US Drug Enforcement Official's Resignation Expected

Обама подумывает присоединиться к «нормандской четверке», если его пригласят - НТВ.ru

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Обама подумывает присоединиться к «нормандской четверке», если его пригласят
Президент США Барак Обама может принять участие в деятельности «нормандского формата» по урегулированию ситуации на Украине в случае получения соответствующего приглашения, заявил американский посол в Москве Джон Теффт. 505. Поделиться ссылкой на выделенное.
Обама готов присоединиться к работе «нормандской четверки» - американский посолУНИАН
Тефт: На Параде Победы будут отмечать то, что произошло на УкраинеИА REGNUM
Посол: США и РФ могли бы добиться большего в совместной борьбе с ИГРИА Новости
Ура-Информ -Правда.Ру -Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ
Все похожие статьи: 114 »

Russian Ultranationalists Get Life Sentences for Slew of Hate Killings 

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Three members of the Militant Organization of Russian Nationalists, whose members committed a series of shocking high-profile hate murders, were given lengthy prison terms by a Moscow region court Tuesday.

CPJ Says Censorship In Azerbaijan, Iran Among World's Worst

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The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), an international press rigths group, has included Azerbaijan and Iran on its list of the 10 most censored countries in the world.

Учения военных США и Украины продлятся до ноября - Коммерсантъ

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Учения военных США и Украины продлятся до ноября
Представитель МИД Украины Евгений Перебийнис сообщил, что украинско-американские командно-штабные учения, стартовавшие в понедельник во Львовской области, продлятся до ноября, на них потратят $19 млн. «Проведение учений стало возможным благодаря целевой помощи ...

и другие »

«Антисионистская кампания»: США напомнили Польше о ее «скелетах в шкафу» - ИА REGNUM

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«Антисионистская кампания»: США напомнили Польше о ее «скелетах в шкафу»
В битву против Польши вступило американское Федеральное бюро расследований. По крайней мере, такой вывод складывается из реакции варшавского политического салона на фразу директора ФБР, выходца из ирландской католической семьи Джеймса Коми, посвященной трагедии ...
Венгрия вслед за Польшей выразила возмущение словами главы ФБР о холокостеНТВ.ru 

Польша не дождалась от США извинений за слова главы ФБР о Холокосте - Новости Испании и Европы 
Венгрия возмутилась словами главы ФБР о холокостеУтро.Ru

Все похожие статьи: 25 »

Armenia and Politics of Word 'Genocide'

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A century ago this April, hundreds of thousands of Armenians of the Turkish Ottoman empire were deported and massacred, and their culture erased from their traditional lands. While broadly accepted by the U.N. and at least 20 countries as “genocide”, the United States and Turkey have resisted using that word to describe the atrocities that stretched from 1915 to 1923. But Armenians have never forgotten. Sharon Behn reports on the politics of the word genocide on the 100th anniversary of the events.

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US Drug Enforcement Official's Resignation Expected

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The head of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Michele Leonhart, is expected to resign soon, an Obama administration official said Tuesday. Leonhart is a career drug agent who has led the agency since 2007, and is the second woman to hold the job. She has faced mounting pressure from Congress, where some question her competence in the wake of a scathing government watchdog report detailing allegations that agents attended sex parties with prostitutes. Leonhart was widely criticized for her response to the report, and a group of lawmakers said she was "woefully unable to change'' the agency's culture. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because a formal announcement had not yet been made. Lawmakers have been pushing for Leonhart's ouster since her disastrous appearance before the House Oversight Committee last week. A majority of the committee said that they had lost confidence in her and that she "lacks the authority and will to make the tough decisions required to hold those accountable who compromise national security and bring disgrace to their positions.'' The Justice Department report that jeopardized Leonhart's job recounted allegations that drug agents attended sex parties with prostitutes, some funded by local drug cartels, in a foreign country. The DEA said the incidents happened in Colombia. Last week, the White House voiced concerns about the Justice Department report. Leonhart has previously been the target of online petitions calling for her ouster after she distanced herself from the administration's stance on legalized marijuana, seen as a hands-off approach that lets states legalize marijuana so long as it is state-regulated. Marijuana remains illegal under federal law and is classified by the DEA as a Schedule I drug, along with drugs such as heroin and peyote. Leonhart also declined to fully endorse sentencing reform efforts supported by the Justice Department.

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Hundreds Protest as US Justice Dept. Opens Baltimore Police Probe 

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The U.S. Justice Department said Tuesday it
is investigating the death of
an African-American man who suffered
spinal injuries while in police custody in the eastern U.S. city of Baltimore, Maryland. The federal investigation will look for civil rights violations in the case of Freddie Gray, 25, who was arrested April 12. After the probe was announced, at least 1,000 people gathered at a previously planned rally at the site of Gray's arrest. Protesters marched to a police
station a couple of blocks away, chanting and holding signs that
read "Black Lives Matter" and "No Justice, No Peace" -  slogans that have come
to embody what demonstrators believe is widespread mistreatment of blacks by police.
Among the crowd were members of Gray's family, including his mother, Gloria Darden, who was overcome with grief, writhing and sobbing uncontrollably, her face obscured by a hood and dark glasses. Suspended with pay Earlier in the day, six Baltimore police officers were suspended with pay while authorities investigate why Gray was stopped and what led to his injury. They were identified as Lt. Brian Rice, 41; Officer Caesar Goodson, 45; Sgt. Alicia White, 30; Officer William Porter, 25; Officer Garrett Miller, 26; and Officer Edward Nero, 29. Their specific roles in the arrest weren't disclosed. Pricilla Jackson carried a sign reading, "Convict Freddie's killers," that listed the names of the six officers. Jackson, who is black, said she wants Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake to know that she and others have been brutalized by police. Details about what happened to Gray are scarce. Baltimore authorities said he “was arrested without force or incident” after police "made eye contact'' with him and another man in an area known for drug activity and the two started running. According to court documents, one of the arresting officers accused Gray of carrying a switchblade, which was discovered in Gray's pocket after he was stopped. Harold Perry, 73, a retired businessman who is nearly blind, said he heard the arrest through his bedroom window. A young man was screaming, "You're hurting me! Get your knee off my back!" Perry said. He said he also heard the young man say, "I'm an asthmatic." In video of the event taken by a bystander, Gray is screaming, but it's not clear what he is saying. What happened in van is unclear Gray was handcuffed and put into a transport van. What remains unclear is what happened in the van that led the police to rush him to the hospital in critical condition about 30 minutes later.  At some point during the ride, the van was stopped and Gray's legs were shackled when an officer felt he was becoming "irate," police said. Police Commissioner Anthony Batts said Gray asked for an inhaler, and then several times asked for medical care.  Gray died Sunday
of what police described as a "significant spinal injury." The lawyer for Gray's family said he thought police had no reason to stop him. "They've made concessions on lack of probable cause," attorney Billy Murphy said. "Running while black is not probable cause. Felony running doesn't exist, and you can't arrest someone for looking you in the eye." Batts said the reason for Gray's stop was "a question we have to dig into." At a news conference Monday, Baltimore officials vowed transparency and pledged to hold those found responsible accountable. Batts said that the investigation would be completed by May 1 and that the results woiuld be sent to the state attorney's office to determine whether criminal charges will be filed. Batts also said he was ordering that police review and rewrite "effective immediately" policies on moving prisoners and providing them with medical attention. Justice Department probe Baltimore Mayor Rawlings-Blake said she welcomed the Justice Department probe. "Whenever a police force conducts an internal investigation, there are always appropriate questions of transparency and impartiality,'' she said. "My goal has always been to get answers to the questions so many of us are still asking with regards to Mr. Gray's death.'' It's not uncommon for federal investigators to look into allegations of excessive police force. Justice Department investigations in the last year include probes into the fatal shooting of an unarmed black 18-year-old in Ferguson, Missouri
 a case that resulted in no charges against the officer
 and an ongoing review of a police chokehold death of a New York City man. There's a high threshold for bringing federal civil rights charges against police officers in such cases. Federal investigators must show an officer willfully deprived a person of his or her civil rights by using more force than the law allows, a standard that's challenging in rapidly unfolding confrontations in which snap judgments are made.
Some information for this report came from AP.

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Почему совпадают стратегические интересы России и «старой Европы»? - ИА REGNUM

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Почему совпадают стратегические интересы России и «старой Европы»?
Напомню, на прошлой неделе на вилле «Борзиг», что служит для торжественных приемов министерства иностранных дел ФРГ, прошли переговоры министров иностранных дел «нормандской четверки» — Сергея Лаврова, Франка-Вальтера Штайнмайера, Лорана Фабиуса и Павла ...

Экс-генсек НАТО: Конфликт России с Западом — это столкновение ценностейЭкономические известия

The National Interest: Россия и Америка — курс на столкновение
Украина и НАТО подпишут Меморандум о начале работы Трастового фонда по реформированию системы связи Интерфакс - Украина
Зеркало недели

Все похожие статьи: 89 »

White House Acknowledges Armenian Genocide, but Avoids the Term 

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President Obama’s continued resistance to the word stood in contrast to Pope
Francis, who recently called the massacres “the first genocide of the 20th century” and equated it to mass killings by the Nazis and Soviets.

Obama Plays Down Concerns Over S-300 Deliveries To Iran

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President Barack Obama
says U.S. weapons could penetrate Iran's defenses if necessary, even if Russia delivers S-300 surface-to-air missile systems to Tehran.

Более 50 высокопоставленных чиновников ГСЧС Украины отправлены в отставку - Коммерсантъ

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Более 50 высокопоставленных чиновников ГСЧС Украины отправлены в отставку
Более 50 высокопоставленных чиновников уволены из Государственной службы Украины по чрезвычайным ситуациям (ГСЧС). Об этом сообщил исполняющий обязанности главы ведомства Зорян Шкиряк. «На данный момент уволены около 50 чиновников высшего эшелона — это ...
ГСЧС Украины: из ведомства уволены 50 высокопоставленных чиновниковРИА Новости
На Украине уволены более 50 высокопоставленных чиновников службы по чрезвычайным ситуациямИнформационное агентство России ТАСС
Шкиряк: Из Госслужбы по ЧС уволены около 50 чиновников высшего рангаСводка Украинских и Мировых Новостей
РИА Новости Украина -bigmir)net
Все похожие статьи: 60 »
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World Briefing: Denmark: Bestiality Is Banned Amid Concerns of Sex Tourism 

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The bill amends a previous ban on intercourse that harms animals.

Russian Premier Says Annexation of Crimea Was Worth Sanctions Fallout 

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Prime Minister Dmitri A. Medvedev estimated that Russia had lost $26.8 billion but that the economic pressure was “the price we have to pay for our position.”

Online Handcraft Seller Has Unprecedented IPO Success

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A U.S.-based online handcrafts and antiques seller has had unprecedented success since it went public last week. Although Etsy's stock prices have declined since the initial excitement, the New-York based start-up is showing resilience. Zlatica Hoke looks into circumstances that may help the online company survive and maybe even thrive.

На резиденцию премьера Японии сел дрон со знаком «радиация» -

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На резиденцию премьера Японии сел дрон со знаком «радиация»
На крышу резиденции премьер-министра Японии Синдзо Абэ сел небольшой беспилотный летательный аппарат, на корпус которого нанесен знак радиационной опасности. Об этом сообщает Reuters. На дроне, размер которого около 50 сантиметров, были также маленькая камера, ...
Найденный на крыше резиденции премьера Японии беспилотник оказался радиоактивенВзгляд
Беспилотник приземлился в резиденции премьера ЯпонииНТВ.ru
На резиденцию премьера Японии сел беспилотник со знаком радиационной опасностиГазета.Ru
Накануне.RU -"Что происходит?" -РЫБИНСКonLine
Все похожие статьи: 66 »

Госдеп: Военные США на Украине — не нарушение Минских договоренностей - ИА REGNUM

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Госдеп: Военные США на Украине — не нарушение Минских договоренностей
Военные учения, которые сейчас проходят на Украине с участием американских военных специалистов, являются традиционными и не являются нарушением Минского соглашения по Донбассу. Об этом 21 апреля заявила спикер Государственного департамента США Мари Харф. «Это ...
Двусторонние военные учения в Украине не нарушают минские соглашения – ГосдепСЕГОДНЯ
Госдеп: учения в Украине с участием американских военных не нарушают минские договоренностиСвежие новости сегодня. Последние новости интернет издания "Fresh-News"
В госдепе утверждают, что присутствие американских военных в Украине не противоречит минским соглашениямФраза - ежедневные новости и аналитика
НИА-Красноярск -Аргументы и факты
Все похожие статьи: 62 »

Taliban Announce Spring Offensive

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Afghanistan’s Taliban said it will launch its spring offensive on Friday, again demanding immediate withdrawal of remaining foreign forces from the country. The operations under “the inspirational name of ‘Azm’ (Resolution)” will target “foreign occupiers,” their permanent military bases, their intelligence and diplomatic centers, the insurgent group announced in a statement emailed to VOA. The Taliban said the Afghan intelligence, interior ministry and defense ministry will also be targeted.  It added that the even though foreign forces have announced the termination of their military operations inside Afghanistan, they are still controlling national affairs through the “Basic Security Agreement.” The militant group was referring to the security pacts Kabul has signed with the United States and NATO to allow a small force of around 12,000 troops to remain in Afghanistan after the bulk of international forces withdrew in December. "The foreign occupiers are still carrying out drone strikes and night operations against the civilian people and absolutely controls the military and fighting command and control system of the heterogeneous regime under the so called ‘Basic Security Agreement,' ” the statement said. There are fears 2015 could be an extremely violent fighting season. The United Nations has warned that civilian casualties from ground battles rose by 8 percent in the first three months of this year compared to the same period in 2014. Through the end of March, the report said 136 civilians had been killed and 385 had been wounded.

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Yemen President Hadi: Country to 'Soon' Exit Crisis

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Yemen's President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi said the crisis in his country will end "soon," following the end of a Saudi-led campagn of airstrikes aimed at halting a Houthi rebel advance and restoring his administration. In a televised address from Saudi Arabia, he thanked the Saudi-led coalition and said his government will restore hope to the people of Yemen. "I express the deepest gratitude and respect to our Arab and Muslim brothers and friends in this exceptional alliance in my name and on behalf of the Yemeni people," Hadi said.  "The alliance that supported (the government's) legitimacy which responded to the calls of Yemenis to serve its interests. A people who are looking to live and restore their state, this is why this was the primary objective of Operations Decisive Storm," he added. Saudi Arabia said it will now focus on political efforts in Yemen, including the resumption of U.N.-sponsored peace talks.   Iran, which supports the Houthis, welcomed what it called the end to "killing innocent and defenseless civilians" and called the move a "step forward" toward a political resolution. Meanwhile, U.S. President Barack Obama said Tuesday that his government has told Iran that any weapons shipments to the Houthis would be a "problem." "We're not sending obscure messages, we send them very direct messages about it," Obama said in an interview on MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews. "My hope is generally that we can settle down the situation in Yemen." The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt sailed toward the Gulf of Aden  off the Yemeni coast Tuesday to join other U.S. warships to ensure vital Gulf shipping lanes remain open.

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В Госдепартаменте США назвали политику в отношении России приоритетом НАТО -

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РИА Новости

В Госдепартаменте США назвали политику в отношении России приоритетом НАТО
Государственный секретарь США Джон Керри заявил, что политика в отношении России в связи с ситуацией на Украине станет одной из приоритетных тем для обсуждения на встрече глав МИД стран НАТО, которая пройдет в мае в турецкой Анталье. Об этом сообщает на сайте ...

Керри назвал политику в отношении России приоритетом НАТОРоссийская Газета

Тема агрессии РФ будет среди приоритетов на встрече НАТО в Турции, - КерриРБК Украина
НАТО обсудит в Турции политику в отношении России - Джон КерриПравда.Ру
МИР и Политика -Aysor-СЕГОДНЯ 
Все похожие статьи: 88 »

Russian Nuclear Physicist Accused Of Revealing Classified Material 

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A Russian nuclear physicist has been arrested on suspicion of revealing classified material during a scientific conference in Prague.

Putin Proposes Regional Governor Tkachev as New Agriculture Minister 

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President Vladimir Putin has appointed Alexander Tkachev, governor of the southern Krasnodar region, as Russia's new Agriculture Minister, the Kremlin said on Wednesday, a move that could strengthen the ministry.

Ученый оказался в тюрьме за разглашение гостайны - Уфимские заметки

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Ученый оказался в тюрьме за разглашение гостайны
Уфимские заметки
За разглашение гостайны бывший работник федерального ведомства Владимир Голубев может оказаться за решеткой на длительный срок. Об этом на днях сообщили представители ФСБ. В данный момент мужчина находится под стражей. О ситуации рассказал защитник Голубева в ...

и другие »

Обвиняемого в разглашении гостайны физика этапируют в СИЗО - Утро.Ru

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Обвиняемого в разглашении гостайны физика этапируют в СИЗО
Бывшего научного сотрудника Российского федерального ядерного центра Владимира Голубева, арестованного по обвинению в разглашении государственной тайны, этапировуют в следственный изолятор Нижнего Новгорода. Об этом сообщили его адвокат Евгений Губин.
Обвиненного в разглашении гостайны физика этапируют в нижегородский СИЗО
«Сняв с Голубева подписку о неразглашении и взяв его под стражу, следствие отомстило стороне защиты»Коммерсантъ
Обвиняемого в разглашении гостайны саровского физика отправили в СИЗОНТВ.ru
Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ -Interfax Russia -Mail.Ru
Все похожие статьи: 161 »
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Putin Replaces Agriculture Minister With Controversial Krasnodar Governor 

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Russian President Vladimir Putin has dismissed Agriculture Minister Nikolai Fyodorov and replaced him with the controversial veteran governor of the Krasnodar Krai, Aleksandr Tkachyov.

Returning Donbas Fighters Bigger Problem for Russia than Afgantsy or Chechentsy Were, Psychologists Say

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Paul Goble
            Staunton, April 22 – Because of the nature of the conflict in Ukraine and the kind of people who have gone to fight there, Donbas veterans suffer from a special “Donbas syndrome” and constitute a bigger threat to themselves and to society when they return to Russia than did the veterans of the Afghan and Chechen wars before them, according to Russian psychologists.
            “In the near term, Russia will face a phenomenon which could be worse than those which followed the end of the Afghan and Chechen wars,” Kirill Krivosheyev says in surveying the opinions of expert, and that is something psychologists and law enforcement personnel are only beginning to think about (
            “From the war in the eastern portion of Ukraine will be returning volunteers and mercenaries, people who, unlike the soldiers of a regular army, have not passed through any even a form checking by a psychiatrist or drug specialist,” the journalist continues. And he asks, “will be able to live alongside them” when they do?
            That war inflicts terrible damage on those who engage in it is common ground. Russians already routinely speak about an “Afghan syndrome” and a “Chechen syndrome” as ways of identifying the consequences of two most recent conflicts.  Now, they are beginning to talk about a “Donbas syndrome” and to think about the post-traumatic stress syndrome it involves.
            Besides the post-traumatic stress syndrome that one would expect, there are other problems including alcohol and drug dependence, according to Aleksandra Bukhanovskaya, head of the Phoenix Rehabilitation Center in Rostov.  And those problems are far greater with the Donbas veterans than they were with those from earlier conflicts, she says.
            The reasons are not far to seek. “It is unlikely that someone who is mentally ill will be taken into an army, but in the case of volunteers, that is completely possible,” she says, adding that this war as a result may serve as a trigger for the manifestation of the problems which led those who went to the Donbas to go in the first place.
            As a result, those who return are likely to find it especially difficult to readapt to society, their families and jobs and thus to fall into depression or criminal activity. And that activity may take violent forms, Bukhanovskaya continues, because such people are all too ready to blame others and to use the techniques that worked for them in combat.
            And few of them are likely to seek help, not only because of the stigma involved but also because they are the very last people to believe that they have a problem, she says.  There are hundreds, if not thousands of such people in Rostov, but only one has sought psychological help in her institution, the doctor says.
            Officials are already worried about the way in which such “veterans” are inclined to turn to criminal activities.  In Rostov, law enforcement agencies have issued 11 announcements about such things in the first 2.5 months of this year, more than all such releases made during 2014 (
            Stanislav Gushchenko, a military psychologist, says that the ability of former combatants to adapt back into civilian life has, in his view, less to do with whether they were volunteers or compelled to fight than with the social milieu from which they came.  And in that too, the Donbas “veterans” are a bigger problem than their predecessors.
            Russians drafted or coming from villages are more likely to have had run ins with the law and thus to view the world in black or white terms than are those from cities, he says; and those who have fought in the Donbas  are more likely to come from the villages than from the cities – and they are also more likely to have survived and return home more aggressive than they were.
            “Crudely speaking,” Gushchenko says, “good boys will destroy themselves; bad ones will destroy everything around them … In war, [the fighter] is a superman. He is fulfilling a holy patriotic task and being paid; but the main thing is that by force of arms you can change the fate of people and receive all that you want.” On return to civilian life, everything changes.
            Some of the returning Donbas veterans will be attracted to simple criminal activity; others will get involved in groups like certain Cossack organizations that want to use force against those they don’t like or approve of – and that too constitutes a serious threat to Russian society, Krivosheyev says.
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Obama: Russian S-300 Missiles Won't Protect Against U.S. Strikes in Iran 

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U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday urged "perspective" on Iran's S-300 missile deal with Russia, saying the weapons were no match against his country's military prowess.

EU Moves to Break Grip of Russia's Gazprom on Eastern Europe 

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European Union antitrust regulators charged Russian gas giant Gazprom on Wednesday with abusing its dominant position in Poland, Hungary and six other countries in eastern Europe following more than two years of investigation.

Кремль: на переговорах Путин и Киршнер подпишут около 20 документов - РИА Новости

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РИА Новости

Кремль: на переговорах Путин и Киршнер подпишут около 20 документов
РИА Новости
Помощник президента России Юрий Ушаков сообщил, что в ходе визита президента Аргентины в Россию будет затронут самый широкий спектр вопросов двустороннего сотрудничества в экономической, энергетической, военно-технической, гуманитарной сферах. Президент ...
Россия поставит Аргентине ядерное топливоГазета.Ru

Все похожие статьи: 128 »

Russian Rocket Or Missile Crashes After Launch

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Russia's Emergency Situations Ministry says an experimental rocket or missile crashed shortly after being launched on April 22 in the northwestern region of Arkhangelsk.
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На Украине россиянин получил 9 лет колонии за шпионаж - BFM.Ru

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На Украине россиянин получил 9 лет колонии за шпионаж
Черниговский суд приговорил гражданина России к 9-ти годам колонии строгого режима за шпионаж. Об этом написал в своем Facebook советник главы СБУ Маркиян Лубкивский. Читайте также: Россияне высказали мнение о госизмене и шпионаже «Прикрываясь фиктивными ...
В Чернигове россиянину дали девять лет колонии по обвинению в шпионаже
На Украине гражданин России приговорен к девяти годам за шпионажРБК
Украинский суд приговорил гражданина России к девяти годам тюрьмы за шпионажИнтерфакс
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Strikes on Yemen Continue

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Yemeni security officials say the Saudi-led coalition has launched fresh airstrikes on Shi'ite rebels in two cities, a day after the kingdom declared an end to its month-long air campaign targeting the Iran-backed rebels and their allies.

Nearly Half of Russian Adults Are Chronically Ill, Health Ministry Says 

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The number of Russian adults who suffer from a chronic disease remains at 44 percent - the same number as last year - although fewer Russians are smoking and alcohol consumption is down.

Turkey's 'Hidden Armenians' Break The Silence Of The Past

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Armenia is marking the 100th anniversary of the start of the World War I-era massacres of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, widely recognized as the first genocide of the 20th century. The nature...
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Ukraine Chooses Poppy Over 'Victory Day' in Snub to Moscow

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Ukraine is ditching the Soviet name for World War II and aims to adopt the poppy, a mainly British wartime symbol, to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany.

'Upstart Sisters' -- Chechen IS Militant Tired Of Would-Be Brides 'Playing Games'

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A Chechen militant with the Islamic State (IS) group has warned in a recent social media post that if Chechen women do not stop wasting men's time by playing games and only pretending to support IS, then Chechens in Syria will marry Syrian women instead.

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Iran Seeks China's Help to Build New Nuclear Plants

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The framework nuclear deal between Iran and global powers has opened up new investment possibilities in an economy that has been stunted by international sanctions. Last week, a top Iranian atomic energy official said in addition to Russia, China will also help it build additional nuclear power plants. China has not commented on the proposal, but Iran says Beijing could help it build at least three nuclear plants in the coastal city Bushehr.   The city is home to Iran’s first nuclear plant, the construction of which began four decades ago.   Germany started work there in the 1970s, but that effort was halted during Iran’s Islamic Revolution. After that, Russia took over in the 1990s, but it was not until 2013 the plant was operating at full capacity.   Oil-rich Iran says it needs nuclear power to meet its energy needs. Uranium fuels nuclear reactors, but can also be used to make nuclear bombs. Iran and world powers are seeking to reach final agreement on a deal by late June.   Chinese expertise China Center for Energy Economic Research at Xiamen University Director Lin Boqiang says China is well positioned to be a key player in Iran’s nuclear energy program.   Lin says, “China has great strength when it comes to the construction of power plants, given that most of the new plants being built in the world today are in China.” He says “the export of nuclear energy is also something that is essential to the transitioning of the Chinese economy.”   Late last year, the International Atomic Energy Agency for the first time approved a Chinese-designed reactor, giving it the green light for domestic production as well as exports.   Last week, the Chinese government approved the construction of the country’s first third-generation nuclear reactor, the Hualong One.   China is trying to build up its own brand of reactors, says Matthew Cottee, a research analyst with the International Institute for Strategic Studies Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Program.   “The Hualong One is currently being built in China, but it is going to take a while for the international community to have some trust in a new nuclear reactor that has not been built anywhere else,” he said.   Analysts say that first reactor could take six to eight years to build, but China is already exporting the technology abroad.   Chinese media say a power station under development in Karachi, Pakistan could be the first Hualong One built outside China, and Argentina also has agreed on a deal to build one in the South American country. Beijing also has a bilateral deal with Romania and a potential deal with Turkey.   Possible joint ventures If China carries through on building reactors in Iran, it could partner with another foreign country to mitigate the political risk of such a sensitive project.   “Whether China will be the only country in such a cooperation or whether the Chinese involvement in such nuclear power construction will be in kind of a like a consortium, such as a French company for example, is not yet clear,” said Victor Gao, director of the China National Association of International Studies.   China is already eyeing multi-nation deals to help it break into lucrative foreign markets that could be wary of partnering solely with Beijing.   Analyst Matthew Cottee points to a nuclear power project in Britain that may use Chinese financial backing and French designs.   “If the reactor is built at Hinckley Point in Somerset in the U.K. that will be potentially involving some Chinese funding. But if you look at the memorandum of understanding between the U.K. and China, it kind of paves the way for a potential Chinese indigenous technology to actually be constructed in the U.K.,” said Cottee.   On Tuesday, President Barack Obama proposed a 30-year agreement to cooperate with China on nuclear power. If approved by the U.S. Congress, the deal would allow the transfer of material, reactors, components and technology between the two countries.

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Warning Iran, U.S. Sends Two More Ships to Yemen

The Obama administration cast the deployment on Monday as primarily a show of force to discourage Iran’s shipments of weapons to rebels.
April 21, 2015, Tuesday

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“An important aspect of the Eurasian worldview is an absolute denial

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Ukraine Live Day 429: Multiple Attacks on Ukrainian Positions Despite

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American Outcasts: US Prisons And Modern Day Banishment

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In 1986, Patty Prewitt was sent to prison for the murder of her husband. In addition to maintaining her innocence, she, like many others her age, has also been a model prisoner for nearly
30  years. Yet Prewitt, now 65 years old, will not be eligible for parole until 2036, so she is virtually guaranteed to spend the rest of her life behind bars.
In an essay published in the 2013 anthology Too Cruel, Not Unusual Enough, Prewitt described an incident in a women’s prison in Missouri a decade ago, when a
caseworker sat her down and presented a modest proposal. “I think we should start a cemetery behind 2-House,” the caseworker said. “A graveyard for you and the others serving no-parole.”
Prewitt writes:
While she described her vision down to the flower beds and flat gravestones that can easily be mowed over, I sat sad, dumb and numb. It never occurred to me that the state was patiently waiting for me to die, although it makes perfect sense. In their opinion, a pine casket is my only way out, and since I am not directly sentenced to the death penalty, they must wait for me to die on my
own … a second-class dead-woman-walking.
Patty Prewitt is one of the tens of thousands of Americans who will never again experience life outside of prison. While inside, Prewitt, a grandmother of
10, runs education and parenting programs, produces award-winning writings, and crochets teddy bears for charity. Yet for a crime committed three decades ago (and currently being reviewed by the Midwest Innocence Project), she will forever be barred from society, never again to live among free people.
In ancient times, communities would often rid themselves of convicted criminals and other undesirables through the practice of banishment: casting unwanted people out into the wilderness. The Romans often employed banishment as an alternative to capital punishment, and indeed, considered it a fate nearly as terrible as death. Later, the British Empire liberally employed the punishment of banishment and transportation to colonies such as Australia, while the Soviet Union became known for its use of internal banishment to Siberia. The terms exile, outlaw and outcast all owe their origin to this once widespread practice.
As the world grew smaller, banishment, as a practical matter, virtually ceased to exist. Though it still remains on the books in a few Southern states, it is generally thought of as an archaic form of punishment, and one that cannot function effectively in the modern world.
Yet the impetus behind banishment — to permanently remove individuals from society, and subject them to a kind of “social death” — flourishes today in the American criminal justice system, where prisons and jails are the settings for a new kind of internal exile.
The United States holds more than 2.2 million people in prison and jail, grossly outpacing the rest of the globe in terms of both sheer numbers and incarceration rate. With less than 5 percent of the world’s population, we hold nearly 25 percent of its prisoners. Compared with Western Europe, we incarcerate five to ten times as high a percentage of our citizens.
But those overall numbers are just part of what sets us off from other industrialized nations. In Europe, the nature of sentencing is such that virtually every person who is sent to prison will one day return to society. Even those who receive “life” sentences are eventually eligible for parole. The International Criminal Court stipulates that those convicted of the very gravest crimes should serve 25 years before having their status reviewed. That is one key reason why rehabilitation, and not purely punishment and incapacitation, is the primary aim of the prison system.
In the United States, people sentenced to death number slightly over 3,000. With the number of legal and de facto state moratoria increasing, more of them are likely to die in prison of suicide or natural causes than by an executioner’s hand. They join tens of thousands of others in suffering permanent banishment to the carceral state.
According to the Sentencing Project, nearly 50,000 Americans are currently serving life without the possibility of parole (LWOP), a punishment that has been called “the other death sentence,” and which, like capital punishment, is unknown in Europe. In excess of 100,000 more are serving life sentences — many, like Patty Prewitt, with minimums so long that they will die before their potential parole date arrives.
About 10,000 of these lifers were sentenced before they reached the age of 18. Nearly half are African American — a number even more disproportionate than the total number of African Americans in prison. Thousands of them have been further buried in the tomb of prolonged solitary confinement, removed even from the meager community that the prison might
offer —  another practice virtually unique to the United States.
What is it like to live out an incarcerated life, knowing that you are dead to the society outside the prison walls? In an essay titled “The Meaning of Life,” Joseph Dole, who is serving LWOP in Illinois, wrote:
It means you’re constantly being told that you aren’t worth
rehabilitation … It means convincing yourself daily that your life has value even when the rest of the world tells you you’re worthless. It’s a lifetime spent wondering what your true potential really is, and yearning for the chance to find
out … A  life-without-parole sentence means constant contemplation of a wasted life. A continual despair as to your inability to accomplish anything significant with your remaining
years … It’s a compounding of second upon second, minute upon minute, hour upon hour, of wasted existence.
Even such
accounts, and the numbers of people sentenced to life in
prison, do not tell the full story of how banishment operates in present-day America. For the most marginalized — people with inadequately treated mental
illness — prisons have become what E. Fuller Torrey, founder of the Treatment Advocacy Center
(TAC), calls the nation’s “new asylums.” A recent TAC report
estimatedthat in 2012, more than 350,000 people with serious mental illness
were housed in prisons and jails, while a tenth as many — about 35,000 —
were  in state mental hospitals. Many enter prison on relatively minor charges, then rack up additional charges as they act out due to untreated illness, eventually cycling in and out of jail.
A century ago, America purported to open its arms to the “wretched refuse” of other societies. Now we have “disappeared” our own underclass into permanent exile right in our own backyards. The philosopher Lisa Guenther has called all of these perpetual prisoners “stateless persons,” who have been “cast out of the common world and condemned to a kind of civil death.” Patty Prewitt describes them as having “been heaved into the landfill of incarceration to rot, not worth the time or trouble to recycle.”
It is here, and not just in the popular areas of low-level drug offenses or other easy reforms, that we must look for true change in our criminal justice system. For Patty Prewitt, the hope is that reformers recognize this, “before that caseworker gets her way and I’m buried out behind the Housing Unit 2 garbage receptacle.”
Photo: Andrew Burton/Getty
James Ridgeway has been a journalist for more than 50 years. Currently he focuses on prison issues as co-director of Solitary Watch. This piece was written with the support of a fellowship from the Alicia Patterson Foundation.
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Even NSA Chief Acknowledges Need for “Broad Discussion” About Cyberwarfare 

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(This post is from our new blog: Unofficial Sources.)
A whole new and very dangerous field of warfare has been developed by the Obama administration, in secret, using untested legal justifications, and without even the faintest whiff of oversight.
So kudos to Patrick Tucker, technology editor for Defense One, who took advantage of a recent moment with National Security Agency chief Michael Rogers to ask him: Is there a way to discuss publicly what the future of cyberwar operations will look like?
Rogers said, dismissively, that the public should trust that the U.S. will follow the international laws of conflict and that its use of cyberwarfare would “be proportional” and “in line with the broader set of norms that we’ve created over time.”
But he also acknowledged the need, at some point, for the public to have some sort of a say.
Rogers likened cyber attacks to the development of mass firepower in the 1800s. “Cyber represents change, a different technical application to attempt to achieve some of the exact same effects, just do it in a different way,” he said.
“Like those other effects, I think, over time, we’ll have a broad discussion in terms of our sense of awareness, both in terms of capabilities as well as limitations.”
Over time?
That discussion is long overdue.
The almost always-wrong Washington Post editorial board had it exactly right when it wrote “now that the United States is going beyond defense, expanding forces for offensive attack, there’s a crying need for more openness. So far, forces exist almost entirely in the shadows.”
The editorial continued:
What concerns us is not the growth of forces but the way it is happening behind the scenes. The U.S. Cyber Command is a military unit, but its chief, Gen. Keith Alexander, is also director of the National Security Agency, which is part of the intelligence community. So far, operations and deployments are being handled almost entirely in secret.
Aside from a line in a speech last fall by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, and some vague language in a 2011 strategy paper, the missions, purpose and scope of conflict have yet to be satisfactorily revealed. One large missing piece is a declaratory policy similar to that used for nuclear weapons in the Cold War, when nuclear policy was openly debated without divulging important secrets. There’s also little public information about rules of engagement for forces or about chain of command and authority to use them. The nature of the threat should also be exposed to a generous dose of sunlight. If conflict in cyberspace is underway, then it is important to sustain support for the resources and decisions to fight it, and that will require more candor.
You may have gathered by the reference to Alexander and Panetta that this was not a recent editorial. In fact, it came out to years ago. The response: *crickets*.
David Sanger’s 2012 book “Confront and Conceal: Obama’s Secret Wars and Surprising Use of American Power,” described the Obama administration’s previously secret cyberwar campaign against Iran, and raised the very excellent question: “What is the difference between attacking a country’s weapon-making machinery through a laptop computer or through bunker-busters?”
No answer was forthcoming.
The thing of it is that history has shown time and again that secrecy and bad decisions go hand in hand.
As Chase Madar, an attorney and the author of The Passion of Bradley Manning: The Story Behind the WikiLeaks Whistleblower, wrote in 2013: “what gets people killed, no matter how much our pols and pundits strain to deny it, aren’t InfoSec breaches or media leaks, but foolish and clueless strategic choices.”
Cyberwarfare will be with us forever. Its potential for destruction is immense. Establishing rules for our use is not just a matter of public interest, it’s also the first step to establishing genuine, enforceable international norms, to protect us all.
Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
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Poland to build missile defense with US

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Poland's President Bronislaw Komorowski said Tuesday that the defense minister will travel to the U.S. in May to negotiate cooperation on a state-of-the-art missile defense system that Poland wants to build.

Under pressure, DEA chief to retire after agent sex-party allegations

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Michele Leonhart had been widely criticized for her response to the critical report on the Drug Enforcement Administration, and a group of lawmakers said in a statement that she was "woefully unable to change" the agency's culture.

NATO to hold major cybersecurity drill in Estonia

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Teams from 16 nations will take part in the Locked Shields 2015 exercise at NATO's cyberdefense center in Tallinn. The annual drill is one of the largest of its kind.

US paratroops stay on mission training Ukraine’s guardsmen

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American paratroops from the 173rd Airborne Brigade began training Ukrainian forces Tuesday, ignoring angry talk from Russia blaming the U.S. for stoking tensions in its neighborhood.

US Army Reserve partners with 8 colleges to boost cyber defense

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The U.S. Army Reserve has formed a partnership with eight U.S. colleges and more than 20 defense contractors to train and provide continuing education for reservists who will defend against cyber attacks and also hold full-time jobs with the contractors.

Islamic State takes body blows in Iraq while affiliates grow elsewhere

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Even as the Islamic State group takes body blows in Iraq from a U.S.-led coalition, the extremist group's arms are extending elsewhere around the world.


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