russia controversially annexed Crimea from Ukraine, sparking the worst tensions with the West in more than two decades, the Black Sea peninsula's key tourism industry is sl...
» Poll: Spend more, tax less, legalize pot
21/03/15 18:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 5 p.m. EDT. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Americans want lower taxes and more government spending both at once, although their support for spending more tax dollars on health care has dropped dram...
» 10 Killed in Ambush of Mexican Police Convoy
21/03/15 18:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Ten people were killed in a gunfight in western Mexico when suspected gang members ambushed a police convoy in one of the deadliest attacks on security forces since Mexican President Enri...
» U.S. May Stay in Afghanistan After ’16
21/03/15 18:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. President Obama is considering leaving American troops in Afghanistan after he leaves office, instead of only a small force to protect the embassy in Kabul, a White House official said.
» If Not Loretta Lynch, Then Who? - The New Yorker
21/03/15 18:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. The New Yorker If Not Loretta Lynch, Then Who? The New Yorker Her confirmation as Attorney General shouldn't have been a stretch. Credit Photograph by Mark Wilson / Getty. “Who d...
» Attacks on ISIS show local resistance - The Daily Star
21/03/15 18:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. The Daily Star Attacks on ISIS show local resistance The Daily Star File - In this undated photo posted on Aug. 27, 2014 by the Raqqa Media Center of the Islamic State group, which has...
» World Briefing: Mexico: Elite Police Officers Slain
21/03/15 18:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. A new, elite federal police unit intended to be a premiere force against drug gangs suffered its biggest loss this week when five members were killed in an ambush, federal officials said Fr...
» Remains of pregnant 'Food Network Star' Contestant Found in suspect's Stove - WPEC
21/03/15 18:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. WPEC Remains of pregnant 'Food Network Star' Contestant Found in suspect's Stove WPEC ASHEVILLE, N.C. (WSPA) - Search warrants released at a press conference held by Sheriff Van ...
» Crimea's Tatars say Climate Worsening Under Russian Rule
21/03/15 18:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Uploads by VOAvideo. Crimea's Tatars say Climate Worsening Under Russian Rule Crimea's Tatar minorities were the most outspoken opponents of Russia's annexation of Ukraine's Black Sea peninsula. A year lat...
» Feds investigating Rep. Aaron Schock's expenditures, - Chronicle Bulletin
21/03/15 18:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Chronicle Bulletin Feds investigating Rep. Aaron Schock's expenditures, Chronicle Bulletin WASHINGTON — The Justice Division is investigating the congressional expenses and small...
» Scene of slaughter found in Nigerian town recaptured from Boko Haram
21/03/15 18:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Soldiers discovered at least 70 dead, many with throats slit and one decapitated, at what looked like execution site, according to witness Soldiers from Niger and Chad who lib...
» 100 Throat-Slit Corpses Left By Boko Haram
21/03/15 18:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News - Breaking international news and headlines | Sky News. In what appears to be an execution site for the Islamist group, the partially mummified bodies were found beneath a bridge.
» Georgians hit by fallout from trouble in Russia, Ukraine
21/03/15 18:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 5 p.m. EDT. TBILISI, Georgia (AP) -- For Mariam Matiashvili, Georgia's crumbling tourist trade is a health risk....
» Confidence in Ukraine's cease-fire hurt by arms violations - Washington Post
21/03/15 18:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Confidence in Ukraine's cease-fire hurt by arms violations Washington Post NOVOAMVROSIIVSKE, Ukraine — With cameras and clipboards in hands, teams of blue-jacketed international observ...
» Magical views from the world for solar eclipse - The News International
21/03/15 18:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. New York Times WalesOnline Magical views from the world for solar eclipse The News International LONGYEARBYEN: All eyes were turned to the heavens early on Friday for a solar ecl...
» Self-confidence in Ukraine's cease-fire - Chronicle Bulletin
21/03/15 18:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Chronicle Bulletin Self-confidence in Ukraine's cease-fire Chronicle Bulletin NOVOAMVROSIIVSKE, Ukraine (AP) — With cameras and clipboards in hands, teams of blue-jacketed internationa...
» Iranian President Says Nuclear Agreement 'Possible'
21/03/15 18:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has voiced confidence that nuclear negotiations between Tehran and world powers could lead to a final agreement.
» Obama Wants to Reset US Relations With Iran
21/03/15 18:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. In his Nowruz message to the Iranian people, U.S. President Barack Obama called for an end to decades of mutual mistrust and fear. As the Iranians mark their new year, six world powers pr...
» Russia urges Germany, France to safeguard peace in Ukraine
21/03/15 18:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia appealed to Germany and France on Saturday to ensure Kiev does not try to incite violence in east Ukraine to encourage the United States to send Ukrainian for...
» Fire kills seven children and injures two people at home in New York
21/03/15 18:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. The children range in age from five to 15 years old and officials say they are family members – commissioner says fire may have been caused by a hot plateA fire that cause of ...
» Russia moves to stop same-sex spouses receiving UN staff benefits
21/03/15 18:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Russia asks Russia has asked the UN to put its recognition of same-sex marriage for 43,000 staff worldwide to a vote, in attempt to thwart a bid to thwart Ban Ki-moon’s policy...
» AP PHOTOS: Russia's Nenets celebrate Reindeer Herders' Day
21/03/15 18:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 5 p.m. EDT. NADYM, Russia (AP) -- It's a holiday celebrated annually in Russia's Yamal-Nenets region in the Arctic....
» Do the Democrats and Israel Have a Future Together? - New York Times
21/03/15 18:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. New York Times Do the Democrats and Israel Have a Future Together? New York Times Last September, on the afternoon of Rosh Hashana, the beginning of the Jewish High Holy Days, Elliott ...
» Ghani Heads to Washington for First Visit as President
21/03/15 18:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. There are broad hopes in Afghanistan that President Ashraf Ghani’s first official visit to the United States will ease the country's daunting security and financial challenges and strengt...
» Facebook post eerily predicted brutal Colorado fetus theft in January - WSB Atlanta
21/03/15 18:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Facebook post eerily predicted brutal Colorado fetus theft in January WSB Atlanta Dynel Lane is seen exiting the courtroom area after her first appearance on Thursday, March 19, ...
» With Yemen attack, IS aims to eclipse Al Qaeda: analysts
21/03/15 18:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from GlobalPost - Home. By claiming its first attack in Yemen the Islamic State group is seeking to exploit the chaos gripping the country and siphon support from the world's most fearsome Al Qaeda branch, anal...
» Russia Challenges UN Same-Sex Benefits
21/03/15 18:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Russia has called for a vote at the United Nations to challenge a decision by the world body extending marital benefits to homosexual employees.
» Mum-to-be who had baby cut from stomach in 'horror movie attack' left 'scarred ... - mirror.co.uk
21/03/15 18:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. mirror.co.uk Mum-to-be who had baby cut from stomach in 'horror movie attack' left 'scarred ... mirror.co.uk The parents of a horrified mum-to-be who had her unborn baby cut from...
» The World’s Water Supply Could Dip Sharply in 15 Years
21/03/15 18:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from TIME. Global water resources may soon meet only 60% of the world’s water demands, the United Nations warned in a dire new report. The World Water Development Report, issued ahead of World Water Day on Sund...
» The World's Water Supply Could Dip Sharply in 15 Years - TIME
21/03/15 18:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from world - Google News. TIME The World's Water Supply Could Dip Sharply in 15 Years TIME The World Water Development Report, issued ahead of World Water Day on Sunday, says demand for water around the world w...
» U.S., allies conduct air strikes in Syria and Iraq against Islamic State: task force
21/03/15 18:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and its coalition allies staged three air strikes against Islamic State militants in Syria and seven in Iraq since early Friday, the Combined J...
» 2 children dead after police say they were stabbed by mom - WFLA
21/03/15 18:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. 2 children dead after police say they were stabbed by mom WFLA A 6-year-old boy and his sister have died after police say they were stabbed by their mother at their central Flori...
» Seven Suspected Militants Killed In Daghestan
21/03/15 18:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Russia’s authorities say seven suspected militants have been killed in a security operation in the North Caucasus region of Daghestan.
» Ahead of US visit, Afghan leader warns of Islamic State threat - Reuters
21/03/15 18:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Reuters Ahead of US visit, Afghan leader warns of Islamic State threat Reuters KABUL (Reuters) - President Ashraf Ghani publicly acknowledged for the first time on Saturday that Islami...
» Russia Says Not Seeking Confrontation with NATO
21/03/15 18:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Moscow is not seeking confrontation with NATO, a senior Russian official said Saturday. Russia's Interfax news agency reported that Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov made a statemen...
» Pope in Naples: Resist local Mafiosi, seek honest jobs
21/03/15 18:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 5 p.m. EDT. NAPLES, Italy (AP) -- Pope Francis, visiting Italy's impoverished south on Saturday, encouraged Neapolitans to resist exploitation by Mafia dons and instead seek the dignity...
» 'Unimaginable': Hot Plate Fire Kills Seven Children in Brooklyn - NBCNews.com
21/03/15 17:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. NBCNews.com 'Unimaginable': Hot Plate Fire Kills Seven Children in Brooklyn NBCNews.com A Brooklyn house fire sparked by a hot plate — killing seven siblings trapped inside — is an &qu...
» Renewing Call to End Turkey Conflict, Kurdish Rebel Leader Hails ‘New Era’
21/03/15 17:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Abdullah Ocalan, the jailed leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, urged his group to hold a congress in the spring to end the insurgency.
» Pope asks Naples mobsters to repent and stop 'mothers' tears'
21/03/15 17:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. NAPLES, Italy (Reuters) - Pope Francis urged members of organized crime to turn away from violence and exploitation and stop the "tears of the mothers of Naples" after visiting one of ...
» Shiite insurgents in Yemen call for supporters to attack government
21/03/15 17:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post. BEIRUT — Shiite insurgents called on supporters to attack institutions under the control of Yemen’s embattled president on Sa...
» NATO launches war games near Russian border
21/03/15 17:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The European Union Times - World News, Breaking News. Despite being quick to condemn Russian military manoeuvers, NATO is conducting wide-scale war games in the Baltic states and creating a “line of troops...
» Tunisia arrests suspected militants after museum attack - Reuters India
21/03/15 17:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Reuters India Tunisia arrests suspected militants after museum attack Reuters India TUNIS (Reuters) - Tunisian authorities have arrested more than 20 suspected militants followin...
» Medical treatment is becoming unaffordable for Ukrainians
21/03/15 17:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The European Union Times - World News, Breaking News. A visit to a pharmacy is like a tour to a museum for many Ukrainians now. They rather come to check out the price tags than to buy anything. Pensioners...
» Tunisian PM promises 'detailed investigation' into Bardo Museum attacks
21/03/15 17:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Habib Essid says inquiry will examine security at site housing parliament building following armed raid that left 21 dead The Tunisian authorities have pledged to hold an inqu...
» Russia Under Attack
21/03/15 17:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The European Union Times - World News, Breaking News. Russia faces the renewal of conflict in Ukraine simultaneously with three more Ukraine-type situations along its Asian border. While Washington works a...
» The slow death of the great American newsroom
21/03/15 17:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. The newspaper industry in the US is in freefall as the shift to digital news accelerates. One photojournalist has spent five years lamenting the decline, and charting what has...
» A coffin fit for King Richard III
21/03/15 17:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from CNN.com - World. Three years after his remains were found beneath a car park in Leicester, Richard III's remains will be reinterred in the city's cathedral this weekend in a coffin made by one of his desce...
» Sources: U.S. pulling Special Ops forces out of Yemen
21/03/15 17:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from CNN.com - World. The U.S. military is in the process of evacuating about 100 Special Operations forces members from the Al Anad airbase in Yemen due to that country's deteriorating security situation, sour...
» ISIS' explosive expansion
21/03/15 17:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from CNN.com - World. On Friday, ISIS claimed responsibility for Yemen's deadliest terror attack.
» Shi’ite Rebels Call for Yemen Offensive as U.S. Troops Evacuate
21/03/15 17:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from TIME. (ADEN, Yemen)—Yemen’s Shi’ite rebels issued a call to arms Saturday to battle forces loyal to the country’s embattled president, as U.S. troops evacuated a southern air base o...
» Pope Urges Residents of Naples to Resist Organized Crime
21/03/15 17:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Tens of thousands of people greeted Pope Francis on Saturday in Italy’s impoverished south, where he addressed issues of organized crime and corruption. Francis told residents in Scampia,...
» Day of Carnage at Tunisian Museum Leaves Memories, Questions - ABC News
21/03/15 17:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. ABC News Day of Carnage at Tunisian Museum Leaves Memories, Questions ABC News With bullets flying and his heart pounding, Spanish tourist Josep Lluis Cusido never got a clear lo...
» Sheriff: New Orleans airport attacker was armed with explosives, had mental ... - Toledo Blade
21/03/15 17:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Sheriff: New Orleans airport attacker was armed with explosives, had mental ... Toledo Blade KENNER, La. — Authorities says the machete-wielding man who was shot at New Orleans' intern...
» Fighting Rages Outside Mariupol Despite Cease-Fire
21/03/15 17:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. The cease-fire in eastern Ukraine has been in place just over a month, but on the front line outside Mariupol, between the Russian border and Crimea, the fighting has never stopped. Signs...
» Tens Of Thousands March Against Government In Georgia
21/03/15 17:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Thousands of people have rallied in Georgia’s capital, Tbilisi, demanding the government step down.
» SIU investigates fatal police shooting in Mississauga - Toronto
21/03/15 17:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Ontario’s Special Investigations Unit is investigating a shooting that left one person dead and sent three to hospital on Friday night in Mississauga, Ont.  Two officers with the Peel Reg...
» armstrong airport - Google Search
21/03/15 17:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . In the news Man shot after attacking TSA agent with machete at Armstrong Int'l Airport | New Orleans - WDSU Home <a href="http://WDSU.com" rel="nofollow">WDSU.com</a> ‎ - 8 hours ago Shots w...
» Mexican Wrestler Dies After Hit in the Ring
21/03/15 16:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from TIME. Mexico’s Pedro Aguayo Ramirez, a popular member of the country’s ‘Lucha Libre’ wrestling world, died Saturday after a blow during a bout in Tijuana. He was 35. Ramirez was fig...
» Mexican Wrestler Dies After Hit in the Ring - TIME
21/03/15 16:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. FOXSports.com Mexican Wrestler Dies After Hit in the Ring TIME Mexico's Pedro Aguayo Ramirez, a popular member of the country's 'Lucha Libre' wrestling world, died Saturday after a blo...
» 20 Detained in Tunisia in Aftermath of Deadly Museum Attack
21/03/15 16:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . SIDI BOU SAID, Tunisia — Tunisian prosecutors say 20 people have been detained over links to the deadly attack on the Bardo museum. Prosecutor's spokesman Sofiane Selliti declined to offer details on th...
» U.S. Authorities Seize $180 Million Colombian Cocaine Shipment
21/03/15 16:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . BOGOTA — U.S. authorities confiscated a $180 million shipment of cocaine from Colombian drug traffickers aboard a boat on the Pacific Ocean bound for the United States, the Colombian attorney general's ...
» From Minneapolis to ISIS: An American’s Path to Jihad
21/03/15 16:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . MINNEAPOLIS — Reading back over Abdi Nur’s Twitter feed, his chilling progression from the basketball courts of South Minneapolis to the battlefields of Syria is clear. Early last year, he began p...
» 7 Children From an Orthodox Jewish Family Die in Brooklyn Fire
21/03/15 16:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Credit Mary Altaffer/Associated Press Seven children from an Orthodox Jewish family died early Saturday when a fire ripped through their home in Brooklyn, trapping the children — ages 5 to 16 — in...
» In Putin’s Nationalist Russia, a Tolstoy as Cultural Diplomat
21/03/15 16:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Credit James Hill for The New York Times YASNAYA POLYANA, Russia — On a sunny winter afternoon here, Vladimir Tolstoy, a great-great-grandson of Leo Tolstoy and an adviser on cultural affairs to Preside...
» Pope Francis Bows, Asks For Blessing From Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew In Extraordinary Display Of Christian Unity
21/03/15 16:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Religion - The Huffington Post. ISTANBUL (AP) — Pope Francis and the spiritual leader of the world's Orthodox Christians demanded an end to the persecution of religious minorities in Syria and Iraq o...
» Pope Eager to Thaw Relations Between Minsk and Brussels | Opinion
21/03/15 15:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Wikicommons Pope Francis seen here in Brazil greeting crowds on World Youth Day 2013. Pope Francis is ready to help improve ties between Belarus and the European Union, a senior papal official ...
» Pope ready to help improve ties between Belarus and EU: Vatican
21/03/15 15:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters. MINSK (Reuters) - Pope Francis is ready to help improve ties between Belarus and the European Union, a senior papal official said on Saturday in the latest sign of a developing thaw in relations b...
» Holy See: Belarus is a Model for Our World | Belarus Digest
21/03/15 15:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Belarus Digest - News and Analysis of Belarusian Politics, Economy, Human Rights and Myths. Lukashenka's gift to Pope Francis (Photo: Belta) Cardinal Pietro Parolin, second in line in the Vatican hierarchy...
» How much does US-Cuba thaw owe to Pope Francis? (+video)
21/03/15 15:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Christian Science Monitor | World. Rome — For a man who desires nothing from the material world, it was perhaps the perfect birthday present. Shortly after Pope Francis blew out the candles on a cake...
» Will Pope Francis Visit Belarus? Lukashenka Hopes So | Belarus Digest
21/03/15 15:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Belarus Digest - News and Analysis of Belarusian Politics, Economy, Human Rights and Myths. In his congratulation letter to the newly elected Pope Francis, Alexander Lukashenka invited the Pontiff to visit...
» Pope Francis on a trip to mafia territory
21/03/15 15:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Pope Francis heads deep into mafia territory Saturday with a one-day trip to Naples to visit jailbirds and the poor, amid heightened security against a possible attack by Islamist militants. Up to 800,000 peo...
» Pope Francis: ‘Corruption stinks’ - The Local
21/03/15 15:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Local. Pope Francis leads a mass in Naples. Photo: Alberto Pizzoli/ AFP Pope Francis on Saturday told crowds of tens of thousands of people that "corruption stinks" as he headed deep into mafia territo...
» Pope Francis Visits Shrine Of Our Lady Of The Rosary in Pompeii Before Naples Visit
21/03/15 15:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Aleteia. Pope Francis Saturday morning visited the famed marian shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii , before heading to Naples for a highly anticipated one-day visit aimed at showing solidarity wit...
» In visit to Naples, Pope Francis urges Mafia members to convert
21/03/15 15:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Crux. By Inés San Martín Vatican correspondent March 21, 2015 NAPLES — In a span of one morning on Saturday, Pope Francis blasted “the stink of corruption” and the “failur...
» Pope Francis asks to lunch with gay, transgender and HIV-suffering prisoners in Naples
21/03/15 15:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. Ten gay, transgender inmates were among the 90 eating with Pope Francis Lunch was not originally planned during his trip to Naples but pontiff insisted The simple and 'frugal' meal was ...
» Elsa Fly butterfly fly Nightcore MMD Frozen Dance Animation - YouTube
21/03/15 13:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Published on November 8, 2014 uploads two in one day: p . Nightcore yay awesomeness all over it . Music Fly butterfly fly nightcore model: by me and simmeh Original model by 0-0Alice0-0 Stage: code lyoko . El...
» С Путиным нужно общаться жестко и быстро - YouTube
21/03/15 13:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Published on Mar 21, 2015 Гость программы Виталия Порт ...
» 2,508,6922,508,692
21/03/15 11:07 from Mike Nova - Google+
2,508,692 2,508,692 This post has been generated by Page2RSS
» Arthur A. Hartman, U.S. Ambassador to Soviet Union, Dies at 89
20/03/15 23:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Arthur A. Hartman, who was Washington’s longest-serving ambassador to the Soviet Union and the Reagan administration’s point man in Moscow during a succession of delicate Cold War crises, died on ...
» Pope Francis' drug war riffs keep offending the second biggest Catholic country
20/03/15 23:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Enlarge Pope Francis waves to faithful on Wednesday as he leaves St. Peter's square at the Vatican after his weekly general audience. (Vincento Pinto/AFP/Getty Images) MEXICO CITY — Almost everyone seem...
» 2,504,2102,504,2102015-03-20#Suicide
20/03/15 22:37 from Mike Nova - Google+
2,504,210 2,504,210 2015-03-20 #Suicide » Suicide Attacks at Mosques in Yemen Kill More Than 130 20/03/15 17:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks | One thing has become clear over the past few weeks. Something is seriously wrong in Mosco...
» Рамзан Кадыров прочитал намаз в связи с солнечным затмением (ФОТО)
20/03/15 19:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Islam Today. Рамзан Кадыров совершил сунна н...
» Putin just made a huge decision that may explain his strange disappearance
20/03/15 19:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from [Untitled]. Has Ramzan Kadyrov successfully blackmailed the Kremlin? In all the hoopla over Vladimir Putin resurfacing, a pretty important news item managed to slip below the radar. On March 16, the same d...
» U.S. Allies, Lured by China’s Bank
20/03/15 19:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . The Obama administration, to its embarrassment, has been spurned by Western allies flocking to a China-led Asian development bank, defying White House pleas to stand back. In a surprise announcement last week...
» Suicide Attacks at Mosques in Yemen Kill More Than 130
20/03/15 17:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . SANA, Yemen — A previously unknown Yemeni affiliate of the Islamic State militant group claimed responsibility for killing more than 130 people on Friday in coordinated suicide bomb attacks on two Shiit...
» U.S. Must Step Up Capacity for Cyberattacks, Chief Argues
20/03/15 17:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . WASHINGTON — The admiral who directs American cyberforces told a Senate committee on Thursday that the United States was “at a tipping point” where it needed to increase its ability to condu...
» Pope Francis: reckless blabbermouth or sophisticated strategist?
20/03/15 17:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. His public utterances on all manner of subject may seem scattergun or contradictory, but this pope is playing a long, tactical game It’s a mistake to take too much notice of w...
» A look at the main focus of Iran nuke talks: enrichment
20/03/15 17:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top Headlines At 4:05 p.m. EDT. LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) -- Want to understand what nuclear talks with Iran are about but don't know uranium from plutonium, or a centrifuge from a fuel cycle?...
» WorldViews: Petraeus: The Islamic State isn’t our biggest problem in Iraq
20/03/15 17:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post. Gen. David H. General David Petraeus, who commanded U.S. troops in Iraq during the 2007-2008 surge, was back in that country ...
» WorldViews: Five thoughts Petraeus has about the future of the Middle East
20/03/15 17:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post. Gen. David Petraeus, who commanded U.S. troops during the 2007-2008 surge, was back in Iraq last week for the first time in m...
» Israel unmasked - The News International
20/03/15 17:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Israel unmasked The News International Desperate to win re-election, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stripped off Israel's mask and exposed the ugliness that has deform...
» Tunis gunmen trained with Libyan militia, says security chief
20/03/15 17:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Two men who killed 21 people in attack on Bardo museum trained with weapons in neighbouring country in December, security secretary says The two gunmen who killed 21 people in...
» At least 16 people killed in Yemen's mosque bomb attacks: sources
20/03/15 17:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. SANAA (Reuters) - At least 16 people were killed when suicide bombers blew themselves up in two mosques in the Yemeni capital Sanaa on Friday during noon prayers, medical sources told ...
» India train derailment: 30 killed, 50 injured - CNN International
20/03/15 17:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. CNN International India train derailment: 30 killed, 50 injured CNN International New Delhi, India (CNN) A passenger train overshot a stop and jumped its tracks in northern India...
» Germany condemns Russian deal with South Ossetia as threat to Georgia
20/03/15 17:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BERLIN (Reuters) - The German government on Friday condemned Russia's new treaty with Georgia's breakaway South Ossetia region, saying it posed a threat to Georgian sovereignty and wou...
» Vikings were more trade and bling than rape and pillage, museum shows
20/03/15 17:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Cornwall exhibition including coins, combs and even a teddy bear brooch challenges popular image of Vikings as homicidal raiders They are generally thought of as fearsome, unk...
» Bibi Walks Back - The Atlantic
20/03/15 17:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. The Atlantic Bibi Walks Back The Atlantic Just days after his electoral victory, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reversed his position on the two-state solution—again. ...
» U.S., allies launch eight airstrikes against Islamic State: task force
20/03/15 17:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and its coalition allies staged eight air strikes against Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq since early Thursday, the Combined Joint Ta...
» Picasso Electrician Guilty Of Stealing 270 Works
20/03/15 17:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News - Breaking international news and headlines | Sky News. The 75-year-old and his wife claimed they were given the drawings and sketches when they worked for the artist before his death.
» EU leaders pledge security cooperation, aid for Tunisia
20/03/15 17:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders agreed on Friday to increase cooperation with Tunisia following an Islamist attack on tourists in the capital this week, saying they would a...
» Obama: US to reassess ties with Israel
20/03/15 17:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The European Union Times - World News, Breaking News. US President Barack Obama with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. US President Barack Obama has told Benjamin Netanyahu that Washington will &#...
» Major US circus scraps elephant acts
20/03/15 17:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Uploads by AFP news agency. Major US circus scraps elephant acts Across America through the decades, children of all ages delighted in the arrival of the circus, with its retinue of clowns, acrobats and, m...
» Kurds Celebrate 'Nawroz' - New Years
20/03/15 17:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Uploads by VOAvideo. Kurds Celebrate 'Nawroz' - New Years Kurdish residents of the northern Syrian city of Kobani are marking the New Year festival Nawroz. Celebrations were held along the border with Turk...
» Dozens Killed in Suicide Attacks at Shiite Mosques in Yemen
20/03/15 17:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. At least 35 people died after suicide bombers detonated explosives at two Zaydi Shiite mosques in the capital, Sana.
» Pay with a poem: cafes around the world to exchange coffee for poetry
20/03/15 17:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. To mark World Poetry Day, more than a thousand coffee establishments around the world will use poetry as their currency this Saturday Find out about the participating cafes in...
» Jerusalem at boiling point of polarisation and violence – EU report
20/03/15 17:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Exclusive: Leaked report says city more divided than at any time since 1967 and calls for consideration of tougher sanctions tougher EU sanctions against Israel over settlemen...
» Militants Attack Police Station in India
20/03/15 17:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. The heavily armed militants, wearing Indian Army uniforms, opened fire on a station near the Pakistani border, leaving six people dead
» Drones aren’t just toys that cause a nuisance. They’re still killing innocent people
20/03/15 17:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Current media coverage might make you think drones are what naughty people land on the White House lawn. This is a dangerous disconnect from the bloody reality For anyone conc...
» Indian train accident kills at least 30, leaves 50 injured
20/03/15 17:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. Bachhrawan, India (Reuters) - At least 30 people were killed and 50 injured when an express train overshot a railway signal and some carriages went off the rails in a northern Indian s...
» U.S. air power in Afghanistan at five-year low as aid to Afghan forces wanes
20/03/15 17:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. KABUL (Reuters) - The United States' use of air power in Afghanistan in the first two months of 2015 was its lowest in five years, as the reduced international military coalition sharp...
» Rapper Azealia Banks: I Hate White Americans
20/03/15 17:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The European Union Times - World News, Breaking News. Rapper Azealia Banks hates “white Americans” and everything about the U.S. In a recent interview with Playboy , the 23-year-old Harlem rapper said she ...
» World Health Organisation 'intentionally delayed declaring Ebola emergency'
20/03/15 17:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Internal documents show WHO was receiving emails by mid-April 2014 from staffers in Guinea calling for help with epidemic The World Health Organisation dragged its feet for tw...
» India derailment: 30 killed
20/03/15 17:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from CNN.com - World. At least 30 people were killed and more than 50 others were injured in a passenger train derailment Friday in northern India, according to Northern Railway spokesman Neeraj Sharma.
» Dozens killed in Yemen mosque attacks
20/03/15 17:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from CNN.com - World. Suicide bombers on Friday attacked two mosques frequented by the Yemeni capital's Houthi conquerors, killing at least 120 people and injuring scores of others, two Houthi officials said.
» In a country that reveres its heroes, the prospect of a nuclear deal with foreig...
20/03/15 17:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from FT World News's Facebook Wall. In a country that reveres its heroes, the prospect of a nuclear deal with foreign powers begs the question of who in Iran stands to benefit politically in Iran As nuclear...
» 1 off-duty New Jersey cop dead, 2 critical after NYC crash - WRBL
20/03/15 17:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. 1 off-duty New Jersey cop dead, 2 critical after NYC crash WRBL NEW YORK (AP) - A New Jersey mayor says a wrong-way crash in New York City has left one off-duty police officer de...
» German Defense Chief Calls for EU Army
20/03/15 17:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com: World News. German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen threw her weight behind the idea of a European Union army, floated by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker earlier this month.
» ATF's first Senate-confirmed director resigns - Kansas City Star
20/03/15 17:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Kansas City Star ATF's first Senate-confirmed director resigns Kansas City Star The first Senate-confirmed director for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is...
» Afghan Leader Said to Be Centralizing Power as Unity Government Plan Stalls
20/03/15 17:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. From left, Hamid Karzai, the former president of Afghanistan; Ashraf Ghani, the current president; and Abdullah Abdullah, the Afghan government's chief executive officer, in Kabul on March 9.
» Oligarch calls for Ukraine nationalisation
20/03/15 17:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. One of the country’s most powerful businessmen says privatisation process was criminal conspiracy
» Podcast: Three Weeks That Shook The Kremlin
20/03/15 17:20 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. One thing has become clear over the past few weeks. Something is seriously wrong in Moscow.
» ATF chief steps down after bullet ban flap - The Hill
20/03/15 17:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. The Hill ATF chief steps down after bullet ban flap The Hill The director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is stepping down, the oft-criticized ag...
» Feds open investigation into Aaron Schock - CBS News
20/03/15 17:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. CBS News Feds open investigation into Aaron Schock CBS News A federal official tells CBS News that the FBI and Department of Justice are investigating Rep. Aaron Schock's spendin...
» Man Wrongfully Jailed For 39 Years Gets $1m
20/03/15 17:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News - Breaking international news and headlines | Sky News. Ricky Jackson, the longest-held US prisoner to be cleared of a crime, says the repayment from Ohio state is "fantastic".

Третья мировая война: гибридная, глобальная, постоянная
Эксперты - о противостоянии цивилизаций Запада и России
Светлана Сметанина  27.02.15 // 15:16
Мы живём в условиях непрекращающейся глобальной войны, которая давно уже стала самодостаточной сама по себе, являясь инструментом и способом управления миром. Сможет ли Россия противопоставить альтернативу такому миропорядку? На этот вопрос пытались найти ответ участники дискуссии «Запад и войны», организованной на экспертной площадке Зиновьевского клуба МИА «Россия сегодня».

«Сегодня в мире есть страна – это Соединённые Штаты Америки, - для которой война – это не беда, а лучший способ решения проблем. Без этого они не смогут реализовать свою государственную концепцию», - считает директор Российского института стратегических исследований, генерал-лейтенант Леонид Решетников. Многолетний опыт общения с высшими чинами ЦРУ и министерства обороны США убедил его в том, что у Соединённых Штатов на первом месте всегда стоит силовое решение – в отличие от нашей страны. «Мы знаем, что такое последствия войны - и этим мы серьёзно отличаемся от американцев», - уверен Леонид Решетников. Такой силовой подход заложен в американской концепции «великой силы, отвечающей за весь мир».
И Россия в очередной раз встала на пути глобализации по чужому сценарию. Как это было в своё время с глобализацией по плану Наполеона, а впоследствии Гитлера – такова уж наша историческая миссия. Причём своего рода точкой отсчёта стала знаменитая мюнхенская речь Владимира Путина. В этой речи не было сказано ничего особо радикального, лишь чётко обозначена новая российская позиция: мы с вами, но мы хотим быть независимыми. И именно это вызвало, по определению Леонида Решетникова, «дикую ярость». Сегодня уже ясно, что быть независимой и при этом оставаться в дружеских отношениях с Западом у России не получается.
На эту вечную российскую дискуссию – с кем ей быть: с Западом или Востоком – обратил в своё время внимание французский президент Жак Ширак. Леонид Решетников привёл его слова, сказанные в 2006 году российскому руководству: «Зачем вам эти дискуссии – вы отдельная цивилизация, у которой имеется всё необходимое для жизни: и ресурсы, и территория».
Эта цивилизационная борьба между Западом и Россией сегодня наиболее ярко проявилась в событиях на Украине. По словам Леонида Решетникова, это не война между русскими и украинцами, как пытаются преподнести прозападные украинские СМИ: «это борьба выбора – с кем мы хотим быть». И в ближайшие два-три года этот выбор не будет окончательно сделан. Согласно анализу военного эксперта, Украину ждут ещё более тяжёлые времена – вооружённые конфликты с откалыванием территорий. И всё это будет продолжаться до тех пор, пока не наступит отрезвление у народа.
Впрочем, сегодняшние войны далеко не всегда ведутся с применением оружия, уверен эксперт Зиновьевского клуба Юрий Болдырев. И главный вопрос тут: «что им от нас надо?». «Это ростовщическая цивилизация. Сдайтесь в кабалу ростовщиков, и у вас всё будет в порядке. А не захотите, включатся механизмы войны и к вам придут солдаты», - полагает эксперт.
И пока России особо нечего противопоставлять Западу, считает Юрий Болдырев. Если в западных странах до 60% финансовых активов сосредоточены в банковской сфере, то в России этот показатель достигает рекордных 85-90%. «Наш ростовщик самый огромный, так что пока мы не альтернатива Западу, а слабая пародия на него», - заключает эксперт.
«Разумеется, альтернатива – это не олигархи и чиновники», - возразил на это Леонид Решетников. По его мнению, в России сегодня одновременно идут два процесса: гниения и возрождения. И именно начавшееся возрождение провоцирует Запад на колоссальное давление. «Нас всё время пытаются убедить, что мы слабые и от России ничего не зависит. Но как только в мире происходит очередной кризис, все едут в Россию», - заметил эксперт. По оценке Леонида Решетникова, давление на Россию говорит о том, что мы по-прежнему остаёмся ведущей политической силой.
А эксперт Зиновьевского клуба Искандер Валитов уверен, что чем больше на нас давят, тем быстрее включается наш исторический код сопротивления. «Сейчас для США важно – поссорить Россию с Европой. И исход этой борьбы зависит от того, насколько быстро произойдёт отрезвление в европейских странах», - считает эксперт.
Впрочем, некоторое отрезвление уже происходит. Леонид Решетников привёл слова спецпредставителя по Украине от ФРГ, сказанные им во время дискуссии в Российском институте стратегических исследований. Оказывается, в государственные органы власти ФРГ в последнее время стало приходить по 10-15 писем в день, в которых немецкие граждане протестуют против огульной антироссийской пропаганды.

Подобная пропаганда – ещё одно из проявлений военных действий. Общий вывод дискуссии высказал эксперт Павел Родькин. По его мнению, мы живём в условиях нового типа «сверхвойны», которая стала гибридной, глобальной, а главное – постоянной. И в отличие от реального вооружённого конфликта распознать, кто свой, а кто чужой, здесь гораздо сложнее.


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