Edward Jay Epstein: Was Snowden's Heist a Foreign Espionage Operation? 11/05/14 10:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks Review From The Major News Sources » Snowden Keeps Outwitting U.S. Spies - The Daily Beast 11/05/14 12:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks mikenova shared this story . Maxim Shemetov/Reuters Sometimes, the three hardest words to say in the English language are: “I don’t know.” For the U.S. intelligence community, those words could be very useful when it co... » What was Snowden’s heist? | Power Line 11/05/14 11:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks mikenova shared this story from Power Line. The most important column published online today is Edward Jay Epstein’s Wall Street Journal column “Was Snowden’s heist a foreign intelligence operation?” The column is... » The case that Snowden was an espionage agent 11/05/14 11:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks mikenova shared this story from American Thinker. The chronology of Mr. Snowden's thefts suggests tha...