
M.N.: I believe that probably no one was more devastated by this tragedy than Hillary Clinton... | U.S. will not seek death penalty for accused ringleader in Benghazi attacks – The Washington Post | Obama still faces tough questions on Benghazi attack after debate | US news | The Guardian

U.S. will not seek death penalty for accused ringleader in Benghazi attacks – The Washington Post The decision clears the way for a terrorism trial in the nation’s capital. Defense attorney Jeffrey D. Robinson added, “Mr. Abu Khattala agrees it was a tragic loss but disagrees he is the person responsible for it.” Source:  U.S. will not seek death penalty for accused ringleader in Benghazi attacks – The Washington Post Obama still faces tough questions on Benghazi attack after debate | US news | The Guardian M.N.: I believe that probably no one was more devastated by this tragedy than Hillary Clinton (and the families of victims). Most likely, this attack was planned well in advance, meticulously (“professionally”) arranged and executed. Even the known, publicized unclassified descriptions of facts point, hypothetically, in the direction of ultimate responsible party. It was a tragic security and intelligence lapse, the act of war. Just like so many simila