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Current News
Omar Mateen and 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting - The Dots, The Darkness, and The Mirrors, part 2

FBI on a couch: problems and solutions: FBI as a domestic intelligence service

The American KGB and the Comey's visions: can Hoover's COINTELPRO thugs be transformed into the modern counterintelligence officers? | M.N.: The American KGB wants to take over the US government. Oy, gevalt! Maybe, it is the time to order a ticket to Madagascar.. - Quotes and Comments
Nato, Russia and Europe

World & U.S. Security - News Review: U.S., eyeing Russia, urges NATO allies to harden cyber defenses
Cyber Wars - June 2015

Was FBI operational data hacked? - Google Search | Report: Chinese Hackers Got Into FBI Personnel Files: "Then again, maybe it was Russia – pretending to be China." | Obama Ignores Red Line Amid Chinese Cyberattack - Investor's Business Daily - 16 hours ago: "Cyberwar: The damage done by Chinese hackers grows worse by the day, with news that they stole a treasure trove of blackmail-worthy material on those with high security clearances. What's Obama's reaction?" | NSA Chief: Don’t Assume China Hacked OPM | Cyber Commander: OPM Hack Highlights Data Theft Danger: "Adm. Mike Rogers, who is also director of the National Security Agency, declined to name China as the main culprit in the attacks but would not reveal who the intelligence agencies believe conducted the intelligence-gathering operation. Asked after a speech on what basis Cyber Command is linking the OPM hack to China, Rogers said: “I’m not going to accept the assumption” that China played a role in the cyber attacks. “First of all I’m not going to get into the specifics of attribution,” the four-star admiral said at a conference in Washington called GEOINT 2015. “That’s a process that we’re working through on the policy side. That’s ongoing.
News Reviews and Opinions - Front Post: World News, Videos and Links
"Russian Intelligence is an Equal Opportunity recruiter: "Left and Right, Black and White..."
Who plays in the "Bunny Friend Playground"? The groundhogs.
- World News: China's Military Sends More Scholars Abroad, at Times Without Schools' Knowledge - Invalid Date -
- World News: Trump to Increase Southern Border Deployment to 5,200 - Invalid Date -
- World News: Mexico Beefs Up Its Southern Border to Face Raft of Migrants - Invalid Date -
- World News: Brazil's New President Set to Give Military More Clout - Invalid Date -
- World News: Indonesian Plane Carrying 189 People Crashes Near Jakarta - Invalid Date -

Obama and Islam

"Obama sits at the center of a web of intertwined progressive organizations. This web has infiltrated the government and it in turn has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood... Our current conflict with Islamic terrorists is not caused by joblessness, poverty, the climate, dictators or any of the other familiar excuses. Instead it’s caused by the unholy alliance between Islam and the left. Obama embodied that unholy alliance as no other occupant of the Oval Office..."

Impeach Obama NOW!

"All that's required for this to happen is for enough Republicans in Congress who have not been misled or intimidated by the media, the Democrats, or their own leadership about Obama's treasonable actions — or who are not in denial — to speak out plainly and forcefully in favor of impeachment and removal NOW." | "Make no mistake: the U.S.A., the Free World and the whole Western Civilization are in a state of war. Call it silent or secret, invisible (almost), hybrid, intelligence war; by any other name this war is very real, deadly and brutal, like any other war. This war was started by the arch-criminal masquerading as a politician, V. Putin and his criminal ruling clique and is treacherously aided by a leftist black nationalist (the fact as it is, in my humble opinion, with all due respect to all races and without a hint of racism), Barak Obama. The situation is very critical, probably the most critical in the history of this country and the West, more critical than during the Cold War. Do not lull yourselves into complacency, get rid of the domestic threat, by all and strictly legal means (America is still strong enough for this type of civil and civilized interactions with "authority"), and deal with the foreign enemies: smartly, with determination, resolve and very clear understanding of the situation and its dangers, and on all fronts, including political and information warfare. America is in danger! Start with the first of many steps, even if it sounds improbable and impossible: Impeach Obama NOW! And until this happens, uncover, expose, oppose and counteract his policies and politics, his every political move, the destructive, divisive, self-serving and treacherous nature of this rule of hypocritical, duplicitous, insecure and vindictive "American Dictator"; and if it is not done, the risk of quasi-fascist "transformation" of this country and possibly the World is very real and maybe even imminent." - M.N.

Islamisation of the West and the Militant Islam in America

"The Muslim population in this country is not like any other group, for it includes within it a substantial body of people—many times more numerous than the agents of Osama bin Ladin—who share with the suicide hijackers a hatred of the United States and the desire, ultimately, to transform it into a nation living under the strictures of militant Islam. Although not responsible for the atrocities in September, they harbor designs for this country that warrant urgent and serious attention." - The Danger Within: Militant Islam in America - Daniel Pipes | "Islam has a specific doctrine of jihad which deals with immigration. It says that Muslims are encouraged from the example of Muhammad to migrate, not immigrate, in mass to non-Muslim communities and then populate by having lots of children. They are not allowed to assimilate into the culture. As they grow in numbers they demand more and more accommodation to Islamic ways. They demand that their Shariah law be implemented within the legal system of the host community." - The Hidden Agenda of Islam Immigration into America

The Obama "Revolution"

"The current administration’s effort to subject America to a wholesale transformation... Alinsky urged his followers to be flexible and opportunistic and say anything to get power, which they can then use to radically change existing social and economic institutions."

The state of disarray and disunion, the legacy of self-defeat and disaster

What will the History say about "King Obama"? The state of disarray and disunion; the hypocritical, duplicitous, impotent (including his inaction on Ukraine), self-serving legacy of deceit, defeat and disaster under the guise of exercise of "soft power". Mr. Obama is more concerned about his "peacenik" credentials than about the true peace, security and greatness of the country. The divisions and controversies are so intense that it is difficult to avoid the impression that the country is moving to the some type of the civil war, and I would not rule out the deliberate actions of some hostile foreign "invisible hands" behind all this.

POLICE NEWS REVIEW | Stop the war on cops!

We must speak out against the war on cops before it’s too late. | There are things that Mayors, Governors, and even Presidents can do: Be a leader of your law enforcement agencies. Do not broad brush them and rush to judgment because the loudest voices demonstrate... Our first line of defense in the homeland is made up of our men and women in blue. - Safir: The War on Police Hurts the War on Terror | Racism has an ugly history in America, and the debate over whether we’ve advanced past it is relevant. But while that discussion continues, far too many agitators have essentially declared war on police. As a nation, we must reject that attack. - War on police makes us all less safe | SHERIFF DAVID CLARKE, MILWAUKEE COUNTY: Well, this war on our nation's finest, the American police officer, continues, but it continues to be fueled by some very important people.
The Mysterious Life And Death Of Igor Sergun, The Chief Of The GRU - Russian Military Intelligence
"I’m frankly unsure how to feel about his death. As a career U.S. Army military intelligence officer, and our senior military attaché to Russia from 2012 to 2014, I met with General Sergun and his staff several times for extended periods. I found him soft-spoken, unassuming, complex, erudite and nuanced. And I learned that even as Sergun relentlessly directed global intelligence operations against our interests, he — paradoxically — also viewed constant confrontation with the U.S. and West as not in Russia’s best long-term interest." - Death of the GRU Commander - by Peter Zwack - from "Defense One" | Igor Sergun - News and Web Review
Surkov-Pizdobol and The "Pizz-Da!-a-Gate" Theory

The Russian Lessons: Ne Pizdi! PizzDagate theory and false news: Сурков, хорош пиздеть, пиздобол! Твои ослиные уши торчат из этих "Pizz-Da!-gates" на целый километр! ("Иа! Иа!"). И чему только тебя в школе учили, харь! Взрослый мужик, а всё в свои куклы играется, размазал свою пиццу по всей роже и рад, моцарелла как сопли из глаз течёт!
"Paint it black!" - The War on the U.S. Police and the Radicalization from above, part 2

The Obama administration has, once again, complained to the United Nations about alleged American human rights violations–and boasted about liberal policies like Obamacare as the solution. The State Department report, released Monday as part of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the UN Human Rights Council, reads less like an accounting of human rights issues and more like the platform of the Democratic Party–and invites the world to judge America harshly. - Obama Complains to UN About America's 'Human Rights' Violations | The most recent UN “review” of the United States, which every member government of the global body is purportedly “required” to submit to, mostly aimed at demonizing U.S. police as violent racists supposedly in need of national and global controls. - UN Dictators Club Attacks U.S. Police, “Human Rights” Record | » "Human rights" @ UN: Iran, North Korea lecture the U.S. - YouTube 15/05/15 13:54

Russia's intelligence war against the West

"Across Europe and the Euro-Atlantic area, Russia’s intelligence offensive is being conducted with increasing determination and sophistication. This is a smart and modern war that goes well beyond the traditional intelligence requirements of “need to know” concerning the intentions of enemy countries, which in President Vladimir Putin’s mind includes any country opposed to his expansionist ambitions. It draws on a Russian intelligence tradition that stretches back to the Tsarist era and includes techniques of political warfare in addition to regular intelligence gathering. The Bolshevik secret police, the Cheka, called these “active measures” and used them to promote its revolutionary goals abroad. They included everything from political assassination to the covert use of propaganda." - Russia’s silent war against the west | News Review

Russia's intelligence war against the West
- Patriotic fervour on the rise in Russia - BBC News - Invalid Date -
- UT Press Review: Financial Times on Russia's silent war - Ukraine Today - Invalid Date -
- Putin's targeted strike - The Economist - Invalid Date -
- Russia Is More Dangerous Than USSR - ValueWalk - Invalid Date -
- Today's Russia 'More Dangerous' Than Soviet Union; Russia Slams Canada For ... - International Business Times AU - Invalid Date -

Permanent Global Multidimensional Warfare As Russian Military-Political Strategy - Review

General Valery Gerasimov, the current Russian Chief of the General Staff: “The very “rules of war” have changed. The role of nonmilitary means of achieving political and strategic goals has grown, such new-type conflicts are comparable with the consequences of any real war. The focus of applied methods of conflict has altered in the direction of of the broad use of political, economic, informational, humanitarian, and other nonmilitary measures – applied in coordination with the protest potential of the population.”

Dark Flows The Red Stix

"We hear a lot about the Russian Mafia and its links with the Russian State. Remember how the US State Department’s Wikileaks transcript described Russia as a Mafia State? What we don’t hear so much about is how it operates and what is being done about tackling it. Is enough being done, and if not, why not? - Tackling Russian Trans National Organised Crime" - GRU (Russian Military Intelligence Service) and International Organised Crime - Web Review

US Mass Shootings, "Mind Control", and "Special Operations"

"The number of incidents in which a shooter opens fire on a crowd of people more than doubled over the past seven years compared with the previous seven, the FBI found in a study made public Wednesday. The Federal Bureau of Investigation analyzed 160 "active shooter" incidents from 2000 through 2013 to look for common elements that might guide law enforcement officers in preventing the shootings or responding more effectively." 'Active shooter' incidents on the rise - Web Review - by Mike Nova

Russia and ISIS - Web Review

"Despite reports of Russia and ISIS being at odds with one another, further research points to Russian security services (FSB, successor to the Soviet KGB) and military intelligence (GRU) behind the very threat while ostensibly opposing it." - The Russian Roots of ISIS
Incidents, Accidents and Crime Review
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- Orlando shooting investigation - Google News: Funerals for Pittsburgh synagogue shooting victims begin this week - WKMG News 6 & ClickOrlando - Invalid Date -
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Russia Won Nothing in Chechnya
Putin's "victorious" policy of "Chechenisation" and "Kadyrovisation" is an utter hypocrisy and failure, and his complete, unconditional and very dangerous for Russia self-defeat - News Review

The next Genghiz Khan of All Russia (plus the Instagram)?
Were Chechen Security Personnel Responsible For Nemtsov's Death? "Nonstate media, including Novaya Gazeta, have suggested that Nemtsov was under threat from Kadyrov's own security personnel for his repeated criticism of the Chechen leader."

ISIS News Review
ISIS Crisis - Web Review: America's Allies Are Funding ISIS - from "The Daily Beast" and other articles

ISIS News Review
- Council bought tent for troubled teenage boy to live in after it failed to find him accommodation - Invalid Date -
- US mid-term elections 2018: Why this year's congressional elections matter - Invalid Date -
- US Senate: responsibilities and powers - and how it could change in the mid-terms - Invalid Date -
- Man accused of murdering two school girls in 1986 points finger of blame at victim's father - Invalid Date -
- What the House of Representatives means in US politics - and how it could change at the mid-terms - Invalid Date -

ISIS Sexual Slavery
"Simply put, we have been witnessing the revival of the slave trade in the 21st century." - Zainab Hawa Bangura: Opinion: Women were 'examined like cattle' | "We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women, by the permission of Allah." - What jihadis plan for women

Ebola Outbreak 2014 - Web Review
Ebolavirus is classified as a biosafety level 4 agent, as well as a Category A bioterrorism agent by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It has the potential to be weaponized for use in biological warfare...

Russia News Review
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- Navy commander accused of sexually assaulting colleague cleared in 57 minutes after all-male panel begged not to ruin career over 'schoolboy prank' - Invalid Date - Dominic Nicholls
- Notorious Boston gangster James 'Whitey' Bulger killed in jail - Invalid Date - Rozina Sabur
- Table for None: Why Do Certain Foods Turn You Off? - Invalid Date - CHRISTINA ANDERSON
- Venice Flooding Is Worst in a Decade; Severe Weather in Italy Kills at Least 11 - Invalid Date - ELISABETTA POVOLEDO

Putin and Putinism - News Review
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- Сталинский путь - Рамблер/Новости - Invalid Date -
- Putin calls for end to election rigging - TASS - Invalid Date -
- Путин поддержал вовлечение несовершеннолетних в избирательный процесс - Газета.Ru - Invalid Date -
- Путин высказался за отдельное содержание осужденных за терроризм - Московский Комсомолец - Invalid Date -

Putin and Putinism: Putin as a person and as a politician and his political system of "Putinism"

Russians Hear News About Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 That's Good for Kremlin - WSJ: - Russia's President Vladimir Putin looks on in the Novo-Ogaryovo residence outside Moscow, early on Monday, while recording his video address on the Malaysia Airlines crash. Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

"I will call him" "Ishmael"
The Global and The US Domestic Terrorism Incidents, The Mass Shooting Incidents, and The Incidents of Shooting at the U.S. Police Officers: Comparisons and The Illustrations for The Statistical Analysis - The Brinsley's Jacket

The Case Of Litvinenko, The Trails Of Polonium, And The Islamic Terrorism As a Russian False Flag
The Panama Papers: Revealed: the $2bn offshore trail that leads to Vladimir Putin - The Guardian

Russia's Withdrawal from Syria

M.N.: Did "Putin get exactly what he wanted in Syria?" Not "exactly". | "For Russia to continue would have meant increased military costs and lives. Russia already has lost military personnel, including at least one general. This intervention, most probably never intended to be long-term, may have become short-term in the face of even incremental increased U.S. and allied assistance." - Putin Got Exactly What He Wanted in Syria - Defense One

The New "Unholy Alliance" or The "New World Order"? - Russia, China, Iran and Latin America
“They operate deliberately in the Western Hemisphere as part of their broader global strategies. The most concerning of them is Russia, which portrays the United States in our theater as unreliable and as withdrawing from this pivotal region,” Tidd said. Security in the Western Hemisphere connects directly to other parts of the world, the admiral said. “Smuggling networks run through South America directly into our homeland [and] foreign terrorist fighters flow from the Caribbean to Syria and to Iraq,” Tidd added. As part of its global strategy, he said, Russia tries to discredit U.S. reliability as a trustworthy partner in the United States’ own region. “These issues transcend artificial boundaries and demand a transregional, united response,” the admiral said. | "Iran’s growing influence in the region—and its effort to exert influence over governments there—has fostered pressing security concerns as the Iranians inch closer to the United States’ southern border, according to these U.S. officials and Latin American leaders, who met for several days this week at a summit organized by the Israel Allies Foundation (IAF)... Iran is becoming increasingly open about its presence in Latin America and providing its officials with passports from Venezuela and other countries, giving them free rein to travel throughout South America. Iran has forged close ties with countries such as Argentina, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Bolivia, among others." - Iran Steps Up Covert Action in Latin America - Web and News Review

Mohammed and The Great Twin Peak Mountain

But maybe there is the third option: both the Mountain and Mohammed might start inching towards each other, in a slow Middle Eastern dance, under the excited accompaniment of tamburins and harmonicas by their neighbors and other Mountains. Maybe, if we try to push all the right buttons...

4/29/2017: Trump and Russia

UK Government was handed dossier on Donald Trump links to Russia last year, court papers reveal: it covers "at least" five years of communication, co-operation and conspiracy between Mr Trump's camp and Russian intelligence officials." | See also: 1.13.17 - Former MI6 agent Christopher Steele's frustration as FBI sat on Donald Trump Russia file for months | UK was given details of alleged contacts between Trump campaign and Moscow - The Guardian: A statement by Steele's defence lawyers, endorsed by the former MI6 agent, said Orbis was hired between June and November last year by Fusion GPS, a Washington-based research consultancy to look into Trump's links with Russia. In that period, Steele ...

The statistical effects of the October 28 Letter and the questions to the FBI - by Michael Novakhov
4.25.17 - "Many good questions could and should al-zo be asked when Mr. Comey testifies in the closed session of the House Intelligence Committee next week... Comey's overall "motivations" might be complex and and at the same time simple: the security of the country. The details of these complexities are not easy to read..." | Federal Bureau of Investigation - NYT - News Review

4.20.17: How far is too far? The Trump impeachment debate begins now.
Opinion | No, Mr. President, you can’t do what you want | Comey and Pompeo may attend NZ Five Eyes spy gathering | 'Follow the trail of dead Russians', security expert tells intelligence hearing on Trump-Kremlin links | Putin Election Hacking Cover-Up — 10 Spies Killed In 15 Months | McCain praises FBI director Comey: ‘His integrity has never wavered' | Trump Adviser’s Visit to Moscow Got the F.B.I.’s Attention - NYT

4.18.17: "The Daily Trumpet" - News on Trump and his Investigations:

4.18.17: Rudy Giuliani Working With Russia For Trump? Details On The Shocking Allegations | Trump and the Russia Money | Trump’s Unreleased Taxes Threaten Yet Another Campaign Promise - NYT | Donald Trump's refusal to release tax returns emerges as roadblack to wider reform - The Australian Financial Review

4.15.17 - FBI Reportedly Has 'Concrete and Corroborative Evidence' of Trump/Russia Collusion

Former Trump adviser Carter Page held 'strong pro-Kremlin views', says ex-boss | Democrats ask FBI to suspend Kushner’s security clearance

4.13.17 - Trump: "THE CASE FOR IMPEACHMENT" | » New 'Concrete Evidence' Of Conspiracy

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia - G | Can FBI director James Comey untangle the Trump-Russia allegations?

"Trumpism" as the "social-political experiment" and the "Gang of Four"

The engineered election of Donald Trump as the U.S. President is the joint operation of the German, Russian, and Israeli Intelligence Services with the major executive and operational role played by the Russian-Jewish Mafia at the head of the International Organized Crime.

The Snake Pit, Part 3: 4.5.17

The Review of Journalistic and Legal Investigations of the Foreign Interference in the US Presidential Elections of 2016, Part 3: 4.5.17

The Snake Pit, Part 2: 4.4 - 1.17

Updates on the Investigations of Foreign Interference in 2016 US Presidential Elections - Part 2 - April 4 to 1, 2017

The Snake Pit, Part 1: 3.31.17 and prior articles: The FBI "investigation" is indeed, "absurd"...

Not because it is unjust or unjustified, but because it is grossly inadequate - Investigation of Foreign Interference in 2016 US Presidential Elections - Part 1 - March 2017

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