Updated: 12:08 PM 2/5/2017: The Yemen Raid of 1.29.17: WHAT WENT WRONG?! | In deadly Yemen raid, a lesson for Trump's national security team - WP | The danger of Steve Bannon on the National Security Council - The Washington Post: "History suggests all this will not end well..." - By David J. Rothkopf | Bergen - CNN: Did Kushner and Bannon have roles in Yemen decision? | Will Trump continue to make the big decisions huddled with Bannon and Kushner? - Slate
First Published on 1.29.17 - 2.5.17 | Updated on 2.27.17
Updated: 12:08 PM 2/5/2017
M.N.: Some signs of what looks and feels like the orchestrated negative, critical or somewhat tendentious coverage in the media do emerge, pointing to the post-event accompanying propaganda and information war, which is consistent with the previous pattern of post-events media coverage - information war elements in the cases of the previous "special operations", abroad and domestic.
Yemen Raid - News Review as of 12:08 PM 2/5/2017
Updated: 8:40 AM 2/5/2017
US President Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka Trump walk toward Marine One while departing from the White House, on February 1, 2017, in Washington, DC. Trump is making an unannounced trip to Dover Air Force bace in Delaware to pay his respects to Chief Special Warfare Operator William 'Ryan' Owens, who was killed during a raid in Yemen. Owens is the first active military service member to die in combat during Trump's presidency. Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Last Update: 4:34 PM 2/3/2017
M.N.: If these "inherent risks" are systemic rather than pertaining to a particular case, and that's how it looks, they require a different type of assessment and management. The point is to be able to distinguish between these two types of risks.
Last Update: 1:36 PM 2/3/2017
Trump is responsible for the Yemen raid disaster!
Mr. Trump, resign!

Update: 2.3.17
M.N.: Is it not obvious that it was a set-up by the adversaries, an elaborate trap, into which the Seals were lured and sent right in?
It is logical to assume that this set-up dates back probably to the very beginning, possibly to the planning stages of this event, when this target was identified, proposed or skillfully introduced by the opponents. All aspects of this occurrence have to be carefully examined, including the possible compromises and the outflows of information during the whole planning period.
The next natural step is to stop, to think, to investigate (the Congress most likely will get involved also), to identify and to plug the holes, to fix and to improve the process generally, and to start anew gradually, by trials and small errors, if any, and with the perspectives for the full scale operations. Nothing can substitute for the experience, with the value derived from its bitterness too; that what is called learning from mistakes.
The caution is also advisable in the handling of the newly obtained "intelligence materials": they might have been deliberately planted.
As to the ID-ing the opponents in this particular case, given the signs of its relative sophistication and advance planning, the Russians as the top-level advisors, planners, and the managers (using their broad and various, including the outside of the area resources), the Iranians as the next level, on the ground, organizers, and with the local Yemenis as the foot soldiers (with the women-warriors as the potential captors-humiliators and the shields - rather unusual arrangement for the Arab country, the Persian instructions and viciously revengeful mentality: not just to defeat, but to humiliate publicly and condescendingly, does show), appear to be most likely.
The distant roots-analogies of this type of a set-up can be traced down to the failed hostages rescue mission in Iran in 1980, when the helicopter crashed in a "sand storm", and which probably was arranged with a "little help" from their "Russian friends" also.
This and the previous post on this subject were first published from 1.29.17 to 2.2.17:

Bergen: Did Kushner and Bannon have roles in Yemen decision?
The SEAL Team 6 raid in Yemen on Sunday that killed 14 al Qaeda fighters and 10 civilians has raised questions about the approach President Donald Trump will take to fighting terrorism:
"The third question: Was the Trump administration aware of the substantial number of civilians at the target? If not, why not? And if so, why did the raid proceed?
Final question: The New York Times reported that Stephen Bannon, Trump's top policy strategist, and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner were both present at the dinner where the decision to authorize the Yemen JSOC strike was weighed with President Trump.
Isn't the presence of Bannon and Kushner at this dinner more than slightly strange? Neither have any relevant expertise or experience. It's not even a given that they are "cleared" for discussions about JSOC's operations, which are among the most tightly "compartmented" of the United States' secrets.
Also at the dinner were US Secretary of Defense James Mattis, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Joseph Dunford and Michael Flynn, Trump's national security adviser who played a key role in JSOC when he was stationed in Iraq during the Bush administration.
When President Obama was planning the raid in Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden in 2011, his top policy and political advisers Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod and others who had no "need to know" and didn't have the requisite clearances were not included in discussions about the operation that went on at the White House over the course of nine months.
By contrast, will Bannon and Kushner participate in the key national security decisions of the Trump administration? We already have a partial answer to this question, which is Trump's decision announced on Monday to give Bannon a seat on the National Security Council's Principals Committee."

U.S. President Donald Trump (L-R), joined by Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, Vice President Mike Pence, senior advisor Steve Bannon, Communications Director Sean Spicer and National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
"U.S. Central Command said in a statement that an investigating team had "concluded regrettably that civilian non-combatants were likely killed" during Sunday's raid. It added that children may have been among the casualties.
Central Command said its assessment "seeks to determine if there were any still-undetected civilian casualties in the ferocious firefight."
U.S. military officials told Reuters that Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations.
As a result, three officials said, the attacking SEAL team found itself dropping onto a reinforced al Qaeda base defended by landmines, snipers, and a larger than expected contingent of heavily armed Islamist extremists.
The Pentagon directed queries about the officials' characterization of the raid to U.S. Central Command. The latter pointed only to its statement on Wednesday...
The military officials who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity said "a brutal firefight" took the lives of Owens and at least 15 Yemeni women and children...
As Sunday's firefight intensified, the raiders called in Marine helicopter gunships and Harrier jump jets, and then two MV-22 Osprey vertical takeoff and landing aircraft to extract the SEALs.
One of the two suffered engine failure, two of the officials said, and hit the ground so hard that two crew members were injured, and one of the Marine jets had to launch a precision-guided bomb to destroy it."
See also the previous post of 1.29.17:
American Commando Killed in Yemen in Trump’s First Counterterror Operation - by ERIC SCHMITT Sunday January 29th, 2017 at 9:02 AM - World News Review - Three others were injured in a fierce firefight with Qaeda militants in a dawn attack:
"The two units planned to meet in the desert to transfer the wounded SEALs so they could be taken back to the amphibious assault ship for treatment, but one of the Ospreys lost power, hitting the ground hard enough to wound two service members and disable the aircraft."
M.N.: Why did "one of the Ospreys" lose power? Was it a result of an act of electronic warfare: deliberate and prepared in advance interference with the aircraft's control systems? What is the CC's answer to this question, if it is found and is appropriate to be disclosed? The similar instances of electronic warfare seem to be present in the past episodes, e.g. with the navigational systems at sea. If it is so, this might indicate the involvement of the third party, other than the locals, sophisticated enough to conduct these types of the interference, or to equip and to train the others. Was there the intention to repeat the infamous episode with the capture of the sailors; are there the indications that the same party, or the parties were involved?
"The operation may also be a sign of things to come. The Pentagon, according to two defense officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, is drawing up plans to be considered by the White House that, if approved, could delegate decision-making for operations in Yemen to a lower level and accelerate activities against AQAP."
M.N.: This might be one of the most appropriate, necessary, and common sense corrective measures.
"A former senior defense official familiar with prior operations in Yemen said Saturday’s raid and the potential for expanded operations were “overdue.”"
M.N.: Indeed.
Updated: 12:08 PM 2/5/2017
M.N.: Some signs of what looks and feels like the orchestrated negative, critical or somewhat tendentious coverage in the media do emerge, pointing to the post-event accompanying propaganda and information war, which is consistent with the previous pattern of post-events media coverage - information war elements in the cases of the previous "special operations", abroad and domestic.
Yemen Raid - News Review as of 12:08 PM 2/5/2017
Updated: 8:40 AM 2/5/2017
Blaming Trump for the failed raid in Yemen is counterproductive: https://t.co/wy4cW5NXHN— Mike Nova (@mikenov) February 5, 2017
Video released by Pentagon to prove Donald Trump's deadly Yemen raid was successful is a decade old and available… https://t.co/Q4yMZIlkFi pic.twitter.com/btTCRSWCQl— Telegraph News (@TelegraphNews) February 3, 2017
Trump didn't bother to show up in Situation Room for botched Yemen raid https://t.co/CO8y0KNax7— Mike Nova (@mikenov) February 3, 2017
Update: 5:37 PM 2/3/2017
U.S. Accounts of Plan for Yemen Raid Prompt Debate https://t.co/qPMdEnoYKk via @WSJ— Mike Nova (@mikenov) February 3, 2017
“There’s no information to suggest it was compromised,” Pentagon Spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis said.
M.N.: "Seek and you shall find. Or: don't seek and say that "there's no information...", which does not mean that this information does not exist, just that it has not been found.
"Raids involving American forces on the ground in Yemen that become public knowledge are rare. Sunday’s was the first since late 2014. Two AQAP hostages, including American photojournalist Luke Somers, were killed by their captors during that raid.
“Some you may know about, many you do not,” Capt. Davis told reporters Thursday, speaking about special operations forces raids.
On Wednesday, Mr. Trump flew from the White House to Dover Air Force Base for the arrival of Chief Petty Officer Owens’ remains."
—Gabe Johnson in New York and Mohammed al-Kibsi in San’a, Yemen, contributed to this article.
Write to Ben Kesling at benjamin.kesling@wsj.com, Asa Fitch at asa.fitch@wsj.com and Gordon Lubold at Gordon.Lubold@wsj.com
Last Update: 4:34 PM 2/3/2017
"“I wouldn’t leap to the conclusion that it was poorly thought out or there were mistakes in execution,” Schiff, the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, said on MSNBC on Thursday. “Sometimes in the maelstrom of these kinds of operations, things just go wrong. But it does certainly call on us to understand the risks inherent in these kinds of operations.”"Trump effort to pin botched Yemen raid on Barack Obama falters ➡️ by @AkbarSAhmed https://t.co/qKveLUIK6x via @HuffPostPol— Mike Nova (@mikenov) February 3, 2017
M.N.: If these "inherent risks" are systemic rather than pertaining to a particular case, and that's how it looks, they require a different type of assessment and management. The point is to be able to distinguish between these two types of risks.
Last Update: 1:36 PM 2/3/2017
Mr. Trump, resign!
Mr. Trump, your first task and operation as the Commander-In-Chief demonstrated your utter inability to deal with the military issues, despite some background military education. It is very doubtful that you will be able to handle the future ones, as the times and the circumstances demand it. The responsibility for this failure is first of all on you. Resign, sir!
The next immediate responsibility is on Gen. Vincent Stewart, the current head of the DIA.
Gen. Stewart failed to provide the adequate intelligence support for this operation. "Since taking over DIA, Stewart has said he wants to build an information system that will facilitate sharing of data among intelligence services", indeed, one of the most important and vital, for all the aspects of the military functioning, task. However, the DCGS, in its current form, apparently cannot be viewed as functioning adequately, it draws multiple complaints and criticisms, including from Gen. Flynn, and, apparently, this inadequacy contributed to the failure of this mission, and lead to the multiple and unnecessary losses of life, including a Seal, civilians, and children. The material damage from this failure, considering the future compensations and the loss of the aircraft, might run into about $200 million. The security issues, related to the information system, is also extremely important aspect to consider.
The adequate and secure information system is especially important for the proper functioning of the Special Operations Forces, and it is also related to the tasks of providing the adequate, timely, objective, and accurate support to the political decision makers, free from the malignant politicization and the desires and habits to please the authorities, blindly and self-servingly.
"Jim Pettigrew, Special Operations Forces Program Manager, Mission Support Systems, emphasized that data-sharing across networks is of particular relevance for their forces, given that they operate in more than 60 countries at any one time.... “Information agility is the key to success, so we are really providing the right information at the right time to the decision maker at all echelons,” said Pettigrew."
Gen. Stewart, the main responsibility for the failure of this mission, with its complex and significant losses, is on you. Resign, sir!
All of the above are strictly my personal opinions, based on the readings about this subject. I am an entirely civilian person, I am not beholden to anyone, I express my opinions freely, and will continue to do so. And I also believe that the mass media should pay the adequate attention to these important issues. I do.
Michael Novakhov
The Yemen Raid of 1.29.17: WHAT WENT WRONG?! - 2.2.17
- yemen raid - Google Search
- Why did Trump's Yemen raid go wrong? | MSNBC
- tommy vietor - Google Search
- yemen raid - Google Search
- Questions Cloud U.S. Raid on Qaeda Branch in Yemen - The New York Times
- U.S. military probing more possible civilian deaths in Yemen raid | Reuters
- The U.S. and Global Security Review: American Commando Killed in Yemen in Trump’s First Counterterror Operation - by ERIC SCHMITT Sunday January 29th, 2017 at 9:02 AM - World News Review - Three others were injured in a fierce firefight with Qaeda milit
- The U.S. and Global Security Review: The Yemen Raid of 1.29.17: WHAT WENT WRONG?!
- US military officials: Trump-ordered raid in Yemen that killed US Navy SEAL was approved 'without sufficient intelligence' - Business Insider
- In deadly Yemen raid, a lesson for Trump’s national security team - The Washington Post
- Jared Kushner and Stephen K. Bannon - Google Search
- Stephen K. Bannon - Google Search
- Jared Kushner - Google Search
- The danger of Steve Bannon on the National Security Council - The Washington Post
- Yemen Raid: Questions Swirl About Trump's First Military Operation : Parallels : NPR
- News Reviews and Opinions: » mikenov on Twitter: In deadly Yemen raid, a lesson for Trump's national security team https://t.co/7PTOmyL4AP 02/02/17 05:49
- Yemen al-Qaeda: US says raid was 'very thought-out process' - BBC News
- White House Defends Commando Raid on Qaeda Branch in Yemen - The New York Times
- SEAL Team 6 raid in Yemen raises questions - CNN.com
- Inside the Yemen raid: Women al Qaeda fighters surprised US forces - CNNPolitics.com
- Smearing Trump over deadly Yemen raid is unfair | New York Post
- Inside the Navy SEAL Raid in Yemen Targeting al Qaeda - NBC News
- Dems demand briefing on deadly Yemen raid | TheHill
- Operation Eagle Claw - Wikipedia
Intelligence flaws
Trump is responsible
- News Reviews and Opinions: FSB Cyberfavor is the most puzzling and bad smelling, indeed. Donald: cancel/explain it thoroughly or the questions and doubts will not stop | » mikenov on Twitter: McCain says Russia testing U.S. in Ukraine, urges Trump to hit back https://t.co/4VM9Rfeu0T via @Reuters 03/02/17 03:13
- Trump loosens sanctions on Russia | Fresno Bee
- Trump is responsible for Yemen raid disaster - Google Search
- Trump will be impeached - Google Search
- Trump as American Tyrant - Google Search
- The FBI's Trump faction and the Russians are acting in cahoots! - Google Search
- The FBI's Trump faction - Google Search
- Misplaced blame on Trump for Yemen raid ignores deeper problems | TheHill
V. Stewart is responsible
- Top Stories - Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency: Who Is Vincent Stewart? - AllGov - News
- Gen. Vincent Stewart - Google Search
- stewart dia - Google Search
- News - stewart dia - Google Search
- Pentagon, services seek cross-domain DCGS -- Defense Systems
- Army still catching flak for tactical intell system -- Defense Systems
- Distributed Common Ground System intelligence database - Google Search
- News - Distributed Common Ground System intelligence database - Google Search
- military intelligence information system - Google Search
- News - military intelligence information system - Google Search
Update: 2.3.17
M.N.: Is it not obvious that it was a set-up by the adversaries, an elaborate trap, into which the Seals were lured and sent right in?
It is logical to assume that this set-up dates back probably to the very beginning, possibly to the planning stages of this event, when this target was identified, proposed or skillfully introduced by the opponents. All aspects of this occurrence have to be carefully examined, including the possible compromises and the outflows of information during the whole planning period.
The next natural step is to stop, to think, to investigate (the Congress most likely will get involved also), to identify and to plug the holes, to fix and to improve the process generally, and to start anew gradually, by trials and small errors, if any, and with the perspectives for the full scale operations. Nothing can substitute for the experience, with the value derived from its bitterness too; that what is called learning from mistakes.
The caution is also advisable in the handling of the newly obtained "intelligence materials": they might have been deliberately planted.
As to the ID-ing the opponents in this particular case, given the signs of its relative sophistication and advance planning, the Russians as the top-level advisors, planners, and the managers (using their broad and various, including the outside of the area resources), the Iranians as the next level, on the ground, organizers, and with the local Yemenis as the foot soldiers (with the women-warriors as the potential captors-humiliators and the shields - rather unusual arrangement for the Arab country, the Persian instructions and viciously revengeful mentality: not just to defeat, but to humiliate publicly and condescendingly, does show), appear to be most likely.
The distant roots-analogies of this type of a set-up can be traced down to the failed hostages rescue mission in Iran in 1980, when the helicopter crashed in a "sand storm", and which probably was arranged with a "little help" from their "Russian friends" also.
This and the previous post on this subject were first published from 1.29.17 to 2.2.17:
Dems demand briefing on deadly Yemen raid -The Hill - 2.2.17:
"Democrats are demanding briefings on a U.S. raid on al Qaeda that left one Navy SEAL dead, along with an unspecified number of civilians.
Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.) wrote to House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) asking for an "urgent briefing." Separately, Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) said in a statement that he requested a briefing from the Pentagon.
“Serious questions have been raised regarding a recent raid in Yemen that resulted in the death of an American sailor," Gallego wrote. “I write to respectfully encourage our committee to request an urgent briefing from the Department of Defense and the administration on the planning and execution of this mission as well as on the decision-making process that preceded its approval.”"
...Something tipped off the terrorist targets of [1.29.17] raid by the U.S.... in Yemen, and all hell broke loose. - https://t.co/wwKjSa9qOn— Mike Nova (@mikenov) February 3, 2017

Bergen: Did Kushner and Bannon have roles in Yemen decision?
The SEAL Team 6 raid in Yemen on Sunday that killed 14 al Qaeda fighters and 10 civilians has raised questions about the approach President Donald Trump will take to fighting terrorism:
"The third question: Was the Trump administration aware of the substantial number of civilians at the target? If not, why not? And if so, why did the raid proceed?
Final question: The New York Times reported that Stephen Bannon, Trump's top policy strategist, and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner were both present at the dinner where the decision to authorize the Yemen JSOC strike was weighed with President Trump.
Isn't the presence of Bannon and Kushner at this dinner more than slightly strange? Neither have any relevant expertise or experience. It's not even a given that they are "cleared" for discussions about JSOC's operations, which are among the most tightly "compartmented" of the United States' secrets.
Also at the dinner were US Secretary of Defense James Mattis, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Joseph Dunford and Michael Flynn, Trump's national security adviser who played a key role in JSOC when he was stationed in Iraq during the Bush administration.
When President Obama was planning the raid in Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden in 2011, his top policy and political advisers Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod and others who had no "need to know" and didn't have the requisite clearances were not included in discussions about the operation that went on at the White House over the course of nine months.
By contrast, will Bannon and Kushner participate in the key national security decisions of the Trump administration? We already have a partial answer to this question, which is Trump's decision announced on Monday to give Bannon a seat on the National Security Council's Principals Committee."
"But what happens after the new national-security team is fully in place? Will its members perform their usual functions, or will Trump continue to make the big decisions huddled with Bannon and Kushner? Mattis will probably learn lessons from the raid’s downside—he is famously a serious student of history and strategy who seeks guidance from chronicles of past successes and failures—but will Trump? Is he capable of learning—of changing his mind or broadening his perspective after exposure to unfamiliar ideas or unexpected events? The answer will shape the course of his presidency. So far, the prospects seem dim."Will Trump continue to make the big decisions huddled with Bannon and Kushner? https://t.co/nbjmFUriSt— Mike Nova (@mikenov) February 3, 2017
- yemen raid - Google Search
- SEAL Team 6 raid in Yemen raises questions - CNN.com
- Inside the Yemen raid: Women al Qaeda fighters surprised US forces - CNNPolitics.com
- The U.S. and Global Security Review: The Yemen Raid of 1.29.17: WHAT WENT WRONG?!
- The U.S. and Global Security Review: American Commando Killed in Yemen in Trump’s First Counterterror Operation - by ERIC SCHMITT Sunday January 29th, 2017 at 9:02 AM - World News Review - Three others were injured in a fierce firefight with Qaeda militants in a dawn attack.
- News Reviews and Opinions: » mikenov on Twitter: In deadly Yemen raid, a lesson for Trump's national security team https://t.co/7PTOmyL4AP 02/02/17 05:49
- Questions Cloud U.S. Raid on Qaeda Branch in Yemen - The New York Times
- In deadly Yemen raid, a lesson for Trump’s national security team - The Washington Post
- US military officials: Trump-ordered raid in Yemen that killed US Navy SEAL was approved 'without sufficient intelligence' - Business Insider
- U.S. military probing more possible civilian deaths in Yemen raid | Reuters
- Why did Trump's Yemen raid go wrong? | MSNBC
- tommy vietor - Google Search
- Jared Kushner and Stephen K. Bannon - Google Search
- Stephen K. Bannon - Google Search
- The danger of Steve Bannon on the National Security Council - The Washington Post
- Jared Kushner - Google Search
U.S. President Donald Trump (L-R), joined by Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, Vice President Mike Pence, senior advisor Steve Bannon, Communications Director Sean Spicer and National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
"U.S. Central Command said in a statement that an investigating team had "concluded regrettably that civilian non-combatants were likely killed" during Sunday's raid. It added that children may have been among the casualties.
Central Command said its assessment "seeks to determine if there were any still-undetected civilian casualties in the ferocious firefight."
U.S. military officials told Reuters that Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations.
As a result, three officials said, the attacking SEAL team found itself dropping onto a reinforced al Qaeda base defended by landmines, snipers, and a larger than expected contingent of heavily armed Islamist extremists.
The Pentagon directed queries about the officials' characterization of the raid to U.S. Central Command. The latter pointed only to its statement on Wednesday...
The military officials who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity said "a brutal firefight" took the lives of Owens and at least 15 Yemeni women and children...
As Sunday's firefight intensified, the raiders called in Marine helicopter gunships and Harrier jump jets, and then two MV-22 Osprey vertical takeoff and landing aircraft to extract the SEALs.
One of the two suffered engine failure, two of the officials said, and hit the ground so hard that two crew members were injured, and one of the Marine jets had to launch a precision-guided bomb to destroy it."
Trump-ordered Yemen raid that killed US Navy SEAL approved 'without sufficient intelligence' https://t.co/O57vdXCaan via @bi_contributors— Mike Nova (@mikenov) February 2, 2017
The Yemen Raid of 1.29.17: WHAT WENT WRONG?!
See also the previous post of 1.29.17:
American Commando Killed in Yemen in Trump’s First Counterterror Operation - by ERIC SCHMITT Sunday January 29th, 2017 at 9:02 AM - World News Review - Three others were injured in a fierce firefight with Qaeda militants in a dawn attack:
"M.N.: How did this particular target emerge? How were the operational details processed? What was the need for the human involvement, instead of entirely by drones? What were, and are, the possible channels of the possible outflow of information, which seems to be almost indisputable? Was the timing determined by the Pr-t Trump's phone call to the Saudis, and why?
You may dismiss all these questions with the "gnashing of teeth", as some little mouse's empty noise, but they have a certain logic in them. But most of all, methinks respectfully, they point to the warning, lesson, need to be very careful, to examine the flaws, to act without a trace of any political pressures, just disregarding them completely, to use the technology predominantly and mostly, and to reserve the human participation only when absolutely needed and as the last resort. Again: I say all this humbly and respectfully, as a complete outsider and a non-professional. I do not think that these losses, even whatever minimal, should be allowed and repeated, all this might escalate into the wrong direction, as some opponents probably desire so much, and probably plan.
It makes sense [until the situation clears, the errors are identified and corrected, and all the appropriate safeguards are put in place - M.N.], to build the protective firewalls at all the relevant points and in all the relevant places, [to insulate them safely - M.N.], [notwithstanding, regardless of - M.N.], and despite all the customs and traditions. These are the special times and the special circumstances, and they require the special precautions and special tactics. In these circumstances, the organizational self-preservation and a certain autonomy is the must, the most of all, and the above all."
It makes sense [until the situation clears, the errors are identified and corrected, and all the appropriate safeguards are put in place - M.N.], to build the protective firewalls at all the relevant points and in all the relevant places, [to insulate them safely - M.N.], [notwithstanding, regardless of - M.N.], and despite all the customs and traditions. These are the special times and the special circumstances, and they require the special precautions and special tactics. In these circumstances, the organizational self-preservation and a certain autonomy is the must, the most of all, and the above all."
Why did Trump's Yemen raid go wrong? https://t.co/FD9m3mtbCo pic.twitter.com/HufsSigZyg— MSNBC (@MSNBC) February 2, 2017
Questions Cloud U.S. Raid on Qaeda Branch in Yemen - NYT:
On 1.25.17, "just five days after taking office..."
"With two of his closest advisers, Jared Kushner and Stephen K. Bannon, joining the dinner at the White House along with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., Mr. Trump approved sending in the Navy’s SEAL Team 6, hoping the raid early last Sunday would scoop up cellphones and laptop computers that could yield valuable clues about one of the world’s most dangerous terrorist groups. Vice President Mike Pence and Michael T. Flynn, the national security adviser, also attended the dinner.
Qaeda fighters were somehow tipped off to the stealthy advance toward the village...
Through a communications intercept, the commandos knew that the mission had been somehow compromised, but pressed on toward their target roughly five miles from where they had been flown into the area. “They kind of knew they were screwed from the beginning,” one former SEAL Team 6 official said...
With the crucial element of surprise lost,
the Americans and Emiratis found themselves in a gun battle with Qaeda fighters who took up positions in other houses, a clinic, a school and a mosque, often using women and children as cover, American military officials said in interviews this week...
That mission and the raid over the weekend revealed the shortcomings of secretive military operations in Yemen...
The loss of Yemen as a base for American counterterrorism training, advising and intelligence-gathering was a significant blow to blunting the advance of Al Qaeda’s branch in the country and keeping tabs on their plots."
See also:
Through a communications intercept, the commandos knew that the mission had been somehow compromised, but pressed on toward their target roughly five miles from where they had been flown into the area. “They kind of knew they were screwed from the beginning,” one former SEAL Team 6 official said...
With the crucial element of surprise lost,
the Americans and Emiratis found themselves in a gun battle with Qaeda fighters who took up positions in other houses, a clinic, a school and a mosque, often using women and children as cover, American military officials said in interviews this week...
That mission and the raid over the weekend revealed the shortcomings of secretive military operations in Yemen...
The loss of Yemen as a base for American counterterrorism training, advising and intelligence-gathering was a significant blow to blunting the advance of Al Qaeda’s branch in the country and keeping tabs on their plots."
See also:
In deadly Yemen raid, a lesson for Trump's national security team https://t.co/7PTOmyL4AP— Mike Nova (@mikenov) February 2, 2017
"The two units planned to meet in the desert to transfer the wounded SEALs so they could be taken back to the amphibious assault ship for treatment, but one of the Ospreys lost power, hitting the ground hard enough to wound two service members and disable the aircraft."
M.N.: Why did "one of the Ospreys" lose power? Was it a result of an act of electronic warfare: deliberate and prepared in advance interference with the aircraft's control systems? What is the CC's answer to this question, if it is found and is appropriate to be disclosed? The similar instances of electronic warfare seem to be present in the past episodes, e.g. with the navigational systems at sea. If it is so, this might indicate the involvement of the third party, other than the locals, sophisticated enough to conduct these types of the interference, or to equip and to train the others. Was there the intention to repeat the infamous episode with the capture of the sailors; are there the indications that the same party, or the parties were involved?
"The operation may also be a sign of things to come. The Pentagon, according to two defense officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, is drawing up plans to be considered by the White House that, if approved, could delegate decision-making for operations in Yemen to a lower level and accelerate activities against AQAP."
M.N.: This might be one of the most appropriate, necessary, and common sense corrective measures.
"A former senior defense official familiar with prior operations in Yemen said Saturday’s raid and the potential for expanded operations were “overdue.”"
M.N.: Indeed.
Defense Secretary James Mattis visits South Korea and Japan in first overseas trip https://t.co/VQgY8pGQRl pic.twitter.com/WwGW9JRvbc— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) February 1, 2017
Retired Army Gen. David Petraeus: Waning resolve toward @NATO plays into Putin's plans: https://t.co/05GEX7ieT0— Stars and Stripes (@starsandstripes) February 1, 2017
Iran confirms missile test, drawing tough response from Trump aide https://t.co/UAPU9jZS8C via @Reuters— Mike Nova (@mikenov) February 1, 2017
Opinion | Can anyone inside or outside the White House stop Stephen Bannon? https://t.co/pPbRKTWyh1— Mike Nova (@mikenov) February 2, 2017
- "Bannon and his team are doing just that — thinking strategically and planning ahead..." - WP: Can anyone stop Stephen Bannon?
- “It’s not a team of rivals, it’s rival teams,” White House official said, referring to Bannon’s effort - WP: Can anyone stop Stephen Bannon?
Dem bill would remove Bannon from National Security Council: https://t.co/Fofhys528d pic.twitter.com/o3Kq5a9vhW— The Hill (@thehill) February 2, 2017
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