"It is all rather confounding — unless Mr. Trump is simply eyeing postelection business interests..." - Donald Trump’s Campaign Stands By Embrace of Putin

"It is all rather confounding — unless Mr. Trump is simply eyeing postelection business interests — for congressional Republicans, who evince little doubt that Moscow was behind the hack of the Democratic National Committee. On Thursday, they volunteered the sort of hard-edged criticism of Mr. Putin more typical of conservatives discussing an adversary of the United States."
- Hillary Clinton Rips Donald Trump for Lauding Vladimir Putin - The New York Times
- White House names retired Air Force general as first cyber security chief | Reuters
- Galaxy S8 features: What if it runs both Android and Windows 10? | BGR
- US feds arrest two for spy bosses account hacks - Security - iTnews
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- Democrats rally around Clinton and paint Trump as unfit for office - The Washington Post
- Trump attacks U.S. foreign policy, political press corps on state-owned Russian television network - The Washington Post
- After convention stumble, Melania Trump has largely vanished from campaign - The Washington Post
- The Hillary Clinton email story is out of control - The Washington Post
- How Russia could spark a U.S. electoral disaster - The Washington Post
- Incident in Hangzhou - The Washington Post
- The Trump strategy for success? Fire everyone. - The Washington Post
- Dozens stuck overnight in cable cars on Mont Blanc | World news | The Guardian
- alpine - Google Search
- alpine - Google Search
- The lies Trump told this week: from military spending to his tax returns | US news | The Guardian
- Trump, Clinton Attack Each Other on National Security
- Filmmaker Thomas Colbert sues FBI to prove DB Cooper theory | Daily Mail Online
- Donald Trump appears on Russia Today to cast doubt on U.S. elections interference | Daily Mail Online
- trump already won commercially - Google Search
- trump already won elections commercially - Google Search
- $200,000 gown melania trump - Google Search
- $200,000 gown melania trump - Google Search
- trump already won commercially for himself - Google Search
- Trump is simply eyeing postelection business interests - Google Search
9.8.16 Th
- Kerry tries for Syria deal with Russia as White House, Pentagon lose patience - CNNPolitics.com
- Obama administration says deal with Russia over Syria at make-or-break moment - The Washington Post
- U.S. Officials Warn Russia Over Alleged Hacks - WSJ
- US and Russia's WAR in the skies: Moscow and Washington trade blows over 'offensive' jets | World | News | Daily Express
- AP Explains: Why do US, Iran often face off in Persian Gulf? - The Washington Post
- Almost everyone gets Russia wrong – apart from Obama | Trevor Timm | Opinion | The Guardian
- Retired US general to advise Ukraine’s defense minister - The Washington Post
- Obama shakes hands with Philippines president who called him 'son of a whore' – video | US news | The Guardian
- It’s not clear that Donald Trump understands the relationship between the president and the military - The Washington Post
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- Обама встретился с оскорбившим его президентом Филиппин - Газета.Ru
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- Clapper: Russians hack U.S. 'all the time' - POLITICO
Posts - 9.8.16
- News Reviews and Opinions: Is Moscow meddling in the presidential election? - USA TODAY
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- The U.S. and Global Security Review: U.S. Officials Warn Russia Over Alleged Hacks - WSJ | Kerry tries for Syria deal with Russia as White House, Pentagon lose patience - CNNPolitics.com Obama administration says deal with Russia over Syria at make-or-break moment - The Washington Post
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- The U.S. and Global Security Review: Paul Ryan, Other Republicans Take Distance From Donald Trump After Russia Comments - Wall Street Journal
9.7.16 W
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Posts - 9.7.16
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- News Reviews and Opinions: U.S. warns Russia against interfering with Western politics | Reuters | Sure, the U.S. and Russia often meddle in foreign elections. Does it matter? - The Washington Post
- The U.S. and Global Security Review: Ash Carter Warns Russia Against Interfering in ‘Democratic Process’ - WSJ
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