
Pope Describes Europe as 'Elderly and Haggard' | Op-Ed Contributor: America Musn’t Neglect Its Nukes - NYT | Ferguson, Missouri burns as Darren Wilson WILL NOT face charges | Peeping Tom consultant spied on 1,000 patients in hospital toilets using sophisticated system of hidden cameras | Faced with Islamic State (Daesh [Даёшь?!] networks) bombing campaign, Iraq moves to overhaul Baghdad ... - Fox News | Government plans to offer treatment online as part of changes to how illnesses are dealt with by the NHS | Report: Regin Spyware Linked to US and UK Intelligence Services - Gizmodo | Sony Pictures Shuts Down Systems After Cyberattack - TIME

Pope Describes Europe as 'Elderly and Haggard' Tuesday November 25 th , 2014  at  11:42 AM WSJ.Com: World News 1 Share Pope Francis called for Europe to find a new sense of purpose, describing the continent as “elderly and haggard” as it struggles youth unemployment, waves of migrants, and conflict on its eastern borders. NYT > World Op-Ed Contributor: America Musn’t Neglect Its Nukes Today, November 25th 6:04am ·   By ELBRIDGE COLBY · nuclear weapons budgets and budgeting united states defense and military forces Shared by  1  person Photo:  Credit   Dan Woodger WASHINGTON — Earlier this month the Pentagon released a devastating assessment of its own management of the nation’s nuclear arsenal. The report, authored by two widely respected former four-star officers, judged that America’s  nuclear weapons  complex — particularly the personnel who operate and ...