
Scaparrotti nominated to replace Breedlove at EUCOM, NATO

Op-Ed Columnist: Chappatte on Europe’s Deal With Turkey by PATRICK CHAPPATTE Friday March 11 th , 2016  at  11:11 AM NYT > World 1 Share European Union leaders and Turkey reached a tentative deal this week to help stem the flow of migrants to the Continent. Scaparrotti nominated to replace Breedlove at EUCOM, NATO Friday March 11 th , 2016  at  11:07 AM Stars And Stripes News 1 Share Army Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti was tapped Friday to command U.S. and NATO forces in Europe, where he will face a once tranquil security environment transformed by old Cold War tensions with Russia and a refugee crisis threatening Europe’s political order.           Low Oil Prices Force Russian Defense Cuts Friday March 11 th , 2016  at  11:03 AM WSJ.Com: World News 1 Share Russian defense procurement will drop by about 10% this year as low oil-and-gas prices drain income from