U.S. Urges Iran To Release Ex-Marine Hekmati - Friday August 28th, 2015 at 2:44 PM

August 28, 2015

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A look at the best news photos from around the world.

Yemen army recruits 4,800 southern fighters: officer 

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From: AFP
Duration: 00:51

The Yemeni army has recruited 4,800 southern fighters following a presidential decision to integrate loyalist militiamen who helped push Iran-backed rebels out of second city Aden, a military official has said.

Spain accused of 'provocation' after letting Russian submarine refuel in Gibraltar

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The Spanish government has been accused of further provocative behaviour over the contested British territory of Gibraltar after it allowed a Russian submarine to refuel at one of its ports just 19 miles from the Rock.

U.S. Urges Iran To Release Ex-Marine Hekmati

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U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is urging Iran to free former U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati from four years of "unjust detention."

US and S. Korea troops stage massive live-fire drill 

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From: AFP
Duration: 00:58

South Korean and US troops stage their biggest-ever joint live-fire drill, including a simulated mechanised assault deep into North Korean territory, just days after the two Koreas ended a tense military standoff.

Russia 'would boost military presence' in response to Georgia Nato membership 

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Georgian membership of Nato could result in a more deadly re-run of 2008 war, former general warns

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China's Vulnerability Is a Test for US Presidential Candidates - New York Times

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New York Times

China's Vulnerability Is a Test for US Presidential Candidates
New York Times
For two decades, American politicians have been escalating their rhetoric about how to confront a rising China, one that grabs territory in the South China Sea, vacuums up American jobs and mounts cyberattacks on the United States. ... with a weakening ...
Rubio: China's leaders are tyrantsCNBC 
Rubio: Only a strong US will have 'lasting peace' with ChinaThe Hill (blog)

Rubio Says Strength Is Only Way to Maintain Peace With ChinaABC News 
all 129 news articles »

FBI demanded Scandinavian countries arrest Edward Snowden should he visit - The Guardian

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The Guardian

FBI demanded Scandinavian countries arrest Edward Snowden should he visit
The Guardian
Suspecting that Snowden might seek asylum in Scandinavia, the FBI wrote from the US embassy in Copenhagen to the police forces of Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland to inform them that the US Department of Justice had charged Snowden with theft ...

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These 5 Facts Explain the Global Impact of China's Impending Slowdown - TIME

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These 5 Facts Explain the Global Impact of China's Impending Slowdown
China's up and down summer continues. Despite the blaring headlines warning of a dangerous economic slowdown—and starting recent drops in the stock market—the underlying fundamentals of China's economy remain strong. That's good news for Beijing ...
China Falters, and the Global Economy Is Forced to AdaptNew York Times
We should worry about China's politics not the economicsFinancial Times

all 295 news articles »

StingRay surveillance prompts Baltimore attorneys to review nearly 2,000 cases 

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Attorneys in Baltimore are reviewing hundreds of convictions after an investigation revealed that police there have secretly used cell phone surveillance tools in nearly 2,000 criminal cases.
Following a report in USA Today that exposed the extent of the Baltimore Police Department's use of cell-tracking technology to locate ...

Kenyan National Sentenced to 15 Years for Conspiring to Provide Material Support to Foreign Terrorist Organizations

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— Miami

Manassas Man Sentenced to 11 Years for Providing Material Support to ISIL 

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— Washington
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The CIA and the Media: 50 Facts the World Needs to Know

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Since the end of World War Two the Central Intelligence Agency has been a major force in US and foreign news media, exerting considerable influence over what the public sees, hears and reads on a regular basis. CIA publicists and…

Pentagon: IS hacker killed in US strike also was recruiter

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WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. military says the Islamic State group hacker killed in a U.S. airstrike in Syria had been recruiting sympathizers in the West to carry out "lone wolf" terrorist attacks.
A spokesman for Central Command, Air Force Col. Patrick Ryder, told reporters at the Pentagon on Friday ...

В Адміністрації Президента представили незаперечні докази збройної агресії Росії проти України

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В Адміністрації Президента представили незаперечні докази збройної агресії Росії проти України
Заступник Глави Адміністрації Президента України Андрій Таранов спільно з Головою Служби безпеки України Василем Грицаком представили журналістам незаперечні докази участі Збройних сил РФ у бойових діях на Донбасі та порушення Міських домовленостей, які були зібрані українською розвідкою та підтверджені розвідками інших іноземних країн-партнерів України.
Були викладені детальні документальні матеріали, які підтверджують постійні та свідомі порушення російсько-окупаційними військами основних положень Мінських домовленостей, що прикривається заявами Росії про необхідність мирного вирішення конфлікту.
Відповідні матеріали сьогодні були також представлені дипломатичному корпусу, акредитованому в Україні.
Так, за словами українських силовиків, протягом літа 2015 року відбулись кардинальні зміни у характері російської участі у воєнних діях на Сході України. Збройним силам України відтепер протистоять не змішані російсько-терористичні угруповання, як це було на початку російської агресії, а структуровані військові підрозділи регулярної армії Росії. При цьому режим В.Путіна продовжує категорично заперечувати причетність Росії до конфлікту на Сході України, а також участь у ньому російських Збройних сил та спецслужб.
Так, за інформацією від Голови Служби безпеки України, на окупованій території Донбасу військовим керівництвом Російської Федерації завершено створення потужного окупаційного сухопутного з’єднання, основу якого становлять два армійських корпуси, які готові до проведення активних наступальних дій, але вивчають проведення оборонних операцій. Загальне оперативне керівництво зазначеним угрупованням, а також координацію його дій безпосередньо здійснює Генеральний штаб Збройних сил Росії. За формування, комплектування, підготовку та логістику російсько-окупаційних військ на Донбасі відповідають штаб Південного військового округу та 12-е командування резерву. Штаби 1 та 2 армійських корпусів (АК) здійснюють безпосереднє управління діями підпорядкованих їм частин, та розташовані відповідно штаб 1 АК – в Донецьку, 2 АК – в Луганську.
Таким чином, силам АТО протистоять повноцінні військові формування Збройних сил Російської Федерації; на окупованих територіях України сконцентрована велика кількість важкого озброєння та військової техніки. Відбувається ешелоноване накопичення значних обсягів паливо-мастильних матеріалів та боєприпасів, що мають забезпечити ведення активних наступальних дій, які за планом російського Генерального штабу будуть підтримані введенням на територію України додаткових підрозділів Збройних сил Російської Федерації.
Заступник Глави АПУ та Голова СБУ наголосили, що активізація бойових дій на Сході України співпадає з активізацію діяльності терористичних та диверсійно-розвідувальних груп противника в північних областях України, зокрема Одеській та Миколаївській. Але, повсякденна та кропітка діяльність спеціальних служб України не дає втілитися планам російсько-терористичних керівників в життя.
За їх інформацією, організаційно-штатна структура з’єднань, частин та підрозділів обох армійських корпусів побудована за російськими зразками. Батальйон територіальної оборони складається з добровольців з окупованих територій України, а також найманців з Росії та інших країн. Російські генерали та офіцери виконують завдання на окупованих територіях України на ротаційній основі із заміною через 3-6 місяців.
Привертає увагу той факт, що з початку 2015 року всі офіцери та генерали ЗС РФ, які беруть участь у бойових діях на Сході України, а також здійснюють керівництво російсько-окупаційними військами з російської території, мають відповідні прізвища-прикриття, якими підписують бойові документи. Зазначене здійснюється з метою приховування російських військовослужбовців та виведення їх з-під кримінальної відповідальності у майбутньому.
Такий досвід вже застосовувався Радянським Союзом в Іспанії в 1936-1940 роках, коли генерали Червоної Армії мали вигадані прізвища.
Загалом у складі російсько-окупаційних військ на території України налічується понад 33 тис. осіб, а також близько 9 тис. військовослужбовців регулярних підрозділів Збройних сил Росії. Загалом 21 тактична група Збройних сил Російської Федерації (15 батальйонних та 6 ротних).
Крім того, поблизу кордонів України сконцентровано ще 53 тактичні групи Збройних сил Росії (39 батальйонних та 14 ротних) чисельністю 50,5 тис. військовослужбовців.
Беззаперечним доказом є космічні знімки районів зосередження російських окупаційних військ на території України.
З метою посилення угруповання російсько-окупаційних військ на Сході України Росія здійснює приховане перекидання на українську територію особового складу, озброєння та матеріально-технічних засобів.
Розвідка України має документальні матеріали, які підтверджують порушення російсько-окупаційними військами основних положень Мінських домовленостей в частині, що стосується відведення важких систем озброєння.
Так, беззаперечні матеріали космічної зйомки свідчать про перебування артилерійських систем калібру понад 100 мм на вогневих позиціях у 25-кілометровій зоні уздовж лінії зіткнення сторін.
За наявними даними, до бойового чергування та нанесення вогневих ударів по позиціях сил АТО залучаються до 20 артилерійських батарей російсько-окупаційних військ, які мають на озброєнні понад 120 гармат та гаубиць заборонених калібрів.
Середня інтенсивність обстрілів позицій сил АТО російсько-окупаційними військами становить близько 60 разів за добу. При цьому кількість обстрілів суттєво збільшується при підготовці та в ході наступальних дій противника, а також напередодні переговорів у Мінському та Нормандському форматах.
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Mastermind of Khobar Towers Bombing in Saudi Custody

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By William Tucker
Chief Correspondent for In Homeland Security
Nearly 20 years after 19 U.S. Airman were killed and another 372 were wounded, the designer of the terrorist plot that targeted the U.S. Air Force barracks at the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia is finally in custody.

News agency sues after FBI impersonates journalist in sting operation

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Accusing the Justice Department of stonewalling, The Associated Press filed a suit Thursday against the FBI for failing to turn over information under the Freedom of Information Act about a criminal sting operation in which it created a bogus news story and impersonated an AP journalist.

Poland to service Bulgaria's Soviet-era MiG-29 fighter jets

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WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Poland's defense ministry says the country has reached a preliminary agreement with Bulgaria to modernize the Balkan country's Soviet-era fleet of MiG-29 fighter jets.
The deal comes as Bulgaria seeks to reduce its reliance on Russia in light of the Ukraine crisis, which has made many ...
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Appeals court backs NSA phone-snooping, overturns Klayman victory 

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A federal appeals court backed the NSA's phone-snooping program Friday in a short but complicated decision that said Larry Klayman, the plaintiff and frequent court adversary to President Obama, never proved that his calls were scooped up in the phone-records dragnet.
The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District ...

Ali Shukri Amin, Va. teen behind pro-ISIS Twitter account, gets 11 years in prison 

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A Virginia teenager who operated a powerful pro-Islamic State Twitter account and helped a friend travel to Syria to join the terrorist group was sentenced Friday to 11 years in prison.
Prosecutors said the sentencing of 17-year-old Ali Shukri Amin demonstrated the U.S. government's efforts to aggressively confront the Islamic ...

Appeals court reverses ruling that found NSA program illegal

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WASHINGTON (AP) - A federal appeals court on Friday ruled in favor of the Obama administration in a dispute over the National Security Agency's bulk collection of telephone data on hundreds of millions of Americans.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit reversed a lower court ...

Majority of Voters Believe Obama, Kerry Misleading Public on Iran Deal, Poll Says 

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A majority of American voters believe that President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are to some extent misleading the public on the nuclear deal with Iran, a survey released by an organization that opposes the agreement indicates.
Specifically, 64 percent of voters believe that Obama and Kerry are “only telling Americans what they think will help the agreement be passed by Congress,” according to a poll released by Secure America Now.
Only 19 percent believe that the president and his secretary of state are providing Americans with “all the facts.” The poll also demonstrates that 82 percent of U.S. voters–and 74 percent of Democrats–oppose Obama’s plan to grant $100 billion in sanctions relief to Iran over the next several months “without approval from Congress.”
Indeed, congressional lawmakers have been increasingly critical of the agreement, especially voicing concern regarding the secret side deals brokered between Iran and the U.N. agency tasked with inspecting Tehran’s nuclear facilities.
Despite calls from Republicans in Congress, Obama has refused to disclose the details of the side deals.
Recently, an apparent draft of one of the agreements between Iran and the IAEA indicated that Tehran will be permitted to use its own experts to inspect the Parchin military site believed to have housed nuclear arms development.
According to the survey, which was conducted between Aug. 13 and 17, 61 percent of American voters want their representative lawmakers on Capitol Hill to vote to reject the deal in the wake of knowledge that Congress will not be provided with details of the Iran-IAEA agreements.
President Obama has been feverishly selling the nuclear deal to lawmakers and to the public despite the growing majority of Americans wanting Congress to reject it after the 60-day review period.
On Friday, the president will speak to Jewish groups via a webcast in an attempt to ease concerns regarding the agreement among Jewish communities.

Virginia Teen Gets 11 Years for Supporting Islamic State

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WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A Virginia teenager who used social media to support the militant group Islamic State was sentenced to just over 11 years in federal prison on Friday, the U.S. Justice Department said.
Ali Amin, 17, of Manassas, was the first minor prosecuted by the United States in such a case. U.S. District Judge Claude Hilton handed down a 136-month sentence in a hearing in Alexandria, Virginia, the department said in a statement.
“Today’s sentencing demonstrates that those who use social media as a tool to provide support and resources to ISIL will be identified and prosecuted with no less vigilance than those who travel to take up arms with ISIL,” U.S. Attorney Dana Boente said, using an acronym for the militant group.
Amin, who used the Twitter handle @Amreekiwitness, pleaded guilty in June to using Twitter and his blog to show how to use the virtual currency Bitcoin to send funds to the militants.
Prosecutors said Amin also helped Reza Niknejad, 19, of Prince William County, Virginia, to travel to Syria in January to join the Islamic State. Niknejad faces federal terrorism and conspiracy charges in Virginia.
Islamic State has taken control of large areas of Iraq and Syria in a campaign marked by mass killings and beheadings.
The SITE monitoring service, which follows social media postings by jihadist militants, has said Amin had some 4,000 Twitter followers and was in communication with well-known Islamic State fighters and recruiters.
Federal prosecutors have charged several people across the United States in recent months with supporting the Islamic State as the extremist group has sought to build support through social media.
An Arizona man was indicted on Thursday for supporting the Islamic State by helping a New York college student travel to Syria for military-style training.
(Reporting by Ian Simpson; Editing by Emily Stephenson, Mohammad Zargham and Lisa Lambert)

Bush-Appointed Federal Judge Blocks Obama Water Rule Citing ‘Risk of Irreparable Harm’ 

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A federal judge in North Dakota appointed by George W. Bush blocked an Obama administration rule Thursday that would allow the federal government to regulate certain streams and other small waterways.
The Associated Press reported that U.S. District Judge Ralph Erickson issued a temporary injunction requested by 13 states including North Dakota blocking the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers from regulating small streams, tributaries, and wetlands as directed under the Clean Water Act.
While North Dakota’s attorney general, who filed the request, interpreted the ruling as applying to all 50 states, the EPA insisted that it only stretches to the 13 that sued for the injunction. The rule is set to take effect everywhere else on Friday.
According to Erickson’s ruling, the EPA has exceeded its authority by creating the rule, which requires landowners to obtain a permit if they take actions that would pollute or harm the regulated bodies of water. The agricultural industry has vehemently pushed back on the regulation.
“The risk of irreparable harm to the states is both imminent and likely,” Erickson said when granting the temporary injunction, alleging that the rule would force “jurisdictional studies” of each proposed natural gas, oil, or water pipeline project in North Dakota.
“While the exact amount of land that would be subject to the increase is hotly disputed, the agencies admit to an increase in control over those traditional state-regulated waters of between 2.84 to 4.65 percent,” he wrote in the ruling.
According to officials in North Dakota, the rule would cost the state millions of dollars.
In addition to North Dakota, the other states exempt from the rule are Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Wyoming.
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Russia’s “Secret” Army in Ukraine

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Today the office of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko released via Twitter important details about the organization and structure of Russia’s occupying army in Southeastern Ukraine. The order of battle (ORBAT) information is clearly derived from a lot of intelligence, especially SIGINT (I say this as someone who used to do ORBAT intelligence for a living: this is well done).
Since most of my readers know neither Russian or Ukrainian, I’m passing on what Kyiv has released today in English. The translation isn’t great but it works. I’m providing comments below since most normals are not well acquainted with the nuances of Russian military organization.
Russian Military Command, South-East Ukraine (Novocherkask):
Commanding Officer (CO): GenCol A N. Serdyukov [1]
1st Army Corps (“Donetsk People’s Republic” Military), HQ: Donetsk
CO: GenMaj A.V. Zavizyon [2]
2nd Army Corps (“Luhansk People’s Republic” Military), HQ: Luhansk
CO: GenMaj Y. V. Nikiforov [3]
The organization of the 1st and 2nd Corps, no surprise, corresponds exactly to the standard tables of organization and equipment (TO&E) of Russian Ground Forces. There are several maneuver brigades (“motor rifle” is the Russian term for mechanized in NATO parlance) supported by independent regiments and battalions. As Kyiv has announced, the 35,000 troops belonging to “DNR” and “LNR” forces are bolstered by 9,000 reservists. While some forty percent of the troops are locals, the rest are Russians plus a few mercenaries and foreign volunteers.
The senior command staff are exclusively Russian officers assigned to the 1st and 2nd Corps — officially they are “not there” of course — while the operation is run, logistically and command-wise, from neighboring Russia.
To anybody with a decent memory, this closely resembles the relationship during the 1992-95 Bosnian War, when the Bosnian Serb Army (VRS), while consisting largely of local rank-and-file troops, had most of its command, and nearly all of its financing and logistics, coming from neighboring Serbia and its military — which, in practice treated the VRS as merely as an extension of itself, as in fact it was.
Needless to add, the “DNR” and “LNR” militaries would not last twenty-four hours without constant command and logistical support from Putin’s military. They are an extension of Russian Ground Forces and should be treated as such by the West. It’s time to end, once and for all, any fiction about “rebels” — these are Russian-controlled forces, led by Russian officers, supplied with Russian guns and ammunition, that are waging war inside Ukraine.
Kudos to Kyiv for putting this important information out there as an aid to understanding what’s really going on in their country.
1. AKA Sedov; GenCol is a Russian “three-star” rank.
2. AKA Pilen; GenMaj is a Russian “one-star” rank.
3. AKA Morgun; GenMaj is a Russian “one-star” rank.

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Man Admits Killing Elderly Ohio Couple, Gets Life in Prison

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Man admits killing elderly Ohio pair and setting them on fire, avoids possible death sentence

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» Mali Militia Refuses to Leave Town After Peace Deal Broken
28/08/15 14:36 from ABC News: ABCNews
Mali pro-government militia refuse demands by peace deal monitoring group to leave town
» Poland confirms existence of underground Nazi 'treasure' train - video
28/08/15 14:34 from World news: World news + Video | guardian.co.uk
Polish authorities believe they have located a lost Nazi train, after a deathbed confession led treasure hunters to its secret location. The head of national heritage at the culture ministry says he has seen proof of the train, including...
» Migrant tragedies raise pressure on EU
28/08/15 14:33 from FT.com - World
Four children among 71 dead in truck while hundreds drown in Mediterranean
» Migrant tragedies pile pressure on EU
28/08/15 14:33 from FT.com - World
Four children among 71 dead in truck while hundreds drown in Mediterranean
» Photos: This Week in Pictures: August 22- August 28
28/08/15 14:32 from ABC News: ABCNews
Find this week's top photos from around the globe in ABC News' This Week in Pictures slideshow
» Vote Tally in Favor of Iran Deal Climbs to 30 in Senate
28/08/15 14:31 from ABC News: ABCNews
Senate Democrats climb closer to votes needed to back up Obama on Iran nuclear deal
» American's 1st Thought During Train Attack Was 'Just Trying Not to Die'
28/08/15 14:28 from ABC News: ABCNews
"I immediately recognized what was happening," Alek Skarlatos said.
» What We Know About the Latest Deaths in Migrant Crisis 
28/08/15 14:28 from ABC News: ABCNews
About 2,342 migrants have died in the Mediterranean this year.
» Gunman in on-air deaths remembered as 'professional victim'
28/08/15 14:27 from Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines
ROANOKE, Va. (AP) — The man who was news director during Vester Flanagan's rocky tenure at Virginia station WDBJ-TV described him as someone who constantly saw himself being victimized by others.
» Gunman in TV killings remembered as 'professional victim'
28/08/15 14:27 from AP Top Headlines At 7:05 a.m. EDT
ROANOKE, Va. (AP) -- Vester Flanagan constantly saw himself as the target in his conflicts with WDBJ-TV colleagues, leading his former boss to describe him as a "professional victim."...
» India and Pakistan Accuse Each Other in Deaths of Civilians - New York Times
28/08/15 14:27 from World - Google News
The Nation India and Pakistan Accuse Each Other in Deaths of Civilians New York Times ISLAMABAD — Pakistan and India on Friday accused each other of targeting civilians in the latest deadly exchange of cross-border fire, as relations con...
» NH rape suspect not guilty of felony sexual assault
28/08/15 14:26 from Latest News
Molly Line reports
» The refugee tragedy in Austria shows the range of Syria’s civil war
28/08/15 14:26 from WorldViews
Reports suggest that the majority of the 71 people who died of suffocation inside a truck found this week in Austria were refugees from Syria. If confirmed, the grisly incident would be yet another bloody episode in Syria's brutal civil ...
» India and Pakistan Accuse Each Other in Deaths of Civilians
28/08/15 14:25 from NYT > International
Nearly a dozen deaths from cross-border violence have been reported after planned talks between the countries’ security advisers were canceled.
» Running mate talk 'flatters' Texan
28/08/15 14:25 from CNN.com
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro defended former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday morning on her use of private email -- as he also deflected chatter about him as a potential running mate to her president...
» Iraqis Hold Protests Against Corruption
28/08/15 14:25 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Tens of thousands of Iraqis have demonstrated against corruption in Baghdad and other cities south of the capital.
» Cubans Embrace New Internet Connectivity Options
28/08/15 14:24 from Voice of America
The re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States has opened the door to better access to the Internet on the island, where in the past it was almost impossible to connect with the outside world. With Amy Ka...
» Europe Reels From More Migrant Deaths on Land and Sea
28/08/15 14:23 from NYT > International
Deaths of about 150 people at sea near Libya and 71 found in a truck in Austria came as the United Nations reported a surge in 2015 migrations.
» Europe's migrant crisis brings new death by land and sea
28/08/15 14:22 from AP Top Headlines At 7:05 a.m. EDT
VIENNA (AP) -- Death and desperation mounted in Europe's migrant crisis Friday as Austrian police said 71 people appeared to have suffocated in the back of an abandoned truck, while an estimated 200 people were feared drowned off Libya w...
» State of emergency in Florida as Tropical Storm Erika nears - USA TODAY
28/08/15 14:22 from World - Google News
USA TODAY State of emergency in Florida as Tropical Storm Erika nears USA TODAY Tropical Storm Erika lashed Puerto Rico on Friday with heavy rains and wind after killing at least four people and causing devastating floods and landslides ...
» Former New Hampshire prep school student found not guilty of rape
28/08/15 14:21 from Reuters: Top News
CONCORD, N.H. (Reuters) - A former student of an elite New Hampshire prep school was found not guilty on Friday of raping a 15-year-old girl days before graduation last year in a case that has shone a harsh spotlight on the school's cult...
» Marine wants a date with Ronda Rousey
28/08/15 14:20 from Latest News
» Survivor Expresses Condolences for TV Workers
28/08/15 14:20 from ABC News: ABCNews
The Latest: Survivor awakes from surgery, expresses condolences for slain victims
» Brazil Sinks Into Technical Recession
28/08/15 14:19 from WSJ.com: World News
Brazil’s economy sank into a technical recession in the second quarter, as falling commodity prices, high inflation and political turmoil combined to decimate consumer and business confidence, sending output well below expectations.
» Italy arrests 10 in migrant deaths at sea; Austrian officials sort out deaths ... - CNN
28/08/15 14:19 from Google News - Top Stories
CNN Italy arrests 10 in migrant deaths at sea; Austrian officials sort out deaths ... CNN (CNN) Authorities in Hungary and Italy have made arrests in the deaths of scores migrants and refugees this week, including 71 whose bodies were fo...
» Death of Knut the Polar Bear Is Explained at Last
28/08/15 14:16 from NYT > International
The beloved star of the Berlin Zoo drowned in 2011 in his enclosure after a seizure caused by a treatable form of encephalitis thought to affect only humans.
» Treading Line Between War and Peace, U.S. Special Forces Groom Afghan Troops
28/08/15 14:15 from WSJ.com: World News
Special-operations units are trying to get their local counterparts ready for combat before American troops leave Afghanistan.
» Excitement mounts over Nazi treasure train as Polish officials buy in - Los Angeles Times
28/08/15 14:15 from World - Google News
Los Angeles Times Excitement mounts over Nazi treasure train as Polish officials buy in Los Angeles Times A top Polish cultural official on Friday stirred already feverish excitement over claims of a legendary Nazi treasure train having ...
» Everton sign striker Rodriguez
28/08/15 14:13 from BBC News - World
Everton sign Uruguayan striker Leandro Rodriguez from River Plate Montevideo for a reported fee of £500,000.
» NSA Phone Surveillance Ruling Reversed
28/08/15 14:13 from Voice of America
A U.S. appeals court has reversed a ruling that said the National Security Agency's program to collect phone records from millions of Americans in an effort to locate terrorist plots was illegal. In 2013, a lower court ruled the program ...
» Nationalist and pro-Kurdish opposition given Turkish cabinet posts
28/08/15 14:12 from Reuters: International
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu named an interim power-sharing cabinet on Friday, appointing one nationalist and two pro-Kurdish opposition politicians to ministerial posts, but leaving his finance and economy m...
» The Latest: Former President Bush Arrives in Mississippi
28/08/15 14:11 from ABC News: ABCNews
The Latest: Former President Bush speaks in Mississippi; salutes Katrina responders, officials
» St. Paul's School Student Cleared on Most Serious Charges - New York Times
28/08/15 14:10 from Google News - Top Stories
New York Times St. Paul's School Student Cleared on Most Serious Charges New York Times CONCORD, N.H. — The prep school graduate accused of raping a younger student at the elite St. Paul's School was found not guilty Friday on th...
» Former Prep School Student Convicted of Sex Charges
28/08/15 14:10 from ABC News: ABCNews
Former New England prep school student cleared of rape, convicted of sex charges
» Being Home Team Can Be Blessing and Curse for Lewisberry
28/08/15 14:09 from ABC News: ABCNews
Pennsylvania team enjoys home-field advantage, but Texas embracing underdog role in US final
» Dominican Death Toll Rises as 'Erika' Reaches Hispaniola
28/08/15 14:09 from ABC News: ABCNews
Death toll rising in Dominica as Tropical Storm Erika crosses over Dominican Republic
» Is Turkey heading to partition?
28/08/15 14:09 from AEI » Latest Content
It’s no longer a question of secularism vs. Islamism. It may take a decade, but it is time to begin the countdown to the partition of Turkey.
» Benedictine Monk Relaxing Atop Wind Turbine Spotted by Drone
28/08/15 14:09 from ABC News: ABCNews
Benedictine monk relaxing atop Rhode Island school's wind turbine is spotted by passing drone
» Albania Seizes 500,000 Cannabis Plants in Major Crackdown
28/08/15 14:08 from ABC News: ABCNews
Albanian crackdown on cannabis growing nets 500,000 plants this year, 240 people arrested
» Owen Labrie Found Not Guilty of Felony Sexual Assault in Prep School Trial - ABC News
28/08/15 14:08 from Google News - Top Stories
ABC News Owen Labrie Found Not Guilty of Felony Sexual Assault in Prep School Trial ABC News Owen Labrie was found not guilty of felony sexual assault in a case at St. Paul's School, a prestigious New Hampshire prep school. The jury ...
» Speakers Play Role in Korean Deal
28/08/15 14:06 from WSJ.com: World News
At the heaviest armed border in the world, South Korean officials say one of the most potent weapons is psychological warfare. As tensions abate between Seoul and Pyongyang, officials say propaganda broadcasts are a vital peacekeeper.
» Death of 71 Migrants in Austria Illustrates a Spreading Crisis in Europe
28/08/15 14:06 from NYT > International
The United Nations reported record numbers crossing the Mediterranean this year, but the truck found near Vienna showed that the journeys are also dangerous on land.
» Russia 'would boost military presence' in response to Georgia Nato membership
28/08/15 14:06 from World news breaking world news latest world news from the US Europe Asia Australia Africa
Georgian membership of Nato could result in a more deadly re-run of 2008 war, former general warns
» Total Recall: Donald Trump Clones Schwarzenegger Campaign
28/08/15 14:03 from Breitbart News Network
Total Recall: Donald Trump Clones Schwarzenegger Campaign Jon Fleischman Trump Sparks GOP Soul-Searching Brad Schaeffer Marco Rubio Hits Hillary Clinton’s Abortion Extremism, ‘Probably Illegal Activity’ of Planned Parenthood John Hayward...
» Authorities in Vegas Probing Death of Child in Hot Vehicle
28/08/15 14:02 from ABC News: ABCNews
Authorities in Las Vegas investigating death of child left in hot vehicle on 100-degree day
» The Latest: Ex-Prep School Senior Acquitted of Felony Rape
28/08/15 14:02 from ABC News: ABCNews
The Latest: Ex-senior at elite prep school not guilty of felony rape, guilty of misdemeanors
» Wild week for markets set to end quietly
28/08/15 14:01 from Reuters: Top News
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A volatile ride for global markets this week looked set to end with a whimper on Friday as lingering worries over Chinese economic growth and the Federal Reserve's plans to raise interest rates weighed on stocks, but...
» Turkish President Erdogan Approves Interim Government
28/08/15 14:00 from ABC News: ABCNews
Turkey's Erdogan approves interim government; 2 pro-Kurdish politicians take seats
» The Correspondents
28/08/15 14:00 from Voice of America
The Correspondents is VOA’s weekly discussion of the world’s top stories, as seen through the eyes of our dedicated reporters in the US and around the globe. Hosted by Mil Arcega, our panel of journalists goes beyond the headlines to giv...
» USDA to Approve Simplot's Genetically Engineered Potato
28/08/15 13:59 from ABC News: ABCNews
USDA to approve Simplot's genetically engineered potato that resists late blight
» Verdict in prep school rape trial
28/08/15 13:59 from CNN.com
[Breaking news update, posted at 1:42 p.m. ET]
» Erika prompts Florida emergency
28/08/15 13:59 from CNN.com
Heavy rain from Tropical Storm Erika has caused devastation on the Caribbean island of Dominica, leaving at least four people dead and more than 20 missing, authorities said.
» Owen Labrie Found Not Guilty of Felony Rape in Prep School Trial 
28/08/15 13:58 from ABC News: ABCNews
Owen Labrie, now 19, had entered a not-guilty plea.
» Ex-Senior at Elite New Hampshire Prep School Acquitted of Felony Rape, Guilty of Misdemeanors
28/08/15 13:57 from ABC News: ABCNews
Ex-senior at elite New Hampshire prep school acquitted of felony rape, guilty of misdemeanors
» No love for 'No Escape'?
28/08/15 13:57 from Latest News
Is action-thriller insensitive?
» Bush Hails School Reforms in Katrina Anniversary Visit
28/08/15 13:57 from ABC News: ABCNews
Bush hails charter school reforms in Katrina commemorative visit
» Al Arbour, Who Coached Isles to 4 Cup Titles, Dies at 82
28/08/15 13:56 from ABC News: ABCNews
Al Arbour, who coached New York Islanders to 4 Stanley Cup titles, dies at 82
» Al-Jazeera English Defendants Await Verdict in Egypt Trial
28/08/15 13:56 from ABC News: ABCNews
Ahead of Cairo ruling, journalists in Al-Jazeera English trial cross fingers for acquittal
» A glimpse of what it’s like for refugees transported in a small van
28/08/15 13:56 from WorldViews
A trial in the Austrian town of Korneuburg could offer some insight into what it might have been like for the dozens of suspected migrants found dead in a small truck in Austria on Thursday. A 51-year-old man from Bulgaria was sentenced ...
» Correction: Iran-Nuclear Story
28/08/15 13:56 from ABC News: ABCNews
Correction: Iran-Nuclear story
» Fitzpatrick, Edberg Lead Czech Masters After 2nd Round
28/08/15 13:55 from ABC News: ABCNews
Matthew Fitzpatrick, Pelle Edberg share lead after 2nd round of Czech Masters
» Web campaign raises $67,800 for Syria refugee family in a day
28/08/15 13:53 from Reuters: International
BEIRUT (Reuters) - An online fundraiser has raised more than $67,800 for a refugee from Syria and his daughter after a campaigner based in Norway shared moving pictures on social media of the man selling pens in the streets of Beirut.
» Syriza's Poll Lead Narrows Ahead of Election
28/08/15 13:53 from WSJ.com: World News
Greece’s left-wing Syriza party is leading ahead of next month’s elections, a poll published Friday shows, though the gap with the conservative New Democracy party has closed considerably.
» As China Celebrates Victory, Businesses Cope With Loss
28/08/15 13:53 from WSJ.com: World News
Beijing ordered more than 10,000 factories to close or reduce output to clear air pollution ahead of a high-profile military parade, crimping many businesses in the capital and leaving some workers without wages.
» Al Arbour dies at 82; coached NY Islanders to four consecutive Stanley Cup titles - Los Angeles Times
28/08/15 13:53 from Google News - Top Stories
Los Angeles Times Al Arbour dies at 82; coached NY Islanders to four consecutive Stanley Cup titles Los Angeles Times Al Arbour, who coached the New York Islanders to four consecutive Stanley Cup championships and ranks as the NHL's ...
» Libyan drownings, truck of corpses drive up migrant toll
28/08/15 13:51 from Reuters: Top News
EISENSTADT, Austria/TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Austria said on Friday 71 refugees, including a baby girl, were found dead in an abandoned freezer truck, while Libya recovered the bodies of 105 migrants washed ashore after their overcrowded boat...
» Sheena Bora murder: Victim's mother named as prime suspect in 'honour killing'
28/08/15 13:51 from World news breaking world news latest world news from the US Europe Asia Australia Africa
Media mogul Indrani Mukerjea is accused of killing her daughter amid claims of a high society cover up
» This Week’s Foreign Policy Must-Reads
28/08/15 13:51 from TIME: Top World Stories
From yakuza battles to Russian food policy
» Libyan drownings, truck of corpses drive up migrant toll - Reuters
28/08/15 13:51 from Google News - World
Reuters Libyan drownings, truck of corpses drive up migrant toll Reuters EISENSTADT, Austria/TRIPOLI Austria said on Friday 71 refugees, including a baby girl, were found dead in an abandoned freezer truck, while Libya recovered the bodi...
» Bollywood film outrages Medecins Sans Frontieres by linking it to terrorism
28/08/15 13:49 from The Independent - World RSS Feed
It is an apparently humdrum thriller based on the Mumbai terror attacks of 2008, though controversial enough in its subject matter to earn a ban in Pakistan before it was  even released.
» WDBJ slayings: Disguises in gunman's car may have been for getaway - CNN
28/08/15 13:49 from Top Stories - Google News
CNN WDBJ slayings: Disguises in gunman's car may have been for getaway CNN (CNN) He carefully choreographed the slaying of the two journalists for maximum shock value. And, judging from the items found in his car, he took equally met...
» Bush Hails School Reforms in Katrina Anniversary Visit - New York Times
28/08/15 13:48 from Top Stories - Google News
TIME Bush Hails School Reforms in Katrina Anniversary Visit New York Times NEW ORLEANS — Former President George W. Bush returned Friday to New Orleans, where he was vilified for his administration's lackluster response to Hurricane ...
» Erdogan approves new Turkish interim government: statement
28/08/15 13:48 from Reuters: International
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan approved a temporary power-sharing cabinet proposed by Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Friday, Erdogan's office said in a statement.
» Bush returns to New Orleans for 10th anniversary of Katrina - Fox News
28/08/15 13:47 from Google News - Top Stories
Fox News Bush returns to New Orleans for 10th anniversary of Katrina Fox News Former President George W. Bush returned Friday to New Orleans on the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, praising the resilience of residents of the Big Ea...
» Bangladesh arrests two more suspects over killing of secular blogger
28/08/15 13:45 from Reuters: International
DHAKA (Reuters) - Bangladeshi police have arrested two more suspects in connection with the killing of an online critic of religious militancy.
» U.S. Urges Iran To Release Ex-Marine Hekmati
28/08/15 13:45 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is urging Iran to free former U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati from four years of "unjust detention."
» Shara Proctor says world long jump silver feels like gold - The Guardian
28/08/15 13:45 from world - Google News
The Guardian Shara Proctor says world long jump silver feels like gold The Guardian The fiercely focused Proctor also trains with American triple jumper Christian Taylor, who on Thursday night came within 8cm of the world record in claim...
» Bullet was within centimeters of killing Vicki Gardner
28/08/15 13:45 from Latest News
Rick Leventhal reports
» George W Bush tells New Orleans children: 'being president is not a hard job'
28/08/15 13:45 from World news breaking world news latest world news from the US Europe Asia Australia Africa
On 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina the city bears lingering resentment over Bush administration's slow response to the disaster
» Spain accused of 'provocation' after letting Russian submarine refuel in Gibraltar
28/08/15 13:43 from The Independent - World RSS Feed
The Spanish government has been accused of further provocative behaviour over the contested British territory of Gibraltar after it allowed a Russian submarine to refuel at one of its ports just 19 miles from the Rock.
» August 28, 2015
28/08/15 13:43 from Voice of America
A look at the best news photos from around the world.
» European rail operators meet to co-ordinate security after Thalys attack
28/08/15 13:42 from Deutsche Welle: DW-WORLD.DE - Europe
Ahead of rail security talks in Paris, academics and experts have cautioned that another 'Thalys'-style attack would be impossible to prevent. It follows last week's failed attempt to hold-up a high-speed train to Paris.
» Nigeria marks 500 days since kidnap of Chibok schoolgirls - video
28/08/15 13:41 from World news: World news + Video | guardian.co.uk
A candlelit vigil is held in Nigeria’s capital city Abuja on Thursday, to mark the 500 day anniversary of the kidnap of over 270 Chibok schoolgirls by Boko Haram. Over 50 girls have escaped from the Islamist militant group since the kidn...
» US court allows NSA phone data sweep
28/08/15 13:40 from BBC News - World
A US appeals court overturns a ruling that the National Security Agency's bulk collection of phone records was illegal.
» Reporter's notebook: George W. Bush and the week Hurricane Katrina hit - CBS News
28/08/15 13:39 from Top Stories - Google News
CBS News Reporter's notebook: George W. Bush and the week Hurricane Katrina hit CBS News WASHINGTON - While former President George W. Bush visited New Orleans and Gulfport Friday, marking the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, ...
» Suffocating Migrants Beaten Down With Knives
28/08/15 13:39 from Sky News | World News | First For Breaking News
Smugglers used knives to beat back migrants who were crammed into the hold of a ship where 52 died, authorities say.
» The week in 38 photos
28/08/15 13:38 from CNN.com
» Florida readies for Tropical Storm Erika - Miami Herald
28/08/15 13:38 from Top Stories - Google News
Miami Herald Florida readies for Tropical Storm Erika Miami Herald Haiti and the Dominican Republic braced for Tropical Storm Erika Friday morning as it churned westward on a course that could have the storm making landfall in southwest ...
» Russian Police Find Stolen ‘Satan’ Figure
28/08/15 13:38 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Russian authorities have found smashed fragments of a century-old figure of the mythical demon Mephistopheles which had been removed from a building in St. Petersburg.
» About 150 Migrants Feared Dead After Boats Sink Off Libya - New York Times
28/08/15 13:37 from World - Google News
New York Times About 150 Migrants Feared Dead After Boats Sink Off Libya New York Times CAIRO — About 150 people are believed to have drowned off western Libya after a fishing boat and a smaller boat carrying migrants sank in the Mediter...
» Bodies of 71 Migrants Who Died in Truck Taken to Morgue - New York Times
28/08/15 13:37 from Google News - World
National Post Bodies of 71 Migrants Who Died in Truck Taken to Morgue New York Times NICKELSDORF, Austria — Death was in the air Friday, its stench overpowering as workers on Austria's border with Hungary unloaded the bodies of some ...
» The Latest: Bush praises New Orleans charter schools - Washington Post
28/08/15 13:37 from Google News - Top Stories
Newsweek The Latest: Bush praises New Orleans charter schools Washington Post NEW ORLEANS — The latest on former President George W. Bush's trip to New Orleans and Gulfport, Mississippi, to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Hurrica...
» What a shot! 45 amazing sports photos
28/08/15 13:37 from CNN.com
Take a look at 45 amazing sports photos from August 18 through August 24.
» Prep School Rape Trial Jury Reaches Verdict in Owen Labrie Case - ABC News
28/08/15 13:37 from Top Stories - Google News
ABC News Prep School Rape Trial Jury Reaches Verdict in Owen Labrie Case ABC News The jury has reached a verdict in a case surrounding an alleged rape at St. Paul's School, a prestigious New Hampshire prep school. The jury of nine me...
» Russia shows off its planes
28/08/15 13:36 from CNN.com
Opening of the MAKS 2015 International Aviation and Space Show, in Zhukovsky, outside Moscow, on August 25, 2015.
» Tropical Storm Erika drenches Puerto Rico after devastating Dominica; Florida ... - USA TODAY
28/08/15 13:36 from Top Stories - Google News
USA TODAY Tropical Storm Erika drenches Puerto Rico after devastating Dominica; Florida ... USA TODAY Tropical Storm Erika lashed Puerto Rico on Friday with heavy rains and wind after killing at least four people and causing devastating ...
» Loose nut costs Air Force $62.4 million
28/08/15 13:35 from CNN.com
An Air Force jet caught fire on takeoff last April, causing $62 million in damage. The investigation blamed a loose nut. CNN's Thom Patterson reports.
» Court backs NSA metadata collection
28/08/15 13:35 from FT.com - World
DC justices overrule injunction on surveillance programme
» Fly cross country, skip airport
28/08/15 13:35 from CNN.com
» Why the paralysis on migrant crisis?
28/08/15 13:34 from BBC News - World
Why do politicians seem unable to act on migrant crisis?
» Jury Reaches Verdict in Prep School Rape Trial That Cast Harsh Light on Elite Institution
28/08/15 13:34 from ABC News: ABCNews
Jury reaches verdict in prep school rape trial that cast harsh light on elite institution
» Polish official says he's '99%' sure of Nazi treasure train claim - Los Angeles Times
28/08/15 13:34 from Google News - Top Stories
Los Angeles Times Polish official says he's '99%' sure of Nazi treasure train claim Los Angeles Times A top Polish cultural official on Friday stirred already feverish excitement over claims of a legendary Nazi treasure train...
» All aboard: Life on a cruise ship
28/08/15 13:33 from CNN.com
A man stands ashore and supervises two crew members working on a cruise ship's hull. Passengers get ready to board a ship after it has docked. A waiter serves a woman a teacup in one of the restaurants on the ship.
» Bush: Katrina is story of loss, commitment and compassion
28/08/15 13:33 from Latest News
Former president delivers remarks
» Froome loses time on summit finish
28/08/15 13:33 from BBC News - World
Britain's Chris Froome cracks on the first big mountain test of the Vuelta a Espana to lose ground on his rivals for the win.
» Katrina Q&A: New Orleans before and after the historic storm - USA TODAY
28/08/15 13:33 from Top Stories - Google News
USA TODAY Katrina Q&A: New Orleans before and after the historic storm USA TODAY What was New Orleans like before Katrina hit? A: New Orleans was - and still is - a popular destination for tourists, known for its unique cuisine, musi...
» Kenyan Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison in US Terror Case
28/08/15 13:32 from ABC News: ABCNews
Kenyan man sentenced to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty in US terrorism support case
» Man Says Gun Was in His Underwear When It Fired, Killing Pal
28/08/15 13:32 from ABC News: ABCNews
Man tells police he was adjusting gun he kept in his underwear when it fired, killing friend
» How U.S. feels about Katrina now
28/08/15 13:32 from CNN.com
Ten years after Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, nearly half of Americans still think the country has not learned lessons from the tragedy and is not much better prepared for future natural disasters, according to a new CNN/ORC p...
» Fed Vice Chair Indicates September Rate Hike Still Possible
28/08/15 13:31 from ABC News: ABCNews
Fed Vice Chair Fischer: Watching incoming data, markets to make decision on rates in September
» An England that no longer exists
28/08/15 13:31 from CNN.com
Shirley Baker photographed an England that no longer exists. An exhibition of her photographs from the 1960s and '70s, "Women and Children; and Loitering Men," is on display at The Photographers' Gallery in London from July 17 through Se...
» Nazi ‘Gold Train’ May Have Been Found in Poland
28/08/15 13:31 from TIME: Top World Stories
Treasure hunters have been searching for the train for decades
» The Latest: Survivor Expresses Condolences for TV Workers
28/08/15 13:31 from ABC News: ABCNews
The Latest: Survivor awakes from surgery, expresses condolences for slain victims
» Photos: Halle Berry Steps Out Without Makeup
28/08/15 13:31 from ABC News: ABCNews
Celebrities go for the au naturel look!
» Nazi 'Gold Train' May Have Been Found in Poland - TIME
28/08/15 13:31 from World - Google News
TIME Nazi 'Gold Train' May Have Been Found in Poland TIME Poland Nazi Train gold AP The potencial site where a Nazi gold train is believed to be hidden, near the city of Walbrzych, Poland, on Aug. 28, 2015. Treasure hunters have ...
» Erika Takes Aim at Florida, Leaves Trail of Destruction 
28/08/15 13:30 from ABC News: ABCNews
Four people were killed on the island of Dominica.
» The Latest: Aries Merritt's Sister Waits to Donate Kidney
28/08/15 13:30 from ABC News: ABCNews
The Latest: Merritt's sister watches him win medal at worlds from afar, waits to donate kidney
» Archbishop on trial for paedophile crimes found dead in Vatican - Irish Times
28/08/15 13:29 from World - Google News
Irish Times Archbishop on trial for paedophile crimes found dead in Vatican Irish Times The Holy See has announced that the controversial former papal nuncio, Archbishop Josef Wesolowski (67), on trial in the Vatican on charges of paedop...
» State Trooper Dragged Several Miles After Motorcycle Struck
28/08/15 13:28 from ABC News: ABCNews
State trooper critically hurt after motorcycle hit, dragged several miles in Michigan
» Ashley Madison group chief Noel Biderman quits after data breach - Financial Times
28/08/15 13:27 from Google News - Top Stories
Financial Times Ashley Madison group chief Noel Biderman quits after data breach Financial Times The chief executive of Avid Life Media, the parent company of adultery website Ashley Madison has stepped down, following the catastrophic d...
» The Latest: Chafee Says He's Been Scandal-Free for 30 Years
28/08/15 13:27 from ABC News: ABCNews
The Latest: Rhode Island's Chafee says with 30 years in politics, 'I've had no scandals'
» US court reverses NSA data ruling
28/08/15 13:27 from BBC News - World
A US appeals court overturns a ruling that the National Security Agency's bulk collection of phone records was illegal.
» Syrian refugee receives £40,000 in donations in 24 hours after viral photo selling pens
28/08/15 13:26 from World news breaking world news latest world news from the US Europe Asia Australia Africa
Abdul Halim Attar was selling Biros with his exhausted daughter slumped over his shoulder in Beirut when an activist took the photo and then decided to help him by setting up a fundraising page
» AshleyMadison chief steps down a week after hack - Chicago Tribune
28/08/15 13:26 from Google News - Top Stories
Newsweek AshleyMadison chief steps down a week after hack Chicago Tribune TORONTO — The chief executive officer of AshleyMadison.com's parent company is stepping down a week after hackers released the personal information of millions...
» Court allows NSA sweep of phone records - USA TODAY
28/08/15 13:24 from Top Stories - Google News
USA TODAY Court allows NSA sweep of phone records USA TODAY WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court Friday overturned an earlier decision against the federal government's bulk collection of telephone data from millions of Americans. The...
» Boko Haram fighters sentenced to death
28/08/15 13:23 from BBC News - World
Chad sentences 10 members of the Islamist militant group Boko Haram to death on terror charges, after a three-day trial in the capital N'Djamena.
» A DC appeals court has lifted an injunction against the NSA phone call records ... - Washington Post
28/08/15 13:23 from Top Stories - Google News
Wall Street Journal A DC appeals court has lifted an injunction against the NSA phone call records ... Washington Post A federal appeals court in the District has lifted an injunction against the National Security Agency's call recor...
» Analysis: Syria War a Growing Threat to Israel
28/08/15 13:22 from Voice of America
As U.S. officials head to Israel to try to calm fears surrounding the Iran nuclear deal, some analysts say Israel is preparing for what may be greater involvement in the war in neighboring Syria.   But it’s not just the Iran deal making ...
» Burning Man: Fire, art, nudity
28/08/15 13:22 from CNN.com
Create a temporary desert temple to whatever deity or ideals you hold true.
» U.S., allies conduct 20 air strikes in Syria, Iraq: military
28/08/15 13:21 from Reuters: International
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An international coalition led by the United States conducted seven air strikes against Islamic State militants in Syria and 13 in Iraq on Thursday, according to a statement released on Friday.
» Austria, Libya count dead as number of migrants crossing Mediterranean soars
28/08/15 13:20 from Reuters: Top News
EISENSTADT, Austria/TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Austria said on Friday 71 refugees including a baby girl were found dead in an abandoned freezer truck, while Libya recovered the bodies of 82 migrants washed ashore after their overcrowded boat sa...
» Józef Wesolowski, high-ranking papal diplomat accused of sexual abuse, dies at 67 - Washington Post
28/08/15 13:20 from World - Google News
Fox News Józef Wesolowski, high-ranking papal diplomat accused of sexual abuse, dies at 67 Washington Post Józef Wesolowski, the Vatican's former ambassador to the Dominican Republic and the highest-ranking Holy See official to ever ...
» Joy as Sierra Leone's first Ebola survivor gives birth to baby boy named Barnabas
28/08/15 13:19 from World news breaking world news latest world news from the US Europe Asia Australia Africa
Doctors initially told Victoria Yillia not to nurse her baby amid fears her milk had traces of Ebola
» Mediterranean Migrant Deaths Soar
28/08/15 13:17 from Voice of America
The United Nations refugee agency reports deaths are spiking as refugees and migrants cross the Mediterranean Sea in record numbers in a desperate bid to reach European countries. The U.N. refugee agency reports more than 300,000 refugee...
» Remembering a teen whose murder fueled a movement
28/08/15 13:16 from Home - CBSNews.com
Sixty years after the brutal killing of Emmett Till, 60 Minutes revisits two eyewitness accounts
» What U.S. thinks about Katrina now
28/08/15 13:15 from CNN.com
Ten years after Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, nearly half of Americans still think the country has not learned lessons from the tragedy and is not much better prepared for future natural disasters, according to a new CNN/ORC p...
» Couple have 'weed tent' at wedding and guests say it changed their lives
28/08/15 13:15 from The Independent - World RSS Feed
A couple who installed a weed tent at their wedding have spoken of their delight that guests found it to be "a life-changing event".
» Dominican Death Toll Rises as 'Erika' Reaches Hispaniola - New York Times
28/08/15 13:15 from Google News - Top Stories
NBCNews.com Dominican Death Toll Rises as 'Erika' Reaches Hispaniola New York Times SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic — Heavy rain and strong winds from Tropical Storm Erika began to bear down Friday on the Dominican Republic as ...
» US State Department clarifies description of Parchin as nuclear site - Jerusalem Post Israel News
28/08/15 13:14 from World - Google News
Jerusalem Post Israel News US State Department clarifies description of Parchin as nuclear site Jerusalem Post Israel News The United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency suspects that Parchin hosted Iran's experimentation...
» Uganda Faces Uphill Battle Reining in Traffickers 
28/08/15 13:12 from Voice of America
A recent report by the U.S. State Department highlighted the problems Uganda continues to have with human trafficking. While efforts are being made to stop the practice, realities such as social media and rampant underemployment are gett...
» Pak NSA Sartaj Aziz's nuclear threat to India is a leaf from non-state actors ... - Firstpost
28/08/15 13:12 from World - Google News
The Nation Pak NSA Sartaj Aziz's nuclear threat to India is a leaf from non-state actors ... Firstpost Pakistan National Security Advisor Sartaj Aziz has acted in keeping with his position by reminding India that Pakistan is a nuclea...
» Was Makhachkala Ex-Mayor Amirov Jailed For Life To Set A Precedent?
28/08/15 13:11 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
A Russian court has sentenced former Makhachkala Mayor Said Amirov to life imprisonment on charges of terrorism and murder that his defense lawyers say are fabricated and without foundation.
» White House taunts Rubio over China proposal
28/08/15 13:11 from stories: World
The White House Friday ridiculed Sen. Marco Rubio, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, for calling on President Obama to downgrade a state visit for the president of China next month. "That sounds like somebody who's ...
» Time for a Hillary Clinton charm offensive?
28/08/15 13:10 from Latest News
Presidential candidate in trouble?
» Weekend of protests set to pile more pressure on Malaysia's PM
28/08/15 13:09 from Reuters: International
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Thousands of protesters are expected to march through Malaysia's capital on Saturday to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Najib Razak, who has weathered public outrage over a multi-million-dollar payment m...
» Nazi 'gold train' found?
28/08/15 13:06 from CNN.com
» Up close with Korean firepower
28/08/15 13:06 from CNN.com
On the side of a hill in Pocheon, about 18 miles (30 kilometers) from the Demilitarized Zone that separates North and South Korea, targets are laid out.
» New 'Star Wars' footage reveals ...
28/08/15 13:06 from CNN.com
Instagram launched its new landscape video capability with a bang on Thursday. For the first time, users of the photo and video app can share images using the "widescreen" format.
» Wildfires rage around Russia's Lake Baikal - video
28/08/15 13:04 from World news: World news + Video | guardian.co.uk
Wildfires destroy forest around the world’s oldest and deepest fresh-water lake, Lake Baikal in Russia. By Thursday over 25,000 hectares of forest had been affected by the fire, as planes drop water to try and combat the flames. Tourists...
» WDBJ slayings: Reporter, cameraman had gunshot wounds to head - CNN
28/08/15 13:04 from Google News - Top Stories
CNN WDBJ slayings: Reporter, cameraman had gunshot wounds to head CNN (CNN) He carefully choreographed the slaying of the two journalists for maximum shock value. And, judging from the items found in his car, he took equally meticulous s...
» Is Michelle Obama's healthy school lunch program working?
28/08/15 13:04 from Latest News
Study: Fruits, veg tossed in trash
» CNN, RNC push back against Carly Fiorina's claims of bias
28/08/15 13:04 from Latest News
Criteria could exclude Fiorina
» Jessica Biel Opens Up About Motherhood 
28/08/15 13:03 from ABC News: ABCNews
Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake welcomed baby Silas four months ago and now the actress is opening up about motherhood for the first time.
» Jess Glynne tops UK album chart
28/08/15 13:03 from BBC News - World
Jess Glynne tops the UK album chart with debut I Cry When I Laugh while Rachel Platten's Fight Song is the UK's number one single.
» Brazil slips into recession - Financial Times
28/08/15 13:02 from Google News - World
Financial Times Brazil slips into recession Financial Times Brazil's economy officially slipped into recession in the second quarter as high inflation, plummeting consumer confidence and a roiling corruption scandal led gross domesti...
» What We Know About the Latest Deaths in European Migrant Crisis - ABC News
28/08/15 13:02 from Google News - Top Stories
ABC News What We Know About the Latest Deaths in European Migrant Crisis ABC News Hundreds of people are feared dead off the coast of Libya in the latest shipwreck of migrants desperately trying to cross the Mediterranean to reach Europe...
» Berahino not a lump of meat - Pulis
28/08/15 13:02 from BBC News - World
West Brom boss Tony Pulis says Saido Berahino is not a "lump of meat" and needs protecting during this transfer window.
» Burning Man: Fire, art , nudity
28/08/15 13:01 from CNN.com
Create a temporary desert temple to whatever deity or ideals you hold true.
» The Latest: Webb Sole Democratic Hopeful Skipping Meeting
28/08/15 13:00 from ABC News: ABCNews
The Latest: Virginia's Webb sole presidential hopeful skipping Democratic national meeting
» Man smuggles crocodile on to flight by hiding it in his shoe
28/08/15 13:00 from The Independent - World RSS Feed
A man has been prosecuted after smuggling a crocodile onto a flight in a shoe.
» How to Watch Apple's September Special Event
28/08/15 12:59 from ABC News: ABCNews
Apple's special September 9th event will be live streamed online -- but this time Windows 10 users will also be able to join in the excitement.
» Fischer keeps September rate rise on table
28/08/15 12:59 from FT.com - World
Fed vice-chair says it is too early to rule out move at next meeting
» Investigations
28/08/15 12:59 from - The Washington Post
Investigations Innovations Innovations A D.C. appeals court has lifted an injunction against the NSA phone call records program Children among 71 dead in Austrian truck tragedy as police make arrests A Pope beloved by many secular intell...
» Photos: Newly-Married Jennifer Aniston Gets Back to Work
28/08/15 12:58 from ABC News: ABCNews
See your favorite stars transform into the characters you love.
» As markets drop, question is: will the Chinese still shop? - Chron.com
28/08/15 12:58 from World - Google News
Chron.com As markets drop, question is: will the Chinese still shop? Chron.com BICESTER, England (AP) — The designer outlet mall of Bicester Village is set in the English countryside near Oxford, but it might as well be in China. Quiet M...
» Palin: ESPN buys ISIS propaganda
28/08/15 12:58 from CNN.com
Sarah Palin tore into ESPN on Thursday night, calling the network "whimpering" and "intolerant" for suspending baseball analyst Curt Schilling for a tweet comparing radical Muslims to Nazis.
» Brazilian leader faces growing impeachment threat - CBS News
28/08/15 12:58 from World - Google News
CBS News Brazilian leader faces growing impeachment threat CBS News RIO DE JANEIRO -- If the worst economic crisis in a decade, a massive corruption scandal centered on her ruling party and approval ratings in the single digits weren'...
» Former Islanders coach Al Arbour dies at age 82 - CBSSports.com
28/08/15 12:57 from Top Stories - Google News
CBSSports.com Former Islanders coach Al Arbour dies at age 82 CBSSports.com One of the NHL's coaching giants, Al Arbour, died Friday, the New York Islanders announced. He was 82 years old. He is survived by his wife Claire and four c...
» Australian random visa crackdown compared to East Germany's secret police
28/08/15 12:57 from World news breaking world news latest world news from the US Europe Asia Australia Africa
Australian Border Force (ABF) announcement to check individuals' visas in Melbourne was attacked and, after protests and criticised by politicians, was soon cancelled
» The Latest: Governor Says 'Too Many Guns in America'
28/08/15 12:57 from ABC News: ABCNews
The Latest: Virginia governor visits TV station, says there are 'too many guns in America'
» Ex-Deputy Treasurer Who Fled to Pakistan Heads to US Prison
28/08/15 12:57 from ABC News: ABCNews
Ex-Ohio deputy treasurer who fled to Pakistan sent to begin 15-year prison term in US prison
» No retrial for officer in NC shooting
28/08/15 12:57 from CNN.com
Prosecutors in North Carolina will not seek a retrial in the case of a police officer who was charged in the shooting death of an unarmed man, according to a letter from the state attorney general's office.
» Kim Jong Un: North Korea's 'military muscle' prevented war with South - USA TODAY
28/08/15 12:57 from World - Google News
USA TODAY Kim Jong Un: North Korea's 'military muscle' prevented war with South USA TODAY North Korea's "military muscle" and "nuclear deterrent" ended a tense standoff with the nation's southern n...
» Afghanistan acknowledges struggle to tackle the Taliban after losing key district in Helmand
28/08/15 12:56 from The Independent - World RSS Feed
Afghanistan’s acting Defence Minister, Mohammed Masoom Stanekzai, has acknowledged the “difficulties” his security forces face against the Taliban after they lost control of a key district in Helmand province.
» Could the distressing pictures of Alison Parker help stop the slaughter of Americans with guns?
28/08/15 12:55 from World news breaking world news latest world news from the US Europe Asia Australia Africa
After two journalists were killed on live TV, Bryony Gordon explains why the freeze-frame image still has the power to change the way we think
» The Latest: Over 332,000 Migrants Reach Europe This Year
28/08/15 12:55 from ABC News: ABCNews
The Latest: Migration agency: 332,000 migrants reach Europe this year; Greece is hardest hit
» Al Arbour, Coach of Islanders' 1980s Dynasty, Dies at 82 - New York Times
28/08/15 12:55 from Google News - Top Stories
New York Times Al Arbour, Coach of Islanders' 1980s Dynasty, Dies at 82 New York Times Al Arbour, who coached the New York Islanders to four consecutive Stanley Cup championships in the 1980s and finished his career with the second m...
» It's been said that the novelist is the historian of the present and the historian the novelist of the past. Consider how Edward Gibbon aligned scholarship with art
28/08/15 12:54 from Arts & Letters Daily
It's been said that the novelist is the historian of the present and the historian the novelist of the past. Consider how Edward Gibbon  aligned scholarship with art
» Sarah Palin to interview Donald Trump, Jeb Bush
28/08/15 12:53 from Top Stories
The former Alaska governor has been defending Trump for weeks.
» Appeals Court Reverses Ruling That Found NSA Program Illegal
28/08/15 12:53 from ABC News: ABCNews
Appeals court sides with Obama administration in dispute over bulk collection of phone records
» Anger at Australia visa check plan
28/08/15 12:53 from BBC News - World
Australian officials cancel plans to check visas on the streets of Melbourne as part of a crime crackdown, amid protests and social media outrage.
» These 5 Facts Explain the Global Impact of China’s Impending Slowdown
28/08/15 12:53 from TIME: Top World Stories
What happens in Beijing doesn't stay in Beijing
» George W Bush busts a move in New Orleans during Katrina event – video
28/08/15 12:53 from World news: World news + Video | guardian.co.uk
Ever the awkward showman, Bush broke out in dance in New Orleans on Friday during an event commemorating 10 years since Hurricane Katrina. The former US president was visiting the Warren Easton charter school, and started dancing while a...
» George W Bush dances in New Orleans during Katrina event – video
28/08/15 12:53 from World news: World news + Video | guardian.co.uk
Ever the awkward showman, Bush broke out in dance in New Orleans on Friday during an event commemorating 10 years since hurricane Katrina. The former US president was visiting the Warren Easton charter school, and started dancing while a...
» These 5 Facts Explain the Global Impact of China's Impending Slowdown - TIME
28/08/15 12:53 from World - Google News
TIME These 5 Facts Explain the Global Impact of China's Impending Slowdown TIME china stock market Jason Lee—Reuters An investor looks at an electronic board showing stock information at a brokerage house in Beijing on Aug. 27, 2015....
» Death Toll Rising in Dominica as 'Erika' Nears Hispaniola - New York Times
28/08/15 12:52 from Google News - Top Stories
NBCNews.com Death Toll Rising in Dominica as 'Erika' Nears Hispaniola New York Times SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic — The death toll from Tropical Storm Erika is rising on the Caribbean island of Dominica as the system bears d...
» Sixth Shoreham crash victim named
28/08/15 12:52 from BBC News - World
The sixth victim of the Shoreham air crash has been named as a 53-year-old health worker and aircraft enthusiast who had learnt to fly at the airport.
» Killing Cecil the lion was no big deal, says Grace Mugabe
28/08/15 12:50 from World news breaking world news latest world news from the US Europe Asia Australia Africa
The first lady of Zimbabwe has come to the defence of American dentist Walter Palmer saying he did not know the importance of Cecil
» Poland almost certain it has located buried Nazi train - Jerusalem Post Israel News
28/08/15 12:49 from Google News - World
Jerusalem Post Israel News Poland almost certain it has located buried Nazi train Jerusalem Post Israel News Photographs taken using ground-penetrating radar equipment showed a train more than 100 meters (330 feet) long, the first offici...
» Prosecutors: No Retrial for White Officer Who Shot Black Man
28/08/15 12:48 from ABC News: ABCNews
Prosecutors say they won't seek retrial for white North Carolina officer who shot black man
» Facebook Must Obey German Speech Laws: Minister
28/08/15 12:48 from World news
Facebook will have to abide by German laws even if certain sentiments might be allowed in the U.S. under freedom of speech, a German minister said.
» German sailor makes Rio bug claims
28/08/15 12:47 from BBC News - World
Germany's Erik Heil says he has contracted an infection after competing in waters which will host sailing at the Rio Olympics.
» Paul Royle, Australian POW who took part in the ‘Great Escape,’ dies at 101
28/08/15 12:46 from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post
Paul Royle, an Australian pilot who took part in a mass breakout from a German prisoner of war camp during World War II that is remembered as the Great Escape, died Aug. 23 in his hometown of Perth. He was 101.Read full article >>
» Is Clinton facing an enthusiasm gap?
28/08/15 12:46 from Latest News
Email scandal affecting crowd turnout?
» Panama Canal Cancels Plans to Restrict Ship Drafts
28/08/15 12:45 from WSJ.com: World News
The Panama Canal Authority backed off plans to reduce the maximum draft for ships passing through the waterway as an El Niño-related drought eased

Russia News Review

Sources Updated on 3.13.14 
» Oleg Sentsov and the Kremlin’s Thin Skin
29/08/15 12:30 from NYT > Russia
Russia has sentenced a Ukranian film director to two decades in prison for alleged crimes against inanimate objects.
» Death of 71 Migrants in Austria Illustrates a Spreading Crisis in Europe
28/08/15 14:06 from NYT > Europe
The United Nations reported record numbers crossing the Mediterranean this year, but the truck found near Vienna showed that the journeys are also dangerous on land.
» Russia 'would boost military presence' in response to Georgia Nato membership
28/08/15 14:06 from Russian news, all the latest and breaking Russia news
Georgian membership of Nato could result in a more deadly re-run of 2008 war, former general warns
» Norwegian TV Taps Into Fear of Russia - Bloomberg View
28/08/15 14:01 from Russia - Google News
Bloomberg View Norwegian TV Taps Into Fear of Russia Bloomberg View Next month, Norwegians will be treated to the premiere of "Okkupert," or "Occupied," the most expensive TV series ever produced in their country. The...
» Syrian Refugees on Their Journeys
28/08/15 13:56 from NYT > Europe
Record numbers of people have arrived in Europe this year to seek asylum, many of them fleeing the war in Syria. Some of those refugees described their experiences.
» U.S. Urges Iran To Release Ex-Marine Hekmati
28/08/15 13:45 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is urging Iran to free former U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati from four years of "unjust detention."
» Spain accused of 'provocation' after letting Russian submarine refuel in Gibraltar
28/08/15 13:43 from - Europe RSS Feed 
The Spanish government has been accused of further provocative behaviour over the contested British territory of Gibraltar after it allowed a Russian submarine to refuel at one of its ports just 19 miles from the Rock.
» Генсек НАТО выразил благодарность премьеру Грузии - apsny.ge
28/08/15 13:39 from В мире – Новости Google
Газета.Ru Генсек НАТО выразил благодарность премьеру Грузии apsny.ge «Большое спасибо за прекрасный визит и хорошее сотрудничество», - пишет Йенс Столтенберг на своей официальной странице в «Твиттере». Генеральный секретарь НАТО находилс...
» Russian Police Find Stolen ‘Satan’ Figure
28/08/15 13:38 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Russian authorities have found smashed fragments of a century-old figure of the mythical demon Mephistopheles which had been removed from a building in St. Petersburg.
» Ukrainian-Russia Conflict: Russian Generals Fighting In Ukraine Are Identified - International Business Times
28/08/15 13:31 from Ukraine - Google News
International Business Times Ukrainian -Russia Conflict: Russian Generals Fighting In Ukraine Are Identified International Business Times Ukraine's security service on Thursday revealed the names of four Russian generals fighting in ...
» Организатор убийства Старовойтовой получил 17 лет. Следствие не закончено - Вести.Ru
28/08/15 13:27 from В мире – Новости Google
Вести.Ru Организатор убийства Старовойтовой получил 17 лет. Следствие не закончено Вести.Ru По дороге в зал суда Михаил Глущенко рассказывает конвойным, что ему снова нездоровится. Сегодня — третья попытка зачитать приговор: всякий раз д...
» U.S. lags behind Russia and other nations in the Arctic - Lexington Herald Leader
28/08/15 13:14 from Russia - Google News
Lexington Herald Leader U.S. lags behind Russia and other nations in the Arctic Lexington Herald Leader The Russian icebreaker Yamal, Canadian icebreaker Louis S. St. Laurent and the Coast Guard Cutter Polar Sea rendezvous near the North...
» Uganda Faces Uphill Battle Reining in Traffickers 
28/08/15 13:12 from Voice of America
A recent report by the U.S. State Department highlighted the problems Uganda continues to have with human trafficking. While efforts are being made to stop the practice, realities such as social media and rampant underemployment are gett...
» Was Makhachkala Ex-Mayor Amirov Jailed For Life To Set A Precedent?
28/08/15 13:11 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
A Russian court has sentenced former Makhachkala Mayor Said Amirov to life imprisonment on charges of terrorism and murder that his defense lawyers say are fabricated and without foundation.
» Убийство Старовойтовой заказал "ночной губернатор" Петербурга - Вести.Ru
28/08/15 13:10 from В мире – Новости Google
Первый канал Убийство Старовойтовой заказал "ночной губернатор" Петербурга Вести.Ru По дороге в зал суда Михаил Глущенко рассказывает конвойным, что ему снова нездоровится. Сегодня третья попытка зачитать приговор — всякий раз ...
» Время Свободы - Итоговый выпуск - 28 августа, 2015
28/08/15 13:05 from Радиопрограммы и подкасты - Радио Свобода
Так называемая "ДНР" в переписке функционеров * * Процесс по делу "руферов" * * Приговор Глущенко * * Тюрьма и воля политзаключенного в Белоруссии * * Топоры и импортозамещение на МАКСе * * Латвийская классификация российских троллей * *...
» Wildfires rage around Russia's Lake Baikal - video
28/08/15 13:04 from World news: Russia | guardian.co.uk
Wildfires destroy forest around the world’s oldest and deepest fresh-water lake, Lake Baikal in Russia. By Thursday over 25,000 hectares of forest had been affected by the fire, as planes drop water to try and combat the flames. Tourists...
» Conscription Conundrum, No Putin Street, and Six Months After Nemtsov’s Murder
28/08/15 12:45 from Home
Amid Russia’s drive to modernize its military hardware, another problem with its armed forces has been subjected to less scrutiny: a shortage of willing soldiers, Elisabeth Braw writes in Foreign Affairs. Also this week, Tom Balmforth of...
» Russian Church Chief Seeks Spotlight With Putinesque Call-In Show
28/08/15 12:38 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
The head of the Russian Orthodox Church wants some time in the spotlight.
» Путин в выходные обсудит с Меркель и Олландом ситуацию на Украине - РБК
28/08/15 12:33 from В мире – Новости Google
Коммерсантъ Путин в выходные обсудит с Меркель и Олландом ситуацию на Украине РБК ​​Президент России Владимир Путин, канцлер Гемании Ангела Меркель и президент Франции Франсуа Олланд планируют в ближайшие дни по телефону обсудить ситуаци...
» Посольство РФ в Венгрии проверяет данные об аресте россиянина - BBC Russian
28/08/15 12:32 from В мире – Новости Google
Первый канал Посольство РФ в Венгрии проверяет данные об аресте россиянина BBC Russian Российское посольство в Будапеште проверяет данные об аресте гражданина РФ, якобы подозреваемого в соучастии в связи с делом о гибели 71 мигранта в гр...
» Организатору убийства Старовойтовой вынесли приговор - Росбалт.RU
28/08/15 12:32 from В мире – Новости Google
Первый канал Организатору убийства Старовойтовой вынесли приговор Росбалт.RU Один из организаторов убийства Галины Старовойтовой, экс-депутат Госдумы Михаил Глущенко получил 17 лет. Потерпевшие по делу сестра Старовойтовой Ольга и ее пом...
» EconomyUkraine: the outlook isn't getting better - S&P - Financial Times
28/08/15 12:30 from Ukraine - Google News
EconomyUkraine: the outlook isn't getting better - S&P Financial Times Rating agency Standard & Poor's has offered its view not only on the deal Ukraine has struck with its creditors, but on the outlook for the economy. T...
» Radar Detects Object Believed to Be Missing Nazi Gold Train
28/08/15 12:19 from Voice of America
A Polish official said Friday he has seen an image made by ground-penetrating radar that seemed to prove the discovery of an armored Nazi train missing in southwestern Poland since World War II. Local lore says a German train filled with...
» Nepal Struggles to Revive Mountain Tourism
28/08/15 12:09 from Voice of America
Four months after a deadly earthquake, Nepal is struggling to revive mountain and trekking tourism, a vital source of jobs and income for the poor Himalayan country. In Nepal, Ramesh Prasad Dhamala of Ecological Treks was excited as he p...
» Меркель и Олланд созвонятся с Путиным и обсудят Украину - Газета.Ru
28/08/15 12:07 from В мире – Новости Google
РИА Новости Меркель и Олланд созвонятся с Путиным и обсудят Украину Газета.Ru Канцлер Германии Ангела Меркель, президент Франции Франсуа Олланд и президент России Владимир Путин собираются провести телефонный разговор, в котором обсудят ...
» Лицом к событию - 28 августа, 2015
28/08/15 12:05 from Радиопрограммы и подкасты - Радио Свобода
Лидер в той или иной сфере общественной жизни - человек известный и информированный - под перекрестным огнем вопросов журналистов
» Tehran 'Rejects Plan' For Barenboim Concert
28/08/15 12:01 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
An Iranian government official has said Tehran will not allow star conductor Daniel Barenboim to perform there.
» Сделка с соседом улучшила рейтинг президента Южной Кореи - Вести.Ru
28/08/15 11:56 from В мире – Новости Google
Вести.Ru Сделка с соседом улучшила рейтинг президента Южной Кореи Вести.Ru Несмотря на кризис, скандалы и проблемы в экономике, рейтинг президента Южной Кореи Пак Кын Хе вырос на 15 процентных пунктов и достиг 49%. Это наиболее высокий п...
» Children among 71 dead in Austrian truck tragedy as police make arrests
28/08/15 11:56 from Europe News: News and Headlines from Europe - The Washington Post
Suspected smugglers were arrested in Hungary in connection with the deaths of migrants in a locked truck.
» WHO: Tanzania Cholera Epidemic Worsens
28/08/15 11:52 from Voice of America
The World Health Organization and Tanzanian Ministry of Health are stepping up efforts to contain and discover the source of a cholera epidemic that so far has killed eight people and infected more than 400 others. WHO data indicates the...
» Ангела Меркель и Француа Олланд могут обсудить с Владимиром Путиным ситуацию на Украине - Коммерсантъ
28/08/15 11:52 from В мире – Новости Google
Комсомольская правда Ангела Меркель и Француа Олланд могут обсудить с Владимиром Путиным ситуацию на Украине Коммерсантъ Канцлер Германии Ангела Меркель, французский президент Франсуа Олланд и президент России Владимир Путин планируют в ...
» Parties Of Ukraine President, Kyiv Mayor Merge
28/08/15 11:49 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
The parties of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Kyiv's Mayor Vitaly Klitschko have merged ahead of local elections in October.
» Putin Plans to Attend UN General Assembly For First Time in 10 Years
28/08/15 11:49 from The Moscow Times Top Stories
Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to attend the United Nations 70th General Assembly in New York city in September, according to an order outlining the members of the Russian delegation. The document was signed by Putin and publishe...
» US Teen Jailed for 11 Years for Supporting IS
28/08/15 11:46 from Voice of America
A teenager in the U.S. state of Virginia has been sentenced to 11 years in prison for conspiring to provide material support and resources to the Islamic State group. A U.S. Justice Department statement Friday described 17-year-old Ali S...
» Russia is reviving old Soviet-era armored trains for its $400 billion military ... - Business Insider
28/08/15 11:45 from Russia - Google News
Business Insider Russia is reviving old Soviet-era armored trains for its $400 billion military ... Business Insider The Russian military has begun reviving its old Soviet-era armored trains, a Czech Republic newspaper reported Friday. T...
» Где, король, твоя одежда?
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
Мос-Аквариума бог -  Старый хитрый Осьминог Маскировка его дар: Белоснежный он кальмар... На него лишь вся надежда -  Где, король, твоя одежда?
» NEWS: Just Another Session Of Putin's Political "Futbol"...
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
NEWS: Just Another Session Of Putin's Political "Futbol"... : Just another session of Putin's Political "Futbol" with some almost unexpected professions of "respect and love" f...
» NEWS: The Lobotomy Club: By banning the "undesirable" NG...
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
NEWS: The Lobotomy Club: By banning the "undesirable" NG... : M.N.: By banning the "undesirable" NGO-s, Russia performs her own lobotomy: the diversity of thought and opinions (especially ...
» NEWS: Psyops, Mind Games, And Madmen - Wednesday July 8t...
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
NEWS: Psyops, Mind Games, And Madmen - Wednesday July 8t... : Psyops, Mind Games, And Madmen Wednesday July 8 th , 2015  at  7:09 PM Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 1 Share ...
» NEWS: Murder and mayhem thrive under brutal rule of Chec...
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
Murder and mayhem thrive under brutal rule of Chechen warlord - FT NEWS: Murder and mayhem thrive under brutal rule of Chec... : “Kadyrov has total carte blanche to do inside the republic whatever he wants. Everything is allowed,” says S...
» NEWS: "А ты... ахти, какой позор! Теперя все соседи скаж...
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
NEWS: "А ты... ахти, какой позор! Теперя все соседи скаж... : Владимир Путин провёл оперативное совещание с постоянными членами Совета Безопасности. Обсуждались текущие вопросы внутренней и международ... Thursday, April 23, 201...
» NEWS: Recent Posts Review: 3.30-4.14.15: » Russia 'busts...
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
NEWS: Recent Posts Review: 3.30-4.14.15: » Russia 'busts... : 2,552,7572,552,7572015-03-30 #Prague Tuesday April 14 th , 2015  at  10:40 AM Mike Nova - Google+ 1 Share ...
» Russia News Videos
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
Russia News Videos   by  Mike Nova Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks Review
» World News Videos
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
NEWS - by  Mike Nova     Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks Review
» Russia News Review
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
The Opinion Pages|OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR Putin's Czarist Folly By ROBERT SERVICE APRIL 6, 2014 Russia News Review Sources Updated on 3.13.14  "Russia News Review - Smart Headline with Source" Powered by RSS Feed Informer
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
"Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review" Powered by RSS Feed Informer
» RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
Subscribe To: http://feed.informer.com/digests/0FRPQHPUAJ/feeder.atom "RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review" Powered by RSS Feed Informer
» Russia’s Weimar Syndrome - NYTimes.com 01/05/14 09:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks | Subaquatic ballet of horror or lessons in political synchronized swimming
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
M.N.:  Сизифы, плавайте синхронно! И в правильном направлении! (Больше направо, чем налево.) А то никаких " более высоких, весомых удоев... при искусственном осеменении производителей голштино-фризской породы" не получите. Будите хо...
» Настоящее имя - Игорь Гиркин, но более известен под псевдонимами "Стрелок" или Игорь Стрелков
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
ОБЩЕСТВО Белая Гвардия возвращается? Фото livinghistory.ru Кто такой лидер самообороны в Славянске: полковник из России и любитель военной реконструкции (фото) 28 апреля 2014 | 18:15 Руководитель самообороны Славянска Игорь Стрелков, кот...
» The name "Igor Strelkov" is most likely a generic GRU alias; in translation it means "Igor The Shooter".
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
M.N.: The name "Igor Strelkov" is most likely a generic GRU alias; in translation it means "Igor The Shooter".  "Igor Strelkov" on YouTube   "Strelok" gave interview - YouTube Sunday April 27 th , 2014  at  8:32 AM 1 ...
» Ukraine becomes more of a tinderbox by the day - NYT
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
M.N.: Methinks, it is not Putin as much, as Russian Military and other "siloviki", striving to wash off the shame and humiliation of past years and what they perceive as their "defeats" and itching for "revansch". It is a logical culmina...
» One of the most sober minded and clear headed assessments: "I do not believe that Putin will stop... Putin sees himself as the leader of the world, who dictates the new world order... his goal is to absorb the whole of Ukraine... Putin understands only th
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
M.N.: One of the most sober minded and clear headed assessments I have read so far, from the person who knows Putin and probably knows him well; despite her own problems and mistakes.  Ukraine’s Tymoshenko: The U.S. and E.U. ‘undere...
» Culture as a Weapon: "Russia is not Europe"
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
Рабочая встреча с советником Президента Владимиром Толстым - 23 апреля 2014 года, 15:45 "Сегодня, именно сейчас культура должна сыграть свою особую историческую роль, учитывая и непростую внешнеполитическую ситуацию, и особенности в...
» Всем "на лыжи"! или: Ну, Заяц-Волк, погоди!
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
В. Путин: Всем "на лыжи"! На Северный Полюс! И сам поскачу, вперди!  Встреча с участниками молодёжной полярной экспедиции «На лыжах – к Северному полюсу!» Заседание Совета Безопасности по вопросу реализации государственной политики ...
» "Фаина Ивановна, дорогая, зачем Вам Аляска?" или Манифест Национал-Путинизма: Россия "как пылесос". Цитаты из "Разговора с народом" от 17 Апреля 2014 г.: "И рассказать бы Гоголю Про нашу жизнь убогую, - Ей-богу, этот Гоголь бы нам не поверил бы..."
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
"А что касается нашего народа, то страна наша, как пылесос..." Россия как пылесос - Google Images | Карикатуры западных СМИ на тему российского вторжения в Украинe | Фотогалерея | Новости. Новости дня на сайте Подробности. Friday April 1...
» В Германии утверждают, что Восточная Украина объявит независимость 21 апреля
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
Putinism as the last Phase of Sovietism Friday April 18 th , 2014  at  5:54 PM Euromaidan PR 1 Share By Robert van Voren Introduction Again the world is watching while heavily armed unidentified men in green camouflage suits su...
» Hillary Clinton with Pussy Riot
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
Hillary Clinton poses with Pussy Riot : Hillary Clinton          ✔   @HillaryClinton Follow Great to meet the strong & brave young women from #PussyRiot , who refuse to...
» Особенности русской рыбалки: "Эх, Хвост, Чешуя, Не поймал я ничего! Ну почему они меня так не любят?!"
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
"Ну почему они меня так не любят?! Я же такой хороший. Эх, твою мать..." Эх,Хвост,Чешуя - Особенности русской рыбалки :))LOL Uploaded on  Oct 26, 2011 Эх, Хвост,Чешуя -Не поймал я ничего :)) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmLm6L... ...
» Jews have reportedly been told to 'register' with pro-Russian forces in the east Ukrainian city of Donetsk
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
Jews have reportedly been told to 'register' with pro-Russian forces in the east Ukrainian city of Donetsk. They were also told they would need to provide a list of property they own as well as being ordered to pay a fee or face the thre...
» У шамана Путорана Царство снежного барана
28/08/15 11:35 from RUSSIA and THE WEST Blog Review
9 /12  Фото пресс-службы Президента России На заседании попечительского совета Русского географического общества. 15 апреля 2014 года  В.ПУТИН:   ... мы же амфоры с Вами доставали . ... В.ПУТИН:  Последний грантополуч...
» Russia's Surrealistic August
28/08/15 11:34 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Russia has survived its August curse so far. But that hasn't stopped Moscow's chattering classes from predicting a turbulent autumn.
» Православные отмечают Успение Богородицы - Вести.Ru
28/08/15 11:30 from В мире – Новости Google
Вести.Ru Православные отмечают Успение Богородицы Вести.Ru Название праздника указывает верующим на то, что Божия Матерь после своей смерти была воскрешена Иисусом Христом. Именно поэтому 28 августа церковь не оплакивает, а прославляет Б...
» World's longest tunnel completed in Switzerland will save an hour on journey times
28/08/15 11:30 from - Europe RSS Feed 
Swiss builders have completed construction of the world’s longest tunnel through a mountain in the south of the country.
» Дежавю. Тоска по советской психиатрии - 28 августа, 2015
28/08/15 11:30 from Радиопрограммы и подкасты - Радио Свобода
У простых людей в Госдуме на все случаи жизни идея одна – любые вопросы решать силовым путем. Обдумывать законы не в их правилах. В программе Александра Подрабинека «Дежавю» психиатр Юрий Савенко, юрист Юлия Аргунова.
» Посольство РФ в Венгрии проверяет данные о задержании россиянина - РИА Новости
28/08/15 11:29 from В мире – Новости Google
РИА Новости Посольство РФ в Венгрии проверяет данные о задержании россиянина РИА Новости Сообщается, что в Венгрии по подозрению в торговле людьми была задержана группа людей, в том числе гражданин России. Официальные данные по данному п...
» Порошенко и Кличко объединились - РБК
28/08/15 11:29 from В мире – Новости Google
Комсомольская Правда в Украине Порошенко и Кличко объединились РБК На Украине началось формирование единой демократической партии власти. «Блок Петра Порошенко» и «Удар» объявили о слиянии. Главой объединения, с рабочим названием «БПП Со...
» New Walls Rise After Iron Curtain’s Fall 
28/08/15 11:26 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
The idea of erecting barriers to keep undesirables at bay did not crumble with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Iron Curtain.
» Russia's Proton Rocket Launches Successfully After May Failure
28/08/15 11:23 from The Moscow Times Top Stories
Russia's Proton carrier rockets resumed flight on Friday with the successful launch from Kazakhstan of one transporting a satellite for British company Inmarsat after the failure of a mission in May.
» Obama to Address American Jewish Groups on Iran Deal
28/08/15 11:20 from Voice of America
U.S. President Barack Obama is set to participate in a live webcast Friday to address concerns from the American Jewish community about the nuclear agreement with Iran.   Obama will deliver remarks about the disputed deal signed by the U...
» Ukraine Asks Russia for Lower Gas Prices - Voice of America
28/08/15 11:17 from Russia - Google News
Voice of America Ukraine Asks Russia for Lower Gas Prices Voice of America "We are convinced that the only mechanism to ensure a gas transit to the EU as well as stable supplies to Ukraine is applying the same mechanism that was wor...
» Brazil's Rousseff Faces Growing Impeachment Threat
28/08/15 11:15 from Voice of America
If the worst economic crisis in a decade, a massive corruption scandal centered on her ruling party and approval ratings in the single digits weren't rough enough for Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, she's now faced with an angry riva...
» Опрос: разрыв между СИРИЗА и "Новой демократией" будет минимален - РИА Новости
28/08/15 11:14 from В мире – Новости Google
РИА Новости Опрос: разрыв между СИРИЗА и "Новой демократией" будет минимален РИА Новости До подписания меморандума по третьей программе помощи правительством Ципраса СИРИЗА опережала "Новую демократию" на 16-20 процен...
» 17 лет колонии строгого режима получил организатор убийства Галины Старовойтовой Михаил Глущенко - Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ
28/08/15 11:14 from В мире – Новости Google
Газета.Ru 17 лет колонии строгого режима получил организатор убийства Галины Старовойтовой Михаил Глущенко Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ За оглашением приговора в зале суда наблюдали всего 15 журналистов. Гораздо больше сотрудников СМИ столпил...
» Брюки Саакашвили активно обсуждают в соцсетях - ИА REGNUM
28/08/15 11:12 from В мире – Новости Google
ИА REGNUM Брюки Саакашвили активно обсуждают в соцсетях ИА REGNUM Одесса, Украина, 28 Августа 2015, 18:12 — REGNUM В сети становится все более популярным снимок, на котором запечатлены политические деятели Украины во время принятия прися...
» Russia destroys 1.6 tons of German food - CNBC
28/08/15 11:07 from Russia - Google News
CNBC Russia destroys 1.6 tons of German food CNBC Russia's food fight with the West continued this week when Rosselkhoznadzor, the country's food and agriculture watchdog, confiscated and destroyed 1.6 metric tons of German suppl...
» СМИ: Меркель и Олланд планируют провести телефонный разговор с Путиным - РИА Новости
28/08/15 11:06 from В мире – Новости Google
РИА Новости СМИ: Меркель и Олланд планируют провести телефонный разговор с Путиным РИА Новости МОСКВА, 28 авг — РИА Новости. Канцлер Германии Ангела Меркель и президент Франции Франсуа Олланд планируют в выходные дни провести телефонный ...
» Kazakhs Protest Latest Russian Rocket Launch
28/08/15 11:04 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Kazakh environmentalists demonstrated in Astana on August 28 as Russia launched a Proton rocket from Baikonur cosmodrome, the site of a rocket crash and major fuel spill earlier this year.
» Ukraine's volunteer battalions sidelined as shelling continues - Ukraine Today
28/08/15 11:03 from Ukraine - Google News
Ukraine Today Ukraine's volunteer battalions sidelined as shelling continues Ukraine Today Nolan Peterson writes a 2,000-word article for the Daily Signal on August 27 about volunteer soldiers kicked out of the army in southeastern U...
» U.S. Envoy For Syria Holds Talks In Moscow
28/08/15 11:02 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Russia has hosted the newly appointed U.S. special envoy for Syria amid intensifying international efforts to end the country’s four-year civil war.
» Полиция задержала первых подозреваемых по делу о гибели 70 нелегальных мигрантов в грузовике - Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ
28/08/15 11:02 from В мире – Новости Google
BBC Russian Полиция задержала первых подозреваемых по делу о гибели 70 нелегальных мигрантов в грузовике Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ Эта история началась в Австрии, но очень быстро перекинулась на остальную Европу. В четверг на магистрали, в...
» Андрей Турчак и Иван Цецерский встретили Успение Пресвятой Богородицы в Псково-Печерском монастыре - Официальный сайт Пскова
28/08/15 11:00 from В мире – Новости Google
Официальный сайт Пскова Андрей Турчак и Иван Цецерский встретили Успение Пресвятой Богородицы в Псково-Печерском монастыре Официальный сайт Пскова Сегодня, 28 августа, Губернатор Псковской области Андрей Турчак и Глава города Пскова Иван...
» Ukraine Asks Russia for Lower Gas Prices 
28/08/15 10:56 from Voice of America
Ukraine asked Russia on Friday for lower gas prices for the winter and said Moscow should accept to write off a part of its loans to Kiev, as other international bondholders did this week.   Gas disputes between Russia and Ukraine have l...
» 1 Billion People Used Facebook on Single Day
28/08/15 10:51 from Voice of America
Social media giant Facebook said it reached an unprecedented milestone this week, with one billion people using the site in a single day. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg praised the accomplishment in a posting on the social media site Thurs...
» 1 Billion Used Facebook on Single Day
28/08/15 10:51 from Voice of America
Social media giant Facebook said it reached an unprecedented milestone this week, with one billion people using the site in a single day. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg praised the accomplishment in a posting on the social media site Thurs...
» China to Open Stock Markets to Pension Funds
28/08/15 10:49 from Voice of America
China said Friday that local pension funds will soon be able to invest up to $94 billion in domestic shares, in a bid to boost investment returns. The Finance Ministry made the announcement following the State Council’s finalization of m...
» Штаны Саакашвили поразили тысячи людей - Дни.Ру
28/08/15 10:48 from В мире – Новости Google
Дни.Ру Штаны Саакашвили поразили тысячи людей Дни.Ру 17:39 / 28.08.2015 Одесса, СаакашвилиБывший президент Грузии, а ныне глава облгорадминистрации Одесской области Михаил Саакашвили продолжает покорять "просторы интернетов". Н...
» Pakistanis Burn Indian Flag After Border Shooting
28/08/15 10:48 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Demonstrators in Peshawar held an angry protest on August 28 after Indian and Pakistani border guards traded fire in Kashmir, killing nine civilians.
» Your abandoned Glastonbury wellies have gone to help the Calais migrants
28/08/15 10:43 from - Europe RSS Feed 
Glastonbury-goers always abandon hundreds of wellies after the festival but this year, your boots are winging their way over to Calais to help the migrants .
» Stream Of Refugees Continues Through Serbia
28/08/15 10:40 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Thousands of refugees and other migrants were continuing their long journeys through Serbia toward the Hungarian border, where authorities are racing to finish a fence to block further entries.
» Podcast: Requiem For A Railroad Baron 
28/08/15 10:38 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Few members of the Russian elite looked as unassailable as Vladimir Yakunin. So what does his fall from grace portend?
28/08/15 10:36 from SEARCH RESULTS - WSJ.com
DJIA 16618.05 -0.22% Nasdaq 4811.41 -0.03% 10/32 yield 2.15% 43.92 3.20% 1.1222 -0.21% Hacker Killed by Drone Was Islamic State’s ‘Secret Weapon’ Opinion: America Is So in Play Buzz Aldrin Developing Plan to Colonize Mars Body Count Rise...
» Саакашвили высмеяли за нелепый костюм - Российская Газета
28/08/15 10:34 from В мире – Новости Google
Российская Газета Саакашвили высмеяли за нелепый костюм Российская Газета Фотография беглого экс-президента Грузии, а ныне главы Одесской области Михаила Саакашвили на презентации полицейского патруля в Одессе стала хитом украинского инт...
» Digital Plan To Save Ancient Sites From Islamic State
28/08/15 10:31 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Harvard and Oxford archeologists are planning to give out cameras capable of taking 3D images across the Middle East in an effort to preserve ancient sites and artefacts under threat from the Islamic State (IS) group.
» Russia To Revive Soviet-Era Armored Trains As $400B Military Modernization ... - International Business Times
28/08/15 10:30 from Russia - Google News
International Business Times Russia To Revive Soviet-Era Armored Trains As $400B Military Modernization ... International Business Times Armored trains are part of Russia's $400 billion plan to modernize its military. Pictured: Sovie...
» Россиянина в составе предполагаемой банды торговцев людьми задержали в Венгрии - Интерфакс
28/08/15 10:28 from В мире – Новости Google
Интерфакс Россиянина в составе предполагаемой банды торговцев людьми задержали в Венгрии Интерфакс Москва. 28 августа. INTERFAX.RU - Стражи порядка Венгрии задержали 21 человека по подозрению в торговле людьми, сообщило в пятницу агентст...
» Attack Draws Scrutiny to Railways Linking Europe
28/08/15 10:22 from Voice of America
Europe's rail system is at the heart of its open borders, a way for passengers to travel on some of the world's fastest and most sophisticated mass transit with no need for passports or even ID. The man who attacked a high speed train la...
» Экономическая среда: будут ли спасать рубль - 28 августа, 2015
28/08/15 10:21 from Радиопрограммы и подкасты - Радио Свобода
- Будут ли спасать рубль? На пике двух последних кризисов его спасали от паники. На этот раз ее пока нет. Как и денег на покупку валюты. - Деньги из кризиса. Несмотря на общий спад в экономике, прибыль российских компаний и предприятий з...
» Путин возглавит российскую делегацию на 70-й сессии Генассамблеи ООН - РБК
28/08/15 10:14 from В мире – Новости Google
Дни.Ру Путин возглавит российскую делегацию на 70-й сессии Генассамблеи ООН РБК ​Президент Владимир Путин возглавит российскую делегацию на 70-й сессии Генассамблеи ООН в Нью-Йорке. Распоряжение главы государство опубликовано на официаль...
» Президент Украины получил УДАР - Коммерсантъ
28/08/15 10:08 from В мире – Новости Google
Коммерсантъ Президент Украины получил УДАР Коммерсантъ В Киеве объявлено об объединении партий «Блок Петра Порошенко “Солидарность”» и УДАР мэра Киева Виталия Кличко. На октябрьские местные выборы они пойдут под одним брендом «Солидарнос...
» Russia Launches First Proton Rocket Since May Accident
28/08/15 10:05 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Russia has successfully launched a rocket carrier with a British satellite in the first such launch since an engine failure in May resulted in a commercialsatellite being destroyed.
» За оскорбление Меркель полиция возбудила уголовное дело - Правда.Ру
28/08/15 09:52 from В мире – Новости Google
Правда.Ру За оскорбление Меркель полиция возбудила уголовное дело Правда.Ру Уголовное дело возбуждено полицией Хайденау в отношении женщины, оскорбившей Ангелу Меркель во время посещения канцлером приюта для беженцев. Как пишет немецкое ...
» Православные отмечают праздник Успения Богородицы - НТВ.ru
28/08/15 09:50 from В мире – Новости Google
НТВ.ru Православные отмечают праздник Успения Богородицы НТВ.ru В Успенском соборе Кремля прошла Божественная литургия. Вместе с главой русской православной церкви Кириллом ее провел патриарх Александрийский и всей Африки Феодор Второй, ...
» Six-year-old girl being sued in Austria 'for causing skiing accident'
28/08/15 09:44 from - Europe RSS Feed 
A six-year-old girl is being sued for £25,000 in Austria for allegedly causing a skiing accident which left a woman with serious injuries.
» Джен Псаки подтвердила, что родила дочь — Женевьеву - ИА REGNUM
28/08/15 09:34 from В мире – Новости Google
ИА REGNUM Джен Псаки подтвердила, что родила дочь — Женевьеву ИА REGNUM Вашингтон, 28 Августа 2015, 16:34 — REGNUM Экс официальный представитель Госдепартамента США Джен Псаки сообщила в своем микроблоге в соцсети Twitter о рождении доче...
» Лирическое отступление. Правительство Греции впервые возглавила дама - РИА Новости
28/08/15 09:33 from В мире – Новости Google
РИА Новости Лирическое отступление. Правительство Греции впервые возглавила дама РИА Новости Тану-Христофилу премьер – лишь номинально. По сути она, скорее, "старшая медсестра". Ее задача – проследить, чтобы Греция подошла к &q...
» New Orleans Counts on New Levees to Prevent Future Flood
28/08/15 09:31 from Voice of America
On August 29, New Orleans will observe the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent flooding of the low-elevation city.  Levees built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers failed to withstand the surge of storm water from ...
» Die Welt: Три хороших новости для Петра Порошенко - УНИАН
28/08/15 09:31 from В мире – Новости Google
УНИАН Die Welt: Три хороших новости для Петра Порошенко УНИАН Украинский президент Петр Порошенко получил в Брюсселе обещание безвизового режима и свободной торговли. Но ему этого недостаточно, ЕС должен усилить давление на Россию. Порош...
» Депутат-посредник сел как организатор - Газета.Ru
28/08/15 09:29 from В мире – Новости Google
Газета.Ru Депутат-посредник сел как организатор Газета.Ru Приговор организатору убийства Галины Старовойтовой — экс-депутату Госдумы Михаилу Глущенко шокировал его защиту. Суд назначил ему 17 лет колонии строгого режима, как и попросила ...
» Malawi Public Hospitals Reduce Meals for Patients
28/08/15 09:25 from Voice of America
In Malawi, public hospitals have started giving patients one meal a day instead of the recommended three. This is largely because of financial difficulties facing the health sector. But health rights campaigners say the move is hazardous...
» На затонувшем у берегов Ливии судне погибли более 70 мигрантов - Вести.Ru
28/08/15 09:23 from В мире – Новости Google
Первый канал На затонувшем у берегов Ливии судне погибли более 70 мигрантов Вести.Ru В результате утопления судна с мигрантами у берегов Ливии погибли, как минимум, 76 человек. Еще 198 было спасено. Об этом сообщил представитель Междунар...
» Bailout Won't Save Ukraine Without Crackdown on Graft, EBRD Says - Bloomberg
28/08/15 09:21 from Ukraine - Google News
Bailout Won't Save Ukraine Without Crackdown on Graft, EBRD Says Bloomberg Ukraine has a lot more work to do to root out corruption and improve its business climate to attract investment and help wean the country off bailouts, accord...
» Меркель: созывать новый саммит ЕС по беженцам пока рано - РИА Новости
28/08/15 09:18 from В мире – Новости Google
РИА Новости Меркель: созывать новый саммит ЕС по беженцам пока рано РИА Новости Канцлер Германии Ангела Меркель напомнила, что эффективные меры по спасению людей в Средиземном море уже были приняты на внеочередном саммите ЕС. Она добавил...
» Katrina Brought Enduring Changes to New Orleans
28/08/15 09:15 from Voice of America
A decade after Hurricane Katrina brought New Orleans to the brink of death, the city has come back strong. When levees failed to hold back Katrina’s storm surge, nearly 80 percent of the city flooded.  More than 100,000 homes were destro...
» Усупашвили: Открытие учебного центра НАТО - достижение не только нынешнего правительства - apsny.ge
28/08/15 09:15 from В мире – Новости Google
Коммерсантъ Усупашвили: Открытие учебного центра НАТО - достижение не только нынешнего правительства apsny.ge Открытие учебно-тренировочного центра НАТО в Грузии является заслугой как нынешней, так и прежней власти страны, заявил председ...
» Ukraine Asks Russia for Lower Gas Prices for Winter Season - ABC News
28/08/15 09:00 from Russia - Google News
International Business Times Ukraine Asks Russia for Lower Gas Prices for Winter Season ABC News Ukraine asked Russia on Friday for lower gas prices for the winter and said Moscow should accept to write off a part of its loans to Kiev, a...
» Kyrgyzstan Hails 'Historic' China-Financed Power Line
28/08/15 08:56 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Kyrgyzstan inaugurated a Chinese-financed power line on August 28 that President Almazbek Atambaev called "a historic event."
» У учителя Александра Бывшева снова обыск!
28/08/15 08:52 from Новости дня
  "Только что позвонил Александр Бывшев поэт и учитель из поселка Кромы Орловской области. Его обвинили в экстремизме за Подробнее...
» S. Sudan President Tells Army to Observe Cease-fire
28/08/15 08:50 from Voice of America
South Sudan's President Salva Kiir has ordered the army to halt all military operations, ahead of a full cease-fire that goes into effect Saturday. A presidential decree issued late Thursday also tells the Sudan People's Liberation Army ...
» The difference between a migrant and refugee, in one sentence
28/08/15 08:35 from - Europe RSS Feed 
Reading a tabloid newspaper in 2015, you might wonder if Europe was again at risk of being conquered by the Mongol Empire. The continent is under "siege," the papers report, facing an "invasion" from a "horde." Parts of Europe have becom...
» Vietnam Grants Amnesty to 18,000 Prisoners
28/08/15 08:34 from Voice of America
Vietnam says it is granting amnesty to more than 18,000 prisoners to mark its independence day, September 2, but those convicted of national security crimes will not be freed. Officials say the detainees, including 34 foreigners, will be...
» Austria Now Says 71 Bodies Thought to Be of Migrants Were in Truck
28/08/15 08:25 from NYT > Europe
The police detained three people in connection with the deaths of the 59 men, eight women and four children, believed to be Syrians, found in a vehicle near Vienna.
» Egypt-Russia Alligator Combat Helicopter: No Deal Signed, Russian Arms ... - International Business Times
28/08/15 08:21 from Russia - Google News
International Business Times Egypt- Russia Alligator Combat Helicopter: No Deal Signed, Russian Arms ... International Business Times Contrary to some reports, Egypt did not order combat helicopters from Russia , the head of Russia's...
» Hermes in Talks with Birkin About Renaming Bag
28/08/15 08:17 from Voice of America
Hermes said on Friday it is in talks with actress and singer Jane Birkin about her request to remove her name from the luxury brand's best-selling crocodile bag because she disagreed with the farming and slaughtering practices of one of ...
» Меркель заявила, что ЕС не может сейчас отменить санкции против России - Комсомольская правда
28/08/15 08:17 from В мире – Новости Google
Комсомольская правда Меркель заявила, что ЕС не может сейчас отменить санкции против России Комсомольская правда Власти ФРГ не хотят попасть в ситуацию, когда придется выбирать между Украиной и Россией и хотели бы возобновить партнерские...
» В Венгрии задержали подозреваемых по делу о гибели мигрантов в Австрии - РИА Новости
28/08/15 08:16 from В мире – Новости Google
РИА Новости В Венгрии задержали подозреваемых по делу о гибели мигрантов в Австрии РИА Новости По версии следствия, водитель фургона, в котором задохнулись мигранты, игнорировал просьбы и проехал без остановки от сербской границы до Авст...
» В «Севере» снова стреляют - Коммерсантъ
28/08/15 08:16 from В мире – Новости Google
Коммерсантъ В «Севере» снова стреляют Коммерсантъ Минувшей ночью в Грозном были убиты заместитель командира батальона «Север» внутренних войск МВД РФ кавалер ордена Мужества Муса Аюбов и его супруга. По подозрению в двойном убийстве заде...
» Мэр Киева Виталий Кличко возглавил Блок Петра Порошенко - NEWSru.com
28/08/15 08:16 from В мире – Новости Google
СЕГОДНЯ Мэр Киева Виталий Кличко возглавил Блок Петра Порошенко NEWSru.com Участники общего съезда решивших объединиться партий украинского президента Блок Петра Порошенко "Солидарность" и "УДАР" избрали председателем...
» Estonia 'plans Russia border fence' amid Ukraine tensions - BBC News
28/08/15 08:13 from Russia - Google News
BBC News Estonia 'plans Russia border fence' amid Ukraine tensions BBC News Estonia says it wants to build a fence along its eastern border with Russia to boost security and protect the EU's passport-free Schengen zone. Const...
» Организатор убийства Галины Старовойтовой приговорен к 17 годам колонии строгого режима - Первый канал
28/08/15 08:10 from В мире – Новости Google
Первый канал Организатор убийства Галины Старовойтовой приговорен к 17 годам колонии строгого режима Первый канал В Санкт-Петербурге вынесли приговор Михаилу Глущенко - организатору одного из самых громких преступлений 90-х - убийства из...
» How Many Russian Soldiers Have Died in Ukraine? A Glimpse at the Bloody Toll - The Fiscal Times
28/08/15 08:08 from Ukraine - Google News
The Fiscal Times How Many Russian Soldiers Have Died in Ukraine ? A Glimpse at the Bloody Toll The Fiscal Times Russian President Vladimir Putin has long claimed, in the teeth of pretty overwhelming evidence, that Russia is not a partici...
» Jozef Wesolowski, Ex-Archbishop Accused of Sexual Abuse, Dies
28/08/15 08:05 from NYT > Europe
He would have been the first high-level prelate to stand before a Vatican tribunal on such charges, but illness prevented the trial from proceeding.
» Jozef Wesolowski, Ex-Archbishop Accused of Sexual Abuse, Dies at 67
28/08/15 08:05 from NYT > Europe
He would have been the first high-level prelate to stand before a Vatican tribunal on such charges, but illness prevented the trial from proceeding.
» Western Manufacturers Demand Explanation as Russia Takes Products off Shelves - Newsweek
28/08/15 08:04 from Russia - Google News
Newsweek Western Manufacturers Demand Explanation as Russia Takes Products off Shelves Newsweek Russia has asked supermarkets to pull European and U.S. household brands such as Fairy liquid, Persil washing powder and others from their sh...
» Ukraine-Russia Conflict Update: Ceasefire Violations Could Result In 'Full ... - International Business Times
28/08/15 08:01 from Russia - Google News
International Business Times Ukraine- Russia Conflict Update: Ceasefire Violations Could Result In 'Full ... International Business Times Servicemen of the Kiev-1,Ukrainian volunteers battalion, are shown taking part in training exer...


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