
Showing posts from June, 2014

New N.S.A. Chief Calls Damage From Snowden Leaks Manageable | ISIS declares 'caliphate' in Iraq, Syria | How does Facebook decide what to show in my news feed?

»   New N.S.A. Chief Calls Damage From Snowden Leaks Manageable 30/06/14 09:58 from  Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks mikenova shared this story . FORT MEADE, Md. — The newly installed director of the National Security Agency says that while he has seen some terrorist groups alter their communications to avoid surveillance techniques revealed by E... »   New NSA chief says 'sky not falling down' after Snowden revelations 30/06/14 09:29 from  Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Michael Rogers says some terrorists have made changes to the way they communicate but talks down damage from revelations Michael Rogers presents more measured side of intellig... »   ISIS militants outline chilling five-year plan for global domination 30/06/14 08:40 from  Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. Upon declaring a caliphate, the Sunni militants - whose brutality...