B. Netanyahu: "READ MY LIPS": these are "the last twitches of yesterday's world. Tomorrow's world will be different – and it is very near." | "Весь этот хлам посыпется на ваши же головы!" - "All this garbage will fall on your own heads!" | Mezzeh airport attack, Israel, and the situation in Syria | Syrian conflict | The five points plan for the resolution of the Syrian conflict | Weapons Review - 1.17.17
Richard Strauss - Also sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30
B. Netanyahu: "READ MY LIPS": these are
"the last twitches of yesterday's world.
Tomorrow's world will be different – and it is very near."
Mezzah: Mezz - za - h: Месть za: (Armon) Hanatziv:
Armon Hanatziv:
Arm on; Ha natziv: "Arm on ("get armed"...);
Hey, native! (or "nazi")"
Месть za: Hmeimim
Me za - the tripartite alliance of powers in the Middle East: Israel, Russia, U.S.
(ZZ-s is also a reference to Zionizm and to my preferred use of these letters-sounds)
Also: Mesa: the level playing field:
"We leveled it, now it is the time to play"; a reference to the tweet:
Armon Hanatziv:
Arm on; Ha natziv: "Arm on ("get armed"...);
Hey, native! (or "nazi")"
Месть za: Hmeimim
Me za - the tripartite alliance of powers in the Middle East: Israel, Russia, U.S.
(ZZ-s is also a reference to Zionizm and to my preferred use of these letters-sounds)
Also: Mesa: the level playing field:
"We leveled it, now it is the time to play"; a reference to the tweet:
Donald, make complete, clean break with Russia; and after the field is cleared and leveled, REBUILD, as smart builder. This is the only way.
— Mike Nova (@mikenov) January 9, 2017
This is a retaliation for Jerusalem truck attack of 1.8.17
(5 days later: not in a haste, but rationally and thoughtfully),
(5 days later: not in a haste, but rationally and thoughtfully),
which was perpetrated by Putin's intelligence.
The U.S. and Israel are in possession of the newly developed space based laser weapons, which make the nuclear weapons obsolete: any missile carrying them will be struck with lasers, producing the nuclear explosions on the aggressor's own territory, thus punishing them for their aggression.
As I wrote several years ago, in my comments in "Russian Jornal":
"Весь этот хлам посыпется на ваши же головы!" -
"All this garbage will fall on your own heads!"
The attack on arm depo at the Mezzeh military airport was performed by laser weapons from space
The history of civilization is the history of weaponry
Next step is the laser equipped drones
The attack on arm depo at the Mezzeh military airport was performed by laser weapons from space
The history of civilization is the history of weaponry
Next step is the laser equipped drones
Thank you, Bibi, I love you!
Thank you, Yossi, I love you!
Thank you, the military and research leaders of Israel!
Thank you, the great people of Israel, I love you!
Thank you, great America, who made it possible, we all love you, the words cannot describe it, you are The Light of the World!
This is a warning: any terrorist activity against Israel, no matter who are the real perpetrators, will be met with the swift and overwhelming response and retaliation.
This is a new era in the history of the Humanity, indeed!
Israel has to be recognized as the leading, predominant power in the Middle East.
Syria and the other Arab nations have to recognize Israel fully, conclude the peace treaties, and to live together in harmony.
What Syria needs, just like all the other countries torn by acute and intense conflicts, is a good domestic policing.

Dec 13, 2016 - The Current Situation in Syria. Syria's war is not only a humanitarian catastrophe but a threat to stability in countries as distant as Europe. The warfare has killed perhaps 400,000 people, according to U.N. envoy Staffan de Mistura, and uprooted as many as 12 million, half of the population.
The Current Situation in Syria: A USIP (United States Institute of Peace) Fact Sheet - Published: December 13, 2016:
Critical roots of this violence, often overlooked in public discussion of the war, lie in a complex knot of local and sectarian conflicts that remained unresolved beneath Syria’s decades of authoritarian rule. In recent years, the violence has been amplified by the brutality of ISIS and other extremist groups, and by the military intervention of foreign forces.
(Emphasis as underlined, is mine - M.N.)
This assessment and plan aim to be objective, multi-vectorial, and unbiased, with the wellbeing of the Syrian and other (Middle Eastern and European) people as the main concern.
1. The composition of the parties to the conflict and their forces
The U.S. should return to the Middle East in full force but without extensive direct participation in hostilities and military actions. Israel should be made the officially recognized and invited party to the resolution of the conflict, which will only confirm the status and facts on the ground, nothing will happen without Israel's participation. The other two parties, forming The Quartet are the European Union, which is directly interested in stopping the flow of the refugees, and Russia, which will retain its presence without expanding it further.
All four parties should work in closest cooperation and coordination.
The overall supervision and the directions toward the resolution of conflict should be the responsibility of the U.N. which should place its permanent representative in Damascus permanently, on a residential basis, just as the representatives of all the other involved powers, working closely and coordinating with the Assad's government and with and within the Quartet. "Permanence", ever elusive, and forever desired, is the key word: "кашу маслом не испортишь", особенно если её хочешь с кем-то сварить... А с другой стороны, Машу кашей не испортишь тоже, особенно если хочешь, чтобы она росла довольная, сытая, и счастливая. A lot of "kasha" demands a lot of "maslo", and I am not sure, that Mama Russia has enough supplies at a moment to satiate her beloved daughter. О, великий, диалектический, богатый многобразием смыслов и оттенков, утончённый и могучий Русский язык! Ты занимаешь особое, уникальное место в моём разбитом (и разбитном) сердце... Mama Russia - no kasha! Borscht only, po talon-chick-am!
1.1. Exclusion of Turkey, Iran, and Hezbollah
Turkey and Iran with Hezbollah should be explicitly and decisively excluded from this process because their roles are self-serving, nostalgically - imperialistic - expansionist, duplicitous and counterproductive. They will have to leave Syria completely. This is an absolute must, without which the transition is impossible. Hezbollah, Iran, and other participants should understand very clearly that they will be either out or dead, and this understanding should be reinforced vigorously. This has to be coordinated with Russia of course. For Russia, generally speaking, the new tripartite alliance is much more valuable, viable, and imperative than the "rotten" - "гнилой" - a persistent Asiatic tradition, with the recent Ossetian accent: non-viable, non-long-term, a marriage of convenience type, pseudo-alliance with Iran. The fissures in this pseudo-alliance have already appeared, and they will develop further, as it is reasonable to expect. Whoa da u zink (sink? sink... - I know the feeling, baby...), Igor? Tell the Papa, pa-pa-pa... I always wanted to learn to tango, instead of to tangle. No such luck! Maybe I should go to The Little Girls Dancing School: Пусть меня научат! Pa-pa-pa...
1.2. The goals and objectives of the proposed intervention
The secular nature of the current regime should be confirmed and reinforced, with the development of the governing structures in accordance with the European models. France is especially close to Syria historically.
The complete freedom of religion should be maintained, with the restoration of the status of (ancient) Christian churches and their official and enforced protection. The similar attitude and measures should be taken for all the other minority religious groups, with the strict separation of religious and state functions and practices.
The Quartet should not divide the country into the spheres of influence by regions, which should be equally stabilized, but to maintain the single, unified, coordinated presence with the overall goal of maintaining the law, order, and stability.
This joint work will provide the opportunity for the all five parties to develop the patterns, mechanisms, experience, and the spirit of cooperation, which will pave the way for the future and expanded integration and the continuing combined efforts for the resolution of the other Middle East conflicts and problems, and elsewhere.
The U.S., Russian, and Israeli military forces and the relevant civilian structures will continue to build on this valuable experience of joint work, developing the much-needed trust and the patterns of true cooperation, with the perspectives for the further and deeper development of the integration. The U.S. should assume the tactful and thoughtful leadership role in these efforts.
2. The armed groups (the "Rebels") and policing; restoring the law and order
There are no "good or bad", "right or wrong" "rebel" groups in Syria; there are simply the armed men and the unarmed men, and all the armed men should be disarmed. The participation or non-participation of the "rebel" groups in the diplomatic "peace process" is irrelevant.
The utmost effort on the part of the Quartet and the UN is due to help Syria to establish the professional, well trained and the well-equipped police force. All the armed groups should be offered the broad amnesty and invited to serve in the police force, with and after the careful screening, vetting, and selection. The overall authority over the Syrian government armed forces and the police force should be gradually transferred to the UN Representative and the Quartet, with the installment of the professional, non-political and non-partisan leadership, carrying out all the responsibilities for the maintaining the law, order, civil peace, and restoring-reconstruction of the vital infrastructure, under the supervision, coordination, and with all the needed help from the UN and the Quartet.
The "unsuitable" for service "rebels" should be carefully investigated, interned, or sent back to their countries of origin.
3. Restoring the infrastructure and the economy
The EU should consider providing the financial support for the restoring, reconstruction, and rebuilding of infrastructure, this is much better than to waste money on corrupt and inefficient Turkey in the efforts to stem the flows of refugees. The financial incentives should be created for the return of the refugees to Syria and their productive participation in the reconstruction of the country.
4. Political structures and political activities and life, Education
Initially, the current regime should stay in power, with gradual, planned, well thought out and scheduled transfer of responsibilities to the UN Representative and the Quartet.
The freedoms of speech, press, political activities and assemblies should be introduced, maintained, and enforced. The Baath Party should be gradually eased from power with the replacement by the professional managers and operatives based on broad pluralistic political platforms. The local and general elections should be held freely, facilitating the rotations, replacement and the rejuvenation of the political and managerial class.
Education is the vital part of the reforms. Both the secondary and the higher education should be free and/or freely available, high quality, non-religious, eclectic, with the stress on sciences and foreign languages, English and the traditional French mainly among them. The elements of the Islamic culture and history should be incorporated into the curriculum, with the limitation in the scope of the fundamentalist and militant Islamist ideologies. If you so wish, you can call this the process of the re-educational Westernization of Syria, the terms do not matter as much as the practical implementation and the effects, including the general ideological-political sanation and the general improvement in the quality of life, both in its material and non-material aspects.
5. Future Directions
The transitional period might take 10 - 15 - 20 years, slowly but surely. The first, the faster part of this process is the transfer of power from the Assad regime to the provisional government of the UN - Quartet, and the second, slower and careful, from the provisional government back to the Syrians, namely, to the qualified, competent, and, hopefully freely and democratically elected body. The current regime should be eased out of power gradually and bloodlessly, with the replacement by viable, West oriented structures. This process might become the model and the example of success in all spheres for the other Middle East countries.
The existing secular character of the regime should be preserved, built upon, and re-oriented (no pun intended). The timing of Mr. Assad and his circle's departure should be determined by the circumstances and the readiness of the country and her elites, the degree of success in the rotational processes, and preferably by the mutual consent with and among the supervising powers.
When and if the transition is successful and completed, the inclusion and incorporation of Syria into the regional geopolitical security structures should be considered.
This plan should be reviewed, appended, expanded, and amended, if and as needed and suitable, by the professional planners.
The Palestinian people will not be forgotten, they should be treated fairly, as the closest neighbors and cousins, and to be afforded the opportunities for the state, social, and personal advancements.
The timing of this event is also a message from the leaders of Israel, in the words of Mr. Netanyahu:
It also means: "We prefer to negotiate with the Palestinian leaders directly and without any preconditions on both sides, and without the empty and meaningless interference of the international cohort of attention seekers, who position themselves so readily for their photo-ops. Mr. Abbas, please consider this offer seriously and in honest, do not lose this chance, like so many other chances in the past, yet again. There is nothing wrong with this position: the spirit of the relations, good will, readiness to forget the past, openness to the new beginning, mutual trust are much more important than any pre-requirements and any preconditions. Start with this, and it should lead to good results. Mr. Abbas, please think about this very carefully."
What Syria needs, just like all the other countries torn by acute and intense conflicts, is a good domestic policing.
Syrian conflict
Syrian conflict
The Current Situation in Syria | United States Institute of Peace
Dec 13, 2016 - The Current Situation in Syria. Syria's war is not only a humanitarian catastrophe but a threat to stability in countries as distant as Europe. The warfare has killed perhaps 400,000 people, according to U.N. envoy Staffan de Mistura, and uprooted as many as 12 million, half of the population.
Critical roots of this violence, often overlooked in public discussion of the war, lie in a complex knot of local and sectarian conflicts that remained unresolved beneath Syria’s decades of authoritarian rule. In recent years, the violence has been amplified by the brutality of ISIS and other extremist groups, and by the military intervention of foreign forces.
(Emphasis as underlined, is mine - M.N.)
Situation in Syria
The weakness and the vulnerability of Astana talks are, as reported, in their strengthening the position of Iran at the expense of Israel and the Arab states, mainly the Saudi Arabia. Also, "the talks will exclude some of the most powerful factions in the conflict, including Kurdish groups vetoed by Turkey... The United States, which led failed efforts to launch peace talks last year, has not been involved in the latest diplomacy... Alloush said the rebels were going to Astana to "neutralise the criminal role" of Iran."
"Leading Kurdish politician Salih Muslim, argued on Monday that excluding the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) from the upcoming peace talks in Astana was a mistake, limiting the talks’ scope and breadth... The Syrian Democratic Forces are a polyethnic alliance, including Kurdish, Arab, and Assyrian units. US officials believe that the SDF is one of their most effective allies in the fight against the Islamic State (ISIS)... “Finding a solution for the Syrian crisis cannot come from Astana,” the Kurdish leader concluded. “The real Syrian political solution must come from power centers [in Syria].”"
"It’s very unfortunate that Ankara has excluded the PYD from both peace talks and the ongoing ceasefire. It will bring about challenges. The PYD and all armed groups should be included in the talks,” Afandi told Rudaw after holding a press conference in Moscow Saturday...
The expected Astana talks were initiated earlier in December by the three main regional powers Turkey, Iran and Russia which have different and often conflicting stakes in the Syrian war. Moscow has since extended an invitation to the incoming US administration to take part in the talks...
It still remains to be announced which groups will attend the Astana meeting next week and what the road map they are expected to agree on as Syria’s nightmarish conflict enters its sixth years in April."
All this will lead to the Astana talks' undoing, proving them to be the non-viable and inconsequential.
Regardless of their outcome, the scope and the goals of these talks are quite limited and cannot be viewed as the major step toward the resolution of the conflict.
"CEASEFIRE IMPLEMENTATION TO BE KEY ISSUE AT UPCOMING ASTANA TALKS: it would be a major achievement if the Astana talks, scheduled for Jan. 23, would lead to a nationwide ceasefire in the war-torn country."
Astana Talks
The weakness and the vulnerability of Astana talks are, as reported, in their strengthening the position of Iran at the expense of Israel and the Arab states, mainly the Saudi Arabia. Also, "the talks will exclude some of the most powerful factions in the conflict, including Kurdish groups vetoed by Turkey... The United States, which led failed efforts to launch peace talks last year, has not been involved in the latest diplomacy... Alloush said the rebels were going to Astana to "neutralise the criminal role" of Iran."
"Leading Kurdish politician Salih Muslim, argued on Monday that excluding the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) from the upcoming peace talks in Astana was a mistake, limiting the talks’ scope and breadth... The Syrian Democratic Forces are a polyethnic alliance, including Kurdish, Arab, and Assyrian units. US officials believe that the SDF is one of their most effective allies in the fight against the Islamic State (ISIS)... “Finding a solution for the Syrian crisis cannot come from Astana,” the Kurdish leader concluded. “The real Syrian political solution must come from power centers [in Syria].”"
"It’s very unfortunate that Ankara has excluded the PYD from both peace talks and the ongoing ceasefire. It will bring about challenges. The PYD and all armed groups should be included in the talks,” Afandi told Rudaw after holding a press conference in Moscow Saturday...
The expected Astana talks were initiated earlier in December by the three main regional powers Turkey, Iran and Russia which have different and often conflicting stakes in the Syrian war. Moscow has since extended an invitation to the incoming US administration to take part in the talks...
It still remains to be announced which groups will attend the Astana meeting next week and what the road map they are expected to agree on as Syria’s nightmarish conflict enters its sixth years in April."
All this will lead to the Astana talks' undoing, proving them to be the non-viable and inconsequential.
Regardless of their outcome, the scope and the goals of these talks are quite limited and cannot be viewed as the major step toward the resolution of the conflict.
"CEASEFIRE IMPLEMENTATION TO BE KEY ISSUE AT UPCOMING ASTANA TALKS: it would be a major achievement if the Astana talks, scheduled for Jan. 23, would lead to a nationwide ceasefire in the war-torn country."
Astana talks - Sources reviewed on 1.17.17
- Astana talks - Google Search
- Kazakhstan says ready for Syria talks in Astana on January 23: RIA | Reuters
- Trump Administration, UN to Be Invited to Astana Talks - Syrian Opposition Group
- Ceasefire implementation to be key issue at upcoming Astana talks - Breaking News - Jerusalem Post
- Syrian rebels will attend Russia-backed Astana peace talks - France 24
- Syria conflict: Rebels agree to attend Astana peace talks - BBC News
- Kurdish leader says excluding SDF from Syria peace talks 'huge mistake' - ARA News
- Syrian opposition leaders call for inclusion of Kurdish faction
- TASS: World - Syria talks to start in Astana on January 23 - Turkish foreign minister
The five points plan for the resolution of the Syrian conflict
This assessment and plan aim to be objective, multi-vectorial, and unbiased, with the wellbeing of the Syrian and other (Middle Eastern and European) people as the main concern.
1. The composition of the parties to the conflict and their forces
The U.S. should return to the Middle East in full force but without extensive direct participation in hostilities and military actions. Israel should be made the officially recognized and invited party to the resolution of the conflict, which will only confirm the status and facts on the ground, nothing will happen without Israel's participation. The other two parties, forming The Quartet are the European Union, which is directly interested in stopping the flow of the refugees, and Russia, which will retain its presence without expanding it further.
All four parties should work in closest cooperation and coordination.
The overall supervision and the directions toward the resolution of conflict should be the responsibility of the U.N. which should place its permanent representative in Damascus permanently, on a residential basis, just as the representatives of all the other involved powers, working closely and coordinating with the Assad's government and with and within the Quartet. "Permanence", ever elusive, and forever desired, is the key word: "кашу маслом не испортишь", особенно если её хочешь с кем-то сварить... А с другой стороны, Машу кашей не испортишь тоже, особенно если хочешь, чтобы она росла довольная, сытая, и счастливая. A lot of "kasha" demands a lot of "maslo", and I am not sure, that Mama Russia has enough supplies at a moment to satiate her beloved daughter. О, великий, диалектический, богатый многобразием смыслов и оттенков, утончённый и могучий Русский язык! Ты занимаешь особое, уникальное место в моём разбитом (и разбитном) сердце... Mama Russia - no kasha! Borscht only, po talon-chick-am!
1.1. Exclusion of Turkey, Iran, and Hezbollah
Turkey and Iran with Hezbollah should be explicitly and decisively excluded from this process because their roles are self-serving, nostalgically - imperialistic - expansionist, duplicitous and counterproductive. They will have to leave Syria completely. This is an absolute must, without which the transition is impossible. Hezbollah, Iran, and other participants should understand very clearly that they will be either out or dead, and this understanding should be reinforced vigorously. This has to be coordinated with Russia of course. For Russia, generally speaking, the new tripartite alliance is much more valuable, viable, and imperative than the "rotten" - "гнилой" - a persistent Asiatic tradition, with the recent Ossetian accent: non-viable, non-long-term, a marriage of convenience type, pseudo-alliance with Iran. The fissures in this pseudo-alliance have already appeared, and they will develop further, as it is reasonable to expect. Whoa da u zink (sink? sink... - I know the feeling, baby...), Igor? Tell the Papa, pa-pa-pa... I always wanted to learn to tango, instead of to tangle. No such luck! Maybe I should go to The Little Girls Dancing School: Пусть меня научат! Pa-pa-pa...
1.2. The goals and objectives of the proposed intervention
The secular nature of the current regime should be confirmed and reinforced, with the development of the governing structures in accordance with the European models. France is especially close to Syria historically.
The complete freedom of religion should be maintained, with the restoration of the status of (ancient) Christian churches and their official and enforced protection. The similar attitude and measures should be taken for all the other minority religious groups, with the strict separation of religious and state functions and practices.
The Quartet should not divide the country into the spheres of influence by regions, which should be equally stabilized, but to maintain the single, unified, coordinated presence with the overall goal of maintaining the law, order, and stability.
This joint work will provide the opportunity for the all five parties to develop the patterns, mechanisms, experience, and the spirit of cooperation, which will pave the way for the future and expanded integration and the continuing combined efforts for the resolution of the other Middle East conflicts and problems, and elsewhere.
The U.S., Russian, and Israeli military forces and the relevant civilian structures will continue to build on this valuable experience of joint work, developing the much-needed trust and the patterns of true cooperation, with the perspectives for the further and deeper development of the integration. The U.S. should assume the tactful and thoughtful leadership role in these efforts.
2. The armed groups (the "Rebels") and policing; restoring the law and order
There are no "good or bad", "right or wrong" "rebel" groups in Syria; there are simply the armed men and the unarmed men, and all the armed men should be disarmed. The participation or non-participation of the "rebel" groups in the diplomatic "peace process" is irrelevant.
The utmost effort on the part of the Quartet and the UN is due to help Syria to establish the professional, well trained and the well-equipped police force. All the armed groups should be offered the broad amnesty and invited to serve in the police force, with and after the careful screening, vetting, and selection. The overall authority over the Syrian government armed forces and the police force should be gradually transferred to the UN Representative and the Quartet, with the installment of the professional, non-political and non-partisan leadership, carrying out all the responsibilities for the maintaining the law, order, civil peace, and restoring-reconstruction of the vital infrastructure, under the supervision, coordination, and with all the needed help from the UN and the Quartet.
The "unsuitable" for service "rebels" should be carefully investigated, interned, or sent back to their countries of origin.
3. Restoring the infrastructure and the economy
The EU should consider providing the financial support for the restoring, reconstruction, and rebuilding of infrastructure, this is much better than to waste money on corrupt and inefficient Turkey in the efforts to stem the flows of refugees. The financial incentives should be created for the return of the refugees to Syria and their productive participation in the reconstruction of the country.
4. Political structures and political activities and life, Education
Initially, the current regime should stay in power, with gradual, planned, well thought out and scheduled transfer of responsibilities to the UN Representative and the Quartet.
The freedoms of speech, press, political activities and assemblies should be introduced, maintained, and enforced. The Baath Party should be gradually eased from power with the replacement by the professional managers and operatives based on broad pluralistic political platforms. The local and general elections should be held freely, facilitating the rotations, replacement and the rejuvenation of the political and managerial class.
Education is the vital part of the reforms. Both the secondary and the higher education should be free and/or freely available, high quality, non-religious, eclectic, with the stress on sciences and foreign languages, English and the traditional French mainly among them. The elements of the Islamic culture and history should be incorporated into the curriculum, with the limitation in the scope of the fundamentalist and militant Islamist ideologies. If you so wish, you can call this the process of the re-educational Westernization of Syria, the terms do not matter as much as the practical implementation and the effects, including the general ideological-political sanation and the general improvement in the quality of life, both in its material and non-material aspects.
5. Future Directions
The transitional period might take 10 - 15 - 20 years, slowly but surely. The first, the faster part of this process is the transfer of power from the Assad regime to the provisional government of the UN - Quartet, and the second, slower and careful, from the provisional government back to the Syrians, namely, to the qualified, competent, and, hopefully freely and democratically elected body. The current regime should be eased out of power gradually and bloodlessly, with the replacement by viable, West oriented structures. This process might become the model and the example of success in all spheres for the other Middle East countries.
The existing secular character of the regime should be preserved, built upon, and re-oriented (no pun intended). The timing of Mr. Assad and his circle's departure should be determined by the circumstances and the readiness of the country and her elites, the degree of success in the rotational processes, and preferably by the mutual consent with and among the supervising powers.
When and if the transition is successful and completed, the inclusion and incorporation of Syria into the regional geopolitical security structures should be considered.
This plan should be reviewed, appended, expanded, and amended, if and as needed and suitable, by the professional planners.
The Palestinian people will not be forgotten, they should be treated fairly, as the closest neighbors and cousins, and to be afforded the opportunities for the state, social, and personal advancements.
The timing of this event is also a message from the leaders of Israel, in the words of Mr. Netanyahu:
"I must say that this conference is among the last twitches of yesterday's world.
Tomorrow's world will be different – and it is very near."
It also means: "We prefer to negotiate with the Palestinian leaders directly and without any preconditions on both sides, and without the empty and meaningless interference of the international cohort of attention seekers, who position themselves so readily for their photo-ops. Mr. Abbas, please consider this offer seriously and in honest, do not lose this chance, like so many other chances in the past, yet again. There is nothing wrong with this position: the spirit of the relations, good will, readiness to forget the past, openness to the new beginning, mutual trust are much more important than any pre-requirements and any preconditions. Start with this, and it should lead to good results. Mr. Abbas, please think about this very carefully."
This is also a warning to Iran: you better change your attitudes and your aggressive expansionist posture, or you will be made to change them. We have nothing against the good and wise Iranian people, who should be admitted into the World community fully and wholeheartedly, we object only to the shortsightedness of the current Iran's leaders. Hopefully, this situation will change.
We do not gloat and do not threaten, we want the World to live in peace, health, prosperity, equality, and the equal opportunities for all - the ideals of the American dream which now should be the ideals everywhere.
The hand remains extended to you, and our hearts go out to you, the Great Mother Russia! You and your valiant military forces should join the Judaeo-Christian, European civilization in honest. You will be welcomed, and this reintegration will change the lives of your people for better in all respects. You should decide yourself, what to do with your over-canning leader who brought you to this crisis, although, presumably but apparently, he should be considered responsible for many blatant violations and illegalities which happened and still are happening all over the world. Cunning and the "special operations" did not take you very far. And this is said with all the understandable, natural, and sincere sympathy on the personal and human levels.
The new era demands the leaders who base their strategies on the foresight and the farsightedness, not on the skillful lies, manipulations, and cheating. This is my response to you, my friends.
This is my take on these events, in my, as always, strictly personal opinion, which somehow veered again, and probably too much into the poetic direction. But hopefully, this opinion reflects the correct understanding of the circumstances and events.
Michael Novakhov
Weapons Review - 1.17.17
- weapons - Google Search
- space weapons - Google Search
- laser weapons - Google Search
- space based laser weapons - Google Search
- U.S. missile shield in Europe - Google Search
- hypersonic weapons - Google Search
- pain ray weapon - Google Search
- History of weapons - Wikipedia
- History of military technology - Wikipedia
- Space weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Active Denial System - Wikipedia
- Laser Weapon System - Wikipedia
- Directed-energy weapon - Wikipedia
- Railgun - Wikipedia
- Microwaveweapons - Directed-energy weapon - Wikipedia
- Death ray - Wikipedia
- Heat-Ray - Wikipedia
- Radiation - Wikipedia
- Long Range Acoustic Device - Wikipedia
- Area denial weapon - Wikipedia
Space-Based Arms - Reviewed on 12.24.16
- President Obama signs defense bill that could spur new space-based arms race - LA Times
- Star Wars Reboot: US Sets Stage for Space-Based Arms Race With Russia, China
- Militarisation of space - Wikipedia
- United States national missile defense - Wikipedia
- Space-Based Arms - Google Search
- new space-based arms race - Google Search
- missile defense - Google Search
- israel's iron dome missile defense system - Google Search
- Israel missile defense - Google Search
- israel missile defense laser - Google Search
- israel's iron dome missile defense system - Google Search
- militarisation of space - Google Search
Space laser weapons
TEHRAN - A senior Syrian General underlined that Syria will intensify operations against the Israeli-affiliated terrorist groups in Western Ghouta of Damascus as the first likely response to Tel Aviv's recent attack.
"Syria's first response to the Israeli aggression will be suppression of the dangerous terrorists affiliated to the Israeli regime in Beit Jen in the Western countryside of Damascus," Brigadier General Rajab Deeb said on Sunday.
He categorically dismissed rumors that Israel has targeted a cargo of the Iranian missiles as incorrect, and said Tel Aviv's silence on its new aggression against al-Mezzeh airbase and its results indicates that the regime has not attained its desired objective...
The airport is a major strategic asset used by Syrian elites, military officials and troops as a transit complex.
The Syrian government also used the airport as a military outpost to launch artillery shells at former terrorist-held areas in the suburbs of Damascus.
Following the attacks, a Syrian army spokesman warned that Israel would face repercussions of the "flagrant" attack on the al-Mezzeh military airport.
A spokesman was also quoted on the state TV as saying that the projectiles originated near Lake Tiberias in Northern Israel just after midnight.
(source: farsnews)

Mezzeh Military Airport (also spelled Mazzeh) is a Syrian Air Force installation located in Mezzeh, Damascus, Syria, south-west of the old centre of Damascus. It has one runway of 8258ft length, at elevation 2407ft.[1] In mid-2013 the airport was described by the BBC as "an important strategic installation [which] plays a significant role in distributing the government's military supplies."[2] Reuters reported in mid-2013 that it was "used by Syria's elite Republican Guards, Special Forces and Air Force Intelligence, [and] also serves as a private airport for the Assad family."[3] It also said that during the Syrian civil war the base was "used to fire rockets and artillery at rebellious Sunni Muslim neighbourhoods on the edge of the capital."[3]
BY REUTERS 13 JANUARY 2017 06:12
Jerusalem Post Israel News
After reports on Friday claimed an explosion was witnessed at the Mezzah military airport in Syria's capital, the Syrian military blames Israel for the reported attack.
Syrian state television quoted the army as saying several rockets were fired from an area near Lake Tiberias in northern Israel just after midnight which landed in the compound of the airbase, used by President Bashar al-Assad's elite Republican Guards...
The airport, located just a few kilometers from Assad's presidential palace, had been a base used to fire rockets at former rebel-held areas in the suburbs of Damascus.
Israel in the past has allegedly targeted positions of Lebanon's powerful Hezbollah group inside Syria where the Iranian-backed group is heavily involved in fighting alongside the Syrian army.
Only last November, the Syrian army said Israeli jets fired two missiles on an area west of the capital, close to the Damascus Beirut-highway, in an attack mounted from Lebanese air space.
Diplomatic sources say Israel has in the past few years targeted advanced weapons systems, including Russian made anti-aircraft and Iranian made missiles and bombed the elite Fourth Armoured Division base on Qasioun mountain in the capital...
Rebels operating in the area have said Hezbollah's major arms supply route into Damascus from the Lebanese border has been targeted on several occasions in recent years by air strikes. This has included strikes on warehouses and convoys of weapons...
Israel has been largely unscathed by the Syrian civil war, with only sporadic incidents of stray shells falling on its territory.
While Assad has vowed revenge for the alleged Israeli attacks, his patron, Russia, has thus far remained silent.
It is clear that Assad does not want to open a new front with Israel. Just recently, with the help of Russian fighter jets, Hezbollah forces alongside Iranian Shi’ite ground forces and the Syrian army were able to defeat rebel forces and regain territory. These successes raised the Syrian army's morale, upping their confidence...
According to foreign reports, Israel has attacked Syria ten to fifteen times in recent years, eliminating sophisticated weaponry such as air defense systems, navigation and guided systems as well as long-distance missiles -- all of which were supplied from Iran and Syria to Hezbollah...
It is possible to conclude that Russia understands that Israel's interests are solely to prevent arms transfers of sophisticated weapons from reaching Hezbollah. They also know Israel’s red line. Israel has no interest in entering Syria's civil war, not by supporting the rebels or by acting against the regime.
As long as Russia will continue to accept these principles, Israel will allegedly continue to act from time to time, with proper accurate intelligence.
ISRAEL attacked an air base on the outskirts of Damascus yesterday — mere miles from the site of a suicide bombing hours earlier.
Syrian military sources told the Sana news agency that missiles launched from the Sea of Galilee area struck the Mezzeh air base west of the capital, setting off explosions in an ammunition dump...
Earlier a suicide bomber blew himself up outside a sports club in Damascus, two miles east of the air base, killing eight people and wounding others...
On Thursday troops drove the militants from the nearby village of Basimah.
The al-Qaida-affiliated Levant Conquest Front (LCF) poisoned the water supply with diesel fuel on December 22, then blew up the works just before New Year...
In Geneva on Thursday night, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said the US “should be definitely invited” to the January 23 peace talks in Kazakhstan’s capital Astana — three days after the inauguration of president-elect Donald Trump.
The outgoing Obama government was left out of the ceasefire talks.
First Published on 1/15/17, 5:54 PM
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