Intelligence community investigating covert Russian influence operations in the United States - WP | Obama says he doesn't want 'wild West' cyberwar with Russia | The Ordinary and Unique in Russia’s Electoral Information Warfare Game | Understanding the military buildup of offensive cyberweapons
На встрече с Президентом США Бараком Обамой.
Intelligence community investigating covert Russian influence operations in the United States - WP
- The effort to better understand Russia’s covert influence operations is being spearheaded by James R. Clapper Jr., the director of national intelligence.
- U.S. intelligence officials described the covert influence campaign here as “ambitious” and said it is also designed to counter U.S. leadership and influence in international affairs.
- It “seems to be a global campaign,” the aide said. As a result, the issue has “moved up as a priority” for the intelligence agencies, which include the FBI and Department of Homeland Security as well as the CIA and the National Security Agency.
- Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.)... was “deeply shaken”...
- “We’ve seen an unprecedented intrusion and an attempt to influence or disrupt our political process,” said Rep. Adam B. Schiff
- Administration officials said they are still weighing their response.
- Last month, the FBI issued an unprecedented warning to state election officials...
- Recently, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said he favors designating the various voting systems used in the country’s 9,000 polling places as “critical infrastructure” — in other words as vital to the nation’s safe functioning as nuclear power plants and electrical power grids.
- Russia has been in the vanguard of a growing global movement to use propaganda on the Internet to influence people and political events...
- “Our studies show that it is very likely that [the influence] operations are centrally run,” said Janis Sarts...
- Sarts said the Russian propaganda effort has been “successful in exploiting the vulnerabilities within societies.”
- The Russians used a “denial of service” technique...
Intelligence community investigating
covert Russian influence operations
in the United States

A view through a construction fence shows the Kremlin towers and St. Basil's Cathedral in central Moscow. (Maxim Zmeyev/Reuters)
U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies are probing what they see as a broad covert Russian operation in the United States to sow public distrust in the upcoming presidential election and in U.S. political institutions, intelligence and congressional officials said.
The aim is to understand the scope and intent of the Russian campaign, which incorporates cyber-tools to hack systems used in the political process, enhancing Russia’s ability to spread disinformation.
The effort to better understand Russia’s covert influence operations is being spearheaded by James R. Clapper Jr., the director of national intelligence. “This is something of concern for the DNI,” said Charles Allen, a former longtime CIA officer who has been briefed on some of these issues. “It is being addressed.”
A Russian influence operation in the United States “is something we’re looking very closely at,” said one senior intelligence official who, as others interviewed, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter. Officials are also examining potential disruptions to the election process, and the FBI has alerted state and local officials to potential cyberthreats.
The official cautioned that the intelligence community is not saying it has “definitive proof” of such tampering, or any Russian plans to do so. “But even the hint of something impacting the security of our election system would be of significant concern,” the official said. “It’s the key to our democracy, that people have confidence in the election system.”
The Kremlin’s intent may not be to sway the election in one direction or another, officials said, but to cause chaos and provide propaganda fodder to attack U.S. democracy-building policies around the world, particularly in the countries of the former Soviet Union.
U.S. intelligence officials described the covert influence campaign here as “ambitious” and said it is also designed to counter U.S. leadership and influence in international affairs.
One congressional official, who has been briefed recently on the matter, said “Russian ‘active measures’ or covert influence or manipulation efforts, whether it’s in Eastern Europe or in the United States” are worrisome.
It “seems to be a global campaign,” the aide said. As a result, the issue has “moved up as a priority” for the intelligence agencies, which include the FBI and Department of Homeland Security as well as the CIA and the National Security Agency.
Some congressional leaders briefed recently by the intelligence agencies on Russian influence operations in Europe, and how they may serve as a template for activities here, have been disturbed by what they heard.
After Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) ended a secure, 30-minute phone briefing by a top intelligence official recently, he was “deeply shaken,” according to an aide who was with Reid when he left the secure room at the FBI’s Las Vegas headquarters.
The Russian government hack of the Democratic National Committee,disclosed by the DNC in June but not yet officially ascribed by the U.S. government to Russia, and the subsequent release of 20,000 hacked DNC emails by WikiLeaks, shocked officials. Cyber-analysts traced its digital markings to known Russian government hacking groups.
“We’ve seen an unprecedented intrusion and an attempt to influence or disrupt our political process,” said Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), the ranking Democrat of the House Intelligence Committee, speaking about the DNC hack and the WikiLeaks release on the eve of the Democratic convention. The disclosures, which included a number of embarrassing internal emails, forced the resignation of DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Members of both parties are urging the president to take the Russians to task publicly.
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) in a statement urged President Obama to publicly name Russia as responsible for the DNC hack and apparent meddling in the electoral process. “Free and legitimate elections are non-negotiable. It’s clear that Russia thinks the reward outweighs any consequences,” he wrote. “That calculation must be changed. . . . This is going to take a cross-domain response — diplomatic, political and economic — that turns the screws on [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and his cronies.”
Administration officials said they are still weighing their response.
Russia has denied that it carried out any cyber-intrusions in the United States. Putin called the accusations against Russia by U.S. officials and politicians an attempt to “distract the public’s attention.”
“It doesn’t really matter who hacked this data from Mrs. Clinton’s campaign headquarters,” Putin said, referring to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, in an interview with Bloomberg News. “The important thing is the content was given to the public.”
The Department of Homeland Security has offered local and state election officials help to prevent or deal with Election Day cyber-disruptions, including vulnerability scans, regular actionable information and alerts, and access to other tools for improving cybersecurity at the local level. It will also have a cyber-team ready at the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center to alert jurisdictions if attacks are detected.
Last month, the FBI issued an unprecedented warning to state election officials urging them to be on the lookout for intrusions into their election systems and to take steps to upgrade security measures across the voting process, including voter registration, voter roles and election-related websites. The confidential “flash” alert said investigators had detected attempts to penetrate election systems in several states.
Arizona, Illinois and both the Democratic and Republican parties, as well as the DNC, have been the victims of either attempted or successful cyberattacks that FBI agents with expertise in Russian government hacking are investigating.
Federal law enforcement and local election officials say the decentralized nature of the voting process, which is run by states and counties, makes it impossible to ensure a high level of security in each district.
“I have a lot of concern” about this year’s election, said Ion Sancho, the longtime supervisor of elections in Leon County, Fla. “America doesn’t have its act together,” said Sancho, who has authorized red team attacks on his voting system to identify its vulnerabilities. “We need a plan.”
Sancho and others are particularly concerned about electronic balloting from overseas that travels on vulnerable networks before landing in the United States and efforts to use cyberattacks to disrupt vote tabulations being transmitted to state-level offices. Encryption, secured paper backups and secured backup computers are critical, he said.
Tom Hicks, chairman of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, an agency set up by Congress after the 2000 Florida recount to maintain election integrity, said he is confident that states have sufficient safeguards in place to ward off intrusions. He noted that electronic balloting from overseas is conducted by email, not through online voting machines. The overseas voter “waives their right of privacy” by emailing the ballot, which is tabulated by election officials. The email may still be hacked, but it is not a systemic risk, he said.
Recently, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said he favors designating the various voting systems used in the country’s 9,000 polling places as “critical infrastructure” — in other words as vital to the nation’s safe functioning as nuclear power plants and electrical power grids.
Such a designation could mean increased DHS funding to localities to help ensure that voter registration, ballots and ballot tabulation remains free from interference. But it won’t happen before the November elections, federal and local officials said.
Russia has been in the vanguard of a growing global movement to use propaganda on the Internet to influence people and political events, especially since the political revolt in Ukraine, the subsequent annexation of Crimea by Russia, and the imposition of sanctions on Russia by the United States and the European Union.
The Baltic states, Georgia and Ukraine have been subject to Russian cyberattacks and other hidden influence operations meant to disrupt those countries, officials said.
“Our studies show that it is very likely that [the influence] operations are centrally run,” said Janis Sarts, director of the NATO Strategic Communications Center of Excellence, a Riga, Latvia-based research organization.
He also said there is “a coordinated effort involving [groups using] Twitter and Facebook and networks of bots to amplify their message. The main themes seem to be orchestrated rather high up in the hierarchy of the Russian state, and then there are individual endeavors by people to exploit specific themes.”
Sarts said the Russian propaganda effort has been “successful in exploiting the vulnerabilities within societies.” In Western Europe, for instance, such Russian information operations have focused on the politically divisive refugee crisis.
On the eve of a crucial post-revolution presidential vote in Ukraine in 2014, a digital assault nearly crippled the country’s Central Election Commission’s website. Pro-Moscow hackers calling themselves the CyberBerkut claimed responsibility, saying they were not state-affiliated, but the authorities in Kiev blamed Moscow. The Russians used a “denial of service” technique, flooding the commission’s Web server with a high volume of requests, which was meant to slow down or disable the network.
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US Elections and Russia - 8.30.16
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Information and Cyber Wars - 9.1.16
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History of Russian Political Espionage in the US
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Russia - 8.31.16
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Russia - 8.30.16
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Middle East and Turkey - 8.31.16
- It is Russia, not IS or al-Qaeda, that poses primary threat to US | Middle East Eye
- Russia says it killed ISIS leader Mohammad al-Adnani | National News - KCCI Home
- Senior ISIS Strategist and Spokesman Is Reported Killed in Syria - The New York Times
- Questions Arise About Turkey’s Operation Inside Syria
- Kurds East of Euphrates Now, Top US General Says
- Leaked intelligence reveals Iranian spymasters' HQ in Syria codenamed 'GLASSHOUSE' | Daily Mail Online
- JK Alternative Viewpoint » Blog Archive » Russia and Iran: Historic Mistrust and Contemporary Partnership-Source: DMITRI TRENIN
- Russia and Iran, ready to give their relationship another try | Russia Direct
- With eyes on the ball, it's been a Putin kind of year in Mideast: Nahlah Ayed - World - CBC News
- turkish coup 2016 - Google Search
- turkish coup 2016 and russia - Google Search
- turkish coup 2016 and russia - Google Search
Turkey, Syria, Kurds - 8.30.16
- Turkey, Syria, Kurds - Google Search
- syria kurds russia - Google Search
- Turkey threatens US-backed Kurds in Syria - Google Search
- News - Turkish forces deepen push into Syria - Google Search
- Turkish forces deepen push into Syria - Google Search
- Recep Tayyip Erdogan exploiting failed Turkey coup to crush dissent, tighten grip on power - Washington Times
- Knowing the Risks, Some Syrian Rebels Seek a Lift From Turks’ Incursion - The New York Times
- Turkey threatens US-backed Kurds in Syria; Fighting intensifies in Libya; Russia’s disinformation wars; 51 debates worth havings; and just a bit more. - Defense One
- Carter Calls on Turkey to 'Stay Focused' on Islamic State
- Turkey pushes into Syria, draws criticism from US for not targeting ISIS - Business Insider
- 8.24.16 - Syrian rebels capture Jarablus - Business Insider
- Fight for Syria's Aleppo exposes limits of Russian air power | Reuters
- The disastrous nonintervention in Syria - The Washington Post
Iran and Latin America - 8.23-29.16
- News - Iran, Russia, and Latin America - Google Search
- Iran, Russia, and Latin America - Google Search
- Reports: Iran Recruiting Jihadists, Sponsoring Terror Through Latin American Embassies - Breitbart
- State Dept.: Hezbollah, Islamic State Maintain Presence in Latin America - Breitbart
- Joseph Humire: Iran's Embassies in Latin America Function More as Intelligence Centers - ASHARQ AL-AWSAT
- Iran Expanding Terror Network In Latin America
- News Reviews and Opinions: Iran Expanding TerrorNetwork in Latin America - by Adam Kredo - Tuesday August 23rd, 2016 at 10:58 AM
- Iran's Strategic Penetration of Latin America: Joseph M. Humire, Ilan Berman, Marta Lucía Ramírez, Leonardo Coutinho, Joel Hirst, Diego C. Naveira, Julián M. Obiglio, Adrián Oliva, Alex Pérez, Jon B. Perdue, Martin Rodil, Iván Witker: 9780739182666: Books
- News Reviews and Opinions: Iran's Strategic Penetration of Latin America
- Iran's foreign minister begins Latin America tour with Cuba visit | TheHill
- Tidd: Global Terrorist, Criminal Networks Southcom’s Biggest Threat > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Article
- iran and latin america - Google Search
- News - iran and latin america - Google Search
- Mohammad-Javad Zarif - Google Search
- News - Mohammad-Javad Zarif - Google Search
- Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Google Search
- News - Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Google Search
- center for a secure free society sfs - Google Search
- Joseph Humire - Google Search
Russia Review - August 19, 2016 | Putin Rex and S. Ivanov's Resignation | Trump and Russia | Manafort
Russia - 8.29.16
- Here is why Turkey launched its operation in Syria | Russia Direct
- Ivanov: rustication with respect, from a good friend but a poor patron | In Moscow's Shadows
- Ъ - Петр Порошенко поменял главу на переправе
Russia - 8.28.16 - Articles
- A Powerful Russian Weapon: The Spread of False Stories - The New York Times
- Ukraine Taking Russia To Court...Again
Russia - 8.27.16
- The Strongman of Instagram - WSJ
- May must explain Tory donor's links to Russia, says Labour MP | Politics | The Guardian
- The Average Joe Accused of Trying to Sell Russia U.S. Secrets - The Daily Beast
- Russia can no longer afford to alienate the EU | Russia Direct
- Putin Is Building a Great Russian Firewall - Bloomberg
- North Korea defection: Kim Jong-un's trade diplomat in Russia defects to South Korea | Daily Star
Recent Articles and Reviews on Russia
- News Reviews and Opinions: What Is Really Going On in Vladimir Putin’s Head? - Newsweek | Is Russia hacking the US election? - BBC News | 'A very dangerous game': Russia vs. Ukraine showdown reaches risky new level - World - CBC News | Putin places troops along with armoured vehicles on Russia's border with the Ukraine | Daily Mail Online | » Russia ups the ante in Ukraine with eye on G20 18/08/16 11:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
- News Reviews and Opinions: Trump’s embrace of Russia is very unusual — and it could cause future headaches - The Washington Post | Trump shakes up struggling campaign | Reuters
- News Reviews and Opinions: How Russia Saw Donald Trump’s Big Speech On Foreign Policy
- News Reviews and Opinions: Chappatte on Trump’s Affinity for Putin | Ukraine's Savchenko Condemns Russian ‘Slave Mentality’ | Russia's Solitary Man | Vladimir Putin and Wendi Deng - Google Search | » Ivanka Trump Is On Vacation With Vladimir Putin’s Girlfriend | » путин и венди денг - Google Search 16/08/16 09:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
- News Reviews and Opinions: Vladimir Putin and Wendi Deng - Google Search
- News Reviews and Opinions: Russia: Preparing an Offensive or Maneuvering for Easing of Sanctions? | » Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump’s Campaign Chief 15/08/16 05:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
- News Reviews and Opinions: » Russia May Be Preparing New Offensive in Ukraine 14/08/16 07:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
- News Reviews and Opinions: The historical task of measuring The Fidel's Cigar | » Military Officials Distorted ISIS Intelligence, Congressional Panel Says 13/08/16 10:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
- News Reviews and Opinions: FBI Said to Have High Confidence Russia Behind Democratic Hacks - Bloomberg Thursday August 11th, 2016 at 2:52 PM
- News Reviews and Opinions: Trump's Russia problem | Fox News | Laser technology fights unwanted geese in Canada Wednesday August 10th, 2016 at 7:38 AM
- News Reviews and Opinions: Obama in tough spot with Russia | Trump campaign teeters on the brink - BBC News
- News Reviews and Opinions: What is Donald Trump's connection to Vladimir Putin? | The Briefing | Yes, American Spies Really Think Trump Is Putin’s Guy | Observer
- News Reviews and Opinions: » Donald Trump’s Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia | TIME 03/08/16 15:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
- News Reviews and Opinions: Glenn Beck: ‘Russia Is Trying to Take Down Hillary Clinton’ to ‘Foment Revolution’ Here
- News Reviews and Opinions: Russia's President Fights to Keep Control - STRATFOR
- News Reviews and Opinions: Russia continues to shadow Trump | Donald Trump Long Sought a Real-Estate Foothold in Russia - WSJ
- News Reviews and Opinions: The Kremlin factor in the White House race | Islamic State calls on members to carry out jihad in Russia | Reuters | » The Briefing: Putin’s Purge 01/08/16 08:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
- News Reviews and Opinions: Allen Christopher Ivanov, mass shootings, and video games as online manipulation and recruiting tool
Putin Rex and S. Ivanov's Resignation - 8.12-14.16
- Putin’s incredible shrinking circle; Ivanov’s departure leaves few voices able to speak truth to Putin – Johnson's Russia List
- Экс-глава администрации президента Сергей Иванов: досье | Справка | Вопрос-Ответ | Аргументы и Факты
- News Reviews and Opinions: Putin Rex: S. Ivanov's resignation and the rise of Putin as "The Tsar" - by Michael Novakhov
- putin rex - Google Search
- Putin personal dictatorship - Google Search
- сергей иванов - Google Search
- sergey ivanov - Google Search
8.14.16 Su
- Russia May Be Preparing New Offensive in Ukraine
- Crimea tension: What is Russia's end game? - BBC News
- Alleged Russian involvement in DNC hack gives U.S. a taste of Kremlin meddling - The Washington Post
- Another DNC hack: Why Russia may want to influence the US elections -
- Hack of Democrats’ Accounts Was Wider Than Believed, Officials Say - The New York Times
- U.S. Marines, sailors flex their amphibious muscles in Russia's backyard
- Eastman Police Department Officer Tim Smith Shot, Killed in Georgia - NBC News
- Fires Burn in Milwaukee After a Fatal Police Shooting - The New York Times
- Milwaukee violence after police shoot dead armed suspect | US news | The Guardian
- Leaders of New York City mosque killed in daylight shooting - The Washington Post
- Imam and second man killed after prayers in New York | World news | The Guardian
- Once in control of their party, conservatives agonize over the election and beyond - The Washington Post
- Once Skeptical of Executive Power, Obama Has Come to Embrace It - The New York Times
- Why Ecuador is now letting Sweden question Julian Assange -
- Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion by Gareth Stedman Jones – review | Books | The Guardian
- Силовик вне кланов: Сергей Иванов из преемника Путина превратился в клерка — Meduza
- Время личнообязанных: Почему Путин сменил Сергея Иванова на Антона Вайно: — Meduza
- Андрей Пионтковский: Путин теряет равновесие - Политический блог - Владимир Путин - Сергей Иванов - Россия | Обозреватель
- S. Ivanov is not corrupted - Google Search
- August 11, 2015 | The Ukrainian Weekly
- How to Start a Russian Purge | Foreign Policy
- The Kremlin's Game Of Thrones (UPDATED)
- Putin 2: rise of the tsar - YouTube
- czar putin - Google Search
- recently purged russian elites - Google Search
- Russia: Putin accepts Ivanov’s resignation as Head of the Presidential Administration - YouTube
- Ivanov and Volodin - Google Search
- Turkey and Russia - Google Search
- slant - Google Search
- Ivanov and Volodin - Google Search
- National Guard activated after Milwaukee protests over suspect's death | Reuters
- Putin Replaces Top Adviser In Major Kremlin Shake-Up
8.13.16 Sa
- Ukraine joining NATO would trigger war with Russia
- Stop Treating Marijuana Like Heroin - The New York Times
- Trump says presidential campaign has boosted his business - The Washington Post
- huffington post - Google Search
- Puerto Rico Zika Crisis Prompts Public Health Emergency Declaration
- Why Putin Fired His Chief of Staff and Longtime Ally
- Ъ-FM - «Назначение практически неизвестного чиновника вполне в стиле нынешней власти»
- Vladimir Putin dismisses his chief of staff Sergey Ivanov
- Putin sacks Kremlin chief of staff Sergey Ivanov | Russia & India Report
- Сергей Иванов может стать новым премьер-министром вместо Дмитрия Медведева - Русская планета
- The Rise and Fall of Sergey Ivanov - The American Interest
- Protester heckles Trump: 'You're Putin's b----' | TheHill
- This Is Why Vladimir Putin Is Accusing Ukraine of Terrorism | TIME
- DIA said thank you to Deputy Director Doug Wise at a farewell ceremony > Defense Intelligence Agency > Article View
- Doug Wise dia - Google Search
- Is Hillary Clinton Medically Unfit to Serve?
- Fidel Castro's 90th birthday marked with 90-metre cigar - BBC News
- 90 m cuban cigar - Google Search
- Vladimir Putin Fires His Chief of Staff Sergei Ivanov | TIME
- On 90th birthday, Fidel Castro thanks Cuba, criticizes Obama - The Washington Post
- FBI widens hacking probe as more are Democrats targted in wide-ranging cyber attack: reports - Washington Times
- Hacker Releases More Democratic Party Documents - The New York Times
- Putin gets new right-hand man as chief of staff exits | Reuters
- Has Donald Trump hit bottom? - The Washington Post
- Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible: The Surreal Heart of the New Russia: Peter Pomerantsev: 9781610394550: Books
- Muslim cleric, second man killed in New York shooting | Reuters
8.12.16 F
- Russia's Putin sacks chief of staff Sergei Ivanov - BBC News
- Russian president Vladimir Putin FIRES his ex-KGB chief of staff Sergey Ivanov in dramatic Kremlin purge - Mirror Online
- Ъ - Сергей Иванов сдал пост Антону Вайно
- TASS: Russian Politics & Diplomacy - Putin sacks Kremlin chief of staff Sergey Ivanov
- TASS: Russian Politics & Diplomacy - Putin says Russia’s political system needs new blood
- Key Interview Confirms Sergey Ivanov, Putin's Chief of Staff Is Russia's #2
- Putin, Security Council discuss security measures in Crimea — Kremlin | Russia & India Report
- TASS: Russian Politics & Diplomacy - Sergey Ivanov: Don't think the Kremlin always decides everything, sometimes it doesn't
- сергей иванов - Google Search
- sergey ivanov - Google Search
- Commentary: As Ukraine tensions soar, Putin is doing what Putin does best | Reuters
- Incursion, Desertion, Skirmish: What Really Happened in Crimea?
- Ukraine's president seeks talks with Putin, Western leaders amid tensions | Reuters
- Solidifying behind Clinton, foreign policy establishment gins up a cold war with Russia/Iran – Mondoweiss
- Donald Trump’s tone-deaf embrace of Russia - The Washington Post
- Timothy Ash: What's behind Russia's escalation of conflict with Ukraine?
- Ukraine troops on high alert amid growing tension with Russia -
- World Powers Call for Calm in Crimea After Russia Warns Ukraine - Bloomberg
- Signs of Trouble in Ukraine Prompt Question: What’s Vladimir Putin Up To? - The New York Times
- Сергей Иванов заявил о желании «так же активно» трудиться на новом посту :: Политика :: РБК
- Shoigu at 60: The Man Who Would Be Russia's King?
- Putin: 'Ukraine Is Choosing Terrorism'
- Two Soldiers Dead in Crimea As Russia Alleges 'Terrorist' Activity
- Largely Unnoticed, Full-Scale War May Be Returning to Ukraine
- Seven Ukrainian Soldiers Killed in Clashes with Pro-Russian Separatists
- Implementation of Minsk-2 Ceasefire Agreement 'Lamentable' — Kremlin
- Ukraine troops on high alert as tension with Russia grows - BBC News
- ‘Chaos in Kiev’: Ukraine trying to distract attention from Donbass conflict, says Russia’s UN rep. — RT News
- Russian military intervention in Ukraine (2014–present) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- The Latest: NATO concerned by Russia, Ukraine tensions | Fox News
- Fears Mount of Full-scale Ukraine-Russia Clash
- Canada security questioned after FBI tip thwarts attack | Reuters
- Russia deploys advanced S-400 air missile system to Crimea: agencies | Reuters
- Donald Trump’s ISIS-Obama Comments First Came From the Russians and Crazy People - The Daily Beast
- GOP insiders: Trump can't win - POLITICO
- Crimea tensions in Russia, Ukraine media - BBC News
- The Rio Olympics are a distraction – Russia is positioning itself for further action against Ukraine
- Military Officials Distorted ISIS Intelligence, Congressional Panel Says - The New York Times
- Putin Dismisses Chief of Staff in Surprise Move - The New York Times
- Turkey seeks 32 fugitive diplomats in post-coup inquiry | Reuters
- Trump allies, WikiLeaks and Russia are pushing a nonsensical conspiracy theory about the DNC hacks - The Washington Post
- Что может означать новое обострение в Крыму - Газета.Ru
- Сергей Иванов: от ФСБ до администрации президента - Газета.Ru | Фото
- Путин сменил главу своей администрации - Газета.Ru
- соцсети [Россия] ^ MediaMetrics: свежие котировки новостей
- Путин объяснил отставку Сергея Иванова
- Владимир Милов. Чем провинился экс-глава администрации президента
- Who will succeed Vladimir Putin?
- New Crimean War in the making: Russia readies to break diplomatic ties with Ukraine - PravdaReport
- Putin Dismisses a Strong Ally as Chief of Staff in Favor of a ‘Servant’ - The New York Times
- Trump allies, WikiLeaks and Russia are pushing a nonsensical conspiracy theory about the DNC hacks - The Washington Post
- Putin Dismissed His Chief of Staff. What Does It Mean for Russia? | Foreign Policy
- Russia Hints It Might Hide Nukes in Syria | Observer
- Biden urges Ukraine president to avoid escalating tensions with Russia: White House | Reuters
- McCain Should Stop Meddling in the Bergdahl Case - The New York Times
- Donald Trump’s Missteps Risk Putting a Ceiling Over His Support in Swing States - The New York Times
- How Community Policing Can Work - The New York Times
- Pieces of Silver - The New York Times
- Trump demanded Obama’s records. But he’s not releasing his own. - The Washington Post
- A massive new study debunks a widespread theory for Donald Trump’s success - The Washington Post
- Trump allies, WikiLeaks and Russia are pushing a nonsensical conspiracy theory about the DNC hacks - The Washington Post
- US Warns Russia Against ‘Provocative Rhetoric’ on Ukraine
- Pakistan: Intelligence Cooperation Deal With Afghanistan Can Help Counter Terrorism
- Ъ-Газета - Антон Вайно выбился из сильных
- Ъ - Бывшего директора ФСИН отдали под суд
- Почему Сергей Иванов ушел с поста главы кремлевской администрации. Все версии
- Сергей Иванов: разведчик, министр, администратор и защитник леопардов | РИА Новости
- ВЕДОМОСТИ - Сергей Иванов остался в измененном составе Совета безопасности
- Сергей Иванов освобожден от должности главы администрации президента
- Унижение Сергея Иванова
- Ukraine Under Attack: Militants increase attacks, shell Ukrainian border guards positions
- Fighting Intensifies as Putin Sends More Troops to Ukraine
- Window on Eurasia -- New Series: Is Ivanov’s Dismissal Putin’s Leningrad Affair?
- US Declares State of Emergency in Puerto Rico Over Zika
Shoigu - 8.15.16
- Master of emergencies | The Economist
- К переговорам по Карабаху подключился Сергей Шойгу? - ИА REGNUM
- Resignation of Putin's chief of staff is just political routine | Russia Direct
- shoigu - Google Search
- сергей шойгу - Google Search
Inside Russia’s intelligence services
- Putin’s hydra: Inside Russia’s intelligence services | European Council on Foreign Relations
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Global Security
- News - global security - Google Search
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- Quarterly Journal: International Security - Harvard - Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
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- g20 - Google Search
Selected Posts
- The U.S. and Global Security Review: The U.S. and Global Security Review
- NEWS: The World and Global Security Review: Syrian Kurds call Iraqi brothers to the flag against Turkey | Information and Cyber Wars - 9.1.16 Update: Why Obama Is to Blame for Russia’s SpyWar on America | Observer
- NEWS: The World and Global Security Review: Information and Cyber Wars - September - August 2016
- 8.30.16 - NEWS: The World and Global Security Review: This is Cyber "War" Today -- Information Operations
- News Reviews and Opinions: I Ran the C.I.A. Now I’m Endorsing Hillary Clinton - By MICHAEL J. MORELL: "In the intelligence business, we would say that Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation." | » For Putin, Disinformation Is Power 05/08/16 09:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
- 8.24.16 - News Reviews and Opinions: All of this is a concerted, well planned, thought out, organized and coordinated campaign on the part of Russia and her Intelligence Services
- 8.21.16 - News Reviews and Opinions: M.N.: This recently emerged "Manafort - Kilimkin affair" is another wake-up call, in a series, for the US Counterintelligence Community, politicians, the political observers and the political scientists. It needs a deep and comprehensive investigation. I think, it shows how far reaching the Russian efforts and activities are at subverting and destabilizing of the US political system. These efforts are unbelievably brazen and at the same time crude, and hopefully inefficient. However, their danger, scope, and hostile intents should not and cannot be underestimated: Manafort’s man in Kiev - POLITICO | Manafort deputy may have had link to Russian intelligence - FT | Manafort and Kilimnik - Google Search
- 8.5.16 - News Reviews and Opinions: M.N.: Putin's Plan:"Shock and awe" them, terrorize them to fear and disorientation, infiltrate everything, pull all the strings, incite social disorder and revolution, install The Putinoid Dictator, and rule America and The West; turning defeat into the victory. | Elections 2016 as a political theater (not bad or good but just how it is): "Sure. Nobody cares. They want to dream. They want a spectacle. They want gold and towers. They want me to get tough. Fact-checkers! Is that even a job?"
- 7.31.16 - News Reviews and Opinions: M.N.: The Birth of The Salesman: this is not vulgarity, it is The Trump-garity: "show them the flesh (the suitable one), they will love you (by association) even more (that what Trump craves after), and that's how you will be able to sell yourself (to the suitable customers, such as the voters or Putin, for example). The Ultimate Salesman (this birth deserves the dramatic powers of the Millerian quill), The Ultimate American Narcissist, ?The Ultimate and the new breed of American Politician: Melania Trump’s Nude Picture Released – Is This How Potential First Lady Will Be? | After Trump insults mother of slain soldier, NY Post distracts with nudes of Melania | The “Russia threat” | Dallas police department applications triple after fatal shooting of five officers | US news | The Guardian
- News Reviews and Opinions: Donald Trump’s Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia | TIME
- 8.29.16 - PR Journal: The "rude awakening" for Puerto Rico and the US National Security
- Behavior and Law: Analyze zis, to your hearts' content! No "Goldwater rules"! We use zi "Hot Water Rules"! - "The American Psychiatric Association issues a warning: No psychoanalyzing Donald Trump" - WP | "Could America Elect a Mentally Ill President?" - POLITICO Magazine
- RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Russia Review - 8.31.16
- RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Putin is the “grand godfather of this global brand of extreme nationalism” (H. Clinton) | Political issues weigh on upcoming G-20 summit in China | Fox News | Russia says it killed ISIS leader Mohammad al-Adnani | National News - KCCI Home | Leaked intelligence reveals Iranian spymasters' HQ in Syria codenamed 'GLASSHOUSE' | Daily Mail Online | It is Russia, not IS or al-Qaeda, that poses primary threat to US | Middle East Eye
- RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Reassessment of the US-Russia relations - Main Articles - August 2016
- RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Why We Need Kremlinology Again - The American Interest
- RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Reassessment of the US-Russia relations - August 2016
- RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: News Reviews and Opinions: Russia Review - August 19, 2016
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- RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Revealed: the $2bn offshore trail that leads to Vladimir Putin | News | The Guardian
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