Russian forces on Thursday conducted a drill near Moldova, the small, Kremlin-menaced nation wedged between Ukraine and Romania. According to Russian news agencies, 400 Russian troops participated in exercises in Transnistria, a breakaway territory ... - Russia's Next Target - Wall Street Journal

Russia's Next Target - Wall Street Journal

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Wall Street Journal

Russia's Next Target
Wall Street Journal
Russian forces on Thursday conducted a drill near Moldova, the small, Kremlin-menaced nation wedged between Ukraine and Romania. According to Russian news agencies, 400 Russiantroops participated in exercises in Transnistria, a breakaway territory ...
Russian Troops Hold Drills in Moldova's Separatist RegionABC News
Russia holds military exercise in MoldovaPress TV
Russian troops conduct military exercises in Moldova's pro-Russia separatist ...680 News
The Moscow Times
all 65 news articles »

Украинская прокуратура расследует исчезновение документов по делам против Юлии Тимошенко - Коммерсантъ

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Комсомольская правда

Украинская прокуратура расследует исчезновение документов по делам против Юлии Тимошенко
Генеральная прокуратура Украины проводит служебное расследование в связи с пропажей уголовных дел в отношении бывшего премьер-министра, лидера партии «Батькивщина» Юлии Тимошенко, а также распоряжений по ним бывшего генпрокурора Виктора Пшонки. «Пропали не ...
Генпрокуратура Украины ищет пропавшие материалы по уголовным делам ТимошенкоКомсомольская правда
По "делам Тимошенко" проводится служебное расследованиеТелеграф
Из украинской прокуратуры пропали документы по делам против ТимошенкоГазета.Ru
Новое Время
Все похожие статьи: 9 »

Киев не намерен снимать экономическую блокаду Донбасса и переводить пенсии населению - Московский комсомолец

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Московский комсомолец

Киев не намерен снимать экономическую блокаду Донбасса и переводить пенсии населению
Московский комсомолец
Официальный представитель МИД Украины Евгений Перебийнис заявил, что власти страны не намерены перечислять средства на территории, неподконтрольные правительству страны. Киев не намерен снимать экономическую блокаду Донбасса и переводить пенсии населению.
МИД Украины: Киев не собирается прекращать экономическую блокаду ДонбассаНезависимое интернет-издание "ДНИ"
МИД Украины: Киев не намерен прекращать экономическую блокаду ДонбассаНТВ.ru
Новости Украины 10 04 15: Киевские власти продолжат экономическую блокаду ДонбассаSearch News
Аргументы.ру -"Что происходит?"
Все похожие статьи: 53 »

Что несет Украине карьерный взлет Дмитрия Яроша?

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Недавнее назначение лидера украинской националистической организации "Правый сектор" Дмитрия Яроша на высокий пост в министерстве обороны Украины было воспринято неоднозначно – как в самой стране, так и за ее пределами.
Российская пропаганда видит в Яроше главное доказательство того, что правительство в Киеве находится под контролем тех, кого она называет экстремистами и фашистами.
Однако пока рано говорить о том, что он будет обладать сколько-нибудь значительным влиянием в структуре Вооруженных сил Украины.
Возглавляемый Ярошем "Правый сектор" прославился во время протестов на Майдане в конце 2013-го – начале 2014 годов. Члены этой ультраправой организации играли ведущую роль в строительстве баррикад и противостоянии с бойцами спецназа.
(В России деятельность "Правого сектора" запрещена, российские власти признали эту организацию экстремистской - ред.)
После февральской революции к власти на Украине пришло прозападное правительство, а "Правый сектор" постепенно превратился в политическую партию.
Однако на последовавших за этим президентских выборах Дмитрий Ярош получил меньше 1% голосов, а "Правый сектор" не смог преодолеть 5-процентный барьер, необходимый для прохождения в Верховную Раду. Сам Ярош при этом все же был избран депутатом украинского парламента по одномандатному округу.
На основе "Правого сектора" был создан добровольческий корпус, который стал одним из многих добровольческих формирований, сражающихся против поддерживаемых Россией боевиков на востоке Украины.

В списке Интерпола

И вот Дмитрий Ярош и его организация сделали еще один шаг к официальному признанию. В минувшие выходные было объявлено, что Ярош назначен советником главнокомандующего Вооруженными силами Украины Виктора Муженко.
Предполагается, что лидер "Правого сектора" станет посредником между украинским министерством обороны и добровольческими батальонами.
Российские официальные СМИ были полны негодования. "Неонацисты укрепляют свои позиции на Украине", - провозгласил телеканал "Россия 1".
"Правый сектор" признан российскими властями экстремистской организацией. Ярош значится в российском списке "подозреваемых в совершении военных преступлений". Москва обвиняет его в подстрекательстве к терроризму. Он внесен в список Интерпола как лицо, "разыскиваемое судебными властями России".
Сам Дмитрий Ярош отрицает выдвинутые против него в России обвинения.

Насколько крайне правый?

Утверждения о том, что политическая карьера Яроша была связана с неонацистами, не соответствуют действительности.
"Он, безусловно, националист", - говорит немецкий политолог Андреас Умланд, который много пишет об ультраправых движениях на Украине. "Однако эксперты спорят о том, как именно его следует определять: "крайне правый", "ультранационалистический" или "фашистский", - добавляет он.
Умланд обращает внимание на то, что Ярош - в отличие от многих других ультраправых – определяет национальность в соответствии с гражданством. То есть "настоящими украинцами" признаются не только этнические украинцы, но и русские, евреи, татары и представители любых других этнических групп, проживающие на территории Украины.
Пресс-секретарь "Правого сектора" Артем Скоропадский комментирует слова исследователя так: "Правый сектор" всегда выступал за то, чтобы любые меньшинства, дружественно относящиеся к Украине, к украинской национально-освободительной борьбе, чувствовали себя комфортно". И уточняет: "Есть украинская нация и есть люди, которые живут на Украине. Они могут считать себя украинцами, они могут помогать Украине, они могут занимать любые должности, всё делать наравне с украинцами".
Однако нельзя не признать, что политические убеждения Дмитрия Яроша помещают его в правую часть политического спектра.
"В прошлом он критически высказывался о западном либерализме и европейской интеграции", - напоминает Андреас Умланд.

Контроль и учет

Новое назначение Яроша может быть упражнением в пиаре со стороны украинских властей. Ярош – популярный командир, в январе он был серьезно ранен в боях за донецкий аэропорт. Его фотографии в бинтах на больничной койке обошли всю Украину.
Важный вопрос заключается в том, что его новая должность означает для будущего добровольческих батальонов – раньше они действовали без прямого контроля со стороны властей. Теперь власти в Киеве явно предпринимают усилия для того, чтобы ограничить их автономность.
"Правый сектор" до последнего сопротивлялся этой политике. Однако теперь, по словам властей, он будет подчиняться военному руководству в вопросах национальной обороны.
Это важно еще и потому, что потенциально выводит "Правый сектор" из-под влияния одного из самых известных украинских олигархов, миллиардера Игоря Коломойского.
Коломойский активно финансировал добровольческие батальоны, а в марте он использовал вооруженные группы в борьбе с властями за контроль над энергетической инфраструктурой.
Вопрос о том, насколько "Айдар", "Азов" и другие добровольческие батальоны действительно подчиняются властям, остается открытым.
Пресс-секретарь "Правого сектора" недавно заявил, что теперь организация будет финансироваться украинским министерством обороны, но продолжит действовать самостоятельно.
"Теперь наши бойцы будут хорошо вооружены; ведь до сих пор мы получали вооружение благодаря добровольным пожертвованиям", - сказал Артем Скоропадский агентству Франс пресс.
И все же сейчас, когда Дмитрий Ярош стал служить в генеральном штабе – пусть и далеко не на самой влиятельной должности – он и его бойцы так или иначе будут находиться под присмотром. И украинские добровольческие батальоны в целом, возможно, будут теперь лучше контролироваться теми, кто по закону должен ими командовать.
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Ярош и Порошенко: кто кому служит? - ИА REGNUM

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BBC Russian

Ярош и Порошенко: кто кому служит?
Казалось бы — еще недавно лидер «Правого сектора» был в команде Коломойского, грозил президенту Порошенко и начальнику Генштаба Муженко свержением, планировал «бунт батальонов»… И тут — трах-бах. Он уже советник Генштаба и буквально целуется в десны с этим ...
Что несет Украине карьерный взлет Дмитрия Яроша?BBC Russian
Экстремистский козырь Пентагона

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Рогозин назвал Турчинова дебилом - Газета.Ru

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Комсомольская Правда в Украине

Рогозин назвал Турчинова дебилом
Вице-премьер России Дмитрий Рогозин прокомментировал в своем твиттере заявление секретарь СНБО Украины Александра Турчинова о возможности создания «грязной» атомной бомбы. «Турчинов о возможном создании «грязной» бомбы: главное — эффективность <...> Дебил» ...
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Все похожие статьи: 217 »
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Poland’s warning to Europe: Russia’s aggression in Ukraine changes everything | Natalie Nougayrede 

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Five years after the Smolensk plane crash, Warsaw has grown impatient with taking a diplomatic backseat
The train was trundling through the Warsaw suburbs towards the north-west. It was Easter weekend, and many travellers were on their way to family gatherings in the provinces. I shared the carriage with an elegantly dressed young Polish woman, who had studied in Birmingham and spoke fluent English. She now worked in Warsaw as a translator of Polish films. When I mentioned to her that in 2018 Poland would celebrate the centenary of its independence, she smiled hesitantly and said: “Yes … maybe we will get there.”
Nothing paints as poignant a picture of Europe’s history as a journey across this country, whose borders have shifted so many times and lands have been carved up so ruthlessly that it nearly disappeared from the map. It was a key battleground for two world wars, the scene of horrendous crimes, then became trapped for four decades behind the iron curtain. Today, Poland is the continent’s economic growth champion, a genuine success story of post-communist transition. But understandably, it is not free of anxieties.
Nato has tried to send reassuring signals, for example by, for the first time, conducting military exercises in Poland
Poland intends to spend €40bn on a missile defence system, attack helicopters, submarines, armed vehicles and drones
Continue reading...

Poland's warning to Europe: Russia's aggression in Ukraine changes everything - The Guardian

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The Guardian

Poland's warning to Europe: Russia's aggression in Ukraine changes everything
The Guardian
Russia's aggression against neighbouring Ukraine has changed almost everything. Poland is deeply concerned about its national security and about the degree of solidarity its western allies are able – and willing – to demonstrate. This anxiety is not ...
Should West Use Nuclear Weapons Against Russia? 'Scare Putin' With Missiles ...International Business Times 
The Déjà Vu of Russia's Rough JusticeHuffington Post

Russia Accuses Poland of Holding up 2010 Crash InvestigationABC News 
Minneapolis Star Tribune-Yahoo
all 154 news articles »

To Counter NATO in Baltic, Moscow Ready to Use Nuclear Weapons, Regnum Writer Says

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Paul Goble


            Staunton, April 10 – Faced with superior NATO forces in the larger Baltic Sea region and the threat they pose in the first instance to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, Leonid Nersisyan, military observer for the Regnum news agency, says that Moscow is prepared to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear powers which now oppose it.


            In the middle of a 2100-word article criticizing Baltic and Scandinavian countries for their opposition to Russia, Nersisyan has a section entitled “Limited Nuclear Conflict.”  Clearly intended to intimidate and force the governments of these countries to change course, it merits attention as a statement of Russian thinking (


            What is most striking about Nersisyan’s words is the casualness with which he discusses the possible use of tactical nuclear weapons and the distinction he makes between them and strategic weapons which he argues prevented the world from going to war in March 2014 at the time of the Russian Anschluss of Crimea.


            Here are the Regnum commentator’s comments on this point in full:


Limited Nuclear Conflict


“Is the scenario of such a major European war given the large arsenals of strategic and tactic nuclear arms on the two sides real?  If the main ‘battlefield’ will become those Baltic states, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Finland and Norway – that is non-nuclear states – then it is real.  Nuclear strikes will not be inflicted on states which have nuclear weapons.


“Nevertheless, in such a situation, there is little doubt that tactical nuclear weapons would be used – something especially important for us [Russians] since the numbers of the NATO armies exceed ours by several times over by all measures. As a result, in such a war, those countries which now most of all call for a struggle with Russia would be the losers in such a war.


“But there would not be any winners – both camps would suffer the loss of hundreds of thousands of destroyed soldiers and mountains of destroyed military equipment.


“Nevertheless, as history shows, humanity cannot long exist without wars – and there haven’t been major ones in Europe since 1945.  How many more years will nuclear weapons be able to contain aggression and hatred?  It is clear that war would have broken out in Europe already in March 2014 if there had not been this restraining factor.”


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Путин созвал Совбез из-за Украины и Йемена - УНИАН

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Путин созвал Совбез из-за Украины и Йемена
Президент РФ Владимир Владимир Путин провёл оперативное совещание с постоянными членами российского Совета безопасности по Украине. REUTERS. Об этом УНИАН сообщили в пресс-службе Кремля. «На повестке дня - актуальные международные проблемы, в частности, ...
Владимир Путин провел очередное заседание постоянных членов Совбеза РФПервый канал
Путин на Совбезе РФ обсуждает ситуацию в Украине – ПесковСЕГОДНЯ
Путин созвал Совбез по ситуации в Украине и ЙеменеКомсомольская Правда в Украине
РИА Новости
Все похожие статьи: 27 »

Russia May Soon Have ‘More Blocked Websites than Working Ones,’ Legal Expert Says 

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Paul Goble


            Staunton, April 10 – It is a measure of how Moscow has tightened the screws on the media that Russia will “soon become a country in which there will be more blocked websites than working ones,” according to Svetlana Kuzevanova, a legal specialist at the Voronezh Center for the Defense of Media Rights.


            In an interview to the “Svobodnyye novosti-Volga” news agency, Kuzevanova said that the situation has already reached the point where Moscow has declared her Center to be “a foreign agent,” apparently because the Russian justice ministry thinks that defending the rights of journalists in court is itself “political activity” (


            But what is especially worrisome, she continued, is that officials are openly ignoring even existing laws about the Internet and NGOs for political or other purposes, refusing for example to close down child pornography sites as the law requires but shuttering politically unwelcome ones instantly.


            Kuzevana began her interview with a discussion of the ways in which officials are using the epithet “foreign agent” to restrict entirely legal activities.  All sensible people understand, she said, that for ordinary Russians, the title “foreign agent” means that an individual or group is “an absolute enemy of the state.”


            Thus, saying the term doesn’t mean anything is delusional: it was chosen by the powers that be for a purpose. If Moscow simply wanted to require NGOs receiving grants from abroad to declare that fact, it could have used a different term, possibly “’an NGO with foreign financing’ or something else. There are very many terms in Russian.”


            The fact that the regime selected precisely this term, Kuzevanova says, shows that they had “an absolutely clear goal: they understand that organizations which would be included in this registry would not want to work under this name” and would “all the time be forced to explain that we are not bad but good.”


            The label is bad enough, but it is accompanied by reporting requirements and fines that make it worse. Moreover, and this is something many do not yet recognize the implications of, all NGOs classified as foreign agents must label their products as produced by a foreign agent, something that in many cases undercuts the possibilities for useful work.


            Kuzevanova pointed out that organizations like hers which works to defend journalists in court are hardly likely to get much support from the Russian government which has little interest in such defense and thus must rely on grants from others, including from foreign sources.  If those sources are closed down, so too will be the Center’s ability to fulfill its mission.


            The legal specialist then turned to the issue of internet freedom in Russia, something increasingly under threat because the Russian authorities do not understand the medium and increasingly ignore what laws there are. That leads them to conclude that the easiest thing for them to do is to block sites they don’t like.


            It also explains, she says, why officials sometimes go after administrators, sometimes after site owners, and sometimes after users. They simply don’t know what they should do. “For there to be quality legislation, there must be quality understanding of terminology and the essential features of the processes involved.  But that does not exist.”


            And its absence means that in Russia today, there is “an insane number of laws about blocking” websites rather than taking any other action. “It seems to me,” Kuzevanova says, “that soon we will become a country in which blocked sites will be more numerous than those which are working.”


            Increasingly, she says, Russian lawyers are throwing up their hands because there are so many rules that can be used to block sites, even though “blocking is the death of the resource now. Procedures for blocking are written in the law, but they don’t work” because they are applied selectively and politically instead of in terms of the laws’ intent.


            Thus, the sites of “Yezhednevny zhurnal,” and have been blocked, and appeals from their operators have been ignored. But one of Kuzevanova’s colleagues has been working to try to close a child pornography file sharing site, but officials have ignored his calls to shutter it. As a result, “the site works and continues to disseminate its horrific ‘content.’”



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One Person Killed in Fire at Rosneft Oil Refinery 

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A fire broke out at the Angarsk refinery of Russia's biggest oil firm Rosneft in east Siberia on Friday, killing one worker, Rosneft said.
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ФСБ: в рядах боевиков ИГ насчитывается около 1,7 тысячи граждан России - РИА Новости

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РИА Новости

ФСБ: в рядах боевиков ИГ насчитывается около 1,7 тысячи граждан России
РИА Новости
Заместитель директора ФСБ генерал армии Сергей Смирнов заявил, что также в настоящее время Россия достаточно информирована о присутствии граждан ШОС в "Исламском государстве". Флаг группировки ИГ. Эль-Фаллуджа, Ирак. Архивное фото. © AP Photo. ТАШКЕНТ, 10 апр ...
Несколько полевых командиров с Северного Кавказа присягнули на верность ИГГазета.Ru
В ФСБ заявили о внедрении ИГ в действующие в России террористические организацииИнтерфакс
В ФСБ назвали «Исламское государство» реальной угрозой для РоссииВзгляд
Информационное агентство России ТАСС -АМИ Тренд -ТВ Центр - Официальный сайт телеканала
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Pope Francis accused of blocking appointment of French ambassador to Vatican 'because he is gay'

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Liberal Catholics’ hopes for a more progressive Church under Pope Francis have taken another knock with claims that the Pontiff has refused to accept France’s new choice of Ambassador to the Vatican because he is gay.

СБУ сообщает о задержании уже 40 человек в Одесском регионе - РИА Новости

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РИА Новости

СБУ сообщает о задержании уже 40 человек в Одесском регионе
РИА Новости
Пресс-секретарь Службы безопасности Украины Елена Гитлянская сообщила, что "в целом СБУ задержала 40 человек, десятерым из них объявлено о подозрении в "создании террористической организации". Обыски не прекращаются". Колоннада на Приморском бульваре в Одессе.
В ходе «зачистки» Одесской области СБУ задержала 40 человекВзгляд
СБУ: в Одессе задержали уже 40 диверсантовВерсии.сом
В Одессе продолжается "зачистка" от диверсантов, задержали 40 человек - СБУУНИАН
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Порошенко пообещал защитить украинцев в Приднестровье, если их обидят - Комсомольская правда

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Комсомольская правда

Порошенко пообещал защитить украинцев в Приднестровье, если их обидят
Комсомольская правда
Президент Украины Петр Порошенко за свое недолгое правление пообещал жителям своей страны «золотые горы». Приехав в Одессу, он тут же заявил, что непременно защитит украинцев в Приднестровье, если их обидят. - Если будут нарушаться права украинцев в Приднестровье, ...
Порошенко потребовал прозрачности в расследовании событий в ОдессеРБК
Порошенко: Украина поборется за возвращение Крыма с моряИА REGNUM
Петра Порошенко встретили в Одессе криками "Фашизм не пройдет"Российская Газета -Газета Труд
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Ford takes control of Russia joint venture - Reuters

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Ford takes control of Russia joint venture
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Russian National Culture Matters But Less than Many Think, Pain Says 

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Paul Goble


            Staunton, April 10 – Russian national culture is not the determinant of the country’s development that many now believe it to be, according to Emil Pain, a leading Moscow expert on ethnicity and culture. Instead, it may “shade” this or that political or economic arrangements found in a variety of places.


            At a Liberal Mission seminar in Moscow this week, Pain argued that “culture matters” but that it is not the straightjacket or definer of the destiny of a people that many think. To insist otherwise is not only contradicted by numerous examples of the existence of similar structures across cultures but also by change within each (


            Like Habermas and Sen, Pain was sharply critical of the notion that certain cultures are incapable of change and adaptation and of Samuel Huntington’s argument that “similarity in the views of people is defined by religion.” If that were so, he asked, how could one explain Russia’s conflict with Ukraine or the absence of conflicts with Muslim Kazakhstan and Tajikistan?


            Many in Russia, he continued, do not want to hear any criticism of the idea of cultural determinism regardless of whether they define themselves as conservatives and preservers of that culture or liberals who don’t.  Both are profoundly affected by “the myth of the cultural determination of the political and economic trajectory of development” of Russia.


            Part of the reason why there are so many Russian liberals who believe in cultural determinism, Pain said, is that “the majority of those who take such positions would in the West hardly be classed as liberals but rather as right-of-center neo-conservatives.”


            If one examines the history of Russia and other countries, there is no evidence for the assertion that their trajectories of development are determined “once and for all” by national cultures, the Moscow scholar says. Instead, there is almost universal evidence for believing that the reverse is true.


            He gives as an example the rise of “mobilized political regimes in totalitarian societies that deified their leaders and a political utopia.” That happened in Catholic Italy, Protestant Germany, and the “godless” USSR. It occurred in Confucian China, Buddhist Kampuchea and Islamic Iran.


            In each case, “national culture had importance,” Pain argued. “It gave to [this political model] a certain national coloration” but “it did not destroy it.”  In the case of the Soviet Union, for example, there were many obstacles to mobilization, “but they were compensated by the possibility of high losses of demographic resources: the less order, the greater loss of life.”


            That should be kept in mind, he suggested, “by those who are oriented toward the restoration of the wheels of a mobilization society in Russia.”  Today, such a model has fewer chances to succeed than it did under Stalin. What is possible is “virtual mobilization” of television viewers who aren’t asked to get up from the couch except for pollsters.


            Pain also pointed out that despite current propaganda to the contrary, few Russian leaders in the past have operated on the basis that Russian culture determined the direction of the country’s development. Only two tsars – Nicholas I and Alexander III – did and no Soviet leader


            Contemporary Russia, he suggested, is not a reflection of a simple revival of the culture of the imperial past. Instead, “in contemporary Russian political discourse is observed a schizophrenic combination of two contradictory paradigms: “a super-constructivst ‘conspiracy theory’” which sees all events as the product of hidden forces, and “a super-evolutionary” one that defines everything as the output of a mechanism established long ago.


It is also the case, Pain argued, that many things people think are a manifestation of the continuing power of tradition are in fact artificially “’invented traditions.’”  The Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow was created “before our eyes, “and the empire has not been preserved – it is being restored by hand in front of our eyes.”


 Culture changes, and it can be changed, he suggested.  He pointed to the case of post-communist Poland where the government launched a policy to de-communize everything via a new cultural policy. Warsaw’s policy “is called ‘memory policy,’” Pain said, but he suggested that it would be more accurate to call it “’a policy for memory change.’”


            In many countries but especially in Russia, culture is the object of policy rather than being something that autonomously shapes policy, Pain said.  “In our ‘vertical’ country, norms spread only from the top to bottom” and from Moscow to smaller cities and then to the villages. If culture were all-powerful, he suggested, the flow of influence would be very different.
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«Вы не цитируете Путина. Вы цитируете какой-то идиотизм» - Коммерсантъ

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«Вы не цитируете Путина. Вы цитируете какой-то идиотизм»
Президент Украины Петр Порошенко прокомментировал появившуюся в начале недели информацию в СМИ о том, что на переговорах «нормандской четверки» в Минске 11—12 февраля он предложил президенту России Владимиру Путину «забрать Донбасс». Господин Порошенко ...
СМИ: Порошенко не хочет слышать о том, что "предлагал" Путину "забрать Донбасс". Боится?Правда.Ру
Порошенко назвал идиотизмом разговоры о его предложении отдать Донбасс
Порошенко назвал слухи о его предложении Путину забрать Донбасс «идиотизмом»Взгляд
Газета.Ru -ИА REGNUM
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New Laws on Archives and Names Show Ukraine ‘Increasingly Diverging’ from Russia, Scholar Says

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Paul Goble


            Staunton, April 10 – “The mental gap between Ukraine and Russia is growing, and the trajectories of the two country are ever more strongly diverging,” according to Maksim Artemyev in an assessment of new Ukrainian laws opening Soviet-era secret police archives, de-Sovietizing the country’s toponymy, and revising key judgments about the past.


            In a comment on, Artemyev says that “public access to the archives of the special services is an important decision intended to ensure the past will not be repeated. Now Ukraine wants to go along this path,” but “in Russia in contrast, hopes for such a decision were forgotten and buried long ago” (


            Yesterday, the Verkhovna Rada passed on first reading a law intended to simplify the access of citizens to the archives of Soviet force structures, including the KGB. Such public access is “an important decision,” one that Ukraine joins the countries of Eastern Europe in making but on that in Russia hopes for something similar were “long ago forgotten and buried.”


            That step, along with others that redefine the 1939-1945 conflict in Europe as World War II rather than “the Great Fatherland War,” celebrate the end of the war in Europe on May 8 rather than May 9, end the condemnation of the anti-Moscow resistanc, and call for the elimination of all Soviet place names move Ukraine ever further from “a common past” with Russia.


            At the end of the 1980s and in the early 1990s, many Russian liberals hoped for something similar with regard to the archives and place names, but “there was not a broad social demand for this” and the powers that be soon were able to block access to the archives and limit name changes.


            As a result, Russia but not now Ukraine “decided to turn away from its own history or more precisely did not want to say farewell to its accustomed picture.” As a result, Artemyev says, “Russia in many respects remains a Soviet state with a corresponding ideology and system of values.”


            Also yesterday, he continues, the Ukrainian parliament adopted several other “important pieces of legislation,” including one law that bans the use of symbols from the communist and national socialist past, the taking down of monuments to all communist leaders, and the elimination of all place names linked to the Soviet and communist leadership.


            Implementing all these pieces of legislation is not going to be easy. “Taking down monuments [to Lenin] is one thing; renaming thousands of streets, squares and allies” is another. It will be expensive and for some longtime residents inconvenient, and there will be resistance as well as questions about what names should be employed instead.


            But in all these cases, whatever the problems there may be, Ukraine has shown that it plans to follow the European path rather the Russian one, the historian says. “In Russia, in 1990-1992, there were attempts to change place names. But like with many other reforms, the move stopped not having gone even half way.”


            Leningrad was renamed St. Petersburg, and Sverdlovsk was renamed Yekaterinburg, but the oblasts around them remained what they were: Leningrad and Sverdlovsk. And while some streets in some cities have been renamed, most Russians continue to “live on Lenin Prospects, and the centers of their cities are decorated with statues of Lenin.”


            The continuing presence of Lenin’s mausoleum on Red Square, Artemyev says, is “one of the most visible testimonials of the piddling nature of real changes after 1991.” Putin today is so popular that “if he decided to carry out the mummy and close that institution, no mass protests would take place.”


And the fact that he has not done so and that his regime continues “to support the relics of Sovietism,” the Russian historian says, “likely shows that “they are important and dear to [the leadership] in and of themselves and not because [any move against them] would generate social tensions.”

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Майкл Макфол: Путин не заинтересован в разрешении украинского конфликта 

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Бывший посол США в России считает взаимодействие с Кремлем бесполезным на данном этапе Originally published at - http://ww...
Time: 02:56More in News & Politics

Russia's Middle Class Reluctant to Blame Putin for Economic Downturn 

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It was when her nine-year-old son said he wanted to be ill to keep her home that Yekaterina Chatskaya knew the cuts at her Moscow clinic had gone too far and she was working too many hours.

Whoa. The Russian ruble is having a 'miracle' surge - CNNMoney

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Whoa. The Russian ruble is having a 'miracle' surge
The ruble collapsed last year as the Russian economy started showing serious cracks.
 Russiawas hit hard by the double whammy of falling oil prices and the Western sanctions imposed on Moscow over its role in the crisis in Ukraine. The numbers are ...

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After 'Interns' Star Came Out in Russia, a Mix of Fury and Shrugs - New York Times

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New York Times

After 'Interns' Star Came Out in Russia, a Mix of Fury and Shrugs
New York Times
MOSCOW — In February, Odin Biron, an American actor who plays a naïve American son of two gay fathers in the hugely popular Russian medical sitcom “Interns,” took a calculated risk. He disclosed that he was gay. At first, there were a few tense weeks.

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Analysts: Iran Deal Offers Chance to Rehabilitate Foreign Relations 

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The tentative framework over Iran’s nuclear program agreed to this month is in renewed doubt over the timing of when Western sanctions should be lifted. But many analysts say the progress made offers an opportunity for both Tehran and the West to tackle other burning issues in the region, such as the conflicts in Syria and Yemen. VOA's Henry Ridgwell looks at whether Iran’s foreign relations can make a fresh start.

Линия разграничения в Донбассе остается линией огня - Вести.Ru

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Линия разграничения в Донбассе остается линией огня
В поселок Спартак, расположенный в пригороде Донецка, прибыли наблюдатели ОБСЕ. Минувшей ночью украинские войска обрушили на жилые дома и позиции ополченцев шквал огня. Всего за минувшие сутки верные Киеву подразделения около 60 раз нарушали режим прекращения ...
Поселок Спартак, который находится недалеко от донецкого аэропорта, сегодня обстреляли 80 разПервый канал
Последствия обстрела поселка Спартак в Донецкой областиРИА Новости
Неподконтрольные Киеву батальоны продолжают обстреливать ДонбассНТВ.ru
Комитет избирателей Донбасса-МонаВистаМосковский комсомолец 
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Катынь и Смоленск 

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Что значат для поляков и русских сегодня Катынь и смоленская трагедия президентского самолета? В студии...
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Time: 54:52More in News & Politics

Iran-China Alliance Not Considered Threat to Nuclear Talks

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The U.S. State Department says it does not believe Iran’s alliance with a new multi-billion dollar China-led development bank will destabilize the ongoing Iran nuclear talks.   Iran is one of about 35 countries that have been accepted as founding members of the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank, or AIIB.   China is also part of the so-called P5 + 1, the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany, which have been in intense talks with Iran to curb suspect parts of its nuclear program in exchange for relief from international sanctions.  The other countries in the talks are France, Britain, Russia and the United States.   “We do not see such a risk,” said State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke.   Rathke said the U.S. expects the P5 + 1 to remain united in its goal of keeping Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons “regardless of other outside events.”   Amy Studdart, a policy economy analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said Iran and China had good relations before the start of the nuclear talks.   “The formalizing of the relationship is a new dynamic but I do not think it changes the amount of leverage that the parties have in the talks,” she said.   China launched the development bank last year. When fully operational, the lending institution’s focus will be on growing Asian sectors that include energy, telecommunications, agriculture and sanitation.   Studdart said founding member countries would have a role in shaping the charter and rules of the institution, while countries that joined later were unlikely to have that kind of influence.   The United States has held off joining the AIIB although its key European allies - and Iran nuclear negotiating partners, Britain, France and Germany - have joined.

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Senate nears veto-proof tally on Iran bill

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» Майкл Макфол: Путин не заинтересован в разрешении украинского конфликта
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» Whoa. The Russian ruble is having a 'miracle' surge - CNNMoney
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» After 'Interns' Star Came Out in Russia, a Mix of Fury and Shrugs - New York Times
10/04/15 20:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. New York Times After 'Interns' Star Came Out in Russia , a Mix of Fury and Shrugs New York Times MOSCOW — In February, Odin Biron, an American actor who plays a naïve American son of ...
» Analysts: Iran Deal Offers Chance to Rehabilitate Foreign Relations
10/04/15 20:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. The tentative framework over Iran’s nuclear program agreed to this month is in renewed doubt over the timing of when Western sanctions should be lifted. But many analysts say the progress...
» Линия разграничения в Донбассе остается линией огня - Вести.Ru
10/04/15 20:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Вести.Ru Линия разграничения в Донбассе остается линией огня Вести.Ru В поселок Спартак, расположенный в пригороде Донецка, прибыли наблюдатели ОБСЕ. Минувшей ночью украинские войс...
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» Iran-China Alliance Not Considered Threat to Nuclear Talks
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mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. The U.S. State Department says it does not believe Iran’s alliance with a new multi-billion dollar China-led development bank will destabilize the ongoing Iran nuclear talks.   Iran is on...
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mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Blackstone and Wells Fargo to Buy GE Capital's Real Estate Assets MarketWatch NEW YORK & SAN FRANCISCO, Apr 10, 2015 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Blackstone BX, -0.03% and Wells Fargo ...
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» How a sunken ship explains the U.S. military alliance with South Korea
10/04/15 19:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
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mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Ukraine's military and pro-Russian rebels accused each other on Friday of intensifying attacks in separatist eastern territories despite a two-month-old cease-fire deal. The conflict has ...
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mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Spanish judge sentences Antonio Ricardo Lema Sanjurjo to three years in prison for causing first- and second-degree burns burning victim as she slept A man in northern Spain h...
» Vatican suspected of rejecting gay French ambassador
10/04/15 19:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Vatican has not responded to nomination of Laurent Stéfanini, a senior diplomat described as an exemplary candidate in the Italian press The Vatican has been dragging its feet...
» WorldViews: Cubans love the pope and the Catholic Church, but they’re just not that into religion
10/04/15 19:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post. Religion in Cuba is complicated, and a new survey on the island offers a rare snapshot of religious identity in a Communist n...
» Tsarnaev conviction undermines argument from McCain, Graham - MSNBC
10/04/15 19:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. MSNBC Tsarnaev conviction undermines argument from McCain, Graham MSNBC A jury this week convicted Dzhokhar Tsarnaev for his role in the Boston Marathon, nearly two years to the ...
» Obama Administration Launches Cuba Charm Offensive
10/04/15 19:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. A photo of the former adversaries shows U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry shaking hands with Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez, slight smiles playing across their faces. The image o...
» China rejects Obama's criticism in islands dispute - USA TODAY
10/04/15 19:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. USA TODAY China rejects Obama's criticism in islands dispute USA TODAY BEIJING — The Chinese government on Friday dismissed criticism from President Obama, who said Beijing is pu...
» Will A Nuclear Deal Bring The U.S. And Iran Together?
10/04/15 19:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. A nuclear deal would remove some long-standing barriers between Iran and the United States, but don't expect the walls to come tumbling down.
» Russia says move to cap its NATO mission has Cold War echoes
10/04/15 19:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. MOSCOW (Reuters) - A move by NATO to cap the size of Russia's diplomatic mission at the alliance's Brussels headquarters has echoes of the Cold War, RIA news agency quoted Russian Fore...
» Ex-Blackwater guards seek new trial just days before sentencing for Iraq deaths
10/04/15 19:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four American former Blackwater guards, convicted in connection with the killings of 14 unarmed Iraqis in 2007, have asked a U.S. judge for a new trial just days...
» GE dismantles GE Capital; plans $90B to investors - USA TODAY
10/04/15 19:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. USA TODAY GE dismantles GE Capital; plans $90B to investors USA TODAY General Electric (GE) said today it is selling its GE Capital banking business, in the latest attempt to sim...
» Czech President Won't Attend Moscow Parade
10/04/15 19:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. The Czech president reversed a decision to attend a military parade in Moscow next month after coming under heavy pressure, including from his own government, amid tensions between Rus...
» Podcast: Putin Flexes His Missiles
10/04/15 19:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Is Russia's nuclear posturing just bluster? The geopolitical equivalent of Vladimir Putin's fondness for being photographed shirtless? Or does it point to something darker?
» Iran Would Extend Deal Talks Past Deadline
10/04/15 19:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. Iran will extend talks for a final nuclear deal with world powers beyond a June 30 deadline if the extension is required to satisfy red lines drawn this week by supreme leader Ayatolla...
» Russia Complains About NATO Reducing Delegation
10/04/15 19:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Aleksei Meshkov said April 10 NATO's decision to reduce the number of Russian representatives at the alliance "smacks of a Cold War spirit"
» Obama Nears Decision on Cuba’s Status on Terror List
10/04/15 19:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. President Obama may remove Cuba’s designation as a state sponsor of terrorism. The White House also said it had not ruled out a meeting between Mr. Obama and the Cuban president at a gather...
» Obama foreign policy doctrine takes shape
10/04/15 19:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. US president banks on President banks on policy of engagement with erstwhile enemies Iran and Cuba
» Argentine court orders arrest of Justin Bieber over assault claim - Reuters
10/04/15 19:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Reuters Argentine court orders arrest of Justin Bieber over assault claim Reuters BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - An Argentine judge ordered the arrest of pop star Justin Bieber if he sets fo...
» Meet the Pro-Russian ‘Partisans’ Waging a Bombing Campaign in Ukraine
10/04/15 19:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from TIME. Soon after midnight on April 1, a separatist group calling itself the Kharkov Partisans issued another one of its video warnings to the Ukrainian government. It claimed that within the next 48 hours ...
» Can Iran Nuclear Deal Survive Many Hurdles Ahead?
10/04/15 19:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. U.S. and Iranian negotiators are working to transform a recent interim deal to limit Tehran’s nuclear ambitions into a final agreement. But analysts say there are obstacles to a final acc...
» U.S. Defense Chief Talks Tough on North Korea
10/04/15 19:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter struck a harsh tone on North Korea Friday, and said the U.S. would deploy its best equipment to the region.
» WorldViews: The U.S. and Cuba will soon agree to reopen their embassies. Here’s what happens next.
10/04/15 19:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post. President Obama and Cuba's Raul Castro are expected to meet Saturday on the sidelines of the Summit of the Americas, and the ...
» Israeli forces reportedly kill Palestinian in riot
10/04/15 19:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from - World. A 27-year-old Palestinian man was shot and killed Friday, allegedly by Israeli forces, during a riot that grew out of a West Bank funeral procession for his cousin, with whom he is now exp...
» Obama, Raúl Castro Speak Before Summit
10/04/15 18:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. President Obama and Cuban President Raúl Castro spoke on the phone ahead of their arrival in Panama for a summit of leaders from the Americas.
» Islamic State launches deadly assault in Anbar province
10/04/15 18:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post. BAGHDAD — Islamic State militants launched a devastating assault on Iraqi government forces in the provincial capital of Anba...
» Islamic State launches deadly assault in Anbar province - Washington Post
10/04/15 18:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. AsiaOne Islamic State launches deadly assault in Anbar province Washington Post BAGHDAD — Islamic State militants launched a devastating assault on Iraqi government forces in the provi...
» Argentine Judge Orders Arrest Warrant for Justin Bieber - New York Times
10/04/15 18:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Argentine Judge Orders Arrest Warrant for Justin Bieber New York Times BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — An Argentine judge has issued an arrest warrant for Justin Bieber on Friday, sayi...
» Justice Department warns employees against frequenting prostitutes - Washington Post
10/04/15 18:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Justice Department warns employees against frequenting prostitutes Washington Post The Justice Department is sending a memo to all of its employees Friday warning them that solic...
» S&P Lowers Ukraine's Credit Rating
10/04/15 18:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The Standard & Poors rating agency has downgraded Ukraine's credit rating to CC, a notch lower than the previous CCC- level, and says the outlook is negative.
» Secret Service Officer Arrested for Destruction of Property - TIME
10/04/15 18:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. TIME Secret Service Officer Arrested for Destruction of Property TIME A secret service officer has been arrested in Washington, D.C. and charged with destruction of property. The...
» US Man Charged with Plotting Suicide Attack on Army Base
10/04/15 18:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. A Topeka, Kansas man has been charged in federal court with attempting to detonate a car bomb at a military base as part of a plot to support Islamic State, the U.S. Department of Justice...
» Obamas paid $93362 in federal taxes, return shows - USA TODAY
10/04/15 18:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. USA TODAY Obamas paid $93362 in federal taxes, return shows USA TODAY WASHINGTON — President Obama and his wife paid $93,362 in federal taxes last year on a combined income of $4...
» Former US Ambassador: Putin Has Not Interest in Resolving Ukraine Conflict
10/04/15 18:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Former U.S. ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul tells VOA that Russian President Vladimir Putin has no interest in resolving the conflict in Ukraine because it serves his interest. McFaul...
» China Infrastructure Bank - World Bank Rival or Partner?
10/04/15 18:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Iran has just joined 34 other countries to become the newest member of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. The new development bank, launched late last year by the People’s Republic...
» Kerry to Brief US Congress on Iran Nuclear Deal
10/04/15 18:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will brief a skeptical Congress next week on a framework nuclear deal with Iran. President Barack Obama's deputy national security advisor, Ben Rhodes, ...
» Russian Ruble Touches Four-Month High
10/04/15 18:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The Russian ruble rose in trading on April 10, reaching a high point for 2015.
» Same Surveillance State, Different War — The Atlantic
10/04/15 18:20 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Master Feed : The Atlantic. How government justification for mass surveillance during the war on drugs turned into rationalization for spying on citizens in the war on terror It's been a long 22 months sin...
» US Government Makes Baltimore Police Keep Surveillance With Hailstorm Device Secret: Report
10/04/15 18:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . (Newser) – Baltimore police are under orders from the US government to withhold information about secretive cellphone surveillance technology from the public and even the courts, and are encouraged to s...
» Data on police shootings limited
10/04/15 18:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Topics Officer-Involved Shootings Yesterday at 4:29 PM By Ben Poston Los Angeles Times NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — Since 1985, police in North Charleston, S.C., have recorded four "justifiable homicid...
» The FBI Busts Up Another Of Its Own Terrorist Plots And Politicians Rush To Blame The First Amendment
10/04/15 18:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog, Like other recent sensational “terror plots,” however, the criminal complaint unsealed yesterday demonstrates the key role of an undercover l...
» Baltimore Police Using Technology Secretly To Tap Into Thousands Of Cell Phones « CBS Baltimore
10/04/15 18:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from CBS Baltimore. BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Accessing your data. Baltimore City police have been using technology to tap into thousands of cell phones. Alex DeMetrick reports the secret deal with the FBI even k...
» Tells the Facts, Names the Names
10/04/15 18:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names. “I predict that we will see a whole new wave of UAVs emerging with payloads more unusual than tasers, dart guns and paintball guns.” — Guy ...
» ISIS-Inspired Kansas Man Accused of Plotting Another Ft. Hood-Type Attack
10/04/15 18:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from ABC News: U.S.. A 20-year-old Kansas man allegedly joined the U.S. Army last year so he could launch an ISIS-inspired attack on American soldiers like the deadly strike on Ft. Hood, Texas, in 2009, federal...
» Florida prison system under fire amid allegations of abuse, fatal shower scalding
10/04/15 18:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . The exterior of Florida State Prison near Starke, Florida.  (Reuters) Florida's state-run prison system is being hammered with allegations that guards abused and even killed inmates -- including one inci...
» San Diego’s homegrown FBI hacking hit
10/04/15 18:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . # Mobile phone and computer snooping by police, long a staple in the war against crime, got a boost here 15 years ago with the opening of the nation's first FBI-run regional computer forensics laboratory. # "...
» As encryption spreads, U.S. worries about access to data for investigations
10/04/15 17:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . National Security Agency Director Adm. Michael Rogers takes questions at the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association's Cybersecurity Technology Summit on April 2. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Image...
» FBI Warns of Fake Govt Sites, ISIS Defacements — Krebs on Security
10/04/15 17:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Krebs on Security. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is warning that individuals sympathetic to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (ISIS) are mass-defacing Websites using known vulnerabilities ...
» Baltimore Police used secret technology to track cellphones in thousands of cases
10/04/15 17:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Baltimore Police used secret technology to track cellphones in thousands of cases - Baltimore Sun. The Baltimore Police Department has used an invasive and controversial cellphone tracking device thousands...
» World coalition attacks botnet infecting 12,000
10/04/15 17:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . A graphic representation of the dangers posed by botnets, stealth robotic computer networks that place malicious hardware on the computers of unsuspecting users. (Photo: Europol European Cybercrime Centre) An...
» 2015-04-10#Immigration
10/04/15 17:49 from Mike Nova - Google+
2015-04-10 #Immigration Immigration Activists Hide Material Training Exec. Amnesty ‘Navigators’ In ‘Path To Power’ Immigration Activists Hide Material Training Exec. Amnesty ‘Navigators’ In ‘Path To Power’ Friday April 10 th , 2015  at  ...
» FBI, international cybercrime task force beat botnet
10/04/15 17:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . A new group of international cybercrime fighters claimed one of its first kills Thursday, pulling the plug on malicious servers that hijacked at least 12,000 machines, most of them in the United States. The e...
» A Former Black Panther-Turned-FBI Informant Brings a Camera Crew to Work
10/04/15 17:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Colorlines. Saeed Torres is a Harlem-born former Black Panther and self-described “revolutionary” who, while imprisoned in the early ’90s, began spying on his Muslim community for the FBI...
» FBI agreement requires police to hide surveillance use from the courts | Politics
10/04/15 17:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Police agreements with the Federal Bureau of Investigation ask officers to hide the capabilities of high-tech surveillance equipment from the courts and the public, according to records obtained by the ACLU. ...
» Fake FBI agent swindled man out of his home: lawsuit
10/04/15 17:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from | Fake FBI agent swindled man out of his home: lawsuitNew York Post. Shady Brooklyn real-estate workers conned a Flatbush man out of his home after one posed as a FBI agent and threatened to arrest him unl...
» Defense says FBI probe of accused officers was flawed
10/04/15 17:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News. Jeremy Roebuck, Inquirer Staff Writer Last updated: Friday, April 10, 2015, 1:09 AM Posted: Thursday, April 9, 2015, 8:58 PM After seven days of testimony alleging that an elite Philadelph...
» The Boston Bombing: Was Tamerlan Tsarnaev an FBI Informant? | Global Research
10/04/15 17:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Global Research. Originally published by  Who What Why by Lara Turner We asked each member of our Boston Marathon Bombing reporting team to share their personal experience or perspective on one a...
» FBI: Man Plotted Suicide Bomb Attack at Kansas Military Base
10/04/15 17:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from ABC News: U.S.. A 20-year-old man accused of planning a suicide attack at Fort Riley was arrested Friday while trying to arm what he thought was a 1,000-pound bomb near the Kansas military base as part of ...
» The CIA gets a makeover
10/04/15 17:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from David Ignatius: Most Recent Articles and Archives. Director of the Central Intelligence Agency John Brennan speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York last month. (Brendan Mcdermid/Reuters) CIA...
» No time for passivity in Ukraine
10/04/15 16:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Ukrainian servicemen during a training session near the eastern city of Mariupol, Ukraine on April 1. (Roman Pilipey/European Pressphoto Agency) By Editorial Board April 9 at 7:51 PM WHILE WESTERN attention i...
» Puerto Ricans who can’t speak English qualify as disabled for Social Security
10/04/15 16:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Hundreds of Puerto Rico’s residents qualified for federal disability benefits in recent years because they lacked fluency in English, according to government auditors. The Social Security Admi...
» The Iran deal: Anatomy of a disaster
10/04/15 16:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Charles Krauthammer: Most Recent Articles and Archives. President Obama speaks at the White House about the Iranian nuclear talks. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/ASSOCIATED PRESS) “ Negotiations . ....
» Obama, Castro to hold bilateral meeting Saturday
10/04/15 16:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . President Obama walks across the Miraflores locks during his tour of the Panama Canal in Panama City on April 10. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP) PANAMA CITY — President Obama and Cuban President Raú...
» Yemen’s War Leaves Aden Crumbling and Starving
10/04/15 16:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . ADEN, Yemen — Rooftop snipers have emptied the streets of this dusty seaside city and swelled its hospitals and morgues. Weeks of fighting between armed groups have left nearly 200 people dead and the c...
» Czech President to Skip Controversial Moscow Victory Day Parade | News
10/04/15 16:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . David W Cerny / Reuters Czech Republic's President Milos Zeman (L) welcomes a group of Ukrainian Czech repatriates at Prague's Ruzyne Airport March 15, 2015. The Czech government has granted residence permits...
» Russian Ruble Falls Sharply as Incredible Rebound Falters | Business
10/04/15 16:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Vedomosti Russian ruble and U.S. dollar banknotes are seen on a table at a bank in Moscow. The Russian ruble fell sharply Friday afternoon, having surged to fresh 2015 highs in the morning, after the Central ...
» ‪Russian Capital Flight Slows Sharply in First Quarter‬ | Business
10/04/15 16:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . A Gordeyev / Vedomosti Capital flight from Russia has slowed sharply. ‪Net capital outflow from Russia was $32.6 billion in the first quarter of the year, down from $72.9 billion in&...
» Russia held military exercise in Transnistria
10/04/15 16:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Military & Defense. Russia held a military exercise in an internationally unrecognized pro-Russian separatist region of Moldova on April 9, the Wall Street Journal reports citing Russian news agencies....
» White House hacking reports highlight digital cold war between US, Russia
10/04/15 16:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Christian Science Monitor | World. Reports this week about Russian involvement in computer intrusions at the US State Department and White House bring fresh attention to growing tensions between the t...
» Russia’s Next Target - WSJ
10/04/15 16:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Russian forces on Thursday conducted a drill near Moldova, the small, Kremlin-menaced nation wedged between Ukraine and Romania. According to Russian news agencies, 400 Russian troops participated in exercise...
» Russia's ruble: From down-and-out to darling
10/04/15 16:20 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;a target="_blank" href="
» Immigration Activists Hide Material Training Exec. Amnesty ‘Navigators’ In ‘Path To Power’
10/04/15 16:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Comments on: Immigration Activists Hide Material Training Exec. Amnesty ‘Navigators’ In ‘Path To Power’. Following Breitbart News’ report about the training immigration activists planned to help ille...
» Hatton Garden gem heist: Police knew about alarm but didn't attend
10/04/15 15:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. Thieves made off with up to £200million-worth of jewels after bold break-in An alarm went off around the time the heist is thought to have started Police admit they were told of al...
» Larry Kramer’s Novel ‘The American People’ Adds a Gay Dimension to History
10/04/15 15:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Fourteen years ago, the playwright and activist Larry Kramer was preparing to die. His liver was failing, and the prognosis was grave. He summoned an old friend, Will Schwalbe, editor in chief of Hyperion Boo...
» Review: Judith Miller’s ‘The Story: A Reporter’s Journey’
10/04/15 15:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Continue reading the main story In late 2002 and through 2003, Judith Miller, an investigative reporter at The New York Times, wrote a series of articles about the presumed presence of chemical and biological...
» Review: ‘One of Us,’ by Asne Seierstad, on Anders Breivik’s Rampage in Norway
10/04/15 15:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . The nonfiction horror story told in “One of Us: The Story of Anders Breivik and the Massacre in Norway” moves slowly, inexorably and with tremendous authority. It’s a sober book that smells ...
» NATO Caps Size of Russia’s Mission After Internal Reports of Espionage
10/04/15 15:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . WASHINGTON — For a year after the North Atlantic Treaty Organization cut back its cooperation with Russia as punishment for the country’s incursions into Ukraine , Russia’s NATO mission has ...
» Russian Nuclear Submarine Catches Fire During Repairs
10/04/15 15:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . MOSCOW — A Russian nuclear submarine caught fire while undergoing repairs in a dry dock outside the city of Arkhangelsk and smoke billowed from it through the day on Tuesday. But emergency officials tol...
» With Details of Iran Deal Still in Flux, White House Opens Sales Effort
10/04/15 15:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . WASHINGTON — President Obama has compared the preliminary accord on limiting Iran’s nuclear program to signing a contract to buy a house, emphasizing that the deal is not done until it closes. But...
» China Is Said to Use Powerful New Weapon to Censor Internet
10/04/15 15:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . SAN FRANCISCO — Late last month, China began flooding American websites with a barrage of Internet traffic in an apparent effort to take out services that allow China’s Internet users to view webs...
» For Mentally Ill Inmates, a Cycle of Jail and Hospitals
10/04/15 15:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . It was not a particularly violent crime that sent Michael Megginson to Rikers Island . He was arrested for stealing a cellphone. But in jail, Mr. Megginson, who is 25 and has been in and out of psychiatric ho...
» 9-Year-Old Girl Pregnant After Being Raped By Islamic State Group Militants
10/04/15 13:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from International Business Times. A 9-year-old girl from a minority group in Iraq is pregnant after being raped by at least 10 different men with the Islamic State group, news reports said. She was seen by aid...
» 2,596,2122,596,2122015-04-10#MassGrave
10/04/15 13:47 from Mike Nova - Google+
2,596,212 2,596,212 2015-04-10 #MassGrave Hundreds of bodies found in mass grave (raw) Hundreds of bodies found in mass grave (raw) Friday April 10 th , 2015  at  11:59 AM 1 Share Hundreds of bodies found in mass grave (raw) Forensic tea...
» The Iran Nuclear Deal Is Good–for the Mullahs - Washington Wire
10/04/15 13:20 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Washington Wire. By Aaron David Miller Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in Tehran on April 9.  Agence France-Presse/Getty Images The agreement over Iran’s nuclear program wil...
» Opinion: Contradictions in Obama's Doctrine
10/04/15 13:20 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from ASHARQ AL-AWSAT. I tried to ignore US President Barack Obama’s interview with the New York Times because I was sure it would be part of his propaganda campaign for the framework nuclear deal with Ira...
» US liberal groups push congressional Democrats on Iran nuclear bills - Middle East
10/04/15 13:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . US progressive groups rallied on Thursday to persuade Democratic senators not to support a bill giving Congress a vote on a nuclear deal with Iran, echoing the White House's insistence that the measure could ...
» White House Takes Shot At Netanyahu On Twitter Using Iran Bomb Diagram « CBS DC
10/04/15 13:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from CBS DC. Latest News WASHINGTON (CBS DC/AP) — The White House Twitter account took a shot at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday, tweeting a cartoon bomb graphic nearly identical to...
» Obama’s doctrine and legacy | New York Amsterdam News: The new Black view
10/04/15 13:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Amsterdam News stories. Special to the AmNews If President Barack Obama’s intention is to forge a legacy, one mainly based on his foreign policy, he has made several decisive steps toward that goal. ...
» The White House's Netanyahu-trolling cartoon is pretty misleading
10/04/15 13:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Vox - All. The White House tweeted out a cartoon on Wednesday afternoon, defending the Iran nuclear framework agreement, that was unmistakably designed to mock Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It...
» When Debating Iran's Nuclear Program, Sort Fact from Fiction | Scott Ritter
10/04/15 13:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Huffington Post | Full News Feed. American policy makers have made it a point, expressed consistently over time, to emphasize that intelligence estimates do not, in and of themselves, constitute policy...
» Poll Finds Most Americans Don't Trust Iran on Nuclear Deal - NBC
10/04/15 13:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Poll Finds Most Americans Don't Trust Iran on Nuclear Deal collapse story Most Americans don't trust that Iran will abide by an eventual agreement to curtail its nuclear program and not develop an atomic weap...
» More than 100,000 fake Turkish passports given to ISIL
10/04/15 13:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ( ISIL ) militants were given more than 100,000 fake Turkish passports in order to travel to Turkey and then enter Syria to join ISIL, a daily reported on Thursday. Accord...
» Obama Telephones Corker to Discuss Iran Nuke Agreement
10/04/15 13:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from ABC News: Politics. The White House says President Barack Obama and Sen. Bob Corker have discussed the tentative agreement to limit Iran's nuclear program. Corker, a Tennessee Republican and the Senate For...
» Should the U.S. guarantee safety in the Mideast?
10/04/15 13:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Should the U.S. guarantee safety in the Mideast? - Los Angeles Times. To the editor: Professor Steven L. Spiegel's idea of the U.S. entering into formal defense treaties with Israel, Saudi Arabia and other...
» Could the Corker-Menendez bill kill an Iran deal? A top Dem supporter pushes back.
10/04/15 13:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Virginia Senator Tim Kaine is among the most prominent Democratic supporters of the Corker-Menendez bill on Iran. He may be one of the most important players in determining whether it passes and what it ultim...
» White House swipes at Netanyahu with tweet of Iran bomb diagram
10/04/15 13:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Now Playing Amb. Gillerman: WH 'deteriorating' relationship with Israel The White House took an apparent swipe at Benjamin Netanyahu on Twitter Wednesday, posting a diagram similar to one used by the Israeli ...
» The Arab Reaction to the Iran Deal
10/04/15 13:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from From the Potomac to the Euphrates. Saudi King Salman attends the opening meeting of the Arab Summit in Sharm el-Sheikh (Stringer/Courtesy Reuters). My research associate, Amr Leheta, wrote this terrific po...
» Chertoff: Iran Deal Worthless Without the Right Enforcement Mechanisms | TIME
10/04/15 13:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Michael Chertoff was secretary of Homeland Security from 2005 to 2009. He is now executive chairman of The Chertoff Group, a global security and risk-management advisory firm. How will we enforce Iranian comp...
» 5 reasons Iran nuke deal fails: Column
10/04/15 13:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Kicking the nuclear can down the road while praying Iran changes doesn't offer much hope. A handout picture made available by the official website of the Iranian Supreme Leader shows the Supreme Leader, Ayato...
» Nuke deal 'fact sheets' vary between US, Iran, others
10/04/15 13:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Officials and pundits have repeatedly emphasized that the devil is in the details for an Iran nuclear deal, but there may also be demons in the basics. Key disagreements about what's been decided have emerged...
» A Struggle to Secure Iraq’s Shared Past, and Perhaps Its Future
10/04/15 13:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . BAGHDAD — Looted and shuttered after American troops seized Baghdad a dozen years ago, the National Museum of Iraq has officially reopened its doors — a response to Islamic State thugs’ taki...
» Differences Emerge in U.S., Iran Interpretations of Nuclear Deal
10/04/15 13:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from U.S. News - News. By: Shahir Shahidsaless, Contributor for Al-Monitor Al-Monitor After eight days and nights of intense negotiations, on April 2 Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Federica M...
» Hundreds of bodies found in mass grave (raw)
10/04/15 12:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Hundreds of bodies found in mass grave (raw) Forensic teams examined and worked to remove hundreds of bodies found in a mass grave in Tikrit, Iraq. The victims are believed to be hundreds of soldiers killed b...
» Why is ISIS destroying Iraq’s cultural heritage? | Opinion , Commentary
10/04/15 12:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Daily Star >> Opinion. In recent months ISIS has taken to destroying priceless architecture and antiquities in northern Iraq. Since declaring a “caliphate” in June 2014 ISIS has targe...
» U.S. official: No timetable on Mosul invasion
10/04/15 12:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Story highlights U.S. official said in February that Iraqi troops could go into Mosul in April or May Officials say now that there's no timetable, an invasion could come sooner or later They note that recaptu...
» ISIS launches English radio
10/04/15 12:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . DM London ISIS has launched English-language radio news bulletins on its Iraqi broadcast service - complete with information on the latest suicide bombings and ‘martyrdom operations’. The extremis...
» US to Tehran: Hands off Yemen
10/04/15 12:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . ADEN: Washington warned Thursday it would not “stand by” while Iran supports rebels in Yemen, where a Saudi-led coalition hit anti-government targets at the start of a third week of bombings. In t...
» The Saudi concert | The Jakarta Post
10/04/15 12:20 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . The war within a religion in the Afro-Arab world is set to intensify if Pakistan responds positively to Saudi Arabia’s appeal and joins the military offensive against the Shia militants in Yemen. While ...
» Tensions Between Iran and Saudi Arabia Deepen Over Conflict in Yemen
10/04/15 12:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . CAIRO — Tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia deepened on Thursday as Iranian leaders lashed out with rare vehemence against the continuing Saudi air campaign in Yemen , even hurling personal insults a...
» Obama’s Mindless Spin on Iran
10/04/15 12:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The latest from The Weekly Standard by Jay Cost. Widget tooltip If one were to deny Barack Obama the use of straw-man attacks, misrepresentation of facts, accusations that opponents are operating in bad fa...
» It Begins: The Shaping and Selling of Obama's Legacy
10/04/15 12:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RealClearPolitics - Articles. Perhaps it’s the field of potential and actual candidates who claim to want his job, or thoughts of a presidential library where two terms of Barack Obama history will g...
» Yazidi sex slaves 'gang-raped in public' by Isis fighters, harrowing accounts reveal - Middle East - World
10/04/15 12:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Hundreds of women and children were abducted from the town of Sinjar, in northern Iraq, and held hostage by Isis for over eight months. Some were sold to fighters as sex slaves or given as ‘prizes’...
» ISIS kills 52 men in Iraq
10/04/15 12:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Guardian Nigeria. ISIS killed 52 men, the majority Iraqi police officers,  at the al Qaim border crossing with Syria this week, according to Sohaib al Rawi, governor of Iraq’s Anbar province...
» The war against Islamic State (2): Mosul beckons
10/04/15 12:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Planting the Iraqi flag in Tikrit. But too many fight only for their sect IN A barren military camp near Mosul in Iraq, 500 balaclava-clad men train for urban warfare under the watchful eye of their leader, a...
» Iran is not cooperating with the deal
10/04/15 12:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from American Thinker. Like some of you, I had my doubts about all this talk of a deal with Iran.  First, I get very nervous when they cheer in the streets of Iran but worry in Israel.  Sorry, but I'd...
» Yazidi women 'gang-raped in public' by Isis fighters, harrowing accounts reveal
10/04/15 12:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Gulf News, News in Gulf, Latest Middle East News, Daily News | World News - Times of India. Yazidi women released by Isis this week were gang-raped in public by fighters and tortured by their captors, acco...
» ISIS: the mad, bloody residue of the war on terror
10/04/15 12:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Spiked. Key to the emergence of ISIS, in Cockburn’s telling, has been the civil war in Syria, a conflict that was rapidly transformed from a popular uprising against the brutal, economically struggli...
» JK Alternative Viewpoint » Blog Archive » The history of the Islamic State:rise of this Sunni terrorist group-STANLY JOHNY
10/04/15 12:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from JK Alternative Viewpoint. The veteran journalist Patrick Cockburn’s latest book traces the history of the Islamic State and identifies the reasons for the rise of this Sunni terrorist group. By STANL...
» Sweden to Join U.S.-Led Coalition Against ISIS
10/04/15 12:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Comments on: Sweden to Join U.S.-Led Coalition Against ISIS. by AFP 10 Apr 2015 0 (AFP) Sweden will send up to 120 troops to northern Iraq to train Iraqi and Kurdish fighters as part of the U.S.-led coalit...
» 10 doctors ‘shot dead’ after refusing to treat ISIS militants
10/04/15 12:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from | 10 doctors ‘shot dead’ after refusing to treat ISIS militantsNew York Post. Ten doctors who refused to treat wounded Islamic State militants faced a familiar punishment meted out by the terror group R...
» Who Is to Blame for the Rise of ISIS — Bush or Obama?
10/04/15 11:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from > Church & Ministries. March 19, 2015 | 3:49 pm (Photo: Reuters/Kevin Lamarque) U.S. President Barack Obama speaks at the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism in Wash...
» Obama Realigns American Foreign Policy
10/04/15 11:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from American Thinker. Foreign policy pundits are not quite sure about the Obama administration’s Middle East strategy. It appears that the administration is either playing a balance-of-power game in the ...
» Why Obama chose the Iran talks to take one of his presidency’s biggest risks
10/04/15 11:48 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . A handout picture released by the White House on April 1, 2015 shows President Obama and Vice President Biden, with the national security team, participating in a secure video teleconference from the Situatio...
» Rand Paul: Kurds would fight ISIS 'like hell' if promised a country
10/04/15 11:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says he supports creating a new nation for the Kurds in exchange for their help fighting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). “I think they would fight like hell if we prom...
» U.S. Advisers May Be Working With Terrorist-Labeled PKK to Fight ISIS - The Daily Beast
10/04/15 11:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . The U.S. relationship is informal amid a tangled roster of Kurdish warriors, but the PKK troops are too good to ignore. MATARA, Iraq — On the volatile front lines facing the so-called Islamic State outs...
» China’s March Westward and the ISIS Challenge
10/04/15 11:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from International Policy Digest. By Aurangzeb Qureshi for Global Risk Insights In recent years, China is slowly returning to its former glory as the “Middle Kingdom” as it was once was during the 6...
» National View: InsideSources — Cyber security and the importance of investing and innovating - Opinion -
10/04/15 11:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . © Copyright 2015 Local Media Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.    Privacy Policy  |  Terms of Service  |  Local Media Group Publications Original content available for n...
» Normalization and a De-facto Alliance Between Washington and Tehran | Raghida Dergham
10/04/15 11:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from WorldPost Blog on The Huffington Post. Within one week, this is what Tehran sowed and reaped: The Islamic Republic of Iran celebrated the opening of a new historical chapter with the United States and the ...
» ISIS 'demand $30m ransom for Assyrian hostages'
10/04/15 11:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Reuters Displaced Assyrians, who fled from the villages around Tel Tamr, gather outside an Assyrian Church in al-Hasaka city. More than 250 Assyrian hostages held by Islamic State could be released in return ...
» Russian warns of ISIS' influence in Russia | News , World
10/04/15 11:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Daily Star >> News. MOSCOW: A senior Russian intelligence official has warned of the potential influence of ISIS inside Russia. Gen. Sergei Smirnov, deputy chief of the FSB intelligence agency, w...
» US bombs ISIS in Saddam Hussein's hometown after Iran-backed offensive stalled
10/04/15 11:26 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Military & Defense Contributors. REUTERS/Stringer A military vehicle, belonging to Shi'ite fighters known as Hashid Shaabi, burns after being hit by Islamic State militants, during clashes in northern ...
» 2015-04-07#Playlist
10/04/15 11:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-04-07 #Playlist Recent Posts Review 2,578,7562,578,7562015-04-04#Playlist Tuesday April 7 th , 2015  at  11:55 PM Mike Nova - Google+ 1 Share 2,578,756 2,578,756 2015-04-04 #Playl...
» 2,594,4272,594,4272015-04-08 #Germanwings
10/04/15 11:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2,594,427 2,594,427 2015-04-08 #Germanwings "If authorities know what might have driven Mr. Lubitz, they have not made it public." - The Mind of Those Who Kill, and Kill Themselves - N...
» 2,600,1462,600,1462015-04-08 #Putin
10/04/15 11:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2,600,146 2,600,146 2015-04-08 #Putin #Tsipras #Greece Putin Meets With Alexis Tsipras of Greece, Raising Eyebrows in Europe - New York Times Putin Meets With Alexis Tsipras of Greece,...
» 2015-04-09"One Love" - but no singing "Kumbaya" Doctrine or Obama in Jamaica:
10/04/15 11:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-04-09 "One Love" - but no singing "Kumbaya" Doctrine or Obama in Jamaica: "Push it, push it some more..." Bob Marley - One Love Uploaded on Apr 20, 2010 One love, One heart Let's ...
» 2015-04-09#Obama
10/04/15 11:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-04-09 #Obama #Iran In Search of Obama Doctrine - My definition: Speak softly with your foreign opponents and smash the heads of your domestic ones with the Big Stick (e.g. as in M...
» 2015-04-08#Germanwings
10/04/15 11:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2015-04-08 #Germanwings "If authorities know what might have driven Mr. Lubitz, they have not made it public." - The Mind of Those Who Kill, and Kill Themselves - NYT "If authorities k...
» 2,600,1482,600,1482015-04-09#FoxNews
10/04/15 11:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2,600,148 2,600,148 2015-04-09 #FoxNews Cyber jihadists could target US TV stations, experts warn - Fox News | » Russian Defense Ministry Says No Cuts In Budget, Personnel 09/04/15 23:...
» 2,606,4152,606,4152015-04-09#Putin
10/04/15 11:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova - Google+. 2,606,415 2,606,415 2015-04-09 #Putin #Ukraine New Russian Attack on Ukraine Likely as a Frozen Conflict Threatens Putin’s Goals and Interests, Felgengauer Says - by Paul Goble New Rus...
» US military commander: Russian military 'far more capable' than Soviet Union's - Fox News
10/04/15 02:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Fox News US military commander: Russian military 'far more capable' than Soviet Union's Fox News A top U.S. military commander warned that Russia's modern military is now “far more ca...
» Alexis Tsipras in Moscow asks Europe to end sanctions against Russia
10/04/15 02:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Greek leader’s ‘springtime for Russian-Greek relations’ fails to extend to bailout loans from Vladimir Putin, but he warns sanctions could cause ‘new cold war’ The Greek prime minist...
» Greek-Russian Summit Marks Defiance of EU - Wall Street Journal
10/04/15 02:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Wall Street Journal Greek- Russian Summit Marks Defiance of EU Wall Street Journal MOSCOW— Russian President Vladimir Putin and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras met at a much-antic...
» Russia offers to loan Greece funds for infrastructure and transport works
10/04/15 02:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from - Europe RSS Feed. Russia would be willing to supply loans to Greece for major infrastructure and transport works, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said, as the Greek Prime Minister Alex Tsipras said E...
» How the US thinks Russians hacked the White House - CNN
10/04/15 02:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Bloomberg How the US thinks Russians hacked the White House CNN Washington (CNN) Russian hackers behind the damaging cyber intrusion of the State Department in recent months used that...
» US military tactics falling behind those of adversaries, Pentagon official warns
10/04/15 02:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Robert Work: ‘Our technological superiority is slipping. We see it every day’ Deputy defense secretary wants to bring US military into ‘post-insurgency era’ A “proliferation of preci...
» Порошенко с Коморовским нашли общий язык в вопросе санкций против России - УНИАН
10/04/15 02:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. УНИАН Порошенко с Коморовским нашли общий язык в вопросе санкций против России УНИАН Как передает корреспондент УНИАН, об этом заявил президент Украины Петр Порошенко во время совм...
» World Briefing: Spain: ‘Swindlers’? Roma Say No
10/04/15 02:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. Spanish groups representing Roma people began a campaign on Wednesday to remove a reference to the Roma as swindlers from the world’s benchmark Spanish dictionary.
» Russia To Europe Private Jet Flights Continue To Drop - Forbes
10/04/15 02:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Forbes Russia To Europe Private Jet Flights Continue To Drop Forbes Cold relations between the West and Russia are continuing to weigh down Europe's private aviation industry. The sam...
» Russia Cannot Become a Democracy in Its Current Borders, Walesa Says
10/04/15 02:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The InterpreterThe Interpreter. Staunton, April 7 – Just as the notion of a liberal Soviet Union proved to be a contradiction in terms, so too the Russian Federation in its current borders cannot bec...
» As Russia Improves Its Surface-to-Air Missiles, US Looks To Counter - Defense One
10/04/15 02:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Defense One As Russia Improves Its Surface-to-Air Missiles, US Looks To Counter Defense One It's the latest move in a decades-old chess game between ever-stealthier U.S. aircraft and ...
» Ukraine Live Day 416: POWs Released After 8 Months, But Others Held as DNR Claims Freed
10/04/15 02:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The InterpreterThe Interpreter. Yesterday’s live coverage of the Ukraine conflict can be found here . An archive of our liveblogs can be found here . For an overview and analysis of this developing story s...
» UN paid Russian air charters hundreds of millions while Putin invaded Ukraine - Fox News
10/04/15 02:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Fox News UN paid Russian air charters hundreds of millions while Putin invaded Ukraine Fox News Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks at a rally marking one year anniversary of anne...
» Islamic State Hacks French TV Station's Broadcasts, Websites
10/04/15 02:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The French television station TV5Monde says hackers claiming to belong to the Islamic State group had taken over its TV channels, websites, and social media pages.
» Russia's Round 2: A New Conflict in Eastern Europe? - U.S. News & World Report
10/04/15 02:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. U.S. News & World Report Russia's Round 2: A New Conflict in Eastern Europe? U.S. News & World Report Russia's effective use over the last year of “little green men" – or forc...
» White House Won't Cite Hack Source Amid Reports Naming Russia
10/04/15 02:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The White House is declining to name the source of a hack to its unclassified e-mail system amid reports that it came from Russia.
» Russia Could Give Greece Advance for Turkish Stream Gas Pipeline - Sources
10/04/15 02:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Moscow Times Top Stories. Russia is considering soon giving Greece funds based on future profits it could earn from shipping Russian gas to Europe as part of a pipeline extension, two Greek government ...
» Kerry 'Very Concerned' About Iranian Support for Yemen Rebels
10/04/15 02:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says Washington is "very concerned" about at Iran's support for Shi'ite rebels in Yemen, after reports suggested an Iranian naval fleet was headed near ...
» Внутренние войска МВД России провели учения «Заслон-2015» - Коммерсантъ
10/04/15 02:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Правда.Ру РИА Новости Внутренние войска МВД России провели учения «Заслон-2015» Коммерсантъ В Северо-Западном федеральном округе (СЗФО) прошли учения «Заслон-2015» подразделений вн...
» Amnesty: Evidence Of Summary Killings By Ukraine Rebels
10/04/15 02:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Amnesty International says it has new evidence of “execution-style killings” by pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine.
» Passenger Train Crashes into Locomotive in Russia's Lipetsk Region
10/04/15 02:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Moscow Times Top Stories. At least 26 people have been injured after a passenger train traveling from Volgograd to Moscow crashed into a locomotive in Russia's Lipetsk region.
» Pentagon Chief: North Korea Missile Tests Reminder of Danger
10/04/15 02:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, who arrived in South Korea on Thursday, says Pyongyang's recent missiles tests are a reminder of how dangerous the situation is on the Korean peninsu...
» Polish President, In Rada, Pledges Support For Ukraine
10/04/15 02:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski has voiced strong support for Ukraine during a speech in the parliament in Kyiv, and urged other nations to back the country as its ...
» В Петербурге началась командно-штабная тренировка российских и белорусских офицеров - ГАZЕТА.СПБ
10/04/15 02:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. РИА Новости В Петербурге началась командно-штабная тренировка российских и белорусских офицеров ГАZЕТА.СПБ Российские и белорусские офицеры проводят в Петербурге специальные учения...
» Russian Troops Hold Drills Reportedly Modeled on Maidan Protests
10/04/15 02:26 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Moscow Times Top Stories. Russia's Interior Ministry troops are conducting large-scale exercises involving a "full arsenal" of anti-riot weapons to practice suppressing political protests.
» Russian Interior Ministry Forces Prepare to Counter Maidans across Russia and in Crimea
10/04/15 02:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Window on Eurasia -- New Series. Paul Goble               Staunton, April 9 – Russian internal troops are currently conducting exercises in six o...
» Колл-центры начали прием вопросов для "прямой линии" с Путиным - ИнфоРос
10/04/15 02:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. ИнфоРос Колл-центры начали прием вопросов для "прямой линии" с Путиным ИнфоРос Новый сайт российского президента работает без сбоев – сегодня он начал принимать вопросы р...
» Russian Olympic Athletes Denounce New Participation Proposal as 'Idiocy'
10/04/15 02:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Moscow Times Top Stories. Four-times Olympic swimming champion Vladimir Salnikov is completely against the idea of limiting Russian athletes to only being allowed to compete in two Olympics in a row, h...
» Рада запретила пропаганду коммунизма и нацизма на Украине - Радио Свобода
10/04/15 02:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Радио Свобода Рада запретила пропаганду коммунизма и нацизма на Украине Радио Свобода Верховная Рада Украины в четверг приняла внесенный кабинетом министров законопроект внесённый ...
» Graveyard of emperors: Putin should heed the fates of Russia's leaders - Quartz
10/04/15 02:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Quartz Graveyard of emperors: Putin should heed the fates of Russia's leaders Quartz Russia , of course, denies the engagement, instead accusing the West of stirring protests in Kiev ...
» Russian Military Drills Continue With Su-35 Flight Training, Heavy Weapons ... - International Business Times
10/04/15 02:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. International Business Times Russian Military Drills Continue With Su-35 Flight Training, Heavy Weapons ... International Business Times The Russian military mobilized more than 30 fi...
» US, Russian war games rekindle Cold War tensions in Eastern Europe amid ... - Fox News
10/04/15 02:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Fox News US, Russian war games rekindle Cold War tensions in Eastern Europe amid ... Fox News AMARI AIR BASE, Estonia – Russia is so close that the F-16 fighter pilots can see it on t...
» ‘Perfect Storm’ over Land May Push the North Caucasus into Chaos, Sokolov Says
10/04/15 02:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Window on Eurasia -- New Series. Paul Goble               Staunton, April 9 – The “Kavkazskaya politika” portal has launched a new series of arti...
» Interview: Amnesty International Says Separatists 'Executed' Captive Ukrainian Soldiers
10/04/15 02:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Amnesty International says "shocking new evidence" shows pro-Russian militants in eastern Ukraine have killed soldiers in their captivity execution-style.
» Russian Oil Floods Export Market as Teapot Refiners Lose Money - Bloomberg
10/04/15 02:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Bloomberg Russian Oil Floods Export Market as Teapot Refiners Lose Money Bloomberg A gas flare burns at the central processing plant for oil and gas in the Salym oilfields near Surgut...
» Amnesty Says Ukraine Rebels Killed Captive Soldiers
10/04/15 02:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Amnesty International said Thursday that it has evidence that Russian-backed separatists in east Ukraine have killed several captured government soldiers in gross violation of internation...
» French Broadcaster TV5 Monde Recovers After Hacking
10/04/15 02:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. A cyberattack by hackers claiming to support the Islamic State militant group had shut down transmission and wrested control of online accounts.
» Анти- и государственные СМИ
10/04/15 02:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Uploads by Радио Свобода. Анти- и государственные СМИ Роспечать заподозрена в финансировании «антигосударственных» изданий. Список «неблагонадежных» средств... From: Радио Свобода Views: 0 4 1 ratings Time...
» Порошенко приравнял Сталина к Гитлеру - Дни.Ру
10/04/15 02:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Дни.Ру Порошенко приравнял Сталина к Гитлеру Дни.Ру 16:06 / 09.04.2015 Гитлер, День Победы, Порошенко, Сталин, УкраинаСтремясь любым способом противопоставить себя России, Украина ...
» Patriarchate Aide Pushing Émigré Solonevich’s Ideas about ‘a Peoples Monarchy’
10/04/15 02:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Window on Eurasia -- New Series. Paul Goble               Staunton, April 9 – Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, a close aide to Patriarch Kirill and t...
» New Russian Attack on Ukraine Likely as a Frozen Conflict Threatens Putin’s Goals and Interests, Felgengauer Says
10/04/15 02:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The InterpreterThe Interpreter. Staunton, April 9 – Vladimir Putin’s goal in Ukraine remains regime change in Kyiv, something he had hoped his intervention in Crimea and Donbass would force the Ukrai...
» Russian troops practise quelling Ukrainian-style revolution
10/04/15 02:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russian news, all the latest and breaking Russia news. Stones and bottles lobbed at interior ministry forces to mimic clashes in Kiev
» Из Молдавии депортировали еще одну группу российских журналистов - ИА REGNUM
10/04/15 02:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Зеркало недели Из Молдавии депортировали еще одну группу российских журналистов ИА REGNUM МВД Молдавии отказало во въезде в страну съемочной группе российского телеканала «Звезда»....
» Russian Consumers Reflect the Pinch of Economic Sanctions - New York Times
10/04/15 02:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. New York Times Russian Consumers Reflect the Pinch of Economic Sanctions New York Times MOSCOW — The brand-new Avia Park is a glittering testament to the power of the Russian consumer...
» Порошенко попросил у США помощи в вопросе обеспечения минских соглашений - Взгляд
10/04/15 02:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Порошенко попросил у США помощи в вопросе обеспечения минских соглашений Взгляд Украина надеется на поддержку США в вопросах обеспечения выполнения минских договоренносте...
» В Нью-Йорке арестован еще один подозреваемый в поддержке ИГИЛ – гражданин Узбекистана
10/04/15 02:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Uploads by Голос Америки. В Нью-Йорке арестован еще один подозреваемый в поддержке ИГИЛ – гражданин Узбекистана Гражданин Узбекистана предстал перед федеральным судьей в Бруклине Originally published at - ...
» Пушков встретился с послом США Теффтом - Газета.Ru
10/04/15 02:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Комсомольская правда Пушков встретился с послом США Теффтом Газета.Ru Глава международного комитета Госдумы Алексей Пушков встретился с послом США в России Джоном Теффтом, передает...
» Is the Iran Deal a Game Changer for Russia?
10/04/15 02:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Home - Institute of Modern Russia. On April 2, six world powers signed a tentative deal with Iran regarding its nuclear program. Should it be finalized in June, one of the outcomes of the deal will be the ...
» МИД ФРГ пригласил коллег «нормандской четверки» в Берлин - Белорусские новости
10/04/15 02:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. ЛІГА.net МИД ФРГ пригласил коллег «нормандской четверки» в Берлин Белорусские новости Министр иностранных дел Германии Франк-Вальтер Штайнмайер пригласил коллег по «нормандской чет...
» Продовольственная программа Михалковых
10/04/15 02:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Uploads by Радио Свобода. Продовольственная программа Михалковых О планах Никиты Михалкова и Андрона Кончаловского инвестировать 1 млрд рублей в дело вытеснения "Макдоналд... From: Радио Свобода Views: 772...
» Obama To Address Caribbean's 'Economic Achilles' Heel' -- Energy
10/04/15 02:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Latest From the Wilson Center. President Obama is in Jamaica on Thursday, meeting with Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller and more than a dozen other leaders from throughout the Caribbean. It's the first...
» Ukrainian Town Cut off By Military Struggles to Survive
10/04/15 02:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. In eastern Ukraine, villages cut off by military front lines are on the brink of a humanitarian crisis. Ukraine's Kyiv government can't seem to get supplies in supplies and pro-Russia sep...
» Putin returns Nazi-looted icon to Greek prime minister
10/04/15 02:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russian news, all the latest and breaking Russia news. A greek icon stolen by German occupiers handed back to Alexis Tsipras in a sign of good will between countries
» Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz may have spiked captain's drink with diuretic to force him from cabin
10/04/15 02:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from - Europe RSS Feed. Investigators probing last month’s Germanwings crash are trying to determine whether the Andreas Lubitz placed a chemical in the captain’s drink to force him to go to the toilet.
» Nordic nations agree on defense cooperation against Russia - Reuters
10/04/15 02:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Nordic nations agree on defense cooperation against Russia Reuters " Russia's leaders have shown that they are prepared to make practical and effective use of military means in o...
» Молния пробила дыру в самолете исландской авиакомпании во время полета - Интерфакс
10/04/15 02:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Полит.ру Молния пробила дыру в самолете исландской авиакомпании во время полета Интерфакс ЛОНДОН. 9 АПРЕЛЯ. ИНТЕРФАКС — Молния попала в нос самолета Boeing 757 исландской авиакомпа...
» Министр обороны Словении отправлен в отставку - Коммерсантъ
10/04/15 02:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Полит.ру Российская Газета Министр обороны Словении отправлен в отставку Коммерсантъ Парламент Словении в среду отправил министра обороны страны Янко Вебера в отставку. Как сообщае...
» Nordic nations agree on defense cooperation against Russia - Yahoo News
10/04/15 02:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Newsweek Nordic nations agree on defense cooperation against Russia Yahoo News " Russia's leaders have shown that they are prepared to make practical and effective use of military mea...
» Temples Weigh India's Call to Deposit Gold, Earn Interest
10/04/15 02:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. The two-century-old Shree Siddhivinayak temple in Mumbai, devoted to the Hindu elephant-headed god Ganesha, bristles with closed-circuit cameras and is guarded by 65 security officers. It...
» Nordic Nations Agree on Closer Defense Cooperation Against Russia - Newsweek
10/04/15 02:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Newsweek Nordic Nations Agree on Closer Defense Cooperation Against Russia Newsweek A Swedish Navy fast-attack craft skims the water around the Stockholm archipelago, in Sweden, Octob...
» На Украине возобновлено старое уголовное дело против Игоря Коломойского - Коммерсантъ
10/04/15 02:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Комсомольская Правда в Украине На Украине возобновлено старое уголовное дело против Игоря Коломойского Коммерсантъ Генеральная прокуратура Украины возобновила расследование уголовн...
» ДНР: Армия Украины начала танковый прорыв под Донецком - Московский комсомолец
10/04/15 02:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Московский комсомолец ДНР: Армия Украины начала танковый прорыв под Донецком Московский комсомолец О том, что вооруженные силы Украины начали мощный танковый обстрел позиций ополче...
» Владимир Путин изобличил виновных в кровавой драме на Украине - SoftСraze: актуально и обьективно
10/04/15 02:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. SoftСraze: актуально и обьективно Владимир Путин изобличил виновных в кровавой драме на Украине SoftСraze: актуально и обьективно Российская Федерация, как и ранее, выступает решит...
» World Briefing: Italy: Man Kills 3 at Court During Bankruptcy Hearing
10/04/15 02:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Europe. A man at a hearing in a fraudulent bankruptcy opened fire in a Milan courthouse on Thursday, killing a judge, a lawyer and a co-defendant and wounding at least two others.
» NATO Caps Size of Russia's Mission After Internal Reports of Espionage - New York Times
10/04/15 01:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Reuters NATO Caps Size of Russia's Mission After Internal Reports of Espionage New York Times WASHINGTON — For a year after the North Atlantic Treaty Organization cut back its coopera...
» Obama Set to Engage Cubans in Panama
10/04/15 01:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. President Barack Obama has arrived in Panama for a summit at which he is expected to have a historic encounter with Cuban leader Raul Castro. President Obama arrived in the Panamanian cap...
» I killed 15 prisoners of war in Ukraine, claims Russian fighter
10/04/15 01:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Head of separatist Sparta Battalion says he shot prisoners following the battle for Donetsk airport, prompting war crimes investigation by Ukrainian government. The Kyiv Post reports...
» Secret service supervisor put on leave after accusations of assault
10/04/15 01:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. Female employee claims Female employee says senior supervisor Xavier Morales assaulted her after work at the agency’s headquarters The US secret service has put a manager on a...
» Secret Service Supervisor On Leave After Assault Allegation - FOX News Radio
10/04/15 01:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. FOX News Radio Secret Service Supervisor On Leave After Assault Allegation FOX News Radio A female Secret Service agent claims her boss, Xavier Morales, assaulted her after a par...
» Turkmen Embassy In Minsk Hacked Apparently By IS
10/04/15 01:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Turkmenistan's embassy in the Belarusian capital, Turkmenistan's Embassy in Belarusian capital -- Minsk, has been hacked by people with apparent links to the Islamic Stat...
» U.S. man accused of trying to support to Islamic State
10/04/15 01:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An American man has been charged with trying to provide support for the Islamic State militant group, the U.S Justice Department said on Thursday.
» ISIS stone man to death for bestiality while 'Assad spy' has his throat slit
10/04/15 01:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. Graphic photos show a man being bombarded with rocks in a remote stretch of Homs province in front of crowds of bloodthirsty onlookers after being accused of having 'sex with animals'.
» Ukraine sets sights on joining NATO
10/04/15 01:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine, locked in conflict with Russian-backed separatists in its east, on Thursday drew up a new security doctrine denouncing Russia's "aggression" and setting its s...
» 'King of Diamonds' named among Hatton Garden heist suspects
10/04/15 01:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online. The mysterious Panama hat-wearing robber was pictured by CCTV when he took part in a previous £13million robbery at a Graff diamond store in Knightsbridge, west London in 2007
» What Would a World Without Language Barriers Look Like? - The Atlantic
10/04/15 01:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from world - Google News. The Atlantic What Would a World Without Language Barriers Look Like? The Atlantic On its website, in its promotional videos, and at live events, the company has been dwelling on what t...
» Woman may have faked link to victim of Germanwings crash for free flights
10/04/15 01:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Network Front | The Guardian. German police investigating whether woman falsely claimed to be cousin of one of the teachers killed in plane crash last month German police are looking into whether a woman f...


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