Pentagon: US has told Russia where US special forces are in Syria - Washington Post | The Guardian view on Turkey’s Kurdish policies: compounding the region’s troubles | Editorial
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MSF stops sharing Syria hospital locations after 'deliberate' attacks by Kareem Shaheen in Beirut
Médecins Sans Frontières believes giving GPS coordinates of its facilities to Assad and Russian forces increases chance of direct targeting
Hospitals in opposition-held parts of Syria are refusing to share GPS coordinates with Russian and Syrian authorities because of repeated attacks on medical facilities and workers, Médecins Sans Frontières and humanitarian workers on the ground have said.
International charity MSF said it took the decision not to formally inform Syria’s government or its Russian allies about the location of some medical facilities, such as the one hit by a deadly airstrike this week, amid concerns that doing so could make them targets.
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В Москве прошли традиционная ежегодная встреча президента России Владимира Путина и премьер-министра Венгрии Виктора Орбана. Что стоит за этим многолетним путинско-орбановским флиртом, каковы возможности венгерского лидера подорвать единство Европы в отношении агрессивного внешнеполитического курса России - обсуждают обозреватель венгерской газеты "Непсабадшаг" Габор Хорват, Будапешт, доктор политических наук Юлий Нисневич, зам. главного редактора Максим Саморуков.
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Washington Post |
Pentagon: US has told Russia where US special forces are in Syria
Washington Post In October, roughly a month after Russia started airstrikes in Syria, the Pentagon and theRussian Ministry of Defense established a memorandum of understanding that outlined “specific safety protocols for air crews to follow” so that Russian and U.S ... Pentagon: Russia agreed not to strike US forces in SyriaThe Hill US asked Russia not to bomb near US commandos in SyriaFox News U.S. quietly tells Russia where American troops are located inside SyriaMilitary Times ABC News -RT all 75 news articles » |
Forbes |
Barclays Hints That Russia's Economy May Have Finally Bottomed
Forbes It's as close to a bottom call on Russia's two-year economic crisis as any. London-based Daniel Hewitt of Barclays said Thursday that Russian growth indicators now point to a “bottoming out of the recession.” It's been a while. Oil and sanctions have ... and more » |
This week’s bombings in Turkey show that the country must radically realign its policies around the pursuit of peace with its own Kurds

Turkey’s misguided policies have been taking that pivotal country in the wrong direction for several years. Now the errors and contradictions apparent in its domestic politics are becoming a major international problem, threatening to widen the conflict wracking the region in which until recently it was a force for stability and sanity.
The fighting in south-eastern Turkey between the Turkish state and the Kurdistan Workers’ party, or PKK, is getting worse, and it is merging with the increasingly hot war between Turkey and the Kurds of northern Syria. While responsibility for bombings is hard to assign with certainty, it looks as if it is now reaching out to threaten Turkey’s capital, Ankara, in the shape of attacks like the one earlier this week which killed 28 soldiers and civilians in the centre of the city. The shelling of Kurdish positions in Syria and Kurdish return fire into Turkey is of a piece with the violence in the south-east, with fierce security sweeps there countered by ambushes and bombings.
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Спасет ли Орбан Путина? by SvobodaRadio
В Москве прошли традиционная ежегодная встреча президента России Владимира Путина и премьер-министра Венгрии Виктора Орбана. По итогам переговоров в Ново-Огарево, правительственная "Российская газета" отметила, что Путин, прежде всего, высоко оценил убежденность собеседника в бессмысленности антироссийских санкций. Орбан же, по мнению газеты, ясно дал понять, что очередного автоматического продления санкций против России не будет.
Что стоит за этим многолетним путинско-орбановским флиртом, каковы возможности венгерского лидера подорвать единство Европы в отношении агрессивного внешнеполитического курса России - обсуждают обозреватель венгерской газеты "Непсабадшаг" Габор Хорват (Будапешт), доктор политических наук Юлий Нисневич, заместитель главного редактора сайта Максим Саморуков.
Ведущий - Владимир Кара - Мурза - старший.
Unanswered Questions: FBI Hasn't Ruled Out 3rd Militant in San Bernardino Killings
ABC News More than two months after a jihadi couple opened fire at a holiday party at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, killing 14 and wounding more than 20, the FBI has still not ruled out the possibility that a third militant was at the scene of ... and more » |
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